Eastern reflector, 13 July 1892

Job Printing Room
ran b- surpassed no
where in this wet ion.
work always
faction. .
ft n tum i if
Best Material
Appointments of Rev. A. D. Hunter.
First Sunday, and
Second Sunday morning at Antioch
Third and fourth
S night, Regular Wednesday
services each week.
Services at Forbes school house on
Tarboro road on lay night
each third Sunday until April and then
on third Sunday evening.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Rev. R. F. Taylor's Appointments.
K. V. Taylor, pastor of Green-
ville Circuit of the M. E. South,
will preach at the times and
places, regularly each
1st Sunday at Salem, II o'clock A.
3.30 a
P. M.
2nd Shady Grove, o'clock
A. M.
2nd Sunday. House, I
miles west Of
P. M.
3rd Sunday, Ayden or Spring
School an- , A. M.
3rd Sunday. Tripp's
o'clock P. M.
4th Sunday, Bethlehem, o'clock
A. M.
o'clock P. .
An Announcement.
am n m ready to treat baldness. I
have my preparation and have
observed in the last ninety days that it
will do I claim for Partial
baldness can be by tin bottle
the can use it himself.
Total baldness must treat myself. I
invite correspondence in reference to
treatment Every one who my
preparation will be thoroughly satisfied
with results. can refer you to a
number of men here in this town as to
N. C. April
dent to the World's Pair.
of Ball
is preparing for an
business in ISM while World's
Fair Is open Chicago.
at Chicago are capable of
a much heavier than is now
being done, and changes arc
being arranged for the handling of very
heavy freight and passenger business to
West from New York. Philadelphia
and New equipment for
largely increased passenger business and
an extensive stock of freight cars have
been ordered. The various roads of the
system will be improved by straightened
lines, reduced rates, extra tracks
and interlocking The new
between Chicago Junction and
Akron has shortened the distance
tween Chicago and tide water
miles, and between and
Chicago miles.
The distance Chicago and
and Chicago and Cleveland
by the construction of the Akron line
and the acquisition of the and
Western line and the Valley Railroad of
Ohio, is about the same as via the Lake
Shore from Cleveland to Chicago, and
by the from to
Chicago. The alignment is to lie changed
and grades reduced to a maximum of
twenty-six feet. It is expected mat with-
in twelve months the old Baltimore
Ohio through Chicago and the
Atlantic Ocean will have passed away
and the new line via be
with i o greater grades or
than on any of the trunk lines.
Work ha already east of Pitts-
burgh to meet making
west of Pittsburgh. These improve-
will consist of second
and tracks, a genera correction of
the alignment, and completion of the
double track on the Metropolitan Branch
It is that the new through line
will be simultaneously with the
completion of the Belt Line through the
City of Baltimore, which is intended to
unite the Washington Branch with the
Philadelphia Division and do away with
the present line via Locust Point. Forty
new and locomotive engines
were added to equipment during the
last two months, and others are in pro-
of construction. The
improvement now under way and in
contemplation involve the expenditure
of some live millions of
more American.
The Democrat, Washington, D. C, for
The Campaign of 1892. A clean, clear,
honest Democratic campaign paper,
with full campaign news, will tie mailed
to any address until November 10th for
Sample copies free.
Agents wanted everywhere. Address,
Democrat. Box Washington.
C., or the Reflector, with
which it will be for cents for
both papers.
best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sores. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Chapped Hands.
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and positively Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price cents box. For sale at
Tell years to-day. I h lived
This Hewed country
Since first I left my city home
To lie a wife.
I thought that should miss it n
The tramp of busy feet.
The ceaseless of life.
The faces on the street.
I the country would lie tame.
Its interests mean and
But then I could not say you no.
And so left it all.
thought of all I loved and left
As I came down Ike isle
-My went backward with I sigh
And forward with a smile.
And sun sees day
Earth's misery and bliss.
And now where docs shine upon
A happier lot than is
Here an no walls to hi m in.
oh-ii to the sky ;
Here I have learned to love the stars.
And watch the clouds go by.
I watch the birds and squirrels, too.
And claim them tor my own.
Ami trees and could I live
Where all is and stone
I love them still. toil-worn streets.
Where many feet have trod ;
The city brings us close to man ;
The country near to God.
To think I ever should have paused
the two
am so t that I chose
The Jack, you.
This ; old faun I wouldn't give
One d peeping brood
Of chicks for all the wealth
Of cities if I could.
I have my homely household tasks.
I love the of grain.
love the flowers that lift their heads
To drink the summer rain.
I love the orchard crowned with fruit.
My garden fair HOB,
I love horses and the cows
I know that they love me.
And yet. perhaps, it's else
That lends my life its charm
You see I love the farmer.
And so love the farm.
Farm Journal.
Atlanta, Ga., 4th,
Tho glorious fourth is a real
gala day in Atlanta. Excursion
There are some southern States
whose Democrats regard Grover
Cleveland with aversion, and have
after excursion has been coming j proclaimed beforehand a settled
in since yesterday morning and purpose to curry this feeling into
the city is already quite fall and j the election, so far even as to sup-
the end is yet. Within the i port the candidates of the Farmer's
next two days there will be at least
four thousand visitors in the city.
The Christian Endeavors hold
their convention here to-morrow,
and Wednesday the Southern Ed-
Association hold their
convention here. It is estimated
that there will be three
thousand teachers here from every
State in the South and also South-
Illinois and Ohio. The hotels
now arc quite full and also board-
houses. The indications are
that bedding will at par by to-
morrow night
Among the many visitors in the
city many are colored and not-
withstanding the saloons are tight-
closed yet they seem to have a
j supply of the staggering liquid on
I hand and they freely use it in
Uncle Sam's birth
Alliance or the People's party, or
whatever name the combination
may finally assume. Of these
States South Carolina is perhaps
the most zealous and the most
Now, we appeal to South Caro-
and to all those sou thorn
of other States who cherish
the same feeling and contemplate
the same coarse of to re-
on what is before them, to
pause, to postpone the satisfaction
of their first manly impulse, and to
sacrifice to the public safety and
well being their present convictions
and purposes of political duty.
The cause they propose to adopt
leads to the overthrow of the Dem-
and tho victory of the Rep
the presidential
To any State of the
Woman's Work.
It is just because of the things
knowing in my girlhood,
that I want to have a chat with
yon dear girls. Some of you have
busy, weary mothers who have
never learned the blessedness of
living with you, instead of for yon ;
some of you have none, and to you
all my heart goes out in warmest
affection and sympathy.
Not for what yon are now, for I
may not know that, but for what
yon may be, for the possibilities
you hold in your hands.
It is doubtful if ever before so
much depended upon the crops as
is ease this year. It now seems
probable that another large crop
of wheat and cotton will be added
to the bountiful crops of 1801 and
It certainly means
; Happenings Here and There as Gathered
From our Exchanges.
The hoard of
Mermen has closed down upon
the license question in Greensboro.
If the county commissioners ratify
the action of the board Greensboro
A whole rear for
e IV, ,, ,
ill lug, lit oil
most mi in advance.
I ii I stamped
just after your name
on the Margin of the
Expires Two V eek
From This I
It is to give you no-
unless re-
newed in that time
the will
cease going to yon
Ml expiration of
the two Weeks.
low prices and this brings to the I be
front tho Are large i Scotland Mi. A. A-White
crops and very low prices says that he sowed cabbage seed
of favorable conditions of trade
and commerce
the condition of a flair a
in Europe gave this country an
I hope you will understand why exceptional market, and if we can
I have chosen to speak to yon,
first, of your personal appearance-
I know spirit is more than
and yet, as a difficult
and intricate problem, the first
self evident facts are used as the
foundation, so much we give due
deference to the outward and
I would not have you over nice
or Millions, but I would wish you
to be dainty. Why I it
is elevating, refining and
because it will cultivate your
The result is the poor wretches South away from the Democratic ideas to a beautiful things
are being constantly hauled to tho
police station by wagon loads.
The police docket will be quite
foil tomorrow and many
i will be made to the chain
Among the clement
best of order one
seen on the streets. A
glance at tho hotel registers shows
j many pedagogues hero from the
Old North State, and as a matter
of fact her talent will be
in the convention-
From Atlanta the teach-
will go on an excursion to New-
York and Sara tog t. The railroads
strength in November will be to
the prospect of electing Harrison
Every electoral vote that is
from the Democratic aggregate
is so much power bestowed direct-
or indirectly upon the party of
domination in tho South and
of force-bill in our
elections everywhere- Is such a
result as that to promoted by
the Democracy of South Carolina
Is it not better, far better, to go
up and vote for Mr. Cleveland like
men who know what they are do
and mean to do it, like men
determined to make every effort
for his election as the means
of nullifying and crushing out the
as men
pray them to
things and to
and decision.
and patriots. We
meditate on. these
act with boldness
The circumstances
But. if you don't mean to
make a thorough business of the
occupation you have chosen, never,
never, begin to occupied in the city arc otTering the teach-
at all. Half finished work will do the option of several routes. ; Republican force-bill
for amateurs. It will never answer The for the round trip is, e appeal to the dissatisfied,
for professionals. The bracket 27.70 the competing lines are j the impassioned southern
yon are sawing for R New Year's R- D- via Washington,
present can hang little crooked Philadelphia, New York,
on its screws, and you will be for- Albany to Saratoga. The Ga. Ca.
given for the love's sake found No- R- R- offers a trip to Sara-
therein by the dear heart to which same fare, via Portsmouth,
you offer it. but the trinket Va., then an ocean ride to
for sale in the rooms must York City, then rail to Saratoga-
be cut as true as rose leaf. You The Western Atlantic offers the favorite idea with President
can boa little shaky as to yOur trip via Nashville, Louisville, Harrison. Many of his followers
German declensions in the Schiller Cleveland, Detroit through
Club, which you join so Ontario, to Toronto then
after leaving school, and no through tho thousand Islands
great harm will ever come of it Niagara Falls to
but teach Schiller for a living, and East Tennessee, Virginia A did before. Every who
for every dative case forgotten, you railroad offers the teachers nominated for Congress will be
things that may have in this
life, if we will.
Because, too, of the benefits
will even if
from seeing often before
them a bright, tidy, dainty little
woman, who is desirous of making
the best of what she has.
Scrupulously perform each duty
of the toilet necessary to make yon
absolutely cleanly yon will soon
grow to enjoy the incomparable
comfort knowing you are clean
throughout from dainty oars to
be equally as well favored next
year there need not the slightest
misgivings as to tho future of
During the fiscal year which
closes June tho United States
will have exported about 220.000.-
bushels of wheat, out of a total
supply of 644.000,000 bushels.
or reserves at and fur-
the following preliminary
estimate of the outlook for 1892-931
Reserve and
Crop. estimated as
latest report.
Total supple -Inly
1st. SM,
for food and seed
Remaining for export and re-
If crops are up to the average in
Europe what will the United States
do with 220,000.000 bushels of wheat
it will have to spare Cheaper
broad than at present means poor-
farmers, and as the agricultural
to I class constitute one half of the
handkerchief. becomes a serious question
which ensnare us are most strange
Mow and peculiar- The scheme of
domination in the southern States
and promoters have embraced
it with fanaticism equal to his own.
He is running the campaign him-
The j more than any candidate ever
Be neat, too, about your own
private room. Take pride in know-
that closest and bureau draw-
will at any time bear close in-
In buying new clothing, make a
strong effort to get the best oven if
you have to darn and mend the old
ones a little longer to wait for
more money. Yon will find it the
best economy in tho end. A strong
when wheat and cotton are sold at
or below the cost of production.
A former Secretary of the Treas
at a time
were different from now, remarked i
large crops in succession
will produce a Since then
the cost of production has been
wonderfully also the
cost of transportation, while mar-
have broadened at home and
abroad. It remains to be seen if
in March and a turnip came
up among his cabbages. He Jet it
grow until about the 15th of
When he took it up it measured
in circumference and
weighed pounds.
Rocky Mount Crops
of all kinds throughout this section
are unusually promising and in
good condition. With seasonable
weather until they are made, we
will have one of the most success-
and prosperous years have
The Greensboro Record says
Kirkman, a few days
ago, issued a marriage license to a
Mr. Long. On tho following day
a like instrument was issued to Mr.
Short- Whether Mr. married
a Miss Short, or whether Mr. Short
married a Miss Long, is not stated
but tho long and short of it is that
somebody got
Concord Standard Miss Clara
was called home on ac-
count of a serious accident to her
mother at her home in
While a nail was being driven it
broke and a piece struck her in
the eye. The physicians fear tho
total ruin of tho sight.
Swink had a narrow escape on
Sunday. When the sudden rain
storm came up a hatchet blow out
a window. It struck
Mr. Swink on the head and he
didn't know what struck him for
some time. Had the hatchet fallen
three feet further Swink would not
now be selling ice.
Tarboro Josiah
died during tho war. A
X, C.
in Skinner upper n
opposite Photograph
D. b.
Greenville, N. C.
attention to business,
at Tucker Murphy's old stand.
LE. L.
ft BLOW,
in all the Courts.
Greenville, N.
it. r.
N. C.
Prompt attention Riven to
ii. n. o.
Prompt and careful attention to
n. c.
point too, is to select pretty and
colors. So much conditions can grapple
taste in dress, excessive supplies and
pends on
that it is really worth while
to attach a little importance to it-
No one denies that personal beauty
appeals very strongly to most
natures, and it is only natural and
right that girls should desire to
are so much money out of pocket the most beautiful scenery in the pledged to the odious measure. To look as well as may be. God made
resist it there is no method more the world beautiful; let us follow
People who pay for a thing country on their route,
demand thorough workmanship or the Blue Ridge, the
none. To offer incomplete work the renowned Valley
for complete market price, is to be, to New York and Saratoga. All
either a cheat or a beggar. The the railroads are crying the
terrible grinding laws of supply of their different routes and j unitedly stand by the ticket
and demand, pay and receive, give the indications are that the roads nil i r ,
and get, give no quarter to will between now and Wednesday
labor. The excellence of make wax on each other and carry
your intentions is nothing to the j passengers to Saratoga at a loss to
point- The stress of your poverty get them over their roads,
has not the slightest connection ; The many strangers in the city j
with the case. An editor will express themselves as being
never pay you for your poem be-, prised at the size of Atlanta's
cause you wish to help your mother., stores and buildings generally.
No customer will buy her best I The principal streets here remind
bonnet or her wheat flour of you one forcibly of New York
hopeful or more encouraging than
that we are now contending for.
Let there be no southern Demo-
in any third party and let all
Miller's Monthly.
Perhaps the first qualification
for an ideal wife is that she should
be womanly, kind sympathetic and
above all of faults
I in others; and, although possessed
because you are unable to pay j Chicago. The buildings are most-
your rent When you have enter-1 eight-story and fine structures.
ed the world of trade, you have
entered a world where tenderness
and charity and personal interests
are foreign relations. Not
friendship s nor pity's
nor chivalry's
runs the great rallying cry of this
great world but only value
at Wort.
For tho Cue of all Ska
This Preparation has Dee n in use over
and wherever known has
been in steady demand. It has been en-
by leading physicians all over
e coon try, and has effected cures
all other remedies, with the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
far years failed. This Ointment is of
long standing and the high reputation
it has obtained is owing entirely
its efficacy, as but little effort has
been made t- it before
bottle of this Ointment will
be sent to any address on receipt of One
Sample box tree. The usual
discount to All Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
era and to
Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor,
M. C.
They are for the country girl. I
say to
Don't imitate your city cousin in
her use of slang-
The Equitable Building is just for the two can
completed and the finest building
in the South of its kind, being
eight-story and containing about
four hundred nice office rooms.
The depot here is union,
is the most convenient of any
in the United States, being
right in the heart of the city and
i about twenty steps from the
hotels. Atlanta's morality is tin-
of what is called she should
not underrate the necessity of do-
go together.
Then if she be of a refined, sen-
nature, with good
capacity, she should, when
to her husband's nature,
prove to be an ideal wife. Too
much stress cannot be laid upon
tho fact that a man should look
for a woman with somewhat similar
his footsteps by showing a proper
amount of interest, with
vanity, in our personal appearance-
If the dress is but calico, it may
be durable, and of fast and be-
coming color. Then if daintily
and becomingly made, the effect is
all that could be desired. The
same degree of care is necessary
in working with better and richer
material. Be sure to have them
becoming and well made, and of
durable material.
have trade and commerce
i conditions time before he died he was
the West Indies, and from there
ho sent his wife, a sister of Louis
S Pender, three drafts of each
on tho Bank of England. These
were received, but there being no
communication with Great Britain,
they wore put away and finally
forgotten. A few days since Mrs.
Ponder, in hauling over the con-
tents of an old trunk across
these three checks. At first she
was disposed to regard them as
worthless paper except that they
contained the writing of her
band, but on second thought
determined to ascertain their value.
So the drafts were endorsed and
sent through the Pamlico Bank for
collection. It is believed that she
will get the money-
Charlotte At one
o'clock Sunday morning the oil
house near the C F. v V. depot
at Greensboro caught fire and the
entire building and two hundred
barrels of oil were destroyed. The
latter flowed in a stream down the
street. Wildest excitement
J. T. Hodges
swore out a warrant for Ike
a 15-year-old white boy.
for an assault on his d year old
daughter. Ho was not at home at
the time or he would have killed
boy on the snot, he said. The
The following is a school boy's
composition on the above subject.
The boy was expelled from
are made for men, and not
men for pants.
Women are made for men, and
not for pants.
When a man pants for a woman,
and a woman pants for a
they are a pair of pants. Such
pants don't last-
Pants are like molasses, they are
thinner in hot weather and thicker
in cold.
man in the moon changed I police are after but up to
his pants during an eclipse- last evening had not succeeded in
Don't go to the pantry for pants,, Ending him. Mr. Walter Brem
I opened a box yesterday which he
bid in at the Richmond Danville
G R E E N V I L I. E, iX. I
Practice in all the courts,
a Specialty.
spot, he said.
r but
surpassed. The church going
people are greater per capita than j those by
any other city in the country. H
Also the city government can't be; rendered miserable
beat. The police force contains the g T
most gentlemanly class of and and all attempts by tho bank
Furniture Journal.
A horse ran away with a buggy
other day, and smashed the
window of a bank in Akron, Ohio.
The story of the broken window
soon circulated from mouth to
mouth, and presently, after the
manner of the crow story, it became
a broken bank. By o'clock that
day there wore hundreds of money-
mad and frenzied men and women
around the bank scrambling to
s withdraw their deposits. The
her broken plate glass window only
Don't imitate your city cousin in ; that can be differ-
use of powder-
Don't imitate your city cousin in
Don't imitate city cousin
in any of her faults, but in all of
her virtues.
Don't let your city cousin hear
you use bad English, or speak with
a twang.
Don't let your city cousin see you
over dressed.
let your city cousin
that country living will do.
anything but make you a most
charming woman.
Don't let your city cousin think
that country girls and country
flowers are not as
lovable as those bred in a hothouse
of the Home
Take an instance. A young man,
from most of cities, which con-1 ,, . , ,.
a lot of whiskey bums and good-hearted, manly and
tramps for policemen and many
can be influenced by a glass of
whiskey. In Atlanta the saloons
closed at ten o'clock sharp and if
one is found open before six in the
morning or on Sunday, they are
heavily fined and forfeit their
license also.
While Atlanta has never had a
real boom, yet she is on a steady
healthy growth all the time. With
suburbs, Atlanta will easily
ninety thousand and the
say in ten years more they will
nave at least one hundred and
fifty thousand people
For investors and speculators
there can be no better place to in-
vest mosey than right here in At-
putting ii in real estate.
The property is reason-
able and certainly will be worth
double its present value in ten
years. t. B.
a good sort of fellow, whose re-
as an athlete is proverbial,
but whose intellectual capacity is
not of the very first class, marries
a woman of a highly sensitive and
the consequences are disastrous.
Though both respect each other,
she feels it deeply because he does
not evince a deep interest in her
work, and he on his part feels the
same want of unison-
Such couples be happy
Therefore, it is in my opinion
necessary be
a woman should to a degree
in her taste with her
husband; otherwise, be she good
woman as she may, her husband
will not see in her his ideal
to explain the situation were
howled down. By the closing hour
in the afternoon thousand, of
dollars had been drained from the
vaults of the bank, and, but for
other banks coining to the
of the unfortunate institution that
night by circulars
around the city telling depositors
that they other would
cash all checks, properly certified,
on the bank with the broken plate
window, the run would have con-
tinned next day and resulted
in the bank, for there is
no institution that can withstand a
run without a warning. Ii is plain
be there is no telling
how much damage a runaway
horse is capable of doing.
you may be mistaken.
Men are often when in
Such mistakes makes breaches
of promise.
There has been much discussion
as to whether is singular
or plural.
Seems to us when men wear
pants they are plural, and when
they don't wear any they are sin-
Men get on a tear in their pants
all right; but when the pants get
on a tear it is all wrong.
A Man His Hat.
When ho bows to a lady or
elderly gentlemen.
2- When he is with a lady
who bows to any person, oven if
the other is a total stranger to him.
When he salutes a gentleman
who is in the company of ladies.
t. When he is the company of
another gentlemen who bows to a
When he is with a lady and
meets a gentleman whom he
When he offers any civility to
a lady who is a stranger to him.
7- When he parts with a lady
after speaking to her, or after
walking driving with her.
t a o f f
Rev. Plink Plunk On Faith.
New York Herald.
git to by
faith death Many
a man has been
scooped in by de devil,
de wags on ob his belief got stack
in de mud ob he
too to put de good
works to de wheel.
depot and found it to contain nine
large pieces of ground glass.
worth at least He got it for
Wilmington Messenger i Mr. C
L Homer captured an albatross
at Ocean View on Tuesday.
It is supposed that it was brought
hero from the gulf region by tho
late storm. He turned it loose
again- learn that one of
our merchants will soon erect a
largo brick building on North
Front street. We are not at lib-
to say where at but it was a
surprise to us. ------The Heart and
Hand, a paper devoted to the in-
of Odd Fellowship, pub-
by Mr. C. E- late
of Raleigh, will hereafter lie print-
ed in Wilmington, and will make
its first appearance in a few days.
night or Sunday
morning a cow m crossing tho
trestle dummy motor line on Surry
and Church streets, fell in and
broke her leg. Some workmen
from the gas works found her
moved her to a vacant lot near by.
She is still there and no one has
claimed her as yet. ------Tho
recent have washed the
sand from the clay banks on the
shore of Carolina Beach, and
large numbers of balls
have been picked in tho past few
days by the boys and visitors.
The balls are similar to those used
by Federals during the civil war,
were dropped there
by the soldiers landed through the
surf to aid making the land at-
tack on Fort Fisher. The bullets
have not been fired.
Gen- Palmer says we can. we
must will carry Illinois for
Cleveland and Democracy-
says Iowa will carried for Cleve-
land, and Gray is already at work
to Indiana for the nominees.
obtained, and all business in the V
Patent office or in the Courts
for Moderate Fees.
We arc opposite the IT. S. Patent
engaged in Patents
can obtain patents hi less time than t
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing Is sen
M to free of
and we. make no change unless we
refer, here, to the Post Master
of the Honey Order Did., an
the is. Patent Office,
advise terms and
actual clients In your own State, ore
address, C. A. Snow G
Published Semi
Devoted to Apostolic
cation, Intelligence,
for Sample Copy. Office of
N, C
office, Wash-
N. O.
J. I.
l. W. DAVIS. Associate.
Km Shaving, Cutting and Dressing
the Opera House, at which
have recently located, and where
everything in my line
with all the improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
sharpened at reasonable n
for work outside of my

Greenville, N.
who expect to vote for the Demo -its It compelled every Jo- n he pleases. majestic tow
to walk bayonets stated letter the heavenward. rolling
,, . ii t cot rage . ocean I
to the polls or not at
i candidates for elector.
m h, and other offices
enthusiastic over held
rooms. This club
is com-
nun who con
ion to attack of these dives, the white breakers about like play negate together and discuss
to assemble and -peak their plundered our States and of that paper were; tiling, and these being caught in subjects that will be a be
concerning these matters, pie till to hare
left to steal and away. What; in govern
rays the evening bud made lit to the government and the
the whole bosom the water at large Hew to overcome
has become of the memory and a-T
. the declining gleams
Entered Greenville,
N. O. as mail
, in some respects have Bans I
I on to the New York boodle -pit
ho past; instance a city hi.
B, J, MA And we insist that it is the duty
every citizen who intends to vote
for the Democratic candidate for of our people
elector. Congress, to be they be forgetful of the tier idea. For instance a city
at these primaries and take part indifferent to the present at this the finest any city of the
in their proceed. We want all
to go with us in this the and West ,
contest, and we cannot see why any in their might in their power million or two.
man who has ever voted the Dem- and are the
resting the
unnecessary taxation, how to pro-
.- labor from monopolies etc.,
Golden Gate are among the subjects discussed.
robed its waters in a sheet of gold At the conclusion of their meeting
,. -ll
B. A.
of Wake.
of Wake.
of Buncombe.
FOB or i
J. C.
of Johnston.
I i
and crimson. The scene
rand, it was inspiring.
Before leaving
let me Bay that while Mr.
. . another million or two. thousands of it
march to victory, about have been expend- j beautifying tho Cd acres that com-
ticket should break away under Democratic banners. They ad on it. and at least of I pose these grounds and making it a
and stray off after false gods- The look to the Democratic, Ira of ,.
Republican party has brought the den South to join them- Every fa
may properly
from tho North is
country to the very verge of a j breeze
centralized despotism administer with their stem resolves to de-
ed in the interest of a few tariff throne plutocracy and enthrone
borons who have fattened and Democracy. Just at this critical
upon the sweat and toil of J moment we hesitate, differ, divide
the laboring masses, and to and all is lost. Weaver comes
their power we are now threat along with his alluring snares Bud
by them with Force Bills and patent promises and enough of
military control of our Federal our people follow him to give the
termed the objectionable side
Still there is another and
side, some features of which fill tho
visitor with admiration- The city
has many magnificent buildings,
the main residence portion
especially attractive. The Palace
Hotel with its thousand rooms,
immense court
control , . , , . .
Now add to this the State to Harrison his o AN
wild scheme of Weaver and his, plutocrats. ill North t A sad incident connected AN
tho outlay was not for
his sole benefit. On the contrary
tho gate remains open throughout
tho day and visitors are at liberty
to outer at will and enjoy the
beauties I hat surround his summer
home. He is a benefactor.
In my next I will tell of tho de-
of our party from
and of our journey
through northern California and
tho north west.
followers for this centralized gov- j birth place of constitutional
i eminent to own and operate the the home of tho brave and free.
railroads and we have a central the enemy
oppression and
victory and
is in her
despotism as complete and i wrong, when,
powerful as can be found any and
of the despotic governments of reach, deliberately these Moss-
Europe How any man tainted aside by tho divisions
with the vicious of Weaver and dissensions of her own sons,
Democratic party and the teach
of Weaver are as far apart as
the east is from the west
the last place for a
would be a Democratic meeting-
with this structure is that its build-
committed suicide the eve of
its completion. He was a wealthy
man but the broke him,
and when ho drew his last dollar
from the bank tho trouble of mind
was so great that he sought to
escape by taking his own life.
At Francisco is located a
Pitt county shall such things ever all of its apartments. We learned
be said of you A thousand times
no Then let every Democrat in
the county be up and Talk
with your neighbor. Reason with
all about making gold and silver
is, how Uncle Sam
makes the trouble is that
none of tho rest of us can make it
that way, it being decreed that
and delve
The Nominations
Tax Negro Disgusted
Flood and Rain Storms.
mi. regular I
Chicago, Ills. June 1802.
At last the Democrats have
their leaders for tho coming
campaign and they have got a
good and clean ticket in the field,
which will carry the majority of
the Western States beyond a
doubt. There is not a single thing
tho Opposition party can say
against the men personally- The
fight will be one of principle and
not of personal slander. The
party lines will drawn together
and when tho 4th of November
ac going to support the Demo-
ticket and will send their
every well-informed man that.
i . . . , ., J MORE SAN FRANCISCO.
j the Democratic party from its very
TIC has been on the side
j of the people It has always had
its ranks, both North and South.
A convention of the Democratic j the people who were creating the
party of Pitt county will held j wealth of the country with their
at the Court House in Greenville labor and toil in field and shop
on Thursday the 28th day of vocation and homes It must
o'clock A. M. for the also well known that the
party is under the coin
eminent- If they wish the latter
they will support and work for the
Democratic ticket.
pieces dropped out at the rate of
a minute. In one vault of this
mint was 0.000.000 silver
I The Chinese and j,, another ill
gold an silver, but visitor
Good Bid. could sec of these was the heavy , Q J
Sams Pocket door Dealing the seal and
Parks. of the examiner. In another
vault stored silver bricks to
value of each brick
On Thursday
In last letter I said tho e
much more that could
written the life and customs
purpose of nominating candidates J publican it is
for the Legislature and the domination and control of or one to everything he
mis count v offices to appoint tho lords of the North who sees in a trip across the continent
Congressional have amassed immense fortunes he concludes to write for the system is so
out of the hard earnings of their i months about it. However, before con
worth 1.250- We were
nominated on tho first ballot, re-
votes winch was more
than mends of the ox-President
anticipated. After working for
eleven long hours through the
rain and storm
handle and x
these brick, but not to walk has ever visited out city they
with it The number of persons j to amid the greatest
working in tins mint m and enthusiasm that
delegates to
tho smallest
ever was known in a convention.
at the usual places of meeting for ; people have grown poorer With the
the of appointing j false plea that it enables them to
gates to the county convention pay better wages to the laborer
and for the nomination of better compensation to the
Constable and the election producer. In when honest,
of five Democrats to constitute heroic Cleveland undertook to tear
Executive Committee for the town- away the very foundation
i- i which this false pretense rested
The several townships will be j and to show the American people
entitled to select the following how they had been robbed, these
number of delegates and the same j wry robbers determined lo defeat
number of alternates to represent tins man of the people, unloosed
woof the south they have their
race but while curs is with
boulevards, lakes over whose
om swans gracefully glide,
beds and lawns,
a race lifted in a day from slavery
to the highest privileges of conservatory with every rare
theirs is with u plant, large aviary with all
among whom there is intellect, j kinds of birds and fowls, an
thrift and industry. I was told sure in are confined deer,
that among all these Chinese j elk, buffalo, and other wild
in Francisco there was not monuments, its extensive build
man who could not lead and write
in their dialect
Seeing that there was
and play ground children.
them the county convention
Beaver Dam.
Farmville. s
By order of the Democratic Ex
of Pitt county.
L Blow.
R. Williams, Chairman
The members of the several
Township Democratic Committees,
to be elected at the primaries on
the 23rd inst, are requested to
meet at the Court House on the
28th inst, immediately after tho ad
of the County
for the purpose of electing
an Executive Committee for the
county. Alex- L. Blow.
Dem. Com.
N. C July 13th
their strings and poured out
j their millions to purchase the very
people whom they had robbed and
plundered. To the shame of the
purchasable vote Now
Indiana be it said they sue
in their wicked work.
was elected and at once these
men who had corrupted the ballot
box and purchased his election for
him demanded that they should
hare a return of their money by
imposing still heavier burdens
upon the people, and their de-
were passed into a law-
Taxation was largely increased,
the people had it to pay and these
robbers got their reward. The
people soon began to see
had been deceived, cheated and
swindled. Instead of good prices j
for labor and farm products as
promised the laborer received less
for. his labor tho farmer less
for his productions, till it finally
dawned upon them that they had
been outraged deceived by
s of Chin into this country j The
ground alone and was
-and cry being raised
all combine to it a place of
exceeding beauty and attraction-
building play
and the generous gift of one man.
barrier to their further I handsomest monument in the park
immigration, but at the same time is surmounted by a
it throws our ports of entry wide
open and receives with outstretch-
ed arms the Russian anarchist, the
Italian vagrant, the Irish, out-
cast in the scum of all
Francis S. Key, the author of
-Star Spangled
No visitor to Francisco
conies away without going to the
Cliff House. This is a hotel
Europe is turned in upon us. The a huge rock bluff right in
Chinese cannot vote, but the the edge of tho Pacific ocean- six
anarchist can cast a ballot with one j miles from tho heart the city,
hand and a bomb with the other. One can sit upon the balcony of
This is not that we favor this hotel and for hours watch tho
wholesale Chinese immigration, i lash the rocks his
but the line should drawn also feet, and hear the barking of
others. The Chinese; of lazy sea lions bask
are far preferable to some other upon the seal rocks rising above
classes that infest the west in water a short distance away.
large number-. is a strange sight to see these
oiling their ugly
r to the party
will be a death blow to
of the West-
It is useless for me to say any-
thing about the Democratic
for President as his four years
of service speaks for itself.
SEX- A. T.-
Was Christian Co., Ken-
October 1885. lie
belongs to an old North Carolina
family. His father was of Scotch-
Irish parentage and during his
residence Kentucky was a plan-
Gen. A. E. was
elected to Congress in 1874 in a
strong Republican District, by a
majority of In this cam
he was supported by both
tho Greenback, Democratic
anti-Monopoly parties. In
Lean county one of the strongest
Republican counties ho carried it
one vote. Although he has been by
several times we must
consideration that his
canvass was made in tho
cans strongest districts and was
entirely given up by the Demo
crate as lost. He never did give
up but fought them right and left
and cut down their majority to a
very figure. He has boon
accused of being a
In our last issue we spoke of a
rumor that of our delegates
to the State and district
ion which appointed delegates to
the National Democratic
have declared their
pose not to vote for the Democrat-
elector. We are now told that
some of these very men expect to
attend our Democratic primaries
and participate in their proceed-
This to our mind would be
a piece of duplicity which do
not believe self-respecting
man would be guilty of. It must
be remembered that the
convention is called, in part, to
send delegates to the
convention which meets in
Edenton on August 9th- This
Congressional convention will
nominate a Democratic candidate
for Congress and also a Demo-
candidate for elector for the
first district. The Democratic
primaries to held on tho
at the various voting places the
county are the places where those
tell- I It noes seem n i
and influence. A
the city while talking to me about It is an almost . o
some local affairs become so en- j ion f
when he reached
the which professed to be Chinese question that vent j of one c i
their friend, and when I
millionaires. The grounds
i them because of their reaped a
walking through them.
planned walks wind in
and out amid bowers of shrubs-
flowers and evergreens, blending
their rich colors as harmoniously
as if from the artists brush.
thing was done the day of answer did not afford him
of the people was nigh at j I told him
to the patriot and tho eastern editors while here can
oppressed in easy section of our see these things for yourselves.
broad land. It thus became
,, ,, . i you will use tho influence of your
parent to these robbers and Re- Journals in helping us the
publican leaders that unless out of our My i
party in power.
And now comes the strange, in-
comprehensible part of what we
have to say. Had it been told us
would not believed it. it
is so incredible, so
North Carolina is about to
falter After years of effort and
labor and education, the laborers
than what were s and that in-
stead of coming back homo and
lighting tho Chinese question for
them, I thought the eastern editors
would do a better service
the sending of missionaries
over there to the
whole populace, beginning with
the whites and taking the Chinese
in their turn-
ancient and modern works of
tho highest point of the
grounds one finds himself looking
over a parapet upon a view
whoso beauty cannot be pictured
in words, and I will not attempt
and farmers of the North and West I J Francisco is a city.
. ,. , ,, , i V ice and immorality abound to a
were brought to see how they had degree. Dives dance
been robbed by tho Republican
party which they had supported,
and are to join their
Southern brethren in driving it
from power. We the South
balls and houses of ill repute line
some of tho principal thorough-
fares and carry on their vice
the following resolutions were
drawn up and adopted
The tho
National party day in
convention in
nomination Pro -if I Ho
of N. V. and
We iii
i intrepid leader
who not to throw down
ii. by
the mind to it-
lies ii overthrow, he it
Thai hr r-
Single Tax Club.
he ii on tin-
which u
public Intelligence.
Tho is at last fast awaken-
to which party has been and
is his friend. They are disgusted
at the way their race has boon dis-
appointed and snubbed by the
Harrison administration, and not
only by Harrison but by the
Republican party at large- Tho
colored people of this county held
a large and enthusiastic meeting
at their headquarters, Monroe
street, last week. Not only was
there Democratic but
from seventeen
different States. They say
best orators through the different
States to show why the Democrats
arc their friends and where they
have proved themselves worthy of
their support. Among the noted
colored men present were Dr. J. E.
Thompson. C H- J. Taylor. Henry
F- S. L- Marsh and
others. After and dis-
cussing the different parties and
their platform the following
was drawn up and
We. a- free American
loyal to race so-
of our country's prosperity, be-
and no
lights lie or
all in.-i-an-c of race, color, nation-
or religion ;
Our U
and i all the
people be by the
of Democratic the
election candidates lo be
in con vent ion now session
v. the administration of
A flairs of government the principles
of home ,. Stain right . equal and es-
to all men, no
no; platform
of principles
by the once grand old party
to f la nil upon therefore
Resolved, a national
be i-
created of live members
from each Slate one from each
to serve four or until
day of tin- national Democratic
lion, shall to maintain
disseminate Democratic principles
invigorate and prosecute an
six -i.-i i the lien.-
keeping always
and the general of
To my Southern Democrats and
friends, plead to you to do
duty for your country and party
Do not let us on the of No-
receive the message over
the wires that the is
broken. instead, let it be said
that you have done your duty, that
stands on a better foundation
than c v ct- if you, knew how proud
the Democrats of the West are of
the you would put
on extra effort to hold her
the position she now stands.
When the loaders of our party in
the West refer to tho
in their speeches it always
brings applause and cries
can count on
So Ho not let US be disappointed
and when the returns conic to
you from the West we will
prise yon with Democratic gains
and Democratic victories that will
remembered for ages to come-
J 1-
will sell it public
auction to the bidder cash, at
I'll county, N. C. o'clock
A. M. on day of July, 1692, one
Double Barrel Shot Gun, the property
of Andrew to Battery a claim of
B. L. T. ft Sons, to
Ten Dollars labor done, and
for material furnished in repairing -aid
Tics -l July,
I. I. T.
J. U. Ally.
We beg to announce to our many
friends and customers that we
have the largest and best selected
stock of Goods to be found in our
town. And while we are not sell
at cost we beg to announce
that we think we can and will
any prices on the different
lines of Goods earned by us. We
throw out no baits to entrap
To one and all we extend
a cordial welcome to our
will be pleased to serve yon with
any goods in the following
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Notions,
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Pants
Goods, Hats, Shoes, Hardware,
Cutlery, Nails, Tinware, Crockery,
Glassware, Groceries,
White Oil cents per gallon,
Wood and Willow Ware, Harness,
Whips and Collars, Farming Tools
of the improved makes,
Trunks. Valises, Matting,
Oil Children's Carriages,
and the largest and best selected
stock of FURNITURE ever kept
in our town. When in need of
anything in our various line try
Yours, anxious Tor trade.
Has Moved to next Door of Court House
tub or
My Factory U well equipped with the best put
but We. keep up with the times and improved styles
material used in all work. All styles Springs are you can select from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Ram Horn, King
keep on nil Um of
he year round, which we will sell as as tub lowest.
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
Thanking the people this and counties for past favors we
merit a continuance of the
T. ID.
been u good and clean mid honest
Democrat. When the 4th of No-
rolls around ho will a
majority that will make tho
at for months
to come.
will support the
ticket and don't you forget
This remark was. make by one of
Tammany's braves said
it in earnest. In failing to
their candidate docs not make
them any less Democrats but will
vote and work for them to tho man
When left they were wearing
Cleveland ghosting the
ticket. Tho papers
are raising a howl that Cleveland
will not carry Now York without
Tammany's assistance. They
as well drop such ideas as
this for Tammany is to sup-
port him every Tammany
too much stake in city
of New York this fall to knife him
They elect a Mayor the coming
election and the Morality of
; worth more to them than the
whole when
begin to knife Cleveland the Cleve-
land Democrats will their
Mayor and turn the city over to
the winch will throw, j right PIANO which been sold
1-2 LB. ONLY.
yon want lo
ill a PIANO from
Ten to Fifteen Dollars
in the purchase of Organ
X. C.
goods direct from
for lone, workmanship
by nearly all
Journal in the
Made by Paul O. who is a;
one of the bet and in-
Thirteen new
patents mi this high
Also Hie ft UP.
more than a passing Tammany out of about twenty, or him for the part sis your In the enters
From this height the great Pacific i thirty millions of dollars a year.
; at feet and extended So-by tins any considerate man
out before the eye until lost by can see why Tammany cannot afford
kissing tho distant horizon; on
tho left the oceans beach extends
for miles; on the right walled in
by the bluff and heights upon
which we stood on one aide and
by towering the other was
to knife him.
Tho Single Tax Club of this
; by the Golden Gate through which held a meeting and endorsed the
law. the churches lit mm in
law. . a. J, .
He influence there, it seeming to and
have long known its and be the general sentiment to let I while behind lay the
Democratic platform and will work
and support the ticket. The meet-
was one of the largest and most
part of Him Slate and up to this time has
Piano Just sold at from
in Rosewood, Oak,
Walnut or Mahogany eases.
from to in solid or Oak
Ten years in the music
enabled him to handle
d and lie
sell any
i per
than are huh offer-
to all in Eastern Carolina.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At current
to the buyers Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following goo
not to be excelled this market. And to be an
pure straight goods. DRY GOODS all kinds, NOTION'S. CLOTHING, GEN
kinds. Gin Mill Belting, Rock Lime, Paris, and
Harness, Bridles
Agent for Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, 4.5 cents per dozen, loss per cent for Cash. Bread Prep,
ration and Hall's jobbers Lead and pure Lift
seed Paint Colors. Cucumber Wood Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a Give a call and I satisfaction.
k Perfect Mm Chan
The Rest Standard Typewriter World.
Inexpensive, Portable, No ink Ribbon,
in all
to learn, rapid a an v.
as Represented.
This Machine la everybody's friend.
, r-gr.- should have their writing done on
Ii always Insures moat
Gil Washington, St., Boston,
these machines can be seen at the Reflector office, where an i
can had.
For Accident Insurance by the year in one of
the best Companies in existence, see

A Startling Fact
Local Reflections.
Cotton Seed Meal for gale at Old
Brick t ore.
The Homo Sewing for
at Brown Brew.
The Teacher- A has closed. It
a big I year.
Tin- Now Home Machine and
all part- at Brown Brno.
July Black Pea for
sale at the Old Brick Store.
Potatoes are still have
lost money on them this
Want to oat something good Boss
at the Old Brick Store.
that yon can choice
cost for cash at
Cash given for Produce, Hides,
Furs at the Old IS. Store.
Cheapest Furniture, Bedsteads
Matt roses at the Old Brick Store.
If you want to hear some good speeches
don't miss the ratification meeting to-
morrow night.
The Rev. Mr. preached the
Episcopal church last Sunday, both morn-
and night.
Mr. W. R. Parker sent the I
a curiosity last week. It was a soft shell
egg the shape of a gourd.
Owing to the absence- of pastor,
Kev. G. F. Smith, there was no preaching
service in the Methodist church Sunday.
Be at the Court House to-morrow night
at the l lie Cleveland and
Carr Every should be-
long to it.
The first and second Regiments of tIn-
state go into camp at
to-morrow week. They will camp on the
now grounds.
A delightful hay-ride was had last
Friday night by a party of young folk.
They had two wagon loads and enjoyed
themselves immensely.
The Reflector office has
ed a large lot of visiting cards and can
fill all orders for the same. We hare
them bevel, gilt and plain.
A picnic was had at the tobacco ware-
house last Tuesday big time was had
all round. They set a splendid table and
was highly enjoyed by all.
Tuesday, 18th. is the date of the
grand family excursion to Norfolk from
by the way of Greenville. And
82.7.1 is the round trip faro.
The Greenville Alliance held its
meeting here Saturday. Resolutions
upon the death of Col. Polk wore adopted
and are published in another column.
energetic honest man
to represent the Equitable Life Assurance
Society of New York. Address T. II.
Dick, Jr. District Manager Tarboro.
N. C.
The grand excursion to Norfolk from
Kinston by the way of Greenville, on
Tuesday, July 10th. will be a success in
every particular. Fare for round trip
The freight now makes con-
with the A. X. C. railroad for
Morehead City. The train leaves here
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at
o'clock P. M.
A lady who has two or c hours
leisure each day can make money by as-
me in my business. Address with
stamp, Mrs. L. X. Edwards. Greenville.
North Carolina.
Grand family excursion from Kinston
to Norfolk, by Stevenson Harvey, via
Greenville, on Tuesday, July 19th. Fare
from Greenville 82.75. Everybody
should go.
Fifty-six to a oar is what the managers
announce is all they will take on. We
mean the grand excursion to Norfolk on
July 19th. Everybody should go
take their families. No crowding, plenty
of room. Fare 82.75.
Attention is called to the advertisement
of II a mil on Institute, fall term of which
opens Aug, readers
know Prof. Duckett. Principal of the
Institute, and know the character of the
work he 1- qualified to do.
The is requested to an-
that there will be a reform
mass meeting in the Court House at
o'clock next Sunday afternoon. Several
graduates of Keely Institute will make
addresses. Public invited.
Hon. F. M. Simmons, of New
was last week chosen as chairman of the
State Democratic Executive Committee.
He is a thorough Democrat, a man of
ability, and will occupy the position with
credit to himself and the party.
Something every tobacco planter of
Pitt county ought to be interested is
Hogshead told by A. G. Cox
another column. He is going to
the very best hogsheads this
season will deliver them at
places to customers.
A company has organized in Greenville
for the publication of The Eastern To-
Journal and Planters Guide. The
publication will be devoted to the ad-
of the tobacco interest- of
eastern North Carolina. The first issue
will appear early in August.
Something will sell hat-.
flowers, gauze ribbons, pictures, easels
and fancy ware right at cost. Also
a beautiful line of laces, etc.
Give me a call before going elsewhere
and be convinced of the great reduction
in prices. Fannie
Next Saturday week, 83rd, is the time
for holding the township primaries.
These will be Democratic meetings, and
it will be dishonorable in any man to
take part in these meetings unless he in-
tends to support the nominees of the
Democratic party, from President down
to Constable.
There are some aspirants for office in
this county of whom it Is said they will
not declare Whether or not they Tote
for evade the question
when It is pot to them. No man should
receive the slightest consideration at the
hands of a Democratic convention unless
that man intends to support every
of the party without exception.
In the Reflector to-day appears a
card from Mr. K. M.
himself as a candidate the
for the office of Register of Deeds of
Pitt comity. There is not a doubt about
the ability of Mr.
and should
and elect him to they will find
him in every way to serve the
Mrs. B. F. Sugg is quite sick.
Master Guy Williamson has returned
from Suffolk.
Miss lone May. of is visiting
Rev. R. D. Carroll preached the
Baptist church Sunday morning.
Mrs. C. D. is visiting the
family of her her. Dr. Johnson, at
Sheriff B. W. Edwards and Mr. F. L.
Rouse, of Greene comity, -were town
Rev. A. D. Hunter returned home
and will occupy his pulpit the Baptist
church next Sunday.
Miss Jennie Joyner, of Scotland Neck,
who was visiting the Misses Higgs, re-
turned home Saturday.
Mr. G. W. Evans, is now contractor
carrier of the mail between Green-
ville and Washington.
Mr. J. left yesterday to attend
the grand encampment Odd Fellows
which meets in Winston to-day.
Mr. Balfour left for Rock Hill. S.
C Monday morning where he goes to
accept a position with his father,
Mr. R. M. I lea rite came up from Wash-
Saturday, and remained until
Monday evening with Ills family.
Mrs. Dan Perry children, and Miss
Clyde Sutton. of Kinston. have been
visiting the family of Mr. II, A. Sutton
the last few days.
Mr. D. P. Haskett, of Raleigh, a broth-
of our townsman, Mr. Haskett,
has located in Greenville and will engage
business here. The ex-
tends him a welcome.
Buy Tickets.
On next Monday Mr. E. G. Cox, will
for sale at the depot tickets for the
Norfolk excursion the following flay,
Tuesday 19th. If all parties of this sec-
intending to go on the excursion
will purchase tickets from him early on
Monday, enough CM for their
will lie left j evening so
they get scats next morning without
trouble. Only persons will lie allowed
in each ear.
Attention, Fellow-Citizens.
I take this method of announcing to
you that I am a candidate for the Demo-
nomination for the office of Regis-
of Deeds of Pitt county. I am a
Democrat, simple pure, and believe
the best interest of the will be
served by the election of Democrats to
office from President to township
If nominated and elected will he
faithful in the discharge of all my
but whether nominated or not, I am a
Democrat. R. M.
Missionary Meeting.
Rev. Mr. Herring, who for several
years a missionary from this State
to China, but is now back at home, will
visit the church at Antioch. this county,
on the fourth Saturday of this month,
the church at Greenville on the fourth
Sunday. This being the centennial year
of missions with the Baptist
the churches throughout the State
will hold similar meetings to the ones to
be hold in this county by Rev. Mr. Her-
The Eastern.
The roof to the mammoth Eastern
Warehouse has put place
carpenters are busy laying shingles. In
a few days the building will be complete-
shut and the work will be rapidly
pushed to completion. Mr. Maiming, a
carpenter at work on the roof, was severe-
cut Friday, a few days ago
laborer received quite, a painful cut
from an Despite these accidents
and the inclement weather Alex.
says he will finish on time,
what Alex says generally goes.
Debating Society.
The young men of Greenville organized
a debating society in the Court House
last Thursday night. The following
officers were elected to serve during the
next six
W. E. Warren.
C. Hooker.
J. Proctor.
A. Daniel.
A Treasurer and other officers will lie
elected at their next meeting, which will
lie Friday night. The President request-
ed u- to announce that every member is
expected to be present at the Friday
night meeting, as some important
will be transacted.
Enterprise at Bethel.
On July quite a number of the
of Bethel and vicinity met at Bethel
and organized a Joint stock company to
be styled the Bethel Manufacturing Co.,
for the purpose of manufacturing sawed
lumber into any desired pattern. About
of the stock was taken the
following officers and directors were
President, S. A. Gainer; Vice-
J. I. Barnhill; Secretary, W.
J. Rollins; Treasurer, A- B. Cherry.
Board of R. A.
Ward. S. M. Jones, G. W.
Robert Staton, W. B. Bullock, M.
Blount. Negotiations for machinery
already commenced, and the com-
expect to get to work at an early
Resolutions Adopted by Greenville Alli-
Mo. July
the dispensation of an
all-wise God, the Angel of Death has
visited the head of order in the
and removed to the silent laud be-
our distinguished National
dent, L. L. Polk. Therefore be it
Resolved. That while we bow in hum-
submission to the Divine will of Him
who all things well, we more deep-
than words can express feel the loss to
our order throughout the union, and es-
the order in this State. That
while his death has removed his magnetic
presence and his eloquent voice
his work and words will live and bear
fruit until coming generations shall be
told of him as of the noble Carolinians
that have gone before.
That we tender to his beloved family
our sincere sympathy hi their irreparable
loss and assure them that as his loved
ones they will ever occupy a warm place
In our esteem.
That these resolutions be put on record,
a copy be sent to Mia. Polk, a copy to
each of the following papers for
Advocate and Farmer.
D. S. Spain,
D. T.
Destructive Fire.
The large steam saw and planing mill
situated at the A. B. Junction was
totally lost by Are on last Sunday morn-
about o'clock. The mill owned
by Mess. was val-
at and was. Insured for
Several thousand feet of lumber was also
burned. The night fireman was duty
and hoard a roaring sound on the second
floor and ran up stairs and threw open
the door to the. shaving room and the fire
burst out and shot right through the mill,
consuming things as it went. It is sup-
posed that it caught from a spark We
have not heard whether they will rebuild
or not. The W. W. railroad lost con-
by the fire, as several freight
cars side-tracked near the mill won
Bible Presentation.
When Mr. R. M. was transfer-
red from Greenville lo the Old Dominion
office in Washington, he tendered his
resignation as teacher of a class of
men in the Methodist Sunday-school. He
had taught the for a year and a half
and they were much attached to each
other. He came to Greenville Saturday
to visit his family and attended Sunday-
School next morning. The class
Itself of the opportunity offered by his
presence and through Mr. W. F. Harding
presented him with a splendid Oxford
teacher's Bible, Mr. making a
neat presentation speech, voicing the ad-
of tin- class tor their former in-
Mr. was taken by
prise but responded feelingly. Such lit-
incidents arc always pleasant and
ways help to smooth over the rough
places in life's pathway.
The drummers are quite numerous now.
Mr. T. A- and Master
were In town this week.
Miss Nannie Cox the public
school last week at Spring Branch.
Mr. Chas. Prof. Foster and Mr.
wore stopping at the Baker
Unavoidable circumstances prevented
the notes of last week reaching you in
time for print.
Misses Lydia and and
Miss Annie Collins are visiting at Mrs.
Married, at the bride's father's, July
1892, Mr. Jesse Hart to Miss Pennie
Garris. may you live long lie happy.
We are very much in need of a place of
worship. Why don't the good people
around build a sellout house
and diaper;
The farmers are having too much rain
for their good. Lookout, the green flag
will be waving in their corn and cotton
fields ore long.
Listen for the marriage bell will soon
peel forth with all its glory and a hand-
full of rice will be scattered around the
depot if all reports are true.
Mr. W. E. Patrick is the champion
chicken buyer of Ayden. Mess. Hart
Harrington are also successful chicken
buying. They say trade this week was
better had been for some time.
A. V. T.
Editor Reflector a recent
issue of the Reflector is a can signed
by in which he says that a
brilliant future is in store for the
Greenville tobacco market. Now. Mr.
Editor, while I thank heartily
for his history of tobacco culture Pitt
also for the good he speaks for
Greenville, still I do not agree with
views of the situation. seems
to doubt that there will be the proper in-
Greenville as a tobacco market
and says that everything depend-
F. Evans. O. L. Joyner and Alex
Now, Mr. Planter, this is nut
right. I think to secure the Greenville
market's success depends equally as much
on the of Pitt and adjacent
ties and on the citizens of the town as it
does on those directly Interested In the
tobacco business. Mr. Planter need have
no doubts about my doing everything in
my power to make Greenville the best
market in the east, unless Mr. Joy-
and Mr. Evans arc different men
than I think they are they will also work
exceedingly hard for the same purpose.
Not only this but there is not a
or Greenville who does not
want Greenville to stand as
n tobacco market and these same citizens
will exert their influence and abilities to
accomplish that end. Who can
that such men as C. W. M. R.
Lang, Alfred Forbes, S. M. Schultz. W.
S. Bawls. J. B. Cherry, R. J. Gaffe, E.
A. and I might mention every
citizen of the town, will assist to make
the Greenville market a whooping
No, Mr. Planter, let the planters
of Pitt and adjacent counties but lend us
their assistance and will in a short
time show them the possibilities of the
Greenville market. When a planter
brings his tobacco to Greenville want
him to feel that he is selling his tobacco
at home, my word for it, Mr. Plan-
you promise all your friends
that the Greenville market will be fore-
most among the best markets of the east
during coining season. Want of
space forbids my writing more on the
subject, but if will make him-
self known to me I will point out to him
the advantages of Greenville and a home
market. Alex
Bargains offered by the low
Prices are Sum j Ginghams worth lo 12-i,
mer Goods in to close selling at and Hi. Bleach
by SEPTEMBER 1st to make led and Unbleached Domestics
room for Fall Stock. Warm Int any price- All our fine
weather coupled with low prices Wooled Dress Goods at
makes them go in a rush. own price. All of our
Those Embroidered Summer Clothing to be sold at
Black Mull Dress Patterns, only
a few left, reduced to 92.25
White Goods, former price
and reduced to and
inch White Lawn and
Dress Styles Outing and Hi.
French Taffetas worth
now Scotch Zephyr
hams worth Best
cost. Don't forget our Sample
Notions, such as Shirts, Sus-
Collars, Cuffs, Hand-
kerchiefs, Glove,
Mitts, Fans, Umbrella. A
large lot of Sample Shoes and
Slippers at factory prices, there-
by saving you the middle man's
To our many customers we say inspect our
goods before buying.
Opposite Old Brick Store.
N. C.
i- i
I; r
A High-Toned
Suited to the Taste of every
Man, and
Ladies Do Not Object to Them.
Pure Sweet
Jones Seminary for
Young Ladies.
Superior educational ad th-
location, mineral water, commodious
buildings with lire places, entire ex-
boarding tuition per j
For circulars address.
Rev. C. A . HAMPTON.
All Healing Spring, N. C. I
term begins Thursday,
25th, Location is health.
Community is moral Dis-
is kind but firm. Charges are
low to suit the times. Room for
V. ALLEN, Supt.
Hamilton Institute.
The Fall Term of tins school will open
Monday, Aug. Enrollment last
session OS. Excellent advantages in a
regular Preparatory Course of study in
Mush-, Elocution, Painting and Draw-
Terms moderate. Pupils hoard in
families or with Principal. For farther
information address,
A Voice From Richmond.
Richmond, Vs. Jane 1890.
In was a severe sufferer from
Rheumatic Gout. I was advised to try
Mrs. Person's I used
bottles, which made a perfect cure of me,
and I have not had a return of the trouble
since. I also found it a floe as
one of its strong points.
S. S.
Mrs V. L. Pendleton
Will open a Select School for Young
Ladies and Small Girls in Greenville
August 1832. The full Collegiate
Course taught. The usual
prices for tuition in Greenville will be
University of N. C.
Instruction is ottered in four general
courses of study, six brief courses, a
large number of special and in
law, medicine and engineering. Toe
Faculty includes twenty teachers.
Scholarships and loan funds are avail-
able for needy young men of talent and
character. The next session begins
Sept. 1st, For with full
address Winston,
Chapel mil, N. C.
The next tension of this well-known
school will begin September 1st, 1802.
Pure water, no sickness, thorough in-
building with rooms.
Campus of acres well shaded by
gigantic oaks. Conservatory music
teachers. Art and Elocution teachers
from Academy of Arts. Teachers ex-
perts in their specialties. The whole
Literary Course, Physical Culture and
and fires only
for the year. Special studies in
Send for to
S. D. BAGLEY, President,
N. C.
Ton Are Not In It
If you fail to see brand new stock of
------that is new being offered by
-----1 have just the to suit------
If you want anything to wear or anything
or go in the house,
a piece
call on me. Goods all new, not
of old stock in the house.
Ky prices will be found us low as
able goods can be sold at.
Two doors from C. A.
near Five Points.
Land Sale.
By virtue of an order of the Clerk of
the Superior of Pitt county in
case of K. G. administrator of G.
W. Johnston, against Louisa Johnston
Mary Johnston, the undersigned
administrator will sell for cash before
the Court House door Greenville on
Monday the 1st day of August, 1892, the
following piece or parcel of
land, situated in the county of Pitt, and
in Greenville township, lying on north
side of Tar river, adjoining the lands of
Mrs. A. J. Johnston, Miss S. O. Brown
and others, containing acres, more or
This June 27th, 1892.
The Hoard of Commissioners of Pitt
county will. In accordance with law,
meet at the Court House in Greenville,
on Monday, July 11th, 1892, for the
pose of revising the tax list of 1892, and
will hear all complaints concerning ex-
valuation of property. Any per-
son who has failed to list their taxes can
do so at said meeting.
By order Board,
A Hogshead Story.
I wish by this means to tell the people
that have prepared and am still
paring a large lot of material for
co Hogsheads. And to make It as con-
as possible for my customers I
hare decided to ran two wagons on the
road to deliver them at most convenient
places- And I further promise that I
win use my best efforts to put up
and quality of Hogsheads as
may want. And think I can com-
in price with any.
I will also pay attention to
masting and Brackets for
m W
see ma your or-
or address at N. C.
Evans Street, in rear of Dr. D. L.
A. G. COX.
take great pleasure in informing my
friends and the public generally
is now open, A successful career of
Is a proof of the satisfaction I
My Work Speaks for Itself.
Call early and examine
Hoping to gain your confluence, and
merit your favor. am
Very respectfully,
Notice to Shippers.
In order to make more convenient and
economical use of the vessels now em-
ployed In the North Carolina service
and thus to better serve the inter-
of shippers, the undersigned
have decided to merge their
respective lines between Nor
folk and Newborn and
Washington, N. C, into
one line, to be known as
There is a deal of satisfaction
we are still in that position,
tempt to follow our methods but
lead them a merry chase and they
it up or come to grief.
Elegance and durability,
prices, is what has placed our Shoes,,
and Notions in the lead.
Bring me all of your Chickens, E.
Turkeys and Geese, and I will
highest market price for them and
If you have anything to ship will attend to for .-n a
Call inc.
We are now ready to Tobacco Flues to th
have placed their orders Tor them.
Don't Buy a Cook
you have seen ours. We still handle
Stoves and the LIBERTY They are low priced
never failed to give satisfaction.
Repairing promptly done and guaranteed.
Headquarters for the following lines
I inn Boxes Tobacco,
Boxes Starch.
Barrels Ax
Car load Mess Pork.
Car load Side Meat.
Car load Flour, all grades.
Carload Seed Oats.
Cases Star Lye,
Cases Bread Powders.
Cases Cherries and reaches.
Full line Case Goods. Sacks.
G. E.
Connecting at Norfolk with
The Bay line, for Baltimore.
The Clyde Line, for Philadelphia.
The Old Dominion Line, for New
The Merchants Miners Line for
ton and Providence.
The Water Lines for Richmond, Va.,
and Washington, G.
At Newborn with
The Atlantic North Carolina R. R.
At Washington with
The Tar River Steamers. .
Also Calling at Island, N. C.
The new line will in
Service, with additional railings as
will best suit the needs of the business.
The direct of these steamers,
and the freedom from handling, are
among the advantages this Line
otters. The following gentlemen have
been appointed Agents of the New
John K. at Norfolk, Va.
John Myers Son, at
H. Gray, at Newborn, N. O.
S, C. Whitehurst, at Roanoke Island.
J. J. Cherry, at Greenville, N. C.
The first steamer will leave Norfolk
on Monday, May 16th, from wharf
on Water street- Conjoining Clyde
and between the piers of the Clyde
Line and Dominion Steamship Co.
V. P. A G. M. Old Dominion S. Co.
W. P. X.,
Norfolk, May
L. W.
Havana . Oil
West Washington Market, N
REFERENCE Truckers in New and
J- A. Andrews, and the leading merchants
R. R- Fleming; J. J.
C S. K. Ct
Agents for I

1406 York
and all
with I SEND
of the and NOW.
testimonials of
ha. many
A Family Affair
for the Baby,
Pleasure the Parents,
New Life for the Old Folks.
I this tartar
rhyme In-darned- lit
The doesn't
whole day
Kb Mars up in
MM i
Like ft
The newer, ere Ms an small.
An they don't prow In circles
The; in them hothouse bods.
Bat Nature here.
I ain't use for
nor schools, nor thine.
An ray bird that sings,
ill every
An an brook, an
An I reckon I an wrong
color sends the rain.
Tin- an the aim.
An here tells
Tin i I'm I alt hie
I ain't use for tunes.
Si. ii a liter rhyme down
loves music
The thrills sphere to sphere
j our cars can't hear It,
For It pulsates in your anal.
But it takes e. poet to it.
his heart's part the W hole
Sow some don't like Walt
Ilia rile
cox he dared to tell the troth.
Without much fer style.
He the world as it
Truth an facts an lies
An ho didn't a-try to fix things up
To suit the eyes.
But ain't the mud fleck as real
the petal soft tine
An ain't the body ex real, too,
holds this soul mine
the reason love Walt
he saw the whole
The. beauty oat ward symbols
Ex well as the inward soul.
He loved the man with toll browned hands.
hadn't much use a king;
He ft democrat Hut loved mankind.
An what made sing.
wrote like old Is.
Without grace,
Fer he modeled his style on
Rough an wild, sweet face.
Like him I'll write ex I at fit.
An toiler my own soul's light.
Then your penned critters go
I know what's
I me
n lit do voice spoke to the
. ,; c there., little- Francois
ii l
Is a family
Of Hie homo. A
r. of
the of you
Scientific American
Agency for
For -a write to
MINX A 00- an kw Yens.
for m
. M K la
the by fa ire of la
f American
Largest any the
1.1; it. W.-. sir. a
K. II.
Apr. 19th, Hail,
ex Sun
12,40 pM -r-
IS iS Ii
pan S am
i SO
N am
SOt ii
x Sun.
Ar Wilson
b Wilson am
Ar Tarboro
on i Keck
leaves Halifax 4.22 m rives Scot
land at 6.15 I. 6.52
P. M. p. m.
leaves a. in.,
. Arriving Halifax a. m.
Weldon 11.25 a. m. daily except Sun-
Trains on Washington b-ave
a . m arrives A.
Junction a . leaves A.
U. . m., arrives
p. m.
Connects on
Raleigh K. and Scotland Nick
Local train leaves Weldon
Monday, and Friday
10.15 a. in., Neck 1.05
a. m. Greenville p. in.,
7.40 p. in. Returning
Tuesday. Thur-day and at
7.20 a. m., arriving 9.55
a. m. 2.21 p. in.,
Train N C, via
It. K. dally except Sun-
P M, sou M.
X is p M. P M.
Plymouth m.
leave daily
0.00 a.
Williamston. m. a
N Id 11.20.
mil a i v- r e-
a in. 1-i p in.
vim. , m.
arrive p in. Daily ex-
Train f hate
daily except S M
N SO A -M. Re
arrive X A
P Hope S P M.
leaves spring Hope S M A M,
A Rocky Mount A
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
for dally, Sunday i
ton at A M. air S HI M.
at Warsaw
Southbound on
ville Branch No. Is
except Sunday.
Trains No. South North will
atop only at Wilson,
Train No. makes a
Weldon all North daily. Al
rail via and daily Sun
via Bay Line. at
daily except Sunday with
railroad for and all
points via
V- U.
The child was lying stretched out
in his little white bed, and his eyes,
gram large through fever, looked
straight before him, always with tho
strange fixity of the sick who
ready perceive what the living do
not see.
The mother at the of the bed,
torn by suffering and wringing her
bands to keep herself from crying.
followed the progress of
the disease on the poor emaciated
face of the little being. The father,
in honest workman, kept hock tho
tom which burned his eyelids.
The day brake clear and mild, a
morning in June, and light-
up tho narrow room in the street
of the where little Francois,
the child of Jacques and Madeleine
lay dying. Ho was seven
old and was very fair, very
and so lively. Not three weeks
he was as gay a but
i lever had him and they had
brought him home one evening from
the public school with his head
heavy and his hands very hot. From
time he had been here in this
bed, and sometimes in his delirium
when he looked at his well blacked
shoes, which his mother had placed
in a corner on a board, he
can throw them away now.
little shoes Little Francois
will not pat them on any more Lit-
will not goto school any
Then the father cried oat and said,
In- And the moth-
very buried her blond head
his pillow, so that little Francois
not hear her weep.
This night the child had not been
but for the two days past
the doctor had been uneasy over an
of prostration, which re-
it was as if at
seven years the sick one already felt
the v. of life. He was tired.
Bad and tossed his little head
on the bolster. He had no
longer a smile on his poor thin lips
ind with haggard eye he sought, see-
they knew not what something
then beyond, very far off.
heaven thought
Madeleine, trembling.
When they wished bin to take
Rome medicine, some or a little
soup ho refused. He refused every-
thou wish anything, Fran-
must draw him out of
the doctor said. torpor fright-
ens me. You are the father and
mother you know your child well.
Seek for something to reanimate this
little body; recall to earth this spirit
which runs after the
Then he went away.
Yes, without doubt they knew him
their Francois, worthy
people. They knew how it amused
him, the little one, to plunder the
hedges on Sunday and to come back
to Paris on fathers shoulders
laden with thorn. Jacques I-
grand had bought some images,
some gilded soldiers and some Chi-
shadows for Francois. Ho cut
them out. put them on the child's
bed and made them dance before the
bewildered eyes of the little one. and
with a desire to weep himself he
tried to make him laugh.
thou see; it is tho broken
bridge. Tire. tire, tire I And this is
the general Thou we
saw one. a general, once in the Bois
de If thou the
medicine I will buy a real
one with a cloth tunic and gold
lets. Dost thou wish for him.
replied tho child, with
dry voice which fever gives.
thou wish a pistil, some
marbles- a
the voice,
clearly and almost cruelly.
And to all that they said to him. t
all the jumping jacks, to all the
loons that they promised him.
little the parents looked
at each other in
what dost thou wish, my
asked the mother.
us see; men is certainly
thou wouldst like to have. Tell it.
tell it me to me, thy And
she laid her cheek on the pillow
the sick boy and whispered this
in oar as if it was a secret.
Then the child, with an odd accent,
straight rung himself up in bis bed
and stretching out Ins hand eagerly
toward some invisible thing,
suddenly in an ardent tone, at the
same and
look e r
had buck
She did what
and she of thee j
words which tho fluid with
a sickly if. having
dared until now to his
he rasped Che pit-sent lime
with obstinacy.
I want
The mother hod seized
and very low, as if de-
that mean, ;
He is
But Oho had on his
face a j
happy, but i too; the smile
of a man who foresees a
possibility of
He remembered well
the morning of Easter Monday
he had taken Francois to the circus.
He had in his ears the
outbursts of joy. tho happy laugh
She amused boy, when the clown,
tho beautiful clown all spangled with
gold and with a great gilded
sparkling, colored, on the
of his black costume,
across the track, gave the trip to a
hold himself motionless and
stiff on sand, his head down and
his feet in the air. Or again he tossed
up to the chandelier some soft, felt
hats which he caught adroitly on his
head, they formed, one by
one, a pyramid; and jest,
like a refrain brightening up his in-
and droll face, he Stand
the same cry, repeated the same
word, accompanied now and then by
a burst from the orchestra,
and each time that
it rang out, tho
burst out into and the
little one joined in with his hearty
little laugh. It was
this it was the
the it was this favorite of a
part of tho city that little Fran
coin wished to see and to have and
whom ho not Dave and could
not see. since he was lying with-
out strength in his white bed.
In the evening Jacques
brought the child a jointed clown,
all with which he
had bought in a passageway and
which was very expensive, it was
the. price of four of his working days
But he would have given twenty,
thirty, lie would have given the price
of a labor to bring back a
smile to the pale lips of the sick child.
Tho child looked at the plaything a
moment as it glistened on the white
cover of the lied, then said
is not I I want to
Ah if Jacques could have wrapped
him up in his blankets, could have
carried him to the circus, could have
shown him t he dancing under
the lighted and have said
to him. Look He did batter, Jacques,
to the circus, demanded the
address of the clown, and timidly,
his legs shaking with fear, ho
one by one. the stops which
led to the apartment the artist
Montmartre. It was very bold this
that Jacques was going to do. But
after all the comedians go to sing
and recite their monologue's in draw-
the houses the great
lords Perhaps the down- oh, if he
mi would would consent to come
and say to Francois. No
matter, how would they receive him,
Jacques here at
He was no longer
Ho was M. Moreno, and. in the
dwelling, the books, tho en-
the was like a
choice decoration around the charm-
man who received Jacques in his
office like that of u doctor.
Jacques looked, but did not
the down, and turned and twist-
ed his felt hat between his fingers.
Tho other waited. Then the father
excused himself. was astonish-
what he there to ask; it
could not pardon, excuse. But, in
short, it was concerning tho little
A nice one, monsieur.
And s o intelligent Always the first
at in arithmetic, which
no did not understand. A dreamer,
this little one, do you see Yes, a
dreamer. And tho proof, wait, the
but he gathered up his courage and
proof is that he wishes to see
you, that he thinks only of you. and
that you arc there before him like a
star which he would like to have and
that he
When he had finished, tho
was deadly and he had great
drops on his forehead. Ho dared
not look at tho clown who remained
with his eyes fixed on tho workman.
And what was ho going to say, this
Was ho going to dis-
miss him, take him for a fool and
put him out the door
near Street of the
said tho other.
wants to on Ah, wolf,
ho is going to see
When tho door opened and showed
tho Jacques cried
out joyfully to his eon i
lie happy, child See,
here ho is,
A look of great joy came over tin
child's face. He raised himself on
bis mother's arm and turned his
head toward the two men who
questioning, for a mo-
who it was by tho side of his
gentleman in an over-
coat, whose good, pleasant face he
did not know.
they said to him, is
ho slowly fell back on
tho pillow remained there, hie
eyes fixed, his beautiful large, blue
eyes which looked beyond the wails
of the room and were always
seeking the spangles and the butter-
fly of like a lover who
pursues his dream.
replied the child with a voice
which was no longer dry, but full of
despair, H is not
The clown, standing near the little
bed, threw upon the child an earnest
look, very grave, but of an
Ho shook his head, looked at. the
anxious father, the grief stricken,
mother, and said, smiling,
will soot go.
And was only half an
hoar since i had disappeared
the opened quickly and in
black, clothes, his
cap on his head, the gilded fly
on his breast and on his back, i a
smile as big the mouth of a money
a powdered face,
Baton, tho the
of the circus, the
of the popular neighborhood,
the of
Lying on his little white bed the
child clapped thin little
laughing, crying, happy, saved, with
a joy of life in Ids eyes, and . I
with his seven-year y
which all at once kindled up a
It is he, it is he,
this time Hero is
Long live flood day
And when tho doctor back
he found seated by
bedside a clown with d pale face who
tho little one laugh again and
again, and who raid to tho child
while he was stirring a piece of sugar
into a cup of
if thou dost not
drink, little Francois,
will not back any
So the child drank.
it not
good Thanks,
said the clown to tho
doctor, not be jealous. It seems
to mo that my grimaces will do him
as much good as your
Tho father and mother wept, but
this time from joy.
Francois was on his
feet again a carriage stopped every
day lief ore tho dwelling of a work-
man in tho street of the at
Montmartre, and a man got out with
a gay powdered face, enveloped in
an overcoat the collar turned
back, nod underneath it PUP could
see a clown's costume.
do I owe you,
said Jacques at last to the master
clown when the child took his first
walk, now I owe you some-
The clown stretched out two
soft, herculean hands to the parents
shake of the said he.
Then placing two great kisses on
the more rosy checks of tho
laughing, to
put on my visiting
acrobatic Doctor t
Translated from the French of
Jules for Yankee Blade by
Mary Stuart
Female Care.
To the your
that I have remedy
tor the thousand NB which
from female organs,
Shall lie glad to send of my
remedy to lady who wit send
their and P. address.
Yours respectfully.
Dr. A.
N. Y.
The groat baritone, with a
congenial company of fellow artists,
among whom were Dunbar Price,
Mrs. and one of tho Do
was one noonday in tho
summer time taking breakfast on
tho veranda of tho Reservoir hotel
at Versailles, when two sad eyed
Italian musicians along
and began to play the harp and sing
one of Valentine's songs from
A sigh of dismay from tho
assembled company, but
who was in good humor with his
breakfast and with tho world, said,
fix Pushing
away his coffee ho arose, and tender-
the singer a piece of silver,
friend, I'll show you how that
should sung. You do not phrase
that song Then he burst
forth with his grand voice and sang
the song through, to tho great tie-
light of all within range.
Tho poor traveling musician turned
green and to tremble with
awe, finally, when the end came,
touched his and murmured hum-
I will not
sing again when you may
As he slunk off with his comrade of
the harp a shower of laughter and
coin followed him. Ho was not
grateful. Ho was
C. A. Thompson, Seymour, Ind.,
sister Jennie, when she
was a girl, guttered from white
swelling, which greatly impaired her
health and made her blood very Impure
In the spring -lie was not able to do
anything and could scarcely about.
More than a year ago she look three
of Botanic Blood Balm, and now she
is perfectly
A Coast Lake.
One- of the natural curiosities in
county is Lone lake, which
lies in a butte or mound in the Sim-
foothills six miles northwest of
this city. The butte looks as though
the top caved in, as the trees
are lying dead all over the bottom
and years ago growing where
the lake now lies. This lake cannot
lie seen until reaches the summit
f the butte, as it is circular in form
and surrounded by a wall or of
earth which is covered with trees.
Tho bank itself is more than feet
The early settlers toll of cutting
on the ground which this body
of water now covers a good many
years ago. There is no doubt the
are steadily rising. Trees have
been covered, have fallen, and now
lie slowly decaying beneath the
It fairly possible that the
lake will one day fill the entire
in tho butte and overflow the
banks. A few year ago lake
was stocked with carp, and its
are fairly alive with them now.
m Doff Sought to Defend
A gentleman owning a fine bulldog
invited a to-inspect him. Tho
two proceeded to the carriage house,
the dog was released and his fine
points admired. Wearied of this,
the friend espying a set of boxing
gloves invited tho heist to a friendly
set-to. The challenge was accepted,
the gloves ware donned and the two
raised their hands in the
of def
The stranger led for his opponent's
face. Scarcely had his arm shot out
the bulldog,
sprang quick as a flash and bur
his teeth in the man's forearm.
There is a tradition, and it seems well
borne out in fact, that when a bull-
dog once his teeth in either
man or beast his jaws look and they
can pried with an
Such was with this par
bulldog. No amount of
or beating had any effect upon
the brute. Tho man suffered ex
agony, but it was not
a heated iron was applied to tho
dog that he could be forced to
his hold. The brute was killed,
the man's were
but unfortunately tho use of his arm
was impaired by the injury and is to
this -New York Herald.
In ancient times the beds we
about were simply rugs, skins or thin
mattresses, which could be rolled up
and carried away in tho morning.
At night they spread on the
floor, which, in the of
houses, was of tile or plaster, and as
shore were not worn in the house
and the feet were washed lief ore en-
a room the floors cleaner
than ours. After a time a sort of
bench, three feet wide, was built
around two or three sides of the
room about a foot above tho floor,
covered with a soft cushion, was
used during the day to sit or lounge
on, and as a sleeping place at night.
The bench was sometimes like
movable and of carved wood
or Talk.
I A Household Remedy
Di Di Do
Botanic Blood Balm
a Cough.
Will you heed the warning The
the sure approach of that
more Consumption. Ask
yourselves if you can afford for t he sake
saying to run the risk do
for it. We know from
that Cure will cure your cough
It never Tins explains why more
limn a million were sold the past
year. It relieves croup and whooping
cough once. Mothers, do not lie with-
out. For lame back, side or chest
Porous Plaster. Sold at
en's Drug Store.
A In Ibo Dark.
Cornelius in of his in-
imitable essays, tells us that once
upon a time in the County of Clare a
quarrel occurred in the hunting field
between two gentlemen who we will
call Captain Robins and W. Jone,
Esq. Very hot words passed be-
tween them. us settle the
at tho captain;
have pistols in the
said the squire;
It was at length that they
should fight in tho stable yard at
teen paces, each man to hold a
tern as a mark for his opponent.
are you, you
cried tho captain, when they came
put into tho yard. here, you
replied tho squire.
out said the captain.
what I'm said tho other.
the word and no more talk
A to n
A jeweler of la., received
the following communication, which
accompanied a watch sent to him by
a Quaker to
the my
clock, which In need of thy friendly
correction. Tho lat It at thy friendly
It was In no way or
thereby, for I perceive by the Index of
that it is a liar and Is not in It.
It, therefore, thee, and com-ct it
from the error of ha ways, and it
it should go. And when thou
thy hand It. hoc that it Is
without passion, lest thou drive it to
destruction, and when thou sea It conform-
able to tho mentioned rules, send it
home to me. with a and true hill drawn
up in the spirit of moderation, and I will
to thee In the root of all evil.
being efficacious In toning up A
restoring the .
lien Iron any Ha
supernatural healing properties
justify at la guaranteeing a curt, II
directions are followed.
CO., Atlanta,
lion r ma for
ind the
to tore Gray
to Its
With it yon
control heft ting your bin
All of Hit
till c.
en ran pr week can In
made in the satin-
co of different degrees of ripe-
be at one time in
same burn Saves labor and
For farther particulars ad-
Greenville, N. C.
this paper when write.
behind the Damp, Honor;
get behind tho pump you
whispered tho groom, pulling tho
captain by tho coat. Ho did so, and
when they blazed away it was tho
squire who got it and it was more than
three months before he could get out
Specimen Case.
S. II. Clifford. New Wis., was
iii was hi
was affected to an
appetite fell away, add he
reduced in and strength. Three
bottles of Bitters cured
Edward Shepherd,
had a running sore on Ids leg of eight
steading. Used three bottles of
Hitters and seven boxes of
Salvo, and bis kg la
sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba,
O., bail five large sores on his leg,
doctors said he was Incurable. One bot-
him entirely. Sold
t Store.
A globe trotting Englishman's
it was to amuse himself and while
away by going wheresoever
there was promise of novelty, clan-
or excitement. Ho had been to
the African diamond fields, to the
realms, to our frontier min-
camps and he was on his way to
Alaska. But one trip ho was
to tho cowboys, about whom ho
had road a great deal.
are a very rum sort of beg
said very mm sort.
But they're not half bad as a lot,
know, i no sooner got into bod in tho
in the first cowboy town I got
into than a hand of the beggars
dashing up the street firing off their
revolvers like madmen. It happened
that tho was a very ramshackle
building, almost as thin
cardboard, and in five minutes tho
walls of my bedroom riddled
with bullet holes in tho most
manner. Fancy my satisfaction
for I had traveled miles to
witness that very thing
Ralph in Harper's Weekly.
la it not worth the small price of
to free yourself of every symptom of
distressing If you think
so rail at store and get S bottle
every bottle has
printed guarantee on It, use accordingly
and If It docs no good it will cost you
nothing. at Drug Store.
have a speedy and cure
for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth
and headache, in
X nasal Injector free with
each Use it if you desire health
and sweet breath. Price Sold at
Drugs Store.
are two systems in for
intensifying the lights of tho lamps
Used in flouting or By
the cat opt system tho light is re
fleeted by parabolic
reflector, by menus of which the
of light are into par-
rays sent in tin- do-
Shod. By the system the
diverging f light are n
tho direction by
tho flame being in tho
of a glass Ions, by means of which
tho diverging mys bent parallel
to each other, sons to form one solid
been of light.- New York Times.
You have, of course, heard of N.
C. Creole, the founder of Creole,
Colo., and the discoverer of the groat
silver deposits. He formerly a
government scout, and is as fine a
fellow at, lives His sudden
of enormous wealth hasn't
changed him in the least from the
big hearted and plain spoken miner.
It is a fact that ho refused
one of his Dave
offered for Creole's Interest in
tho famous Amethyst
The MASON CO now offer to rent any one of
famous Organs or Pianos for three months, giving the person
full opportunity to test it thoroughly in his own home and
return if he does not longer want it. If he continues to hire it
until tin; aggregate of rent paid amounts to price of
it becomes his property without farther payment.
with net prices, free.
Mason Hamlin Organ and Piano Co.,
We our advertised
to sell King's Discovery for
Consumption. Coughs an Colds,
this condition. If yon are afflicted with
a Cough, Cold or Throat or
Chest and will one this
as directed, giving It a fair trial, and ex-
no you may return be
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not this did we not
know that Dr. KIm's New
t never
right not
then ho Went out.
A Hint to Who Us.
and firemen
called into private house to
put out exploding lamps or clothing
that has caught tire from an
dent of tho kind. When a lamp is
blazing coiling high it requires con-
nerve to hold of it and
hurl it of a window, but that is
the simplest and best way to prevent
disaster. If that is possible, or if tho
burning oil has got on the carpet or
table cover, a shovelful of sand, or,
failing sand, of common will
generally do all that is necessary.
Tho applies to any whose
clothing is covered with oil and on
fire. If he can Ho down and
some soil shoveled on his clothes the
fire will go out instantly, whereas a
buckets of water would hurt
him much worse than the fire. A
bucket of sand standing in cup
board in a room where a coal oil
lamp is burned is a good precaution,
and may check at the start what
might otherwise be a most
The poets slug, in dainty rhyme,
Of rummer days and sunny clinics,
beauteous maidens, passing fair,
With witching eyes and waving hair.
Till, near the
but an P. F. P.;
that i. Prescription,
the and guaranteed remedy for
all kinds of female weakness,
cures the ailments of feeble
and debilitated women, restores
them to and beauty once
mote. The price of this royal remedy.
Dr. Favorite Prescription, Is
hut 1.00 a bottle, and money
I n every If It satisfaction.
Bee guarantee on bottle-wrapper.
A ml
It rather unpleasant to hear a
public speaker remark, friends
wish to say a few words
this But then
it should that to
is human. Transcript.
And all Stomach cure by
P. P. F.
Ask, Poke Boot and
Rheumatism is cured by I
Pains the buck,
bases, ankles and wrists are all attacked
and by P. r. This great
medicine, my Its proper-
ties, builds tip and whole
is so at P. P. r.
at this for toning
orating, and a mid u.
P. P. It oil Mi-
malaria and you in good
tho parishioner, rather tho
always long, ob-
served his pastor.
what I was thinking, said
tho parishioner in a far away ton.
Free Press.
is a
ally prepared Liniment, every
of recognized value and in
constant use by the medical pro-
These ingredients arc com-
in a manner hitherto unknown
DO all that is claimed for
It AND MORE. I Shortens
Lessens Pain, Diminishes
Life of Mother and Child. Book
to FREE, con-
valuable information and
voluntary testimonials.
Sent on receipt of price per
out of ten would
probably give tho derivation of blind
coming directly from blind, and
fold from tho of folding a
cloth round the eyes, in the
of buff. Tho Word has,
however, nothing to do with fold,
but means felled, or struck blind,
might written
In tho same way the word buttery is
easily confused with the common
butter, with which, however,
it baa no connection, save in tho
minds of those who do not know it
to lie a contraction for a
place where bottles kept, and
which the bottler, or butler,
Tor sample
to the editor of the
I iv-f
. i f r
IT. O.
can of
P. P. P.
p. r. p.
K Chronic
tr, Si-oM sic., V.
rd i
P. T. P. A-h,
EVIDENCE That Hood it
wrong, and nature it
to throw of impurities.
Nothing it to in
nature at Swifts S.
most child, yet
it forces the poison to the
it from th Hood.
several desirable panels. real
estate for sale, Look over list
w and call on or rite
IA I lot Third street below Co-
in lbs town
two-story house with lour
kitchen and smoke house convenient
large stables on the
Two In
tills desirable
A lot on
Front and Dies house of
rooms, well water, large gar-
don plot and
A half acre lot in
large single story house
of c rooms, cook at-
all necessary out building and
A in- farm an
about miles from oil Mt
Pleasant road, has gin house, stables,
barns, room tenant houses-,
Water. This land Is excellent tor
the cultivation of line
One farm lying on brunch of the
w. et w. railroad about half way be-
tween and and within J
mile of a new depot, contains acres,
Go cleared and balance heavily timbered
I with pine, oak, hickory, ash and
has good tenant houses; railroad passes
through of lids farm. The
land has clay subsoil with sandy
I is In go.,. slate of highly
Improved; Is trucking land.
I m A farm miles from on
I road known as the Jackson
farm; contains acres, III has
good dwelling house and all
out building. This is a
A house and lot in on
near-i. and w. s.
Bawls, now occupied by the faintly of
I tho late W. A- Stocks, contains
I kitchen
I legation, only hall a block from main
street of the town.
can be given January lat.
A good building lot on
. street, between Third and Fourth
streets, splendid locution.
The Lenten house and lot on
street near Avenue,
house of rooms, large lot with
tables out buildings.
i house . pa
. adjoining the lot of f.
h H K R s- and the lot described In No.
large. one-story dwelling
four rooms, dining and
Valuable Corn Flout
Cotton and Store
property located at a X
Ar sit-
listed In on- of the best Agricultural
FLOUR. COFFEE, SUGAR, of Pitt county. The mills
,,,,,. Ac up with the best machinery.
it i cloths, smeller etc., and are in fall
Mar- operation. The store house Is a two
TOBACCO SNUFF A with dwelling attacked
c from and rear.
you to buy at one profit. A com
Cures dyspepsia
For sale at J. I Drug
year's supplies
their inter. l to get our price-
n all Its
always on hand and sold at to sulk
the times. Our goods are nil bought
old for CASH, therefore, no rial
to at a
. M.
store Is kept constantly
v. general to a
country store and Is doing a good
mills are the host known in
This is e tea
owners to withdraw from
Terms on any of the above property
can be had on application to

Eastern reflector, 13 July 1892
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 13, 1892
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Joyner NC Microforms
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