Eastern reflector, 15 April 1891

Through 1881 tor only
in order to It you must
-----PAY I IN I ADVANCE.-----
Department that be surpassed no
where In this section. Oar wort always
gives satisfaction.
la of
A number of the people of
Greenville and vicinity met in the
Court House at last
Thursday afternoon, this being
the hour for his funeral obsequies
in Raleigh, to adopt resolutions
expressive A the sorrow of this
over sudden death
of the Chief Executive of our
In calling the meeting to order
Mayor F. G. James said
By virtue of which I Lave
the honor to the sad
this meeting ti order and
it object, devolves upon inc.
Only one short week his elapsed
three awl intelligence reached as.
that the State ha I I aim Ml
irreparable loss in the death our
wise Secretary of State, the I ate
And this evening after
a space of time we are
assemble pay a last tribute of
memory of our
ed Governor, Daniel G.
. Yon have all doubtless heard of
his death at his home, the Governor's
Mansion, in the city of Raleigh, on
Tuesday night about midnight, and
this afternoon, while we are
gated here, during this very bear hit
remains are borne to their
final resting plane boas ti I s-l.
It was my privilege t hive known
Gov. intimately and well, and
I proud to bear testimony to
sociability, his affability and his
true native hospitality.
In his death the State pa-
son, a gallant defender and a
coarse executive. Our loss is
great, the loss to the society in which
he moved cannot be estimated and
the loss to his family is indeed
It con b- truly said of him that
he was a i i. a scholar an a
pat Hat.
Long years ago he won and has
ever born without question the
notion of icing the silver to
orator of North Carolina. Peace to
his may his long
-he revered by North
At the close of his remarks the
Mayor requested Rev. G.
by. Presiding Elder of the Wash-
District M. E. Church,
South, to lead the assembly in
pi ayer. He offered e following
Almighty God Heavenly
Thou art our maker, the father of
ppr spirits, redeemer and
or souls the preserver
oar lives. With Thee are the
issues of life and death. In Thee we
live and move From Thee we come
and unto Thee we are fast returning.
We know Thou doest all things
but Thy ways arc past fading
out, Thon in a mysterious
Way, clouds darkness are round
about Thee. Thy way is in the sea.
Thou hast called us to mourn loss
our Chief Magistrate. In a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye, without a
note of warning he was cot down.
. We are met to pay this last public
tribute of reaped to his memory.
We thank for all that was best
and noblest in his life.
lank he was avowed,
and we a true servant of thine.
Help as to emulate his virtues. Help
OS with him to fear Gd and keep His
commandments, with him to be
in all things.
We pray that this of
Thy Providence may be sanctified to
our good, a commonwealth, as a
people, as individuals.
-We invoke Thy blessings
upon the stricken home O Jesus,
High forever,
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
Per Year, in Advance.
by the citizens of Pitt
in the Court House
bled on the 9th day of April 1891.
1st. That in the death of Gov.
Daniel G. State of North
i .- lenses an honest, patriotic,
wise and progressive Chief
2nd. That the county of Pitt
looses a friend in social life and a
in the Counsel of State,
that took a pride in its
claims and showed always a willing-
to assist any of her citizens con-
with hit. high sense of
3rd. That his friends will
lier him as faithful alike in small
and great matters, and willing
ways lo merit and reward-
service to party and Slate.
4th. That extend
to the bereaved in this
their hour of affliction.
That a copy of these
be sent to his and
lie published in the
the various State
K. A. Move
A. D.
L. C. Latham
W. II. B.
J. D.
Speaking upon the resolutions
yesterday the
sad news came to as that Daniel G.
the honored beloved
Magistrate our great min
wealth, was dead. To us it came as
a thunderbolt from a clear
sudden, so unexpected did it come.
To- the people of our State which
be loved so well mourn his death,
and as a tribute to his memory we
have assembled together, and
express our most profound sorrow
and regret, that he should have been
so suddenly called the of
the great ship of State to the Great
Beyond. His tongue and
clarion voice will never more be
heard speaking to the people he loved
so well, more will his impassioned
eloquence stir the hearts of
implant in their hearts that
love and veneration for the
and the laws of his country
which he strove to uphold. His
voice is hushed. To-day his mortal
remains will be consigned
tomb and will soon mingle with the
dust of Mother Earth. But he has
left behind him a name that will not
be forgotten. History will not re
cord the name of any more loyal,
more self sacrificing son
of Berth Carolina than that Dan-
G. In every position to
which his called him he
was faithful and true. Patriotic and
brave, he went to the front as a Con-
federate soldier upon the call of his
native State and sought to stay the
march of toe. Wise
and courageous, resisted with all
bis the encroachments upon
civil liberty, and made his name
mortal by bis resistance to the efforts
military satraps in the
era, when endeavored
make the judiciary of
pendent upon their will. As the
Governor a great State lie was
only by patriotic desires to
advance her material interests and
promote the her people.
His great desire was to make his ad-
ministration progressive, wise and
deserving the high commendation of
bis fellow-citizens. No suspicion
rests upon his administration. Open,
bold and frank, he kept nothing con-
he shrank from no
he shirked no but showed
to be statesman whom
we may well be
As a man, a citizen, as a soldier,
as a jurist, a statesman, sec in
him something to admire, something
hearts of his countrymen, and as was
sail of one of our immortal heroes let
us say of him, not dead but to
show to what a height humanity may
The resolutions were adopted by
unanimous vote and the meeting
the benediction being
pronounced by Rev. R B. John.
The party that is expecting
to get electoral votes from
South it doomed to disappointment.
The announcement of the death
of Gov, came as a shock to
our people. When the first
reached Greenville by wire
at o'clock Wednesday morning
the issue of the for
that day had already been printed
and mailed, but in a short while a
small extra sheet was being dis-
which gave the sad
to the and ex-
pressed the sorrow felt in this
community. Copies of this extra
edition were distributed over the
town and mailed to subscribers of
the Reflector at various post-
offices the county.
We give below a brief sketch of
the life Gov. as taken from
Thursday's issue of the
Thou art o-r southing
touched with the feeling of our . .
Thou what sorrow
is for Thou wast a man of sorrows;
Thou what to suffer for
Thou hast suffered. Thou
Bow comfort
All up
pray also that we may be
pressed with, the Tact too are
in such an as
think wot we shall ho away.
Help to be ready. Help on to
live wit, an eye singe to Thy glory.
The Lord hear as and bless us, and
eternal like, for Christ
take. Amen.
On motion of J. D. Murphy the
a committee
of five to
to he meeting
adoption, via; B. A, J,
t. C. Be. A.
D. Dr. W. M. B. Brown.
The commutes and upon
return through chairman, B. A.
reported the
God in bin Infinite
has without one signal of warn;
lag removed earth our
Daniel Fowl, a wise
and Governor, a learned
statesman a Christian
Itself upon memory never to be
obliterated. In his busy, active.
useful life, he was conservative, up
right and had an
and trusted in his Saviour,
d he allowed no political interests
or his duties to his family or his
interfere his duties to
his God. An humble, trusting fol
lower Christ, he sought to do
His will sad lived in the full
of a better world.
His loss to North Carolina will be
great. Gut down in the very prime
of Hie, his life, of usefulness is over,
and while w him here
among us to cheer, and in-
we can emulate his many
memory of him who made the
world hotter hf having lived in
May the sod rent rightly upon his
and he who tempers the
wind to the lamb deal gently
with owes o no
dear to him, and who M more deep-
than can irreparable loss.
And as we consign his body to
hut mating place the pleasing
thought that ho id.
Daniel was one of the
true, devoted an I justly honored sons
of North. Carolina, always proud of
her and from, his earliest manhood
to the hour in which he was so sud-
summoned to the great beyond
he was never in espousing
and her cause on
field or in the as ready and
brave in din one as was unselfish,
zealous, eloquent and brilliant In the
He was a native of Beaufort
born in the town of Washington,
March 1831. He received his
primary education at the school of
William Bingham, completing it at
College, New Jersey. He
read law under Judge Pearson, whose
eldest daughter he afterwards mar-
and located for the practice of
his profession in Raleigh 1851.
When fell he volunteered
in the Raleigh Hides, of which he
was elected Second In
the summer of 1861 he resigned his
commission as Major of the
department State troops, to
which he had been appointed, and
assisted in a regiment after-
wards known as the
held the captaincy of one Of the com-
and later the Lieutenant
Colonelcy of the Regiment. In this
capacity be served at-Fort Hill in
Beaufort county, at
island, he was by
February 8th, 1863, and
after a brief imprisonment paroled.
He returned to Raleigh and in Oct.,
1862, was elected to the House of
Commons from Wake county, was
afterwards appointed Adjutant Gen-
of North Carolina with rank
of Major General, which he resigned
in 1863. la he ran on the anti-
ticket for the Legislature,
but was defeated. Governor
appointed him Judge the Superior
Court, to which office he was after-
wards elected life by the
of but which he resigned
in 1867 rather than obey military
edicts of General
Since then up to 1888, when he was
nominated aid elected Governor, he
had held no brace, save that of Pres;
which he was
in the contest in
1876. His friends presented his
name in for the convention, for
which he was nominated but defeat
in TO for the Legislature, for
he was nominated, but defeat-
ed; in 1880 for Governor.
J. success
and in 1884 for Congress against
Gen. W. R. Cox, who was nominated.
But in all campaigns, save in
that of 1872, when the condition of
his affairs would not permit it. lie
took an active did valiant
for party, which was
on his nomination for the
Governorship and his triumphant
election in 1888.
His first wife died in 1868, leaving
two daughters. In 1.866 be parried
Only of Br. R j. Hay
wood, in Raleigh, who died in 1886,
leaving three children.
In his public as a defender
he Was brave, at a
and wise, as u lawyer able, A pointer
an as firm Ann,
and incorruptible, as a friend of civil
liberty unyielding, as a Democrat
steel, and in all the private
relation of pure and unsullied.
This is the record in brief that Dan-
G- leaves to posterity, and
to the State, Which will
his services and honor his
Special to our republican
Suppose you allow the democrats to
decide who shall bead their
ticket next year and devote
time to nursing the numerous
of your own party.
Undo Sam Is quite well to do, in
fact wealthy, but it is not probable
be will again indulge in
extravagant luxury of a billion
for some years to
ll did not agree with his internal
Hon. E. G. Phelps, ex-Minister to
Great doubts efficacy
arbitration as a means of settling
dispute, and thinks
it will eventually settled ill one
of three the complete
back down of United Stares,
the prolongation of the discussion
arc all
The man who wishes to read
Happenings Hem and There as Gathered
From Our Exchanges.
The government will spend
to make a channel from Pamlico
Sound to the ocean.
The colored Farmers Alliance is
reported to growing as rapidly
the white. There arc organizations
in forty-five counties.
A large bear was killed in
streets of Martin
on 26th nit. lie was driven
from the swamps on account of the
water in the river.
At Wake Forrest commencement
Rev. H. A. Brown, of Winston, will
deliver the Alumni address; C. M.
Busbee, Raleigh, the address before
the societies; and A.
of Louisville, Ky., the Baccalaureate
Mr. W. S. Barnes, of W
has been elected to succeed Mr.
K. C Secretary of
the State Alliance. Mr. Barnes is
an editor and has been superintend-
public instruction in Wilson
We learn
of the recent marriage in
of John Stanley, aged and
and Louisa Brooks, aged John
said neither of them could risk a
prominent democrats out party ; long M contract
because their news do not in all, begun and, four
things agree with Isn't making weeks.
as fuss as be was a short time
ago. This or- time to talk about
reading men out of party; it is
only by a united front
to the enemy that we em elect the
next President.
If we are to wait until the
of the Post Office department
exceed the expenditure before we
can have letter postage
there i very likelihood of a very
long wait, as postal law vent his being put in the calaboose.
last Congress will add . finally up, however.
Durham The
brute alive is a calf that was at
Mrs. Minnie farm, about
two southwest of Durham, last
Sunday week. It came into this
world stone blind; the plate where
the eyes ought to lie is there, but
there is no visible sign of any ball.
Rocky Mount Saturday
evening was a
at A was
by the Mayor and police-
man, and other tried to
largely to expenditures of that
department bout adding much to
its receipts for some time to come.
and the wore put under bonds
tor their appearance Monday.
Weldon Newt. About five or six
miles from Scotland Neck lives an
i gentleman about years old.
The extravagant Congressional j His it Mr.
will have to go along has married twice and
the other of is father of twenty nine children.
rote. Hereafter all he has
is still in remarkably good
MM expenditures o far as health and walks to town any time
are controlled by the House or Rep I case,
ought to be mad with J ,, , . , . .
. . . , Victor
nu to so that some of , a in
tariff of Capt. R. H.
taxes may be lifted from this place, was shot in the thigh at
the people. or near on Saturday eve-
last- He was brought up on
Sunday morning and cat tied to J. L.
It is said that wants the ; Egerton A Co's drug store, where
United States to assume a protect Egerton
over that in Toe man is not
a elation at Mole St. bar, and be well
United States government j a few
has never gone into the protectorate i The next session of the
business, and woe be unto the ad- Carolina Assembly, at
ministration that to City begins June 15th and
rate such a policy, t too
who to
I suppose it's all profit in the
business t All profit t Do you sop-
pose we get fixtures and showcases
for nothing T
are extremely polite to
that old fellow. be,
Jack -Sh I That's her father.
I'm on to yon, said the drop of ink
to the blotter, in the tone of
Dry up, replied the blotter,
in upon them at
don't yon think it's
about time to go to bed.
yes papa, what
on earth keeps you up so late T
What is Smith now t
He is traveling with a circus.
Pretty hard work, isn't it
No; he has nothing to do but
stick bis bead in the lion's mouth
twice a day.
The Sun Mr. Style
and Said
Like the Sun and Tells
A few days ago the York
Sun contained a very long and
article on Rev. Thomas Dixon
calling him a sensational and blood-
thirsty preacher, and applying other
uncomplimentary epithets to oar
North Carolina preacher who is
winning his way to fame in New
York. The following which we clip
from the shows what Mr.
thinks the
Anarchist Dixon, the
of Twenty-third Street
Baptist Church, preceded his
Sunday with the usual
of current under the head
Power of Organized Crime in
Mafia of New
He devoted most of bis to
abuse of The Sun. He began by
of organized crime
in New Orleans, which led up to the
recent terrible tragedy, present to
every American city food for most
Special Notice.
In adopting sh In Advance Sys-
for year will
be continued to n, one for a longer
than it paid for. H you find stamped
just after your name on the margin of
paper the
subscription expires two
from this
it is to give you notice that unless re-
newed In that time
will cease going to you at the expiration
of two weeks.
only by capacity of
genius. And those limitations are
purely rhetorical, not moral. In its
soul or souls it hates God and man,
story of a prize fight is its
highest aspiration, the assassination
of personal character its specialty.
It is the personified genius of the
most materialism of the
country. Its is to make money,
and it is ever ready to sell
en to do this. The fatal limitation
of its money making powers
ply lies in the fact that it hate
man as heartily as it bates God.
Man is a patient fool moving in
mass, but now and then he wakes
up and resents the insult to the
race, and then the circulation tum-
down and must be up
again. The criminal element of the
community have a ally in
such a paper. It simply doubles
their power for evil. Let Christian
men of all creeds and noble men of
no church creed remember that
Good Looks.
Good look are more than
depending upon a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. If Liver be In-
active, you have a look,
I stomach lie disordered you have a
thought. It Is time other and if Kidneys lie
themselves tho i have a Secure
Uncle so you go to are we drifting good health and have good looks.
school now, Johnny t What part of j While It is true that New
the exercises do you like best T
exercises we get at
me bask in the
light of dear eyes
Her Papa
man, if you'd only use the light of
s peculiar city, it is not so
liar but that practically the same
problems will ultimately In
present themselves for
to every other of
life in America. Is not power
of crime the life,
peace and progress of the
increasing with alarming
eyes my gas bill wouldn't be so j strides in our of
much, of royalty to be at home in an
American atmosphere.
that isn't represented
at Wolds Fair by a full and
exhibit of products and
resources, together with well and
carefully prepared statements of
the advantages it has to offer
as as labor, mill
throw away a chance to obtain
advertising that could not fail, if
Intelligently directed, to add mil-
lions of dollars to the value
in t
he impossible to invest the people's
money In a better way than in
advertising their State.
ends on the 30th of that month.
Secretary Harrell says persons
will attend. It will be some days
before tho la
but Dr. will lecture on the
Arrangements have been
made with the railways for special
trains that day from Greensboro,
Wilmington and
home with a wagon load of guano
Saturday evening from this city, Jes-
Turnage, a white tenant on
lands of Mr. J. B. Edgerton in Fork
township, fell from his seat op
wagon and
passed over his body, from
of he died Sunday, lie
was within half a mile of his home
when the fatal accident befell him.
unfortunate man bad been,
and his was due to his
intoxicated condition.
you can't remember
the names of great lakes. Can't
keep them in bead
mum, if I was to
keep them lakes in bead I might
get water on brain.
The foot on which my Mabel fair
Pursues her happy way
Is but a very tiny foot,
I'm very sure you'd say.
But notwithstanding this, I vow
Not all the men In town
Could make it budge a single inch,
When once she puts It down.
Lawyer female Will
you please tell this and jury
bill Ks t
They wouldn't believe me it -was
to tell them.
Aunt like him
well enough, ; but how did
yon ever to a man a
head than ate f
had to choose, auntie,
between a little man with n big
and a big man with a little
Why, hello old boy, seen
you since you, were married. What
are yon doing now t for
I suppose
No not exactly. Since the baby
came I have become a floor-walker.
get your last letter.
She I sent yon a
kiss in it.
business like you
are Don't you know that letters
containing should be reg-
He was allowed to kiss away the
You slip in quietly and ID slip in
after you, remarked the young man
at the front door to his best
alter a walk.
A pair of slippers, grumbled the
old gent behind the door, and be
slipped stairs pat a pair
of heavy boot o greet young
man with.
Electric Bitters I the great alternative
Sod Tonic acts directly on these vital
organs. Blotches, Bolls
and gives a Rood complexion. Sold at
John L. Drug Store, per
f Bring this home to
the metropolis, and what do we find
the status of the Is not New
Yolk drifting toward a such
as that which confronted New Or-
leans b crime be-
coming more and more defiant and for medicine, and will take
daring Is it becoming more it completely away from the media
In tho field of discovery and in-
medicine has not kept pace
with That, perhaps, is
natural; service is the me-
branch medicine. The
general acceptance of the germ the-
of disease, however, opens a
and more difficult to execute
law t Arc not our criminal
courts in this falling more
more into contempt J Is
it not now next to an impossibility
to enforce a criminal statute against
any man who has either money or
around you at the
evidences of the triumphant
power of the criminal classes the
community and the contemptible
legal i
val that still cling to
its And yet medicine is not
without its discoveries. It has long
been known, and the is now
recognized wherever test has
made, that Swift's Specific
S, will destroy the germs ma-
disease, the microbes of skin
disease, and bacilli of
and other forms of blood pois-
influence Of money in our courts in- purifies and builds up the
decreasing f Do the
cheap, pat when backed up
by a pledge of th hard cash of a
Arm, or company, of
Now, there are scores of
to be the best, purest, n
live and all diseases that
That one standing solitary and atone
-sold trial, It Dr. Golds
Medical Discovery.
If It do
and pulmonary cM
The in a
thorough place. In the last
decade she has more than doubled
her population and greatly
proved and enlarged her
This, ought to be
Greenville. Our town
has done well for the last ten
years, but it to, have
earn to e standstill, and unless
something is done we most of
necessity lag behind our sister
towns. Scotland Neck,
Washington others Me going
ahead and enlarging and
What is to be
Can to t
What say you Green-
ville, about issuing bonds for
each, and
hum the front.
us. issue bond.
New Our towns-
man. Mr. J. T. met with a
serious loss In the total destruction
Peyton, my
who are really the best behaved
members of your class
think that
Tom and I are j but to tell
of bis saw mill, one mile from I sometimes have my
He who feeling miserable,
weft Ma P. P. P Ash, Poke
on the arms, lags or tn,
lbs eyes. tar.
or none, often
Take P. As,
and B aS
by fire Tuesday night, tho
loss was between
and It was insured only for
The Ore started in a part of
mill where none is kept, and em-
of the mill who were sleep-
near smelt kerosene when they
reached the spot which points v in-
origin. With his
promptness in business mat-
Mr. will begin rebuild-
right sway.
ems A
man named Eldridge John-
son came in from the country
day morning and was vending salad
and while at the house of
Mrs, feathers on street, sat
down by the fire in the kitchen and
while sitting there suddenly tell
and died. He was seventy-two J
old. His body was carried back
home in his wagon Is which he had
come to town, Died at his
near Holly Springs, tats,
at one
Mr. aged M years.
A fracas between two
inmates of the house Sun-lay
which fatally to
one. A white patient named Thad
who had been seat there
from the Insane Asylum as tn-
patient, struck Pleasant In
doubts about Tom.
many in your class
Tom and me.
WU Pint Ton
Murder will out. Conscience will
tell. Men and devils will tell. God
in secret, and punishment fol-
low sin as the follows the
One day the astronomer Mitchell
Was in making some
rations on tho us, and Just as it
was setting there Into the rays
of the telescope the top of a hill
seven miles away. On the top of
criminals of to-day find a field for
the n-e of loads in the courts
New York f Ask boodle Alder-
men, who have returned from Can-
that the newspapers have
ceased to press the case against
them. They walk the streets with
impunity, and their friends circulate
a petition the pardon of
poor, unlucky dogs who were so re-
i as to be con-
this organized
New York has found at
least one valiant champion among
the newspapers. influence of
this newspaper, and papers of
cast in other cities, arc among
the most dangerous and utterly
devilish forces in modern
In an March -lib.
The Sun, the race terrible
facts that have narrated, and
thousands of others that stare in
lace, has the assurance to say
in the world is there a
community in which law and order
prevail than here, and in
which the respect courts and
judicial processes is more
This newspaper is one of the most.
interesting phenomena of
our times. influence in de-
tho public mind is in one
sense appalling considering the
number of fools there are in the
world who believe they see
is so because it is in print. I
read the Sun at least once u week
for same reason u distinguished
Methodist editor of New York says
be reads it every day, nm
here to destroy the works of the
devil, I want the news straight
from Its pages
flash with human genius, and yet
living, it is embodiment
nil that is most brutal in our
life. It has faith; in God
man. It contains more editorials
religion than any other great
daily, and every one of these
editorials are cloaked assassin's
thrust at the heart of religion
They are planned with consummate
skill, couched in insinuating
language, with deliberate puts
pose of destroying the faith of men.
dreams of human brotherhood,
faith and love of philanthropy
these are shining marks at
which are burled keenest satire
and vitriol steeped ridicule.
has been the champion of most
great scoundrels win- have
flourished New York years.
work of punishing criminals
and vindication majesty of
tern. No medical discovery of
day has achieved such
Cure for La
We OUT advertised druggist
to sell you Dr. King's New
for consumption, and
upon this condition, If are afflicted
with La Grippe mid will this remedy
according to direction-, giving It a fair
trial, experience no benefit, you may
return the bottle have your money
refunded. We make this offer, because
of the wonderful success of Dr. King's
New Discovery during last season's
Have heard of ease in which
it Called. Try it. Trial bottles tree at
John L. Drug Store. Large
size and 81.00.
Young man complaining to his
baker of the here I
Your bread's so hard I can't eat it.
I made bread long you
Young ManI don't doubt it, sir,
and I judge It's some those
loaves you've been selling me.
Many Persons
Are broken down from overwork or
Brown's Iron Bitters
the system,
bile. cures malaria.
. c.
Prompt attention given to collections.
o been k. c.
Prompt and careful attention to
Collection solicited.
K .
A W,
Practice in all I he courts.
I over Unit hill was a large apple others. J
r . . devoted its energy to
OM W of religion, the of
the moat
buys stealing apples Quo was get-
ting apples the other was
watching to make certain that nobody
saw them, feeling confident that they
were undiscovered. But there sat
Professor Mitchell, seven miles away
with the great eye of his telescope
directed fully upon them, seeing
every movement they made as plainly
if be been under the tree with
. thorn, they do not see the
white Inmate, over the with a sleepless
head with a chair end in they think they
em he died early
i slow
are not
slander of good and great.
It bas especially delight in
slandering and their great-
est and noblest ministers religion,
whose lives have this nation.
It claims to a great nation-
political party, yet lies
at night to think new
to burl at only man
has led that party to success a
generation. To earn
is the highest at
decent man win In New York.
Its powers of lying are
ply They
Kl 8-AT-L A W,
N. C.
In all the Courts.
A T-A W,
Greenville, N.
rut. j. marquis,
H. O.
Office Building, upper
opposite Photograph Gallery.

Greenville, N. C.
MEETING. O M Mooring and w Sale.
wore appointed ft committee to.
B 6th, consideration the bidding I to provision of Chapter el
m tr . . , . . the laws of 1880, hall,
Commissioners for Pitt A Monday, 4th at A. V.
Mail Matter.
Ex-Senator is said to be
courting the Alliance for all it is
worth. Before the election he
did not pay much attention to it,
but of late since it defeated him
he says it is the coming power in
the country. Perhaps Mr.
thinks he may in the future get
into public life again by way of
the but he will have to
signs of repentance
and a change of principles before
he can walk into power over the
body that downed him. For him
to be thus doing shows that he
has an to grind, to say the
least of it, and predict that the
Alliance will be slow in taking
hold of him.
While North Carolina mourns
deeply the loss of her most excel-
lent Governor Daniel G.
yet she is to be congratulated that
so worthy a man as Col. Thomas
M. Holt succeeded him as
Chief Executive. Col. Holt is a
man of wide and varied experience,
one much acquainted with public
affairs, and one fully qualified to
fulfill his duties as Governor of a
great State. He has served in the
Legislature has been speaker of
the House and by virtue of his
office as Lieutenant Governor was
of the both of
which positions he filled with
and to the satisfaction of all.
A few times when Gov. Fowle was
out of the State ho filled the office
of Governor. And now since it
has fallen to his lot to
nor he will not be in the dilemma a
man unacquainted with public
fairs would be. Ho was
of several times for Governor, and
in some Democratic Conventions
received some votes for the
nation. have sustained a deep
loss in the death of Gov. Fowle.
but we feel that his mantle has
fallen upon a worthy successor.
May he be equal to his
The recent troubles with the
Italians in Now Orleans and with
the Hungarians in
should lead the next Congress to
devise some method of checking
snob an influx of foreigners into
our country. The doctrine of
America as the home of tho op-
pressed of every land has been
very popular in the past, and it
was expressly embodied in the
constitution that the importation
of foreigners should not be pro
for a certain length of time,
1808 we believe. But while
America has always been the
home of who seek a home of
liberty, and of these who flee from
oppression, it never was intended
to be an asylum or a refuge for
fugitives from justice, as it is now
fast coming to be. We no
objection to good foreigners who
come here and make good citizens,
but while get a few of them we
get thousands who are nothing
more than fugitives from justice,
of whom their own land is only too
glad to be cleared. This is tho
sort of foreign clement get.
To any thinking man it is evident
that it would be much better
to dispense with all than for tho
sake of a few good ones to take the
scum of all lands.
In most all of the sensational
troubles that we have had foreign
era were the foundation of them.
They were the anarchists of Chi-
They caused the troubles
in California, those of Now Or-
leans and in Pennsylvania. They
come to our land with no idea of
our government, with no wish of
becoming good All they
are after is to grab all tho money
they can by fair or foul means.
And yet in the face of this, they
are clothed with citizenship in one
third of the time it takes native
born Americans to obtain it. Is
this fair it right Is there
any sense or justice in allowing a
foreigner, who knows nothing and
who cares nothing of the laws of
our country, to obtain citizenship,
and participate in running our
government sooner than one who
is born and educated in our laws
and customs Our laws tax the
necessary articles from other
countries, such as we are bound
to have, yet they have thrown
our gates free to the cut-
throats, scalawags and vagabonds
of countries, and let them come
over hers and do all the mischief
they can. As long as this is allow
ed we may expect trouble, and we
will have trouble. Something
ought to be done. The interest of
the country demands that some-
thing be done to regulate or pro-
SB influx Of foreigners.
Board .
county mat this day, present C
Chairman. Flem-
V. M T K Keel and C
V Newton. Minutes of last meet-
read and approved.
The following orders paupers
John Stocks
COO, Bryan
James Masters
H Smith Nancy Moore
Alex Daniel
Webster Martini Nelson
Lydia Bryant Jacob
born Asa Knox Henry
Ham- Julia Dunn
Briley Win Simple ins
Susan John
Polly Adams C CO Haddock
General orders were issued a
B T Cox John Flanagan
Campbell B C
Flanagan K Wall
Sheppard B T Cox J J
Virgil Wilson
W H Wilkinson t Ward
Win Mann Co II C Hooker
Chestnut B
Forbes J T A
Hill J A Harrington
C P W B Moore
W H Wilkinson M K Turnage
II J Williams W B
Moore W B Moore J
Brown J A K Tucker
Woodard B S Sheppard J
W Leggett W II Wilkins
Greenville Police F G James
E O U L Joy-
W F Mew borne B U
Stock Law
W E horn F M
L B Cox Janus White
J J Superintendent of
Poor House, tendered his
which was accepted. The
Board elected W B to fill
It W Smith, Constable of Falk-
land township, tendered his official
was accepted and or
to be recorded.
Thomas Manning and S Rat
berry were exempted from
Upon petition of J W Higgs
bowing that he was charged on
purchase tax list Greenville with
when it should have
tho necessary correction
was ordered.
Upon petition of James A Smith
showing that he is charged on the
tax list with one lot in the town of
Greenville, whereon he resides, val-
at which lot is listed
by Caesar Blount. the necessary
was ordered.
Upon petition S S he
was released from payment of taxes
on acres of land more than he
owns, the same being listed by the
person to whom he sold It.
Jefferson Evans was granted
to sell liquor in town-
for months commencing the
1st day of January 1391.
The following persons wore allow-
ed to list taxes tor
Greenville township.
Smith. M A Bernard, Mary Lucas;
Farmville J S
Moore, Pattie E Joys
township, B II Garris ;
Swift Creek township, J D Cox;
township, Walter Webb;
The reports of tho Grand Jury at
March term of Pitt Superior
Court upon the Jail and Poor House
were read, the Judge presiding
having ordered the Clerk to furnish
the Board of County Commissioners
with certified copies. The reports
were published in a recent issue of
the Reflector.
it ion by W J W A
Teel and others for public road in
Greenville township was presented
and action until next meet-
bridge on side of tho river.
Clerk of the Board was ordered to
write Secretary or State and
re a copy of the act in regard
to building the dam.
Sheriff J A K was allow-
ed until the Monday in May to
make settlement of taxes the
1890. O V Newton and T K
Keel were appointed to make settle
with the Sheriff
that C T Savage be
in regard to the transfer of bis
liquor license Black Jack to
Ayden that he shall not sell within
less than three miles of Sim Grove
Church, and if he should that his
license will be revoked by the
The following list takers and as-
wore appointed for toe
various townships and it was order-
ed that they be notified to meet
with the Commissioners the first
Monday in June consultation.
Norman, J W Smith.
L J R Rives,
J J Hathaway.
M Jones, S A Gain-
J S Brown
John W Page, J U
G Chapman, J B
L U White.
R Forbes, Jesse
Cannon, William
G Dupree, R
Cotton, J A
Farmville-A J W R
Home, Benjamin Caraway.
L A Mayo,
Warren W H May.
I Fleming, Fer-
Ward, J B Little.
Gaskins, W S
The following orders issued
H A William Stocks
U James T E Keel
Fleming C
Dan son G M Mooring C
V Newton
Stock Law claim,
Upon petition C was
released payment of poll tux
incorrectly charged him, ho
a of county.
From Our Regular
front of the Court House door In
sell the below
lands and town for taxes due
for the year 1800 and unpaid thereon
and cost for advertising the
J. A. K.
Sheriff Pitt c
Brown, Jesse acres,
Harris, J n, acres,
Harrell, Valentine, acres,
H It, acre, Johnson,
Randolph, Susan, acres.
Spain, Arnold, acres,
Whitehead, Wm, acres, G land
Andrews, S R, acres, Andrews,
half acre,
Andrews, lot In Bethel,
L, lot In Bethel,
Briley, Sarah J, acres, Briley,
L L, lot in Bethel,
Bullock, Mod. In Bethel,
Billion, M T., lot In Bethel,
Carson, Jennett b, lots In Bethel, SO
Carson, JR, acres,
Carson, W D. acres, Jno
N B,
Harrell, acres,
Howell, J ll w, I lot In Bethel,
James, W A. Jr, lots In Bethel.
James, M E. acres.
Lee, V M ti W,
Manning, W D. acres. Manning,
Parker, J A, acres,
Cox, G, acres Home,
Cannon Adam, Home
Chapman K J i Johnson Mill
Chapman Clary.
Cannon acres Stock Law
Dawson Benjamin acres Stock
Gardner O W, acres Home
Gardner G W for wife acres
Garner George 1624 Stock Law
B F Peter B Hardy
Silas, acres Stock Law
Harris W, Mary acres Home
Harris Mary, acres Stock Law
Johnson K A ex, E I.
Joyner Isaac, acres
V, acres
Rough Land
Laughinghouse S V, Stock Law
Pearce Shade, acres Stock Law
Pittman Louis, Stock Law
S S, acres
Smith J S Esther S. acres
Smith S H, Harper Land
Smith S M, Sarah S acres
Tingle James, acres
Tingle James. Stock Law
L B, acres Home
L B, Stock Law
Wilson W, acres Home
T K. Addle Cox
i acres Land
April 7th, 1891.
Board reassembled this day, all
members present.
The following were drawn as
Jurors for Term of Pitt
First L W J
Carson. W S Leggett, Jen-
Charles Cobb, Hay wood
J S Hart, B T Cobb, W H Moore,
R O C Braxton, Seth
Tyson, Caleb Cannon, S W
S A Jackson, B F
Crawford, F M Davis, G F James,
Reuben Wall, Gray Cory,
Carroll, J B Whitehurst, Robert
Randolph, R A Tyson, F L Brown,
J H Bryan, Robert Staton, D N
Nobles, David C Smith, Craven
Summered, J A Campbell. A
Walker. T M Moore, Howard Cobb,
W J Jackson.
Second H Smith, w
J Teel, W M
Moore, P H Wiley Pierce,
Daniel Ira I J An-
A J Hosea
Knox, W J G L R
J Cobb, J H H G Braxton,
G F D J Holland.
C M Bernard made petition show-
mat be is the owner of the
tract of land in township
known as the land contain-
valued on the tax list
at to Wm that
he purchased said land at the Court
House door for that said
is excessive and asked that it
be red need to whatever amount the
Board may deem proper, whereof o
they ordered the valuation
B F Patrick, J R and War-
Tucker, representing the
came before the Board in re-
to the stock law and fencing
in the town of Greenville or the
embraced by the act of the
recent General Assembly of North
Carolina and erecting gates across
the public roads. After bearing
the statement of the committee and
examining the Act the Board order-
ed that the citizens be granted the
privilege of building the said lone
and erecting the gates in
dance with said act, and that B F
Patrick, B Wilson and Warren
Tucker be appointed a committee to
superintend and hare the souse
Wash i net on, D. C, April lOrd, 111-
Mr. Harrison's new chum and
most potential adviser is
who bids fair
to become a monomaniac on the
tariff bill by the Billion
dollar Congress, and which bears
his name. Mr. who
knows that reciprocity, of the
limited kind proposed b Mr. Blaine
would result the
death the doctrine of a high pro-
tariff, by causing its
to shine even more
than they do at the present
time, has been working on Mr.
Harrison for quite a while to cons
him that he must stop Mr.
Blaine, even if it was necessary to
force him opt of the cabinet.
would have suited Mr.
son better, but he was afraid of
Blaine, having obtained his
promise to stand off and let him
got renominated, if he could, he did
not care to anger him, but the in-
now arc that
has fully succeeded, no cabinet
officer ever got a more direct snub-
bing from the President than Mr.
Blame did Mr. Harrison
forbid his receiving any
propositions informally or other-
wise from the Canadian
who had been invited here
by Mr. Blame.
It would not have injured Mr.
Harrison in the slightest or have
helped Canadian reciprocity for Mr.
Blaine to have kept his engage-
with the Canadians heard
their informal propositions, Mr.
Harrison was determined to
the Canadians as well as Mr.
and spite of the smiles
with which the Canadians received
Mr. Blaine's little fib,
for the occasion, about the
dent to be present when
their proposition submitted,
they knew that reciprocity with us
was as dead as a door nail as long
as Mr. Harrison is President, and
that they would never be sent for
to submit their propositions to him.
He who thinks that Mr
will tamely submit to being insulted
does know the man. One his
close personal friends said to
to the
of a number of moat important
diplomatic negotiations Mr. Blaine's
hands are for the present tied, but
he gets things in such
that he can leave them without en-
dangering his own reputation, woe
be unto Benjamin Harrison, if he
shall not before then have made
his peace, and Bill isn't
careful he will discover that Mr.
Blaine wields considerable
in Ohio.
In resigning from the Senate Mr.
Edmonds did not forget his lifelong
habits. He makes it take
effect next November, which gives
him an opportunity to continue
drawing the salary daring the re-
without doing any work.
There is doubt here that the
whole thing is cut and dried and
that the governor of Vermont will,
just before Congress meets, appoint
Secretary Proctor to fill Mr.
term in the Sen-
Inventors big and little, rich and
poor, have been our honored guests
for three days while the one
anniversary of the United
States Patent system is being
There have been meetings
addressed by eminent gentlemen,
banquets been oaten, Mount
has been visited and altar
seeing a salutary review after-
noon our visitors will return to their
usual avocations.
Col. L. L. Polk, president of the
National Farmers Alliance and In-
Union, made a speech hare
last night at a public meeting hold
by the local Alliance that
is said to been one of the
strongest of Alliance
principles eve made hare,
The trial or c. A. for the
murder of ex-Representative
bee resulted in a of
Smith, H Britten,
Ward, Albert, lots In Bethel,
Whitehurst, W
Whitehurst, Aaron. S A ad
Andrews land,
Whitehead, Wm, acres,
Smith, A, acres, stock law,
Smith, B A, acres, stock law, so
Bedding, acres, due,
White, Fredrick. M acres, L Creek,
Catherine, 001-2
Martha Net, acre
A N, 3-4 B S,
Hancock, Mary, heirs, 1-4
Jackson. Susan, acres, stock law,
stock law
L acre,
Newel, D S, 3-4 acres, B Swamp,
balance due,
Spear, J E. lots,
II L. J F B,
Braxton, E road,
Braxton, D W, acres, Creek,
Carney, Mary E, 1-2, stock law.
Levy, acres,
stock law,
Dawson, Mary A, stock law,
Dawson, Win. stock law,
M .
Edwards, E S, acres. S Creek,
Hart, I E, B S, due,
It B and wife, acres,
Ballard, J L, acres.
Joyner, W C 3-1 acres, L K not S
U acres. Plank Road,
Whitehead, William, acres,
Mills, R, Wanes,
i ill Cow Swamp
Paramour, H A, 1-1 Black Jack
Smith, II W, acres, Abner Smith
Smith, Turner, ac, Indian Well,
Taylor, Charley, acres, Creeping
C. B. acres, Clay Root, fl
E A, acres, store tract,
Whitehead, Wm, acres, i
Wilson, T W. acres,
Campbell, N W,
For Sale and Rent.
We have the following property for
sale and rent.
One two-third lot with two story
house, four rooms, good kitchen, smoke
house, and stables for five horses. For
cheap; or rent per month, with
Two good building lots In
One house and halt lot, five rooms ,
garden and stables, good well water.
One house and lot. live rooms be-
sides cook-room and dining room. Two
story house, good well of water.
For ale or house and lot
in single story, rooms,
cook-room and dining room attached;
Rent for month.
acres of land adjoining the Fe-
male Institute, property lying on each
side the railroad a ml the depot.
location for dwelling and
Prices of any of the above
known on application.
We make the collection of rents a
If you contemplate buying,
ling, or renting, call and sec us, or
respond with us.
Real Estate Agents,
Greenville, N. C.
Mi ray.
Forties, L A, acres
Bullock, E, sores, 7-
Manning. W B, for wife 2-3 acre
Henry, acres,
Rollins, Mrs V D, acres,
Whichard. David B, acres,
S C,
D J, acres,
Johnston, J II, Rives
1890 acres
I acres
Whitehead, Wm, acres,
Elizabeth, acres,
Parker, J J, acres,
Smith, R L. acres,
Mrs Annie. 1-3 lots
V H. one lot,
Askew, Mrs M E, acres,
Raker, Mrs M L. acres
Barrett, W A, for R O D
L P, acres,
R B, acres,
Jame. Sr, acres,
Joyner, Noah, heirs, acre
J B, agent W C Hardy,
Yellowley, J B, half lot
J B, Alpine,
1-3, Nichols,
Whitehead, Wm, acres. Clark,
acres Hodge
acres Home
acre Dudley
acres Greenville
acres Proctor
. lot
. j lot
t lot
i lot
Stephen, acres due
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as Administrator
upon the estate of C. L. Perkins before
E. A. clerk of the Superior Court
Pitt county, this Is to notify all per-
sons who are indebted to tho said estate
to make payment. All persons having
Claims the said estate will
sent them within twelve months from
this date or this notice will be plead In
bar of their recovery. This April
C. L. Perkins.
I. A. Sugg, Atty.
pie o
is now arriving and ready for
I have secured the services of a
City Trimmer who will execute work to
suit the most taste. The new
will be sold at the lowest margin
that millinery goods have ever been
handled before in this market.
Also a splendid line of Fancy Goods,
consisting of Steel Engravings, OH
Paintings, Picture Fancy
Tablets, Plush Goods, China and
Vases, Jewelry, Curtains,
Linen Shades, will be sold
out at cost a they must disposed of
by the last of June. All who with to
make great bargain for themselves
should call at one and sec ms before
purchasing elsewhere.
of Greenville and the
rounding country that my
Ht my Mill at House Station,
from Greenville,
I am prepared to
I can supply the local demand,
and am prepared to cat bills for
shipment to any point.
Your orders solicited.
Pitt Co. N C
V. H.
C. H C
Simmons, l G. acre
J A, acres
Frank, acre
Moore, Thomas H, acres
Nichols, L A C. 1-3 acres
halt lot
Patrick, Charles, one lot
Rouse, Mrs M A, year
Jams. acres
Braxton, Nellie,
Barber, acres
Blow, H A lots I lot Greenville
Brown, Henry W, 1300
John F
Cory, W M, acres
P M acres
Johnson. M acre
Johnson, J B, l lot In Greenville
Knox, Abram acre
Daniel, Jordan, Jr, IS acres Jordan
Daniel land
Elk, Jas 1.174
seres Watford
Diana lot
W C J lot in Greenville
lot la
Luke i lot in
M L acres
F B, acres,
Bland, T Jr, La w,
Dens, Law,
J C. .
w. Guard of H
F E, acre,
J i., for wife, sores,
Ware, C C,
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors.
We have Lad many years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle Cotton to
the advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will prompt and
J. B. Cherry.
J. R.
J. O.
We to inform our friends and patrons that now the
most complete stock we ever had. To our lady friends
we wish to say that stock of Dress Goods will
------pare favorably with line In town
Are now receiving and
opening the largest
stock of
ever brought to
Now Ready
To show the finest of lot of
ever brought to
If you want a good Drive Horse,
Draft Hone or a Rood Work
Mule don't fall to see
lean tarnish yon at
reasonable price.
have been enlarged
now have ample to
an horses left In my charge
Beet attention given.
Greenville, N Q
In Wool Fabrics we have Hen
Cashmeres, Albatross
and in the leading
Spring and Summer shades.
In Cotton Fabrics we hove
Pine Apple Tissues, Swiss
Zephyrs, Batiste, Out-
Cloths, Lawns,
Ginghams, a full line of White
Dress Goods. In all of these
lines yon will find beautiful
styles. No prettier to be found
in town.
In nil grades of Men and
we have nice styles
and will sell prices to please
our customers.
We invite comparison of
and prices of the following
Notions, Gent's Furnish-
Goods, Trunks, Valises,
Hardware, Crockery. Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Provisions, and all
kinds of Farming Implements
and Furniture.
and they will tell you
of some of the
they have to offer, and
------the very------
Low Prices
they can make.
Our stock of Shoes and Slip- j
is very attractive. We
think we can suit you both in
quality and Ht. One of the lead-
Shoes with us is our Opera
Toe with Common Sense Heel.
This is a long felt want with the
In Men and Boys Shoes we
have in stock and to arrive the
best line eyer carried by us.
We have sold L. M. Reynold's
Shoes for the past two years and
find them to be the best line ever
handled by us. This spring we
will have a complete line of
these Shoes and when our friends
are in need of good shoes we
will be pleased to
We carry the largest and best
selected stock Furniture in
our town and will sell at prices
to please.
We have a nice line of Mat-
tings which we will sell at low
In Children Carriages we have
the best and prettiest line ever
carried by us.
We realize tho importance of
selling goods at a small profit.
We do not claim to sell goods
at cost, but do claim and back
up our assertion, that we will
you honest goods for your
honest money.
Car Load Feed Oats. Car load Corn, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Louis
Heavy Mess Pork, Granulated Sugar.
Sugar. Gail Ax Snuff, all kinds.
Rail Road Mills Snuff. Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Lard.
Star Lye, Gross Matches.
Also foil Baking Starch. Tobacco, Cigar,
Cakes Canned Wrapping Paper. Paper
Special prices given to the wholesale undo on large quantities or
J. A.
mM. n on f
art ha properly Spaced
Heat In Mai
ltd i.
BUck-i. .
sin n i
Houston, Halifax Co.,

to have
m few
with in re-
to Spring
wearing apparel
We know that in
a few la TOO will
be look i around
your new clothes
and a correct
edge of where to
them will, we think.
greatly assist you in
making your
To the ladies
we that
our of
Spring and
GOODS- com-
prises everything
stylish and sea-
in both
ported and Joines-
tic makes. We
have all the new
shadings in both
plain and stripe
effects. also
show an elegant
line of embroidered
in the new
est colors. Our
black depart-
a- usual has
.-. complete line of
staple fancy
from the
costliest silk warp
to the cheap cotton
We have in
various qualities
plaid in
and White
which is proving to
be one of the leading
dress fabrics this
season. Our stock
of wash goods in-
the most
designs in
fancy and plain
Zephyrs and
hams. Our imported
Scotch Zephyrs are
marvels of beauty.
Those combination
Zephyrs have been
by all who have
seen them. A word
about white goods.
The goods ottered by
us are especially
for fine trade
are the choice
from one of the lead-
of the country and
we do not hesitate to
nay that they
any being
in our market.
The styles were
both as to display
and durability and
a most
handsome exhibit.
Embroideries. This
is our hobby. For
years we have lead in
this of goods and
this our
will be
The em-
which we make com-
prises a full line of
and Inserting in
several different ma-
We would
like to call the
of the ladies to
a line of
Blazer now being
shown on our
We have them
in light shades,
also in the more sub-
colors. in
Shoes for Ladies,
Boys and
we our usual
of none hut Ant
makes, which
guarantee to our
s a reliable
hoc. and which
guarantee has been
means of
oar shoe
many fold in the
past few years. In
Clothing we lead the
town as we show the
most varied assort-
of Spring Cloth
for gentlemen,
youths. Boys and
Children ever shown
In our market. The
prices are correct,
the fit is guaranteed,
the are the
newest, the mate-
rial honest. We
would say right here
in connection with
the above that we do
not carry any second
hand clothing, and
every article sold over
our counters will be
found as
We have a
stock of Gent's Fur-
Goods that
will satisfy even the
most fastidious. Our
full dress
and evening wear
shirts are latest
productions of
ion in their line.
We have every con-
shape in
lag satin band styles,
and Out-
Shirts we show
some fashionable de-
signs. We have a
includes the most
effects, as to
shapes and colorings.
The latest blocks and
colors are shown by us
in Stiff Bats.
In Mens and Boys Fur
Hats we have a very
desirable line. Our
of Straw Hats
comprises the new
styles just shown by
N. C.
Local S p a r ks
shew many
styles that
those in-
that line. With
attractive display
p curtains,
drapery nets.
Ford Lamer.
Strawberry prospects are good.
Bay your Shoes of C. T.
Bay Shirts of U T.
Institute in session this
Ford does first-class
Bay your Clothing of T. Man-
Lanier will give you bot-
tom on marble.
Sunday and Monday were as Beau-
days we ever saw.
A line of children carriages
at J. b. Co.
Just received a large lot of
try made chairs. J. B. Cherry Go.
The warm weather has brought out
some of the boys in bare feet.
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
and sick at the Old Brick Store.
Last week was nice work and
the farmers made good use of it.
will cure
any skin disease on or beast.
Point Lace Flour is always uniform
in at Old Brick Store.
Last week shad became scarce and
the price went out of our reach again.
Will pay cash for Eggs and Furs
and Hides at the Old Brick Store.
After a week of beautiful weather
it began raining again on Saturday.
bushels Jersey Yellow Po-
Slips, for sale, apply to
The mail and passenger train has
been promptly on time several eve-
of late,
Jersey Sweet Potato
Slips for planting at Old Brick
Those who Lave made
say the peaches are not killed,
We hope they arc correct.
has weak eyes or
scratches, tty
Nest Sunday there will be com-
services at Church,
conducted by Bey, T. J Daily.
Cheapest Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Cradles and Mattresses at Old
The wants your
orders for job printing. Plenty of
material, good work, low prices.
A nice of
just received.
J. B. Co.
On Saturday Mr. H. F. Keel
brought to the a
tobacco plant containing nine leave.
J. B. Cherry have a nice
stock of goods and sell low down
for the bard pay cash.
The Reflector office is to
the teachers attending the Institute.
They will be welcomed at all times.
For sale tons of cotton seed
meal. Apply to Oil Mills,
Tarboro, N. C.
Don't forget that one prime need
of Greenville tobacco warehouses.
Talk this harder than anything else,
One dollar buys an all leather
Ladies Shoe, Lace or Button, at
J. B. Cheeky Go.
Every in Pitt county
ought to be a regular reader
Reflector. The subscription price
is only One Dollar,
Go to Tyson's if
want a good smoke and get a
No outside talk yet about town
politics. It is time ward meetings
were held and candidates for Conn-
oilmen nominated.
Tyson keep a Cue
line of California fruits and other
fine canned goods.
Tc price of granulated sugar is
considerably dawn now. This shows
how prices rule when the tariff is
taken off of our necessaries.
Try a Condensed Mince
Meat and Cooked Boiled
Oats at Old Brink Store.
Immediately after the news of Gov.
death became general in
Greenville last Wednesday morning,
the front entrance to Court House
was draped in mourning,
Go's fine
grade Celebrated Coffee
kept by Tyson. Give
it a trial.
Something is brewing that points
decidedly to Greenville's future pros-
and materialization is early
expected. We are not permitted to
make full particulars public as yet.
If yon want something go to
Tyson's and get some
of New Spring Butter just
rived to-day.
An old colored man went into Mr.
Ryan's store on Saturday and seeing
some fruit cake in the show case
asked clerk boss
man, how much you charge for
Cabbage Sax.-We
now bare for sale cab-
plants ready to be transplant-
ed. Price per per
Apply to Allen
Greenville, N. C.
Big redaction in pries of New
Home Sewing a drawer
No. drawer No. IS,
026.50, drawer No. 029.00.
These prices are delivered in Green
Title, P. C. Any other Machine
equally as prices.
P- F. Ag.
Oar columns are to crowded -this
week to make special of the
new advertisements appear-
Some articles had to be left oat en-
A new line of Cook Stoves are
now for sale at Latham Pei
They are very
heavy. No. weighs lbs,
price No. weighs U
price They have M-
a hew tot of their
Mrs. M. r South
is visiting her sister. Mrs. S. B.
Miss Nannie Wilson returned homo
last week from a visit to her sitter at
Penny Hill.
Mrs. Harper, of Snow Hill,
spent part of. the past week with rel-
Dr. W. T. Paul has been visiting
his sister, Mrs. L. W. Lawrence, the
last few days.
Mrs. Johnson, of Scotland Neck, is
visiting the family of her brother,
Mr. C. T.
Key. E. C. Glenn of Elm City spent
last week in Greenville. We were
glad to him here.
Mr. C. W. returned
day evening from his purchasing
lour to Northern cities.
Mrs. R. O. Whitaker, of Kinston,
has been visiting Mrs. Skinner, at
Hotel Macon, part of the past week.
The condition of Mr. Will Moore,
who was shot at by bis bro-
was reported yesterday as slow
Dr. W. E. Warren returned home
Saturday from Richmond, in which
city he has been pursuing the study
of his profession for several months
Mrs. Frizzle and. Miss
Nannie Lawrence, of
spent Saturday and in town
visiting the family of Mr, L. W.
Don't always turn to inside
pages of the the first thing
upon receiving your paper. The first
page often contains as good reading
as is in it, and the fourth page
has our excellent story. min-
A boy went to the Old Brick
Store other day, and tried to
some cigarettes. They were
refused him, whereupon the urchin
up and He ought to
be given a closer acquaintance with
his mother's slipper.
If you changed residence into a
ward from where you
ed last year you will have to register
anew in the ward in which you now
live before being eligible to vote in
the coming town Heep this
matter before you.
The Reflector marks that one as a
dull day upon which no new sub-
are added to our list. The
large amount of good reading and
low subscription price are
There is no
but the gain is sure and
One morning last week John Ben
Johnson, the champion celery
thought a bunch celery to the Re-
n course it was
small, yet very for the lime
year says from now out he
will have a crop ready for market
every month this year.
Mr. W. R. Home, one of the pros-
farmers of town-
ship, told us Monday that he bad to
plants large enough to set out
would begin transplanting this
week, lie says
in Ida section will be double this
year what it was last year.
There was another shooting affair
in last Wednesday night.
While a of
near the river some one
firing a pistol at Messrs. B. James
and B. D. Cherry, latter was
struck in the the-, ball
making only a flesh wound.
The Wilson Mirror has just had
another birthday celebration. Up
one side and down the other the
Mirror is all right and be de-
pended upon every time. The Mirror
and Blount grow
and like another article
be mentioned, better with
One thing the Reflector believes
in telling the farmers every spring.
They may not think it good advice,
but we do, therefore repeat it again
When yon think you have
enough planted back and
plant as much mote if possible. If
you cannot double the crop come as
near it as you can.
A gentleman who for several
months had been a patient in the
State Hospital at Raleigh spoke to
us Saturday about the management
of Dr, Wood at that institution, be
said Dr. Wood was truly a most
humane and kind-hearted gentleman,
kind to every patient and exceeding-
thoughtful of welfare.
Here is one of the ways advertising
pays. Allen Warren Son had a
local of cabbage plants for sale in
the Reflector. The advertisement
was read by a gentleman in Scotland
Neck who immediately sent down an
order for plants. This led to
other which came in nearly
every day last week, Saturday's ship-
Next Friday afternoon and night
the children of the Methodist Charon
will offer delicious and refreshing ice
cream to public In the vacant
store next to the Reflector office.
Come and a saucer at cents.
Open at o'clock.
The steamer belonging
to the Tar River Transportation
Company, sank just above
landing Monday morning.
steamer was heavily laden with fer-
and merchandise, hut we
have not learned to hat extent the
cargo was damaged. When found
to be sinking the. steamer was run
ashore. The water came only about
a foot above the lower deck. Steps
were taken at once to raise the
The extra, issued at
last Wednesday morning con-
the intelligence of the death
of Gov. Fowle, also told of the find-
of the dead body of Mr. John
Teel that morning in a hole of water
at end of the railroad trestle be-
the river. On Monday
to that Teel was in town and
was drinking. About market he
had some words with Mr. John
son which led to blows and he beat
Hudson quite severely about
face. For this assault the Mayor
fined Teel and Teel
about until night and
started over the river to his hi other's,
as he frequently did when about
Greenville. His son went with him
as far as north end of the bridge.
The freshet was up but had fallen
enough to leave a very narrow
of land exposed between two deep
holes of water. It is thought that
he attempted to walk this strip of
land to the railroad embankment but
fell off and was drowned.
There was no idea but what be
had gone on safely to bis brother's
until Tuesday whoa some
parties ferry saw his hat
and a bundle which he had upon
leaving town floating on the water.
This lead to inquiry about him and
early Wednesday rooming it was as-
that ho had to hie
broiler's. A search was instituted
at once and his body was found in
the hole. There were no indications
whatever of foul play, hence a
inquest was deemed unnecessary
Mr. for many years lived
Greenville but of late was living near
Washington. During the he
been coining up her speculating
If the long agitated roadway had
been built from the end of the bridge
out to high land, Mr. Teel would not
have met death in the way he did.
It is not often the
makes special comment at length
upon the sermons of any of the min-
of the town, but one
preached by Rev. A. D. Hunter at the
Baptist last night
was so plain and applicable, and
some of it so very appropriate for the
time, that we give a brief synopsis.
He used the text
not God is not
mocked, for whatever a man
that shall he also reap. For lie that
to the flesh shall of lbs flesh
reap corruption; but he
to the spirit shall of the spirit reap
We arc all sowers. Our words,
our thoughts, and deeds are the
seeds we sow. There are two kinds
of sowing, and we are sowing
one way or. the other. Those who
sow to the flesh arc those follow
the dictates of carnal natures.
This world Is the great seed time.
The harvest and the day of
will come hereafter, still we do
much sowing here for which we
this life, and aw. this
Our carnal minds and natures
the gratification of the flesh and
lusts thereof. to the
flesh is only a mean and short lived
satisfaction, and is sure to bring
ruin and misery at the end. We see
those about us every day who are
sowing to the flesh many of
them are even now reaping their re-
ward, such as gamblers, drinkers,
night walkers, etc. Strong drink used
in excess will not destroy
mind and body but will lead to
committal of any evil. Man's whole
nature is corrupted by it. Whiskey
and mean women are I
town or section as a rule are
no better and purer than the women
demand they shall be. There is no
more powerful factor in building the
morals of a place than good and
women. Good and virtuous
women are next to the angels, but
harlots are next to the devil, and
their company is no better than they
are, and yet they are often the
young men community
the fast and the Mary and
many a lair young and true,
has ruined her life end happiness by
not noticing how young man who
sought hand was sowing.
Young people should remember that
if they spend sowing
every . they will spend
alone amounting to plants. old age
and the reaping will be the
Tho Institute for Pitt
county was opened at o'clock
Monday morning by Maj. H.
County Superintendent of Pub-
Instruction. The morning hour
was taken up in the names
of tho teachers present and organ-
Only about thirty-five names
were then enrolled but by yesterday
at noon the number had increased to
The Institute is held in the Court
room, which has been
decorated for occasion. Across
tho end of the room many portraits
and specimens of art work have been
arranged, with flowers enough bore
and there to make the scene charm
The decorations were the k
of Miss Rouse and Mrs. Dr.
Frank Brown. The works of art are
by no means most attractive
for just out in front of these is
a of loveliness, composed of
the beautiful daughters of Pitt, that
far surpasses anything art has ever
produced. Pitt county is famed for
her beautiful women, and the gather-
at the Institute will show the
visitor a fair representation.
One thing very about the
Institute is the absence of male teach
ors, only four being present the first
D. who is con-
ducting the Institute, was delayed
by an accident to the steamer on
which he was coming to
and did not arrive until tho alter,
noon He was hand at o'clock
and went to work. He is a
young man of remarkably pleasant
address, a rapid speaker, a man
force, and possessed with the
ties for quickly and clearly impress-
upon the hearer whatever he
wishes to illustrate. And there is
also enough wit about him to prevent
his becoming the least tire-
some, and make it a pleasure to listen
to him. He is a well equipped
and admirably suited to the work
assigned him.
The first work of Prof. was
to explain how the Institutes came
about, going back to the
of Gov. Vance when, the first
State Normal was established
Chapel Hill and telling bow succeed-
Legislatures made changes for
the better until the present system
was adopted which gives an Institute
to every county. many
good things along the line of
and the Institute and school
work to which we cannot allude to-
day for want of One thing he
however, in reference to the In-
was that as they had been
placed in each county of the State
within easy access every teacher,
the law made it compulsory upon the
teachers to attend continuously
week of the Institute or
they would not be permitted to teach
in the public schools. lie said there
was no excuse for any teacher in Pitt
county being absent, for
was kindly entertain-
for them. He complimented
our people, saying this was one of
the few towns hat made such
for the teachers.
The v. is bus say a
ward or before leaving this sub-
of compelling teachers to attend
the Institutes. Noticing sq male
teachers here we
where they all were. One
told us he knew of several who arc-
waiting to come Friday, as they said
one day was enough for
come. It is
wild led only one day or
part of a were given certificates
and permitted to tench in the public
schools, as were also some who did
not attend the Institute at all, and
this may have lead absentees now
to think that attending the institute
makes no difference about their be
permitted to teach. We arc of
the opinion that Superintendent
should not make this distinction. If
the laws teachers to attend
the Institute continually, the teach-
who fail to do so should not be
given equal privileges with those
who injunction.
Monday night interesting ex-
were held- Au
welcome o teachers read
Miss Maggie Daniel. This was to
have been responded to by Miss
Lucy Knight, but she was absent.
Four little girls, Misses Ty-
son, Bessie Harding, Sarah Hooker
and Haddock and
Gov, Jar via made an excellent speech,
followed by some remarks Prof.
M elver.
Friday is to the special day of
the Institute, when Prof.
wants all white school committeemen
of county present. public
are invited at all the sessions.
Next week the Reflector will give
as full a synopsis as possible of the
work of the Institute.
A fine lot of was carried
from this place to New last
Friday owned by Mr. Samuel
and sold at that market.
G. W. Webb and of
Kinston were visiting her parents,
Mr. F. M. and wile, last
Dr. H. Johnson and wife went to
Kinston to visit
lives. The Dr. returned Thursday
and bis wife Saturday.
Dr. S. B. Woods left Friday for
Durham to visit his daughter, Mrs.
Carrie Luter. From there ho is
going to Baltimore to have a
removed from his eyes by the
We truly hope it
will be a successful operation for he
is totally blind.
Mr. F. and wife, of Golds-
bore were in town Saturday viewing
our town for purpose of
Come, there is room for
Misses Dora and Ida Dawson of
Pitt, Misses May of
Misses Brooks
and Sallie of
were town last week visiting rel-
and In ends.
There was a largo crowd at Mrs.
S. B. opening
the 10th and 11th. Quite a grand
display f summer hats.
During tho fine weather
have had lately, are fled to
see work progressing so rapidly
on the church. It is now
ed and we hope to see it
the first of the summer, as tho com-
is sadly in need of more
churches, and better schools than
we now have.
Tuesday the past week our
was visited by the
clever gentleman Messrs. G. F.
and Cloves of New Borne;
D. W. and Edwards, of
Snow Will of
O. W. of ; B. F. Sugg
of and Cox from
near Ayden.
O- T. O
Here is your chance, read carefully
If you want to
from to cents
on every dollar's
worth of goods yon
buy come to
store and get a few
prices on NEW
and you will lie
prised at the bar-
gains we are
They have never
been surpassed in
How do
we do it We buy
for cash and Ball for
cash. We have a
small expense and
our motto is
Sales and Small
Profits This is
place to get tho
worth of your money
We have in stock
every thing suitable
for the people in the
way of Clothing,
Hats, Caps,
a Boots,
Trunks, Valises, Um-
, at re-
el need prices.
Clothing Depart-
Snits from
Suite from
Children's suite
up; Men's Working
Pants up. A
large line all
the lowest
prices. Dry Goods
stock very
low figures. Shoo
line at low down,
rock bottom prices.
Men s Shoes from up; Ladies Shoes from Children's
from up, Men's Hut from up; Men's Straw Hats
from up. Just give us n trial and we know we on please you.
hen yon call on us for bargains and low prices you will go away
happy. With thanks for past patronage, we
Yours truly,
In front Old Store. C, T
Washington, N. C.
Norfolk, Va.
Plymouth. N. C.
To the Worshipful Master, Wardens
Brethren Greenville.
A. F. A. M. h
Your committee appointed to draft
resolutions respect memory of
our deceased Allen Tucker, beg
MM to report the following
It has pleased the Supreme
Architect of the universe to
from our midst our late brother, Allen
Tucker, intimate relation long
held by brother with the
of this Lodge render it proper
that we should place record our
of his services as a Mason and
bin as a man. Therefore be It
Resolved, That while bow With
humble submission to tho will of the
Most High we do not the less mourn for
our brother who has been called
his labor to rest.
That in the death of Allen
looker this Lodge a brasher who
was always and in bis
as a Mason; ever to succor
the needy and distressed of the-
prompt to advance the Interest of
the Order; honest and upright man
whose virtues endeared him not only to
his brethren Order, but to all his
That this Lodge tender its
heartfelt sympathy to the and re-
of our deceased brother this
their sad with the hope that
their loss is eternal gain.
Thai these resolutions be
spread upon the minutes of this Lodge
and that a copy be sent to the family of
the deceased and that a copy be forward-
ed the with the
request to publish the same.
That the Lodge be draped in
mourning thirty days and that brethren
war the usual badge of mourning.
O. W.
J. D. rt
w. m. Kara,
We are now prepared to show the trade
--------a stock of--------
entirely new and bright.
Styles are pretty.
Quality good.
Nothing to equal them In price.
And receive highest market prices, full weight and
HT advance value of any shipment, Interest, for
wishing to hold. Owners can receive on day of shipping, to
crop from any local by attaching bill of lading to draft or cheek on us
Reference Norfolk National Bank.
M mm
And my reduced prices on
Standard Fertilizers
is what causes it.
It goes without saying that last year I handled
the very best brands of Fertilizers for
that were sold in Pitt county. I have now just perfected arrange
meats with the manufacturers whereby I can make a big Haying
to the farmers on every ton purchased from me. I now sell
34.00 per ton than ii cost u last year. The have over thirty year's
experience in the of and Hay that Do brand equal merit
can be made for less money. has been need In North Carol Ins for
and farmer who have bad long Its can be prevailed
on to use no other. It bears thousands of neat Its
It to be exactly proportioned with the old fashioned Peruvian
This Guano made better showing under last year than any other brands
sold in the comity. To know what this will do only have to ask Messrs
n. F. A. J. W. Nobles, J. Trim., or any other who
has used it.
This brand been used In Pitt county for and never falls to give
It is Tobacco Fertilizer, and iv sold enough be need under
have an exceptional line of Hat-.
In Fur, Wool and Straw.
meeting at the Baptist Church
continue i this week. Circumstances
were such that Rev. G. H. Duke who
is assisting Rev Mr. Hunter, the pas-
tor, could not come last , but
he arrived on Monday evening s train
and preached an excellent sermon
that night. There is for a great
religious in and
prayers of all Christians should
be to this end.
It is regret that we chronicle
the death of Mr, C, L- Perkins, of
which occurred last Friday
night. On Wednesday night he was
taken with a yellow chill which was
so severe that he lived only two days.
He was only about years age,
was a the
Baptist Church, up-
right, man.
On last Wednesday afternoon at
o'clock, at the residence of Mr.
Warren father of the bride,
two r from Greenville, Mr. J. B.
Hester, of was
married to Miss Lucy Tucker, of
Pitt. The ceremony was performed
by A. D. Hunter. he couple
to took the
o'clock train for from which
place went to the boss of the
same as
the sowing. Our bodies are
of Holy host, and we have
no right to them. Sow seeds
of honesty. Get what you get hons
and let your conscience rest in
Some idea of the evils of liquor
sowing may be had from the tact
that annually die drunk-
in the United States. Sixty
thousand souls sent to hell, and an
army of widows and orphans left
destitute in world the agency
Seed of falsehood Is one of
devil's most powerful factors. It
puts men at variance with each
sad often makes the best of friends
enemies far life.
Then there sue the seed of delay
There are many souls in hell who
did not intend to go there, bat who
kept on putting off making their
peace with God until it was too late.
But there a bright side. Sow to
the Spirit and follow direction
the Sow of God speaking yon
through Hi sad conscience
sod will reap everlasting life, sad
will be well with yon. Christ has
given Hit example he imitated
word to direct as. Ail good
worst should be oar pleasure, sad we
should seek to do what is commanded
us. Let fellow the leadings of the
spirit we will reap. Ufa ever-
Athenian Society met Fri-
day evening at o'clock April
1891. House was called to
order by President. Minutes of
last read and approved
No further they proceeded
with regular for
Music, Haddock; Reading,
Lula White; Essay, Minnie Cooper;
Reading, Carrie Latham; Essay,
Myrtle Wilson; Recitation. Lillie
Wilson; Reading, Millie
Essay, Smith ; Reading.
Joyner ; Quotation, Bettie Tyson ;
E. A. Foe, Mamie
Recitation, Ella Tucker; Story,
Pattie Smith ; Reading, Ba-
Sheppard; Read
Gertrude Williams; Essay,
Aylmer Sugg; Recitation, Bessie
Beading, Ella Tart; Es-
say, Emma Taft; Song, AU
Several of girls were
bat some of them, pet formed their
very well,
What lovely weather tor past
several days
Mr. W. Pricks made a flying
o Greenville last week.
Mess. Stephen J. A.
Matthews of Kinston were town
Quite a of shad are
daily at different seines
ear here, and boys have shad
stews real often.
Mm Stella who has
. relatives here retain-
ed home Wednesday.
. .
and Ken's Wool
Hats at cents.
A nice line of Crash and Slouch
Hats ranging from cents
We have latest styles In both Black
and White.
So much of thin has been that every farmer knows what it will
do. I say nothing to r popularity except It la the same old
co brand.
This is a cheap and given such satisfaction
that l have decided to handle it this year. I also have
Phosphates and Lime.
Ft will be to your Interest to give
always grateful for patronage.
before tiny purchase. I am
J. L,
All kinds Risks placed in
At lowest
Congleton Tyson,
Call attention to their large and well selected
stock now on hand. We have a fresh
supply of
We are quite sore that we can
-save yon money in
Mi id
Jas. L. Little Co.,
N. C.
We carry as usual a line of nice
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Our motto will be to sell all goods

Copyright by American Press Association.
Royal had about completed hi;
for leaving the hotel in
which so much of import had occurred,
when a chance remark caused his own
position hi affair of his namesake
proportions and a complexity
which well nigh overwhelmed him.
He was in the hotel office,
near the clerk's desk, on which lay the
open register. The young doctor stood
at Ms the same to whose fledgling
cure John Royal had been committed.
They had been speaking of the case and
of untoward ending, and had gone
into details of interest and importance
to no mortal soul save members of the
profession. Suddenly the young fellow
put a
again to airs. Ha.
ed mind with a relishing of its
did the lawyers she
coming toward him, and tacitly I materialized by admiration and a sense
tor her sympathetic
more satisfactory than
endless or aerial progression, I
she at those
in sore straits and grievously tormented
I hold to be my mission. Seriously,
though, I am sorry for
But after all, John, it isn't you that mat-
so much. The situation is and will
be much harder on Phyllis. You did it,
you know. When there is a smash
the man who holds the reins and does
the breaking gets tho most comfort out
of the
The mention of his cousin's name
caused Royal's face to soften, and he let
the blood relation frankness of his com-
speech pass. His intercourse
with Phyllis, restricted as it had
been, had awakened within him a
tender, chivalrous devotion, touched and
Among the pitfalls In oar way.
The I at of us wait, blindly;
Oh he watch pray.
Ami your neighbor kindly,
his feet if they have
And him still lour debtor
Perhaps the wrong he did
Has y out self the
ignoring her own discourteous
and his impatient reception of it.
Royal pushed a chair toward her. but
declined one for himself. In his
excited condition it pleased him
better to tramp about the room. They
had been in Alexandria week, coming
of personal possession. Her acceptance
of and absolute trust in him, her sweet-
patience and courage, won on him
day by day. His professional
prevented him from feeling any of that
egotistic shrinking from
inherent in so many men, and
directly homo with Mrs. Hart after John of her case caused it to
Royal's funeral, and during that time
the dead man's substitute had devoted
himself to discovering what might be
legal status in the affair. Of
case in equity he had no shadow of
hasn't been time enough for
anything like research yet, and a lawyer j
is nothing without he an- .
seen a couple of fellows
here, and stated tho case hypothetically,
and I've talked to a man or two in Wash-
besides. Of course only got-
ten horseback opinions as yet. Nobody
present no bar to her attractiveness.
Then, too, it is probable that tho con-
that she was his
matter how she had become
and influenced his emotions more deeply
than he was himself aware.
Ho was very considerate and gentle
with her, having always in mind that
time cf disclosure which must surely
come. Ho bad taken no advantage of
the situation, and he intended to take
Probably bis unconscious
explained the readiness with which
Mrs. Hart had constituted herself his
The Best Household Medicine.
Once or twice each year the
needs purging of the i-
ties clog the blood.
childhood to old age, no
all with the nil
taint off good results as
I've seen has ever gone into a thing like Her own instincts in regard to
and next
of kin. She is
you brothers mo for
asking, but the name is the same for
both on the laying his hand on
the book. put the same in-
too. Bat that's a mistake, I
No, Royal explained, there was no
mistake. Tho names were tho same
and they were kinsmen, but not broth-
era. He cast his eye on the register, as
he spoke, and lead beneath the name of
Mrs. Walter Hart that A Mrs. John
Hart Royal. It surprised him, for he
had no recollection whatever of having
placed it there. Then he remembered
that in the excitement and hurry of the
arrival he had neglected to register the
ladies at all. It was probable that tho
clerk had supplied the omission from
Information obtained at the fountain
wife, I the young
In the second which elapsed before he
replied Hart Royal's mind seemed to
work over the whole case, from start to
finish, like an electric flash. He
suddenly confronted by a point
of view the Instantaneous absorption of
which by his consciousness made it seem
something which ho had known all
along, only failed to give it due
The pause ere he spoke was so
slight that
external circumstances, had been shifted.
ho made answer quietly.
young lady is his cousin and next of
kin. She is my
this. One fellow told mo plainly that
lie didn't believe such a case had ever
even been imagined
tho impression was
Royal paused beside her chair, and
stood looking thoughtfully down at
far as John Royal is concerned
the case has but one point of view. They
all agree on that. Tho proxy marriage
was no marriage. Under the
stances it couldn't be. A man in
as John Royal was at tho time
of the ceremony, cannot enter into a
contract; the law wouldn't recognize
an act as conscious and voluntary.
Even if he had lived it is doubtful
whether tho proxy would have
stood. It would have given us what we
wanted, fighting chance for
the money. Marriages by proxy are so
unusual that the law don't provide for
differentiations of
the marriage with John is null
Mrs. Hart looked searchingly at
she put out her hand to prevent
him from resuming his pacing
backward and forward.
marriage with me was genuine.
Listen and try to make it clear to
With allowance made for inaccuracies
of understanding and statement to
lack of legal knowledge and a, perforce.
reading of the case, the gist
of that which Royal had gathered was
this. Marriage was the special charge
of the law, and by it regarded as tho
prime pillar of civilization, therefore
every possible facility had been afforded
people for entering the matrimonial
state; the notion apparently, that
the more marriages the more props
ergo, the more civilization.
In the present case the names of the
two men being identical and age and
her sex were tender and protective.
are you going to
She had risen, for from the room across
the hall there came to her ear the sound
of soft music. girl had found
her way to the piano, and was cheering
her darkness fa the manner she loved
best. They had left her long enough
Royal himself.
would make a pretty he
observed impersonally. lawyers
told mo so. That ten minutes to
time of the death and the ceremony-
would admit of considerable argument.
The fellows would flock to it
like hogs to the call of corn. But Tm
going to give them tho go-by, divorce
courts and all., I shall stand to my mar-
Royal's consigned the money
to the halls of with emphasis and
dispatch; his speech was more
money has done harm enough.
It has been the active agent in the
We'll let that pert of the
mellow for a while. John Royal's
legacy is of vastly more importance than
The expression of Mrs. Hart's face as
she the room was like spring
weather, a conflict between sunshine and
She managed, however, to east
a jest back at him over her
the division there'll perhaps be
enough to buy a ring for
putting two parts together. My own
share shall be devoted to defraying tho
expenses for making my will according
to tho Royal
Test Salve in the world i.- Cuts
Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt
tremendously funny,
he growled.
child Poor
Mrs. Hart's face wore a compassionate
expression, and her voice had tender,
commiserating inflections. She stood by
the window, looking out into the street
with eyes which conveyed to her mind
no image of that on which they rested.
Royal paused in his restless walk and
silently gazed at her. Her tone made
him wince like the touch of a nettle.
He was too much oppressed by the re-
of his own precipitation not to be
sore and irritable. Involuntarily he re-
the implied depreciation.
am not a bad man, as men he
remonstrated. blundering fool, if
yon will, but no villain. Your tone
plies that I been
Mrs. Hunt turned toward him. As
she did she caught an expression on
the young man's face which reminded
her curiously of her husband. Her eyes
softened and a smile came to her lips.
She had seen the look before during the
days that they had been together, and
always with mute, wistful
of the tie between them. After
all, he was Phil Royal's son and of their
own fact, in the lady's
mind, considerably ameliorated the sit-
What would have been her at-
toward Royal if, instead of being
a member of the family with blood right
of interference, he had turned out
ply a blundering stranger, whose tender
nature had ruled his reason to such dis-
effect, it is difficult to imagine.
Fortunately for Royal she was not put
to the test. A kinsman, like the shape
of a nose, can be accepted and endured
with the pleasing consciousness that, ex-
the worst is known of him,
while the introduction of a stranger into
one's life may he attended with as grave
risks as those incident to the French no-
Mrs.- Hart loved romance with a
southern woman's love, and moreover
she was gifted with a subtle sense of
humor. Interwoven with the tragic and
pathetic elements of the affair there was
comedy as well, for those sufficiently dis-
engaged to appreciate it. And, for the
life of her, Mrs. Hart could not forbear
imaginative pictures of the self com-
soul of her kinswoman, assert-
comporting itself in the infinite,
sodden y confronted with a view of the
situation as it now stood. Even a dis-
embodied spirit, in such case, could not
recognition of limitations end
acknowledgment of the of all
for stroke in the
lifeboat of other people after this mortal
shall have put on immortality. The
it was declared, had constituted
man and wife, and nothing short
of a divorce could change the relation.
The woman had designed and intended
to marry her cousin John Hart Royal,
and she had Married her cousin John
Hart Royal, and the fact that the man
she had espoused was not the man to
whom she had engaged herself could not
militate against the stronger fact that
had considered the man with whom
she had gone through the ceremony as
the contracting party. This no
declarations would change.
That Hart Royal by suppression of the
fact that he acting as proxy should
have invested himself with entire re-
as principal appeared to fol-
low as a logical sequence. And any ex
post facto effort to free himself from the
of his blundering might
justly be considered as
and would certainly be
to a discovery on his part that his
of the dead man would be
barren of financial place
him, in short, in the position of i. baffled
and malignant impostor.
see how it the poor fellow
fumed. caught in the trap by both
legs. If I hold to my marriage, be
foisting on a woman a husband she don't
love and don't want, and that, too, when
thinks she's married to somebody
else. And if I get a divorce in order to
free her, may think, and the world
will say, that I do it I can't get
hold of the money. Nobody had a hint
of the proxy business at the time, and
nobody is going to believe in it now.
wouldn't myself if I were outside of it
all. People will swear the whole thing
was a plant from beginning to end,
that Tm shaking the bag because I've got
found out. There never was such a con-
founded mess since the world
He actually stamped on the floor in
his impotence and bewilderment. Mrs.
Hart's face was turned from him, but a
suspicions gurgle and movement of her
attracted his attention and
changed the current of his thought.
it's tremendously funny, I dare
he growled. don't see the joke
myself, but to an outsider I suppose it's
exquisite. often one has the
chance of rejoicing over a man
in a dilemma like a worm in a
woodpecker's beak. I'd laugh outright,
though, if I were you. It's more decent
than in
A handsome face, in which amuse-
struggled with contrition, was
turned toward him, and two hands were
me, John, and don't be cross
I'm going to help you, I am indeed,
with wits and will both. Only I could
forbear a quiet chuckle. You looked so
preternatural- concerned and solemn
Royal was mollified. Few people could
resist the charm of Mrs. Hart's manner;
it was invigorating and comforting, like
sunshine. Catching her eye he
a sudden and delicious revulsion
of feeling, like that produced by a bit
of commonplace in an abstruse volume.
He bit his lip to keep from smiling.
he rebuked, way you are
taking this affair is positively subversive
of morals. Instead of howling at me
with indignation, and hounding on the
populace with tar and feathers, you are
acting as though the situation wasn't
past mending. And I believe in your
soul you are actually en-
joying it with the flippancy of a gamin.
What do yon suppose is going to become
of yon in the other country if yon don't
fetch his home to the fool in
His worth were light, but they over-
lay considerable emotion. He was grate-
to her with a ex-
n p
satisfaction, or money
price cents For
ale by J
i. v. v. n. sea pa;
trot r of
ad prescribe with
ill forms and of
that aW all
a beg see
ml H-4, ,, .
r. p. .-. .
U m
P. P. P.
us add whose fat
doe ; in
p. p. p.
For sale at J. L. Wooten's Drug Store
paid dollars bill for
In year, n-4 of
Fe mile did her more good than
U tho . he bag
treated th
oil remedies,
o . e.
Have used Female and
City. Ai.,
f-o for
r card.
W. C
bas don
money than any other i ;
I owe the r V.
P. . . ml ,
writes; en
of my h. I a- II I
nearly two and la t.
in ham a
BI CO. . C . B
lave i
ware, Nails, Sash.
Butts and Hinges, Glass, Patty,
Paints and Oils,
The increased stove trade this
season is the evidence that
the stove I sell is the stove for
the people. Tin are in-
to examine stock be-
C o
f or I lie or
Collecting toil
Mono; to Loan Approved Security.
solicited and
made promptly.
an Corset Belt
Brushes. Curlers. Medicine. Samples
Write now. Ir.
Nothing better for babies,
Cream. Full
Best Earth.
S. E.
Is new her Bring stock of line
Till specialties will be made in
Rations, Hosiery, etc.
very latest designs la
Fashionable Millinery,
and and
nets, will be shown, also n full line of
Infant Caps and Mull and
Silk Hals. I have the Largest and Basest
line ever brought to
This I secured as
miners Mis. K A. and Mrs.
both f ex-
and well-known to the people of
Pitt j .
Your is solicited and
promised on every purchase made
Greenville, . C,
This is to iv- notice that the firm of
M. Co., was dissolved by
in consent on the day of Jan.
which a one-half interest hi
Hie Mock and of said was
purchased by H A. Tyson mid the style
of the lit in changed to
Tyson. All the debts and contracts of
the old M. Co.,
assumed by M. to whom all
Is due I lie old firm are also to lie
paid. M.
Having as of the
last will and testament of James A.
deceased, on the Slid day
April, U to all
persons indebted to the estate of the said
James A. to make immediate
payment to the and all
persons having claims against said es-
must present them for payment to
the on or before the 10th
day of April Of this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery. This 2nd
day 1801.
Executrix of A,
have removed to the new stables on
Fifth street in rear White's
Store, where I ill constantly
Keep on hand a line line of
Horses and Mules.
have and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can suit the most
I will run in connect ion a
and solicit a share of
patronage. Call slid lie convinced.
N. V.
Has Moved to next Door of Court House
My Factory is well equipped with the belt put up nothing
but WORK. We keep up with the times and improved styles.
Met material used in all work. All styles of Spring are em., you can from
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Horn, King.
Also keep on a full of .
die year round, which will sell as as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
the people of and
merit I of the
for favors we hop
It. S.
with me in the business we
are ready to serve the people in that
a All notes and accounts
me for past services have been placed in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard n
Having as executor
i will and of Dr. J. L.
Knight, lave of county H. C- This
is to notify all claims
against the of said deceased to ex-
them to the undersigned, or to our
attorney H. L- Staton, at on or
before the 1st day of April or this
notice will tie plead in bar of their
All persons indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment.
This March 34th 1891.
K, C.
E. E.
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the finest Case down to a
Pitt county Tine Coffin. arc titled
with all convenience and
satisfactory to all who n
A r
W ELDON k. b
and Schedule
No No No
April dally Fast Mail, daily
daily ex Sun.
12,30 pin pm
Ar Rocky Mount am
Ta am
Ar la p m pm am
Av Magnolia
No No No
daily daily daily
ex Sun,
Wilson I am I pm
A Rocky Mount
Ar Tarboro
Ar Weldon pm pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
Halifax 8.82 P. M., arrives Scot-
land Neck at 4.18 P. M. Greenville
P. it., 7.10 p. m. Returning,
leaves Kinston m., Greenville
8.10 a. Arriving Halifax a. p.
a. m. daily except op
Train leaves Tarboro, C, v
Raleigh B. R. daily Bun,
P M. Sunday P M,
Williamston, N C, P M, P M.
7.50 p. m., 6.20 p. m-
Returning leaves Plymouth daily
.-0 a. m. Sunday 9.00 a. mi
C, m, am.
arrive V P, J A M
Train on Midland N C
Goldsboro daily except Sunday, f g M,
N C, A M. Re-
turning C AM,
arrive Goldsboro. N C, A M.
Train on Nashville leaves Rocky
P M, arrive Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A U,
, Rocky Mount
Train on Clinton D ran leaves Warsaw
for Clinton daily, except at
and AM Returning leave
ton A M, and P. X. connect-
Warsaw and
Southbound Wilson Fayette-
Branch is No. hi
No. except
r n No. Sooth atop only
Wilson, Goldsboro and
Train No. makes close connection a
Weldon for all points North dally. Al
rail via Richmond, and daily except Son
day via Bay
J. R.
T. M.
a r want
the most
tent remedies known to science for the
cure of This Preparation has
been in use over fifty years, and where-
ever known has been in steady demand-
Once in a family it becomes the
household remedy. It has been endorsed
by the leading physicians all over the
country, and has effected cures where
other remedies, with the attention of
the most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment is not
just gotten up for purpose of making
money, but Is of long and the
high reputation which it has obtained is
owing entirely to own efficacy, as but
little effort has ever made to bring
it before the public. One bottle of this
Ointment will be sent to any address on
receipt of One Dollar. The usual dis-
count to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly to. Address all or-
and communications to
T. F.
Sole Man and Proprietor,
I to art MP
m M U. .
; flower south ;
, Every care in the selection, growing and testing of our Seeds is we f
only send out such Seeds as will grow and produce results.
e I OR mt u-d m tat
In In this. w
will of o
the and two of with every
lag to 91-00 for Sends,
containing valuable information
about Farm and Garden Seeds mailed free upon application.
J T. W. WOOD SONS, l South 14th Street, RICHMOND, VA. m
obtained, and all business in the U.
Patent office or the Courts attended to
for Fees.
We arc opposite the U. S. Patent Of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
can obtain patents in less time than
more from Washington.
Wen the model or drawing Is sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master, the
of the Money Order lid and to
of the U. B. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address, C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D,
for Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair
K. E.
A. L.
Wholesale and in
A Good Always on
Pine Horses a specialty.
and Union St., Norfolk Va
Smith's Parlor.
Greenville, N. C.
We have the the easiest
Chair ever used in toe art. Clean towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
In every instance. Call and be con-
Ladles waited on at their
m This
Why another new by Alfred
Culley in the way of helping the afflict-
ed. By calling on or the
above named barber, you can procure d
bottle of oration Hint la Invaluable
for and and causing tie
hair I be perfectly soft and
only r three application a
and a common
is the
vigorously for a y
the Preparation. Try bottle m
convinced, only SO cents.
M. B.
Printers and Binders,
N. O
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything in my line
with all the, improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
of Hairs Patent
Pianos Organs Furniture
Largest House and Largest Stock in the South,
No matter what Piano or Organ yon want write to for
and prices and we will save you money-
Opposite t., Norfolk. Va .
Alfred Greenville,
f. B. Vice-Pres
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Tarboro, Gen
Capt. B. F. Washington, Gen Ag
The People's Line for travel on Tat
The Steamer is the finest
an quickest boat on the river.
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted for the comfort, ac
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table furnished with th
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer l
Leaves Washington Monday, Wednesday
Friday at o'clock, A. M.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. M.
Freights dally and through
Lading given to all faints.
r. if rat, J. J.
Washington Greenville. N. C
e the largest and most complete
of the kind to be in
and solicit for
Of Commercial, Bail;
road or School
or Binding.
you r orders.
N. O.
their year's supplies will
their Interest M get our prices before
chasing Q stock com plate
in all Its branches.
we bay direct from Manufacturers,
yon to at one profit. A com
stock of
always on hand and at prices to nil t
Our goods are all bought and
old for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to fell at a margin.
N. C.
to the of Pitt and surrounding counties, a line of the following good
not to be excelled in market. And
and PLOW CASTING, LEATHER of different
kinds, GIN and Mm, Hay, Rock Lime, Paris,
Harness, and
O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I offer to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers prices, cents per dozen, less per cent for Cash Bread Prep-
ration and Hall's Star Lye Jobbers Prices, White Lead and pure
Whimper- r.
. -r r.
ft Medicines. Samples free
New York.
Sn- A Month Young Mentor
board in each county
P. W. A Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
to ion
mad factor-
Blood Cure.
Views of Animal
Family Gatherings, at
Short Notice;
to life size. In Crayon W
Head quarters for flue
Call fee
K HYMAN, Manatee.
. C-
A household
; .
, m 1.1.
A fer things J
Hardware Dealers,
haTe opened
n and Invite my o
end former patrons to give me a call.
en supply all your wants In the way of
a clean shave, a hair cut, a de-
Cook Stoves,
Heating Stoves,
Stove Repairs,
Plow Castings,
A in in Up
Hollow ware.
Stove ware,
Lamp Wicks,
Tobacco Flue,
Sewing Machines,
Carpenter's Tool,
Iron Nails,
Steel Nails,
Bar Iron,
Cart Material.

Eastern reflector, 15 April 1891
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 15, 1891
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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