Eastern reflector, 18 March 1891

Through only
order to get It you
Department that can be surpassed no
when- In section. Our wort always
gives satisfaction.
Editorial Paragraphs.
Diphtheria is
very in hi Li i in
D. J. WHICH ARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Special Notice.
In adopting the In Advance Sys-
this year Tim will
to no one for S longer tine
than it Is paid for. If you find stamped
. after name on. margin of
the paper
expires two week
it is to give you notice that unless re-
newed in that time
will cease going to you at the expiration
of the two weeks.
New Letter.
The town or Portland, Conn.,
agitated over a mad dog scare.
Twenty dogs are to Have j oh WAR
a rabid one.
does nut exceed
Tin- of Missouri is
to be
The Conservatives have
a small
Holli traction of New York
clan celebrated Emmet's
Buffalo I bus
to engage one Sioux
tor a year.
Thomas Keene, the
all engagements Oil
ill health.
have de-
I lo semi exhibits to the Chi-
The or Turkey has attach-
ed lo his body soldier who
is years old
The legislature passed a
bill aliens holding
lauds in that State.
The Lower IT of the Minne-
Legislature, have passed the
Ann bill.
This week the celebrated
and English
Company, return to
New to fill an engagement at
The population has
moved a point
miles east Baltimore, in 1700, to
twenty miles west or Columbus,
in 1890.
An epidemic or has
broken out at Pa. Four
are dead in one
the famous
basso the Opera House.
died at week.
New York, March, 14th, 1801.
The Merchant Exchange,
or this city, has at last declared war
to the death upon delinquent
tors. Up to the present time the
subject of bad debts been a
most puzzling one tor the tailors,
many an hour have they
The remains drawing means to solve it,
have been round in the Bad Lands still retain custom. Some tune
or county. Mont. One leg ago, however, the Exchange an-
is said to be eight feet long, and a I bat it to
rib two a half feet, chase the judgments held by its
members against slow-pay
The States War Depart- sell them at public
is to have bought to the highest bidder. Of
pounds sterling the course this proposition was met.
stallion which ran with derision by the delinquents,
second at the looked upon it is a mere bluff.
horse show. Hut the tailors were in earnest and
at I heir meeting last week fixed
upon of March as the day
sale, unless creditors settle in
meantime. A number of the largest
establishments in th
have submitted claims, some or
which aggregate over a thousand
dollars. The tailors say that halt a
million is a close estimate of the
money due them.
On April 1st next the law which
places sugar on the free, lint goes
into effect, and a
the Sugar Trust is working hard to
The the Superintend- get rid the present stock before
at of Public Works made to the i free sugar begins to come in
The at Florence, Ari-
at the crossing the
and Railway, has. by mm
sou the recent flood shifted its
course a mile leaving bridges
high dry.
journalism has con-
increased in recent years.
In I here were newspapers
periodicals published. of them
dailies; in ISM I here are more than
and them dailies.
Current Events.
How to Grow
the Land for Pint Setting.
Direct Tax Law.
The following s a copy or I ho act J and There as Gathered
passed by the General Assembly in From
Colonel It. B. Davis, formerly or j relation to the Direct Tax ,, ., ,. . D . ,.
It U Mid that Senator and
north Mrs. Vance will take n trip to
W. L. James, in Watch Tower.
What does the Alliance mean
Did you ever sec an
of All the j N. C, but of General
Nine prominent near Char-
l tie, were swindled by a sharper to
of over a thousand dollars.
districts are being ton, was one the most sue-I Carolina do
thoroughly A tobacco growers in the State Section That the money paid
dent, vice-president, secretary, I ago. He thoroughly tin-into the of the State
treasurer and a district lecturer, J the culture or the weed the Governor under the terms or the
compose the working force. There i and made money rapidly as a plant- j act Congress refunding the ,
is something in the air. When we give this week a j Tax, shall beheld in trust tor n. d township, recently killed
graphic description his pen on the benefit or those persons or in- ten pigs only six months old which
the all important subject or land habitants from whom the taxes weighed pound,
selection and or their legal A great
A soft, deep sandy soil is prefers as provided in said act of be established at in the
1892 rolls around will see
what the Alliance means.
The Fifty-First Congress closed
on the 4th inst. It has been a
memorable session. It will go
down history as having an
Speaker, passing large
bills, and Federal
Election bill in the House, and
other not calculated to
make a great people. The
spirit of sectionalism animated
the session and widened the
which be Tore planting should j Congress.
put In the finest tilth, it j Sec, That the money received
being an adage good formers by the as aforesaid shall
that a properly planted is be reinvested by him in North Car
hair per cent, bonds, and all the
near future. It will be The
Washington six
old son of Mr. Moore.
or Tell in a hole of
the land is new ground, it j expenses of earning J
should after having been grubbed j provisions of the act shall be
and chopped, be raked cleanly and , frayed out of the interest accruing
We that an
all leaves and litter burnt. It is I upon said
i then ready the plow, and should Sec. That it shall the
broach between the and j to ,
wise with the in department Washington
rows three apart, certified copies of the tax lists
which should be drilled pounds other evidence of payment of the
and industrial association is or-j per acre, unless where the land is i direct taxes to the United States
in Washington, with a naturally rich, of a good and by persons or inhabitants or North
view of opening a fair next fall, fertilizer. It. is then ready to be Carolina, lo notify such persons
The resources of tho Pamlico sec- listed or bedded with a turning j or inhabitants, or legal
need to be developed. The plow. I prefer the list since it of the amount due them
wealth of our land and water lightens the work of hilling, and j this act. The Governor shall
Is at the same time a more as far as practicable, provide lot the
New York Senate last week shows
has paid out
maintaining the canals
State for the seven years
Thirty men were arrested
stills destroyed at an
illicit raid m Alabama.
Attic Is ruling in New
York 3.10 per pound, high
est price ever at first
-Many shipments of strawberries
have been made from Gainesville,
Fla. inn the past few days.
from Cuba. The Custom House is
making extraordinary preparations
to and handle this great
quantity which will in out
bi the refineries shipped to
I lie west during the next three
D. Martin, Cal., made a raid weeks. A large force of extra
on the after a rain storm, clerks oversee work
prepared five gallons of poison- fining, which Ml be on day
ed barley an- scattered near the and night until Over one
squirrels holes on i seres of land, million barrels of this sugar, which
and succeeded in killing by is cow in bond, will be produced
actual count. within the next three weeks. It is
that price of sugar
According lo the Boston Com- will go down at least two cents a
Bulletin the total number pound.
in toe country today is A novel
431.136. as against 41,339.072 in The champion hoy liar has
UM, the wool clipped will be his this
A violent hurricane has swept
over Spain, doing a great
mount of damage to
The big pontoon budge across the
Missouri river at St. Charles, Mo.,
was completely destroyed by floods.
The cruisers Philadelphia and
San Francisco have been formally
accepted by the Secretary of fie
The States express com-
bas issued an order requiring
all to their photo-
Mr. Gladstone does not smoke,
nor use tobacco in any form. He
also has a strong aversion to new
pounds less than last year,
when it was 270,000.000 pounds.
The Legislature.
Wilmington Star.
The Legislature Just adjourned,
was industrious, hard
body, or correct deportment, but
little dissipation being indulged
while point of intelligence it
would compare favorably with the
majority of Legislatures that
ceded it. There some
mist and some who probably had
Congressional aspirations, but this
appearance, this city,
where he has almost succeeded
the police. His name is
James years, old, and he
was picked up on the street by a
policeman, destitute and homeless.
He said he was an orphan that
most his life had been spent at
sea. He told a graphic story about
being cast away upon an island in
the South Pacific Ocean. He was
the sole survivor or a crew or
r l floated on a spar for several
days before reaching the shore. He
finally found in a cave with
a wild man, who kept him four
years as bis slave. He escaped
be brought before pub-
If those in charge of the move
will posh and pull tho Pamlico
section will one of the
grandest exhibits ever seen in the
State. Let the matter agitated.
If flags Greenville
will gather the persimmons.
Mr. Foster, of Ohio, has been
and confirmed to fill
the vacancy in the
sioned by the death of Secretary
Mr. Foster WK born
April 1828. He showed much
tact in his early
never entered politics 1868
when he was nominated State
in 1870. He was not regard- I
as a brilliant member. He was
elected four times. In 1809
was elected Governor of Ohio, and
re-elected in 1881. He is very
net ween can thrown out at the
first weeding. With weed-
hoe these lists or beds should
now be worked into hills,
Winston During the
month February Winston's
co shipments
while tho revenue collections
stand at ., ,.
Council, Rowan,
having live pigs which baring lost
their mother, hive lo stand
up on their hind and
The M. B of the New
Heine district be held in
the last of April and first, of
embracing the first Saturday in May.
Bishop Galloway is expected to p e-
payment of the taxes to the
em thereto, and not to j The
an agent or attorney. All claims the session of the
the trust shall tiled with
the Governor with proper
placing them feet inches apart. I proof of the
I know that many more administrator, where
crowded planting giving the hills a ; person from whom the tax was c l-
distance of only three feet. Hut in . is deal. Upon proper
doing so nothing In ray opinion is the Governor shall draw his war-
gained in weight, while something j rant in favor of the person entitled,
I is lost in length, breadth and body and the. same shall lie paid by
I of tho leaf, which with the I Treasurer the State.
; arc the prime requisites. I Sec, No agent or attorney shall
j The lulls can lie laid off demand, collect, o. in ire
accuracy by or otherwise j five per commission
H v , i measuring one row, and then j upon amount collected, as coin-
the hills the next between j any
those the first, so on, or what ; to any claimant for any ion
is called dodging this net; and any person
or irregularity in
jam hut.
M fiddle -i Well. I kind her
handy, don't you know
Though ain't so much Inclined to
the strings and twitch the bow.
As I was before the timber of my elbows
got so dry,
And fingers was more
mid and spry.
Yet I can and plunk and plink.
And time her up and play.
Ami lean and laugh wink
i very rainy day.
only pick-
ed up when a boy
The kind c,.
The Old Pal and
on the
s the that I saw when tho
left o me.
And BO I plunk and and plink ,.
Ami up my how,
plays the tune's that make you
in your toe
Thai fiddle's won my
hearts love I
From the Strings .-i. the middle to
Fran her and to the
ribbon round the throat.
n a pigeon, singing
And so pal her neck and plink
strings with
And I sometimes
She kind
The great majority of the
have a double-edged
their trousers leg to
be used upon the Harrison boom,
i have a sharper or
than Mr. Huston,
S Treasurer, who
say s he
legislature, which closed last, Sat- ; heavier weapon
twenty live hind companies -1
and sixteen banks chartered . i,.
, ., ,, , says lie because
business . . , ,
which is cm, ding the
has not Old with the
Band says be will be willing
Shelby is estimated
land their salaries
a total of This in,
paid in Shelby
The glorious gospel in
Cleveland count; costs less than one
distiller from dram
in same i .
take bis own the next
Ho is sale
expressing of this kind
he knows that if the democratic
examined, with a search
from Cod to the ice-
bergs of Alaska a Democrat
this rule Kill be found use where a misdemeanor.
v W administer
Mi. r. Gallop, merchant of as he did.
Woodville. an- county, Star-
a sad account of the death of .
this section shall be guilty t.,;,. I. Gallop, on
J , row hands are employed.
is the case in all Legislatures, but
as a it was conservative, much to came to New
Charles of Barre, Vt is
ears of age and has children,
all Twenty-seven of these
are girls. .
California regulators, it is report-
ed, recently hanged the wrong man
and then sent a letter of apology to
his widow.
William P. Wei's, one or
most distinguished lawyers in Mich-
dropped dead in the county
court at Detroit.
The famous Guiles berg Bible,
the book printed with types,
was J. W. Elsworth, of Chi-
for f 1400.
The scheme to remove the
of New Mexico from Fe to
has met with defeat in
the Legislature.
more than some be-
fore it assembled. Whatever of
fault may be with it will be
rather what it didn't do than
for what it did do. As a general
thing we think public will
prove what it did. the acts
passed which the public large
have an is the railroad
commission bill, which is in the
of an experiment, for a
logical survey, appropriating
for a State exhibit at the
World's Fair, re-district the
State, protecting our Strand oyster
beds, providing the election of
solicitors by the people of the State
the I are elected,
ting the sale of cigarettes to
under years age, providing
for a training school for girls, and
for an increase the school tax.
Charters were granted to about six
teen new banks, about twenty
York as a stowaway on the White
Star line. All of which was a string
barefaced lies, as his parents
live a few miles from here op the
Hudson. He disappeared from
home a few months ago and when
confronted by bis father denied
that be had ever seen him before.
He finally consented to go borne.
A meeting of friends of the
of New York was held last
week to make a formal appeal for
to be used erecting a
new college building uptown and in
changing the present structure in
Washington Square into a building
for business purposes. The growth
or the within recent
years the encroachments of
business make some such change
absolute Washington
Square is ton far down to for an
popular in his district, often being
elected when tho balance of the
the work- shall be filed
of the tobacco crop should the Governor within six years next
never be departed lea- alter the approval sail act
son that the MM or March 2nd. all cl inns not
gives the land tho best so filed shall be forever And
which ii is capable. And in this all moneys remaining in the Treas
crop drainage is one of the first said fund, at the
things lo be considered, for six years, shall be
reason that all or the diseases into the Treasury as the
which the plant is as
trenching, firing, rusting
and from excessive
rain, accompanied by excessive
beat The growth of the plant itself
would suggest as much. time
of the stand up to
gather the rain, but so as it
has enough of It they turn down
and throw it off. repeat, then.
giving effects or Swift's Specific stagnate upon the
S. permit nature to work her ground For new I be hill
will this respect, as thousands of; in nearly more
ladies, both young and old, have or and should, be always when j than the Congress, but it
ticket was defeated. He is with
President Harrison on the silver
question. He does not hold to
free and unlimited coinage.
Poisons In Cosmetics.
It seems to be the fashion for
young ladies with pimples and
blotches on faces to make ex-
with various cosmetic.
Madame advertises her
foreign-named compound, composed
of a combination of poisonous min-
substances that deaden and
burden the delicate substances of
the skin. There are no complex-
ions like those that nature
strengthening and health-
property of the State.
Sea act shall bl in
and after its ratification
Monday neck last. She fell into tin
lire chair in the kitchen where
her mother had left her for a Com mi-
on Monday morning and was
so batty she died on
Monday evening.
informed that there a lady
this oily seventy age, who
sonic lime ago had pulled
out, on account of is
now an entire new
Mr. K. Host, of Shine, was in the
yesterday informed HI
lie kilted the prize pig of the
State, It was months old
tipped beam at Cm la
so -ins to have heard of
Mi. Lining tendered his
a plum
the sh of an nor
any one heard that the vitriolic
proposed employing any of
bis spare time during the ensuing
delegates for
present occupant the White
u -o. in I lie MM Na-
The legislature made the foil
World's Pair,
Hospital, Goldsboro
will show
their good sense by keeping their
fingers out Canadian earn-
raging. We have
to do with the fight and no
right to in any way. Sup-
pose we had a Congressional cam-
on, would w fancy
members of the Canadian
Ir is apparent iron- the
made at Con-
Washington that the
women sf elected
successor of Mr.
Wow long have the women of Kan- Agricultural; la by
been voting. i o, normal wt
school for white Other Not much we
The Fifty-list Congress deaf mutes and blind. wouldn't
in. t
to Colored Orphan at Oxford.
charters to land improvement corns j d the old
mining has stood for
hall a century, is entirely
discovered. The cheapest and most
beautiful complexions depend en
health and vigor. It is the office of
Swift's Specific S lo give
vigor and tone and to the
system, and in this way to give
to the eye and roses to the
One of the subscribers of the
Franklin Times has quit that paper
because the editor wouldn't take a
drink with him. The other
hundred and readers
have as yet preferred no complaint
against the editor on that score. It
is reported that the fellow who quit
the Times has received propositions
ninety-seven men
offering to be social and famish him
the news at Alliance
companies. In addition to
was a great deal legislation
of a local and private character.
It is that nearly
Indians have been drown-
ed on the Gila's banks by re-
cent floods in
Field mice have caused a great
deal of damage in the orchards in
the vicinity Exeter, N. Ii.,
the present winter.
An Older has been issued from
There Is a good deal of guarantee
in the store keeping of to-day. It's
too excessive. Or too reluctant. Half
time it means nothing. Words
only words.
This offer to refund the money, or to
pays reward, is made under hope
yon won't want your money back.
and that you won't reward.
Of course.
So, whoever is honest lo making it.
and on own reputation
alone, but through local dealer.
whom you know, must have
he has faith in back of the guarantee.
The business wouldn't stand a year
What U b Back
of that, what is lacking is that clear
honesty which is the
Dr. Medicines are guaranteed
to what they are intended to
do, and their makers give the money
the War Department back if result Isn't apparent.
Doesn't it you that a
i which the makers have much
the in the army of not
mote Maw Indians.
deuce for you r
It is proposed to purchase
live or ten acres of ground some-
where above street on which
will r-j erected a handsome and
commodious building, with all mod-
college facilities. has
already been promised by a gentle-
man who is not known.
Edwin Arlington.
Mr. Huffman, a young man of
Burlington. Ohio, that he bad
been under the care of two prominent
physicians, and used their treatment
he was not able to get around.
pronounced mS ease to be Coo-
and incurable. Ha was per-
to try Dr. King's Hew
for Consumption. Coughs and
and at that time was net able to walk
across the street He
before be had half of a
bottle, that he wan much be
continued to aw It and Is to-day enjoy-
good health. If yea have any
Throat, Lung or Cheat try- it.
We guarantee Trial bot-
free u 1st, L. Drag
A Massachusetts spinster has
given a town interest
of which is to be expended in paint-
such dwellings as need it, but
with the proviso that the owner
shall not own a dog. If that
so were applied to all dwellings
in North Carolina only a few would
This remedy hi becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
mention. All who have used
Bitters the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist It
is guaranteed do all that Claimed.
Electric win cure all of
the Liver Kidneys, will remove
Boils, Salt and other
erased impure
drive Malaria from the system and
vent as well at care ail Malarial fevers.
For ears of Headache, Consumption
and try Electric Bitten
eta. and per
Jan. L. Store,
Ex-Representative Anderson, of
Kansas, thanks to bis having been
a schoolmate of Mr. gets
the soil is in good working order i stand amount
and neither too wet or too dry. I necessary to give people one
the one case it will break and postage. All tight, wait
vent the ready growth of tho plant, j until the peoples Congress takes
and in the other it will require much
rain to put it in condition for plant-
If the land is not new ground,
either est or pine should be
fresh or at least rested and good
heart, upon which neither corn
nor has been lately crop
For such land
is In all respects similar to that
for new ground except that a turn-
plow may take the place or a
and the billing should
not be done earlier than the first of
May for fear that the hills may be-
come grass v while waiting for
plants or a season t them.
To preserve such lands to
vent damages to growing crops
from washing rains,
or guttering is recommended.
Tobacco band, more than almost
any other, be manured with
a liberal band Stable or barn yard
manure is every way the best,
when not to be had in sufficient
must be substituted by
some good commercial of
which there are countless varieties
upon the market more or
less merit.
A recent extended trip among the
in the western pact North
Carolina me farmer
generally am net giving their stock
the attention should. Every
animal is at cost every
ll must keep Warm, life, and
grew as much, or produce ranch
as possible in some other direction on
A broken
a snug in the diplomatic and the existing
vice that will enable, him to If warmly housed, the
the way the Far J h
,. , . , ii quired lo maintain condition if ex-
Alliance some time, and ,
get a salary doing it. should
mean more than a roof to shed rain.
Senator thinks the Post.; Ii should freedom cm-
office department has become a lit- , ventilation.
., . , . . i . ., This practice will save make
tie chest nutty the manage- aiM boil.,
of Mr. Next , r. S. C.
time Mr. Wolcott wants a new post- Station.
master appointed or old one re-
moved ho expects lo it, done
more promptly heretofore.
Senator Williams may not have
so intended, and we hope he did
not, but his six per cent interest
bill was a direct blow at the editors
of tho State. may as well
it now that the bill has been de-
the editors had determined
not to loan dollar in
it this pernicious bill had
You see two large birds soaring in
the air above you. arc nearly
the same sire. are colored alike.
They have the same extent of
describe the most graceful
The seem an an observer In
be birds of the same species. But
when you look at them awn
you notice that one of them looks
and gradually rises
his great pinions into the higher at
enjoying the intoxications
or his mighty flight. You also notice
that the other looks earthward, and
slowly settles down into
Wonder why so many persons suffer
from catarrh when with Old Saul's
Catarrh Cure be cured at
We all have our bat no
one, prefers to hear a crying baby when
the met well known that Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup would at once quiet ft.
Perhaps you are down, can't
tap, can't think, cant do anything
to year satisfaction, then y o
Knight's Blond
gone on tho statute books. The . ,
. , . of the reeking earth, the
legislature bas happily averted on ,,, in um, j,,,,.,
this contraction of North j the other has the exhalation
circulating some bit of stinking putrescence
The of Rip Winkle when
awaking from his not
greater than the
upon finding himself entirely relieved by
Dr. Bull's Cough U
Or ran all warn out, mad Sit
in his nose, and he settles downward.
The one is the imperial eagle; the
other is dirty These
birds may be taken us pee men
Some people aspire; other
grovel. Some people fix their
upon the things that arc purr
ennobling; other people bend
their attention rocking
boss. The these; tho
ll l pica-am lake, mm
. All
ll. LONG,
I w x.
and careful attention to
H l
D l.
X. C
tat court.
t .
in all the Courts.
N. C.
In Skinner Building, titter

Greenville, N. C.
Senator John M. Primer.
WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18th, 1891.
The Poor
Last Saturday the Board of
County Commissioners visited the
County Poor House, or home tor
the aged and infirm as the last
Legislature changed its name.
The Legislature passed a bill
the Board authority to sell the
present Poor House property in
this county and build elsewhere,
and this visit of the Board was to
take the matter into consideration.
After they returned to town we
had a conversation with
and learned from him
that the Board is more in favor of
improving the present property
than they are of selling it and
building elsewhere. They think
that by erecting a borne there for
him to live on the premises, and
making some other improvements
that the desired ends would be
fully met. Their reason for this
decision is that the cost will not
be near so great to the tax payers
as would be if they undertake to
move the location nearer to town.
They do not wish to run the
in debt.
The Board of Commissioners are
men of sound judgment and have
looked after the county's interests
and managed the public funds in
such a manner as to commend
them to the highest confidence and
esteem of the people whom they
represent. Their opinion as to
the Poor House may be correct,
but there are many who take a
different view and think the
should be changed. In
speaking of this Monday a good
citizen of the Northern part of the
county ought to be
moved, and the tax-payers of the
county are willing to pay the cost,
whatever it may The
passed the bill allowing its
removal. It is a well-known fact
that the history of this institution
in the past, and even its present
reputation, reflect no credit upon
the county. There are evil
surrounding its present
that have so long existed that
it might be hard to remove them
and the best way to get rid of them
would be to remove the Poor
In his the Grand Jury,
Monday, Judge Whitaker referred
to the Poor House and to the fact
that on two occasions recently
Grand of the county had
made reports of its condition and
recommended improvements, and
that the ought to be
carried out. So think the people
generally. There be changes
and they should be made speedily.
has before
the advantages it would be
to the inmates if the institution
should be close to Greenville. We
would like to know the opinion of
persons in different sections of the
county, and these columns are open
for any suggestion a
The Great Southern Exposition
is to be this year at Raleigh. It
is not a State affair, but all the
Southern States from
to Texas will make exhibits.
Raleigh selected on account
of its central position. The State
Exposition of 1884 was a good one
but this is to be one of all the
Southern States, and therefore a
one. North Caro-
should do her best and not
lei any of her sister States outstrip
her in her own There is
no danger of this if we will do our
duty, tor no State in the Union
has resources than North
Carolina. Let every section of
North Carolina be well represent-
ed, and the eyes of the nation will
be attracted to
The Democrats of the Illinois
Legislature made a strong and de
fight, and victory crown-
ed their efforts. John Palmer
was triumphantly elected United
States Senator, though the Demo-
lacked two of a majority.
Two members of the
Mutual Benefit Association voted
at last with the Democrats and
thus scored a victory against the
Republicans. The Republicans
tried bard to defeat Gen. Palmer
and as a last resort offered to give
their solid vote to Mr. Moore, one
of the members who had support-
ed Streeter. But their proposition
came too late. The fight of the
Democrats shows what
will do.
But for the death of Senator
Hearst the Senate would now
stand Democrats,
cans, and Independents. But
Senator Hearst will be succeeded
by a Republican, which will make
their number the Democrats
The two Independents will
probably act with the Democrats
on party and economic questions.
At any rate the Republicans will
not hold such a sway in the next
Senate. One gratifying result is
that those Republican Senators
who were defeated are those rank
partisans, of whose service the
country can well dispense.
If the Democrats will manage
affairs right, two years from now
we will have both branches of
Congress and the Presidency.
Senator Palmer is a good Dem-
and is no doubt the choice
of a majority of the people of
The Kansas Legislature had a
riot a few days ago. The pull
seems to been between the
Alliance and the
When the rulers riot what
else can we expect from the ruled
They would profit by imitating the
example of the North Carolina
Judging from the number of
new railroads incorporated by the
last Legislature, North Carolina
will have a great number of new
railroads in the future. Most of
these roads, however, are on paper
yet, and it is not certain that the
State will be much worse off if
they stay there.
Steps are being taken to make
the historic battle-field of
a great National Park.
The Secretary of the Interior and
several Generals who were
ed in the battle have vis-
the field with a view to that
New York papers last week were
speaking of the success attending
the experiments made to cause
rain in arid sections or in seasons
of extreme by of
artificial interference with the at-
That is very good so
far as it goes. But it is the other
extreme that has lately been
ling our country, and if some en-
fellow will invent some-
thing to bring about a
when there is too much of the
showery element afloat, he will be
voted a smart man and a premium
as well, with a year's subscription
to the thrown in.
We notice in an exchange that
an ex-Confederate soldier who lost
a leg in the war, and who lost
both hands while engaging in the
celebration of the Democratic
of 1884 by the explosion of a
cannon, appeared before the
and asked for help. A col-
was taken up amounting to
Just before adjourning a col-
amounting to was
taken up to buy presents for the
Speaker, a man who really did not
need it. How long will such
things continue
After the first of April will
be cheaper as it will then be on
the free list. This is one thing
that will greatly benefit all classes
of our people. Two years ago
when it was seen that there would
be an immense fruit crop the
sugar trust it up to a high
point. It will not be possible tor
them to do so again this year if we
should have a large fruit- crop.
Putting sugar on the free list is
one outgrowth of Mr. Blaine's Re-
President Harrison has gone
ducking down in Maryland. If he
is not better at shooting than at
running the government, he will
not get a feather. If we are not
deceived by the signs of the times
he will have to go somewhere else
about two years from now.
one in the South interested
in or knowing of proposed start-
of any new manufacturing or
mining enterprise, whether large or
s nail, or extensions of facto-
or mines, now in operation, or
the election of buildings, would
benefit himself, as well as the South
generally, by sending particulars to
the Record of
That paper baa for years
made a business of reporting every
new manufacturing concern, from a
cotton gin to a furnace, every new
mining company, and every bank
started anywhere in the South. This
information is read by thousands of
people all over the United States,
and is often by
of other papers that look to
the Record for in-
formation about this section.
result is that every new enterprise,
and town in which it is located,
are widely advertised without cost,
and great good results. In
this way wants of Southern
manufacturers who wish to
machinery are made and
of all in their
line, with prices, are received,
and they are thus enabled to select
best machinery at lowest
cost. The Record
invites all information of this char-
and everybody Sooth
should take an interest in seeing
that journal receives earliest
notices that can possibly be given
of such new enterprises, or of the
enlargement of those now In
A in town last week
thought he would show oft a bit and
have some fun at expense of
town. Everybody who bad occasion
to be on Evans street last Friday
will of course remember bow very
muddy the street was. Toe stranger,
who is a representative of a patent
medicine firm and who was
at the King House, constructed tome
rude signs to put up in the street.
after dinner passers that
portion of the street were startled by
reading two man drowned
A little further in another
mod hole was, don't cross
here and a little further still
another In the meantime
the aforementioned patent
agent was in hotel out
upon the astonished populace and
laughing in bis sleeves at his
ed joke. Unfortunately for
him, however, Sergeant Smith
these obstructions from the next
block and went down to investigate.
Reaching the spot and inquiring who
put the signs op, he was told that a
stranger in the King House had done
it. The chief walked over, sent a
porter up to the room of the p. m. a.
and invited him to come down. Ho
did so and giving an affirmative an-
to the officer's inquiry if he
placed those obstructions in the
street, he was ordered to walk out at
once and remove them. With
countenance wearing more dry grins
than anything else the p. m. a. made
a glance it the crowds on each side of
the street and asked a boy near by if
he would not go out and get the
signs. didn't put there and
ain't going to take rejoin-
ed the urchin, and finding out the
officer meant just what he said p.
m. a, out in the mud and pull-
ed down his placards. By this time the
shouts that went up from the crowd
showed who the laugh was on. The
m. a retired from the scene look-
Fifty Dollars Premiums.
Just at this season we beg to invite the
of the farmers to our stock of
We have an assortment of the standard brands
for both------
Tobacco and Cotton.
leading General Merchandise dealers in
he could be bought for a
Bethel Items.
Quite a number of the citizens of
this community are attending court
this week.
M. O. of the firm Blount
Bro, left Monday morning to
visit the northern markets for the
purpose -of purchasing spring goods.
W. O. who for some
time has in employ of L.
Y. Bassett, who has charge of
painting force of the W. W. it.
It. Co., came home Saturday night
on a abort visit and returned Mon-
day morning.
Messrs. M. C- S. Cherry and
James, both of Bethel town-
ship, are critically ill and have been
so for a week or two. Pneumonia
Mr. James A. Hanrahan, the sub-
of this sketch, was born in Pitt
county, N. C, March and
died at his residence near Grifton, in
Pitt county, March 1891. He
received his education at the Green-
ville Academy and at Georgetown
and Wake Forest Co I
He served through war as an
officer in the 55th Reg. N. C. Infant-
and was captured at Falling
Waters on the retreat of the army
after the battle of Gettysburg, and
suffered a long and weary imprison-
at Johnson's Island, where the
severities of prison life and a vigor-
climate served-to lay the
of the disease from which he
died. He was married Sept 19th,
1866, to Miss Susan M. Worthington,
of New N. C. Being of a re-
tiring and modest disposition when
importuned, as he often was, to
low his name to go before the people
as a candidate for Legislature he
always declined, deeming the post of
honor a private station. Possessed
of sound and discriminating
and a kindly disposition, his
advice and council was often sought
and obtained by bis friends and
neighbors. Of sterling merit, and
uncompromising integrity, a most
affectionate husband and true friend,
his loss to this community will be
great, and to his widow and near rel-
irreparable. W.
Sunday School Convention.
We thought one aim, object,
and use of a railroad was to give
good mail facilities. here we
have bad a train running through
to Kinston for six months,
and still our mail to from that
place has to be carried around by
Wilton and Goldsboro. And it
takes about two days for our mail
to roach Grifton an office directly
road to Kinston. Our mail
need a thorough over-
hauling, not only on the railroad
lines but through the whole post-
office department. Sometimes
totters arrive they are
two or three weeks getting into
the of the owner. When we
get a Democratic President we
hops things will be different
A gnat deal is said about
free coinage. It seems that it will
be made an issue of The next
Congress will no doubt a free
coinage set, bat the President will
It be settled
It was reported a few days ago
that the West Point Terminal
Railroad, which is the same as the
Richmond k Danville, had made
a deal with the Seaboard Air Line
its chief competitor in a northern
and southern through line. This
is denied by the stockholders of
the Seaboard Air Line, who say
that the line is not for sale. The
Seaboard route will soon be
through to Atlanta, and then it
will afford another excellent line
between all northern and southern
A glance at the new apportion-
of Representatives in the
National House will show that
there is a strong probability that
they will all be represented in the
next Congress by Democrats. No
change was made in the first dis-
A light change was made in
the second, sufficient it is hoped
to throw it into the hands of the
Democrats, and keep a from
misrepresenting one of the dis-
in our State. All the other
districts may be safely relied on as
The Daily Chronicle at Raleigh
celebrated the completion of its
first year a few days ago. The
Chronicle is newsy and s bright
paper in every sense of the word.
It has a way of speaking its mind
on subjects that concern the
that is commendable and
worthy of example Mr. G. P.
chief clerk of the late House
of Representatives, has been ad-
to the editorial staff.
The Kinston Free dosed
its tenth volume with Jest issue.
Mr. Herbert is consider-
able enterprise with the
is it good .
B. P. Gainer, an estimable young
man good business qualifications,
left his home in Bethel last Tuesday
to accept a position in Houston,
Tex. May all hi j efforts be crown-
ed with success.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W.
Henderson, spent most of last week
in Bethel visiting their daughter
Miss who baa charge of a
music class here. They left Monday
morning for their borne.
Rev. W. F. Jones failed to fill bis
appointment at Berea Sunday, as
be was unwell and not able to go.
An Open Letter.
S. O., March 7th,
Messrs. Lane, General
Agents, New York Life Ins., Co.,
I am in receipt, through yon
the Company's cheek for in
foil of policy and
accumulations on life of my late
brother, Geo. D. Wallace, who
was killed by the Indiana
at the battle of Wounded Knee
Creek, South Dakota.
His policy only allowed him to
engage in Military service a
of yet he was killed in ac-
battle with the Indiana.
In waiving the technicalities of
case and paying the with
out question, Company has not
only acted perfect bat
with great liberality, sad material-
added to their
tor square sad upright deal-
with its embers.
Thanking you tor your trouble in
the matter, I am very truly
B. M.
The above latter shows how the
New Turk Lite treats it policy
Ne quibbling, or compromising
but every paid with
the same and cheerful
as the are accepted.
It sells that to.
L. U. is agent
tar this with
a Brown hi
The Pitt county School
Association in Greenville
Baptist church Thursday, March,
19th, 1891 at A. M.
Opening services led by
Rev. R. B.
Object of Convention by
president, T. J. Jams.
Enrolling of members the Con-
Committees On
nominations, On statistics.
Reports from the Sunday
Where it How many scholars
and teachers How long kept open
Questions and answers as
to schools.
Aim and of Sunday
School work. Address by F,
M. of Kinston. Dis-
also on this, opened by Rev.
J. L. of Washington.
At P. M., opening question
Organization of a Sunday School.
A. D. Hunter.
How to teach a class, G. A.
Normal work for
Rev. B. B. John.
Thursday night P. M.
of delegates to the State Sun-
day School Convention to meet at
D. W. Dans. Washington.
helps, E. B.
Let have good singing for this
occasion as this is an important
or work-
Let every Sunday School In Pitt
county be represented and by all
let every Pastor sad
School Superintendent be present.
This is a great work, let's give it
doe attention.
By Executive Committee.
Also a large supply of
The following are the brands of Guano which
we handle
Special Bright To-
This is the richest, highest grade Fertilizer offered for sale in
the State. It is especially prepared for the culture of Bright To-
and there is no guano sold in the State which stands so
well. We can only refer to the parties in this vicinity who used
it last year. They all notified as that they will use it again
this year, Call to see and get the analysis and book of
Capital Tobacco Fertilizer.
This is a brand of Fertilizer which though new to this vicinity,
established reputation in several other States as being
excelled as a fertilizer the production of fine Bright Tobacco.
It is especially prepared for the culture of Bright Tobacco and as
we have sold it several years before we unhesitatingly recommend
it as being as good as the best.
National Fertilizer.
This is a very high grade guano, which has been used very ex-
in this State on both Tobacco and Cotton. The best
thing we can say for it is that we have sold it for years and have
never seen any one who was not pleased with it.
Is well known all through Eastern Carolina as one of the best
producing fertilizers for all crops ever offered for sale. It is a
very rich high grade guano, made out of the best material, and has
never failed to give entire satisfaction. The offer
premiums, aggregating several hundred dollars, for the most
cotton raised on a single acre of land with Guano. Call
and get their book of testimonials with directions as to how to
compete for these premiums.
Beef, Blood and Bone.
Is a brand which has never been offered for sale here before.
But we know it to be a first-class standard fertilizer, as we have
sold it before. It is made by a house which stands at the
head of the list for making honest, high grade fertilizers. As its
name signifies it is composed mainly of animal matter, flesh,
blood and bone, scraps which they obtain from the large slaughter
houses of the West. We have a large supply of
Pure German
Acid Phosphate,
Which we will sell very low. We think we can make it to your
interest to see before buying any of your fertilizers. As we
control the sale of these goods for all this section, and buy in
very large quantities, we are prepared to make very close figures
to other merchants, and we want a good representative in each
locality to whom we will sell at factory prices.
To Alliances or Clubs taking tones or more we will
make special prices.
We wish to say to our customers everywhere that we the
largest and best selected stock that it has eyer been our pleas-
to place before yon. And beg of you that you will
inspect our stock and compare quality, quantity and
prices given yon anywhere else by any first-class
house. We realize that competition is the
life of trade but we are fully abreast of
the times and feel able to meet any
competitor fairly and squarely.
We give our customers the
very best that can be
bought for the
Invested in that
article- We ere with
the people in their de-
that they shall buy
goods cheap. And we promise all
who give us their patronage
that they shall have them cheap. If you
fail to get as good bargains, when you buy
of some one else, as your neighbor gels who buys
of us, you have only yourself to blame, because we
have invited you time and again to come in and see us.
Our invitation to all people is this LEARN OP US KNOW
US, BUY OP US. With these three injunctions ringing fresh in
your ears every week, we again ask you to come and examine the
following lines of General Merchandise
After a business experience
of years we do not
hesitate to tell you that we can
and do offer yon bargains than
have before been heard
of in county, and each
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods.
Hats and Caps.
Boots and Shoes.
Farming Implements.
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
Flour a specialty.
Crockery and Queens ware.
Wood and
Harness and whips.
We are headquarters this market for Furniture and ask yon
to look at our fine of Suits, both Walnut and cheaper woods.
Bureaus, Bedsteads, single and double, Mattresses and Bed
Springs, Children's Beds, Cribs and Cradles, Washstands, Cane
and Wood seat and Rocking Chairs,
Children's Chairs, and Dining Tables, Lounges and
lots other things too numerous to mention. We thank you for
past favors trust and believe that you will continue to
us. for we work not alone for our interest but also for yours.
season we are at work
trying to serve your interests
This U to give notice that the firm of
M. k Co., was dissolved by
mutual consent on the 10th day of Jen.
1891, at which time s one-halt Interest In
the stack sad bruin of said In was
purchased by B A. Tyson the style
of the firm chanced to
Tyson. AD the debt sad contracts of
the old firm of K. Co., an
assumed by M. to Whoa all
amounts due the old Am
paid. M.
Notice to School and
Friends of Education.
A Teachers Institute tor Pitt County
be held wash
April by Pro. O. D. at the
Court Hesse la All
law to
daring the
ties of for Mete
Co. In.
j inclusion we beg to submit the following
For the Pounds of bright tobacco made by any of our
customers from the of a of
we will pay a cash premium u.
For the second best five pounds we will pay a cash of
Fifteen Dollars.
For the third best five pounds we pay a cash of
Ten Dollars.
This offer is open to all of our customers using any of the guanos
sold by us, whether they buy direct from or through some of
our sub-agents or dealers. The plan of awarding the premiums
will be announced hereafter in this paper.
-----ARE BELLING-----
a, T. A.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY
Car Load Feed Oats. Car load Cora, Car load No. Hay,
Car Load Rib Side Meat, Car Load St. Flour,
Heavy Mess Pork, Granulated Sugar,
Sugar, Ax Snuff, all
Rail Road Snuff.
Rico Molasses, Tubs Boston Lard.
Star Lye, Gross Matches.
above good
Ten. Per Cent. Red action.
order to nuke room our Spring Stock, commencing Monday, Feb. tad, 1801,
we will for CASH make a of ten per cent, on the following
of all kinds, Extra Coats and Vest, Overcoat Pants. All
Winter Weights of Pant Goods, Underwear, Shawls,
Goods, of Cashmeres, and all winter
styles of Also a nice of Woolen Hosiery, Also a few nice
of Carpeting, and a large Maori went of Boots.
we do sot throw this out as a bait, bat a bona fide offer, which we
open about M an induced to make It simply because we need
oar Spring Stock, and beside we had rather sell goods for CASH
VOW at than to carry thorn until nest season and then get ear pres-
Even is at to examine marks on each article
and see w carry oat in good faith. We Invite you one and
an to tabs of without delay, or else you may miss a bargain in
nothing by bang too late. Tours truly,
To show you the of lot of
ever brought to Greenville,
r. m.
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Factors,
Commission Merchants.
If want a good Drive Horse, ,,, ,, ,,. , .
Draft Horse or. good Work if It.
Male don't fail to see me.
I can famish you st
reasonable prices.
My Feed Stables
have bees enlarged
now have ample room
horses left la
Best attendee fires.
We have Lad many ex-
at the business and art
prepared- to handle Cotton
th advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to
will receive prompt nil

SPRING 1891.
GRAND DISPLAY of the latest weaves
styles In Ladies Drew Goods.
MAGNIFICENT LINE of the newest
Importation in White Goods.
I NOVELTIES In all styles of
fabric in Wash
i of Domestic awl Imported
Sat tines.
FULL LINE of the latest styles and
In Youth's
of Gent's
Furnishing Good. and
THE NEWEST Works and shape sin
shapes and last in
Men, Ladles, Boys,
Misses and Children.
Footwear for
Greenville, N. O.
Local S parks
Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Mattresses at the
THE LATEST effects in House Fur-
finishing Goods, Linens and Carpets.
MOST complete of Staple
Dry toe city.
ALL with many other
tat every department now
toady she Inspection of the at
Mr E miffS
Hurl stir D. C. Moore got In
of bis excellent wort at
the toot last Wed-
o which day the
Ace tamed the
nail The chief this
MM Mr. Mills sad Miss
If the Dope-
tee of a
this kind e work the
mm a ea
east, try way ad-
Court week.
Ford Lamer.
Oysters are hard to get.
Ford Lanier
We almost forgot it this
Ford St Lanier will give bot-
tom prices on marble.
J. White's, three
or fear dozen goose eggs.
The days are now little more than
twelve hours long.
Ointment is
teed to cure in any form.
Bushels Early Spring Oats
for seed at the Old Brick Store.
Go to James Smith's, the barber,
for a pleasant suave.
Fresh Boss for the well
and at the Old Brick Store.
Point Lace Flour is always uniform
in quality at the Old
The crowd in attendance upon
Court is not large.
Christ man's Ointment will cure
any skin disease on man or beast.
Will pay cash for Eggs and
and Hides at the Old Brick Store-
Riverside Nursery has lately been
showing some beautiful hyacinths.
In stock, all kinds of D. M. Ferry
Go's Garden Seed, at the Old
Brick Store.
Cradles and
Brick Store.
Drop in at the Reflector office
and subscribe before leaving town.
barrels Rose and Peer-
Potatoes, Cheap at the Old
Brick Store.
Car load Bib Side Meat just re-
sale at J. B.
Saturday was a fair day but
cold, and not very many people came
to town.
Go to Tyson's if yon
want a good smoke and get a
den Seal Cigar.
Two good Seines for
sale. Apply to W B. Pollard,
N. C.
Superior Court is in session this
week, his Honor, Judge
Congleton Tyson keep n flue
line of California and other
fine canned goods.
Foe fine cows, each
young calf. Apply to,
Last week the Reflector
printed ordinances for the new
of den.
If you are troubled with dandruff
or tour hair is coming out, Christ-
man's will stop it.
grade Celebrated Coffee
kept by Congleton Ty.-on. Give
it a trial.
As yet we have had no good
worth bragging about. A change
would be welcomed.
If yon want something nice go to
and get some
of their New Spring Butter just
rived to-day-
See Ford Lanier before
chasing marble. will give
yon the lowest prices ever offered
in Greenville.
Mr. H. F. Keel brought in a car
load of fine horses and mules from
Norfolk Saturday evening.
House and lot for sale or rent.
House has six room, Dining and
Cook room attached. Apply to
Cabbage Plants foe Sale.-We
now have for sale cab-
plants ready to be transplant-
ed. Price per per
Apply to ALLEN
SON, Greenville, C.
Last Thursday evening four
trains arrived at Greenville
within an hour and a half.
Monet to desire
to borrow money on long times
and at ft low rate of interest, will
learn something to their advantage
by applying to
Greenville, H. C-
Office Court House.
Monday Mr. W. F. Hart told us
he had purchased a lot in Ayden and
would build a nice, stare thereon.
A new line of Cook Stoves are
now for sale at Latham
Olden They are very
heavy. No. weighs lb,
price 116.50. No. weighs Ids
price 920.00. have jest re-
a new lot or their Elmo and
Liberty cooks,
Something worth thinking
doth it profit a man If he gain
the whole world and lose bis own
Ford it Lanier have moved their
marble works down town and
a part of the building just opposite
the bank.
Next Friday is the time for the
monthly meeting drill of the
Guard. A attendance of the
members is desired.
This office received another Urge
lot of envelopes sod toe paper for
job printing last week. You know
where to leave your orders for good
To the people living near
School Home on Kinston It
gives pleasure to state that
first Sunday in April at o'clock
P. M., Bra. Amos will meet
with the people of the to
to help in Seeder work. Let
om and all of the grand
Also those sear Allen's
School I wish state that
Beads at that
Sunday April at
Mrs. F. G. James is visiting Mrs.
H. L. in
Mr. J. D. has removed to
Miss A. M. house on Third
Mr. J. L. Harris, of Wilson, is vis-
friends sad relatives in town
this week.
Miss Lucy Cox returned home yes-
from a visit of several weeks
In Goldsboro.
Mrs. W. H. Harrington returned
home Monday evening a visit to
Mrs. S. C. Wells, who has been
visiting friends here returned to her
home in Wilson last week.
Senator W. B. Williams, of Falk-
land, was in town Saturday shaking
bands with bis many friends.
Mr. G. B. King Is still confined to
his room with sickness. He is
from a painful attack of
Mrs. E. C. Glenn, of Elm City
has been visiting her par-
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cherry, the
last w or two.
Mr. Allen Warren received a
gram Friday evening announcing the
death of brother, Mr. William
Warren, at Va.
Col. Harry Skinner and Mr. J. D.
Cox, from Pitt in the
last Legislature, both returned home
from Raleigh with bad colds
Capt. Swift Galloway, of Golds-
Hon. J. K. Moore, of William-
and Mr. Edmund Alexander,
Washington, are attending Court
Miss Sadie R. Short, who has
charge of the 1st form has been
sick for the last week, bit we are
pleased to know that she is improving.
Oxford Orphan Friend.
All of us here are glad too.
Dr. J. W. Perkins moved from
Grimesland to Greenville and
pies Hie Greene
and Fifth streets. He has opened an
office in the room formerly
by Mr. J. B. under the
Mr. W. S. of Swift Creek
told us Monday that his father, the
venerable Mr. Shade had
been vi sick several days and
is still quite low. He is quite an old
man but we hope may be spared
years yet.
Mr. C. F. Wilson, editor of the
Wilson Advance, been in town
since Saturday evening visiting his
parents and friends and working at
Court in the interest cf his paper.
His many friends here are always
glad to see him among us.
Pitt county lost a valuable
in the death of Mr. James A.
which at his
near last week. He
was n high of the Southern gen-
and drew him the es
teem of all who knew him. A tribute
lo his memory is published
in this
Is the Reflector giving you
enough reading matter for one Dollar.
Don't fail to read our story
minutes to It grows more
interesting with each chapter.
The Indies of the Methodist Church
held a festival yesterday and last
night, and will it today and
to night.
Mr. A. G. told us the other
day the Cotton Planter Factory
is a heavy run of work this
season in all its departments.
Did the recent cold weather hurt
the prospects of next summer's fruit
crop We are hearing nothing
said about the fruit being killed.
The rain last week caused another
rise in the river. It is almost
passable and people on the other
side get into town with difficulty.
Henry Edmonds has had a neat
passenger carriage fitted up for his
hack service to the depot and steam-
The old man is enterprising.
Messrs. B B. and H. A-
caught a Gorman Carp fish
weighing about four pounds in a
skim not at Landing Monday.
Remember you can leave orders
for any papers to which yon wish to
subscribe at the Reflector Book Store,
and save the postage and trouble of
writing for them yourself.
We hear of considerable sickness
in the vicinity of Cox Cotton Planter
Factory, Several oases of
the neighborhood. . . ;
. of
the factory
The public is invited to the County
Sunday School Convention to hie
held in the Baptist Church
row. All interested in Sunday School
work arc especially requested to be
present. .
The question now is when will the
mails be carried through on the
train to Ayden and Grifton. The
present way of getting mails from
Greenville to those places is very
The sad floras
can both be had together a whole
for the small of 11.80.
Parties who are already subscribers
to the may take advantage
of this low offer, as well ac new sob-
The bundle of Reflectors of March
4th for Pullet did not reach
their destination until the evening of
the 11th. That is the way malls are
bandied these days, but you can't
find anyone who will own causing
the delay.
The high water in the river s
again showing the needs of a
roadway at end bridge.
The Legislature has authorized the
construction of a suitable road and
Greenville is ready to do
towards it;
The editor last week received a
variety of garden seeds from James
Vick, Rochester, N. Y. For several
years we have used Vick's seeds
with splendid results, and do
hesitate to say that we never tried
any other seeds that could equal
them. Some dealer here ought to
handle these see Is.
It is not very far from cotton
planting time for the next crop, and
there is much of last year's crop still
in the county. The farmers are hold-
their cotton longer and more of
it than we have known in
year, but as long as the price
remains so low cannot be blamed
for withholding it from market.
to tat Commutes
All throughout the county
who an engaged or interested in
Sunday School work are invited to
attend the
here to-morrow. There will be
preparation by the citizens for en
all who come, a committee
consisting of Messrs. Wiley Brown
and D. J. having been p-
to look after this matter.
This community deeply
with Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
in death of their little
son, aged months, which
afternoon after a brief ill-
Rev. Mr. who is
Presiding Elder of this District, was
away on his duties, not aware that
the little one was sick. He returned
yesterday at noon lo find happiness
driven from his home by the Angel
of Death, in whose cold embrace the
loved one was lying. The remain
were interred in the Methodist
tery yesterday. May our Heavenly
Father send His Holy Spirit to com-
fort the stricken ones.
for this Term of
Grand A Mayo, Fore-
man, T Joyner, Ed. Laugh-
SH Flanagan, W E Flem-
F C Martin, Ashley Whichard,
A G K Harris, E A Bar
A A Forbes, M T J T
M Jones, W Ire
dell Moore, Alex Brown,
D Jesse
L Smith, Tuton, H M Jones.
John W W T Ma-
son. C J John S
Calvin Mills, J R Davenport,
Fernando Brown, II R
Roberson, Chapman.
the popular
barbers, arc making improvements
and additions lo their emporium that
arc really commendable and should
merit for them even a patron-
age than they have heretofore enjoy-
ed. They have just added two beau-
walnut dressing cases with
tops and round mirrors three
feet in diameter, a handsome new
mug case and two of the very latest
and best improved chairs, have re-
the water tank, hung fine oil
paintings on the wall, carpeted
floor and put in a number of
small like now dry-shampoo
brush, clippers, combs, razors and
paraphernalia- This step of
enterprise not only speaks well
the energy of the barbers but
reflects credit upon the town, for
there is not a nicer or hotter furnish-
ed harbor shop this side
was a quiet bill very pretty
at the Church
list Wednesday night. At the close
or the regular prayer meeting service
the pastor, Rev. R. B. John, stated
that there would soon be a service of
a somewhat different nature which
those who wished could remain to
witness. A bridal party consisting
of four persons, In which Mr. G. E.
Harris and Miss Belle A. Hearne
were contracting parties with
Misses Ada Hearne and Par-
as attendants, soon entered the
church and proceeded to the altar
where the ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr. John. The couple re-
turned to the home of bride's
father, Mr. B. H. Hearne, whore a
few invited friends assembled to ex-
tend their best wishes. The bride
groom are among our most pop-
and esteemed young people, and
the Reflector joins many friends
in wishing married life may
bring them all the joys this world
can afford.
Our Mr. just returned from New York City, where
auction sales bought goods per cent, below their value,
them for less than you can buy elsewhere.
he visited
Will sell
-Our stock consists of-
Last Sunday morning at the
church Rev. A. D. Hunter
preached a very comforting sermon on
Spirit of the living where-
in he illustrated the many ways in
Which Holy Spirit works with
man. In his sermons he is a close
adherent to the Bible, using frequent
references and passages from the
Book to substantiate all that he says.
Rev. J. B. Carroll, a young man of
county who for a few years past
has been attending and teaching
school in Western North Carolina,
returned to his native county little
more than a week ago. Last Sunday
night he preached to a large
in the Baptist Church. His
discourse was a plea to Christians
not to be satisfied with their present
attainments, those
things that are behind to press to-
ward the prize of the high calling id
God in Christ It was a good
sermon, and many strong poi its were
brought out.
The sermon of Rev. R. B. John, at
the church last Sunday
night, was remarkable for bold-
and straightforwardness. He
inveighed heavily against the sin of
gambling in all its forms. Lotteries
and. other games of chance came in
for their share. He especially con
deemed the custom now in vogue in
Greenville of selling coffee with a
at crockery attached.
can yon expect your boys to stay out
of little social in the back
he said, you encourage
in the habit of gambling
endorsing sUch schemes of the devil
The desire to get something for
Was never so strong as it is to
day. It is business
world the time come when
it should be stopped. The sermon
was well received by his
who were impressed by his
earnestness and terror. It a
man of force and bravery and true
moral courage to stand up and de-
the sins of those influence
and , sins and
foibles people fall into without think-
are glad to have their at-
called to them in the proper
--------AND A LOT
To lit all sizes, Be sure and come to see us before buying as
A big line of Second-Hand Clothing to be
sold at cost.
C. T.
Successor to
Washington, N. Va. Plymouth, N.
And receive highest market prices, full weight and measure.
Will advance value of any shipment, charging for persons
wishing to hold. Owners receive in on day of shipping, J to value of
crop from any local banker; by attaching bill of lading lo draft or check on u
Reference Norfolk National
And my reduced prices on
Standard Fertilizers
is what causes it.
It goes without saying that last year I handled
the very brands of Fertilizers for
that were sold in Pitt county. I now just perfected arrange
with the manufacturers whereby I can make a big saying
to the farmers on every ton from me. I can now sell
The case against Henry Tripp,
charged with making a criminal as-
sault upon the person of a Miss Ar-.
who was visiting his home last
April, attracted considerable interest
the Court room yesterday. Capt.
Galloway and Messrs. A
assisted, Solicitor We-- .
in the .-
was by
The young lady, who was
only about years of age, was the
only witness placed stand,
though there were many other wit-
the defense alone having
more than a hundred. Aft ex-
of the lady the
Solicitor stated that the State would
rest the case there, and the defense
decided to risk their chances upon
her testimony. Latham opened
the to the Jury and good
speeches were made on both sides.
The jury returned a verdict
of assault.
Beginning April 13th, a
Institute will be held in Greenville
for one week, conducted by Prof. C.
D. A the
Superintendent will be found
this paper.
Attention is called to
Company in this issue. They offer a
remedy that has reached great
and has been of much
to suffering humanity.
A stranger who was town last
week, and who had never been
Greenville before, remarked ear
is certainly a beau-
tows. I had idea Green-
ville was such a nice
Your attention is
open letter to the general agents of
the Hew York lite Ins
published in another column It
itself shows what a policy
in a company results la.
Sheriff has the
ear that all
who fail to pay their taxes by the
first off April win ha
against as Use law be
will sets.
The Athenian Society met Friday,
March 18th, 1891. The house was
called to order by the President.
Minutes were read by tho Secretary
and approved. No business pro-
with regular
Music, Miss Tyson.
Quotation, Miss Baker.
Beading, Miss Emma Taft.
Misses Latham
Lula White.
Music, Mies Annie
Misses Bessie Harding,
Mamie Duckett and Lina
Music, Miss May Abbott.
Debate, Misses Pattie Mary
Gertrude Williams
Beading, Miss Sadie Haddock.
Quotations, Mies Ella Taft.
Imaginary Trip, Miss Myrtle
Is now bat spring of line
and will have Spring and
day on-
season specialties will be made In
Notions, etc.
The very latest designs In
Fashionable Millinery,
Trimmed and Hats and
nets, will be shown, also a full line oft
Infant's Caps and-
Silk I have the largest nicest
line of Millinery ever brought to Green-
JeT This season I have secured as
Milliners Mrs. B. A. Sheppard and Mrs.
both ladles of large ex-
and to the people of
patronage lg solicited and
faction promised on every purchase
of mo. FANNIE
Greenville, N. C
We are now prepared to show the trade
--------a stork of--------
entirely new and bright.
84.00 per ton less than it cost last year. The Oner's have had over thirty
in manufacture of this Guano and say that no brand of merit
can tie made for less money. It has been used In North Carolina for twenty five
years and those farmers who have had long experience in Its mo can prevailed
on to use no other. It boar.-, thousands of host testimonials. Its analysis shows
it to be exactly proportioned with the old fashioned Peruvian
This Guano better Knowing under cotton last year than any other
in the county. To know what will do have lo ask Messrs
B. F. Patrick. A. C, Nobles. J, T W. J. j. Tripp, or any other who
has used It.
This brand has been used in Pitt county for and never fails to give
faction. It is a fine Tobacco Fertilizer, and II sold cheap enough to he under
So much of this Guano has been sold hers that every farmer knows what It will
do. I can nothing to add to its popularity except that it Is the same old
co brand.
This Is a cheap Guano, and has given such satisfaction in surrounding counties
that I have decided to handle It this fear, also have
Phosphates and Lime.
Styles are pretty.
Quality good,
to equal them In price.
have an exceptional line of Hats,
In Fur, Wool and
and Men's Wool
Hats at cents.
A nice line of Crash and
Hate ranging from SO
We have the latest styles in both Black
and White.
attention to
and price.
We are quite sure that we
--save you money in
Goods, Hulls
Jas. L. Little Co.,
N. C.
The North Carolina
Oyster Shell
It will be to give me B
always for patronage
ill before making any purchase. I am
E. P. HYMAN, Manager.
Offers to trade a nice line of Canned
Blackberries. and Toma-
toes. Orders solicited.
A few things sold by
Hardware Dealers,
J. L.
All kinds Risks placed in strictly
At lowest rates.
A. W. Prop.
Congleton Tyson,
Call attention to their large and well selected
stock now on hand. We have a fresh
supply of
Story, Miss Son.
Local Miss Ella
Essay, Mies Millie Everett.
Miss Minnie Cooper.
of the girls performed their
very well.
. The being the
sty. to
Cook Stores,
Heating Stoves,
Store Repairs,
Plow Canting.
Sewing Machines.
Carpenter's Tools,
Iron Mails,
Steel Na; Is,
Bar Iron
Tons Agricultural
Lime for Sale.
We carry as usual a line of nice
Dry Goods, Notions, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Our motto will be to sell all goods
I am now read r to Mm to the
Farmers of North Carolina la quantities
from to 10.000 tons In bulk or
Hare just completed
With a capacity One Hundred Tea
per Day. And the Lime delivered
lie from the Kilns, Fresh eat
Bend in your orders at ones Si
there I already a large number ah sad
Farmers will And it to their Interest S
make up clubs and buy
Cargo Lots of Tom
A Specialty.
, f

Copyright by American Pram Association.
years art-r while. Come
. the boggy,
Whether or not malevolent have that can't abide
power of interference in human affair she don't like strangers,
Is an open question; bat certain it is , go spot hr hilt her here behind the depot
that, to view, events can at j me fur
tunes arrange themselves with a j tilted up his hat brim and cast an
of individual needs eye skyward. Royal per-
which would leave nothing to the i the man's mistake, but had not
of the most the time to rectify it Behind the station
could conjure Also
that everlasting
the inexorable interplay of circumstance
and the operation of
v. laws fail of the
and reverence they merit when in-
action combine to knock the head and glanced anxiously toward the
foundations from a mans per-
r t -i a buggy, splashed and untidy,
but strong and serviceable; between the
wafts was a dark bay with a good deal
of white to her eye and apparently con-
go in her. A gentlemanly lad
of fourteen or stood at her
calculations. the individual
thus stranded is a good deal more apt to
blaspheme like a stevedore than to ac-
the situation like a rational and
scientific gentleman.
The train which left at
pulled into the little mountain station
at WM, when, according to a perjured
schedule, it should have been there at
train. At sight of Royal his
cleared and he accosted him
right, doctor How are
Jump right in. I thought judgment day
would beat that train coming. Hallo
I forgot about the accident Here, Jim,
stand by her head, please, while I help
Dr. Royal in. We've got to make
You have observed a bystander.
sharp. There was no reason that The whole group had followed Royal
round the station, and appeared fully
aware of the situation and deeply inter-
in it.
Filial with amusement, and feeling
hypocritical. Royal declined the boy's
proffered shoulder and took his place in
the buggy. sprang in beside
him, gathered up the reins, and they
could discover for such flagrant breach
of contract save the of a
single track road with no competition
and few connections. Passengers, em-
and even the engine appeared con-
tent to take it easy over the mountains,
and when Royal in a frenzy of impatience
entered protest he was met by the con
with intolerable good humor and were off, followed by a shout from Jim
the assurance that matters might be,
much more unsatisfactory. her toddle, Spots-
wood The sun's up
I the rapid. If you don't step
out o'clock will ketch yon-all
reckon the boy scouted back.
knows how to
Then he with a reassuring air
to you fret, doctor. We'll
make it, now I've got you behind Clip-
per. I shook in my shoes though awhile
back, that confounded train dawdled so.
It looked like fate was dead against
Why don't somebody report those
demanded still in-
over the delay and longing to
punish somebody.
The boy laughed. the user
he demanded in his turn. got
a monopoly, and complaints would go in
at one ear and out at the other. They
aren't often so much behind as they wore
today though, and don't wonder you
wanted to Ly oh the whip. We'd have
made better time from the station on
horseback, but Phyllis was afraid the
official observed cheerfully, these I would knock you The road isn't
here grades are heavy, bad, however, and we can make it
the curves sharper common. The if we look He whistled to
Triad coach jumps the track once in a j his horse and touched her lightly with
while if she ain't humored, it takes a the whip.
And from the hands of a while
his bride.
used to aim to be on the
sight longer to her back
i with rails it does to ran
schedule oughtn't to say one
thing and the road do re-
Royal. an imposition on
it don't look ac-
the conductor, then added, with
the esprit de corps of all railway men, j
do make it most in general. Some-1
times, like today, we gets bothered. It.
don't happen once a fortnight
we lose over fifteen or twenty
He walked away with uplifted
How far is Royal questioned,
glancing at his watch.
an hour's drive to the house,
and fifteen minutes to the
the boy replied concisely.
road's been altered since you used to
know it, I reckon; but you'll remember
where the church one Miss Royal
built just after she came to the old
place in memory John Hart. She's
buried there, you know, under that big
oak near the vestry window. told
once, a long time ago, that
wanted her to be married there.
been with us ever since Miss Royal
moulders, which gave to the back of his j the church is by and
coat an expression of protest against in-
temperate haste. And Royal, as though
that could expedite matters, established
himself on the platform.
He was vexed and tormented by a de-
lay which threatened shipwreck to his
me by depriving him of the time
necessary for explanations and readjust-
His sympathy and interest had
become so involved that he had come to
feel a personal pride in carrying the
fair through to a successful
mighty convenient. wanted to be
married from the old place, but my
mother wouldn't hear of it. The house
has been shut up tor nearly four months,
you know; it's bound to be damp and
are you going Royal
questioned, the demand for new plans
making itself disconcertingly apparent.
to the church. If the train
was on time I was to drive you out
i i . i home if it t, right to the church,
feel that he had heralded himself to en- . , . ,, . ., .,
., ,. . .,, ; and the rest will meet yon there.
the lists against caprice and u . . . . a ,
, , . .,. i road had entered a skirt of woods,
face, and was in danger of failure, not i
lack of prowess, but through
and exasperating
stances. So completely did the matter
absorb and possess him that obstacles,
instead of daunting his resolution and
causing him to reconsider the situation,
Bowed and concentrated his forces
as though they had been obstructions in
the path of his individual hopes and
He was anxious also about the patient
he had been compelled to leave in the
care of an inexperienced young fellow,
downy with graduation honors and self
confidence, whom he had picked up in
the office of the hotel. The case was so
serious that the least mismanagement
might precipitate the result.
Held aloof by preoccupation, Royal
failed to appreciate or even note the
grand uplifting of the country round
about, the exquisite tracery of the win-
forest, the delicate hue of the sky,
on the wonderful harmony of tone given
by shading of earth and rocks, tree
stems and fading vegetation. Even the
quick leap of a brook escaped him, and
the grace of the curve with which, like a
queen's obeisance to a rival power, it
turned aside from the embankment of
the railway and pursued its lovely,
journey down mountain.
Higher up the road ran at the foot of
cliffs covered with laurel and scrub pine
and cedar, whose gray jutted
up through dark mold and the brown-
of fallen leaves, relieved and bright-
here and there by patches of par-
and vines, which
grew low, and showed vivid scarlet
against dark green, where birds and
rabbits had left the fruit
Against the rocks, in sheltered nooks,
where the wind could not despoil them,
were long trails of bramble vines and
poison oak holding bunches of dark
berries and tufts of crimson leaves.
Through a long whose sides
showed the presence of iron ore, the
train steamed out into a broad valley,
and drew up at a small station with de-
briskness and a self laudatory
of accomplished duty. Royal
lost no in transferring himself and
h impatience to the station platform.
was firmer and more free from ruts
and mud holes. Clipper responded to
the improvement in a style which won
Royal's admiration. Brandon
listened with the air of personal merit
mingled with assumed deprecation with
which the creature masculine always
hearkens to praises of his horse. Ho was
in high feather, filled with pride in his
mission, and chatted away merrily. His
Squire Brandon, as he was
intended meeting
himself, but had been prevented at the
last minute. Just the scurvy sort of
trick fate had been playing John Royal
all through, the sick man's
ti e thought, as he heard it. Here was
more time irrevocably wasted, for it
would useless explaining matters to
this boy.
The boy meanwhile, considering him-
self, evidently, not a deputy to be de-
put his horse along with a deft
avoidance of stones, mud holes, and
other impedimenta which to Royal,
accustomed to mountain roads, seemed
little short of He increased
Royal's perplexity, too, with every word
he uttered, and with every intention of
being agreeable forced more and more
absolutely upon that gentleman the con-
that things were at a deadlock.
was all right about the
gleefully assured him.
had attended to Tom was to be
best man, as he doubtless knew. The
preacher would be up to the notch
Uncle Royal's old carriage
gone for him at daybreak.
The wedding was everybody's wedding,
said. And it looked like it; for
the whole neighborhood wanted to take
a hand. was mighty popular, and
then people felt so sorry for
Royal, curiously enough, felt nettled
through all his perplexity, and then re-
with an inward touch of amuse-
that he was appropriating not only
John Royal's position, but what might
naturally be John Royal's feelings under
the circumstances.
At a point where the road forked young
suddenly drew up his horse and
handed the reins to his companion.
her a minute, he said,
here for Dr. i to wood on the right,
The question was impersonally bands to his mouth, and gave
dressed to a little knot of loungers, and ; vent drawn eddying howl.
paused for a reply wondering j k and among the
dickens he should do if thrown j a peculiarly penetrating c-
on his own resources. It was like nothing Royal,
A thickset man in gray overcoat
copiously patched with relic of and h heard in his
before, and, had be but known it, was
simply a differentiation of the old
still used among the mountain as
a signal.
In a second it was answered, and the
lad dropped back to hie seat and oat
his hand for the reins.
What was that demanded
Dr. Royal I reckon.
he questioned.
Royal nodded and the man extended
his hand with great cordiality.
forgot me, I reckon, doctor, but
I ain't forgot yon. We all used to hunt
I or
adventure he could possibly desire.
went My name's Jim Dodson;
that'll fix reckon. Hurry right
; Yen ain't got time to talk now,
hitch m Own six
laughed, and turned his
horse into the road to the left. let
know it's all right and we've gone
on to be
were afraid something might to
prevent your coming, in spite of what
yon wrote And It wouldn't have
done for her to go to the and no
wedding after all, yon know. She'd
have been mortified, even if yon couldn't
help it. Women are different from
with protective assumption.
feelings have got to be allowed for. Tom
and I put up that job. He had a little
nigger on horseback in the woods there,
and when I whooped he was to gallop
back to the house and tell There's
a short cut that way. If yon hadn't
come I'd have howled twice. They'll get
to the church almost as soon as we
The lad's consideration touched Royal.
In his frontier experience the life had
been too free from conventionality, and
human had been too read-
and practically recognized, for him to
wonder over the interest these people
to in each other's concerns
and the trouble they voluntarily
themselves to in each other's behalf.
That seemed to him legitimate and
but at the same time it increased
the difficulty of tho position. In their
love and care for the girl these people
would doubtless demand not only
orate explanation of his plan, but some
sort of credentials for himself before they
would allow so unprecedented a thing as
a marriage by proxy to take place. The
bucolic mind did not assimilate ideas
readily, nor was it avid of experiment.
And what could they know of the an-
the insistence of the poor fellow
dying down there in If only
he had time to make them feel the pathos
of those last words John Royal had
they shook hands ere his own
see to it that you do
your work well I'm trusting with you
what I value more than life. Don't fail
me Help me to save her from poverty
They seemed to ring in his ears, to
beat on his heart, to grasp and hold and
compel him like things.
He looked at his watch. Three-quarters
of an hour to expound his scheme, com-
bat objections, satisfy curiosity, allay
scruples and get through the marriage
ceremony. It could not be done. No
thought of abandoning his plan crossed
Iris mind; he simply readjusted it. He
would marry the young lady first and
make the explanation afterward. So far
he had bean accepted as John Royal's
self instead of John Royal's
changes in appearance
accounted for by the lapse of six
years in intercourse. He must carry out
the deception until the ceremony should
have been performed, after which, of
course, must come tho explanation. The
spirit of adventure was strong in him,
and he was conscious of the thrill an
actor knows when his cast is on the
razor edge between success and failure,
and may be or marred by an ex-
or a gesture.
The lad, busy with his horse and in-
tent on speed, was silent. road left
the woods and emerged on to a lovely
plateau, gently rolling and studded with
groups of superb hickory,
maple and sweet gum. It was sheltered
by hills and carpeted with short grass
which showed green even in December.
Near the center, amid a clump of oaks,
stood a quaint, picturesque stone church,
with pointed windows and ivy covered
walls. It was by a stone fence,
and space inside was evidently used
for a burying ground. tho trees,
outside the a spring gushed
forth, near which were racks for horses
and a place where the animals might
drink. noticed several vehicles,
spring wagons mostly, standing about,
and horses, a dozen or so, some tied to the
racks and some to swinging limbs, ac-
cording as their dispositions were sedate
or nervous.
drove round to a side gate,
and a cum and took the horse.
He looked smiling and important, and
bowed affably to Royal, half extending
his hand, which Royal grasped and
shook, not knowing him, of course,
but dissembling.
folks inside, Uncle the
boy questioned, indicating at the same
moment by a gesture to his companion
the spot where Miss Royal had been
smart, sir; de body's full
up, a right smart in
de Dar come folks now.
been de music over, sir,
hit mighty pretty con-
This last was addressed to Royal, who
dumbly felt that before he should get
through with the affair he might be in
need of consolation.
In the vestry they were received by
two gentlemen who were introduced by
as his brother Tom and the
Rev. Carter Both men shook
hands with Royal with enthusiasm, and
Tom Brandon helped him off with his
overcoat, remarking that he a
trifle off color, on the whole fitter
than they bad
, Royal, who twenty-four sleep-
less hours, two sketchy and insufficient
meals and a tremendous strain of
and excitement lay between his pres-
sen and the man who boarded the
train so tumultuously the day before,
did not wonder that he should look his
part at least sufficiently to pass muster.
With the climax so close upon him a
strange, still, all powerful excitement
seized on Royal and thrilled through
every nerve and tissue like an electric
current. His pulses quivered, his heart
beat and rapidly and the blood rose
to his brain. He replied to their inquiries
like a man in a dream, and was conscious
of a vague sense of confused identity.
As ho stood before the mirror, placed in
a corner for clerical convenience, ho
caught himself dimly questioning his
own existence as apart from the existence
of that other John Royal, dimly seeking
to identify his own features with those
of the man from whose sick bed he had
come. Life- and circumstance for the
time became unreal to him, and ho ac-
the f events as imper-
as a somnambulist could have
done. Individual will seemed, as it were,
in abeyance, held under and dominated
by a force with which it was powerless
to cope. He seemed himself, and yet
other than himself, more than himself.
The minister in his robes stood, book
-n hand, within the chancel rail; the
wedding march burst forth with joyous
invitation; a group of black coated men
and maidens all in white came up the
aisles, crossed each other and ranged
themselves about the chancel. And
Royal, still like a man in a dream, ad-
from the vestry door with Tom
Brandon at his side, and received from
the hands of a white haired gentleman
the lace enveloped figure of his unknown
bride. Her hand lay on his arm, the
folds of her shining robe brushed against
him, the lace covered her droop-
head almost touched his shoulder-
he did not look at her nor
by so much as the quiver of a muscle
consciousness of her proximity. His in-
seemed lost, merged in that
of the man whose part he had assumed.
His imagination was strained, his pulse
beat with excitement, his brain was
clear, hi perceptions
acute. He could hear the of a
somewhere among the
and the stamping of the horses
outside distinctly through the rhythm of
the music. The interest of the
tors thrilled him, but failed to renew
recognition of being other than he
Then, amid the which followed
the cessation of the music, came the
pose toe people were as-
and his impressive to
them that if any man knew J
should prevent this union lie should set
it forth, followed by tho which is
so seldom broken. Then, in tone that
sounded in bis ears as tho voice of an-
other man, Royal found himself repeat-
words which, with the strange I -use
of duality which oppressed him, s
to bind him, as well as that to
the woman beside him as with I
of steel; and when, her answering vow
breathed forth, he received the ring, it
was as though another hand was with
his hand, guiding it as he placed the
circlet on her finger. And a terrible
sense of and
for a moment overwhelmed him, turn-
him faint and sick, as on
a heavy blow has fallen.
Then he realized that everything
over, and that the people had at
their watches for the but time and
pressing forward with congratulate
He moved aside and involuntarily
out Iris own watch and noted aha time.
It wanted ten minute to
The Best Salve in the world
Sores, Ulcers, Salt
ever Bore. Hands
Chilblain, Corns, and all Skin
Clone, and positively cures Piles, or no
lay n quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
So cents per For sale by J.
L. Woolen
The Beet Household Medicine.
Once or twice each the
the blood. From
to old no remedy
is sir all tin
of good result as
W. C Webb City. writs.
n. R. done me r; f
than . . ; r
comfort .
P. A. Shepherd.
I depend an V. .
of my I
nearly two and in i
to have a
for r V n ,
We have opened for tho or non-
ducting a general
Sink Collecting- Mm
Money to Loan on Approved Security
Collection, solicited remittances
made promptly.
on my B
Brushes, parlor, Medicine, plea
Write now. Or,
Broadway, N. Y.
In worth weight in
gold. My wife suffered more in tan minutes
with either of her other children then she
did altogether with her last, after having
used four bottles of It
is a to expectant mothers, nays a
customer. DALE,
used two my sixth child
was born with no pain comparatively.
Mrs. L. O Lake, Col.
much suffering.
Montgomery, all.
hT on of price, pr tattle.
Sold by all Book to free.
CO., .
Views of Animal.
Family taken at
short Notice. Copying from
Hirers to life size, in Inks, Crayon or
quart erg for line Photographs.
Call and tee us.
K HYMAN, Manager.
N. C.
Pipe, Hollowware, Tin-
ware, Nails, Doors, Sash. Locks,
Butts and Hinges, Glass, Putty,
Paints and Oils,
The increased stove trade this
season is the best evidence that
the I sell is the for
the people. The public are in-
to examine, my stock be-
fore purchasing.
Tar Mt Transportation Company
Forbes, Greenville,
I. B. Vice-Pres
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Tarboro, Gen
Cant. R. F. Jones, Washington, Gee Ag
Executor's Notice.
duly qualified the
Court of county on the
and day of February, 1891, as Executor
of the estate Oakley, deceased,
notice Is hereby given to all per-ons in-
to the to make immediate
payment to all credit-
ors of the estate must present their
for payment on or before the 0th
day of February, 1802, or notice will
e plead in bar of recovery. Tills 10th
Jay of February 1801.
of Oakley.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned having duly qualified
before the Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county, on 21st day of February, 1801.
as of Mary de-
ceased, n is hereby given to all per-1
sons to the estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned,
and all persons having against
the estate must present the same proper-
authenticated, to the undersigned for
pa on or before the 23rd clay of
February, 1802, or this notice will be
in bar of recovery. This
of February, 1801.
John Flicking.
of Mary Harris,
By virtue of a decree of tho Clerk of
the Court of Pitt county made
on the day of February. 1801, in a
special proceeding wherein II. S.
of Marina
estate. Is plaintiff against Moore,
Harriett Moore, Joseph Harrington,
Miles Short, Chas. Williams and wife,
Jane Williams, Harrington,
David Moore, Mary Jane Griffin, Mary
Griffin, Ada Griffin, Griffin and
Willie Griffin, heirs of Griffin, F.
J Johnson, assignee of Latham,
and others, defendants, for the sale of
the, lands of his intestate to make asset.
The undersigned B. as
will offer for public sale, for
the highest bidder, before the
Court door in Greenville, on Sat-
the 21st day of March. 1801, a
piece or parcel of land, lying and
being in the town of Greenville, adjoin-
the lands of F. J. Johnston, Mary
M. and others on Street,
being part of No. This
21st. 1801. U. S.
By virtue of a decree of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Pitt County issued
on the of February 1801, in a
special proceeding wherein B. S. Shep-
a administrator of Mattie
is against
and wife, Bettie Nellie
Keel, James Lewis and Clinton Lewis,
an-defendants for the sale the lands
of his intestate to make assets. The
undersigned B. s. as
will offer at sale, for cash,
to the highest bidder before the Court
House door In Greenville, on the 21st
day of March 1801, A certain piece or
parcel of land lying and being In the
town of Greenville, between 1st and
He streets lying on the east side of
Reed streets, adjoining the lands of Peg-
W. M. B. Brown and part of
lot No. Terms of sale cash. This
Hit day of 1801.
Nothing better for
Mil Full
Best on Earth.
for Hale
s K,
Greenville. C. N.
I have removed to the new stables on
Fifth street In rear Cant. White's
Store, where I will constantly
keep on hand a fine Hue of
Horses and Mules.
have beautiful and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can suit the most
I will run in connection a DRAY-
AUK solicit a share of
patronage. Cull and convinced.
Greenville, N. U.
A Month Young Men or
in enmity
P. W. A Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Has Moved to next Door of Court House
M or
My Factory I well equipped with the beat I M up
but ams We keep up the time and m-. improved styles.
Heat material used In all work. All styles use. . you run from
Storm, Coil, Han. Born, King.
Also keep on hand a full of ready
year round, which we will sell ah ah
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer Green ville is the finest
quickest boat on the river.
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted.
Fitted up specially for the comfort, ac
and convenience of Ladies.
A first-class Table furnished
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer Greenville Is
not only comfortable but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
and Friday at o'clock, a. if.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. u.
Freights received dally and
Bills Lading given to all points,
it r. JOKES, agent, J. J.
Washington N. C. Greenville. N. C
-I have again opened a-
in Greenville and invite my old friends
and former patrons to give me a call.
can supply all your wants in the way of
a clean shave, a stylish hair cot, a de-
shampoo, or anything else in the
line. solicited.
Smith's Parlor.
Greenville. N.
We have the the easiest
Chair ever used in the art.
p razors, and
in every instance. Calf and he con-
Ladles waited on at their
Cleaning clothe i
Preparation tho most
tent remedies known to science for the
Cure of disease. This Preparation has
been in use over fifty years, and where,
ever known has been in steady demand.
Once used in a family it becomes the
household remedy. It has been endorsed
by the leading physicians all over the
country, has effected cures where all
other remedies, the attention of
most experienced physicians, have
for years failed. This Ointment is not
just gotten up for the purpose of making
money, but is of long standing and the
high reputation it has obtained Is
owing entirely to its own efficacy, as
little effort has ever been made to bring
It before the public. One bottle of this
Ointment will be sent to any address on
receipt of One Dollar. usual dis-
count to Druggists. AU Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
and communication to
T. F.
Sole Mar. and Proprietor,
S. M.
their year's supplies will i
their Interest to get our before
is complete
In all its branches.
Lowest Market Pricks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
you to buy at one profit. A com
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to salt
the times. Our roods are all bought and
sold for CASH, therefore, having no risk
to sell at a close margin.
N. C.
M. B.
A. L.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
A Good a Hand.
Fine a specialty.
Not. and Union St., Norfolk Va
Him,,, It. S.
with inc in the Undertaking we
are ready to serve the people in that
All notes and recounts
me for services been in
the hands of Mr. Sheppard for collect
Thanking people of this and surrounding count lei for pad hope, to
merit a of the same
We keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of nil
kinds and can furnish anything
from the finest Case down n
Pitt county Pine Coffin. arc
up with all conveniences and can i
satisfactory services to all who 7.-
obtained, and all business In the V. S,
Patent office or In the Courts attended to
for Moderate Fees.
We are opposite the Patent Of-
engaged In Patents
can obtain n less time than those
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing Is sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no unless ob-
refer, here, to the Post Master, the
Supt. of the Money Order Did., and to
Is of the V. H. Patent Office. For
advise terms and reference to
actual clients in your own State, or
address, C. A. Snow Co.,
Washington, D. C.
For Shaving, Cutting and Dressing Hair
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where I have
everything in my line
with all the improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
Razors sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of my shop
promptly executed. respectfully,
en Mill m Si m I
and lb. h
Haver to Gray,
Hair to It. Youthful
am tot Coma,
Bi or a CO., II. T.
ix ran to Ton man
Portrait, and of college, hotel, factor-
lea, machinery, made to older from
Thai for
Press Agency,
New York City.
Hood Cure.
A household remedy
la more than A pot-
tin for Scrofula,
all of
Blood, Stomach and
A botanical put tip lo package
medicine, large package. for
for c
Hew Building. New Furniture, Electric
Bel's, Lights and all modern
Polite servants.
meets all boats and trains. Rates
82.00 per day. H BROS.,
O. A. SPENCER, Proprietors.
r nil
., a-W in
-11 c. Ai v
Co .
a on j-11
old all
a Every care in the selection, growing and Of OW S , is
only send out such a will grow product I cults.
will ; i- of On
may m t
I'M -ii mid -i
I hi- two fie. . n ,.
lo for till I Pal
X about Farm and
Garden Seeds mailed free
valuable information
upon application.
T. W. WOOD SONS, h South Street, RICHMOND, VA.
Real Estate Agents,
m. V
The above have formed a for a
funeral real estate business the sale and
of town and county property. The pat-
of the public is solicited. Prompt
to letting and punctual settlement with
owners assured. Parties having to rent
out would do well to place them with us. Any
one wanting to rent a house can apply to us.
Any one wishing to buy or sell real estate is in
to confer with us.
of Hall's Patent
Pianos Organs Furniture
Baby Carriage and Mattings
Largest House and Largest Stock in the South.
No matter what Piano or Organ you want write to us for
and prices and we will save you money.
Opposite Main Va.
Offer to the of and surrounding a of tho following good
not to be excelled In this market. And to and
pure straight DRY GOODS all NOTION'S. CLOTHING,
kind, Gin and Mill hay, Rock Limb, and
Harness, addles.
Agent Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton which I the trade at l
Jobber price, cents per dozen, per cent Bread Prep-
ration and Star Lye at Jobbers White Lead and pure Lin
seed Oil, Varnishes and Paint Colors, Cucumber Wood Pumps, Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nail a specialty. Give me a mil and I guarantee satisfaction.
. a.

Eastern reflector, 18 March 1891
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 18, 1891
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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