Teacher's handbook, 1926-1927

Halifax CountyTEACHERS'HANDBOOK1926-1927

vignette COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Fletcher H. Gregory, Chairman W. F. White C. H. Leggett SUPERINTENDENT A. E. Akers ELEMENTARY SUPERVISOR Annie M. Cherry

To the Officers, Principals and Teachers
of Halifax County:

The purpose of this Handbook is to share with the entire teaching force the vision, constructive plans and big program as mapped out by the county officials for the growth and development of the school system; to define such educational problems as are necessary and to set up objectives for the year's accomplishments; to give very definite, practical help on the solution of immediate problems connected with a proper organization of the schools; to furnish additional inspiration for a forceful school beginning and a further desire to share in the enlargement of the ideals of a big, progressive county scheme.

It is hoped that all the educational forces of the county will thoroughly acquaint themselves with the contents of this book and will further strive to coöperate fully and intelligently in the solution of the plan of work set forth. The Board of Education not only wishes to pledge its support to the cause of education, but desires to extend an appreciation to the teachers for their unselfish and untiring efforts put forth for the advancement of the youth of Halifax County.


Chairman Halifax County Board of Education.


Fletcher H. Gregory, ChairmanHalifax, N. C.
A. E. Akers, ex-officio SecretaryRoanoke Rapids, N. C.
W. F. WhiteEnfield, N. C.
C. H. LeggettHobgood, N. C.
A. E. AkersRoanoke Rapids, N. C.
Annie M. Cherry (on leave of absence)Roanoke Rapids, N. C.
Mary W. Hyman (acting Supervisor)Roanoke Rapids, N. C.
Marie McIver (colored)Weldon, N. C.
Hazel M. DodgionRoanoke Rapids, N. C.
Hazel ErvinRoanoke Rapids, N. C.
W. O. DavisWeldon, N. C.
C. E. LittlejohnScotland Neck, N. C.
Dr. Z. P. Mitchell, County Health OfficerWeldon, N. C.
Davis Dickens, NurseWeldon, N. C.
Edith McNeil, Nurse, (colored)Weldon, N. C.
J. B. HallScotland Neck, N. C.

Halifax County, N.C.

Table of Comparison showing relative efficiency of the different types of schools and the per capita cost on the bases of enrollment, attendance and promotion.
EQUIPMENTRural County UnitSchools with one TeacherTwo Teacher SchoolsThree and Four Teacher SchoolsSchools with Five or more TeachersScotland Neck Graded SchoolEnfield Graded School
Number of schools24677411
Enrollment of pupils1896115410666705659503
Average daily attendance1319.564.6275.7452.5526.7533396
Number of teachers7061424261915
Percent teachers with college crd.86337895969493
No. pupils per teacher enrolled26.719.129.227.726.134.633.7
No pupils per teacher av. att.18.511.719.618.819.528.126.4
Percent av. da. att. is of enroll.69.656.467.367.974.880.878.7
No. of promotions all grades118959262412456390308
Percent enrollment promoted62.651.363.961.864.65961.2
Enrollment in 7th grade125122344463729
No. Completing 7th grade8051631282522
Percent 7th grade completed6441.669.563.268.767.975.8
Average percent efficiency6349.766.964.369.369.271.9
Per pupil cost per enrollment43.1934.7535.4147.1745.2038.8838.34
Per pupil cost for attendance62.0763.4252.6669.4360.5048.0748.70
Per pupil cost for promotion68.8869.4455.0376.2669.8665.6962.62

PROGRAM FOR 1926-1927

A. Objectives.

1. Increasing the quantity and quality of classroom instruction in every school in Halifax County.

(1) To maintain the standard already achieved in Reading, Spelling and the Four Fundamentals in Arithmetic and surpass it if possible.

(2) To reach standard in Problem Solving by putting special emphasis on necessary remedial measures.

(3) To continue the improvement of language teaching throughout the grades.

(4) To measure the progress made in hand writing.

(5) To continue an intensive program to reduce retardation to a minimum in every school.

2. Increasing the teaching efficiency of the entire teaching force.

3. Increasing the efficiency of the school as a whole along certain definite lines:

(1) To attain a creditable Attendance Standard.

(2) To provide at least a minimum amount of suitable equipment for teaching purposes and for playground activities.

(3) To work to the end that every child may approach, if not reach, the County Health Standard during the term.

4. Developing School and Community Coöperation through organized effort.

B. Means of Carrying Out Objectives.

1. Annual Educational Conference.

2. Group Teachers’ Meetings.

3. County wide meetings.

4. Meetings with Group Center Teachers.

5. Study-Conference with Teachers.

6. Special Committee Meetings.

7. Classroom Visits and Personal Interviews with Teachers.

8. Official Notebook.

9. County-wide Testing Program.

10. Uniform Seventh Grade Examination.

11. Community Meetings.

12. Parents’ Visiting Week.

13. Group and County Commencement Programs.

14. County Handbook.

15. State Course of Study.

C. Method of Procedure.

OBJECTIVE 1. Increasing the quantity and quality of classroom instruction in every school in Halifax County.

At the close of last term, a study of the spring test results revealed that our scores were at last justifying the efforts that had been put forth in this direction. There will be a continuation of the same plan used again in order that the same high standard may be maintained and the ability of all individual children may be brought up to standard.

At our Educational Conference, the teachers will be given full information concerning all facts discovered in our comparative study of test scores. These will be discussed in their relation to the general needs of the various groups in the County with definite suggestions for proper procedure resulting. The promotion lists for each school will be gone over in detail to insure no misunderstanding concerning the placement of particular pupils and the proposed course of study to be used in each case.

As soon as possible after the term opens, the supervisor will visit each class, show the class record, help the pupils to discover their strong points and weak ones, compare the grade with other classes in the same grade and make known the standard required.

As a part of the follow-up program, the supervisor and teacher will work out in group conference the types of errors made in the different subjects by the class as a whole as well as by individual children and then plan definite remedial work to overcome these difficulties. After the diagnosis is made, an adjustment of the lesson material to the needs and abilities of the small groups will follow. Charts will be made showing the record for each individual in each subject tested. All of the practical material and other suggested types of instruction found effective, will be assembled and distributed for use among the teachers in the improvement of the various subjects being concentrated upon.

At the regular Group Meetings, a series of lessons demonstrating the most prevalent Reading, Arithmetic, Spelling and Language needs of the group and growing out of the suggestions made at the outset will be given and later evaluated. Discussions based on professional books in these subjects in their relation to the above will follow.

As a final check-up, a series of achievement and mental tests will be administered again in the late spring. The results will be used as a basis of promotions along with the teacher's judgment.

Uniform county-wide examinations will be given all seventh grade pupils in the County, as a further aid toward standardizing the work. The principals in these schools will conduct the tests according to a uniform plan of procedure.

In the subject of Writing, teachers will follow the manuals very closely, step by step. From time to time, the supervisor will help check on growth and accomplishment by applying a standard test of measurement. With the many helpful methods and devices at hand, it should be possible to reach more legibly the standard by the end of this term.

An effort will be put forth at all times to help reduce retardation to a minimum. A special course of study will be planned for those children who are over-age and are needing definite foundation

help. Modifications that include eliminations as well as reorganization and supplementing of the material will be made.

(The Official Notebook and the topics listed under Objective 2 will give additional help at this point.)


No school worker would question the fact that school pupils experience a set-back in the continuity of the learning process during the long vacation period. This statement is proved conclusively at the beginning of each school year. Because of the necessity for bridging this gap and the value of connecting the spring work with the fall work in an unbroken whole, it seems necessary to conduct a rather thorough review for at least two weeks, and longer if necessary, at the beginning of the fall term. For this reason, no teacher should consider omitting this all important part of the year's program.

OBJECTIVE 2. Increasing the teaching efficiency of the entire teaching force is planned for through:


It is a difficult matter to properly classify pupils, organize a school and start the work as it should be. By spending several days together outlining the work for the year and exchanging ideas as to the best plans and methods of organization and classroom procedure suited to the particular needs of the groups as a whole, it seems altogether possible to expect teachers to make a much better beginning for a successful school year. Therefore, having the welfare of a growing school in mind, the week prior to the opening of the regular session in September has been set aside for the County Educational Conference.

This is the time when the teachers working in the County come together and have the opportunity to become acquainted with the educational goals and administrative policies that have been set up for the year's accomplishments and to be instructed along matters of common interest to all. It is not intended that any individual ideas and plans be suppressed, but there is an intense desire to unify the system as much as possible and to link the efforts of all so that a more efficient type of rural elementary school may be built up.

All teachers will be expected to answer to the first roll-call at the opening session of the conference and to be present at all subsequent meetings throughout the three-day period. The living expenses of all the teachers in attendance will be paid by the County Board of Education.

Thursday has been designated as “School and Community Day” during Conference Week. The local committeemen from each district will be present to take part in the discussion that will follow. They will come prepared to take the teachers to their respective school communities.

With Clean-up-Day ahead and other necessary preparations to be made, it is hoped that the rest of the week will be spent

advantageously by both teachers and patrons in making ready for a most auspicious opening. The First Day of School should be a Red Letter Day in every rural school in Halifax County.


Of all the agencies at hand to further stimulate and assist in promoting the efficiency of teachers already at work, the group teachers’ meeting is a most important medium through which the field of education can be enlarged to render greater service to its workers. In this way, an excellent opportunity is provided for widening the scope and influence of good practices through concrete instruction. Therefore, Halifax County has adopted this type of meeting so that every teacher in the County can be reached in a direct way.

Halifax County is divided into four groups with a Central School as the point of concentrated effort in each group. There will be two series of meetings held at each of the four Group Centers during the year on school days. Every teacher in each group will be expected to be present at her own Group Center for the opening exercises and spend the entire day in learning a more desirable teaching procedure and in developing greater skill in technique.

The program of work will planned, as far as possible, to meet the outstanding needs of the individual teachers in attendance. In the main, the morning session will be spent in observing carefully planned lessons in various subjects, followed in the afternoon by a detailed analysis and discussion of the aims, principles, methods and results as based on the professional book being studied in this connection. Problems relating to school organization and administration, attendance, course of study, etc., will be given consideration. There will also be time for progress reports of school and community activities.

In order for such meetings to be productive of greatest good for all, it will be well to keep certain important points in mind, as follows:

1. Be on time and stay until adjournment.

2. Study all assignments before coming to the meeting and be prepared to make a definite contribution if possible.

3. Bring all reports in full.

4. Come with the right attitude and spirit toward the meeting if you wish to gain value and profit from the day's program.

Each teacher will be paid for a day's work and she will be expected to give a day's service in return.


Two meetings will be held late in the spring—one for the schools in the lower part of the County and the other for the western section—for the purpose of instructing teachers concerning

the testing program in its entirety. This will make it possible to promote all pupils by the close of the term.


The last general meeting will deal largely with problems connected with the final closing of schools. In addition to the progress reports of accomplishments made during the term, such topics as promotion of pupils, the making of yearly reports, the completion of registers, reading circle work and a general discussion of final plans connected with the Group and County Commencement programs will claim our attention. If the year's work is completed in the most satisfactory manner, it will be necessary for each teacher to be present.


The supervisor's work is essentially that of training and improving teachers in service. In addition to meetings, both group and general, personal visitation to individual schools will be used as usual to promote growth among our teachers. By visiting in the classroom to teach and to observe, by giving pertinent suggestions through personal conferences and by noting suggestive outlines and helps to be sent from the County Office, the supervisor should be able to help the individual teacher into a conscious, self-realization of the power to grow into a richer, fuller service.

Through these personal visits and private interviews, there is an opportunity to follow up the work started at the conference and continued at group meetings; to guide the teachers over their difficulties, to keep definitely in mind their successes and needs and lead them to the solution of new problems. An effort will be made to help analyze a unit of work by picking out elements of strength and weakness and determining the cause of each, selecting ready help and make necessary changes in the method of procedure. An opportunity will always be given the teachers to ask any questions they wish concerning general school affairs, for the supervisor to commend good work done along other lines, and to suggest further steps to be taken—all of which should result in a thoughtful consideration of the problems at hand. Finally, a closer bond of friendship will be established that should make helpful suggestions more worthwhile.


Our professional study will be centered largely around Language teaching. It is necessary that the definite work initiated in this subject last year be continued if a satisfactory standard is reached. Again, the teaching force, as a whole, will concentrate their efforts in this direction and build upon the foundation already laid. As an aid in our study and discussions, the best book possible along this line will be selected for use. Sheridan's “Speaking and Writing English” and Hosic's “The Teaching of English” will be found in each school library for reference. From

time to time, helpful outlines and suggestive question helps will be sent as a guide in directing group discussion. The Reading Circle Period at Group Meetings will serve to harmonize and make tangible the theory and practice of the work and thereby connect up the demonstration teaching with the thought as presented in the book studied.


Each teacher will be supplied with a loose-leaf notebook containing mimeograph helps, circular letters and outlines related to various phases of the work. All other such information and suggestions sent from the office from time to time should be properly filed therein for future reference. It is to be expected that all teachers will become familiar with this bit of supplementary material and make proper use of the part that is applicable to the individual needs of the school in question.

OBJECTIVE 3. Increasing the efficiency of the school as a whole along certain definite lines:


A greater effort will be put forth to help increase our Attendance Standard over last year's record. Both teachers and officials should work consciously on this problem throughout the term in accordance with certain plans submitted. No opportunity should be lost to boost the proposition and to encourage coöperation from the parents. Many appealing devices can be used to enlist the best help of the children themselves, such as:

(1) Publish in weekly papers names of pupils who are neither absent nor tardy.

(2) Read same names at chapel.

(3) Present these pupils with monthly Honor Certificates.

(4) Loan banner or suitable picture to room having highest percentage of attendance.

(5) Organize room contests.

(6) Chart results daily, weekly and monthly to further stimulate interest.


“Every School a Better School” was the slogan adopted by the entire school system three years ago. It has proved so valuable in helping each school measure up to the requirements set for physical equipment that it will be continued again this term. (See detailed outline in notebook.) Accordingly, a list of the major and minor improvements will be submitted by each individual school early in the fall. This will enable both teachers and supervisor to work intelligently together on the vital problem of equipment with definite goals of accomplishment in mind. As a further aid to this work, the County Board of Education will again double funds made by the schools, provided the rules adopted are followed.

When a school has made three Major and three Minor Improvements, it will be classed a “Better School” and a certificate of approval will be granted by the County Superintendent of Schools. When any given school has met the necessary requirements the teacher must certify a list of the improvements made to the proper authority to gain such recognition. Every rural school in Halifax County is eligible to become a “Better School.”


Health education should be a well-established principle in every school system. Here in Halifax County three years ago, there was such a felt need for the development of a constructive health program that a definite plan of work was established for the County as a whole. The detailed program launched then will be continued this year with even greater emphasis on the salient points. (See program.) Each school should put forth conscious effort to build on previous accomplishments and to increase the well-being of each child so far as it is practical and possible. Through such a building process, training in habits of cleanliness, correct breathing posture, proper ventilation, use of the eyes, use of individual drinking cups, eating of proper food, taking of proper exercise, and all other rules of the Health Game may be made valuable.

The following activities may prove suggestive:

1. Daily inspection and check-up.

2. Chart-work and booklets representing various phases of health.

3. Health stories.

4. Health Story Plays for primary groups.

5. Organized health club and crusade work.

6. Formal exercises.

7. Practice of washing hands before eating lunch.

8. Quiet indoor lunch period.

9. Hot lunch served.


The same Hot Lunch Plan, started several years ago through the coöperation of our Home Agent, will be continued again under the same rules and regulations. It is very much to be desired that all of our school children have the benefit of at least one hot dish to supplement the regular lunch brought from home.


Attention is again called to the quiet in-door lunch period. Every school in the County can follow this health practice with advantage; so it is not necessary to urge its observance. The plan used for the children to prepare for the noon-day meal should be worked out by each teacher and the extra time for this bit of routine reduced to a minimum.


(This program should be followed in detail as far as possible.)

I. Physical Conditions of Children:

A. Early examination of all children entering school for the first time.

B. Encourage prompt treatment of all defects found.

C. Precautions against the spread of diphtheria and all other contagious diseases.

1. Strict observance of individual drinking cups.

2. Pure water supply.

3. Clean habits of conduct: No spitting, coughing with mouth uncovered, etc.

4. Urge all pupils to become immunized against contagious diseases.

D. Physical exercises given regularly and systematically.

1. Encouragement of all out-door sports, as games, hikes, races, etc.

2. Definite drills at noon recess before the lunch period.

3. Rest periods given throughout the day when needed.

4. All children spend each recess in fresh air if possible.

E. Attention paid to food.

1. Effort to add at least one hot dish to school lunch.

2. Encouragement in drinking sweet milk to increase normal weight.

3. A careful observance of the quiet indoor lunch period (not less than fifteen minutes).

4. Practice of washing hands before eating lunch.

F. Carrying out of the seven big Health Rules by means of definitely organized Health Campaign, as:

1. Health Crusaders.

2. Health Club.

3. Junior Citizenship Club.

4. Contests.

5. Playing the Game.

6. Live Hygiene Classes, etc.

7. Daily Inspection and Check-up.

II. Sanitary Conditions of:

A. Building:

1. Cleanliness of floors, walls and windows throughout building.

2. Rooms swept after school.

3. Proper ventilation of rooms during school hours.

4. Windows raised at each recess.

5. Use of Floor Oil or Dust Prevention.

6. Orderly arrangement of mounted work, teacher's desk, pupils’ desks, library, etc.

B. Grounds:

1. Absence of paper and all unnecessary rubbish on school grounds.

2. Strict attention to sanitary condition of toilets.

3. Observance of Clean-up Program.


One of the most helpful agencies in promoting school interests is a live, wide-awake progressive school and community club. Such an organization presents a splendid medium through which a healthy interest in education can be created and the spirit of coöperation infused into the community. This makes difficult problems more easily solved and causes the right attitude to be established.

The possibilities of such an organized club for good in a community are too great not to continue to strive to have an active association in every school district. An endeavor should be made to organize a club that will fit the needs of the community and then work to keep it alive.

Parents’ Visiting Week will also be observed during the year. Plans and suggestive programs will be furnished from the office. Such first hand knowledge of what is going on in the school should prove most helpful in linking up the work of the school and home.


All schools operating under the jurisdiction of the Halifax County Board of Education will be expected to open and close on the dates as indicated:


Opening Date—September 13, 1926

Closing Date—May 6, 1927


Opening Date—October 11, 1926

Closing Date—May 6, 1927


Opening Date—November 8, 1926

Closing Date—May 6, 1927


May 6, 1927

Teachers are requested not to allow the school to be interrupted except for providential reasons. All lost days must be made up—but not on Saturdays. Days on which Group Teachers’ Meetings are held should be counted as days taught. Please keep in mind that all eight months’ schools must be taught one hundred sixty (160) days, seven months’ schools one hundred forty (140) days, and six months’ schools one hundred twenty (120) days. Much confusion will be avoided by adhering strictly to the above regulation.


September 7-9—Annual Educational Conference.

September 13—Oeping of Eight Months’ County Schools.

October 11—Opening of Seven Months’ County Schools.

October 20-29—First Series of Group Center Teachers’ Meetings:

October 20—Hardrawee.

October 22—Aurelian Springs.

October 27—Hobgood.

October 29—Halifax.

November 5, 6—North Central District Meeting of North Carolina Education Association, Raleigh, N. C.

November 8—Opening of Six Months’ County Schools.

January 10-14—Mid-term tests for Section A. groups.

February 9-18—Second Series of Group Center Teachers’ Meetings:

February 9—Hardrawee.

February 11—Aurelian Springs.

February 16—Hobgood.

February 18—Halifax.

March —State Meeting N. C. E. A.

March 28-April 8—County-wide Testing Program, Grades 3-7.

April 10-15—County-wide Testing Program, Grades 1-2.

April 16—General Teachers’ Meeting.

April 19-20—County-wide Seventh Grade Examination.

April 27-May 4—Group Center Commencements:

April 27—Hardrawee.

April 29—Aurelian Springs.

May 3—Hobgood.

May 4—Halifax.

May 6—County Commencement.

Group CenterSchools in GroupElementary Teachers in School
Aurelian Springs*Aurelian Springs5
Bear Swamp2
Hawkins’ Chapel2
New Hope2
Oak Hill1
River Road1
South Rosemary5
Whitakers’ Chapel1
Spring Hill1

* Aurelian Springs has three High School teachers.†Holister has one High School teacher.


It is generally conceded that systematic organization and general routine are necessary prerequisites of a well-ordered school. Unless these are present, there will be a haphazard, careless procedure resulting in undesirable habit formation on the part of both teachers and pupils. We earnestly urge that every principal plan the organization and daily routine of his school carefully, discuss his plan with his teachers, explain it to the pupils and then see that it is put across in every detail.

With due apologies to the Guilford and Wayne Handbooks, the following is a list of suggestions that will not meet the needs of every school, but will serve to remind principals and teachers that these and other matters of a like nature need to be definitely arranged and understood:


Make definite administrative plans for the year before school opens. Have a preliminary teachers’ meeting and discuss these plans with the teachers. Decide on what will be done so that all may understand the program at the beginning of the year and work it out in a coöperative way.


1. Making the Frst Day of School a Red Letter Day:

a. Have building and grounds cleaned thoroughly beforehand.

b. Assemble all necessary information available concerning gradation and classification of pupils.

c. Secure textbooks and other helpful material.

d. Plan full schedule of work for first day and follow it.

e. Have on hand a tentative program as a definite guide.

f. Decide definitely on all matters of general routine before the first day arrives.

g. Establish the right attitude toward school by being systematic and straightforward in carrying out the day's plan.

h. Do not allow a great waste of time and money to occur on the first day of school.

2. Convening School:

a. Time when teachers are required to be on duty.

b. Time when children are permitted to enter the building.

c. Time when regular work begins.

3. Intermissions:

a. Some one person should be responsible for the ringing of the bell and see that it is rung at a definite time.

b. Have children to march in and out of the building in an orderly manner.

c. Allow no children in the building at recess, except when weather is too bad for them to be on the playground.

At such time, each grade should have recess in their own room with the grade teacher.

d. Require teachers to be on the playground.

e. Have building completely aired during recess periods.

4. Lunch:

a. Children who have lunch at home should leave the building first.

b. Those remaining should wash their hands according to the plan adopted, return to their seats quietly and then eat their lunches in an orderly manner at their seats.

c. It should not be necessary for any children to return to the building during any recess.

5. Dismissal:

a. Children should be dismissed promptly at the appointed time.

b. See that there is no loitering on the grounds after dismissal.

c. Let all children who have to wait until the older ones are out, wait quietly in their own room with their teacher.

d. Allow no child in the building after being dismissed unless permitted to be there by the teacher.

e. Teachers are to see that pupils leave the building and grounds in an orderly way.

6. Rainy Day Program:

Definite plans should be made to fit the needs of each school.

7. Playground Work:

a. Make a list of playground activities.

b. Divide the pupils into groups according to age and grades.

c. Assign a portion of the playground to each group.

d. Assign teachers to each group for three recreational periods of the day—the morning, after and part of the noon recess.

e. See that every one coöperates in putting across this recreational program.

8. Sanitary Supervision:

a. This may be correlated with the Teaching of Health in the School.

b. If necessary, plan a general “clean-up-day.” Then keep things clean.

c. See that every room and all the halls are swept every day—preferably after school. Do not sweep any room within an hour of the time for the room to be used.

d. Have certain pupils responsible for collecting all trash on the yard, both back and front.

e. See that toilets are in good condition.

f. See that water is available.

g. Inspect in a general way the entire building and grounds each day, and carefully once a week. Points of note: Clean floor, clean blackboards, orderly arrangement of equipment and materials, clean, orderly cloak room, exhibits well selected and neatly arranged, flowers and plants cared for, and no broken equipment.

9. Chapel Exercises:

a. Assign certain times for each teacher and her grade to be responsible for this period. Urge the teachers not to spend a lot of time working up programs, but to use some of their regular work for the program. Whenever possible, let the pupils have charge.

b. Get good speakers when available.

c. Plan definitely for this program. It should be the most interesting period of the day. Pupils should look forward to it.

d. See that pupils assemble and return to rooms in good order.


1. Room Inventory Sheet. (In order that the principal may keep up with equipment and make out his reports to the office.)

2. Permanent Office Records.

3. Census Cards. Urge that all records be accurately and neatly kept and promptly handed in to save trouble for yourself and the office force.

4. History of School and Community Activities.

5. Final Equipment Sheet.


How to group pupils to bring up their deficiencies.

This year's Test Work and Promotion List.


Assign duties so that each teacher will feel responsible and plan for her part of this work.

Library Work.

Dramatics and Entertainments.

Literary Societies and Clubs.

Music Appreciation.

Playground Organization. (All should have a part in this.)

School Reporter.

Committee on beautifying the grounds, etc.


How many, when and for what purpose they will be held. Have them at least once a month at a regular time.

A principal should find something of vital importance to his teachers and school to confer about once each month.

Suggestive Topics:

September—Classification of Pupils, Charting test results of pupils in various subjects.

October—School Housekeeping, Playground Organization, Discussion of Reading Circle assignment.

November—Classroom Instruction, general suggestions after a series of observations. Diagnosis of errors made on spring tests.

December—Plans for the Christmas or New Year Entertainment.

January—Group and County Commencement Plans. Attendance.

February—Responsibility for health of pupils. Discussion of Reading Circle assignment.

March—Remedial work in preparation for the spring series of tests and promotions.

April—Scoring of tests and tablulation of results. Promotions. Final Group and County Commencement Plans.

May—Checking Results of Year's Work: Equipment, Community and School Activities, Pupil Achievement.

The above is a very meager outline of some important topics. There are many more problems that occur in a year's work that the principal should discuss with his teachers if he is to have a school that is alive and efficient. Besides these it is the wise thing for a principal and his teachers to study the needs of the school and take up at least one topic for a year's intensive study and improvement.

Examples: Attendance, Retardation, Parental Interest, School Equipment, Morals and Manners of Pupils, Correlation of Standard Tests with Teacher's Tests and Estimate, Community Service.


Teachers should feel responsible for good order and conduct of their school at all times. To preserve unity and harmony, the same standard must be maintained by all those working together in the school. Pupils should understand that they will be expected to extend the same courtesy and obedience to all teachers alike as well as to the particular room teacher in charge. It is invaluable to the general morale of the school for teachers to realize that the “Union of all for the good of all” is a worthy motto to follow.


According to the Public School Law of North Carolina, Part II, Article 3, Section 33, teachers of all grades are expected to be on active duty for at least six hours per day, exclusive of the lunch period. The schedule of work must be so planned as to get

in the legitimate amount of time required.

To prevent disorder on the playground and to avoid other undesirable happenings, all teachers are requested to be at school at least ten or fifteen minutes before the time of opening. It is understood that all principals should reach school before the first truck arrives.

If it becomes necessary during the fall harvesting season to adjust the school day to meet the agricultural needs of the community, it will be permissible to start school earlier and shorten the recess periods—provided it meets the approval of the County Board of Education. Even under these circumstances, care should be exercised to observe the six-hour day, as required by law. Both teachers and patrons will see the necessity for a careful observance of this rule and will gladly comply with the requirement stated.


To secure a maximal degree of efficiency in its work, the school must make the most effective use of the time at its disposal. A satisfactory daily program not only includes a place for every phase of the school experiences of the pupils, but it considers the whole as being a continuous process. It is the result of much planning and careful thinking which is based on an intimate acquaintance with every angle of the teacher's work. This is a complex problem, involving the adjustment of several determining factors. Among these the following requires detailed consideration:

1. Length of school year and school day.

2. Recesses.

3. List of subjects and the relative importance of subjects at different levels of child development.

4. General factors of fatigue and the relation of different types of subject matter to fatigue.

5. Number of pupils and number of separate classes for which each teacher must be responsible.

6. Time devoted to general exercise of all kinds.

In working out a desirable daily schedule, the teacher must see to it that each group is busy and interested in (1) recitation or other class exercise, (2) study, (3) independent work, (4) outdoor play or other recreation.

The suggestions listed below are the direct outgrowth of experienced workers. They should prove helpful to you in solving this problem of the daily schedule:

1. Make a list of subjects and of classes in each subject.

2. When the amount of available time is determined apportion it on the basis of:

(1) Importance of subjects for each grade;

(2) Number of pupils in each class;

(3) Relative length of time that children can concentrate and sustain interest and, therefore, that a lesson may be profitably continued.

Consider subjects:

a That may be omitted for certain grades and more profitably taken with another class later; (See suggested two-year Grouping of Classes found in official notebook);

b That require no previous preparation or study by pupils;

c That can be taught to combined group or to the school as a whole, as music, drawing, nature study;

d That can be alternated;

e That can be correlated, for example, Spelling, part of the time with Written Language; Drawing, to Illustrate Nature Study, Literature, or other subjects; Reading with Geography, History, Civics, or Hygiene;

f That require the maximum of the teacher's guidance.

3. The plan of alternation of classes, and due correlation, greatly reduces the strain and difficulty of teaching in one-teacher school. (See suggested program in Course of Study.)

4. Alternate mental and physical or manual activity.

5. Plan for educative self-activity for all pupils throughout the day.

Each child is educated by what he does, not by what is done for him.

6. Give shorter periods for the younger children.

The following table is suggestive, not arbitrary:

GradeRecitationHand Work, Silent Reading
(hard work)(easy work)
17-15 minutes30 minutes or more
210-15 or 20 minutes30 minutes or more
3-412-20 minutes30-40 minutes or more
5-615-25 minutes30-40 minutes or more
7-820-40 minutes40-60 minutes or more

7. Give the most difficult subjects when the children are most able to do hard mental work.

During the school day the most favorable periods for work requiring concentration and hard thinking are 9 to 11:30, and in a lesser degree, 2 to 3:30. If the morning hours have been used in earnest intellectual work, the fatigue elements and the need for food in some cases, lessen the capacity for work after eleven o'clock. After the noon recess the bodily energy is largely used for the work of digestion, therefore, the school work should be light at least until two o'clock.

In “Mental Fatigue” by Offner and Whipple, the most fatiguing subjects are listed as: Reasoning in Arithmetic, History, Geography, or Civics, and other thought exercises; Reading, for little people, who are mastering the mechanics of the subject; Mechanical drawing; Memorization. The easy subjects are listed as

follows: Pleasure Reading, Descriptive Geography, Nature Study, Hand Work, Narrative Drawing.

8. The standard program should show the time devoted to recitations, to study, to independent work, and to play.

9. Special Suggestions:

1. Written work should not be placed on the program immediately after recess, because the children's vigorous play lessens the control of the nerves, which is necessary for good writing.

2. Physical exercises should generally be placed about midway between recesses; an exception may be made in case a game is to be taught in the ten minutes preceding a recess, and practiced during the recess. Twenty minutes per day should be devoted to vigorous physical exercises of a body-building type.

3. Friday afternoons should yield as rich results in the education of the children of all our schools, as other parts of the week.

10. Flexibility is an essential factor in a good program.

When by accurate tests it is shown that a class ranks low in any subject, the time allotment for that subject may well be increased, provided the time can be taken from other subjects without injury to the children.

The following “Sugested Time Distribution Table” taken from the “Standards for the Elementary Schools” should prove most helpful in giving each subject and each class a due proportion of the school day's time allotment:

Required SubjectsGrades—Minutes Per Week
Language (including Grammar in sixth and seventh grades)100100125150175175
History (including North Carolina History in sixth grade and Civics—x—x—x60100150200
Geography (including North Carolina Geography) and Elementary Science—x—x60100125150200
Health and Physical Education120120120120120120120

* English includes Reading, Language, and Spelling.† Last half of term.‡ Less time should be given if students measure up to grade standard on a Standard Writing Scale.x Frequently included in language work and opening exercises. At other times special periods are used.HOLIDAYS

Thanksgiving Day is the only recognized holiday authorized by the State School Law. The Christmas vacation will be determined later by the County Board of Education. No school is expected to take any other holiday.

All days of special note and interest should be observed by the schools in an appropriate manner. Suitable programs may be carried out in connection with the Morning Exercises, Literary Societies, etc., to the pleasure and profit of all. (See Red Letter Days for suggestions.)

For the most part, teachers carry out the instructions as laid down by the County Board of Education, but failure to do so, will handicap not only the school itself but individuals within the school. Let us take note of this school duty and follows the recommendations set forth. No exception should be made.


It is agreed by those in authority on this question that there is little chance for a child with a mental age below six years to do first grade work. The Board of Education have proved their belief in this statement by making it possible for school authorities to regulate first grade entrance of children who will not be six years of age later than January 31. The ruling made by the Board at the July meeting 1921 with respect to admission of such children is as follows:

“Be it resolved first: That all children who will be six years old as late as January 31 and who are physically strong, may enter school the first of the school term, and further

“Be it resolved: That these children who expect to enter school for the first time will not be admitted later than the first month of school.”

On July 2, 1925, the Board passed a resolution adding the following proviso to the Resolution of July 5, 1921:

“That children who will be six years old on January 31, following the opening of school may enter school only when their mental development shows first grade readiness or an approach to six years as shown by scientific tests. The tests must be given by the supervisor prior to the child's entering classes.”

There will be a separate entrance date for all first grade children who come under the specific ruling of the Board. The supervisor will follow a special schedule when administering tests to these beginners who are not quite six years of age. Teachers will be notified accordingly; so the parents of these children can be sure to have them at school on that day.

Under no condition, allow a child to enroll until the day that is set for his entrance. No child less than six years of age is eligible to enroll or to enter school until he shows a “readiness for first grade,” as indicated by the results of the tests given. However, this does not apply to all other children six years old who are beginning school for the first time. If possible, they should enroll on the first day of school; otherwise not later than the end of the first month—the time limit on all first grade entrants.

Let it be clearly understood in all communities that the above regulation will be observed strictly. Keep this in mind and see that no exceptions are made. If this is not carried out, it will result in poor economy to both pupil and school.


It is poor economy not to control the admission of pupils to certain sections of first grade, for it is very essential that children of at least approximately equal mentalities be placed together at the beginning. Accordingly, for the purpose of proper grouping, the Pintner-Cunningham Intelligence Test and the Detroit First Grade Test will be given to all children entering school for the first time.

On the basis of this group test, the pupils will be divided into fast-moving, slow-moving and average groups. The first result hoped for will be to establish a rate of progress, each group being allowed to work at maximum speed. No definite changes will be made in the content of the course of study; but adjustments to the needs of the children will be left to the teacher and supervisor.

The first-hand experience that we have had seems to indicate that group intelligence tests can be relied upon for trust-worthy placing of individual pupils at the beginning of a school course, and when followed by diagnostically directed teaching may do much toward lessening the variations now found within all school groups. Such an organization is both practical and economical.


One of the essential things necessary in unifying the work of rural schools is that the teachers should have a well-organized knowledge of the State Course of Study. Special effort should be made by all school workers to become familiar with the following points connected with its contents:

1. Number of grades of work it provides for;

2. Length of school term necessary to complete the amount outlined for each grade;

3. The amount of work to be done in each grade before the pupils are ready for promotion to the next trade;

4. The basal books to be studied in each grade and the order in which they are to be taken up;

5. The list of books suggested for supplementary use in the various subjects.

6. The Course of Study in its unity and continuity;

7. Methods of taking up various subjects outlined;

8. Lists of best reference books for each subject.

Since the Course of Study has been accepted as our official school guide in Halifax County, teachers will be expected to follow rather closely the information contained therein. Unless this is done systematically throughout the County, a serious handicap to a large number of children may result. As a further help toward a detailed analysis of this material, each teacher is hereby appointed a committee of one to work out definitely the following topics as they relate to the grade or grades being taught:

1. Amount of work you think your class should cover in each subject for each month of the school year.

2. Amount of work actually covered in each subject each month.

NOTE: The above should be based on the minimal essentials for an average group of children.

3. Outline what you should know about the grades you teach, the one preceding and the one following.

4. Work out standards of achievement for each subject in each grade you teach and the one preceding.

5. Send outlines to supervisor at the end of the month.

The State Department of Education has allotted a limited number of copies of the Course of Study to Halifax County schools. If these are lost or destroyed, we will not be supplied with others. For this reason, it will be necessary to safeguard those in our care and keeping. Consequently, each teacher will be asked to sign for her copy when she receives it and promise to pay the price of $2.50 in case it is not returned.


The texts given below were selected with a view to placing in the hands of the pupils easy reading material to begin the year's work. Experience proves that this is necessary because of the temporary set-back or loss in reading abilities during the long vacation. Each class will be expected to read one of the books listed for the grade under discussion unless a special notation is made on the separate promotion list for the particular grade or group in question.


(1) Story Steps Primer or (2) Every Day Classics Primer, or

(3) Progressive Road to Reading Book One.


(1) Cherry Tree Children, or (2) Every Day Classics First Reader, or (3) In Fableland.


(1) Grimm's Fairy Stories, or (2) Robinson Crusoe or (3) Dutch Twins, or (4) Every Day Classics Second Reader.


(1) Merry Animal Tales, or (2) Fifty Famous Stories, or (3) The Story of Pinnochio, or (4) Every Day Classics Third Reader.


(1) The Story of Ulysses, or (3) The King of the Golden River, or (3) American Life and Adventure, or (4) The Eugene Field Book.


(1) Robin Hood, or (2) Hiawatha, or (3) The Wonder Book.


(1) King Arthur, or (2) Any book suggested for the fifth or sixth grades which the class has not read.


Here in Halifax County there was a felt need not only for a general improvement in the quantity and quality of class-room work, but also for using definite stardards for measuring achievements in Reading, Spelling, Arithmetic and general ability as well, in all of the schools. There, during the past four years a rather thorough scientific testing program has been administered throughout each grade in the entire school system.

At the outset the results of the tests revealed a situation that was far from satisfactory. The widest possible range of ability was shown, both within the class and from one class to another. It was not infrequent to find the grade score several points below the respective grade standards, and to locate a pupil in a grade who was well above the median of the next higher class. The relatively low scores in this important key subjects presented a situation that challenged our best effort. Both teachers and pupils worked together to accomplish an improved standard—the teacher making a definite effort to search for and discover methods of teaching to meet the varying needs of the class; the pupils consciously striving to surpass the original score and approach the grade standard as nearly as possible.

As a step further in our standardization plan, a more comprehensive program was launched the following spring. A serious effort was made in this survey to measure the results of instruction and to discover how much progress the pupils had made in the school subjects tested and to discover the mental status of each pupil relative to his capacity to grow—all of which would serve as a partial basis for proper classification later. From the information obtained, it was possible to derive the grade location of every rural child in Halifax County. A rather thorough interpretative analysis of the data tabulated from these standard educational and mental tests was made. The knowledge gained through the study of the scores given, together with the usual general review at the beginning of school was used as a basis for the classification of pupils in each grade into superior, average and low average groups for teaching purposes. Later, after a complete diagnosis of the special difficulties of the individuals in each group was discovered, a definite program of remedial work was determined to fit the particular needs and to be carried along with the regular work in the Course of Study.

After a year's careful study and scientific investigation of the accomplishment of all pupils, it did not seem unreasonable to reclassify and promote our pupils partially on the basis of their scores made during the two years as based on (1) their educational achievement in the fundamental subjects, (2) their mental age, and (3) the teacher's estimate.

Each spring a similar follow-up has been made. The following battery of tests was given last April as indicated: in grades I and Ii to test achievement as an aid in promotion; and in grades III to VII to measure progress made in achievement tests as well as in general ability and to compare results with previous records, and (2) to use results of testing program as a partial basis for promotion, and (3) to locate pupil weaknesses.

Detroit Word Recognition Test—Form 2.

Haggerty Reading Test.

Thorndike McCall Reading Test—Forms 7 and 2.

Morrison McCall Spelling Test.

Buckingham Reasoning Problems—Form 2.

National Intelligence Test-Scale B—Form 2.

English Survey Test—Two forms.

The results of this year's testing program are beginning to show definitely the marked effect of the reclassification scheme started in 1923. Our figures show that a much larger percentage of pupils were promoted with their scores up to standard and above than at any previous time; and that the test results of all pupils in the subjects tested represent the greatest amount of growth indicated for any given period. A further study reveals the interesting fact that with few exceptions the county median score for the various grades in the subjects of Reading, Spelling and Four Fundamentals has at last reached the national standard. It is significant to note further that Grade IV exceeded the standard and went “over the top” by several months in Reading and Four Fundamentals. The reasoning scores are still low in comparison to the others; yet the advance over a one-year period has been most creditable. The gain in school months for the grades tested (3-7) ranges from a three-months’ increase to six-months’—all of which indicate definite growth and an approach of the desired goal.

During our three-year testing period, the improvement in County averages in Reading, Spelling and Four Fundamentals for grades three to seven has been outstanding. The increasing gains in school months ranging from four months to thirteen in both Reading and Four Fundamentals, indicate a steady development that is satisfactory to all concerned. In other words, there has been such a complete advancement of pupils within the grades that our grade standard reached in each case has far outstripped the original score at the outset. For example, our fourth grade standard in Reading for 1926 is thirteen months higher than it was in 1923; similarly, the fifth and sixth grades have grown eleven and nine months respectively. This can be followed throughout the grades in all subjects tested. The same is true of pupil-growth as judged by development over one year's time. In the case of Spelling and Reasoning Problems, our tabulations show that the greatest average growth of pupils within the given period is eighteen months and the lowest eight. After all, however, the thing that is of greatest significance to us is the fact that our groups are more nearly prepared to do the work expected of them

than at any previous time. Our goal of three years ago has, in the main, been reached.

The problem now is to maintain the standard attained and to more nearly equalize the work as a whole. If this is accomplished, there must be a continuation of the same type of intensive effort put forth by both teachers and pupils. In the late spring, another battery of tests will be given as a further check of accomplishments made and as an aid in promotion. By means of definite coöperation and loyal support of the teachers it will be possible to promote the pupils again before the close of school.


The establishment of a satisfactory measure of progress as a basis for promotion was the goal of accomplishment set up at the outset when the attempt was first made toward properly grouping and classifying pupils in Halifax County. The real truth about a pupil or a class as a whole is made evident when to the knowledge of actual achievement in the fundamental subjects (known as the educational age) is added a scientific knowledge of mentality (known as the mental age) together with the teacher's general estimate or judgment of the pupil's ability to do (pedagogical age). From the information obtained through the scientific investigation made, it is possible to derive the classification of each individual, that is, his grade location as based on the three preceding factors as stated.

Therefore, for the last two years, after a very careful study was made of all records available, every child in Halifax County from First Grade through Seventh Grade was placed in the proper grade or section according to both teacher's and supervisor's combined judgments of his or her ability to achieve as well as the achievements made. In addition to the information gained from our testing program, there was before us the individual record of each pupil together with the promotion lists as determined by the teacher on the basis of accomplishment. A very thorough study was also made of each child's complete history, as far as it was possible, before any definite decision was made concerning his grade location.

In order that we might carry out our spring testing program in full, tabulate the results and get the essential information in hand to promote our pupils by the close of school, it was necessary for us to call our teachers on the scene of action. After the superintendent and supervisor had administered the tests, two group meetings were held, which partook largely of the nature of study-club conferences. Under the immediate direction of the supervisor, all of the test papers were scored by the teachers and the results later transferred to a special record blank. By means of such splendid coöperation, it was possible to make use of our test scores in promoting all pupils before the term closed. Although the procedure was a strenuous one, it represented a more desirable method of making the best use of both teacher's and supervisor's judgment in relation to the ability and achievement of pupils.

The above plan for the promotion of pupils has proved so successful that the same program will be followed again this term. It is very much to be desired that pupils will work to surpass their former record; teachers to maintain their same field of usefulness relative to the project as a whole and parents to exercise an even more liberal attitude toward the development of uniform procedure in the standardization of pupil advancement. If the promotion of pupils is continued to be guarded jealously by all, there will be a time when our age-grade distribution table may show a reversed set of facts.


All seventh grade pupils who satisfactorily complete the work of the Elementary School will be entitled to receive a certificate of merit which will admit them to enter any High School in Halifax County. Before a child is eligible for graduation, the Course of Study prescribed must be covered thoroughly, the formal and informal tests given must be passed successfully and the achievement and general ability rating made by the teacher in charge must be satisfactory. No teacher should recommend a pupil for promotion who, for one reason or another, cannot make a bona fide student in the next lap of his educational career. Much of the success and future growth of such pupils depends largely upon the thorough mastery of the elementary curriculum. It is not desirable that our pupils should enter High School poorly prepared, for they quite often become discouraged and soon leave school entirely. Aside from this, there is the general handicap that comes to the class as a whole. If a high standard of excellence is maintained, it will be necessary for all concerned to work together on this problem.

As usual, county-wide uniform examinations on History, Geography, Civics, Science, English and Hygiene will be held in the late spring for all seventh grade children who have completed the work. These will be followed by a battery of scientific tests on all other subjects studied. This combination check should give an accurate notion of achievement made. The summary found in the Course of Study under the subjects listed for this grade should give teachers a fair basis for judging scope of work to be covered and the proper place for putting greatest amount of emphasis.


One of the greatest needs in the country school today is that boys and girls should have an opportunity to become intelligent readers. Interest in good books will open up the world to these children in far-reaching ways and will give them one of the great resources of life. We recognize that the great and ultimate purpose of teaching the child to read is to arouse in him a living appreciation of good literature and to so foster the desire to read that it shall become a habit. With a school library at hand, the teacher has a splendid opportunity to arouse this interest in good literature and leave her pupils with a desire for more of the same kind. The value of this cannot be overestimated.

Of course, every wide-awake teacher has had her pupils make free use of the library books as a means to supplement their work in different classes as well as to insist upon reading for the sake of enjoyment. But in order to further encourage and stimulate their desire for better books, we suggest that a Pupils’ Reading Circle be organized. Briefly stated, its mission is as follows:

1. To secure the careful reading of good books at an age when the taste and habits of the children are forming.

2. To establish a desire for more good books of the same kind.

3. To arouse an interest in good literature.

4. To open the world in far-reaching ways.

5. To create a taste for good literature by placing the right kind of books in the hands of pupils.

Any child above the first grade who reads as many as six suitable books and satisfies his teacher that such has been done by submitting a satisfactory written record in a Pupil's Reading Circle booklet, planned for this purpose, will be given a First Year Certificate at the end of the term. For each additional six books read, a Second Yeard, Third Year and Advanced Certificates are awarded. Gold stars are added for all other credit.

Make an effort soon after school opens to enroll all pupils who are eligible and report same on the monthly blank to the office. The school in the County that has the largest percentage of pupils enrolled during the term receiving Reading Circle Certificates will be given special recognition at County Commencement.

Note 1: The Pupils’ Reading Circle Record Booklets may be purchased from the County Office at ten cents each.

Note 2: Pupils will be allowed to continue the use of booklets not completed the year before.


To encourage prompt and regular attendance at school among all pupils, monthly Honor Certificates will be given those children who are neither absent nor tardy during the month and can

present a creditable report of both class work and deportment. Those who win such for each school month are entitled to receive a yearly Honor Certificate at County Commencement. The County Office will furnish all schools with as many of these as are needed.

A pupil is tardy when he is not in his room when the last school bell rings or not in line on time at the different recesses, provided this plan of march is used. A pupil is absent if he is not in school the entire length of the school day, except in cases where it becomes necessary to send him home during the day on account of illness on his own part or because of illness or death in the home.


In an effort to cultivate in the children of the rural districts an appreciation and love for good music and to give them a better understanding and knowledge of good music and its influence, a Music Memory Contest will be conducted again in Halifax County. This course in Music Appreciation is offered by the State Federation of Women's Clubs under the leadership of Mrs. E. E. Randolph, with Miss Hattie S. Parrott, Assistant State Supervisor coöperating. It has been found to be a favorable means of focusing public attention on music through a concentration of musical activity, and of spreading the benefits of music more widely among our people.

Not fewer than twenty compositions will be selected from the works of some of the best composers as the numbers to be learned. The pupils from the fifth to the seventh grades inclusive are eligible to compete in the program; whereas the high school contest will be limited to those enrolled in the grades of that department. They will be taught not only to recognize each selection as it is played but to be able to spell and write correctly certain information concerning the compositions.

Sufficient interest was aroused last year to grip the attention of twelve distinct rural school communities. Every school having two teachers and more should join the ranks and work to stimulate and increase the betterment of taste and the expansion of popular interest in good music among the children in our midst. Detailed information concerning all plans connected with this contest will be furnished each school at the Educational Conference. The attractive bronze shield offered by the County Board of Education to the school making the highest score should furnish an additional incentive to those who decide to participate in this most worthwhile music program.

As an aid to a better understanding of the music that the children will learn to enjoy and appreciate, our schools will have the use of books from the State Library on musical subjects, such as, biography, descriptive sketches, musical stories and history.


Organized clubs present an excellent opportunity for pupil development. The wise teacher will realize this and make use of such a medium as a means to give power and growth to her group. Below there is a large list of desirable clubs available to select from, in case such help is needed in making your choice.

Study the merits and values of each one suggested and then make the best selection possible that will fit the needs and interests of the class as a whole and can be made a success in your school. At least one organized club in every classroom or in the school as a whole is to be greatly desired as a standard to approach during this school term.



University Extension Bureau, Chapel Hill, N. C.

Carolina Playmakers, Chapel Hill, N. C.


Extension Department, University of N. C., Chapel Hill, N. C.


Boys’ Headquarters, 200 Fifth Aven., New York City,


Campfire Girls of America, National Headquarters, Lexington Ave., New York City.


Girl Scouts of America, 189 Lexington Ave., New York City.


Child Health Organization of America, 370 Seventh Aven., New York City.

American Red Cross Headquarters, Washington, D. C.

State Department of Health, Raleigh, N. C.

Modern Health Crusade, 370 Seventh Ave., New York City.

Bureau of Education, Dept. of Interior, Washington, D. C.

(Many pamphlets for sale on this subject for just a few cents)

State Course of Study, pages 513-532.

Metropoltan Life Insurance Co., 1 Madison Ave., New York City

County Health Department, Weldon, N. C.


Miss Hazel Ervin, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.




State Insurance Department, Raleigh, N. C.


American Legion.

Junior Order American Mechanics.

Department of Education, Washington, N. C.


Carolina Playmakers, Extension Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.


The Music Department at N. C. C. W., Greensboro, N. C. Mrs. E. E. Randolph, Raleigh, N. C.


Department of Interior, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.


Experience teaches us that splendid results may be obtained by having an occasional contest of some sort with a neighboring school or with the people of the community. These will do much toward developing a wholesome school spirit. Teachers should use discretion in handling outside activities and see that the effect is desirable. These contests should not enter into any school to the extent that there will be a digression from the regular work without the desired results. It is often true that discipline is more difficult away from the local school. Unless the teacher in charge has the situation well in hand, the office does not recommend that this be tried to any great extent. Spelling bees, debates, story-telling, music contests and the various forms of athletics are contests that might be made a success. If there are others that teachers wish to add to the list, they should do so.


September 13—Opening Day of Schools.

October 8—Fire Prevention Day.

October 12—Columbus Day and North Carolina Day.

November 6—Arbor Day.

November 11—Armistice Day.

November 11-17—Children's Book Week.

November 25—Thanksgiving Day.

December—Christmas Exercises on appropriate day before the holidays.

January 1—New Year's Day.

January 10—Thrift Day.

January 17—Birthday of Benjamin Franklin.

January 19—Birthday of Robert E. Lee.

February 12—Birthday of Abraham Lincoln.

February 14—St. Valentine's Day.

February 14-19—Better English Week.

February 20-26—National Week of Song.

February 22—Washington's Birthday.

February 27—Birthday of Henry W. Longfellow.

April 3—Easter.

April 27-May 4—Group Commencements.

May 6—County Commencement.


For information about Fire Prevention Day:

State Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C.


American Legion, Local Chapter, Enfield, Scotland Neck, Weldon, N. C.


Children's Book Week Committee, 334 Fifth Ave., New York.


Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.


Landscape Gardening for Play Grounds, Play Grounds Association of America, 1 Madison Aven., New York City.

Paul's Practical Planting Points, J. Van Lindley Nursery Co., Pomona, N. C.

American Tree Association, 1214 Sixteenth St., Washington, D. C.

County Agricultural Agent.

The State Department of Education supplies the following bulletins upon request: North Carolina Day; Temperance and Law and Order Day; Arbor Day; Armistice Day; Washington and Lee and Jackson's birthdays.

Information about the other Red Letter Days may be found in: The Year Book for 1925-1926, published by F. A. Owen Publishing Co., Dansville, N. Y.

The following books: Many books on history for children; Festivals and Plays—Chubb; In the Child's World—Poulsonn; Great Stories for Great Holidays; Morning Exercises for all the Year—Sindelar; The Year's Entertainment— McFee; Stories to Tell Children—Bryant, Bailey, Richards, Smith, Lang, Lindsay, Coe, Stockard and Essenwein, Wiggins, Shedlock, Mabie and others.


Poems Teachers Ask For—F. A. Owen Publishing Co., Dansville, N. Y.

Graded Poetry—Alexander, Blake.

Golden Staircase—Chisholm.

Poems—Fields, Tennyson, Riley, Wordsworth, Stevenson, Whittier, Lowell, Longfellow, MacNeill, Kipling, Bryant.


Holiday Songs—Poulsonn.

Songs of Childhood—Riley and Gaynor.

Golden Book of Favorite Songs.

Progressive Road to Music Series.

Music Course—Hollis Dann.


School Life—Published by Department of Interior, Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.

Normal Instructor, F. A. Owen Publishing Co., Dansville, N. Y.

Progressive Teacher, Morristown, Tennessee.


No school project that can be launched during a school term seems more worthwhile and all-inclusive than the well-planned Group and County Commencement programs. The value of this is proved more conclusively each Commencement Season in Halifax County.

As usual, Group Commencements will be held at the four Group Center Schools prior to the final program. Detailed plans for these will be worked out by a special committee in time for each school to have an active part. As far as possible, the contests will be planned in such a way as to be a direct outgrowth of the daily classroom work and other school activities and to link up with the big objectives set as our goal for the year. Instead of disrupting the regular schedule and causing the energies of both teachers and pupils to be dissipated, a great impetus will be given to more concentrated effort.

The County Commencement program will be made up of the winners in the different contests from the four Group Commencements with certain additional features. The Seventh Grade graduation exercises will no doubt have a prominent place in the day's events. At this time, there will also be the usual presentation of all certificates won and an announcement of the honors merited.

There are few stronger motives than those connected with a Group and County Commencement program. It is to be hoped that teachers will begin early to make use of this incentive and work on the part their school expects to take in the finals with their eyes on the big goal—the development and growth of the pupils themselves. This will be a splendid opportunity to summarize the year's work; so each school should put forth great effort to be as well represented as possible in the various contests. Local communities are awakened and become a part of the county unit to the extent in which their children take part in the group and county programs. Since such school activities have already demonstrated their possibilities for definite service in Halifax County, it will not be necessary to urge a wholehearted acceptance of this project.

Since the value of the larger unit program is more far-reaching, it seems the part of wisdom to urge concentrated effort there rather than a division of energies. If the various school communities have a share in the Group programs, there will be little need for a local commencement to be held. In this way, much school time and labor will be saved. This plan will not shift the emphasis from the small school to the larger, but will serve to emphasize the merit of each on a fair basis of judgment. Let us remember to consider this suggestion in relation to our finals.


There is a great need in every rural community for bringing parents, teachers and the public into closer mutual understanding regarding that which is best for the child and for the school and community in general. It has been found through actual experience that a well-informed coöperative school and community club that is directed intelligently is a splendid medium through which to develop such a consciousness.

There are many different types of helpful clubs that might be suggested, but we would like to mention, first of all, the Community Life Club, which embraces the entire community. This organization should include every phase of country life, especially the Betterment and Health features. If possible, each community should be enrolled and furnish active leadership.

However, if this plan does not fit your individual school and community needs or it seems impractical from any standpoint, we especially recommend the Woman's Club, the Betterment Association, Parent's Day programs and any other recognized forms of organized effort. It is hoped that the “Club Idea” will grow in prominence with our people until there is a strong, growing organization in every community that will help every school become a “Better School.”

No school is expected to organize all of the club listed. The teachers are asked to take an inventory of the school and community needs and then select the one Club that can be made a success in their respective school. There may be others not mentioned in this list that are just as worthwhile. If any teacher has one of these in mind, and wants to use it, it will be entirely satisfactory.


Mr. C. W. Phillips, State Secretary, Parent-Teacher Association, Greensboro, N. C.

Dr. W. H. Livers, N. C. C. W., Greensboro, N .C.


Extension Bureau, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.; State Welfare Department, Raleigh, N. C.; Bureau of Education, Department of Interior, Washington, D. C.; State Division of Vocational Education, Raleigh, N. C.; State Department of Education, Raleigh, N. C.


Miss Hazel Ervin, Home Demonstration Agent, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.; Mrs. E. L. McKee, State President of Women's Clubs, Sylva, N. C; President of Roanoke Rapids-Rosemary Woman's Club, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.; President of Weldon Woman's Club, Weldon, N. C.


Statistics show us that retardation is a most serious weakness in our entire school system, and until it is strengthened, our schools cannot reach a very high rate of efficiency. When it is found that only 69.6 per cent of our children enrolled were in school every day last year and that 53.4 per cent of these same children are below the proper grade for their age, it is not strange that the percentage of retarded children is large. (See age-grade table.) Since poor attendance is the greatest cause of non-promotion, and loss of time and money to a child, much would be gained by improving just that one thing first. This condition as it stands, is a deplorable one and deserves our most careful thought in planning ways and means of remedying it.

Aside from the loss to the individual child who continues to be absent, there are many other important results of non-attendance. It handicaps the school as a whole. The School Law requires a certain average daily attendance of so many pupils in order for a school to maintain the same number of teachers then employed or to increase the number in any way. Every absence, excused or otherwise, helps to cut down the attendance and sooner or later, if this continues, the school in question is deprived of its former possibilities for service.

As a means toward the elimination of such an over-age condition among school pupils, the State has furnished us certain machinery in the nature of a Compulsory Attendance Law. The enforcement of this law is under the direction of the Child Welfare Worker, who is the official head of the County Welfare Department. A full coöperation of all concerned is necessary, however, if it functions to the best interest of our rural childhood. In fact, the regulation so stated makes it obligatory that all teachers, principals, county superintendents, attendance officers and members of the Board of Education shall enforce this law. The teachers have a very important part in this connection. For detailed instructions, secure a copy of the School Law and consult same carefully.

In order that there may be a complete understanding on the part of principals, teachers, health department and attendance officer of just what the duty of each is relative to this, we are submitting the following statements from the North Carolina School Law:


Every parent, guardian or other person in the state having charge or control of a child between the ages of seven and fourteen years shall cause such child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school in the district in which the child resides shall be in session. The principal, superintendent or teacher who is in charge of such school have the right to excuse the child from temporary attendance on account of sickness or distance of residence from the school or other unavoidable

cause which does not constitute truancy as defined by the State Board of Education.


Instruction by private tutors will meet the requirements of the law, provided the qualifications of the tutor are approved by the County Superintendent of Schools or the State Board of Examiners; and provided further that the child is under instruction for a time equal to that provided by the public schools of the district.


1. The principal shall require a physician's certificate if a child is continually absent for illness, unless the teacher is satisfied that the child is really unable to attend school. But whenever it is impossible to secure a physician's certificate, it shall be the duty of the teacher to investigate, and if the teacher is not satisfied that the reported illness is sufficient cause for absence, she or he shall report the case to the County Health Officer for final decision.

2. It is a legitimate excuse for non-attendance whenever there is extreme illness in the home or there may be danger of spreading a contagious disease.

3. Death in the immediate family is likewise a legitimate excuse for non-attendance.

4. Quarantine is also a legitimate excuse and shall be understood to mean isolation by order of the local or State Board of Health.

5. Physical incapacity shall be an excuse for non-attendance. This shall be interpreted to mean physical defects which shall make it difficult for the child to attend or which render the instruction of the child impracticable in any other than a special class or a special school; whenever possible, special classes should be provided for such pupils, who would be encouraged though not required to attend.

6. Mental incapacity shall be an excuse for non-attendance, and is interpreted to mean feeble-mindedness or such nervous disorders as to make it either impossible for the child to profit by instruction given in the school or impracticable for the teacher to properly instruct the normal pupils of the school. In the case of feeble-minded children the teacher shall designate the same in her reports to the County Superintendent of Public Welfare and it shall be her duty to report all such cases to the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare.

7. Distance from school shall constitute a legitimate excuse for non-attendance if a child lives more than two and one-half miles from the school or nearest his bus line, in which case it shall be the duty of the County Board of Education to make investigation and to provide for the attendance of such children.


Teacher—It shall be the duty of teachers to investigate all causes for all absences in her room. It shall be the duty of the teacher to report her findings to the principal.

Principal.—It shall be the duty of principal to report in full to the Superintendent of Public Welfare on Friday of each week or such time as is arranged for by the County Superintendent of Public Welfare. The first report of the Principal should be made at the end of the second week of the school session to the County Superintendent of Public Welfare, and should contain the names, addresses, etc., of all the children of compulsory attendance age appearing upon the census, but not enrolled in the public school of the district and for whom no valid excuses for non-attendance have been given. If any child in the district of compulsory school age is enrolled in another school the principal should give the name of the school. Moreover, it is especially important that the names of these children who have not been enrolled in the public school on account of physical disabilities (blind, deaf, dumb, cripple, etc.), or mental disabilities (feeble-mindedness, subnormal, etc.), should be included in the report, since the County Superintendent of Public Welfare is also charged with the care of these children. It is her duty to report them to the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare.


The cause of every suspension of any pupil who has wilfully and persistently violated the rules of the school, or who may be guilty of immoral or disreputable conduct, or who may have been a menace to the school, shall at once be reported to the Superintendent of Public Welfare, who shall investigate the cause and shall deal with the offender in accordance with rules governing the attendance of children in school.


Teachers and attendance officers would do well to confer with parents and seek to secure the regular attendance of their children without resort to the law. A mass meeting of the people would afford an opportunity to discuss this and other important matters. Teachers and attendance officers should explain to the people that they have no option. The State requires the enforcement of the law. The Back-to-School and Stay-in-School Drives should claim our careful attention. It pays. “The more you learn, the more you'll earn.”


It is a known fact that the County Health Department is the absolute authority on all matters pertaining to health in Halifax County. No problem of this nature should escape the immediate attention of the health officer and nurse whose duty it is to help make each community safe for health. Principals of the various schools are regarded as the chief agents in bringing such information to their cognizance. A well planned program of health education involves the coöperation of all health agencies, the schools and all the social welfare groups in the community. Let us not fail to coöperate with the Health Department in this matter of vital concern to all.


By law and the order of the County Board of Health, all children must be vaccinated against small pox before they are admitted into the school. No child will be exempt unless he can present a reasonably good scar showing that he has been successfully vaccinated. All children in every school should be immune to this dreaded disease. Do your part to help bring this about.


It is impossible to give all children equal opportunities to enjoy life and to grow into strong, happy men and women if they are handicapped by certain defects. If these are neglected in the home, they become the problems of the school and the progress of the child is retarded. It is, therefore, a matter of congratulation to Halifax County that the Health Department works unceasingly to free our children from remedial defects, as far as it is possible. Our teachers can be counted on to lend a helping hand in the solution of this vital project. Surely our school parents will give their hearty support by heeding the following advice from Margaret Willis Reeve, President of the National Congress of Parents:

1. Do not send to school from your home a neglected child.

2. Do before school begins the things which otherwise will have to be done afterwards.

3. Let parent pride put parent power to work.

4. Do not wait until next year.


All contagious diseases should be reported at once to the Health Officer. Immediate quarantine is necessary if the rest of the community is insured and protected against a possible spread of the disease. In almost every instance epidemics can be prevented if prompt action is taken by all parties concerned. Principals are delegated to notify the Health Department at once of any and all cases of communicable diseases present in the school community.


Early in the fall, the County school nurse will give a thorough physical examination to all pupils entering school for the first time. This will enable parents of those children who are suffering from remedial defects, to have them corrected before any very serious handicap may occur. Such a physical record of the early school child should be of value to the teacher in making proper placement within the grade and thereby grouping these beginners more advantageously for future development.


By virtue of authority contained in Section 9 of Chapter 62, Public Laws of 1911, the County Board of Health of Halifax County do make and ordain the following rules and regulations for Halifax County:

Rule 1.—The principals or teachers of all public or private schools shall report on blank forms supplied them by the Health Officer of Halifax County, and within two weeks from date of request any information relative to the health and welfare of their school children which, in the opinion of the County Board of Health, may be pertinent and reasonable. It shall also be the duty of any principal or teacher to report to the County Health Officer any quarantinable disease about which he or she may have knowledge.

Rule 2.—Exclusion of children from school. (a) The principal or teacher of any public or private school in Halifax County is empowered and required to exclude from school any child whom he or she knows or suspects to be infected with any infectious disease or vermin of any kind. (b). No child who has been absent from school any time on account of sickness from any quarantinable disease shall be permitted to return to school without written permission from the County Health Officer. Such written authority will be issued to the parent or guardian of the child in all instances in which the quarantine shall have been exercised in accordance with the County Board of Health.

Rule 3.—The common dipper and common drinking cup and bucket are hereafter prohibited in all public or private schools, railway stations, hotels and cafes in Halifax County.

Rule 5.—(a) Upon receipt of written instructions from the County Health Officer by the principal or teacher of any school in Halifax County directing all children attending said school to become immunized against smallpox, it shall be the duty of said principal or teacher after the date specified in said instructions to require from each child in attendance satisfactory evidence of immunity against smallpox.

(b) After the date specified in the above instructions it shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian to send to any school notified, any child not presenting satisfactory evidence of immunity

against small pox or cause him or her to attend any such school.

(c) In the meaning of this regulation, “satisfactory evidence of immunity against smallpox,” shall comprise the following:

1. Successful vaccination against smallpox within the past seven years.

2. Evidence of vaccination against smallpox within the past year, supported either by positive signs of such vaccination or by certificate from a reputable physician.

In accordance with the Consolidated Statutes, Chapter 95, Section 5659, all teachers must hold health certificates.

The County Health Department is ready and willing at all times to coöperate with each and every teacher to the fullest extent in the enforcement and observance of these rules and regulations.


It is our desire to reduce the work in making reports to a minimum. However, it seems absolutely essential to have some form of reports as a permanent record to guide us in making plans and to help us in other ways in our work. Since we are not asking for any that are not needed, teachers will please be careful to make all records and reports as indicated, both accurately and completely, and then forward same promptly. This will not only save time and trouble but will enable the various departments connected with the schools of the county to function more advantageously for the good of all.


The following records must be filed in the office of the County Superintendent by the end of the first month of school:

1. Teacher's certificate valid for year 1926-1927.

2. Health certificate for each teacher.

3. Copy of daily schedule of each teacher.

4. Detailed list of year's Aims or Objectives to be accomplished by each school.

5. List of equipment found in school at beginning of school term.

The following reports must be filed at the end of each month:

1. Principal's monthly report to Superintendent.

2. Principal's monthly report to Supervisor.

3. Weekly reports of unlawful absences for children between the ages of seven and fourteen years.

The following must be filed at the end of the school year:

1. Principal's final report.

2. High School Principal's report (for High Schools only).

3. History of School (See suggested outline).

4. Registers—both old and new.

5. Census cards revised to close of school.

6. Course of Study and Supplement loaned each teacher.

7. Supplementary readers loaned by the office.

8. All testing materials and tabulation record sheets in official notebooks.

10. List of equipment left in school at close of term.

The law requires that all reports and records must be properly filled out and filed with the Superintendent before vouchers, monthly or final, are signed.


1. A copy of every monthly report must be filed with the secretary of the school committee.

2. A copy of the weekly report of unlawful absences should be filed with each committeeman.


1. Report of those not enrolled in school by the end of the first week should be forwarded promptly.

2. Weekly report of unlawful absences should be sent thereafter.


Parents have a right to expect reports of the progress and conduct of their children at school. In order that this may be done, each school will be supplied with suitable monthly report cards from the office. These should be sent to the home by the children on Tuesday after the close of each school month and then returned immediately on the following day with the parent's signature attached thereon.

In issuing such a report, the teacher should be most careful to represent the standing of pupils as based on actual accomplishment. Inaccurate, haphazard judgments tend to develop wrong attitudes toward school progress.


The actual census of any school is interpreted to mean the general census less those children in school elsewhere, working, married, those who have completed the school course, or are out of school for similar reasons. In other words, those children we have a right to expect in school make up the actual census of our school system.


The school books to be used in Halifax County are the basal books adopted for North Carolina. These will be on sale at one store or the school in each town in the County. See that your pupils are supplied at once; so that no unnecessary time may be wasted by your classes in getting organized and down to work. If, for any reason, books on the adopted list cannot be secured from local dealers, make your purchase through Alfred Williams and Co., Raleigh, the State Book Depository. In this way, you can get immediate service and prevent prolonged delay. For the convenience of each school, there will be a sfficient number of book lists issued to give one to each pupil. See that the proper books that he is to buy are checked.

Teachers are asked to please order all supplementary books not on the State List direct from the publishers. This will not only save time but it will make it possible for the school to get the usual discount that is given.

It is hoped that all parents will coöperate in this matter, for there is not much that a child can do in school without the necessary materials with which to work.


Teachers should have a desk copy of every text-book their pupils use. Have these in your hand the first day if possible. They are most needed for the preparation of lessons. This has an important bearing upon classroom teaching; so teachers are earnestly requested not to overlook a matter of such vital significance.


Through the generosity of the County Board of Education, there is on hand at the Superintendent's Office sufficient supplementary reading material to supply all schools with at least one set for each grade from three to seven throughout the school year. This purchase was made in order that the rural children in Halifax County might be given much additional vicarious reading experience suited to their individual needs over and above the amount required by the State Course of Study. There are books on Nature Study, Geography, History and Story which should interest the different groups.


The North Carolina Library Commission will again lend the rural schools of Halifax County their proportionate number of Traveling Libraries set aside for this purpose. These will be here for distribution at the Educational Conference.

In this case, it will be only fair and just to share first with those who make their requests known in advance. However, a circulating system will be used to enable all schools to get the benefit of this extra reading material before the year is over. At the close of the term, the principal of a school having a library in his or her possession will please observe the following instructions promptly and accurately.

Ship case at once, express prepaid, to the address given below:

______________________SchoolLibrary Commission,
For Halifax CountyRaleigh, N. C.


For several years, it has been the custom in Halifax County for the Board of Education to lend a helping hand to those schools putting forth an effort to add necessary equipment to their inadequate supply. All funds made by the local school will be doubled by the County Treasurer, provided this money is spend for major improvements approved by the Superintendent and Supervisor. It will also be necessary for the amount made to be sent to the Superintendent, preferably by check payable to County Treasurer, and checked out through the usual District Expense Voucher properly signed by at least two local committeemen. Unless this procedure is followed, it will not be possible to get the funds in the proper channel to be doubled for use.


The protection of school property should claim the attention of both the teachers and pupils. Too much hard-earned money is spent for buildings and equipment to ever allow any unnecessary waste or destruction to occur. It is far more economical to add new materials from time to time that will be of value in the teaching process than to be forced to replace equipment that has been destroyed carelessly.


All teachers are expected to be at their post of duty every day that school is in session, unless they are ill or otherwise providentially hindered. In the true sense of the word, it is impossible for a substitute to accomplish but little more than hold a room together. Without a doubt, the momentum of the regular work is greatly retarded and the general morale of the room reduced to the same extent. When the significance of this is fully

realized, few teachers will be willing to be absent from school for reasons that are not considered valid. If this practice is followed strictly, there will be little need for outside workers. It is hoped that every school can maintain an Attendance Faculty Honor Roll during the new year.

If it becomes necessary to employ a substitute at any time, the principal should notify the County Superintendent at once of his or her selection. The following regulation passed by the Board of Education concerning the salary of such a worker is self-explanatory:

At a meeting January 2, 1922, the Board adopted the following rule to govern the employment of substitute teachers when regular teachers are out for a short time, viz:

“When on account of illness of herself or some member of her family, a teacher must be out of school for one or more days she or the principal shall get the best substitute possible and immediately notify the Superintendent of Public Instruction.”

“Substitute teachers who do not hold State Certificates shall be paid $2.50 per day. Substitute teachers holding State Certificates shall be paid $3.00 per day. The teacher shall draw her regular salary and pay the substitute teacher from same. This rule does not apply for time in excess of five days.”


The North Central District meeting of the N. C. E. A. will be held in Raleigh on November 5 and 6. A special holiday has been declared to make it possible for our teaching force to get the benefit of such professional guidance. Any teacher who desires to attend may close for the day. Since the first session will not be called until 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, it will be possible for all teachers attending to reach Raleigh in time for the opening program. It is hoped that Halifax County will be well represented this year by a large number of our rural teachers. The inspiration and enthusiasm to be gained, the broader vision and outlook to be grasped aside from the definite help that is always present, are great incentives to persuade us to join the ranks on that occasion.


1. Blanks for all records and reports listed.

2. State Elementary Course of Study, State High School Course of Study and Physical Education Supplement.

3. Teachers’ registers—both old and new.

4. Official Notebook.

5. Vouchers — Teachers’ Salary and District Expense Vouchers.

6. Pupil's Monthly Honor Certificates.

7. Pupil's Monthly Report Cards.

8. Census Cards.

9. Manuals for Child's World Readers; Manuals for Reading, Literature Readers; Manuals for Every Day Classics Readers—Grades I and II; Manuals for Good English.

10. Supplementary Readers—Grades III-VII.

11. Traveling Libraries.

12. List of adopted and supplementary books for County.

13. Testing Results and Tabulations.

14. Test papers.

15. Promotion List.

16. Floor oil, brooms, crayon, etc.

17. Instructions regarding account for operation of truck.

18. Order blanks for truck supplies.

19. Truck driver's weekly and monthly report blanks.


The teachers with the true professional spirit and a desire for growth will not stop with the minimum amount of professional reading required. In addition to the many books that may be found helpful along this line, the following magazines are highly recommended and widely used:

Normal Instructor and Primary Plans, F. A. Owen Publishing Co., Dansville, N. Y.$2.00
Kindergarten and First Grade, Milton Bradley, Atlanta, Ga.2.00
Primary Education, 50 Broomfield St., Boston, Mass.2.00
N. C. Education Association Magazine (with membership fee), Raleigh, N. C.2.00
Child Life, 1714 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.2.00
Little Folks, Salem, Mass.1.50
Elementary School Journal, Dept. of Education, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.2.50
Progressive Teachers, Morristown, Tenn.3.50
Popular Science Monthly, 225 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y.2.50
History Teachers’ Magazine, 1619 Ranstead St., Philadelphia, Pa.2.50
Correct English, Evanstown, Illinois2.50
Industrial Arts Magazine, Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.2.00
American School Board Journal, 129 Michigan St., Milwaukee, Wis.3.00
Education Administration and Supervision, Baltimore Md.2.50
Teachers College Record, Columbia University, N. Y.2.50
School Review, Dept. of Education, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.2.50

School and Society, Science Press, Garrison, N. Y.3.00
Public School, 326 Empire Bldg., Denver Colo.3.00
Education, 12 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.4.00
Journal of Educational Research, Bloomington, Ill4.00
Journal of Education Research, Bloomington, Ill.4.00
Educational Review, Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, N. Y.3.00
National Education Association Journal, 1201 Sixteenth St., Washington, D. C.3.00
School and Home, Atlanta, Ga.1.00
School, 156 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.2.00
Wisconsin Journal of Education, Madison, Wisconsin1.50
New England Journal of Education, Boston, Mass.4.00
High School Journal, University, N. C., Chapel Hill, N. C.1.50
English Journal, 506 W. 69th St., Chicago, Ill.3.00
American Physical Educational Review, 93 Westford Ave., Springfield, Mass.3.50
Teachers College Record, Columbia University, N. Y.2.50
Peabody Journal of Education, Geo. Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tenn.2.00
Classic Journal, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.2.50
National Education Association Journal, 1201 Sixteenth St., Washington, D. C.2.00
N. C. Teacher, N. C. Teachers’ Association, Raleigh, N. C.2.00
School Science and Mathematics, 2059 E. 72nd Place Chicago, Ill.2.50
History Teacher's Magazine, 1619 Ranstead St., Philadelphia, Pa.2.00
Current History Magazine, Times Building, New York, N. Y.3.00
National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.3.50
Nature Study Review, Ithaca, N. Y.1.00
Popular Science Monthly, 225 W. 39th St., New York City2.50
Our Dumb Animals, 180 Linwood Ave., Boston, Mass.1.00
Bird Love, 29 W. 52nd St., New York City1.50
Farm and Home Mechanics, 1411 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Mo.1.00
Progressive Farmer, Raleigh, N. C.1.00
American Boy, Detroit, Mich2.00
Nature Magazine, 1214 Sixteenth St., Washington, D. C.2.00
Pathfinder, Washington, D. C.1.00
Literary Digest, 354 Fourth Ave., New York City4.00
American Magazine, 381 Fourth Aven., New York City2.50
Mentor, 222 Fourth Ave., New York City4.00
St. Nicholas, 53 Fourth Ave., New York City4.00
Travel, 31 E. 17th St., New York City4.00
Youth's Companion, 881 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass.2.50

Reduction in prices of these magazines may be had by ordering in clubs.

The following agencies would handle this:

Franklin Magazine Agency, 4 Washington Square, New York City.

N. O. Wilhelm, Orange, N. J.

F. A. Owen Publishing Co., Dansville, N. Y.


A. Flanagan Co., Chicago, Ill.

W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., 1516 Orleans St., Chicago, Ill.

March Bros. Lebanon, Ohio.

J. S. Latta, Inc., Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Garden City Educational Co., 515 Wells St., Chicago, Ill.

Southern School Supply Co., Raleigh, N. C.

Practical Drawing Co., 1512 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

E. W. A. Rowles Co., 2345-2351 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill.

Beckley-Cardy Co., 17-21 E. 23rd St., Chicago, Ill.

Milton Bradley Co., Atlanta, Ga.

Clanton and Webb Co., 147 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga.

McConnell School Map Co., 213 Institute Place, Chicago, Ill.

Deneyer-Geppert Co., Scientific School Map Makers, Chicago, Ill.

A. J. Neystrom and Co., 2249 Calumet Ave., Chicago, Ill., (maps and globes).

Carolina School Supply Co., Charlotte, N. C.

Sheridan Teachers’ Supply Co., Greenwood, S. C.

General Seating Co., Goldsboro, N. C.


G. E. Brown and Co., 38 Lovett St., Beverly, Mass.

Perry Picture Co., Malden, Mass.

Brown-Robertson Co., Inc., 415 Madison Ae., Gallery, New York.

Curtis & Cameron Copley Prints, 14 Harcourt St., Boston, Mass.

Elson Picture Co., Belmont, Mass.


Clayton F. Summy, 429 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Theo. Presser, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Oliver Ditson Publishing Co.

Thos. W. Phillips, Box 757, Bessemer, Michigan.

Cable Co., 1216 Cable Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

C. Schirmer, Boston, Mass.

C. C. Birchard, Boston, Mass.

Victor Publishing Co., Camden, N. J.

National Bureau for the Advancement of Music, New York City.


Old Tower Press, Ltd., 59 E. Adams St., Chicago, Ill.

Paine Publishing Co., 15 E. Fourth St., Dayton, Ohio.

A. J. Fourch Co., Warren, Pa.

Ivan-Bloom-Hardin Co., 3806 Cottage Grove Ave., Des Moines, Ia.

Eldridge Entertainment House, Franklin, Ohio.

Edgar S. Werner and Co., 11 E. 14th St., New York, N. Y.

Geo. F. Rosche and Co., 337 N. Madison St., Chicago, Ill.

Sheridan Teacher's Supply Co., Greenwood, S. C.

Ames Publishing Co., Dept H., Clyde, Ohio.

T. S. Dennison Co., 624 S. Wabash, Dept. 58, Chicago, Ill.

N. C. Dramatic Association Extension Bureau, U. N. C., Chapel Hill, N. C.

Clayton F. Summy Plays and Pageants, 64, E. Van Buren St., Chicago, Ill.

Samuel French, New York City.

John Lane Co., New York, N. Y.

Baker Publishing Co., New York City.

American Play Co., 33 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y.

Werner, 113 14th St., New York, N. Y.


The Horace Patridge Co., 49 Franklin St., Boston, Mass.

Rawlings Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Spaulding Bros., Athletic Goods, Baltimore, Richmond, New York.

Athletic Supply Co., Raleigh, N. C.


I. Duty of County Superintendent relative to administration of schools:

1. Notify committeemen of their duties.

2. Approve selection and dismissal of teachers.

3. Advise with supervisors, principals and teachers as to best methods of instruction, school organization and government.

4. Visit and inspect schools and advise with committeemen and County Board as to the physical needs of schools.

5. Hold Teachers’ Meetings.

6. With help of supervisors or principals outline and conduct reading courses or study classes with teachers.

7. Distribute record blanks, registers, report cards and other material furnished by the County Board or State Department.

8. Sign vouchers of teachers and all school officials.

II. Duties of County Supervisor:

1. To aid the County Superintendent in supervising the instruction in the Elementary and High Schools of the County.

III. Duties of Committeemen:

1. To employ teachers upon the recommendation of the County Superintendent.

2. To suspend or dismiss teachers after filing charges with County Superintendent.

3. To approve and sign vouchers for principal and teachers and school officials.

4. To purchase supplies upon order of the County Board.

5. To properly protect and care for all school buildings, equipment and property.

6. To make reports on school houses and school property to the County Board.

7. To care for the sanitation of school grounds and buildings; to provide sanitary privies; to provide good water supply; to obey the rules and regulations of the Board of Health.

IV. Duties of the Principal:

1. To file in the office of the County Superintendent a health certificate issued by a reputable physician.

2. To suspend or dismiss pupils, reporting to Attendance Officer and County Superintendent.

3. To make such reports as are required in the office of the County Superintendent.

4. To exercise due care in the protection of school property against damage either by defacement or breakage or become financially responsible for the same.

5. To grade and classify pupils. To interpret Courses of Study for teachers and give suggestions for improvement of instruction.

6. Exercise discipline over pupils of the school.

7. To look after the cleanliness and sanitation of the school buildings and grounds.

8. To promote a progressive community spirit.

9. To coöperate with the county superintendent in putting into use the best methods of instruction, school organization and school government.

10. To organize and run school in accordance with the school law as to: Length of day; Length of term; Type of school; Number of teachers required and properly distributed.

11. To enforce compulsory attendance law.

V. Duties of Teachers:

1. To coöperate with the County Superintendent and with the principal in every way for the betterment of instruction and conduct of the school.

2. To file a properly filled out and signed contract for the year's work and a health certificate in the office of the County Superintendent.

3. To make and file in the office of the County Superintendent such reports as may be required.

4. To maintain good order and discipline in classroom or schools.

5. To encourage temperance, morality, industry and neatness of pupils.

6. To promote health of pupils, to give and report physical examinations of pupils as directed by the State Board of Health.

7. To provide recreation and supervised play.

8. To teach thoroughly all branches required to teach.

9. To ascertain cause for non-attendance of pupils and report all violators of the compulsory school law.

10. To enter actively into the plans of the County Superintendent and Supervisor for the professional growth of teachers of the county.

11. To be tactful, discreet and serviceable to the community.

12. To make an effort to keep well and physically fit for the work of each day.


I. Preparation:

A. To what extent am I efficient in planning individual lessons?

1. Is the specific aim of each lesson definite, clear, and of sufficient importance?

2. Is the teaching material selected worthwhile, suitable and adequate for carrying out the main purpose?

3. Do I have a mastery and organization of the subject-matter definitely in mind?

4. Are the essential values emphasized?

5. Is my method of presentation and drill suited to each particular group of pupils and to the material used as well?

6. Are my plans for assignments skillfully made and centered arount the interest and individual differences of each class? Do they lead to independent study?

7. Are all the mechanical arrangements provided for before the beginning of each class?

8. Are all the necessary materials at hand for quick distribution?

B. To what extent do my plans for the day indicate work which aims at the automatic reaction to a stimulus and work which aims at the development of reflective thinking in proper proportions?

C. To what extent do I follow the Course of Study intelligently and show an ability to unify the work in my school?

D. To what extent am I striving to make my school a Growing School this year?

II. Skill in Teaching:

A. To what extent do I stimulate interest?

1. Am I active, forceful and inspiring?

2. Does my enthusiasm have a wholesome effect upon my pupils?

3. Are the motives selected worthy of the interest and attention of the class?

4. Are the minds of the pupils well prepared to receive the subject-matter?

5. Is the method of procedure varied to suit the situation?

6. Am I quick in taking advantage of pupils’ question and responses?

7. Are my questions varied enough in form to arouse the interest of the pupils?

8. Am I able to secure class participation in the recitation to the extent that the work goes on independently of my formal directions?

B. To what extent do I train the class to be thoughtful and responsive?

1. Am I resourceful in organizing and promoting earnest discussions on part of individuals in the class?

2. Do I encourage voluntary oral participation in the class work?

3. Are my questions thought-provoking and thought-directing? Are they systematically planned and designed to stimulate genuine thinking?

4. Do I make use of the social motive to encourage intellectual activity?

5. Do I help the pupils to organize their ideas?

6. What opportunities are given for pupil activity? Formation of judgment? Appreciation of relative values? Using of ideas?

7. Have I planned additional material to help the class better understand the discussion?

8. Is my own organization of the subject-matter properly made and well in hand?

9. Do I keep the discussion within the pupils’ comprehension?

C. To what extent do I show skill in drilling facts and knowledge gained?

1. Are the methods and devices varied to suit the needs?

2. Am I careful to keep a proper balance between drill and development?

3. Do I clinch important facts learned by relating them to other knowledge previously gained or to life situations?

4. Is there always a checking up of results?

5. Do I make use of economical, effective drill-devices?

D. To what extent do I economize time and energy?

1. Is general routine economically and systematically organized?

2. Is the time element considered in arranging, distributing, and collecting materials?

3. Is the purpose of each activity clearly recognized by the pupils?

4. Do the pupils attend naturally to the work during study periods as well as recitation periods?

5. Is the work carried on with reasonable speed and absolute accuracy?

6. What habits of study are being formed under my direction?

7. In what ways are pupils made to feel responsibility for the solution of their problems?

E. To what extent do I get results?

1. Have the pupils learned the facts that I intended for them to get?

2. Have the pupils learned to apply knowledge gained?

3. Did the lesson satisfy a felt need?

4. Did the pupils really enjoy it?

5. Was there growth and general development in correct habits and right attitudes?

6. Did each pupil experience the satisfaction of a measure of success, through effort expended?

III. School Management:

A. To what extent have I shown ability to organize my classes?

1. Have I arranged a class program in keeping with the best interests of my pupils?

2. Have I made my most sincere effort in properly grouping and classifying my pupils?

3. Have I systematized general class routine to an automatic basis?

B. To what extent am I able to govern my class?

1. Am I sincere and just in dealing with my pupils at all times?

2. Am I tactful, sympathetic, cheerful and friendly under all circumstances?

3. Have I gained the confidence and respect of my pupils?

4. Am I able to meet emergencies with self-control, self-assurance and decisive firmness?

5. Am I establishing proper habits of right conduct among my pupils?

C. To what extent am I a worthy custodian of my class room?

1. Do I give sufficient attention to the details of heat, light, ventilation and seating?

2. Is my schoolroom housekeeping well done? Is everything kept in a neat, orderly fashion?

3. Have I been careful to allow only suitable decorations in the room?

D. To what extent am I prompt, accurate and neat in doing all clerical work?

SchoolName of TeacherHome Address
Aurelian SpringsMr. V. C. MatthewsLittleton, N. C.
Mr. Thos. L. MartinDurham, N. C.
Miss M. Minnie MicolDurham, N. C.
Miss Nancy TaylorFt. Blackmore, Va.
Miss Verliner CrawleyMadisonville, Va.
Miss Mildred BrodieTarboro, N. C.
Miss Belle RawlsAsheville, N. C.
Miss Mary RawlsAsheville, N. C.
Bear SwampMrs. Lyla W. WillcoxEnfield, N. C.
Miss Hazel CobbRosemary, N. C.
CalvaryMiss Erma HollandWindsor, Va.
Miss Dorothy DunningRosemary, N. C.
Miss Eula CollierRoanoke Ropids, N. C.
Miss Nellie SneadeRawlings, Va.
DarlingtonMiss Bessie BlakelyLaurens, S. C.
Miss Viola GloverRosemary, N. C.
Miss Sarah GilliamLouisburg, N. C.
DawsonMiss Ione B. SmithWinnsboro, S. C.
Miss Lucile WallaceWeldon, N. C.
Mrs. J. L. HollidayScotland Neck, N. C.
GarnerMiss Ida HaywardWeldon, N. C.
Miss Annie SmithGatesville, N. C.
Miss Katerine WallaceWeldon, N. C.
GlenviewMiss Elizabeth LucasEnfield, N. C.
Miss Annie Lynn RivesEnfield, N. C.
Miss Evelyn Gentry, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.
HalifaxMrs. Mabel R. AlexanderConcord, N. C.
Miss Clara Mildred ToddWindsor, N. C.
Miss Rebe OusbyHalifax, N. C.
Miss Cleo SaulsConway, N. C.
HardraweeMrs. E. I. BellamyEnfield, N. C.
Miss Gladys MooreProspect, Va.
Miss Catherine MoffittWakefield, Va.
Hawkins ChapelMiss Mary BerrymanSurry, Va.
Miss Ethel WarrenSurry, Va.
HeathsvilleMiss Teresa PowellEnfield, N. C.
Miss Elsie ButtsLittleton, N. C.
HobgoodMr. Frank BarnhartCrimora, Va.
Mrs. V. W. LeggettHobgood, N. C.
Miss Elizabeth GardenProspect, Va.

SchoolName of TeacherHome Address
HobgoodMiss Merle BellRosemary, N. C.
Mrs. Geo. HarrellHobgood, N. C.
Miss Josie JonesPamplin, Va.
Miss Sarah GrantRidgeway, N. C.
HollisterMr. J. J. BealePotecasi, N. C.
Miss Mary Long DanielAirlie, N. C.
Miss Martha Anderson,Charlotte C.H., Va.
Miss Lottie McClennyGoldsboro, N. C.
Miss Ethel HarrisonLittleton, N. C.
New HopeMiss Georgia WadeBeaufort, N. C.
Miss Lois BrettPleasant Shade, Va.
Oak HillMrs. Emma JohnsonHalifax, N. C.
RingwoodMiss Ellie MorrisMadisonville, Va.
Miss Julia WilliamsRingwood, N. C.
River RoadMiss Brownie FutrellEmporia, Va.
RoseneathMiss Jessie WaldenFarmville, Va.
Miss Viola GaskinsAyden, Va.
Miss Eva PridgenTarboro, N. C.
Spring HillMiss Clara PopeScotland Neck, N. C.
South RosemaryMr. H. A. PerryNorfolk, Va.
Miss Anna ShawLittleton, N. C.
Miss Eulale RobertsonRoanoke Rapids
Miss Maude FonvilleBahama, N. C.
Miss Lucile GardenProspect, Va.
TilleryMiss Edith ParhamTillery, N. C.
Mrs. M. W. ParhamTillery, N. C.
Miss Ethel GlennProspect, Va.
Whitakers’ ChapelMiss Dolly DunnEnfield, N. C.

Bear SwampW. J. MohornLittleton, N. C.
J. W. BowersLittleton, N. C.
R. E. ShearinLittleton, N. C.
HollisterAdolphus ShearinHollister, N. C.
H. W. QuallsHollister, N. C.
J. L. AlstonHollister, N. C.
RingwoodJ. L. TaylorRingwood, N. C.
Cary WilliamsRingwood, N. C.
E. D. TippettRingwood, N. C.
GlenviewH. L. AdcockWhitakers, N. C.
T. L. VickEnfield, N. C.
Walter BarnhillWhitakers, N. C.
Butterwood TownshipJ. W. CrawleyLittleton, N. C.
J. H. StainbackAirlie, N. C.
Aurelian SpringsSam CullomLittleton, N. C.
E. W. LilesLittleton, N. C.
Walter E. CarterLittleton, N. C.
Mrs. F. M. TaylorEnfield, N. C.
C. L. KelleyLittleton, N. C.
TilleryH. L. RoebuckTillery, N. C.
E. J. ParksTillery, N. C.
W. A. PopeTillery, N. C.
Spring HillG. S. HancockScotland Neck N. C.
Ernest DickensScotland Neck, N. C.
S. J. RiddickSpring Hill, N. C.
HardraweeS. A. WhitleyEnfield, N. C.
J. M. BrowningEnfield, N. C.
John LockeEnfield, N. C.
DawsonR. W. BarnesScotland Neck, N. C.
C. M. CottenScotland Neck, N. C.
M. W. PerryScotland Neck, N. C.
Enfield TownshipJ. R. PowersEnfield, N. C.
B. F. WilleyEnfield, N. C.
J. H. HarrisEnfield, N. C.
DarlingtonS. J. HedgepethLittleton, N. C.
W. L. SmithLittleton, N. C.
Hawkins’ ChapelJ. H. HawkinsThelma, N. C.
Baldie GreenThelma, N. C.
C. F. HawkinsThelma, N. C.
Faucetts TownshipE. C. DickensHalifax, N. C.
W. C. DickensHalifax, N. C.
J. H. LewisHeathsville, N. C.

Halifax TownshipR. W. CarterHalfiax, N. C.
H. M. PittmanHalifax, N. C.
W. G. BassHalifax, N. C.
HalifaxW. F. CoppedgeHalifax, N. C.
R. L. ApplewhiteHalifax, N. C.
D. J. MillikinHalifax, N. C.
CalvaryH. L. FaucetteLittleton, N. C.
G. H. MyrickLittleton, N. C.
C. T. CooleyLittleton, N. C.
L. T. KingLittleton, N. C.
Mrs. J. D. HouseThelma, N. C.
Carter's ChapelM. J. MorrisLittleton, N. C.
C. C. CrickmoreLittleton, N. C.
R. R. RobinsonLittleton, N. C.
HobgoodMrs. B. B. EverettePalmyra, N. C.
F. T. HouseHobgood, N. C.
W. P. WhiteHobgood, N. C.
L. G. ShieldsHobgood, N. C.
New HopeHanibal ShearinRosemary, N. C.
Paul VincentRosemary, N. C.
W. M. HockadayThelma, N. C.
South RosemaryT. B. TurnerRosemary, N. C.
R. M. HudsonRosemary, N. C.
Ed HawkinsRosemary, N. C.
W. T. PridgenRosemary, N. C.
RoseneathS. G. PhillipsScotland Neck, N. C.
R. L. BradleyScotland Neck, N. C.
Mrs. T. H. Van Landingham, Scotland Neck
Scotland Neck T'nshipA. E. LillyScotland Neck, N. C.
Charles E. PopeScotland Neck, N. C.
Frank R. SmithScotland Neck, N. C.
GarnerT. A. CooperWeldon, N. C.
_________GarnerRosemary, N. C.
J. E. WilleyRosemary, N. C.

1900-01 to 1925-26
Table. Shows the census, enrollment, average daily attendance, per cent average daily attendance to census, average number days schools were kept open.
YearCensusEnrollmentAv. Daily Attend.Per Cent AttendanceAv. No. Days Schools Open

* Scotland Neck became independent.‡ Roanoke Rapids became independent.† Enfield and Weldon became independent.

AGESGRADESTotalPercent Behind in GradePercent Normal in GradePercent Ahead in Grade
All ages483252272228232200136263017201896
Percent over age34.555.956.658.363.861.563.573.053.376.570.053.4
Percent normal age65.542.839.738.531.034.534.527.040.017.530.044.1
Percent under age1.

AGESGRADESTotalPercent Behind in GradePercent Normal in GradePercent Ahead in Grade
All ages284299294984653837320220146776
Percent over age63.984.890.993.092.692.493.710010079.4
Percent normal age36.
Percent under age.

Value of rural school property$145,000.00$135,000.00$280,000.00
Total No. rural schoolhouses245882
Number of brick houses303
Number of frame houses215778
Number of log houses011
Total number classrooms71122193
No one-room schoolhouses61723
No. Local Tax Districts222222
No. houses built during year134
No. classrooms in new houses4812
Cost of new houses built$ 12,000.00$ 15,130.00$ 27,130.00
Total cost of repairs$ 3,673.81$ 558.79$ 4,232.60
Total No. rural libraries231235
No. established during year011
No volumes added this year62430654
Total No. volumes in all49007025602
Number schools taught—
More than three-teachers8412
No. elementary school245882
No. high school213
No of consolidated schools—
More than seven-teachers101
No. auto trucks used for public transportation of pupils*25025
No. pupils transported daily6900690
Daily mileage all trucks4900490
Average No. days trucks operated1570157
Average term in days—
In all schools152128
In rural local-tax districts160142
In consolidated schools160

* Include all trucks operated in county.

ITEMSMaleFemaleTotal WhiteMaleFemaleTotal ColoredTotal W.&C.
Total number of children, 6 to 211111107821693576388174579626
Number of children, 7 to 13 years old, inclusive69667013662208220744155761
Roanoke Rapids18422232065
Scotland Neck6134511064
Total school census of county, 6 to 215651913214783
Total enrollment of children, 6 to 2197791918963280349667768672
1. Enrollment of children in high school† grades (8-11)415293142034127
2. Enrollment of children in elementary grades (1-7)93686718033266347667428545
Enrollment of children, 7 to 13 inclusive67765013272175210542805607
Enrollment by term (same as total 6 to 21 above)189667768672
1. No. pupils in school having terms of 120 days and less88864587346
2. No. pupils in schools having terms of 121 days to 140 days348163511
3. No. pupils in schools having terms of 141 days to 160 days660155815
Total average daily attendance, 6 to 21660659.51319.51747177335204839.5
1. Average daily attendance of children in high school† grades334578111627105
2. Average daily attendance of children in elementary grades627614.51241.51736175734934734.5
Average daily attendance, 7 to 13 inclusive50650010061200133525353541
Total number of days attended by all children100325100050200375223626226950450576650951
1. Number of days attended by children in high school† grades528572101249517002512441216707
2. Number days attended by children in elementary grades9531093402188712221926224438446164634244
Total number of teachers employed in rural schools6667222101123195
1. No. of teachers teaching high school† grades2353149
2. No. of teachers teaching elementary grades4636719100119186

**This age should be given as of September 1, 1925.† By the term high school is meant a school having twenty or more pupils in average daily attendance above the seventh grade, and a term of eight months. Superintendents will please report all other in elementary schools.

Paid White Teachers—Elementary$ 62,339.64
Paid Colored Teachers—Elementary50,574.79
Salary County Superintendent4,475.00
Salary Rural Supervisor2,400.00
Salary Superintendent Public Welfare1,500.00
Summer Schools572.83
Other Salary Fund Items1,244.70
Total Teaching and Supervision$123,106.46
Per Diem County Board$ 194.90
Expense County Superintendent1,198.83
Expense County Board362.34
Office Expense1,182.77
All Other Administration*2,688.00
Total Administration$ 7,182.84
Fuel and Janitor$ 3,357.95
School Supplies1,689.58
Rent and Insurance3,291.03
Transportation of Pupils†23,561.55
Fuel and Janitor2,124.31
School Supplies907.52
Rent and Insurance524.25
All Other Operation and Maintenance*1,267.78
Total Operation and Maintenance$ 36,723.97
Current Expense (Total I, II, III)$167,013.27
New Buildings and Sites$ 11,454.27
Furniture and Apparatus3,955.89
New Buildings and Sites12,434.53
Furniture and Apparatus3,584.27
All Other Capital Outlay*862.04
Total Outlay Payments$ 44,840.17
Total Paid City Schools$209,379.89
Principal and Interest, State Literary Fund17,214.90
Principal and Interest, Special Building Fund7,292.50
Bond Interest1,300.00
Bonds Retired or Sinking Fund1,000.00
Interest (Temporary Loans)1,885.00
Temporary Loans Repaid75,000.00
Total Debt Service$103,692.40
Total Expenditures$524,925.73
Balance June 30, 1926$ 13,753.38

* Itemize on following page.† Operation and maintenance of trucks.‡ Paid only to schools not operating under county system. Please list cities and give amounts by funds on following page.

Balance June 30, 1925, Brought Forward$ 3,022.19
Teacher Training*3,218.75
Total Salary Fund from State$ 3,308.75
County Tax†$232,345.44
Total Salary Fund from County$232,345.44
Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties$ 5,217.05
County Tax96,773.74
Adjusting Cash balance June 30, 192510,296.40
Total O. and E. Fund from County$112,287.19
Rural—Operation and Maintenance$ 46,263.93
Total Local Taxes$ 46,263.93
Private Donations$ 6,762.26
Rosenwald Fund1,800.00
Warren County797.38
Total All Other Revenue$ 10,453.41
Total Receipts of All Revenue$404,658.72
Special Building Fund$ 81,581.25
Temporary Loans30,000.00
Sale of School Property404.45
Other Non-revenue Receipts19,012.50
Total Non-revenue Receipts$130,998.20
Total Funds from all Sources$538,679.11

* Include all payments from State for summer schools, rural supervision, teacher training in high schools, etc.† Include all general tax received from corporations, railroads, etc., under this head, as well as that received from listed property.


B. MARKS One of North Carolina's Leading Dept. Stores


One of North Carolina's Leading Dept. Stores


Make yourself at home in every part of the B. Marks’ Store—It's Yours!

School days—are always happy days—“How-do-you-do” days at B. Marks’. We always try to look our best when all of the Educators come to call on us. It's really going to be worth your while to spend a few of your “untaken” moments with us. We hope to see you in.

P. S.—We have taken the privilege of opening a charge account for all of those on Professor Akers’ list. All you need say is “Charge it” in any part of our store.



Safety, Service and Courtesy


Interest on Savings Accounts


Your Account Invited

W. E. DANIEL, President

L. C. DRAPER, Cashier



Roanoke Rapids, N. C.

Herald Building

Phone 44

Teach the Lesson of Saving

Deposit Your Money in the Only

National Bank in the County


Roanoke Rapids, N. C.


Weldon, N. C.

General Banking and Trust Business



Enfield, N. C.


Electric Power Service is being furnished by this company to thousands of people in Northeastern North Carolina. Your community should have this wonderful facility to foster industrial growth.

All of the latest electrical appliances are carried by our merchandising department at Roanoke Rapids. Visit us at your next opportunity.


Carolina Division

ManagerSuperintendentAsst. to Manager

Serving in North CarolinaContracts with and lines under construction
Roanoke RapidsScotland Neck
Tarboro Cotton MillsRich Square


Weldon, N. C.


Filling Station



Expert Repair Service


Rosemary, N. C.

We want your banking account




Roanoke Rapids-Rosemary

Expert Ford Service


Phone 257

Enfield, N. C.

Permanent Waving, Hair Bobbing, Shampooing Come to see us.


We manufacture only the highest grade Ice Cream, made in all shapes, moulds, etc.

Give us a trial and be convinced of our SERVICE and QUALITY of our product.


Phone 251

Weldon, N. C.


Wholesale and Retail Home of Good Furniture



Roanoke Rapids, N. C.

Atwater-Kent Radio Dealer, Pooly Cabinets, Radio Batteries, Tubes and Supplies

See us for everything in furniture and home furnishings


Roanoke Rapids, N. C.


Good Shoes for Less Money

Roanoke Rapids-Rosemary, N. C.

Teachers of Halifax County

Rosemary Drug Company cordially invites you to make their store yours during your visits here. We carry everything that is usually found in a first class drug store. Our store is teachers’ headquarters, and we take pleasure in rendering many personal services. We will gladly cash your checks. We have a delivery service for your convenience; sell postage stamps, and our telephone is at your disposal. We invite you to open a charge account with us.

We assure you that our best efforts shall be expended to give you SERVICE.


Rosemary, N. C.

Phone 31


Often it is the way things are said or done—friendly or coldly formal—that makes the difference in banks.

And we feel that the little, helpful “extra” things which we try to do for our friends are the real big reasons for our success.

The strong position which this bank occupies today is the direct result of this careful, painstaking service to our depositors.

May we serve YOU?

General Banking and Insurance


Rosemary, N. C.

A Welcome awaits you at



Well stocked with new merchandise, reasonably priced.

THE L. G. SHELL, CO., Inc.

Rosemary, N. C.

Assure yourself of genuine Ford Service by buying your new Ford from


Weldon, N. C.

Purest Drugs and Medicines Prescriptions Toilet and Rubber Goods Lowest Prices






Oxford, N. C.

Table of Contents

School Directory5
Halifax County Map6
General Status of Halifax County Schools7
Program of Work for 1926-1927:
Means for Carrying out Objectives8
Method of Procedure8
Dates for Opening and Closing Schools17
County School Calendar18
Grouping of Schools19
School Organization and General Routine:
Suggestions to Principals20
School Hours23
Making the Daily Schedule24
Work within the School:
First Grade Entrance28
Grouping of First Grade Pupils28
Organized Knowledge of State Course of Study29
Suggested Reading Texts for Beginning Work30
Testing Program in Halifax County31
Promotion of Pupils33
Elementary School Certificates34
Extra-Curricula Activities:
Pupil's Reading Circle Work35
Pupil's Honor Certificates35
Music Appreciation in the Schools36
Student Clubs37
School Contests38
Red Letter Days38

Group and County Commencements41
School and Community Life42
Compulsory School Attendance43
Public Health:
Vaccination of Pupils46
Remedial Physical Defects46
Contagious Diseases46
Physical Examination of Beginners47
Oustanding County Health Rules47
Records and Reports:
To County Superintendent and Supervisor49
To Local Committeemen50
To County Attendance Officer50
To Parents50
Other Necessary Information:
Actual School Census51
School Books51
The Teachers’ Books51
Supplementary Reading Material51
Traveling Libraries52
Funds Made by Schools52
Care of School Property52
Substitute Teachers52
North Central District Meeting of N. C. E. A.53
Materials to be Obtained from the Office53
Professional Mazazines and Other Helps53
Duties of School Officers and Teachers According to School Law58
Guide Posts for Self-Measurement60
List of Rural Teachers63
List of Committeemen65
Table Showing Census, Enrollment and Attendance, 1900-192667
Tables Showing Age Grade Distribution of Pupils68, 69
Statistical and Fnancial Report of County Superintendent70-73

Teacher's handbook, 1926-1927
Teacher's handbook, 1926-1927. [n.p., 1926?] 83 p. 24 cm.
Original Format
Local Identifier
LA341.H3 H3X 1926
Location of Original
Joyner NC Stacks
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