Industrial and historical issue of the Mt. Olive Tribune, Mount Olive, Wayne County, N.C.

Industrial and Historical IssueOF THEMt. Olive Tribune1907 MOUNT OLIVE, WAYNE COUNTY, N. C. 1907An Exposition ofWAYNE COUNTY'SHistorical, Industrial, Educationaland Agricultural Wealth
diadem vignette Alive to the call of Commerce, and Growing in Wealth and Industries.—Unprecedented Opportunities Offered to the Home-Seeker and Prospective Investor.

Mount Olive's Bid


Center of Trucking Belt


Manufacturing Enterprises Needed



Mount Olive Tribune





Facts Touching the Compilation of This Industrial and Historical Issue—The Nature of the Work and Its Aims and Purposes.

IN presenting this Industrial and Historical Edition of the Mount Olive Tribune, the editor begs leave to make a few brief remarks touching its compilation. To issue the edition has been a tremendous task, and the delay in its completion has caused the writer many sleepless nights. At times it seemed that obstacles with which we were forced to contend could not be surmounted, but finally by perseverance, the kind indulgence of many, and by valuable assistance of friends, the edition is now a reality.

To begin with, we were unfortunate in selecting men to assist us in the management of the enterprise, and this, more than anything else, prevented a more speedy consummation of the work. The fact that the TRIBUNE is not issued from a more central part of Wayne County operated against us to no small degree, and it required hard and persistent work, and enduring patience and forbearance to overcome this.

The edition is presented for the purpose of giving the outside world, the home-seeker and prospective investor an idea of the vast resources and advantages offered by Wayne County. The grand old county, rich with history, and teeming with possibilities and opportunities for the thrifty and industrious, is now on the verge of a great development, and this edition is in effect an invitation to desirable immigrants to come and cast their lots with us, and assist in the development of our waste places.

The worth of the undertaking has all along appealed very strongly to the people of the county, as evidenced by the matter contained in the pages that follow, and we especially appreciate the liberal support given us by the business and professional men, farmers, and people in all walks of life in the county. We are indebted to a number of friends for valuable assistance, notable among which are Col. Joseph E. Robinson, of Goldsboro; Miss Frank English, of Mount Olive; Mr. Harry C. Mintz, of Wilmington, and others. The Board of County Commissioners, the County Board of Education, and the Board of Aldermen of the thriving little city of Mount Olive have given us liberal support, evidencing their interest in a work that has for its purpose the upbuilding of the whole county.

The edition is made-up largely of matter of an industrial nature, yet there are many biographies, and historical matter that will be of value to present and future generations. In all the story is one of industrious, honest, intelligent and prosperous people, living in a land blessed with natural advantages, where there are opportunities for all who care to take advantage of them.

In gathering and preparing the matter for this work, our eyes have been opened wide to the great strides that Wayne county has made in recent years in material and educational development. It is in reality a metropolitan county, and nowhere in the South is there a greater spirit of progress than in the county of Wayne.

We have endeavored to give in the pages that follow, the simple truth of the county and her people, to present as near as possible a true picture of the soil, the climate, the educational and industrial advantages, and something of the individualism of the loyal and patriotic people, but only a small part has been portrayed.

We commend the work to the thousands of readers in whose hands the edition will be placed, and trust that they will give careful consideration to the great variety of matter that it contains. That there may be some defects in the work, as there are in all works, it would be useless to deny. We could hope for perfection in all departments of the edition, but we can conscientiously say that we have fully kept up to our contract with every patron.

FRED. R. MINTZ, Editor.


Governor Glenn Gives Glowing Picture of State's Growth Along Industrial, Agricultural Moral and Educational Lines.

Editor Mount Olive Tribune, Mount Olive, N. C.

My Dear Sir:

Your letter asking me to write you a short article on the progress made by North Carolina during the past few years along industrial, educational, agricultural and moral lines has been received, and though very busy with other matters, and therefore, not able to give the subject the thought it requires, I send you this short article, hoping it may give your readers a little insight into our great advancement:

Forty-two years ago, we had just passed through a Civil War. Many of our noblest and best had been slain; others were malmed and diseased, and all disheartened. Crepe was on almost every door, and desolation brooded over our State.

Thirty-six years ago we were the poorest State in the Union; the most Illiterate, with a population of less than nine-hundred thousand men and women, and all of our property only valued at two hundred and sixty million, and an indebtedness of forty million. There was sorrow and poverty everywhere.

How is it to-day? We have rejoicing instead of mourning; sunshine instead of shadow. Our population is two million, one hundred thousand of the purest women and noblest men that can be found in any land. The actual value of our property is one billion dollars. We owe no debt for while we have six million, eight hundred thousand dollars worth of bonds, we have assets worth ten million.

Our people are hopeful and going forward agriculturally. The valuation of lands has increased—trucking, especially in the eastern section, has grown to prodigious dimensions and the only trouble is lack of transportation to get the crops to market. Cotton is bringing a fair price and farmers are gradually getting out of debt.

Our industrial growth has been stupendous. North Carolina is the second State in the Union in the output of cotton—coming third in the number of looms and spindles. It is the second furniture State in the Union—High Point being the second largest furniture town in the world. It is first in the manufacture of plug tobacco; and second in the manufacture of cigars in the United States, and at every railroad station there is evidence of thrift and enterprise.

Educationally, we are building new school houses every day. Our colleges are full to overflowing.

Morally, the people are gradually throwing aside the old ideas of open towns and high license and turning to temperance—putting their faces as flint against vice—thus building up the community.

Look at your own section—only a few years ago Mount Olive was a little hamlet on the Atlantic Coast Line. Now it is a thriving, bustling town, with magnificent houses, an up-to-date graded school and enterprising, thrifty people—the trucking business alone being immense.

Your town is but an index of all the rest of the eastern towns, and they but bespeak the same condition in the center and west.

I could write more if I had time, but this gives you my estimate of the State's prosperity and if we are true to ourselves and educate our children aright, there is no foretelling what achievements of wealth and honor wll be ours in the future.

Wishing you success in your work, I am,

Yours very truly,

R. B. Glenn.


Development and Resources of This Prosperous Section of North Carolina. “The Nation's Garden Spot.”

(Prepared by the Carolina Trucking and Development Co., of Wilmington.)

Previous to the Civil War and for years afterwards, the evolution of agriculture in Eastern North Carolina was far from keeping pace with that of other sections.

While New England was developing her enormous manufacturing enterprises and the Western States were attracting hundreds of settlers, Eastern North Carolina was furnishing annually about 100,000,000 feet of lumber to the world, and marketing her vast stores.

But contrast the conditions of today with those existing even twenty years ago. Cotton mills are being established in the South where the supply of raw produce is close at hand, in preference to New England, as evidenced by the fact that in 1880 there were approximately 1,000,000 spindles operated in the mills of the South, as against 8,583,000 in 1906.

Agriculture in many of these Northern States, too, is on the wane, for a shallow soil which has been cultivated year after year has ceased to bear a profitable harvest, and in substantiation of this we have but to see the many abandoned fields and homes which are encountered in numerous sections of Connecticut and other of her sister States.

The lands of the West, for the most part have enhanced in value to such an extent that the interest on the purchase price is far too small to justify the purchase. And lastly, the timber resources of this section have been, and are being drawn upon to such an extent that this industry must cease are long to be the leading enterprise.

But fortunately, Eastern North Carolina can turn from this means of creating wealth which nature has placed at her disposal, to another equally as effective—the soil.

The introduction and development of the trucking industry in this locality have opened the eyes of thousands, both at home and abroad, to the realization

of untold resources. Northern commission merchants have become to rely upon the products of Eastern North Carolina in order to maintain their business, and these North Carolina products receive especial quotations on the market reports of commission houses. People are turning their eyes with interest to the area which is the largest strawberry producer in the world, and find it hard to believe that a generally undeveloped area about fifty miles square ships annually between 3,000 and 3,500 solid carloads of berries to the large cities of the North and West, and to those of Canada.


Unquestionably, the South is the land of opportunity to-day, and particularly that eastern portion which is geologically known as the Costal Plain Formation. Thousands of fertile acres capable of producing an immense diversity and yield of truck crops, berries and fruits are only awaiting the hand of the skilled laborer to convert them into luxurlant gardens and orchards. Aside from the productiveness of the soil of Eastern North Carolina, the climate, mild in winter by being tempered by the Gulf Stream, and made pleasant in summer by the breezes from the ocean, is an inducement which should appeal most strongly to the farmer from Northern latitudes; not alone because it affects his personal comfort, but because in the place of making his living by growing one or perhaps two crops, he can, with the change, grow easily four upon the sameland, and can place on the market, it he chooses, some fresh vegetables or fruits every month in the year. This is certeinly in sharp contrast with the few advantages open to the Connecticut farmer, the New England manufacturer, and the man from the North and Northwest, who struggles along with his one crop.

While these latter are contending with the cold, the profits of the farmer of the far West are being reduced by the vast amounts which must be expended for irrigation purposes; far perhaps the most essential condition which determines the success of truck and fruit growing is the amount of water which the crops must have. Nature again favored this section in this respect—for the annual rainfall of the greater portion of Eastern North Carolina averages between 60 and 70 inches, so that no artificial means need be had for supplying the requisite moisture to the growing crops. This rainfall is so equally distributed throughout the year that a failure from drouth or excessive rainfall is an exceptional occurrence. The uniformity of this distribution throughout the months may be seen from the following table which was compiled from observations taken at Wilmington, N. C., and covering a period of thirty-four years. The table also shows the average temperature, the average coldest temperature, and the average warmest temperature of each of the months for that length of time:

34 YEARSAverage TemperatureAverage ColdostAverage WarmestAverage Rain Par.

It will be a matter of interest to those who are contemplating establishing in Eastern North Carolina to know something of the character of its soil. There are two general types occurrring which are recognized by the Bureau of Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture, as the Norfolk and Portsmouth series, and which are known in the Wilmington locality as the Wilmington and Southport series. These series embrace sands, fine sands, fine sandy loams, loams and clays—each grade of soil being adapted to some particular kind of truck crops.


The Wilmington types are well drained and rolling, and essentially well adapted to fruits and the earlier truck crops as lettues, beans, peas, radish, cucumbers, asparagus, tomaties, sweet potatoes, etc., while the Southport types are better suited to the production of strawberries, and the later staple vegetables, as onions, cabbage, cauliflower, beets, Irish potatoes, celery, turnips, and a variety of others.

There are reports in the government office which will give an idea of the profits which are to be realized from these crops hen they receive the proper cultivation. In Bulletin 21 of the Miscellaneous Series, 1901, there have been compiled a table which shows the net profit per acre of the following crops:

Asparagus$ 93 63
Beets95 00
Snap Beans42 96
Cabbage113 61
Cucumbers175 00
Watermelons32 06
Cantaloupes55 00
Peas57 37
Irish Potatoes101 60
Sweet Potatoes106 50
Spinach70 00
Tomatoes94 72

This estimate does not include the two leading money crops of the eastern section of the State—Lettuce and strawherries, which yield a much larger profit. In addition to the fruit and trucking interests the writer thinks that Eastern North Carolina is destined to be one of the leading hay and forage producing sections of the United States.

In no other section do cowpeas (during summer) and vetch (during the fall and winter) grow so luxuriantly as they do in the Atlantic Sea board of North Carolina. Both furnish hay far superior in feeding value to the Western staple timothy, and both by virtue of being able to extract nitrogen, the most costly fertilizer, from the air and to store it in the roots of the plants, enrich, rather than impoverish the soil.

Stock raising should become an industry in this section, for the mild climate does not necessitate erecting costly structures for protecting stock, forage can be cheaply grown, and grazing is afforded by Bermuda grass during the summer and fall months.

These considerations together with an adequate means of transportation, both by boat and rail, should rightly demand for this section the recognition which is so rapidly being bestowed upon it.

The institution which has been foremost in recognizing the advantages which this section offers to the homeseeker, and which has taken the lead, is the Carolina Trucking Development Co., of Wilmington, N. C. This company has purchased thousands of acres of the best trucking lands in the vicinity of Wilmington, and now has agents in the West, in England, Germany, and other foreign countries, distributing literature pertaining to Eastern North Carolina, giving lectures, and in other ways advertising the resources of that portion of the State, in order to induce desirable immigrants to establish there. In connection with these developments, the company is operating experimental farms, introducing new plants, fruit trees, etc., taking the lead in placing agriculture upon a scientific foundation. Others will follow the initiative, and by means of the resultant new, vigorous and healthy growth, Eastern North Carolina will deserve in full the title which has been so often applied—“The Nation's Garden Spot.”


One of the Very Best Counties in the South. Hospitable People, Healthy Climate, Wealth-Producing Soil. Cotton, Corn, Tobacco, Truck, etc., Grown in Abundance.

By W. P. Lane.

In writing a sketch of Wayne county, her records are so interwoven in the annals of the State of which she is an integral part, that I will commence at the date of the first landing upon the shores of what is now the

State of North Carolina. After the discovery of San Salvador by Columbus, there were many expeditions fitted out to find the new country, and in the year 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh sent Amidas and Barlow to make discoveries and take possession of any land they found in the name of the Virgin Queen of England, and during the latter part of June, 1584, their ships drew near to the shore, and on the 4th of July, 1584, they landed upon Roanoke Island. It may seem strange, but nevertheless, true and significant that the first landing on the shores of what is now North Carolina, were the first people of the English-speaking race that ever put foot upon the territory of what is now a part of the United States, and the day of the landing was the same day in the month of July, that, in 1776, the Thirteen Colonies renounced their allegiance to the mother country, and on the 20th of May, 1776, North Carolina made the Mecklenburg Resolves, which Mr. Jefferson must have read and incorporated in the Immortal Declaration of Independence, but North Carolina has ever been too modest to claim her just rights. She did as much or more than any of the Colonies to achieve independence, she had resisted the stamp act long before the tea party at Boston. She had declared her independence before the meeting of Congress in Philadelphia, and on her soil the Battle of Guilford Court-House was fought, in which Cornwallis was so crippled that he was compelled to surrender at Yorktown, which brought the recogaition of the Thirteen Colonies. She was the last to subscribe to the compact that formed the Union of States, and the last to abrogate her allegiance. Wayne county, formed during the throes of the war in 1779, contributed her quota to the Revolutionary army, though but sparsely settled, her sous were where most could be done for the cause of liberty. Stoeumb and others at Moore's Creek, met the enemy, and in many ways did their full duty. When Wayne was formed from Dobbs county, her territory embraced the old Court-House of Dobbs’, the ruins of which may be seen near the old Bizzell Mill, across Wainut creek. At the formation of the county, there were comparatively few inhabitants and nearly all of the settlement bordered on the River Neuse and its different tributaries. As most of the pioneers of this and all States, followed the streams. Waynesboro was made the county seat, and White Hall was the marked for many, both on the River Neuse. These two villages supplied all the local trade, while New Bern and Fayetteville were the markets for the products of the farm. In the days of long ago, it was no uncommon sight to see large droves of hogs being driven to Fayetteville to market, and many looked anxiously for the winter to come that they might make the trip, and the neighborhood would gather on their return to hear of the wonderful sights that had been seen and learn the price of pork. Then it took five cents to carry a letter, and the envelope and postage stamp were unknown. The letter was sealed with wax, and sand used as a dryer for the ink. Nearly every one rode horseback, as there were only a few carriages in the whole county, and no buggies. Human nature was the same as now, and there was as much pleasure and enjoyment. Man was truer because he was nearer to nature. When Waynesboro was the county seat and the principal village of the county, Richard Washington and John Wright were the largest merchants, and supplied the wants of the people for miles around. They did the largest business of any between Kinston and Smithfield, if not between New Berne and Raleigh. At Spring Bank, Nicholas Washington kept store and remained there until he emigrated to Alabama, as did many others in that day.

The Whitfields were the leading family around White Hall. Barnabus, McKinnle, in Grantham, Ezekiel Slocumb, Probert Collier and Joe Everett, between the first two named, all along the everflowing Neuse. Reding Coley and the Yelvertons and Sauls in the northern section of the county near the Contennea, or Moccasin river, Sampson Lane, and the Bests in center, while the western portion had the Hooks, Hastings and Howells, and you will find the descendants of the above named now living around the same localities. Time rolls on and there are continual changes, but all remembrance is never completely effaced. Those were the days of the hand card and the loom; every house was a small factory, and each housewife vied with her neighbor in the production of the best weave. All the men, when I was a boy, were clad in home-made clothes, and the cloth was more durable and looked about as well as any we have now, and certainly the girls looked as sweet and attracted as many admirers without the silly nonsense and nothings of the present. Who can discount the pleasure of the gathering on a winter night around the cheerful fire, and as the logs would be devoured by the blazing fire, all singing “Old Sister Phoebe, How Happy Was She As She Sat Under the Sycamore Tree,” and “Weaving the Thimble,” and playing “Ponds” and “Greeting Your Sweetheart Under the Mistletoe Bough.” There was much enjoyment and certainly more innocence than hugging set to music as you whirl in the mazy dance. Then night was not turned into day, and most were up when the cock crowed the morning hour. The blacksmith shop did most of the making of plows, hoes and building of wagons and carts, and all the repairs needed on the farm. Everything was raised on the farm to meet the necessities of the peoples. No horses, mules, bacon, flour and other products were imported, out on the contrary, all had something to sell. But time rolled on and innovations were made, First came the steamboat, that drove away the flat-boat, then the steam car came, and new ideals entered the lives of the people, and advancements were made in all material progress. Cotton was cultivated to a large extent, and as the cultivation of the fleecy staple increased the hog, the cow, and the horse waned.

During the forties and fifties much had been made in the way of advancement. The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad had been built, and the coming of the steam car make great changes take place.


Goldsboro was made the county town, and Waynesboro was gradually abandoned. Mount Olive, now the center of the berry industry, was practically a forest and owned chiefly by Winns and their relatives, who were free uegroes. Dudley was about in the same condition, and Everettsville, now a deserted village, was a place of refinement, culture and wealth. It was the home of many influencial farmers, and there were good schools, churches, and a Masonic lodge. George W. Collier, John Everett and his brother, David Everett. Phillip Hooks, William Cobb and the Hollowells, Dr. Battle, Eli Murray and others had their home there, and throughout the whole county there were many homes surrounded with comforts and contentment, and the owners were people of education, refinement and hospitality. Near the town of Mount Olive lived General Buck Hill, a short distance from him lived Hiram Grantham, who did quite a business, and Lewis Cogdell, farther on, Sanders Cox. Needham, Stevens, Thos. Kennedy, brave and true, and others. Crossing the river were the Kennedys, Joseph and Thomas; coming on were W. K. Lane, W. C. Bryan, the Thompsons, Guard,

Waitman and Tarlton; farther on was Council Best, and the many Smiths; onward Benjamin Byaum, Jack Coley, Fort, Sauls, Exum; and going westward, the Bardens, Newsomes, and others, among whom were Hooks and Aycocks, last but not least. All was peace and contentment, and the future was bright. Honesty was the scale in which all were weighed. No decade in the history of Wayne county showed more material progress than from 1850 to 1860, and the same condition was over the whole State, and the whole country. During that decade there was uneasiness; the future looked ominous, the dread spectre of trouble hovered over the whole country. There was sectional ROSEWOOD ACADEMY FORK TOWNSHIP
trouble, the chasm between the North and the South became wider; fanaticism had control. The false ideals of the fanatic, the irreverence of the Constitution on the part of the fanatic, and the chivalry of the South would not mingle, and the Southern States, one by one asserted their rights of withdrawal from the compact, a right reserved by them when they joined the Union. recognized the independence of the thirteen Colonies, but the fanatics of the North did not recognize that right and the gates of Janus were thrown open, and dire and relentless war was waged. Acts of heroism and daring CASEY'S SCHOOL--NEW HOPE TOWNSHIP
deeds were performed, and never in the annals of history were greater sacrifices made for the upholding of inherent rights than were made by the Southern States. But the decrees of fate, which never change, had been made. In that struggle no braver soldiers faced the enemy and spilled their blood for their rights than did the soldiers of Wayne county. Wayne furnished to the Confederate cause 2,435 soldiers out of a voting population of 1,700. On most of the battle-fields Wayne county soldiers met the foe, and with unflinching eye and sturdy step they marched. They have a proud record at Gettysburg, Fredericksburg and the many battles around Richmond and Petersburg, and other places.

After the war, when the ragged heroes of Lee's army had no hope but home, then came Reconstruction. The good old county of Wayne had to bear her portion of the burden, but soon the white people came to their own, and then an honest endeavor was made to build up the waste places, and repair the damage and rapine and cruelties of the war, and the success that has attended their efforts is to be seen on all sides. Nature had done much for the good old county of Wayne, and her sturdy and energetic people have made much of their opportunity. The products of her soil have increased manifold. Goldsboro, her county seat, has grown to be a city; it has large manufacturing enterprises and merchant princes in her midst. H. Weil & Bros. have done much to build up their city, and promote the prosperity of the whole county; and the Bank of Wayne, E. B. Barden, president, has been no small factor in all progress, ready to aid all who deserve help. Many wholesale houses do a business with the surrounding country. The city is full of life and activity; in the early morning one can hear the various whistles from her many factories which are influences to all line of trade, and give employment to all who desire to work. Her educational institutions give an opportunity to drink at the fountain of knowledge, and to cultivate the mind, which, if properly used, will be a great leverage to grasp with the problems of the future. Mount Olive, her sister town, a few miles to the South, is known afar for her delicious straw- FALLING CREEK ACADEMY--GRANTHAM'S TOWNSHIP
berries, and should continue to prosper, as she is surrounded by a fertile soil and an intelligent community. A few miles north. Fremont is known as a great cotton market, and the fertile soils surrounding, cultivated by interligent and prosperous farmers, have made that section a home of happy contented people. I might write of Pikeville, Dudley, Seven Springs, and its waters of great medicinal virtue, Eureka and other places, but Wayne county is so full of opportunities, were I to endeavor to mention all, many volumes would be needed. She is making advancement along all lines of material progress, and will continue to grow much brighter and brighter, until the perfect day shall arrive, and none shall want, and the most insatiate ambition be satisfied. Jealousy and covetousness shall be unknown, and all shall have enougn and to spare, and the highest desire may be, love of God and the welfare of his neighbor.

Wayne is a good old county; her climate is such that the pomegranate and the vine with clusters of grape flourish as finely as in the valley of the Kedron. The peach with blushing cheek is as luscious in flavor as in the land of the Shah and Pasha; the apple is almost as inviting as those of the North; the strawberry would be as enticing to the gods as the far-famed nectar that was distilled at the foot of Mount Olympus. Her soil EASTERN STATE HOSPITAL, GOLDSBORO
produces to perfection the waving grain that makes bread far more nutritious than that of the Plains of the Dakotas, and corn yields in a hundred fold, and the products of her dairies are as good as those from the valley of the Wabash; and the cotton, the fleecy staple, is woven into cloth not only to clothe her own people, but the Orientals of Japan and China, finding comfort and luxury in wearing the cloth made from that staple.

The Garden of Eden, as it came from the hand of God, did not possess a greater possibility than our good old county. Our people are as good and true as any who walk on the footstool of God's green earth, given to hospitality and cheer and welcome to all who come to cast their lot with us.

El Dorado will not be found, Ponce de Leon searched in vain for the spring where waters give perpetual youth. Man will never attain to perfection; there are not even demi-gods in this day; it is an Utopian idea; a “will-of-the-wisp” to lead into quagmires as futile as chasing the end of the rainbow in search of the bag of Gold. Man is but mortal, and all mortals are but human, but there can be no limit to the possibilities of the human brain, vox populi, vox dei is not altogether an allegory; the good old county of Wayne with her salubrious climate, with her fertile soil, that nature has done so much for, with her honest industrious people where the ears are greeted when we arise from our peaceful slumbers in the morning by the notes of the song birds of the forest, when thrills of music can only

be imitated by a Paganinni or a Paderewski, and the air scented by the fragrance that is wafted from the blooms of the peach, the dogwood and the bay, and their eyes look upon the rose, jessamine and other flowers that have all the tints of the rainbow. Wayne is a goodly land. You escape the biting, blistering blasts of the North. You miss the enervating sun of the South. It is midway between the land of the palm and the ice-bound shores of the North, about half way between the torrld and the frigid zone. The waters divide in North Carolina flowing to the Gulf of Mexico, and the ever-rolling waters of the Atlantic. Here man may reach the zenith of his aspirations, always keeping in remembrance that the “love of God and keeping His Commandments is the whole duty of man.” By doing so you will love your neighbor as yourself.


Identified with all the interests of Wayne county, and ever alert, not only to the interests of Wayne county, but to the entire Third Congressional District, is our Congressman Charles R. Thomas, elected to Congress, first in 1898, after a heated contest with Hon. John E. Fowler, Populist and Republican nominee.

Congressman Thomas is serving his fifth term as practically the unanimous choice of the district. In the past, Congressman Thomas’ career has been so straightforward, honorable and satisfactory, the people have come to regard him as one of themselves


identified with their every interest. It is safe to say that his past service has given to the district at least one million dollars in actual benefits and appropriations, including appropriations for rivers and harbors, life-saving stations, public buildings, war claims, rural free delivery routes, etc. He has in his district to-day as large a number of routes in proportion to the population of the district as any other representative from North Carolina, and these routes return to the people annually, in salaries to carriers, from seventy-five to a hundred thousand dollars. Through his efforts Wayne county has secured twenty-five rural free delivery routes, and service upon others will be begun in the near future.

Congressman Thomas is on one of the most important committees in Congress the Committee on Public Buildings, and his influence now is helpful not only to his district, but the entire State. In fact, he is to-day one of the most influential members of Congress from the State and South. The last public buildings bill through his efforts carried appropriations for sites for public buildings at Washington and Fayettesville, a public building at Kinston, one at Salisbury, an increase of appropriation for the public building at Winston-Salem, and $50,000 additional for the improvement and enlargement of the Asheville public building. He is not only a hard worker, but a good speaker. Besides his speeches in Congress, upon finance and the tariff, the Philippine question, against the trusts and in favor of reciprocity with Canada to benefit the truckers and strawberry growers. Congressman Thomas spoke with no uncertain sound against the oppressive and exorbitant charges of the Armour refrigerator car lines.

The handsome Post Office building at Goldsboro was secured by our Congressman through his committee influence and standing in Washington. Besides the Goldsboro public building, a partial list of the appropriations secured by Congressman Thomas for his district will include river and harbor appropriations for Beaufort harbor $45,000; Neuse and Trent rivers, $60,000, and other appropriations for other rivers of his district, including New river, Onslow county; the Black river and the Northeast river in Duplin county. Also two life-saving stations, one at Swansboro, Onslow county, and one at Beaufort, Carteret county. Also a new revenue cutter for Pamlico Sound and Neuse river, at a cost of $175,000. Also, in co-operation with Mr. Small, a marine biological laboratory at Beaufort, $25,000. Also many minor appropriations, such as maps of Sampson and other counties of his district and the payment of a war claim for St. John's Masonic Lodge at New Bern, which has been pending before Congress since Senator Vance's day. Congressman Thomas secured the appropriation for the monument recently erected at Moore's Creek Battleground.

Congressman Thomas has defeated not only Hon. John E. Fowler for Congress, but perhaps the two strongest opponents who could be nominated by the Republican party in the Third District, namely, Major George E. Butler, brother of ex-Senator Marion Butler, and ex-Judge W. S. O'B. Robinson, formerly judge of the Superior Court and United States District Attorney. In joint debates with these two oppoments Mr. Thomas fully justified his reputation as an able, successful and skilful debater, being more than a match in his campaigns for these distingushed opponents.

In Washington he is held in the highest esteem not only by the Senators from the State and the entire North Carolina delegation, but by the entire membership of the House. He is able, fair, bold and popular.


One of the substantial citizens and business men of Goldsboro is Hon. John Milford Edgerton, Wayne county's representative in the General Assembly, elected November 6th, last.

Mr. Edgerton was born in Wayne county April 26, 1865. His parents were John H. and Annie Edgerton. His father was an extensive farmer, and ran a large tan yard. His grandfather, William H. Edgerton, owned the only cotton factory in the State at that time, and was considered one


of the most substantial men the State afforded. His cotton factory was situated on Little river, in Johnson county, and known as the Old Lowell Factory.

Mr. Edgerton received his early training in the public schools of Wayne, and in the Nahunta Academy and High School, twelve miles north of Goldsboro. He later matriculated to Guilford College, where he remained one year.

Returning from school Mr. Edgerton entered into co-partnership with his brother, Mr. G. L. Edgerton, and purchased the tan yard from his father, which was situated about fifteen miles south of Goldsboro. Later, in addition to his tanning business, he purchased a farm of 270 acres from his father, which he now cultivates.

In 1995 Mr. Edgerton entered business in Goldsboro under the firm name of Edgerton & Edgerton, doing a general sales and exchange stables business.

Mr. Edgerton was elected to the General Assembly in the last campaign with a handsome majority, which shows the kindly favor he is held in by the people of Wayne county. This was his first experience in politics, and he did not solicit the orfice whatsoever, but was the people's choice from the start. Mr. Edgerton held the position as magistrate for twelve years, and is now a school committeeman and road overseer. He is a member of Friends’ Church, descendent from England, and the oldest in America. He is also a member of the Democratic Executive Committee of Wayne county.

April 12, 1890, Mr. Edgerton was married to Miss Sallie, daughter of Bartine and Mary Smith, of Wayne. Three children bless his home—one girl and two boys.

THE picture on this page is that of Ed. L. Edmundson, “The Real Estate Hustler” of Goldsboro and Eastern North Carolina.

Mr. Edmundson has been connected with the interests of Goldsboro for twenty-five years. Being a natural born judge of real estate, also a merchant, and following the real estate business for fifteen years in connection with his store, makes him one of the leading real estate men in the South

His real estate sales aggregated in ten years nearly one million dollars ($1,000,000).

He negotiates sales anywhere in the United States, Working through prominent agencies keeps him in touch with the real estate interests in the United States.

With all this vast amount of dealing, Mr. Edmundson is proud of the fact that where his advice has been taken, there has not been a single poor investment.

He works for commission only, thus giving the purchaser the benefit of the very lowest price of property and the seller a square deal.

He is fully responsible for any business entrusted to him. Owning over twenty houses and lots in the city of Goldsboro, N. C., four large plantations, and running twenty horses on his farms, no one need fear trusting any reasonable amount of business with him.

Mr. Edmundson believes Goldsboro, in Wayne county, is the “Garden Spot” of the World. The climate is the finest, the schools the best, and the healthiest location in North Carolina.

Mr. Edmundson has the following property for sale:

Mr. Kit Holt's handsome two-story brick store on West Center Street.

R. D. Holt's six (6) stores and three (3) dwelling houses on East and West Center Street.

Mrs. S. E. Crumpler's two (2) handsome houses and lots on Elm Street.

Mrs Creech's home on Slocum Street, together with several other houses and lots in the city of Goldsboro, N. C.

One hundred vacant lots adjoining the park of H. Weil & Bros.

Then in the country, Mr. D. E. Smith's elegant ten-room house, with buildings, and one hundred and twenty five (125) acres of land. A model home, with fine groves and This cut of Spruce Street shows the home of Ed. L. Edmundson, the Real Estate Dealer. The picture of the horse and surry is opposite his own home. Mr. Edmundson also owns the other two houses adjoining and opposite on the east, making him own twenty-two dwellings in the city of Goldsboro, N.C.
orchards, within four miles of the city.

The celebrated Myrtle Springs, near Woodland Church. Some of the finest waters in the world.

Bryant Grantham's twelve hundred acres of timber and fine farms. With heavy timbers and an eight-horse farm with good buildings. ONLY ($25,000) twenty-five thousand dollars.

Also several other farms in the country.

A fine hotel with privileges of the celebrated Perkin's Spring Water, at Pikeville.

The Dr J. F. Miller farm, containing 360 acres, 7 horse crop in cultivation, about 75 acres fine pasture for hogs and cattle already wired. One of the finest stock and dairy farms in the State, near the city of Goldsboro. Five dwellings on place, in nice grove. Good orchard, fertile land for cotton, corn, etc., at a bargain.

E.L. EDMUNDSON "The Real Estate Hustler"

Anyone wishing to purchase property anywhere in Eastern Carolina will find it to their interest to correspond with


“Real Estate Hustler”

Goldsboro, N. C.


James Monroe Hollowell was born near Thompson's Chapel, three miles east of Goldsboro, on March 8, 1840. He attended school in all about two years, this being at the public school near his home, which was taught only three or four months each winter. He worked on his father's farm until nearly grown, when he secured a position as clerk in a store in Goldsboro. Soon afterward he secured a position as clerk on the W. & W. Railroad, and a few months later was appointed freight conductor on the same road. He held this position for some time, then became clerk in the A. & N. C. R. R. office at Goldsboro, which position he resigned to become deputy sheriff under W. A. Thompson. He left Goldsboro on April 15, 1861, as a member of the Goldsboro Rifles. He served the South faithfully throughout the Civil War, and in 1865 returned to Goldsboro and commenced railroad work again. He continued in this for twenty-five years, during which time he served as agent for different roads in Goldsboro, Raleign. Winston-Salem and Danville, Va. Leaving railroad work, he was book-keeper and cashier of the Goldsboro National Bank for more than six years. He has served at various times on the Board of Aldermen of Goldsboro, in all twelve or fifteen years. He has always been a consistent Democrat, and has done faithful work in every campaign for the past forty years.

In 1904 his name together with three others was placed before the convention as a candidate for the House of Representatives. He was nominated on the first ballot, receiving one hundred and thirty-seven of the one hundred and fifty-five votes cast. In the Legislature he served on the following committees: Pension, Salaries and Fees,; Railroad and Corporation Commission; Internal Improvements, Justices of the Peace; Immigration; and Institutions for the Blind. Mr. Hollowell was re-elected by a large majority in the recent election to represent Wayne county in the lower branch of the General Assembly.

Mr. Hollowell has no children. His wife is a daughter of the late Bold R. Hood, of Sampson county.


The subject of this sketch, William R. Hollowell, the able chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Wayne county, was born in Wayne county, near Dudley, February 17, 1848. His parents were Thomas L. and Zilpha Hollowell. He was reared on the farm, and lived there until his father died, when he was only seventeen WILLIAM R. HOLLOWELL
years of age, at which time he assumed complete charge of his father's business. In the year 1870 he was married to Miss Annie E. McKinnie, of Wayne county. He then settled on the McKinnie farm, in Brogden township, and lived there until 1888. He then moved to Goldsboro, his present home, and engaged in the live stock business with Winslow Brothers. He kept up his farming interests in the meantime. Mr. Hollowell's first wife died June 19, 1896, and he was married again in 1897 to Mrs. Sad Tomlinson, of Randolph county, a daughter of the late Thomas L. Vale, of Wayne county. Mr. Hollowell was a director of the Eastern State Hospital at Goldsboro for a number of years, and resigned this office to accept the position of chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Wayne county, to which he was elected in the fall of 1906. Mr. Hollowell is one of Goldsboro's most substantial and enterprising citizens and business men, and has always been numbered among the staunchest Democrats in the county.


County Commissioner William Holmes was born in Wayne county, November 20, 1846. His father was Oliver Holmes, a progressive farmer, of Wayne county. His mother was Miss Sallie White.

Mr. Holmes attended the county schools of his county up to the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in Company C, Second Regiment, Junior Reserves, at the age of seventeen. He served through the entirety of the Confederate struggle, being at the battle of Bennettsville, among the last fights of the war. He was in the WILLIAM HOLMES
fights at Belfield, Va., and Wise Fork, N. C., among the bloodiest battles of the Confederacy.

On May 5, 1865, Mr. Holmes returned home from war, with the marks of that hard fought campaign upon his brow, but with the consolation that HOUSE OF MR. HOLMES, MOUNT OLIVE
he had served his cause to the last. He began farming with his father, where he remained until twenty-two years of age, when he located about five miles from his father's plantation and began the industry for himself. To say that he has been successful is in no wise an exaggeration, for he is pronounced one among the foremost farmers of this section. He still owns the same farm, but lives in Mount Olive, where he owns a handsome residence.

Mr. Holmes has served three terms as county commissioner, and is now completing his fourth term in that capacity. He is a very popular man throughout Wayne county, and holds the confidence and esteem of her citizenship. He is a Democrat from the ground up.

Mr. Holmes was married to Miss Julia Peel, of Wayne county, January 21, 1869. One son, Robert P. Holmes, a member of the Mount Olive Grocery and Hardware Co., and four daughters, Mrs. C. B. Hatch, Mrs. J. B. Roberts, and Misses Eva and Bettie Holmes, compose his family.


The subject of this sketch, Mr. James Minor Wood, was born in Lenoir county, June 17, 1853, and on both his father's and his mother's side he comes of distinguished ancestry. His father was the late Dempsey Wood, and his mother was Elizabeth Sutton, family names that have from early Colonial days in Eastern North Carolina, been noted for affluence and royal hospitality in their homes; heroic integrity in all their dealings; conscious dignity and duty of citizenship; a keen interest in public affairs and community progress, and sturdy endurance in standing for the public weal and individual rights, they were potent factors in the early development of their section, and have ever been in the forefront and formidable when men have been needed for the duties of the hour in forming or

fostering good government. It comes as a natural inheritance, therefore, for James M. Wood to take interest in his people's welfare—not for the love of office, but for the duty of service: for left to himself he would prefer the retirement of his own home and the avocation of his ancestral inheritance, that of a farmer, than which there is none better any where; but ever since he came to the years of manhood. “Jim Wood,” as he is familiarly known, has been called upon from time to time to serve his people in JAMES M. WOOD
one public capacity or another, as the need arose, and he has always served them ably and honorably, whether as school committeeman of his district or as representative in the General Assembly from his county, or as county commissioner, and always with no thought of self, but with an eye single to the best interests of his people.

Although a native of Lenoir, Mr. Wood, soon after reaching his majority, moved into Wayne county, and settled on the plantation where he now resides, having married in 1877 Miss Emma L. Parks, who died in 1893, leaving no children. Thirteen years ago Mr. Wood married his present wife, who was Miss Julia P. Smith, and no children have been born to this marriage either, but with GEORGE M. WARRICK
generous hand and noble purpose Mr. Wood and his excellent wife have reared several orphan children, and sent them forth well equipped for life's duties and at this time they have two orphan children in their home being provided for and reared in like manner.

Elected to the Board of County Commissioners in 1895, and to the General Assembly in 1899-1900, and again to the Board of County Commissioners in 1905, which position he holds by re-election last year, it will be seen that Jim Wood has given liberally of his life and service to the public; and yet he has found time to build up one of the finest farms in the county, or section, and accumulate from his industry a competency that makes him one of our most solvent citizens.

A veritable prince of hospitality in his own home, helpful of his fellowmen, correct in his living generous, congenial and companionable, Jim Wood is a model for every farmer's boy and every young farmer in the county to emulate.

Still vigorous in health and activity, may he yet live long to enjoy the association of his friends and the public honors his people are proud to lay upon him.


One of the best farmers and leading men of the county is County Commissioner George M. Warrick, of Granthams Township. He is a successful man in every sense of the word, and one in whom the people of the county have the very highest respect and regard for his upright life. He has served on the Board of County Commissioners, discharging his duty faithfully to the people of the county and with loyalty to the Democratic party. He is posessed of strong convictions, which, together with his integrity sterling honesty and strict adherence to duty, mark him as a leader, and a man in whom the people trust.


County Commissioner Matthew T. Johnson, was born near Pikeville, in Wayne county, June 7, 1841. His parents names were James and Charlotte Johnson. He was educated in MATTHEW T. JOHNSON
the county schools near Pikeville and at Fremont.

Mr. Johnson has spent his entire life in Wayne county, except the time that he served in the Confederate army, rendering valuable and patriotic service to the cause of the Southland during that memorable struggle.

He is numbered among the most successful farmers and business men of Wayne county. He is a merchant, and a good farmer, owning a large tract of land in the upper part of the county. He raises cotton, corn and home supplies, as do all the good farmers of the county.

Mr. Johnson has served on the Board of County Commissioners of Wayne county for fifteen of twenty years, with honor to himself and with the praise of his constituents.


William Gaston Britt, Wayne county's able and esteemed Register of Deeds, was born July 12, 1852, in Grantham's Township, Wayne county. His parents were Moses and Mary A. Britt. He lived on his father's farm, and received his preparatory education at Falling Creek Academy, afterwards attending

Wake Forest College for three years, during which time he was considered the best mathematician in the college. After leaving Wake Forest he taught school in Richmond, (now Scotland) county, and at Spring Hill Academy. Among Mr. Britt's pupils may be mentioned John Charles McNeill, Franklin McNeill, Rev. L. Johnson and Archibald Johnson. For twenty years prior to the year 1902 he was engaged in the mercantile business in Goldsboro, first in the firm of Hood, Britt & Hall, and afterwards of Hood & Britt. In 1902 he was elected Register of Deeds of Wayne county: was re-elected in 1904, and again in 1906. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Goldsboro Graded School for ten years. He owns some real estate in Goldsboro, and is a member of the First Baptist church at that place.

His wife was Miss Barbara Schenckel, of Baltimore, Md. They have six children—four boys and two girls.

Mr. Britt is a Democrat first last and always.


One of the best farmers and leading men of Wayne county is Sheriff Everett A. Stevens, whose present home is in Goldsboro. He was born and reared in Grantham's township, near Grantham's Store, and his father was the SHERIFF EVERETT A. STEVENS
late Needham B. Stevens, one of the county's most substantial farmers and citizens.

Four years ago he was elected to the office of Sheriff of Wayne county. He has made an ideal officer, and stands well in the estimation of the people. Sheriff Stevens has discharged with signal ability every trust that devolved upon him during his incumbency, endeavoring to carry out the requirements of his office with satisfaction to every citizen of the county, but without the least partially to any one.

Sheriff Stevens is a friend to the poor and needy, and no one deserving is ever turned away when it is in his power to aid and assist them. He is an exemplary citizen in many ways, taking a lively interest in education and everything that tends to promote the moral and material welfare of his native county.

He is a Democrat “from the ground up,” and his popularity in the county is best evidenced by the fact that he generally leads his ticket.

While attending strictly to his duties as Sheriff, he still continues his farming interests in Grantham's township.


Wayne county's popular Clerk of the Superior Court is James R. Hatch who was born in Duplin county, near Warsaw, February 3, 1853. His parents were Joseph R. Hatch and Annie E. Hatch and the latter is yet living, residing near Mount Olive. Mr. Hatch moved from Duplin county with his parents to a farm four miles from Mount Olive when he was six years of age, and there remained until he was twenty-nine years old. He attended the public schools of the neighborhood during this period. In 1879, October 22, he was married to Miss Glen- JAMES R. HATCH, CLERK SUPERIOR COURT
nie Dora Kornegay and four children—two boys and two girls—bless the happy union. During the year 1883 Mr. Hatch moved to Mount Olive, where he embarked in the mercantile business, which he followed until President Cleveland's first administration when he was appointed postmaster at Mount Olive, and served one term with signal ability. He again engaged in the mercantile business after his term of office expired, and was burned out, his loss aggregating $3,000 with no insurance. During Mr. Hatch's residence in Mount Olive he served nine years as mayor of the town declining the nomination for the tenth term. He was a justice of the peace for eight years and also a notary public.

Mr. Hatch has always taken an active interest in the cause of education, serving in the capacity of secretary of the Graded School Board of Mount Olive. He is also an active member of several secret organizations, among them being the Odd Fellows and the J. O. U. A. M.

In 1906 Mr. Hatch was elected Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne county. He was elected by a handsome majority, and has since served his constituents with signal ability and faithfulness. His election as Clerk of the Superior Court necessitated his removal, with his most excellent family, from Mount Olive to the county seat, Goldsboro.

Mr. Hatch has always been an earnest worker for the cause of Democracy, giving much of his time and means for the upbuilding of the party in the State and his native county.


James William Thompson, County Treasurer, was born in Stoney Creek Township, Wayne county, November JAMES WILLIAM THOMPSON, COUNTY TREASURER
15, 1850. Mr. Bright Thompson, his father, was a progressive farmer of Wayne.

Mr. Thompson attended the public schools of his county for a very short time, but the reason for his not getting the advantage of a more thorough education was attributed to his father and oldest brother shouldering

their muskets and marching to war, leaving him at the age of ten years to care for his mother and four younger children.

The subject of this sketch left his father's fireside at the age of twenty-five, and moved to Pikeville Township, where he began farming on a small acreage of land. He had nothing at that time save the courage and ambition accorded every human being, and his few acres of land, part of which was uncleared. Through his untiring energy he has steadily climbed to the front in spite of various difficulties, and to-day he owns several farms in Wayne, and is one of the most successful farmers the good old county of Wayne affords. In the year 1897 he moved to Goldsboro, and entered, the mercantile business, where he now resides, doing business at the same stand he first entered.

In the campaign of 1904 Mr. Thompson was elected by the Democratic party to the office of Treasure, and again in 1906 to the same position. He serves the people well in the above capacity, and is a very popular man throughout the entire county. He is a faithful member of the Methodist church at Salem. Stoney Creek Township, and takes an active part in Sunday school work.

Mr. Thompson was married to Miss Nancy Yelverton in 1875, who died in 1892. In 1895 he was married the second time to Miss Lucy Yelverton, sister of his first wife. Two boys and three girls bless his home.


Col. Joseph E. Robinson, editor of the Goldsboro Daily and Weekly Argus, was born in Lenoir county, N. C. on September 23, 1858. His parents were John and Margaret (Dillon) Robinson, both of Irish nationality. His father was a professor in the Irish University, at Dublin, and came to this country in 1847, and devoted the remainder of his life to school teaching.

Col. Robinson's parents moved to Goldsboro, while he was an infant, consequently his career, touched upon only briefly here, has been closely identified with Goldsboro. He was educated in the St. Charles College, of Maryland (Society of St. Sulpice), COL. JOSEPH E. ROBINSON
graduating therefrom in the class of 1879, after which, he took up the study of law. Having read under the direction of Mr. A. K. Smedes, of Goldsboro, he was admitted to the bar in 1881, and for four years practiced in the Wayne county courts. He then accepted a position on the editorial staff of the Goldsboro Messenger, and in April, 1885, he established the Daily and Weekly Argus, which he has edited since that time. He was attorney for the M. N. C. Railroad from its inception until it passed into the hands of a receiver. During two administrations he filled the office of City Attorney of Goldsboro, retiring from that position to found the Argus. He was a member of Governor Chas. B. Aycock's staff.

During its long life the Argus has been the moving factor in the development of Goldsboro and ranks as one of the leading Democratic papers of the State. Col. Robinson's life has been one of unselfishness and great usefulness. More than twenty years ago, when the Argus was first established, he laid down the proposition that Goldsboro was “The Best Town in the State” and all through the years he has steadfastly adhered to it, with the result that this saying has become a by-word with the people of Goldsboro and Wayne county.

Col. Robinson has ever been an enthusiastic supported of public education, and was identified with his pen in the establishment of the Goldsboro Graded School. He is at present, Chairman of the Wayne county Board of Education and in this position has done much towards promoting the educational facilities of the county, which leads all other counties in North Carolina in the matter of public school libraries.

He was born on the farm and sounded all the phases of farm life. It is his purpose to carry to every country district, so far as it lays in his power excellent school facilities and finished teachers, so as to render is unnecessary for farmers to leave their farms and move their families to the cities to give their children educational advantages, realizing as he does the dangers of city life to that sturdy growth in physical and moral development that can best be acquired on the farm.

As editor of the Argus, and by delivering speeches upon the stump in the county at nearly every election. Col. Robinson has contributed greatly to the success of the Democratic party. He is a writer of much force and ability, and there is not a more learned or entertaining public speaker in the State. He has been prominently mentioned as the Democratic candidate for Congress from this district, and should the people see fit to elevate him to this position of honor and trust, he would acquit himself in a manner that would be creditable to himself and of great and lasting benefit to the people of the District.

Col. Robinson is a Jeffersonian Democrat, and believes in re-establishing the fundamentals of the party as first enunciated.


Member of the County Board of Education and Senior Member of the Firm of English & Oliver, Truck Brokers

Mr. W. F. English, Mount Olive's veteran truck broker, senior member of the firm of English & Oliver, was born at Old Trinity College, May 3, 1844. His father was Zebulon English, who was well known in his day around Trinity College. Mr. English was educated at Trinity College, going through the Sophmore class. In 1868 he moved to Duplin county, three and a half W. FRANK ENGLISH
miles south of Mount Olive where he taught school for two years at LaPlace Academy. He then moved to Mount Olive and took charge of the Mount Olive High School. For the past twenty years he has been engaged in handling fruits and vegetables from most all points in Eastern North Carolina, his principal operations, however, being at Mount Olive. After teaching school in Mount Olive, Mr. English was for ten years associated with his brother Mr. J. A. English, in the mercantile business in Mount Olive.

During his twenty years’ experience in the truck and vegetable business he has handled more stuff than any one man living on the W. & W. Railroad. Three years ago he associated in business with him Mr. C. Wooten Oliver (the firm being known as English & Oliver), one of Mount Olive's most esteemed and capable young business men.

Mr. English is one of the old-school Democrats, and has been an influential factor in the councils of the party in this section where he is well known and recognized as one of Wayne county's best informed men.

He has been a member of the Wayne county Board of Education for the past fifteen years, and was at one time a member of the Board of County Commissioners. In addition to this, he is at present serving as a justice of the peace in Brogden township, and has been on the Board of Town Commissioners of Mount Olive.

He was married in 1870 to Miss Florence Loftin, (daughter of the late Joel Loftin) who died April 14, 1893. He has never married again. Mr. English has four daughters—Mrs. W. W. Loftin, Mrs. A. H. Oliver, and Misses Ada and Frank English.


Of the County Board of Education there is no member more devoted to the cause of the people, or more faithful in attendance, or more conscientious in the discharge of duty than Barnes Aycock, and to his ever vigilant observation and wise counsel is largely due the big measure of success this Board has accomplished for education in Wayne.

Born in 1844—August 10th—Mr. Aycock was just of volunteer age when the war of the Southern Confederacy broke over the country, and he promptly offered his young manhood to the cause of the South, and on many a hard fought field where brave men faced death and heroes died he laid his life a fresh sacrifice, again and again, upon the altar of his country, and when, at length the great tragedy closed at Appomattox, he turned his face to the future with the same undaunted courage that sustained him


in the ordeal of war, and through which he has accomplished success in his chosen vocation, and to-day he is one of our county's most solvent farmers, and a citizen holding the highest esteem of his people who are proud to honor him in any capacity in which he will accept public service. But he is content to serve, without compensation, the children of the county, in providing for their education, whereby they shall be fitted for life's duties and possibilities. All honor therefore to Barnes Aycock, soldier, citizen, farmer and friend of popular education.


The Gate City of Eastern. North Carolina—A Fertile Soil and Favored Section—Splendid Educational Advantages—Many Manufacturing Enterprises—an Open Door to the Capitalist and Home Seeker.


Goldsboro is the Gate City of Eastern North Carolina, the most fertile and favored section of the State. It is the county seat, and a railroad centre second to none in the State or the South, being on the Atlantic Coast Line, North and South, and the terminus of the North Carolina Division of the great Southern Railway, and of the Norfolk and Southern, directly to the sea at Morehead City, on the Atlantic Ocean, and to deep water at Norfolk. It is an ideal location for factories, quite a number and variety being already established here and all of them flourishing and developing; while as a place for residential abode, it has an atmosphere as salubrious and a climate as benignant as to be found any where in the world. In fact, its climatic conditions are strikingly sui generis, being attribetable to the prevailing air currents peculiar to the Gulf stream, that makes its great “Elbow Bend” directly off our coast, in an air line from this city.

Goldsboro has a population of ten thousand, and the lowest death rate on record. It has all modern city conveniences, such as water works, sewerage, and electric lights—all owned and operated by the city at a minimum charge to the consumer, telephones—city, rural and long distance, while its fortuitious location for natural surface drainage renders it remarkably dry and healthy and immune from contagious diseases.

In educational facilities, Goldsboro's public schools have the prestige of recognized superiority, and bear the indorsement of Dr. Mayo, of Boston, and Dr. Curry of Virginia, as being “unsurpassed from Maine to Mexico.” This of the city schools, while the County of Wayne leads the State in the excellence of its village and rural free schools and circulating libraries.

Goldsboro is the banking town, also, of the great truck-growing territory of which Wayne county is the centre, and the market town of the farmers for their cotton, tobacco and other produce, for many miles around.

The soil and climate of Eastern North Carolina, of which Goldsboro is the gateway and railroad cross roads, are adapted to the cultivation of almost every kind of crops, the year round, and this section is the exclusive habitat of the superb and unapproachable scuppernong grape, the wine of which has a peculiarly delicate and delicious flavor, not to be obtained from any other grape; nor can the grape be grown in any other section; consequently the possibilities of profitable grape culture in Eastern North Carolina are yet in their infancy and can never be developed beyond the constantly growing demand.

It is not what Goldsboro offers the tourist to spend money for that we invite inquiry, but for the rare facilities afforded here for profitable investment in manifold avenues of industrial enterprise, the climatic conditions for health and long life, the educational advantages for the fitting of youth for life's possibilities, the inviting opportunities for development that men with capacity love to confront and lay hold on, the real things, the earnest things, that make life worth the living, the cultured, refined, and moral social surroundings characteristic of the South, the integrity of business intercourse, that is held above price, the assurance of which gives purpose to ambition, reward to enterprise and enjoyment to success, it is for these distinctive features that Goldsboro has come to be recognized as the best town in the State.

All communications asking for specific information, whether for farms, city homes or manufacturing data, addressed to the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce will receive prompt and exact response.


We regret that our limited space here prevents us from giving a complete sketch of Wayne county's most honored and brilliant citizen, Hon. Charles Brantley Aycock, ex-Governor of North Carolina. The following is condensed from an excellent sketch of him, written several years ago by his life-long law partner, Mr. F. A. Daniels, of Goldsboro:

Charles Brantley Aycock, son of Benjamin and Serena Aycock, was born in Nahunta township. Wayne county, North Carolina, November 1, 1859, the youngest of a family of eight sons and two daughters, all of whom except one daughter reached maturity. The father, a farmer, as were all his ancestors, was a man whose high character, good sense and practical wisdom won and retained the esteem and confidence of the people of Wayne, whom he served for years as county clerk and afterwards as State Senator during the sessions of 1864-’65 and 1865-’66. Serena Aycock, the mother of the subject of this sketch, was the daughter of Robert Hooks, of Wayne county. The names, Aycock and Hooks, have stood for a century in Wayne county as synonyms for industry, courage and integrity.

He attended school in the little village of Nahunta, now Fremont, where, under the instruction of the late J. B. Williams, he made good progress. It was here, as an eager school boy, he heard his first political speech. A local preacher and politician stood on the platform of the railroad warehouse and spoke to the people about the conditions that confronted them. He was a man of some gifts, and portrayed in strong language the evils of the times, and as the barefooted school boy stood on the railroad and listened, his heart burned within him and he felt that if he could make such a speech the ambition of his life would be achieved.

He worked on the farm during his

vacations, and spent a year at school at Kinston where he made many friends, and where he received from Rev. Joseph H. Foy, his preceptor, the encouragement and stimulus which aroused his ambition and inspired him with confidence in his powers. He was some time afterwards sent to the Wilson Collegiate Institute, where he was prepared for college. Here he was one of the best students, careful and dilligent in preparation, fond of reading, and taking a leading part in the debating society. Here in the moot court of the society, associated with the writer, he defended his first murder case against the vigorous prosecution of Mr. Rodolph Duffy, now the able solicitor of the Fifth Judicial CHARLES BRANTLEY AYCOCK
District. It was noted at this period of his life that whenever he addressed an audience he received its undivided attention. His voice was not melodious and he was rather awkward in his movements, but when he rose to speak every person within reach of his voice listened until his conclusion. There was about him an earnestness, a sincerity and directness that seemed to compel attention.

He enjoyed the confidence and respect of the faculty, his fellow-students, and the citizens of the town, and won the love of the lady who afterwards became his wife.

He entered the University of North Carolina at the fall term of 1877. Here he devoted himself to completing the course in three years; his means being limited to the value of a farm inherited from his father, which he sold to pay his college expenses. He stood at the head of his class in Latin composition, and immediately won the affection of Dr. George T. Winston, then professor of Latin, by the ease with which he translated Latin into English. While pursuing the regular Ph. B. course he read widely and constantly. He soon took first rank as a debater in the Phi. Society, of which he was a member, and before his graduation he had no superior in the society as a speaker.

He was graduated in 1880, receiving the Wiley P. Mangum medal for oratory and the Bingham essayist medal.

He had begun the study of law with Dr. Battle at the University and afterwards completed the course with the late A. K. Smedes, at Goldsboro. While reading under Mr. Smedes he canvassed Wayne county for the Democratic ticket.

He began the practice of law at Goldsboro in January, 1881, associated with the writer under the firm name of Aycock & Daniels. This partnership was formed at commencement, June, 1880, and lasted without interruption until Mr. Aycock was inaugurated Governor. (The partnership was resumed upon Governor Aycock's retirement as Governor.)

As a lawyer his success was marked from the beginning. He appeared in many of the most important and hotly contested cases in the counties of Wayne Wilson, Johnson, Green, Duplin, Sampson, Lenoir and Pitt. A student of the law as well as of human nature, with a logical and well balanced mind, a large endowment of physical strength, a vocabulary enriched by familiarity with the highest models of speech, possessed of a sincere and virile eloquence that moved and convinced, he was a power before a jury whose effectiveness could not be safely underestimated.

His reputation brought invitations from the neighboring counties to which he responded and he was soon recognized as the most effective campaign speaker in his section of the State, and in the presidential campaign of 1888 he was the nominee of his party for district elector. His opponent was the Hon. Oscar Spears, of Harnett. They made a thorough canvass of the district and engaged in many joint discussions. Mr. Spears was a strong and experienced speaker and the debates between them were vigorous, sharp and interesting, but constantly marked by mutual courtesy and respect.

Always a strong debater, this campaign strengthened Mr. Aycock's powers and developed his sense of humor, of which his earlier speeches, earnest, serious and intense, had given little indication. The next four years added to his growing reputation and in 1892 he received the nomination of the Democratic party for elector-at-large. This honor brought with it a great responsibility.

He was appointed, in 1893, United States district attorney for the eastern district, and discharged the duties of the office with conspicuous ability and fidelity.

The conditions which produced the campaign of 1898 and which followed or grew out of it, so affected the public mind that the submission of a suffrage amendment which will eventually result in using the suffrage on an educational qualification.

The need of a man who could arouse the people and secure the adoption of this amendment turned all eyes to the young leader whose abundant labors, eloquent tongue, splendid ability and purity of life had won the hearts of the people, and he was given a unanimous nomination as the candidate of the Democratic party for the high office of Governor.

On January 15, 1901, there was a great outpouring of people to witness the inauguration of Governor Aycock, and thousands listened to his Inaugural address, which will always rank with the wisest and most patriotic of our State papers.

He began his administration at the opening of a new era in our history, and under propitious skies. A freer and more wholesome atmosphere greets the new century, and in its earliest years will he inaugurated the great reforms which will guaranted peace, good order, progress and the best fruits of civilization, to the attainment of which he has so ably and so strenuously contributed.

In his private life he is simple generous and affectionate. He finds his highest pleasure in the society of his wife and children. He married in 1881 Varina D. Woodard, daughter of Elder William Woodard, of Wilson county, who died in 1890, leaving two children. In 1891 he married Cora L. Woodard, a sister of his deceased wife. He has seven children.


The Oldest Establishment in Goldsboro—Its History Has Been One of Steady Growth and Today Its Prominence Is Unexcelled

The firm of H. Weil & Brothers, the name of which is familiar to every man, woman and child in Wayne county and Eastern Carolina, was established in 1865 by Messrs. Herman, Henry and Solomon Well, who came to Goldsboro and started in the mercantile business in a modest but determined way. The business succeeded from the start, and to-day it is the oldest, largest and most wealthy business concern in Wayne county. In 1878 Herman Well died but the business went on without interruption. In 1882 the late Mr. Emil Rosenthal was admitted to the firm, but the name remained as before, and upon his death in 1892, his son, Mr. Joseph Rosenthal was admitted as a partner, and the firm is now composed of Messrs. Henry Weil, Solomon Weil and Joseph Rosenthal, whose business careers have been marked with strict honesty, ability, uprightness and aggressiveness.

The firm occupies three mammoth stores on West Centre street, 80×100 feet, and large warehouses in the rear to accommodate the immense stock carried, consisting of dry goods, clothing and shoes, fertilizers, supplies of all kinds, each placed in a separate and distinct department. The carpets, curtains, mattings and other departments are housed on the second floors and they operate storage and sale warehouses for groceries, fertilizers, farm implements, vehicles, together with separate ice and coal enterprises, now among the most Important features
Photo of H.Weil and Bros. Dry Goods Store Besides doing a retail business they sell in wholesale quantities to consumers and dealers throughout Eastern North Carolina, and have traveling representatives on the road.

The members of the firm always take the lead in every progressive movement for Goldsboro and Wayne county, and through their energy and means much of the development of this section has been accomplished. They are prominent factors in the ownership of many of the leading industries and financial enterprises of Goldsboro, and are in addition to this heavy property owners and planters.

The firm does an immense time business with the farmers and truckers throughout several counties in this section of the State.

An idea of their large and extensive business interests may be gained from the following, which appeared in a recent issue of the Goldsboro Argus:

“Mr. Henry Weil is president of the Carolina Rice Mills and Goldsboro Ice Company, secretary of the Goldsboro Land and Improvement Company and director in the Bank of Wayne and the Greensboro Life Insurance Company.

“Mr. Solomon Weil is secretary and treasurer of Goldsboro Storage and Warehouse Company, director in the Wayne Agricultural Works, vice-president of the Carolina Rice Mills and director in the Dixie Fire Insurance Company of Greensboro.

“Mr. Joseph Rosenthal is a director in the Goldsboro Knitting Mills, the National Bank of Wilson and the Atlantic Fire Insurance Company of Raleigh.

“Mr. Leslie Weil son of Mr. Henry Weil, is manager of the dry goods department, and Mr. Lionel Weil, son of Mr. Solomon Weil, is manager of the wholesale department.

“Mr. Herman Weil, son of Mr. Henry Weil, is manager of the Weil Brick Yard and of the New River Lumber Company.”


Mr. L. D. Giddens, jeweler and optician, was born September 9, 1835, in Sampson county, near what is now Giddensville, N. C.

His parents were David and Sophia Giddens. He was educated in Sampson and Wayne counties, and came to Goldsboro in 1859, and started in the jewelry business, having bought out the business of J. H. Crawford, now a Dentist of Raliegh. He enlisted and served in Co. E, 20th N. C. Regiment,

during the entire war between the States, and surrendered with Gen. Lee's army, April 9, 1865, and returned to Goldsboro the following month and resumed his jewelry business, which he has continued since.


He was married to Miss Margaret Ireland, daughter of the late Mr. S. R. Ireland of Faison, N. C.

Mr. Giddens is the pioneer watchmaker of North Carolina, having made the first watch made in the State, and received the highest reward for same J. F. GIDDENS
at the Wilmington Fair in 1871, a gold medal, and the State Fair at Raleigh, in 1874, a diploma. Mr. L. D. Giddens has conducted a successful jewelry business and has from time to time added goods to his stock, until now he has a line second to none in

this part of the State, consisting of diamonds, watches, jewelry, cut glass, novelties, hand painted china, clocks, electric lines, etc.

He has one brother, Mr. Henry B. Giddens, who is in the jewelry business in Clinton, N. C.

His son, L. D. Giddens, Jr., is in the jewelry business at Elizabeth Cityw, N. C., and the other two sons, L. D. Jr., and J. Frank Giddens, are in business with him.

They were educated in the Goldsboro schools, and took courses elsewhere.

L. D. Giddens, Jr., graduated at the Parson's Horological Inst., La. Perte, Ind.; J. Frank at the L. L. Furgerson's College of Optics of New York; and Ross I., at the Waltham Horological School, of Waltham, Mass., who made while there a watch model different from anything that has been made, and which is a fine specimen of his knowledge of watch-making.

He has received several diplomas for engraving at the different fairs in the State.

Mr. Giddens is known to be Goldsboro's reliable and leading jeweler. As a result of his strict adherance to truth and his employment of honorable business methods from the beginning of his career. Mr. Giddens is to-day one of the leading jewelers of the State, as well as one of the most esteemed citizens of the town in which he lives.


Dental Surgeons

This enterprising and progressive firm was established in Goldsboro, N. C., July 17, 1995. It is doing one of the most prosperous dental business of any office in the county.

Dr. Charles B. Hall, the senior member of the firm, was born in Orange county, N. C., April 19, 1874. He attended Cedar Grove Academy and High School from which his preparatory education was obtained. In 1895 he matriculated to the Atlanta Dental College, where he graduated in his DRS. HALL AND MALONE
chosen profession in the spring of 1898, with credit to himself.

He first located at his home town, Cedar Grove, N. C., where he practiced his profession for seven years. Desirous of finding a broader field in which to do business and realizing his ability to manage his profession in any locality, he sojourned to Goldsboro, N. C. and established the firm of Hall and Malone, where an extensive and growing practice is enjoyed.

Dr. Hall was married to Miss Eva L. Malone, of Person county, in 1898. Two girls and two boys compose his family.

The junior member of the firm is Dr. Samuel Edward Malone, who was horn in Person county, N. C., December 13, 1872.

Dr. Malone prepared for college at Silas City Military College, Silas City, N. C. After leaving the above school he began teaching in the public schools of Person county and doing a general merchandise business at Serdaston, N. C. In 1902 he decided to study dentistry and matriculated to Atlanta, Ga., where he entered the Atlanta Dental College, graduating three years later.

After graduation, he located at Goldsboro, N. C., under the firm name of Hall & Malone.

Dr. Malone is a member of Company D. National Guard, of his town, and a member of the Jr. O. U. A. Mechanics.


Sale and Exchange Stables

This popular firm keeps a full line of horses and mules all the year round, also Babcock buggies and a big lot of other makes. They carry also a full line of harness, wagons and carts. They handled 300 head of horses and mules last year, and sold 100 buggies. Their stables are on Chestnut street, at John Southerland's old stand.

George Luther Edgeton, junior member of the firm, was born in Wayne county, January 17th, 1877.

Mr. Edgerton attended the public school of Wayne county, receiving his preparatory education. He then went to Guilford College and took a general course for a short while.

His first business undertaking was with his brother. Hon, J. M. Edgerton, in the tanning industry, which he stuck to until 1891, when he sold to EDGERTON AND EDGERTON'S STABLES
his partner and located at Guilford College, N. C., and established a tanuery there. He remained in Guilford College until 1897, when he moved to Rafiard, N. C., and established a sales and exchange stable. He remained at the latter place until last November, when he located at Goldsboro, and entered the sales and exchange stables business with his brother, Hon, J. M. Edgerton, under the firm name of Edgerton and Edgerton.

Mr. Edgerton is a very competent and trust-worthy man in his line, and a citizen that any locality can well be proud of, as he is in for anything that is to the upbuilding and betterment of his community. He is a faithful member of the Presbyterian church of Goldsboro.

Mr. Edgerton married Miss Emma Jones, of Duplin county, in the spring of 1901. Two children bless his home.


Needham Bryan Outlaw, was born in Abertsons township, Duplin county, November 6th, 1844. He is the son of Alexander and Elizabeth Outlaw. His father was an extensive and progressive farmer of Duplin.

Mr. Outlaw was educated at the Outlaw school house, a both public and private institution, situated near his father's home in Duplin county.

After his school days, he worked at his father's lumber mill as bookkeeper, until 1863, when he enlisted in Company C. 66th N. C. Regiment, Confederate Army. He remained with the above company about one year, when he was transferred to the Medical Department, with offices at Wilmington, N. C., where he remained until the 19th day of October, 1864. At the latter date he was taken ill with chills and fever and sent home on furlough, where he remained until the close of the war, his sickness rendering him physically unable to enteractive service again. Mr. Outlaw, although in a condition unfit for the strenuous trial of warfare, was true to the cause he represented, as was fully demonstrated to this writer in an interview regarding those times. While riding around his father's farm, he succeeded in capturing two Yankee soldiers, who were on their way to their regiment in New Bern. He did this without help of any kind, and when he was unable to mount horse without assistance. He ran a “glorious” bluff that proved successful.

After the surrender, his father was left bereft of all his means of support, except what he stood in and a few acres of land. This also placed the subject of this sketch in the same condition, but with his thrift and enterprising spirit, he gradually crawled to the front rank as an agriculturist. He did a general merchandise business in various parts of Duplin county for about twenty years, after which he moved to Mount Olive and from thence to Goldsboro, where he now resides.

Mr. Outlaw owns several farms in Lenoir and Pender counties, on which he produces an abundance of cotton, corn, tobacco and truck of all kinds.

November 9th, 1864, Mr. Outlaw was married to Miss Smithy Outlaw of Duplin county, who died in 1882. He married again in 1883 to Miss Annie Whitfield. Twelve children, eight boys and four girls, compose his family. Mr. Outlaw is very proud of his children and justly so. His fourteen year old son Richard, won a $14.00 prize when he was only twelve years old by learning the multiplication table backward and forward in one week. He has three daughters, two of whom are teaching in the public schools of Wayne, and the other a competent stenographer. His son, John, has been County Physician for the past three years. He also has one son doing a general merchandise business in this State, and one that graduated in law and was licensed to practise this spring. He is a firm believer in education and has striven hard to give his children the best advantages along this line. He says he owes a debt of gratitude to the people of Goldsboro for kindness shown him, and also to that thoroughly equipped and in every sense, superior graded school of Goldsboro.

Dr. John B. Outlaw, son of N. B. Outlaw, a live, wide-awake and promising young physician of Goldsboro, was born in Duplin county, November 26th, 1880.

While a small boy his parents moved to Goldsboro, where he attended that splendidly managed graded school of that place for about seven years, receiving his preparatory education. He then entered Davidson College, and took a medical course for two years. From there he went to Memphis, Tenn., and studied medicine for one year. He then sojourned to Raleigh, N. C., and entered the hospital,

studying medicine under Dr. Royster, where he graduated with high honors.

In 1902 he received license from the State Board to practice in North Carolina and located in Goldsboro, where he enjoys an extensive practice and the confidence of all who know him.

He was chosen County Physician in 1904, and still holds the office with credit to himself and county.

Needham W. Outlaw, son of N. B. Outlaw, was born in Duplin county, August 9th, 1885.

His father located in Goldsboro, N. C., when he was a child, where he had the advantage of attending the graded schools of that town. He obtained his preparatory education in the above institution, and later took a literary course for one year at Bingham Commercial School. He studied law at Wake Forest College, and completed his course this spring, and is now practicing in Goldsboro.

From his record made at college it is an assured fact that he has a promising future before him.


William Henry Collins was born at Kinston, N. C., March 19, 1841. He attended school for about six months in Craven county, and received the rest of his education in the printing office while serving an apprenticeship with the Kinston American Advocate.

He came to Goldsboro in 1868, and went to work on the Goldsboro Daily Rough Notes, afterwards changed to the Goldsboro Messenger. He served as foreman in the Messenger office for nineteen years, until the plant was removed to Wilmington. He then engaged in a small way in truck farming and dairying until 1901, when he was appointed City Tax Collector by the Board of Aldermen which position he held until 1906.

Mr. Collins is a member and steward of St. Paul's M. E. Church, Goldsboro. He is active in I. O. O. F. and K. of P. circles, having served as Past Grand Master of the local lodge of Odd Fellows and Past Chancellor of the Pythians. He has represented the Goldsboro Lodge, I. O. O. F., in the Grand Lodge two or three times and has for twenty-six years held the office of Secretary and Treasurer of the Endowment Rank, K. of P.

His wife was Miss Annie J. Bunn. They have one son in the United States Army and one is a bookkeeper at Richmond, Va., for the Old Dominton Steamship Co. Mrs. E. E. Forsythe, of Goldsboro, is their daughter and they lost one son at the age of twenty-two.


Mr. Joseph F. Ange was born in Martin county, North Carolina, in 1872. He lived on his father's farm until he was fifteen years of age, and then became engaged in the lumber business. Four years of his life, prior to his marriage, were spent in the West. Upon his return to the Old North State, he made his home in Pitt county, where he was married to Miss Annie Smith. He has been a citizen of Goldsboro since 1900. During the first year of his residence here, he worked as a carpenter, but deciding that he could plan as well as execute, he became a contractor and some of the handsomest buildings in this section of the State, evidence his ability in this direction. Almost an entire block of Mount Olive's business portion was built under his supervision, as were also some of its most beautiful residences and its handsome graded school building.

Mr. Ange has been singularly successful in his work, having accumulated considerable property and made for himself an enviable reputation as a contractor. He is an active member of St. John's M. E. Church, Goldsboro, and has served as steward and in other offices of the church. He is the proud father of several bright children.

Mr. Ange also owns an interest in a lumber or saw mill business in Goldsboro, and is a member of the mercantile firm of Summerlin and Ange, established a few months ago.


Dental Surgeon

Success in all the departments of the learned professions depends to a great extent upon the intelligence, proficiency and ability which are brought to bear upon them. Especially is this true as applied to the practice or dental surgery. One of the ablest exponents of this delicate department of surgical science in Goldsboro is Dr. E. C. Vitou, whose well appointed pariors and laboratory are situated over Giddens’ jewelry store.

Dr. Vitou is a graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. He practiced his profession from 1903 to 1905 in Southport, N. C. While located there, he endeared himself to a large circle of friends and was identified with every movement for the town's advancement. He was one of the most active laborers for the establishment of the Southport Graded School. He opened his office in Goldsboro in January, 1905, and during his residence there has made scores of friends, who appreciate his worth as a progressive citizen as well as an expert in his profession. He is popular and prominent in Masonic and I. O. O. F. circles, and is a member and officer of the Episcopal Church.



The people of Wayne county always associate the name of “Robinson” with all that is fresh, pure and reliable in drugs and chemicals. M. E. Robinson & Bro. are proprietors of one of the most complete pharmacies in the State. Their handsome and well arranged store is replete with a large and superb stock of druggists’ and physicians’ supplies a splendid assortment of toilet articles, perfumes, proprietary remedies and in fact, everything that one would expect to find in a first-class drug house.

A specialty is made of garden and flower seeds. Fine tobaccos, cigars, candies and the newest things in stationery can always be found at Robinson's. Prescriptions are carefully and accurately compounded and only the purest of drugs are used. A fine soda fountain dispenses to the thirsty and the most exacting palate can find no fault with the drinks that are mixed at this popular place. The firm members, Dr. M. E. Robinson and Mr. T. R. Robinson, are rated among the most progressive business men or Goldsboro.


Walon A. Tudor, proprietor and general manager of “Tudor's Cafe,” and “The Commercial Hotel,” of Goldsboro, was born in Harnett county, April 10, 1870. His father, R. S. Tudor, is now a progressive merchant of Goldsboro. In 1884 Mr. Tudor's parents moved to Goldsboro, where he WALON A. TUDOR
attended the graded school for about three years. At the age of seventeen he entered the employment of the Wayne Agricultural Works, and served his apprenticeship as an iron moulder. He remained with the above company about eight years, leaving with an excellent knowledge of his chosen trade. In October, 1905, Mr. Tudor purchased from Mr. Taylor what was then known as Taylor's Cafe, and installed new dining room furniture and made a general renovation in the place.


In 1906 Mr. Tudor leased the hotel property on West Centre street and established “The Commercial Hotel,” which by careful management and excellent service has already established itself among the traveling public as one of the best hotels in Eastern Carolina. The rooms of the hotel are handsomely furnished and baths have been provided, in fact it is entirely modern under Mr. Tudor's capable management. The cuisine is excellent and the table abundant, being supplied with the best the market affords.

The hotel and cafe are in a flourishing condition, and their popularity is widely recognized by the local and traveling public.

Mr. Tudor deserves much credit for his success and is deservedly considered one of Goldsboro's most substantial and progressive young business men.


Robert A. Creech, familiarly and correctly known as “Goldsboro's Leading Jeweler,” was born in Goldsboro, Wayne county, May 10, 1866. He attended the public schools of Goldsboro, and later the King's Mountain Military School. He has been engaged in the jewelry business about twelve years, and no man is better equipped and more deservedly popular in his line than is Mr. Creech. Mr. Creech graduated from the Philadelphia College ROBERT A. CREECH
of Horology, one of the leading colleges for watch-making engraving, etc., in the country. He engaged in the jewelry business, at his present location, in October of 1895, and by hard work and strict attention to business his establishment has grown to its present large proportions—one of the largest and best known in the State.

Mr. Creech draws patronage from all over Eastern Carolina his mail order business alone amounting to a large sum during a year. He carries the largest and handsomest stock of jewelry in Goldsboro, comprising practically every thing kept by the leading stores in the larger cities. His store, U. S. POSTOFFICE
with its select and varied stock of beautiful goods, is the admiration of the people of Goldsboro and all those who come to do their trading in “The Gate City.”

He carries all styles of gold and silver watches, for ladies and gentlemen diamonds, fine jewelry, silverware, fine table catlery, glassware, etc., in fact it would be impossible to mention half of his stock, in this brief outline. Mr. Creech is in constant touch with the leading manufacturers, which enables him to secure the latest novelties as soon as issued.

Mr. Creech is a man whose business integrity is never questioned, and whatever he tells a customer relative to an article of goods may always be relied upon strictly. This mode of doing business has largely won for him his present large and growing patronage, and the friendship and esteem of all who know him.

Mr. Creech is assisted by Mr. D. C. Farrior, a young man of splendid reputation, and who possesses a superior knowledge of the jewelry business and repair work.


A firm that has enjoyed an uninterrupted prosperity since its inception in January, 1904, is the Higgins Drug Co., of Goldsboro. Their store is a model one in every respect, and carries a line of drugs, chemicals, fine toilet articles, druggists’ and physicians’ supplies, fancy and medicated soaps and imported and domestic cigars that is not excelled in Wayne I. O. O. F. ORPHANS' HOME
county. Special attention is given to physicians’ prescriptions, and the greatest care and skill are employed in compounding them. A superb soda fountain dispenses every delicious and popular drink you may call for.

Mr. J. R. Higgins, a prominent, public spirited and esteemed citizen, is president of the company, and is also manager of the opera house in Goldsboro.


Elsewhere in this edition is shown cuts of Goldsboro's two handsome hotels—Hotel Kennon and the Arlington, both under the proprietorship of Mr. Broadhurst H. Griffin, one of the KENNON HOTEL
most capable hotel managers and business men in the State. The Hotel Kennon is a handsome three-story brick and stone structure, covering a large area, and is located on East Centre street, in the very heart of Goldsboro's business district. It has been under the management of Mr. Griffin for fifteen years, during which time it has been built up from a rundown condition to its present flourishing and popular state, being known far and near as one of the very best hotels in the South.

The Arlington Hotel a handsome two-story structure, is used as what may be termed an annex to the Kennon, and is under the management of Mrs. Rasberry. It has recently been greatly improved, and presents an attractive and imposing appearance.

The Kennon contains about 100 rooms, forty with private baths. It is steam heated electric lighted and handsomely furnished throughout;

about two years ago the entire house was remodeled and refurnished and carpeted and a new wing containing thirty-six rooms with private baths, added. This part was furnished with handsome brass beds, velvet carpets and fine furniture.

The house is conveniently and admirably laid out, with handsome lobby, ARLINGTON HOTEL, GOLDSBORO
office, barber shop, billiard room, cigar stand and sample rooms on the main floor. On the second floor are parlor, writing room ladies’ waiting room and dining room. The cuisine is excellent and the table abundant, being supplied with the best the market affords. A full service is given in all departments, and a large corps of people employed.

Mr. B. H. Griffin employs an able manager in the person of Mr. L. T. Brown, who has been here about four years.

Mr. Griffin is also proprietor of the Kennon Cafe, and in addition to this is a man of large business affairs. He operates the Goldsboro Steam Laundry, is interested in the Goldsboro Ice Company and handles its output, owns a large farm, one mile from the city, from which are drawn many of the products served on the hotel table, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, milk etc. He is also a director in the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Company, in the Wayne Agricultural Works and in Higgins Drug Company of Goldsboro.

Mr. Griffin last year leased the new hotel in New Bern, the Hotel Gaston, one of the finest hotels in the State, which opens for business about September 15th, under the management of Mr. F. P. Morton.

The National Bank

of Goldsboro, N. C.

offers to depositors every accommodation safe banking will warrant.

The National Bank

wants your business, and will be glad to talk or correspond with you.

GEO. A. NORWOOD, Jr., President

M. J. BEST, Vice-President.











Goldsboro is indeed fortunate in possessing a business institution of such magnitude as that of the Goldsboro Drug Company, a large retail establishment and one of the most representative jobbing houses in Eastern Carolina. The company was organized in 1899, with Charles B. Miller as president and treasurer, and Dr. W. H. Cobb, Jr., vice-president. The retail department, of which a cut of the interior is given here, occupies the premises at the corner of Walnut and West GOLDSBORO DRUG COMPANY--RETAIL DEPARTMENT
Centre streets, North. The wholesale department is at 117 W. Centre street, North.

The retail store is widely patronized by our people, and enjoys a trade second to none in this part of the State. It is modernly fitted with up-to-date cherry wood fittings and fixtures, plate glass floor and wall cases and one of the handsomest mahogany and onyx soda fountains in the State. The stock comprises all that is best in drugs, druggists’ sundries, toilet articles,

cigars and smokers’ sundries. The prescription department is given the closest attention by competent and reliable registered pharmacists. The retail department is under the care of Mr. John W. Powell, a registered pharmacist of twenty years experience

The wholesale warehouse is equipped with every facility and affords ample accommodation for the proper storage and handling of large quantities of stuff. The lines carried in stock include drugs of all kinds, pharmaceutical preparations, many of which are manufactured by the concern on the premises, druggists’ sundries, hospital supplies, surgical instruments of finest character, soda fountain supplies, essential oils, whole and ground spices, stationery and school supplies. In their laboratory are prepared the bottled goods and their own line of specialties, including Bromalgine, Cas-to-rine, Cold Knocker, Mexican Stock Powder, Lightning Worm Expeller, Mexican Itch Ointment, Ro-so, Reliable Liver Pills, Lightning Toothache Drops, Lightning Corn Cure and Household Chill Tonic. A competent force of chemists and office people are employed, Mail or ders receive prompt attention, and consignments of goods are shipped through Eastern North Carolina east of the S. A. L. Railway, two traveling representatives looking after the trade. About $100 000 worth of business is done annually.

The business is under the direct management of Mr. C. B. Miller, who has had long years’ experience in the drug business, and is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He is also local manager of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, director in the Goldsboro Savings and Trust Company, in the Goldsboro Insurance and Realty Company and is a member of the North Carolina State Board of Pharmacy.


One of the most successful and prominent of Goldsboro's business men is Mr. M. N. Epstein, whose business has always been conducted on strict lines of integrity, and whose stock of clothing and mens’ furnishings is thoroughly in keping with the demands of his large and increasing M. N. EPSTEIN
patronage—and representative of the “Best Town in the State.”

Mr. Epstein carries a full line of mens, youths’ and boys, clothing, hats and furnishings; a particularly large and well selected stock of high class, well tailored clothes of the leading makes and most nobbby styles. In all the new patterns, textures and weaves; odd garments such as fancy vests, white vests, separate trousers etc.; a strictly high class line of furnishings in shirts, neckwear, underwear, hosiery, gloves and a well selected stock of hats in derbys and the popular shapes in soft felt and straw. The stock carried is one of the largest and most complete of any house of a similar kind in Eastern North Carolina and its policy of “one price to all” guarantees satisfaction.

He owns one of Goldsboro's handsomest homes, on North John street and has other property interests in Goldsboro and a nice farm in this county.

Mr. Epstein gives close personal attention to all the details of his business, in which he has had twenty year's experience. He came to Goldsboro, a boy in years, in 1885, and with the exception of a year spent in Chicago has resided in North Carolina ever since. He is thoroughly acquainted with the markets and knows when, where and how to buy, placing before his customers the best and latest in all lines in all seasons.


Dr. William J. Jones, one of Goldsboro's most prominent Medical Doctor's, was born in Greene county, N. C., February 15, 1838. His parents were Wiley and Winfred (Edmundson) Jones who were also born in Greene county, where the former had extensive agricultural interests, owning many slaves. Dr. Jones received his early educational training in Franklin Institute, and in 1855, he became a student in the office of L. Jeffries, M. D., of Franklin county. Subsequently he entered the medical department of the University of Virginia, DR. JONES' RESIDENCE AND OFFICE
and in March, 1858, was graduated from the University of New York. He then served as resident physician of Bellevue Hospital, New York, for fourteen months, which position he obtained by competitive examination. Returning to North Carolina, he entered upon the active practice of his profession at Snow Hill, in his native county, where for twenty-four years he resided and practiced with great success. He moved to Goldsboro in 1884, and soon built up one of the most extensive practices in the county.

Dr. Jones has been a member of the State Medical Society for many years, and has served as Vice-President of the same. He is also a member of the American Medical Association.

In 1864, he married Miss Clara E. Ernull, of Craven county, and three children have been born to them. His wife, Dr. Clara E. Jones, is at present assistant physician in the female department of the Eastern Insane Asylum, located near Goldsboro.

Dr. Jones is a member of the Presbyterian church, and is prominent in the Masonic fraternity.

In addition to his large practice, Dr. Jones carries on extensive agricultural interests, owning some very valuable farming lands in Wayne, Jones and Greene counties.

He owns a handsome residence in Goldsboro, which, together with his suit of offices, is shown in the accompanying cut.

By constant and successful work in his profession Dr. Jones has gained a degree of prominence in the State. He is esteemed by the people of his county as a high-toned and cultured gentleman, and gives earnest effort and encouragement to every meritorious movement that tends to develop his section, morally, materially and otherwise.

Advertisement for Royall & Borden Furniture Dealers, including carpets, mattings, rugs, Whitney Go-Carts, and linoleum, with many illustrations and drawings.


The Enterprise Lumber Company—One of the Largest Mills in the State—Manufacture North Carolina Yellow Pine Products

Any write-up of Goldsboro and her many industries would be incomplete without reference to the Enterprise Lumber Company, and its able and well-known President, Captain ENTERPRISE LUMBER COMPANY, GOLDSBORO. PART OF PLANT
Nathan O'Berry. This enterprise was established in 1887, and from a small beginning has grown to its present enormous proportions and importance, one of the largest industries of its kind in the entire South.

The manufacturing plant, a view of which is given herewith, is located in the southern part of Goldsboro, and covers about five acres and consists of several well constructed buildings, housing and equipment second to none.

At their plant in Goldsboro, equipped with the latest and most improved saw and planing mill machinery, they turn out about 10,000,000 feet of rough and dressed lumber annually. The saw mill has a daily capacity of 40,000 feet. The company operates a log railroad from Mount Olive, eighteen miles or more in length, where they own sufficient standing timber to last for years.

The officers of the company are Capt. Nathan O'Berry, President; and Mr. A. H. Edgerton, Secretary and Treasurer. The business is under the executive management of Mr. O'Berry, who founded the company. He is a man widely known in North Carolina, WALNUT STREET, LOOKING EAST, GOLDSBORO
being identified with many other enterprises. He is President of the Whiteville Lumber Company, operating a mill at Whiteville, N. C., with an annual capacity of 15,000,000 feet. Mr. O'Berry is also director in the Bank of Wayne, and owns stock in other valuable enterprises.

Mr. O'Berry is one of Goldsboro's most public spirited men—always ready to aid and encourage any and all worthy enterprises. He is enthusiastic over Goldsboro and her prospects. Mr. O'Berry is a Democrat of the old school, and has held several prominent honorary offices, by and through which he rendered valuable service to the party.


We give herewith cuts of Messrs. Charles A. and George W. Brown, editors and proprietors of The Goldsboro GEORGE W. BROWN
Weekly Record. The Record was established a little over three years ago, and has steadily grown, until to-day


it is one of the very best and most influentiel weekly papers in North Carolina. One very distinguishing feature of the Record is the originality and force of its editorial and local columns. The editors, Messrs. Chas. A. and Geo. W. Brown, are young men who have worked themselves up from the lower ranks of the profession, and richly deserve all the success that has fallen to their lot. They are both printers by trade, and the greater part of the matter for the Record is “set up” from the case by them, without the preparation of any copy at all. They are each highly esteemed by the people of Goldsboro and Wayne county, where they were born and reared, and take a lively interest in everything that tends to the moral and industrial development of this section. In addition to the newspaper, they conduct a first-class job plant, equipped with every modern device for turning out good work, and they are receiving a large patronage at home and from many points in Eastern Carolina.


One of Wayne county's most brilliant and esteemed citizens is Judge William R. Allen whose residence is in Goldsboro. Judge Allen was born JUDGE WILLIAM R. ALLEN
in Kenansville, Duplin county, March 26, 1860, and received his early education at that place under that able teacher, Mr. R. W. Millard. He then spent two years at Trinity College under Dr. Braxton Craven, after which he taught school one year in Wake county. He then began the study of law under his father, the late Col. William A. Allen, at Kenansville, and obtained license for the practice of the law in 1881. In September of the same year he moved to Goldsboro and engaged in the practice of his profession.

For several years Judge Allen was chairman of the Board of Education of Wayne county. In 1892 he was elected to the lower branch of the General Assembly, and while there was chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a member of several other important committees. In the year 1894 he was appointed by Governor Carr as judge of the Superior Court to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Whitaker. During the same year he received the nomination to succeed himself, but together with all of the Democratic State officers he was defeated at the election in November. In 1898 he was again elected a member of the House of Representatives, and during this term served as chairman of the Committee on Railroads, and as such had charge and put through the celebrated “Jim Crow Car Law.” He was also second member in rank of the Committee on the Constitutional Amendment, and with his splendid wisdom and judicial knowledge had much to do with the framing and enactment of this wise and conservative law. In 1900 Judge Allen was again elected as a member of the House from Wayne county, and served as chairman of the Judiciary Committee and on other important committees.

In 1902 he was elected judge of the Sixth Judicial District, which term he is now serving. He is an able and learned lawyer and jurist, and is held in the highest esteem for his ability and force by the most able men of the bar of the State.

For six or eight years Judge Allen was chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Wayne county, and no man ever rendered more able or effective service for the cause of Democracy in the county and State.

In 1893 and 1898 he was a trustee of the State University, and has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Methodist Orphanage, at Raleign, since its organization several years ago.

Judge Allen was married in November 1886, to Miss Mattie Moore, of Duplin county, and they have been blessed with five children.


One of Goldsboro's most esteemed and brilliant townsmen, and one who deserves all the success that he has achieved in life, is Ex-Mayor George E. Hood. He was born in Goldsboro, on January 27th, 1875. Shortly afterwards his parents moved to Grantham's township, where he worked on the farm until he attained the age of twelve. His parents then returned to Goldsboro, where he attended the HON. GEORGE E. HOOD
graded school until he was sixteen: then for a year he worked in a factory, after which he became messenger boy for the Western Union Telegraph Co., and while serving in this capacity he studied telegraphy. He was promoted from messenger boy to telegraph operator, holding this position for two years, and then accepting a position with the Southern Railroad, at Goldsboro. After six months service he was promoted to the responsible position of cashier for the Southern with headquarters at Raleigh, N. C. During this period his leisure time was occupied in the study of law, and at the age of 21, he received license from the North Carolina Supreme Court to practice law. Soon afterwards he resigned the position he held with the Southern and opened a law office in Goldsboro. In January, 1908, he was elected by the Democratic party as Treasurer of Wayne county, succeeding his father, who died while holding the office. He was only 22 years of age, the youngest man ever holding this office in Wayne county. After serving the unexpired term as Treasurer, he was in the Fall of 1900 elected to the House of Representatives,

and served in this capacity with conspicuous ability. Returning to Goldshoro in 1901, he was elected Mayor of the city, and held that office for three consecutive terms. During his administration, water works and electric light plants were installed, a handsome new city hall was erected and the streets of the city greatly improved. In the Spring of 1907, he declined to again enter the race, and is at present devoting his time to the practice of law.

Mr. Hood takes an active and prominent part in various secret organizations, several of which have honored him with responsible offices. He has been State Councellor for the Jr. O. U. A. M., and also one of the Supreme Judges of the order. He is also prominent in military affairs and was some time age appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the State Infantry by Governor R. B. Glenn.

He has always taken a great interest and active part in the political affairs of his county and State. In 1906, he was a prominent candidate for the nomination to Congress from this District, and was given the unanimous vote from Wayne county, as well as having a strong following in other counties of the District. He withdrew his name before the Congressional Convention in favor of the present incumbent, Hon. Chas, R. Thomas. Should he again enter the race, which is quite probable, he will be a strong aspirant for this honored position.

Mr. Hood was married in Saptember, 1908, to Miss Annie Flowers, of Mount Olive. He is an exemplary citizen, a member and officer in St. Paul's M. E. Church, and always interested in the moral and material life of his community.

Mr. Hood is a thoroughly representative type of that class of young men who have worked themselves to the front by energy and application. He has shown his ability to accomplish the better and higher things in life. He is a man in the highest sense of the word.


Goldsboro's Progressive Wholesale Grocers and Agents For Manufacturers

This large, progressive and complete wholesale house, one of Goldsboro's most valuable assets, occupies a large warehouse with officers at 111 West Centre Street, with extra shipping facilities in Norfolk and Wilmington. The L. M. Michaux Company was organized by Mr. L. M. Michaux, the President and Treasurer, in 1904, and has an authorized capital stock of $25.000, with ample resources to provide and care for their large and increasing trade.

The success of the enterprise has been largely due to Mr. Michaux, the enterprising head of the concern, who has fully exemplified his ability as a sound and capable business man. Mr. Michaux has been engaged in business since 1898. He was formerly a traveling salesman, representing leading grocery concerns in the State, which naturally gives him a large knowledge and personal acquaintance with the trade. He is one of the most progressive business men of Goldsboro, not only looking after every detail in his business, but taking a live and active interest in everything that tends towards the development of Goldsboro and Eastern Carolina. He is Secretary of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce, and always stand ready to give his time and means to the encouragement of all healthy and worthy enterprises.

The L. M. Michaux Company is known as one of the best and most reliable wholesale houses in this section of the State. They handle a general line of staple and fancy groceries, including canned, bottled and package goods, teas, coffees and spices. cigars, tobacco and candles, also flour. They make something of a specialty of candies in bulk and packages and have the exclusive sale at Goldsboro of the Sabarosa cigars and Anti-Bellum smoking tobaccos.


Situated in the Richest and Most Productive Agricultural Section of Eastern North Carolina—Its Wonderful Progress—Where the Luscious Strawberry is Grown—Need of Manufacturing Enterprises.

Nestling like a priceless gem in the centre of the richest and most productive agricultural section of Eastern North Carolina is Mount Olive, the second largest town in Wayne county, and the largest, in point of population and volume of business, between Wilmington and Goldsboro. Only a SOME OF MOUNT OLIVE'S LUSCIOUS STRAWBERRIES
few years ago Mount Olive was only a small village, with a few wooden store buildings, and with but two or three hundred population and scarcely known beyond the confines of this immediate territory. To-day substantial two-story brick and stone business houses and comfortable and palatial FOX HUNTING NEAR MOUNT OLIVE
homes attest the rapid march of progress of the town in recent years, while for miles around the country is one veritable hive of agricultural thrift producing wealth that is annually building of Mount Olive one of the richest, most thrifty, metropolitan and substantial towns in the entire State.

No town, and we write advisely, in Eastern North Carolina presents more tempting inducements to the home-seeker and prospective investor than does Mount Olive which is ideally situated and alive to the call of commerce and growing in wealth and industries.

Mount Olive was incorporated in 1870, thirty seven years ago. It is, therefore, one of the youngest towns of the State, and is yet in its infancy in industrial development. Where Mount Olive five years ago possessed less than one thousand people, to-day she can easily count 3,000. For the past four years especially, the town has enjoyed a phenomenal growth, for in this short period of time its number of business houses has been practically doubled, while the residential part of the town has developed and expanded in keeping with the advance along industrial and commercial lines.

Eastern North Carolina being essentially an agricultural section, it is but natural to find that the towne which are making the most rapid progress are those situated in the heart of the most fertile farming and trucking sections. This is true of Mount Olive, which is surrounded by a fertile and resourceful agricultural belt. While known everywhere as the chief strawberry MOUNT OLIVE OPERA HOUSE, HOOD BUILDING
and Irish potato shipping point of Eastern Carolina, yet, illustrative of the incrediable fertility of the soil of this remarkable section is the fact that hardly a crop can be named which cannot be grown advantageously here.

A number of years ago some enterprising men, among them our present valued townsman, Mr. J. A. Westbrook, realized that Mount Olive was situated in one of the richest agricultural sections on the world, and they began to experiment with the growth of strawberries and other truck products. It was soon found that the soil was peculiarly adapted to the growth of the luscious fruit, and from that the strawberry industry was introduced here, and to-day Mount Olive is the largest individual strawberry shipping point in the great trucking belt of Eastern North Carolina. From sixty to seventy-five thousand crates of berries are marketed here annually. In addition to this about 60,000 barrels of Irish potatoes are produced annually, a corresponding quantity of canteloupes melons, beans, and a variety of other kinds of truck. Mount Olive is not alone a centre for the trucking industry. Her soil is adapted to the abundant growth of staple crops, such as cotton, corn, peas, tobacco, etc. Between six and seven thousand bales of cotton are marketed at Mount Olive annually. Is there any wonder that Mount Olive have grown by leaps and bounds, when it is stated, (this claim has never been challenged), that more cash money is paid to the truckers and farmers at Mount Olive each year than at any other point in the South twice its size.

The internal improvements of Mount Olive are modern and well in keeping with the wave of prosperity and general development of the town. Her streets, well kept, illuminated by electricity, always present an exceptionally clean appearance, while the prevailing good sanitary condition of the town is conspicuous even to a casual observer. In fact, the municipality is exercising energetically an means to make Mount Olive a truly metropolitan city in every particular.

No town in North Carolina has witnessed and enjoyed a greater educational awakening and made more educational progress than Mount Olive. The Mount Olive Graded School was established in 1901, and with pardonable pride the people of Mount Olive boast of one of the best and most thorough schools in the State. The Graded School has been well directed, both as to executive management and faculty, and has contributed more than any other one thing in bringing


Mount Olive to the favorable attention of the outside world. The Graded School building, one of the most handsome in the State, was erected two years ago, costing around $15,000. The building, an illustration of which is given in this magazine, is a modern structure, equipped with the most comfortable and improved educational facilities, and was built with a view of meeting the demands of a steadily growing town. The people of Mount Olive are an education-seeking people.

One of the chief prides of Mount Olive is its large number of handsome and costly residences, which at once attract the attention of visitors to the town.

Mount Olive has been correctly termed “A City Of Beautiful Homes,” and it is questionable if any town in the State near its size can compare favorably with Mount Olive in this particular.

Practically all of the sidewalks in the business section of the town are of concrete, in striking contrast to the ordinary brick and board walks in vogue here a few years ago, and which the average small town yet clings to.

A little over two years ago a complete electric lighting system was installed in Mount Olive, and has been operated with great success since that time. The plant was first owned by private individuals, but was later purchased by the town, it having been found that municipal ownership was decidedly the best plan for the operation of an enterprise of this kind. In addition to this, the town owns a costly fire engine and maintains a splendid volunteer fire department. A complete system of water works and sewerage is being agitated and this needed improvement will doubtless be consummated in the near future.

There is a splendid opening at Mount Olive for new enterprises. Some of the inviting opportunities are in the establishment of manufaturing enterprises. A cotton factory, cotton seed oil mill, etc., would pay, and there is a fine opening for wood-working plants and other enterprises of this kind. Enough labor can be obtained to run various manufacturing enterprises in fact labor is to be found here in abundance. These manufacturing plants must necessarily come to keep the town advancing, not only giving ready market for the produce of the farms and to utilize the raw material at hand, but to give stability to the great mereantile interests of the town. The wonderful prosperity of Mount Olive is itself evidence of the great agricultural wealth of the surrounding section, and will soon stimulate the greater development of manufacturing industries to attract new population from other sections and greatly magnify the already great volume of business done at Mount Olive.

That Mount Olive has a fine future before it is unquestioned, for surrounded by soil that will produce all the crops in abundance, the energetic citizenship of this progressive community are determined to build upon their splendid natural advantages a great city.


James A. Westbrook, one of the most substantial farmers and citizens of Mount Olive, and in fact, one of the leading truckers in Eastern Carolina, was born in Greensboro, N. C., May 9th, 1852. His father was S. W. Westbrook, one of the leading nurserymen of the South. His mother was Amanda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Springs, of Wilmington.

Mr. Westbrook attended the Greensboro private schools and later matriculated to Wilson Collegiate Institute, where he remained two years.


In the year 1879, he entered the nursery business with his brother, J. S. Westbrook, at Wilson, N. C. They later established the same business at Faison, N. C. They remained in the same line until 1880, when the subject of this sketch disposed of his interest, and entered the trucking business at Mount Olive. This was the beginning of the trucking industry in this section of North Carolina.

When Mr. Westbrook located at Mount Olive, he purchased sixty-two acres of land at $15.00 per acre, and his means for working same was with one wind-broken horse and his own labor. The history of his present excellent farm was that at that time, many people had located there, but none stayed over two years, because of its poor soil. He has added to his acreage from time to time and now has about one hundred acres under cultivation. He owns ten of the best stock of horses and mules.

His farm is now up to the highest point of cultivation. Mr. Westbrook has made a better showing in the trucking line than any other grower in this section, so much so that the Atlantic Coast Line, in writing up this section, published more of the results of his farm than any other grower on its line, which brought Western farmers here at a rapid gait.

Besides trucking, Mr. Westbrook runs a general farm and here are some of the results of his efforts. In 1906, out of 14 acres in corn, after a crop of strawberries, he realized 50 bushels to the acre. From 40 to 67 bushels of wheat to the acre. He has all the latest equipments in modern machinery; his oats being cut with a binder and thrashed with a regular Western outfit, which is pulled by a traction engine. Wheat raised in this section is ground at a roller mill within four miles of Mount Olive, which

makes superior flour to that in the Northwest.

The results on Mr. Westbrook's farm in the trucking line one year were as follows: Out of one acre in cantelopes, he produced 200 crates, which SCENES ON J. A. WESTBROOK'S TRUCK FARM, MT. OLIVE.
netted $400. Canteloupes is one of his main crops. He plants from 30 to 40 acres. His side crop is Irish potatoes. He makes 100 barrels per acre, which net $250. 1904 was his banner year. Out of 40 acres under cultivation he realized $20,900 for his truck and fruits—$14,000 in berries alone—off of 20 acres.


Mr. Westbrook was partially instrumental in the settling of the town of Chaldbourn, being associated with J. A. Brown in that undertaking. His influence in the trucking industry in Eastern Carolina and the rapid stride this section has made along all lines, which can be directly attributed to that business, has made his name famous and renowned by the general masses. What was once a desolate and barren country, now blossoms as the rose with all classes and kinds of marketable crops. This is the success of a man who started at the bottom, but saw the advantage of this section, and dared to put forth his energies in the interest of its development.

Mr. Westbrook is interested in the fertilizer business, made from fish scraps at Beaufort, N. C., and the wholesale grocery business at Mount Olive. He is thoroughly apace with the educational awakening throughout the State and was one of the first to help establish a graded school in Mount Olive. He gave his time, money and influence to its establishment. He is now a trustee for the above institution and has been since its opening. He is a member of the Mount Olive lodge of Masons.

Mr. Westbrook has been married three times. His first wife was Miss VIEWS OF OLD AND NEW HOME OF J. A. WESTBROOK, MOUNT OLIVE
Bettie M. Currie. Three children by this union. His second wife was Miss Hettie G. Gibbons and his last was Miss Francis E. Flowers. No children by the second union. By the third, three. His three last children were born on the same date, Dec. 24th.


The subject of this sketch, Mr. Ben W. Southerland, was born in Mount Olive, 34 years ago, and with the BEN W. SOUTHERLAND'S SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, MT. OLIVE
exception of a few years, has spent his entire life here. He is a son of the late R. J. Southerland, Sr., and Mrs. Annie (Witherington) Southerland His father was one of the pioneer business men of Mount Olive, moving here from Kenansville, Duplin county, soon after the Civil War, and up to about ten years ago did the most extensive mercantile business in this section of the State. He acquired considerable wealth, owning a large amount of town property and much valuable farming and trucking lands in Wayne and Duplin counties. He was a man of many admirable traits, possessing many excelient parts, and contributed more perhaps than any one else towards the growth and development of Mount Olive. At the time of his death, in 1906, his estate was valued at something around $150,000.


Mr. Ben W. Southerland, was educated in the public schools of Mount Olive, and later attended Davis’ Military School at LaGrange, and Military School. When quite young he embarked into the live stock business at Mount Olive, and later conducted sale and exchange stables in Goldsboro and Wilmington. Returning to Mount Olive he again engaged in the sale and exchange business, which he has since conducted on a large and profitable scale. During this period he has at intervals been engaged in the merchantile business. He owns some very valuable city property, and several large farms, and is to-day one of the most extensive truck farmers in this part of the trucking belt.

Mr. Southerland is a modern successful business man. He is a truly representative citizen, and is willing to go any reasonable length in order to promote the growth of his town and community. He believes in improvements, and his enterprise and example has been a great stimulus to the material life of the community.

In 1903, Mr. Southerland was married to Miss Julia McGee, of Goldsboro, and one bright little boy bless their home.

Mr. Southerland has served on the Board of Town Commissioners for several terms. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, a member of the Mount Olive Lodge of Odd Fellows, and of the B. P. O. Elks of Goldsboro.


The Bank of Mount Olive is one of the strongest financial institutions in Eastern Carolina, and has, since its organization in 1902, been remarkably successful. Among its stockholders and directors and at the head of its affairs are many of the staunchest and most successful business men and THE BANK OF MOUNT OLIVE
farmers of the Mount Olive section, therefore, it is easy to understand that it has the confidence of the people of its section and surrounding country, and plays an important part in the development of the thriving city of Mount Olive.


The bank was launched with a capital stock of $10,000, but so rapid was its success that it was found necessary some time ago to increase the capital stock to $25,000. Its present resources range around the $150,000 mark.

This institution not only provides its customers with all the accommodation consistent with sound banking, but also does everything within its power to protect its treasury from all possible incursions, whether from bad accounts, thieves or fire.


Another feature of the bank, which is of great value to this section, is the savings department, paying four per cent. interest on all deposits in this department.

Mr. W. E. Borden, cashier of the Bank of Wayne, is President of the Bank of Mount Olive. The Cashier is the capable and well-equipped Mr. M. T. Breazeale, who is assisted by Miss Carrie B. McGee. The greater success of the bank has been due to its Cashier, who has made it an excellent investment for the stockholders and a telling factor in the industrial life of Mount Olive. He is a careful and painstaking official, and thoroughly affable and courteous to the bank's numerous patrons.

The interior of the banking house, a cut of which is given herewith, has recently been improved, and is complete in all its appointments, in fact it is one of the neatest and most attractive bank buildings in this part of the State.


Mount Olive's gental, courteous, versatile and literary Ex-State Senator, David John Aaron, is one of our most progressive, enterprising and conservative citizens. He first saw the light of day in Duplin county, on January 22, 1850, about seven miles from Warsaw, in the Friendship church section. His father's name was Lippman and his mother, Margaret. She was the daughter of Daniel and Charlotte Swinson. His grandfather was Benjamin Aaron, worthy citizen, and a body-guard of Napoleon Bonaparte and was buried at Erich, near the city of Worms, in Germany. His uncle, Austin Swinson, was a Representative from Duplin county, and was identified with the material growth of the D. J. AARON, MOUNT OLIVE
county, particularly along educational lines.

Mr. Aaron's father, Lippman, was the inn keeper of Warsaw, and a successful general merchant there for about fifteen years.

Mr. Aaron has been in active life since he was twelve years of age. He attended school at the Baptist Seminary of Warsaw, a school for boys and girls, and also at the Hillsboro Military Academy. In early life he was a popular clerk in mercantile houses at Warsaw, Magnolia and Wilmington. He completed his career as a clerk with David Aaron, his uncle, of the firm at that time of Aaron & Rheinstein. Later he was a valuable INTERIOR VIEW AARON'S PHARMACY, MOUNT OLIVE
commercial agent for firms he represented in New York and Baltimore.

Mr. Aaron has lived in Wayne county twenty-six years, with his place of residence at Mount Olive, the entire time. He is a real estate owner and dealer to-day, is proprietor of Aaron's Pharmacy, and conducts a farm of 200 acres improved land near Mount Olive, on which he raises strawberries. Irish and sweet potatoes, canteloupes and other staple agricultural products. It might be truthfully said that he is one of the largest and most successful truckers there are in this section of Eastern North Carolina. He has always taken a lively interest in State and National affairs and is a staunch Democrat of the old Jeffersonian type. He has acted as a member of the Board of Aldermen and Mayor of the town of Warsaw with honor to himself and his constituents; has always been interested in educational affairs and was one of the prime movers, one of the largest supporters, and an advocate for the new graded school in Mount Olive, and is a highly respected public spirited citizen. He was one of the men who helped to legislate the movement to tear down the old High School building, which was a disgrace to the town, and place into position our present advanced school conditions.

Senator Aaron was first elected to the upper house of the General Assembly RESIDENCE OF E. B. FLOWERS, MOUNT OLIVE
six years ago. He never expressed himself as desiring to be a candidate for the office and never attended a Convention, but was nominated by acclamation the first time as he was also for his second term. In the Senate he was called on to serve on the Finance Committee, Committee on Appropriations, State Insane and Penal Institutions, Engrossed Bills, chairman one term of the Claims Committee, member of the Good Roads Committee and chairman of the Committee on Justices of the Peace.

Mr. Aaron was the first man who sold cotton goods in North Carolina, thirty-two years ago, when there were only three cotton mills in the State then, while there are four hundred and more now.

He was the founder and editor of the Mount Olive Telegram, the first newspaper published in Mount Olive, and has been a contributor to newspapers generally. He is of a poetic turn of mind and is a writer of no mean ability.

He is married to Miss Hammie Abernathy, daughter of Sheriff John Abernathy and Mary Sidney Stanley Abernathy. There were two children by the union. Leroy and Dr. Leonard P. Aaron, both deceased.

He is a Master Mason, member of Kenansville Lodge, and Past Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of the Mount Olive Lodge, and one of the most deservedly popular, progressive and well read men in Wayne county, who believes first in Mount Olive and knows she will soon be the largest and best town in Eastern North Carolina.


Albert Sidney Grady, the present efficient Mayor of Mount Olive, was born in Duplin county, October 19, 1871, at the old Grady homestead. His preparatory education was received MAYOR ALBERT SIDNEY GRADY
under his father, William H. Grady, and in the schools of the county. He was perpared for the University of North Carolina by L. V. Grady, and read law under him. He graduated in law at the University of North Carolina and was licensed in September, 1897. He located in Mount Olive in January, 1898.

Mr. Grady is deservedly popular with the Mount Olive people. He is a typical Southern gentleman, and a consistent Christian. He is a member

and deacon of the Mount Olive Presbyterian Church, and Superintendent of the Sunday-school. He takes a deep interest in education and labored faithfully for the establishment of the Mount Olive Graded School, being the author of the Graded School Bill.

As an attorney, no one exceeds him in devotion to his clients’ cause nor in adherence to the exact definition of legal ethics.

Mr. Grady was elected Mayor of Mount Olive in the Spring of 1907, and has made an ideal official, discharging his duty with impartiality, regardless of friend or foe.

He was married in the summer of 1906, to Miss Carrie English, of Mount Olive, at Asheville, N. C., while the two, together with a party from Mount Olive, were on a visit to the mountains.


John Richard Jones, the competent and courteous manager of the Western Union Telegraph office, at Mount Olive, was born in Duplin county, December 18th, 1870. His parents were W. A. and Alley Jones. His father is a farmer and expert mechanic.


Mr. Jones attended the public schools of his native county for about one year and about one year in the Mount Olive High School, for which he paid his tuition by sweeping the school room. He did not have the advantage of a collegiate education JOHN RICHARD JONES
, but through his energetic spirit and realization of the necessity of a common school education, he realized partly his ambition.

While but a boy he clerked in the country store of E. J. Martin and Son, but soon left their employment and came to Mount Olive to serve his apprenticeship in the Western Union telegraph office. After learning the telegraph business well enough to take charge of an office, he accepted a position with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, which company he remained with for seven consecutive years, holding positions as agent and operator in various points in North and South Carolina. In the fall of 1903, he left the railroad employment and engaged in the brokerage business in Mount Olive, which business he followed until October, 1905, when he entered the employment of the Western Union Telegraph Company as manager. His services are greatly appreciated by the Mount Olive people, and they hold him in high esteem for his competent and efficient services.

Mr. Jones, while agent for the A. C. L. Railroad, at Etansville, S. C., served three years as town alderman of that city. He is a Master Mason, and a member of the order of Odd Fellows and Pythians.

Mr. Jones married Miss Flora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bowden, of Wayne county, in the fall of 1896. One girl and one boy comprise his family.

Mr. Jones owns a handsome residence in Mount Olive, which is shown elsewhere in this edition. It is located in the heart of the city and is among the finest structures of any residence in Mount Olive.

In addition to his duties as operator, Mr. Jones also conducts a general Life and Fire Insurance business. He represents the old reliable New York Life Insurance Co., and a number of the leading foreign and home fire insurance companies.


George W. S. Sandlin was born in Duplin county, January 8th, 1879. His father, William Sandlin, was one of the leading farmers and merchants of Duplin, and highly respected by his neighbors for his honesty and integrity with his constituents. His mother was Susan Quinn, of Duplin.

Mr. Sandlin procured his education through the public and private schools of his native county.

In 1900, Mr. Sandlin moved to Norfolk, Va., where he accepted a position with Quinn Bros. and Company, where he remained for a short period, leaving the above firm and entering business at Kinston, N. C. He remained at the latter place about two years, coming to Mount Olive, his present location, in the spring of 1895. Mr. Sandlin's first business venture in Mount Olive was the furniture line, in which he was associated with his brother, under the firm name of Sandlin Bros. In 1906, he being fully aware of the prospects of the locality and his firm doing a healthy business, he purchased the interest his brother held in the firm and now controls the entire interest of the business.

Mr. Sandlin's honest dealings with all classes, strictly business principles, cheap prices and easy payments, have made his store a great addition and help to the growth of Mount Olive, as it is a help to the working class, by enabling them to purchase house-furnishings by small monthly payments.

The picture of Mr. Sandlin appears elsewhere in this edition.

He carries a full line of furniture GEORGE W. S. SANDLIN
and house furnishing goods, and his motto is cheap goods, good goods, and small profits.


Richard Edward Wooten, was born in Green county, June 15th, 1880. His father, Shade Wooten, is a progressive farmer, of LaGrange, N. C., and is also engaged in the mercantile and horse business. His mother was Miss Sarah Speight, of Green county.

Mr. Wooten's parents moved to La Grange when he was a child, where he attended the LaGrange high school until he was sixteen years of age, and it might be well said here that this is the extent of Mr. Wooten's education, for at that stage he launched out into the world to face its many trials and difficulties at the age of sixteen. His first position was with the firm of W. E. Roberts & Co., of Kinston, leaf tobacco dealers, where he remained one year. He then accepted a position in Goldsboro, N. C., with Bizzie & Wooten, wholesale grocers, where he remained about one year. At the age of eighteen years, he accepted a position with the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, of Winston-Salem, N. C., as their traveling representative. In this capacity he remained for two years, covering his territory, North and South Carolina, in an admirable manner—with profit to his house and credit to himself. His next move was to enter the mercantile business at LaGrange, under the firm name of Wooten and Wooten, which he sold three years later and moved to Mount Olive, his present locality, where he began a general mercantile and live stock business.

The fact that Mr. Wooten's business career has been varied and not altogether financially profitable, as is the case with all men, from a standpoint of experience, he has been amply repaid for his several undertakings. His personal experiences, that could only be obtained by personal

appliances, have made of him a good business man.

Mr. Wooten owns several tracts of desirable farm lands in this section. He cultivates about 600 acres, on which he raises chiefly cotton, corn and stock.

Mr. Wooten is a Master Mason and a member of the Elks Lodge at Goldsboro.

June 13th, 1904, Mr. Wooten was married to Miss Bessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams, of Mount Olive.

The cut shown elsewhere in this edition is a picture of Mr. Wooten's sales and exchange stables and general livery business. He owns the only livery business in Mount Olive. He can furnish anything desired in his line.


The subject of this sketch and of the accompanying cut was born in Duplin county, February 5th, 1857, and was raised near Mount Olive.


He received his education in the Mount Olive high school. After graduating from that institution, he worked in Mount Olive as a clerk untu 1891, when he went in business for himself as a general merchant. The flourishing business Mr. Hatch has built up and is doing at present, shows what pluck and energy can do in the face of calamity and discouragement. In three of the disastrous fires which have visited Mount Olive, he has been one of the chief sufferers, having been burned out once without a dollar's insurance, and twice only partly insured. His store was the first of the section devastated by fire in August, 1905, to be rebuilt.

Mr. Hatch is perhaps best known outside his home town as one of the firm of Hatch Bros., the excursion operators. He is a leading member of the M. E. Church. He is a staunch Democrat; and takes an active interest in the city affairs, having served as town commissioner in 1898. As a business man he has gained the confidence of the public, and it is fully deserved.

His wife, prior to her marriage, was Miss Hattie Bethea, of Dillon, S. C. They have four bright, attractive children.


Thomas O. Mozingo, Tax Collector for Brogden township, was born in Wayne county, November 15th, 1859. Being born in that age, when the entire Southland was laid distitute and barren by the fearful scourge of Civil War, and his parents being unable to give him the advantages of a good common school education, he was therefore denied that advantage which is so essential to the welfare of the American youth. But realizing the ever paramount object facing him, Mr. Mozingo managed to attend the free schools of his county for a short while, and by continual efforts he has obtained an average education.

Mr. Mozingo was elected Tax Collector of Brogden township, six years ago and is the present incumbent, having served six consecutive years in that capacity. He has always been a staunch Democrat since he became able to execute the right of suffrage and figures materially in the political circles of Wayne county, being partially instrumental in leading his party to victory many times.

He is an extensive farmer and trucker, cultivating a considerable "THE OAKS." HOME OF MRS. J. F. OLIVER
amount of cotton, corn and strawberries. In all his agricultural undertakings, he has been unusually successful.

He was married to Miss Susie Roberts, of Wayne county, in March, 1885. His family is composed of seven children, four girls and three boys.


Dr. Malcolm McInnis Tatum was born in Bladen county, North Carolint, Aug. 1, 1884. He studied medicine under Dr. J. L. McKoy and other eminent physicians and then entered the Medical College of Virginia, from which he graduated in 1877. His first work as a physician was among the people of his native county, where he practiced until 1893. While a citizen of Bladen, he took a lively and active interest in politics, representing the county in the General Assembly of 1891. He has always been an educational enthusiast, and was largely instrumental in establishing the flourishing Academy of White Oak, Bladen county.

Since coming to Mount Olive in 1893, though doing a very large practice, Dr. Tatum has taken time to work for educational interests and for the public betterment generally. He was one of the most earnest laborers in the battle for the establishment of the graded school and has served on the School Board since its inception. He has also served as town commissioner.

He was married in 1882 to Miss Alice Celia Williamson, of Fayetteville. Seven children have been born to the union, five of whom are living.

Dr. Tatum is an exemplary citizen as well as an ideal physician. Any work inaugurated for the public good is sure to find in him a loyal supporter.


Truck Farmer and Insurance Agent

The man who has money to invest as well as the man who is endeavoring to save for his own use when old age comes, or for the benefit of those for whom he wishes to make provision after his death, often finds it hard to decide how to invest his capital or savings with safety to produce good results. What he wants is a secure asset, available at a given time, not a speculative investment through which a possible loss may arise. There are many classes of security, but none better than a policy issued by a regular life insurance company. It is an asset available at a given time, for all it promises, and covering contingencies which can be provided for in no other way. It is absolutely safe, backed by ample funds, and under the most stringent government supervision. Mr. H. G. Williamson is a member of a firm which represents only the strongest and most reliable life insurance companies. In addition, his firm represents several leading fire insurance companies.

Mr. Williamson is also a large truck broker, and makes a specialtiy of buying, selling and exchanging real estate.

Mr. Williamson was born in Sampson county. He received a common school education, and always followed farming until he removed to Mount Olive about ten years ago. He is a progressive citizen and interested in all that pertains to the advancement of Mount Olive.


The popular and efficient general manager of Mount Olive's Telephone Exchange, is Alton M. Parker, who was born in Cumberland county, July RESIDENCE OF S. A. WOOTEN, MT. OLIVE
7, 1884. His parents are Carl Parker, a progressive farmer and merchant, and Rachel, daughter of Aldridge and Katherine Bird, of Cumberland county.

Mr. Parker attended Little River Academy Preparatory School until he was eighteen years of age, when he began clerking in his father's store. He remained in the employment of his father about one year, when he entered the telephone business as operator. By strict attention to business, coupled with enterprising spirit he has mastered his profession, and, today holds the confidence and esteem of his employers. The Southern Bell Telephone Company. He has held positions with the above company, as manager of their exchanges at Dunn., N. C., Red Springs, N. C., and Maxton, N. C., and inspector at Fayetteville, N. C.

Mr. Parker is held in the highest esteem in Mount Olive by the general public as a young man of honesty and integrity. His services here are appreciated, and the Bell Telephone Company made no mistake in selecting him to manage their growing business in Mount Olive.


The subject of this sketch was born in Sampson county, October 1, 1861. His education, which is very limited, was received mostly at home. He followed farming until the year 1891, when he entered the mercantile business in Mount Olive. Commencing with a very small capital, he has from time to time increased his stock until to-day he has quite an up-to-date little grocery establishment, and caters to a large and exacting trade. This business has been built up by strict attention and honest dealing, and Mr. Anders enjoys the most implicit confidence of his customers. His stock consists of staple and fancy groceries, fruits and confections, and in the summer time, cold drinks and pure ice-cream. His stocks are always new and fresh, and the courteous attention received at his han J. W. ANDERS
trading with him a pleasure.

Especially does Mr. Anders deserve credit for the way in which his children have been brought up. His wife, who, before her marriage, was Miss Bettie Lindsay, died about six years ago, leaving her husband with eight small children. Alone and unaided Mr. Anders has cared for them, providing well for their physical wants, and giving them careful moral and religious training. As a result, his children have always taken a high stand in school, and an active interest in the work of their church. His son and oldest child, Mr. Herman Anders, is now associated with him in business. As a citizen, Mr. Anders is esteemed, progressive and interested in the town's advancement.


DuBrutz English was born in Mount Olive, November 13, 1881. He was educated in the Mount Olive High School, and at Oak Ridge Institute, taking a business course at the latter institution.

He is one of our largest and most successful truck brokers. Having HOME OF DuBRUTZ ENGLISH, MT. OLIVE
been in the business since a mere boy, he knows it thoroughly. He buys strawberries and other produce in enormous quantities, and solicits some fruits and vegetables on a commission basis.

Mr. DuBrutz English is one of our most successful citizens. He is still quite a young man, and has accumulated some valuable property. He owns a handsome residence in Mount Olive, a cut of which appears in this issue, and a nice farm near the town. He possesses indomitable energy, and gives strict attention to his business.

He is moral, upright, and an esteemed and respected citizen. He has been a steward of the Methodist church at Mount Olive for the past six years.

He married Miss Estelle Westbrook, a daughter of Mr. J. A. Westbrook, of Mount Olive. They have one child, DuBrutz, Jr.


Samuel J. Roberts was born in Wayne county, April 18, 1873. His father was Elkana Roberts, a progressive and highly esteemed farmer and Mason, of Wayne. His mother was Abergail, daughter of John and Abergail Lewis, of Wayne county.

When Mr. Roberts was about fifteen years of age his parents moved to Lenoir county. He attended the public schools of Lenoir until he was about nineteen years old, when he was sent by his father to Wayne to settle the estate of his brother-in-law. His parents soon afterwards moved back to Wayne county, and Mr. Robert associated himself with his father in the farming industry. One year later he accepted a position as foreman of farm for William Anderson, one of the largest watermelon growers of Eastern Carolina, where he remained for a short period, later accepting the foremanship of Herbert Edmundson's farm, where he remained for about one year. When he reached his maturity SAMUEL J. ROBERTS

he began farming with J. B. Lane, and later associated himself with the same person in the merchandise business at Faro, N. C. He remained at the latter place about three years when he sold out and began traveling throughout North Carolina. He traveled for about six months, representing various lines. He then secured a large tract of desirable farm land near the city of Mount Olive, where he located, realizing that his best talents were in that direction. He cultivates about 590 acres of land, raising principally cotton, corn and staple crops in general. His wide experience in his chosen profession, enterprising spirit and energy has made of him a farmer of ability, a good citizen and a pleasant business man.


Mr. Roberts lives in Mount Olive, owning a handsome residence in the heart of the city.

He held the office of deputy sheriff of Wayne county for two years under Sheriff Scott. He is a member of the K. of P. Lodge of Mount Olive.

Mr. Roberts was married to Miss Emma Lee, of Mount Olive, July 12, 1903. Three girls, Ruble E. Lee, Louise and Heldergood Roberts, compose the family. In April of this year Mr. Roberts had the misfortune to lose by death his devoted wife.

Recently Mr. Roberts has embarked into the mercantile business at Mount Olive, having associated in business with Mr. E. B. Fonville under the firm name of Fonville & Roberts.


The subject of this sketch was born in the Fork Township, Wayne county, N. C., on March 30, 1847, consequently he is now in his sixty-second year. His parents died while he was B. B. RAIFORD
quite small, leaving him to the care of an only sister, who proved herself equal to the emergency in playing the role of mother and sister towards the three brothers left with her upon the stage of action, and who, in the panorama of life's weary pilgrimage, performed her part but too well.

His early life was passed amid the scenes of pleasures, joys, trials and tribulations, coincident with the joys of youth in all its bearings, and in 1864, he finds himself at school at La Place Academy, now known as Cobb's school-house, near Mount Olive, in Duplin county, under the tutorship of R. W. Millard, Esq., who was one of the most prominent educators in the Old BRICK STORES OWNED BY D. R. PERRY, OCCUPIED BY WARD DRY GOODS CO., MT. OLIVE
North State at that time, (and a self-made man), and from which school he enlisted in what was known later as Company A, 71st Regiment, N. C. S. G., at the age of seventeen. In April of that year he was made first sergeant of his company, and in which capacity he served till the close of the war, participating in three battles—Bellfield, Va., Kinston and Bentonsville, N. C. It was the proudest day of his young life when he went forth as a Confederate soldier, and as to whether he served with distinction until the “Conquered Banner” was furled forever, he leaves for his old comrades to say; and so indelibly affixed is his company's muster roll on his mind, he can call it (almost perfectly) to-day.

For many years he has been physically disabled to work, and has been writer and agent for several newspapers, and he has identified himself with the Tribune from its first issue, both as agent for it, and as its “Neighborhood News” correspondent, and at all times “Uncle Ben,” is its “right tower.” Like and unlike counterfeit money—he is “always on hand.”


Merchant and Truck Broker

The subject of this sketch was born near Mount Olive in 1875. After receiving a common school education, he clerked for R. J. Southerland, Sr., until 1894, when he commenced a general merchandise business. His stocks are always new and fresh, and include a full line of staple and fancy groceries, crockery, etc., his specialty being popular brands of dependable shoes. His goods are reliable, and are sold at prices that will please you.

Mr. Cobb is also a truck broker, and a merchandise and manufacturers’ agent. He is a courteous and obliging dealer, and deserves a fair share of your patronage.


In a characterization of Mount Olive's representative enterprises and leading citizens, Mr. W. P. Kornegay, son of our townsman, Mr. R. Kornegay, deserves prominent and favorable mention.

He was born in Mount Olive, September 23, 1877, and was educated at the Mount Olive High School. He also took a business course at Oak Ridge Institute, and after finishing the same, went into the merchandise business with his father, continuing in this until 1903, when the firm of Kornegay, Manley & Co., of which he was a member, was organized. This firm was dissolved in 1904, and then Mr. Kornegay entered the railway mail service. In April, 1905, he returned to Mount Olive and opened business, which he conducted until a few months ago.


Mr. John Dallas Langston, is one of the well known young professional men of Wayne county. He is now only twenty-four years of age, and has made for himself in the legal profession a name that stands for soundness and koenness, capability and unswerving loyalty to justice.


His father is Rev. G. D. Langston, a Methodist minister, and his preparatory education was acquired in the schools of the different towns in which his father labored. In 1899, he entered Trinity College, from which he graduated in 1903. He then taught school for one year at Stedman, N. C. While engaged in this work he married Miss Mary Williamson, of Mount Olive. The following year he took a course in law at the State University, and was admitted to the bar in February, 1905, and opened his office in Mount Olive.

In the campaign of 1906, he did faithful and effective work for the Democratic party, speaking wherever and whenever his services were needed. In every community where he spoke the cause of Democracy was strengthened by his eloquence and earnestness. His name has been prominently mentioned as one of the next Representatives to the General Assembly from Wayne county.

As a citizen and as a man, Mr. Langston is upright and progressive.


Prof. Zach Davis McWhorter, Superintendent of the Mount Olive Graded Schools, was born at Gaylesville, Ala., March 9, 1862. His parents were Dr. A. M. McWhorter and Mrs. M. J. (Davis) McWhorter, his mother being a second cousin to the great Jefferson Davis President of the Confederacy. Prof. McWhorter graduated at the Gaylesville High School. He then attended EAST CENTRE STREET, LOOKING SOUTH, MT. OLIVE
Vanderbilt University, and later graduated at the Peabody Normal College, Nashville, Tenn.

Prof. McWhorter having decided to adopt teaching as his life work, came to North Carolina and taught in a private school with Rev. C. W. Bird at Tarboro for one year, going from there to Pitt county, where he taught near Greenville for two years. He then accepted the principalship of the Bethel High School, going from this position to the principalship of the Jonesboro High School, and then to the Greenville, N. C. Institute. He returned to his native State of Alabama, where he had charge of the Collinsville High School, but came back to North Carolina in a short time and took charge of the Bethel High School, remaining there until he came to Mount Olive in 1901 as Superintendent of the Mount Olive Graded Schools.

While at Collinsville, Ala., Prof. McWhorer was offered the chair of mathematics in the Alabama Conference College, located at Birmingham, Ala., but declined this flattering position, which was a distinct recognition of his ability and equipment as a teacher and promoter of higher education.

In 1888 Prof. McWhorter stood a competitive examination at Morehead City, while the North Carolina Teachers’ Assembly was in session, and was awarded a handsome gold watch for the best examination in North Carolina History. It is said that he literally memorized every page in the history, and completely distanced every one of the large number of competitors. For this he has been highly complimented by the best educators of the State.

During his incumbency as Superintendent of the Mount Olive Graded Schools Prof. McWhorter has been offered a number of flattering positions in school work in different parts of the State, but fortunately for the Mount Olive people he has declined each one, preferring to remain here, where he has devoted the best of his superior talents and extraordinary ability in building up one of the best preparatory schools in the State.

For the past six years he has held Teachers’ Institutes in different parts of the State, and his services are greatly in demand for this kind of work each year. He is also an attractive speaker, being oftentimes PROF. ZACH DAVIS MCWHORTER
invited to deliver addresses in the interest of educational work.

Prof. McWhorter was married in 1889 to Miss Anna Nelson, of Bethel, N. C., and they have seven bright and attractive children.

He is a member and local preacher in the Methodist church, and also a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows’ lodges.


Mr. J. Edward Kelly was born April 8, 1867, within four miles of Clinton, N. C., Sampson county. His father is Mr. I. J. Kelly and his mother, Eliza Williamson, daughter of William Williamson, of Sampson county. His mother died when he was only two years of age. His father married again, and the subject of this sketch lived with him until he was five years of age, when his mother's sister, Mrs. S. P. Hand, who lived on a farm with her husband near Burgaw, N. C., took him to live with them. Mrs. Hand died when Mr. Kelly was eleven years of age, and he was then thrown upon his own resources. He secured a position as clerk and handy-boy in the store of J. B. Moore at Burgaw, who started him at a salary of $3.00 per month and board. Along with this he got the job of J. EDWARD KELLY
ringing the town bell once a day at 12 o'clock at a salary of $1.00 per month. He remained with Mr. Moore for three years, and as his services became more valuable his salary was increased. While in this position Mr. Kelly gained some knowledge of telegraphy

by running a wire from the store to the telegraph office and being taught by the operator at spare moments. Mr. Kelly always valued the friendship of this operator, who was, in his own language, “one of the very best friends I ever had.” At the age of fourteen he resigned the clerkship to go to school. He had saved nearly an hundred dollars with which, and by working mornings, evenings, and Saturdays to help pay board, was enabled to attend the Burgaw High School for a year and a half. This together with the free school privileges a few months in the year near the home of his aunt, constituted his school attendance. After leaving school, and with funds exhausted, he stayed with his old friend, the telegraph operator at Burgaw, two or three months, when through his assistance he secured the position of telegraph operator at Warsaw, being only sixteen years old at this time. He remained at Warsaw twelve months, and was then transferred and made agent at Wallace where he remained eight months, and was promoted to the agency at Mount Olive, where he remained for thirteen years, declining during this time several offers of promotion. His health began to fail, and upon request he was given the agency at Bennettsville, S. C. He remained there five years, and was promoted to the agency at Tarboro, N. C., where he remained until about two years ago, covering in all a period of over 22 years of unbroken employment in the service of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company.

Mr. Kelly has always identified himself with the moral and material growth and development of the town and community in which his lot was cast. He served as Superintendent of the Sabbath School at Mount Olive and Bennettsville, was a Ruling Elder in the Tarboro Presbyterian church and Superintendent of the Sabbath School.

Mr. Kelly owns real estate in Mount Olive, Bennettsville and Tarboro, the bulk of which is in Mount Olive, where he owns several large brick business buildings, a farm and other real estate. His life shows clearly what a man may accomplish by energy and determination in this favored land, and is one worthy of emulation by the young men of our State.

In 1907 Mr. Kelly went to California, where he spent one year recuperating his health, and now spends his time leisurely, looking after his real estate interests, and enjoying the fruits of his labors.


Robert J. Southerland, Jr., son of the late R. J. Southerland, and Mrs. Annie (Witherington) Southerland, was born in Mount Olive and is about 36 years of age. He received his preparatory education in the public schools of this section, and was later a student at Davis’ Military School at LaGrange, N. C. He then entered Davidson College, going from there to the University of North Carolina. Upon returning to Mount Olive he spent several years clerking in his father's mercantile establishment, at that time the largest business enterprise in the town. Some time after this he went on the road as a commercial traveler, and was later engaged in the trucking business at Mount Olive. Mr. Southerland embarked in the furniture and house furnishing business with Mr. H. J. Pope, under the firm name of H. J. Pope & Co., later purchasing the interest of Mr. Pope, and has since that time conducted the business under his own name. He carries a large and select line of furniture and houe-furnishings, occupying a large double story brick building on East Centre street.

Mr. Southerland owns some very valuable city property and several fine farms, and is one of Mount Olive's most enterprising, progressive and influential young men.

He is a member of the Board of Town Commissioners, and has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Mount Olive Graded School since its establishment. He has always endeavored to promote the educational interests of Mount Olive. As a member of the Board of Trustees of the Graded School he exhibited great interest in the erection of Mount Olive's handsome Graded School building, which stands as a monument to its promoters, and as a sentinel that guards and promotes every good interest of the town and community.

Mr. Southerland was married about two years ago to Miss Eliza Wooten, of LaGrange, daughter of Mr. Council S. Wooten, and they are the proud possessors of one little daughter.


One of the Largest Mercantile Establishments in Mt. Olive

E. J. Martin & Son Company, one of the largest mercantile concerns in Mount Olive, is closely associated with the history of the town and its progressive people. The business was established years ago by the late E. J. Martin, some distance from Mount Olive. Finding for the convenience of his customers, and to accommodate a rapidly growing patronage, a more central location was necessary, he moved to Mount Olive and constructed the large and imposing brick building now occupied by the firm of E. J. Martin & Son Co. He associated HOME OF WILLIAM F. MARTIN, MT. OLIVE
with him, his son, Mr. W. Fred Martin, under the firm name of E. J. Martin & Son. At the death of the founder of the business, Mr. W. F. Martin, the present progressive head of the firm, incorporated the business under the firm name, of E. J. Martin & Son Co., which has grown to be one of the most successful enterprises in Mount Olive.

Two large double stores, two stories high, with large warehouses at the rear, are necessary to accommodate the patronage, which amounts to $50,000 or more annually. This firm does a large dry goods, clothing, grocery and supply business, supplying everything needful for man and beast, from food to clothing, and carrying fertilizers, hardware, etc.

Mr. W. F. Martin owns other valuable propertyin this section, among which is his handsome, new home in Mount Olive, a cut of which, is given herewith. He is a public spirited and progressive business man, and believes his town is most admirably situated for a large city, and is always willing to assist and encourage industries of the right sort in order to accelerate the growth of Mount Olive.

Mr. Martin has served on the Board of Town Commissioners of Mount Olive, and is at present City Treasurer. He is a prominent member of the Methodist church, and a member of Pythian Lodge.


One of Mount Olive's Leading and Representative Industries, Manuufacturers of Buggies, General Repair Business, and Dealers in Machinery

A busines firm that has rapidly won the affection and regard of the people of the Mount Olive section is that of Summerlin Bros. This popular concern is composed of Messrs. Claud and M. O. Summerlin. For many years SUMMERLIN BROTHERS BUGGY FACTORY AND REPAIR SHOPS, MT. OLIVE
they conducted business separately in Mount Olive, but about three years ago the old Summerlin building on E. Centre street was torn away and replaced by the present handsome and imposing two-story brick structure, and since that time the enterprise has rapidly grown and prospered. Summerlin Bros. manufacture first-class buggies, finding ready sale for them throughout a large territory in Eastern North Carolina. They do a large repairing business, and handle Mowers, Rakes, Hay Presses, Gasoline Engines, Cultivators, Harrows, Stalk Catters, Dise Plows etc., including everything in agricultural implements and farm machinery.

This firm succeeded in business their father, the venerable Mr. Oliver Summerlin, who is the oldest citizen of Mount Olive to-day, and a man who is respected and revered by everybody. The old Summerlin building, that was replaced by the new building, was one of the few old landmarks of the town.

It is seldom that you find men more genial, courteous and clever, or more broad-gauged than Messrs. Claud and M. O. Summerlin. They are gentlemen of broad business ideas and ample experience, and have administered the affairs of this enterprises in an able and progressive manner and richly deserve the success that has been their portion.


The history of Mount Olive would not be complete if we failed to mention in this work the name of Mr. M. T. Breazeale, the popular and well-equipped Cashier of the Bank of Mount Olive, who, more than any other one man, has helped to build Mount Olive from a small village to its present proportions as a hustling and progressive little city.

Mr. Breazeale was born at Belton. S. C. thirty-eight years ago, the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Breazeale. His father is one of the prominent farmers of that section of the State, and the subject of this sketch was reared on the farm and sounded all the phases of farm life.

He came to Mount Olive about ten years ago, and for some time was engaged in buying cotton here for Sloan & Co., at that time prominent exporters at Wilmington, N. C. He was also employed for some time by the California Fruit Transportation Co., which at one time handled all of the refrigerator car business in Eastern Carolina.

When the Bank of Mount Olive was organized Mr. Breazeale was selected as cashier, and has since devoted his entire time and attention to this institution, the growth and importance of which is told of in a sketch of the institution in another column of this edition. Mr. Breazeale is a strong man in every way, and possesses qualities which peculiarly fit him for the position that he has filled with such great satisfaction to the stockholders of the bank and to the people of this section.

Mr. Breazeale has served two terms as Mayor of Mount Olive, and has several times served on the Board of RESIDENCE OF DR. W. C. STEELE, MT. OLIVE
Town Commissioners. He was an ideal official, discharging the duties of the office with credit to himself and the town.

Mr. Breazeale ranks high among the best known and most representative business men of this section of the State, takes an active interest in the affairs of the town and is numbered among Mount Olive's most progressive men. It is characteristic of him to lead in every movement that tends to promote any and every healthy interest of the community, and he is averse to any sort of stingy or short-sighted policy on the part of the town.

He is a leading member of the Masonic Lodge, Knights of Pythias and Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Mr. Breazeale married Miss Lizzie M. McGee, of Goldsboro, daughter of Mr. Thos. McGee, and they reside in their neat and attractive cottage in Mount Olive. In addition to this property, Mr. Breazeale owns other valuable real estate in this section, together with stock in a number of local enterprises.


Dr. William Calvin Steele was born at Mooresville, N. C., September 16, 1867. His collegiate education was acquired at Davisdon College, where he studied medicine also for one year. He then studied under Dr. P. B. Barringer, who is now Dean of the Medical Department of the University of Virginia. He graduated from the University of Maryland in 1891, and commenced practice near Charlotte, with Dr. John R. Irwin. He remained in Charlotte two years and then practiced for two years at Tulin, Cabarrus county.

Dr. Steele removed to Mount Olive in 1895, and has built up a large practice, not alone in Mount Olive but in the nearby towns and adjoining counties

as well. Dr. Steele is a member of the State, Tri-States and County Medical Societies, and is prominent in the medical fraternity. He is also prominent in Masonic and Pythian circles, having served as Worshipful Master in the local Masonic lodge and as Chancellor Commander of the Pythians.

He was married December 7, 1898, to Miss Kate Witherington Southerland, daughter of the late R. J. Southerland, of Mount Olive. They have two children, Mary and Wyeth.

Dr. Steele is an upright Christian gentleman. He is a devoted member of the Presbyterian church, and an enthusiastic worker in every religious enterprise. As a citizen, he is enterprising, public-spirited and progressive. As a man, he is popular and genial, possessing the traits of character that make him so successful in his profession.


Cullen Blackman Hatch was born in Wayne county, near Mount Olive, February 16, 1871. His father, Joseph R. Hatch, was a large land-owner. He was educated at the Mount Olive High School and at Poughkeepsie Business College. He was twenty years old when he first commenced business in Mount Olive as a merchant. His stock was burned in 1898, and he had not a dollar's insurance. He was one of the celebrated firm of Hatch Bros., CULLEN BLACKMAN HATCH
excursionists. He was in this business with his brother, Mr. B. H. Hatch for fifteen years. During this time one of this firm's trains never met with a single accident, and everywhere Hatch Bros.’ excursions were known and eagerly patronized because courteous attention and good order were assured. Hr. Hatch conducted a wholesale and retail grocery business here for several years and was the first owner and proprietor of Mount Olive's up-to-date hotel, The Olivette. It was erected by him, and under his management the hotel won the favor of the traveling public, which it now enjoys.

Mr. Hatch is now in the real estate business, and is making a success of it, as he has of everything he has undertaken. The people have confidence in his judgment and business ability, and do not hesitate to make large and important land deals through him.

He married Miss Eliza Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holmes, of Mount Olive. They have four interesting children, two boys and two girls.

Mr. Hatch is one of Mount Olive's most esteemed citizens and no man has done more for the advancement of the town. He takes a great interest in education and anything incepted for the town's advancement. He has served on the City Board of Alderman, and made a live and progressive official. He is a member of the M. E. Church and contributes liberally to its support.


Far Famed Summer Resort, With Health Giving Waters—Great Opportunity For Developement By Enterprising Capitalists.

ByMrs. G. G. QUINN.

About the year 1741, William Whitfield, with his young wife, Rachei Bryan, came from Nansemond county, Virginia, in search of a new country. They went as far South as South Washington, then to Richland, Onslow county and then came and bought Rockford, Lenoir county, where they lived two years. He then bought what is now known as White Hall, Wayne county. He built a house near the South end of where the bridge now stands, on the west side, and painted it white, hence the name of “White Hall.”

Prior to the Civil War, White Hall was a town of considerable local importance, surrounded by a good country, occupied by industrious and enterprising people, a great many thousand barrels of turpentine were carried there to be distilled or shipped down the river by a line of boats that plied between New Bern and Smithfield. One of the largest buggy factories in the State was located there, and it was a great mereantile center for the country.

In December, 1862, during the Civil War, General Foster, commanding the Northern Army, attempted to cross the river there, but was stubbornly resisted, and a hard fought battle ensued, in which the Southern forces, under General Evans, were victorious, but had to burn the river bridge, General Foster burnt the town, leaving only two small houses (one of which is still standing) on his raid to Goldsboro.

White Hall is well located on the South bank of Neuse river, on a plateau bounded on the South and West by the Saponia Hills—named for a tribe of Indians, who inhabited them. It became an incorporated town in 1881. The petitioners were W. B. Whitfield, John Williams, Capt. W. S. Byrd, Dr. Ira Davis, S. D. Hankins, McD. Smith, W. H. Andrews, Capt. A. J. Brown, Dr. V. N. Seawill and Aloyza Rouse.

In 1881 soon after the Seven Springs had been discovered and brought to the notice of the public, the post office in the town of White Hall, which had previously been known as Jericho, was changed to Seven Springs.

The town went through the ordeal of the whiskey traffic until 1889, when by a petition of the citizens of the town, the Legislature passed an act prohibiting the sale of liquor within two miles of the incorporate limits. Since that time the town is being constantly rebuilt by energetic and good citizens. Two churches, Baptist and Presbyterian, are in the town, and churches of other denominations are accessible. A large boarding and day school with three teachers is maintained eight months in the year, and children from a distance have the greatest care and attention.

The far famed Seven Springs, with its health-giving waters, are within a half mile of White Hall, at the foot of Saponia Hills. This is one of the remarkable freaks of nature in Eastern Carolina. These high hills extend out south from Neuse river about a mile, and three or four miles up the river where they end in a bluff about one hundred feet high.

These Seven Springs, six of which are of different mineral analysis, are at the foot of the hills, within a few feet of each other. There are a great many other springs in the ravines of these hills of different mineral qualities.

The first write-up for the Springs was made by Dr. V. N. Seawell, when the Springs were only seven bubbling boils in the midst of many vines, etc. A letter written to the Duplin Record, a paper published at Magnolia during the seventies, was the first intimation the public over had of these wonderful healing waters. Dr. Seawell was also Post Master at Jericho when the name was changed to Seven Springs. Two mails from Dudley twice a week in those old days has now been changed to twice a day from LaGrange.

The first boarding house opened for the accommodation of the public was the Seawell House in the village, followed soon by the Seven Springs Hotel run the first summer, 1881, by Lewis McCullen.

Two hotels accommodate the many boarders who frequent these Springs: one of these is situated at the “Ninth Spring,” about half mile above the Seven Springs, discovered and formerly owned by Mr. T. A. Whitfield, but is now the property of Mrs. H. J. Ham.

Thousands visit the Springs annually, and the great lack now is transportation. It only remains for some enterprising capitalist to build a trolley line from some available point to place the town on equal footing with all the great watering places in the United States. Much has been done and much more may be done to develop the natural resources of the place.


Walter Jackson Jones, M. D., of Seven Springs, or White Hall, was born May 6, 1870, in Duplin county, where he was reared on a farm, receiving common school education. After making what preparation he could of himself, he matriculated at the North Carolina Medical College, and took his first course in medicine during collegiate year of 1895 and 1896. Being unable to re-enter the class of 1896-97, he remained at home on the farm and pursued his medical studies there, and again re-entered North Carolina Medical College, Davidson, N. C., in

1897-98, and passing before the State Medical Board of Examiners in Charlotte, N. C., in the spring, procured his license, May 4, 1898, and located to practice the medical profession at Chinquipin, in his native county of Duplin. After practicing there for nearly two years, he removed to Seven Springs, his present location, and in December, 1900, again entered the North Carolina Medical College, at Davidson, Senior Class, and graduated, receiving diploma as Doctor of Medicine, May 13, 1901. Since that time he has been regularly practicing his profession at Seven Springs. In addition he is proprietor of a well-equipped drug store, known as the Seven Springs Drug Company. Dr. Jones is one of Wayne county's most esteemed and substantial citizens.


The Seven Springs Supply Company, dealers in general merchandise, fertilizers, buggies and harness, also buyers of cotton, was incorporated November 3, 1905.

Mr. J. R. Murvin, the capable secretary and treasurer, and also business manager, of the company, is a business man in every particular, having spent five successive years on the road, where he learned how to buy, which is the essential thing to the success of any business. Mr. Murvin conducted the above business until 1905, when he sold part interest to Messrs. Lem. and S. F. Harvey, of Kingston, making it a stock company. The above company does a tremendous amount of business, having reached the $60,000 mark last year.


Senas D. Bird was born in Lenoir county, April 18, 1870.

He attended the public schools of his native county, and was a student at Vance Collegiate Institute for a short period.

In 1893, he accepted a position as clerk with W. R. Simmons, a merchant at Seven Springs, which position he held for seven years. At the end of seven years’ clerkship with the above establishment, Mr. Bird had acquainted himself with the business thoroughly and decided to branch out into a business of his own. He rented a good stand, and put in a complete stock of dry goods and general merchandise, and the results to-day are he has gradually increased in every way his business, and handles great volumes of trade. Last year he purchased the building he now occapies.


One of Wayne County's Thriving Little Towns on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.

Dudley is one of Wayne county's thriving little towns on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, in the midst of a prosperous section of country. It is situated about five miles north of Mount Olive, and is surrounded by some of the best farming lands in this section of North Carolina. Its population, though small, is composed largely of some of Wayne county's most substantial people, who have abiding faith in the future of their little town, which has every promise of rapid development within the next few years.

Dudley has at present five or six mercantile establishments the largest among which is owned and conducted by Mr. W. Bryant Bowden, who owns more real estate than any other single individual in this immediate section. Mr. Bowden has recently erected three brick store buildings at Dudley, an evidence that a spirit of substantial progress has taken hold of the town, forecasting brighter and better things for it in the near future.

Large tracts of valuable pine timber surround the town, and the saw mill business is now one of its chief industries. A large lumber plant has been installed at Dudley by the Calmes Bros., giving employment to quite a number of people, and which adds much to the business life of the community.

Much of the soil around Dudley is rich, producing corn, cotton, tobacco, truck, etc., in abundance. It can be purchased at very reasonable figures, making Dudley very attractive to the home-seeker and prospective capitalist, who will find a hearty welcome and loyal encouragement at the hands of the people of Dudley and the surrounding country.


William Bryan Bowden was born in Duplin county, August 3, 1835. On the 21st of April, 1861, he volunteered in the Confederate Army, Duplin Rifles, and was stationed at Norfolk for six months. While in the above company he encountered the fight at Foster's raid on Goldsboro, South of Neuse river.

He served his time in the above company and returned home where he again volunteered in Company C, 51st N. C. Regiment, Chinghams Brigade. While serving in this company he was wounded over the left eye in an engagement at Battery Wagner, near Charleston, S. C., and was confined to the hospital ten days. On the 16th of May, 1864, he was a member of the regiment that run General Butler under gunboats at Cold Harbor fight.

He was severely wounded again on the 31st of May, 1864, having been shot through the left breast, which placed him in hospital for fourteen days. He was given furlough for thirty days, on being able to get out of hospital. After recovering from his injuries, he again entered active warfare and was present when the crater was discharged at Petersburg, Va., which killed so many Yankee soldiers. He is in every sense of the word a loyal Confederate soldier, and one whom the entire Soouthland honors and respects WILLIAM BRYAN BOWDEN
for his loyalty and courage to defend a cause which he thought just.

After serving through the entire war—up to the surrender at Appomattox—he returned to his home in Duplin county, where in January, 1869, he married Miss Hepsie Keathley, of Duplin. The same year he sojourned to Florida, where he remained one year, returning to Dudley, his present locality, in the spring of 1880, where today he resides.

He has accumulated a considerable amount of this world's goods since his location at Dudley, owning as much, if not more, cultivated farm land than any single individual in Wayne. Besides farming on an extensive scale, he runs the largest mercantile establishment in his town, his store being known throughout this section as “Tammany Hall.” He owns the only turpentine distillery in the county. The subject of this sketch did not, inherit, as one would suspect, his present earthly good, but it came through honest toil and manly ambition which is so characteristic of him.

Badger, his only child living out of six, is manager of his mercantile business. The loss of his wife, some months ago, has caused him much sorrow.

Since the above was written, Mr. Bowden has had the misfortune to have his store and stock of merchandise at Dudley destroyed by fire.


The enterprising and progressive mayor of Dudley, N. C., is Junius Kornegay, who was born at his present home on November 26, 1878.

His preparatory education was obtained in the common schools of Wayne county, after which he was a student at Oak Ridge Institute, remaining at the latter place two sessions. After obtaining what education his means would allow, he located at Dudley, and began farming. He followed the farming industry solely until about two years ago, when he branched out into the mercantile business, and enjoyed an extensive trade until last December, when fire destroyed his store and entire stock. This was a serious blow to Mr. Kornegay, but with his usual pluck and enterprise we are confident that nothing but success will crown his efforts.

He is an extensive farmer, raising chiefly strawberries Irish potatoes, cotton, corn and tobacco.

About one year ago Mr. Kornegay was elected to the Mayorality of Dudley. He is a prominent man in the municipal affairs of his town, having served, besides the position he now holds, four successive years as Town Commissioner.

On September 22nd, 1905, he was married to Miss Sallie Herring, of Wayne county. One bright and healthy boy compose his family.


The subject of this sketch, with cut accompanying, John Haywood Edwards, was born June 22, 1838, on a farm near Princeton, Johnston county, N. C., and was educated in the public schools. He has been an adopted son of Wayne county since 1849. Mr. Edwards joined Company E. 20th N. C. Regiment Volunteers at Franklin Institute, Duplin county, near Mount Olive, in April, 1861. At the reorganization of the company he was commissioned second sergeant, and served in that capacity until the battle of Malvern Hill, July, 1862, when he was severely wounded. He was honorably discharged February 7, 1863. Volunteered second time July, 1863, in Company G, 40th Heavy Artillery, and served until 1864, when he was transferred to light duty in the quartermaster's department at Goldsboro, where he served until the close of the war.

In 1867 and 1868 he served as deputy sheriff under Col. Thomas Cannady, then sheriff of Wayne county. He was married in 1867, to Miss Fannie Denmark, and by that happy union six sons were born.

Mr. Edwards served as county commissioner in the years 1872-74, and as justice of the peace for a number of years. He was elected treasurer of Wayne county in the year 1884, and served until 1890, and was for several years thereafter a member of the county board of education. He was elected to the legislature in 1894. JOHN HAYWOOD EDWARDS
Since that time he has devoted his entire time to farming, near Dudley, a small town five miles above Mount Olive. It is needless to say that Mr. Edwards is a Democrat of the old school.


John H. Anderson, the popular rural free delivery carrier from Dudley, was born in Wayne county, June 18, 1867. His parents were W. T. and Susie Anderson. His father was one of Wayne's progressive tillers of the soil.

Mr. Anderson attended the public schools of Wayne county for a short period, but owing to the condition of the entire South, when he was of school age, his manual labor was more essential to his welfare than educational qualifications.

When Mr. Anderson reached his maturity he left home and began farming on shares. He has been engaged in that line continually since that date.

In 1905, Mr. Anderson stood a competitive civil service examination for the position as R. F. D. carrier for Route No. 2, at Dudley, which he passed with a high percentage, and was awarded the position in June of the same year. He is in every sense fitted for the position, and the patrons of his route appreciate his efforts to give them adequate services. He is a Master Mason, his membership being with the local lodge at Mount Olive.

At the age of twenty-one, Mr. Anderson married Miss Selie Mazingo, who died in 1897. He was married the second time in 1898 to Miss Ida Jones, who still survives. Four boys and five girls compose his family.


Sketches of Men Prominent in the Agricultural Life of Wayne County—Prominent Citizens Who Have Moved Elsewhere and Succeeded.

Contributed by B. B. RAIFORD

This sketch comprises that portion of the township lying upon its extreme Southern and Southwestern border, and in which there are no better farming lands to be found, some of which lie up on the North East a small stream dividing Duplin county from this portion of Wayne, and are of light, sandy loam, with clay subsoil, and are well adapted to trucking interests and the culture of corn, cotton, tobacco, peas, potatoes (all kinds), and sorghum.

It is not the owner of the largest number of acres that makes the best living every time, for some of them are land poor, but it is the little one hundred acres man that owns a home free from all incumbrances, with one or two horses, a few cattle and hogs—with a good wife—that is most prosperous, happy and contented, and there are scores of such farmers in the township, and most of them spend many pleasant moments scanning the pages of the Tribune.

I will mention just a few of some of the most prominent and largest land owners, that are “well-to-do” farmers, that are making a good living, and are laying up money for a rainy day.


First, there is the old James Kornegay tract, owned by the heirs of the late Robert Williams, Esq., and under the supervision of Mr. A. A. McPhail, produce perhaps more corn and cotton per acre than any farm of like dimensions in the township.


Charles A. Smith is a good “all round” farmer, who owns in the neighborhood of 1,000 acres of land, and most of that which is cleared produces well, and he makes more mooney off of strawberries per acre than any one at this end of Indian Springs.



Caleb Grant, Sr., and Wm. Grant are two more substantial old-fashioned farmers that know “how to make the farm pay,” and do it. The former controls more land than any one in this section, perhaps, and you may take it for “Granted” he is the “broad-acre” man. He is one of the pillars of Grant's Chapel, a Free Will Baptist church that is prospering in this community.

Uriah and Albert Williams are two others that live by the maxim; “by the sweat of they brow, shall thou eat bread,” and make corn, cotton, and tobacco in abundance with the means at hand, while the latter engages in trucking to some extent. He also has a country store, which brings him in many pennies, and they are both successful farmers.


And while it is not carried on to any great extent, yet the A. J. K. Rhodes plantation is one of the very best dairy farms in the county, with a pasturage sufficiently large to maintain quite a number of stock of all kinds, and a farm whose fertility of soil is unsurpassed anywhere in Wayne. This could be converted into a splendid dairy farm. Since Mr. Rhodes death ‘it has been divided among the heirs, who will endeavor to hold it and raise corn, cotton, meat, etc., thereon.


D. W. Parks, one of the “Old Reliables,” has been a clod-hopper, not afraid of plowhandles and hoes, lives in the Old Mack Williams mansion, built quite a century ago, perhaps, and yet whose ancient walls portray the fact that a house built in those days was “a house indeed,” while the many productions of the magnificent farm are equal to the best.


Wm. Holmes, now a citizen of Mount Olive, is one of the best farmers in the township, and never misses a year but that he has corn and meat to divide with those less fortunate. He also has several nice “Holmes” for young men.


And now we reach the “Price settlement.” All around Zion M. E. Church is a community of thrifty farmers, and the church is bound to prosper. It is said that if any one, going in the settlement meets a man he does not know, he just calls him “Mr. Price,” and strikes the nail squarely on the head. Atlas Price is possibly, the most prosperous farmer in that section, and has a store, by which he carries an immense amount of trade.

The two churches mentioned are in a prosperous condition, showing that, the morals in this section are healthy, while there are three excellent schools four months in the year, and all hands work together, “for good to them, that love the Lord.”


Hon. Albert T. Uzzell was born in Wayne county October 31, 1854. Thomas Uzzell, his father was a farmer of the old Colonial type, owning several plantations, with an abundance of Negro slaves. He was one of those aristocratic Southern gentlemen that the Southland is proud to own. His mother was Tizah, daughter of Wright and Fannie Smith, of Wayne county. Mr. Uzzell attended ALBERT T. UZZELL
the public schools of his native county until he reached his majority, and he remained with his father, associated with him in the farming industry until his death in 1875. He then purchased a farm in Jones county, where he remained five years. This farm was situated on Trent river, near Pleasant Hill church. The first public office Mr. Uzzell ever held was at the latter place, where he was appointed postmaster under President Cleveland's first administration, which position he held until about 1884, when he purchased the family homestead from the other heirs and moved to it, where he shall reside.

In 1894 Mr. Uzzell was elected county treasurer, which position he filled with great efficiency. In 1896, he was again unanimously nominated by the Democratic party, but was defeated by the Populist nominee. In 1902 he was elected by the Democratic party to represent Wayne county in the General Assembly, and again in 1904 chosen to the same position Among the acts of his public career was the “Landlord and Tenant Bill,” which was one of the most important introduced in the two sessions in which he served, and which is familiar to nearly every farmer in the State. This law applies to forty-six counties. He also introduced several other minor bills, which were very important to Wayne county. His administration in the above capacity was faithfully performed and commands the respect and good will of the entire citzenship of Wayne county. He has served as magistrate of his township—New Hope; also a school committeeman of same. He is thoroughly apace with the educational awakening that is sweeping the Old North State. He is a member of the Methodist church.

In 1879 Mr. Uzzell was married to Miss Eliza, daughter of Robert and Eliza Peel, of Wayne, county. Two boys, Floyd H., and Robert P., comprise his family. Both have a thorough collegiate education.

Mr. Uzzell owns about 1,000 acres of farm land, with about 500 acres under cultivation. He produces chiefly cotton, corn, tobacco and peanuts. His farm is superbly located in the heart of a rich and fertile country about seven and one-half miles from Goldsboro. He has a handsome residence, with all modern conveniences and a private phone line connecting with the exchange at Goldsboro.


Dr. John B. Kennedy was born in Wayne county, April 10, 1845. His father, Col. J. T. Kennedy, was a renowned colonel in the Confederate army. His mother was Elizabeth Cox, of Wayne.

Dr. Kennedy attended the public schools of Wayne county up to the Civil War, when he went to the front at the age of sixteen in defense of the Confederacy. He first enlisted in the infantry, but was later transferred to the telegraph department. He served as operator for Bidwell's Division, of Whellen's Corps, at Fort Fisher, being present when that heroic fort fell. He was with President Davis’ escort from Charlotte to Washington, and was with the army that was the last to surrender to the Union.

At the close of the war Dr. Kennedy sojourned to Mississippi, and entered Mount Pleasant Academy, where in the winter of 1866 he married Miss Cox, of Mississippi, but formerly of Wayne county. He then returned to Wayne county, and following the bent of his mind, he began reading medicine. In the fall of 1868 he matriculated to Washington University, Baltimore, Md., where he read medicine for one year. He then entered the Medical Department of the University of Nashville, Tenn, where he graduated in 1870, with a high degree. He chose Grantham Township, Wayne county, for his field of practice, where he now remains. He has an extensive practice in his

neighborhood, being the family doctor for miles around.

Dr. Kennedy is an extensive farmer, cultivating about 600 acres of desirable farm land. He raises chiefly cotton, corn and some tobacco. He says, in his opinion, Granthan Township, being situated on a high and naturally drained country, is more adapted to the production of corn than any other section of the county.

Dr. Kennedy's first wife died about 1882, and he was married the second time to Miss Kate Bridges in 1883, who died last December. The loss of his two wives has caused him much sorrow.

Dr. Kennedy takes an active part in the medical societies of Wayne, and now holds the position as president of Wayne County Medical and Surgical Society. He is chairman of the Board of Magistrates of the county, and a Democrat in every sense of the word. He is a member of the Board of Census. He is a promoter of all that tends to education, being a school committeeman and trustee of the Falling Creek Academy, one of the best equipped county schools in Wayne county, and a pride to its neighborhood. He has been a steward in the Methodist church since 1870.


Leading “the simple life” on his farm, near Mount Olive, at peace with the world, and neither knowing nor caring for the foibles and deceits of the twentieth century commercial world; yet well versed in politics and well informed upon the leading questions of the day, lives William Potts, the type of citizen we recognize as being back of the country's solid growth and real advancement.

The subject of this sketch was the son of Newman and Susan Potts, and was born in Indian Springs Township, Wayne county, May 26, 1850. He was fifteen years old at the close of the Civil War. During the reconstruction period he stayed with his parents, helping them to reclaim their farm from the devastation wrought by the reverses of war throughout the South. He was married in 1875 to Miss Willie Casey, and moved to his present home, a cut of which is shown on another page. Their children, eight daughters, and one son, are all grown.

Mr. Potts cultivates in all about seven hundred acres. In addition to his farm near Mount Olive, he owns and operates a large farm at Baitic, Duplin county. He grows corn and cotton on quite a large scale, and some truck for market. His gin and saw-mill are fitted up with improved machinery, and each of these enterprises yield a neat income. He takes a lively interest in educational and civic affairs, is a loyal Democrat, and once sought the office of county treasurer at the hands of the Democratic party. He is a man who merits and commands the respect of the community in which he lives.


L. Bryant Dail was born in Wayne county, January 31st, 1878. His father, L. A. Dail was one of the most progressive farmers of his day, ad his mother was Sue, daughter of Isaac and Annie Martin, of Wayne county.


The subject of this sketch attended the public schools of his county for a short while and at the age of twenty-one left his father's homestead and entered the farming business for himself. By his hard labor and economic principles, he has realized quite a financial success, which he so rightly deserves. The picture which is here shown, is his handsome country residence which was built in 1901. It has all modern conveniences that are accessible and a private telephone connection with the exchange at Mount Olive.

Mr. Dail was married to Miss Sadie, daughter of E. J. and Elizabeth Martin, of Mount Olive, April 14, 1899. Three children, two boys and one girl, comprise his family.


Floyd H. Uzzell, son of A. T. and Eliza Uzzell, was born in Jones county, April 9, 1882.

When Mr. Uzzell was a small boy his parents moved to Wayne county, where he attended the public schools of his neighborhood. Later he entered the LaGrange high school, where his preparation for college was obtained.

In the fall of 1899 he matriculated to the University of North Carolina, where he took a course leading to the Batchelor of Science.

He is now living with his father on his handsome and well kept farm. He is Special Census Agent, which purpose is to gather statistics of all natures from crime to crops. He is an enthusiastic member of the secret societies of Elks and Masons at Goldsboro.

As a side line Mr. Uzzell deals in Jersey hogs, which are famous for their size and superior breeders. He also keeps on hand for his own amusement and for sale the finest possible strain of pet game fowls including the Mountain Eagle, Mexican Brassbacks, Black Devils, War Horse and Dominicque. The picture shown elsewhere in this edition is a sample of Mr. Uzzell's superior Mountain Eagle, which is six times winner and holds the championship of North Carolina FLOYD H. UZZELL
and Virginia. This fowl was raised by him and it fully demonstrates the superb class of game fowls that can be raised in Wayne county.


Britton F. Scott was born in Great Swamp township, Wayne county, December 6 1849. Probate B. Scott, his father, was one among the most progressive farmers of his day. His mother was Bethany Perkins, of Wayne.

Mr. Scott attended the public schools for a short period, but owing to the breaking out of the war, he had to put forth his energies toward the preservance of body, his father having marched to war leaving him in charge of home and farm.

Mr. Scott remained at home until he was twenty-three years of age, when his father decreed him a small tract of farm land in Stoney Creek township and he moved to it to begin the farming industry for himself. He remained at the latter place about three years and it is needless to say that he was successful, as he is with all his undertakings.

In 1882 his father's death decreed him his plantation and he moved to it, where he began farming and later operating a saw mill and cotton gin.

In September, 1903, he sold his father's plantation and purchased his present farm near Pikeville, one of the most fertile soils in all of Wayne county. He owns a handsome residence in Pikeville proper where he lives, his farm being situated just on the outskirts of the town.

In 1894 Mr. Scott was elected Sheriff of Wayne county by the Democratic party, which position he held for eight successive years with credit to himself and his party. His administration in the latter capacity has not been exceeded in all the history of the Sheriffship of Wayne county. He is a town Alderman of Pikeville, and has served several years a School Committeeman of his district.

Mr. Scott has been married twice, the first time to Miss Lou Pippin, of Wayne, who died January 28, 1887. He was married the second time, October 9, 1887, to Miss Alice Pippin, sister of his first wife, who still survives. His children are T. B., E. G., and Margeret E., all of which are living.

Mr. Scott bears the inscription of being a Democrat tried and true.


The subject of this sketch, Richard Allen Whitfield of Grantham's township, was born December 4th, 1861, in Duplin county. He is a son of John T. Whitfield, a progressive farmer of Duplin county. Mr. Whitfield obtained his educational training at Glenwood High School, Johnston county. He did a general mercantile business at Dunn N. C., for two years after leaving school. He then moved to Bizzell, N. C., this county, and began farming and a general mercantile business. He has been at his present location for the past sixteen years. He owns the store he occupies at Bizzell, and is one of the most progressive farmers of that section. Mr. Whitfield was married to Miss Sallie E. Swinson, daughter of Abe Swinson of Greene county. December 2nd, 1891. His home has never been blessed with the birth of a child, but he has reared three orphan children, and his benevolence in this respect makes his personage in any community of sterling worth.

We were unable to get a cut of Mr. Whitfield's beautiful country residence, thirteen miles west of Goldsboro, on the banks of Neuse river, on the Waynesboro and Fayetteville old stage road. It is one of the neatest and most attractive homes in Wayne county.


The subject of this sketch, (which is given here on account of his former residence in Mount Olive and intimate acquaintance with the people of Wayne county), Hon. Charles Laban Abernethy, was born at Rutherford College, N. C., March 18, 1872. He was educated at Rutherford College, where his grandfather, Rev. R. L. Abernethy, was president, after attending high schools at King's Mountain, Rutherfordton and Mount Olive. HON. CHARLES L. ABERNETHY
He lived in Mount Olive four years while a boy, except a short while when he worked in a grocery store at Goldsboro, and went from here to college. After completing his collegiate course he moved to Beaufort, N. C., and embarked in the newspaper business, establishing and conducting the Beaufort Herald for eight years. He then read law at the University of North Carolina, completing the prescribed course in law, and in October, 1895, was admitted to the bar. In December, 1895, he married Miss Minnie May, of Greene county.

Mr. Abernethy is one of the State's most sterling Democrats, and has been prominent in politics for a number of years. He was for a number of years County Attorney for Carteret, City Attorney WILLIAM N. MOORE
for Beaufort, General Counsel for the A. & N. C. Railroad. In 1898, he was a candidate for Solicitor in the Sixth Judicial District and came within a very few votes of receiving the nomination. He was Presidential Elector in 1900, also a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee. He was a prominent candidate for Congress against Hon. Chas. R. Thomas in the Third Congressional District, in 1902, but withdrew before the convention because he felt that Mr. Thomas should be returned another term on account of his contest with Fowler. Mr. Abernethy was unanimously chosen Presidential Elector in the Third District in 1904, and conducted a joint canvass with Thos. E. Owens, Republican.

Mr. Abernethy is at present Solicitor of the Sixth North Carolina Judicial District, having been appointed by Governor Glenn in 1907, to fill an unexpired term.

He is a successful lawyer, and an able and fluent speaker, and there are yet bright things ahead for him in the North Carolina political field. He is a prominent member of the Methodist church, and the son of a Methodist preacher.


It is refreshing to note the success of young men, who were born and reared in this section, and have moved into other States and achieved success in the business and professional world. Among this class is the subject of this sketch, James Daniel Swinson, of Deport, Lamar county, Texas. Mr. Swinson was born at Warsaw, N. C., on the 1st day of May, 1862, the son of Jno. E. and Bettie H. Swinson, who reside at Warsaw, occupying his home. He is the oldest now living of seven children. He attended school at Old Friendship, in Duplin county, taught by his father, Miss Nannie Martin, H. C. Moore and H. C. Stanford. After the death of his grandfather, and his father being in the Civil War, there was no one left at home except his grandmother, and the property depreciated in value, the 150 slaves were set free, whereupon his father's property was taken for debt, and consequently he was deprived of a college education. But with a determined will he worked hard, purchased books, and studied hard, and when a boy, his father and his uncle, Lippman Aaron, went into business at Warsaw, and he was placed in the store with his uncle. He remained there for several years, and afterwards was salesman for J. K. Smith and Isaac Brown, at Warsaw, and in 1883 went into the general mercantile business with O. P. Middleton at Warsaw. His health failed and in the Summer of 1884, he went to Seven Springs and remained there until fully recuperated. In 1885 he accepted a position as salesman with Mr. R. J. Southerland, Sr., at Mount Olive, and continued with him until 1888. He then took a business course at Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and returned home and was with F. Rheinstein & Co., of Wilmington, for a short time, returning then to his former position with Mr. R. J. Southerland at Mount Olive, and remaining until 1891. He then accepted a position as traveling salesman for Foster-Knight & Co., of Baltimore, Md., and they retired from business and he went with Adeesdorf, Bobbitt & Co., of the same city. He quit the road in 1898, and remained at home for several years looking after his trucking interests.

In 1899, he engaged in the hardware business at Youngsville, N. C., and in 1900 went to Savannah, Ga., and engaged in the grocery business; after that he traveled in the Northwestern States, and in June, 1902, went to Dallas, Texas, going from there to Deport, Texas, where he accepted a position with the Deport Dry Goods Co., whose combined wealth runs over the $1,000,000 mark, one of the best and largest dry goods stores in that great State, carrying a stock valued at over $15,000, and doing an annual business of $30,000 in one of the richest parts of the world.

Mr. Swinson is a Presbyterian, and is held in the highest esteem by all who know him as an honest and up-right man. He is one of those sturdy characters who believes that right is right and that wrong is wrong.


Walthall Printing Company, Richmond, Va.

Bank of Wayne "The Financial Center" of Eastern Carolina
Advertisement for Bank of Wayne, listing President, Vice President, Cashier, and Ass't Cashier, including line drawing of the bank.

Industrial and historical issue of the Mt. Olive Tribune, Mount Olive, Wayne County, N.C.
Industrial and historical issue of the Mt. Olive Tribune, Mount Olive, Wayne County, N.C. : an exposition of Wayne County's historical, industrial, educational and agricultural wealth ... [Mount Olive? N.C. : s.n.], 1907 Walthall Print. Co.) 40 p. : ill., ports. ; 34 cm. Cover title. 1907. Mount Olive, Wayne County, N.C. 1907. Alive to the call of commerce, and growing in wealth and industries. Unprecedented opportunities offered to the home seeker and prospective investor. Contains: descriptions of local business and brief biographical sketches of prominent businessmen, civic and educational leaders in Wayne County, N.C. ; photographs of individuals, businesses, schools, and other public buildings.
Original Format
Local Identifier
F262.W4 I63 1907
Location of Original
Joyner NC Rare Oversize
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Letsie Williams Sep 11 2022

Searching articles Carver High School. Mount Olive.NC 1963-1968

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