Buccaneer 1968

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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill





Greenville, North Carolina


Business Mgr.: LINDA E. IVEY


A university emerged.

Above: The North Carolina State Senate was the scene of much debate over the East Caro- lina University Bill. Left: Senators Tom White and Robert Morgan discuss the Uni- versity Bill with Lt. Governor Scott.


When it began

it was small and insecure

but on the threshold

of a great adventure.


Some years were lean,

some were good, but even the lean years were good,

because the university was striding forward.



With an ever-increasing curiosity,

it grew -

watching students come and go

and helping them to become more aware.


In its sometimes not too

adolescents became adults.

Life became fact and reality

I shed a tear for those who stumbled.

and gloried in those who

learned to cope.


tender embrace,



It was a catalyst,

a mixer and leveller,

producing leaders

and thoughtful followers.


Becoming of age.

the university emerged.

It was proud,

yet humble.

So much had been done,

but the tasks undone

and the challenges untried

loomed on the horizon

and clearly portended

a beginning.



Administration 14

Features 24

Student Life 26

Spotlight 66

Sports 90

Organizations 138

Student Government 140

Religious Groups 162

Clubs 172

Aerospace 212

Greeks 224

Fine Arts 304

Academics 328

Departments 330

Graduates 376

Senior Class 380

Junior Class 416

Sophomore Class 436

Freshman Class 456

Index 497


Right: Mr. Troy Dodson, Mr. Charles H. Larkins, Mr. R. F. McCoy. Below Left: Mrs. Henry Belk. Below Right: Mr. F. D. Duncan.

Above Right: Mr. William Blount, Mr. Henrv Belk. Right: Mr. R. F. McCoy, Mr. Charles H Larkins, Senator Robert B. Morgan, Dr. Leo Jen- kins, Mr. W. W. Taylor. Left: Mrs. J. Russell Kirby, Mr. W. W. Taylor, Jr., Mr. William Blount,


Board of Trustees Represents the People

East Carolina University is owned and operated by the people of North Carolina, who exercise their rights through their representatives, who are the Board of Trustees.

The Board, consisting of people from all walks of life, deals effectively with the problems of the University.


Leo W, Jenkins


"To Serve," the motto of East Carolina, was also the motto of President Jenkins. In November, 1965, Dr. Jenkins first raised the question of separate university status for East Carolina. "Here already stands a university. Why not declare it so?"

Thus began his struggle again to serve the people of North Carolina. Debating throughout the state, he brought the ques- tion of a university to serve the East home to the people. Pressured by the demands of the public, the legislature made its de- cision ... in favor of President Jenkins and the people of North Carolina.


Administration Expands Facilities

Administration consisted of two major divisions: the division of academic affairs, headed by Dr. Robert L. Holt, and the division of business affairs, headed by Mr. F. D. Duncan. Together these two divisions administered the student life and financial aspects of the university.

Business was conducted from the new nursing building, where the administration offices were temporarily located until they would be moved into the newly redecorated Witchard Hall.

Right: Dr. Robert L. Holt, Vice-President and Dean. Below: Dr. Robert W. Williams, Dean of Academic Affairs.


Above: Mr. Worth Baker, Registrar. Left: Dr. David Middleton, Director of Continuing Education. Below Left: Mr. Wendell Smiley, Head Librarian. Below Right: Dr. John Home, Director of Admissions.


A dministration


Right: Dr. Japies Tucker, Dean of Student Affairs. Below Left: Mr. Rudolph S. Alexander, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Below Right: Dr. George R. Weigand, Director of Guidance and Counseling.

Far Left: Mr. James B. Mallory, Dean Men. Left: Mr. Dan K. Wooten, Director Housing. Above: Miss Ruth White, Dean of Women.


Top Left: Mr. Henry Howard, Director of Public Relations. Middle Left: Mr. Thomas Willis, Di- rector of Regional Development. Bottom Left: Mr. F. K. James, Director of Placement Services. Top Right: Mr. William Eyerman. Director of Alumni Affairs. Bottom Right: Dr. James White, Director of Development.


Administration (continued)

Above Left: Mr. F. D. Duncan, Vice-President and Business Manager. Above Right: Mr. Clifton MOore, Assistant Business Manager. Right: Mr. Jerry Sutherland, Director of Operations.


Dr. Fred Irons, Supervisor of Student Health, examines one of his many daily patients.

Mrs. Repsy W. Baker Counselor, Girls New Dorm

Mr. Wilbert R. Ball Counseling Center

Mr. James Butler Public Relations

Mr. Norman Craine Lecturer

Mrs. Anne C. Cargile Library Service

Mrs. Ruth G. Cox Secretary, Music

Mrs. Marguerite Crenshaw Library

Mrs. Frances M. Dorey Student Bank

Mrs. Louise R. Farr Library

Mrs. Ruth B. Garner Counselor, Fleming

Miss Elizalfrth Herring Library Service

Mrs. Phyllis Hood Counselor, Jarvis

Mrs. Marguerite Home Library Science

Mrs. Lena L. Jackson SFAO

Mrs. Phyllis Kemen Counseling Service

Mr. Peter G. S. Ku Library Service

Dr. H. D. Lambeth Counseling Service

Mrs. Mildred B. Manning Postmaster

Mrs. Cheryl Meares SGA, Secretary

Miss Cynthia A. Mendenhall U.U.

Mrs. Leah McGlohon Library Service

Mrs. Joyce Owens SFAO

Mrs. Sallie S. Parker Counselor, Cotton

Mrs. Anne D. Reese Library Service

Dr. Ione J. Ryan Counseling Service

Miss Anne Sherrill U.U.

Mrs. Lois R. Smith Counselor, Garrett

Dr. MiMrcd D. Southwick Library Service

Mrs. Lily R. Weaver Library Service

Mrs. Marguerite Wiggins Library Service

Mrs. Vernie B. Wilder Library Service

Mrs. Brunie A. Yarley Counselor, Slay

Miss Lucile Yelverton Counselor, Cotton





Summer School Brings Watermelon Feasts, Ice Cream Cones, Bingo, Hot Days

To many summer school was a must; to others it was a means of finishing college sooner. To still others it was merely a pastime. Whatever the reason, one found the traditional summer school spirit through the luscious watermelon feasts on the mall and fun-filled nights of hingo-ice cream parties at the University Union. These aided in relieving the monotony of the continuing school year and cooled the heat of summer days.

Right: Bingo extends class mental concentration into post-dusk hours of pleasure. Below Left: Seeds and rinds are the sole remnants after a melon-devouring feast. Below Right: Crunchy cones filled with melting ice creams cool summer


Left: Sandaled feet, soft grass, and juicy melons momentarily cause one to lose his - or her - dignity. Below Left: Cut-off sweatshirts and casual dresses accentuate the coolness and fort of UU parties. Right: With cigarette and "shades," a campus policeman mingles with the college crowd on the Mall - a pleasant aspect ' his duties.


Right: Anita Sheer entertains summer school students with her singing and guitar playing. Below Left: Fireworks on the Fourth of July provide color, noise, and spectacle. Below Right: Go-go girls, beer, and cigarette smoke easily mix at The Coach and Four.


Anita Sheer, Flip Wilson Headline Summer Attractions

Summer school entertainment for 1967 at East Carolina featured several nationally prominent entertainers. Headlining the at- tractions were jazz comic Flip Wilson and singer-guitarist Anita Sheer. Fireworks on the Fourth of July and the varied entertain- ment offered by the nightspots in town pro- vided students diversion from their studies.

Left: Flip Wilson's antics and vibrant voice help heat the summer night. Below: Glitter in the skies lightens spirits and adds "soul'.*


New Arrivals Face Menacing Statistics

September brought approximately 9700 more people to Greenville as East Carolina University began a new term. A period of self-analysis began for a sizeable percentage of this group. Their parents were gone for the first time, and the agony of facing a new and unknown roommate was about to begin for all incoming freshmen. Well- known statistics, saying there was one out of three chances of remaining in school, faced each one. The re.sponsibilities of the real world thus came into each person's life.

Above Left: Moving into the dormitories start! the year off right for some people. Above Right. The whole family joins in to help move thf arriving student into his new home. Belou Right: Station wagons, loaded with clothes anc supplies, are a typical scene as students begir to arrive on campus.


Drop- Add, Registration Cause Lines, Confusion

"Form double lines over there!"

"Stop those students slinking through that back door!"

"May I borrow your pen?"

"I didn't know 50,000 students were on campus!"

As pre-registration, drop-add, and the mad rush on the book store began, these phrases were heard flowing freely about campus. This was a time seldom enjoyable and only occasionally tolerable.

Left: Drop-add forms in hand, students wait to reach the file to obtain new courses for their scliedule. Below Lejt: As the drop-add period continues, the line gets shorter; and the remain- ing number of courses gets smaller. Below Right: The necessity of buying textbooks means another line, this time in the bookstore.


Returning alumni, balloons, and colorful floats depicting the Mardi Gras theme of the 1967 East Carolina Homecoming were characteristic of the traditional Saturday morning parade. Afternoon brought on the main event: The Citadel-East Carolina foot- ball game, which ended in a disheartening 21-19 defeat for the Pirates, the first loss of the season. Night signaled the arrival of Chad and Jeremy, who preformed in Me- morial Gymnasium, and The Happenings, who provided the music for a dance in Wright Auditorium.

Above: Colorful floats decorate the Homecoming parade. Below Right: Steve Moore congratulates Homecoming Queen, Nancy New, as President Jenkins looks on.


Homecoming Features MARDI GRAS Parade

Left: Massive mache Pirate exemplifies Home- coming spirit. Below Left: Chad and Jeremy en- tertain Homecoming audience at Saturday Ni^lit concert. Above Right. Enthusiastic fans urge Bucs onward during The Citadel-East Carolina game. Below Right. "Kids" of all ages enjoy the parade.

Trees, light poles, bulletin boards, and walls covered with an assorted array of cam- paign posters; ballot boxes situated in the lobbies of dormitories and the University Union; a hopeful look covering the faces of certain students; and newspaper head- lines proclaiming party victories charac- terized the SGA elections at East Carolina University.

For the first time in the school's history, the two party system appeared to be firmly established. Winning candidates from the Student and University parties were about equal in number.

Right: Support the candidate of your choice. Below Left: "I need an activity and I.D. card this, too?!" Below Right: "Mm-m-m. I know her and her, and I like him, but he'd do a better job. Never heard of him. Gotta vote for her ..."


Elections Show Evidence of Strong Two-Party System

Colorful banners appear on the East Carolii campus as a prelude to upcoming elections.


Football Games Dominate Fall Weekends

With the cool fall weather arriving, foot- ball games emerged as the most distinctive aspect of the weekend scene at East Carolina. The excitement provided by a close game warmed the crowd and brought out the often lacking school spirit among the members of the student body as the football team battled its way to a tie for the Southern Conference Championship.

Adding an extra touch of excitement was the resounding blast of the "Rebel Yell" cannon that shook the stands after every Buc touchdown in Ficklen Stadium. The cheerleaders contributed an extra spark by leading cheers throughout the season with the help of megaphones and loudspeakers.

Above Right: "Rebel Yell" gets ready to an- nounce another touchdown! Below Left: Sherry Robertson's spirit is undaunted by the rain as she cheers the Pirates to victory. Right: Buc Tailback, Neal Hughes, scrambles for extra yardage. Below Right. East Carolina fans forget the rain when the Pirates are playing.


Dr. Kim Keynotes Model United Nations

Delegates from 45 colleges and universi- ties convened April 5 on the East Carolina campus for a four-day session of the Middle South Model United Nations. Over 400 students from East Carolina partici- pated.

"The challenge of the United Nations: Today and Tomorrow," the opening ad- dress, was presented by Dr. Kim of the East Carolina Political Science Depart- ment. President of the General Assembly was Douglas Adams of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

Discussion of forty different resolutions presented a wide variety of views from both sides of the "iron curtain."

Above Left: General Assembly President, Doug Adams, emphatically stresses his point. Above Right :SecTetary-GeneTa\, Jim Kimsey, presents the "Best Delegation" Award to Western Carolina. Left: Dr. Kim addresses delegates in his key- note speech.


Above: After an extended period of study, this student soothes a headache with a cool washcloth. Below Left: Studying implies work done in the classroom as well as that done outside. Below Right: Art students often take ad- vantage of the warm Southern weather to complete their various projects.


Studying Consumes Long Hours

Studying, often referred to as cramming in the student vernacular, was the activity that predominated the lives of East Caro- lina's scholars. The University's curriculum required many hours of preparation out- side of class; but many students were guilty of procrastination, which resulted in an all-night cram-in. Examination week often found students unprepared for the rough schedule of tests ending in long hours of at- tempted study with the help of coffee and other stimulants.

Above Left: Concentration in the classroom is an essential aspect of pulling good grades. Right: Botany students are seen everywhere on campus as they prepare leaf collections during Fall quarter. Below Left: Last minute study before class begins is helpful in preparing for unexpected questions.


Folk Singers Headline Fall Entertainment

Fall quarter brought a number of no- tables to the East Carolina campus through the Popular Concert Series and Lecture Series of the Student Government Associa- tion and the University Union Coffee House.

Ian and Sylvia began the new term with a folk concert on the mall. They presented a variety of music with English and American ballads, Negro blues, cowboy ballads, and French-Canadian songs. Pop Singer, Glenn Yarbrough, accompanied by the Stanyan Street Quartet highlig" Parents' Day October 7 with an afternoon mall concert. Chad and Jeremy played two Homecoming concerts for the usually large Homecoming crowd. Wright Auditorium was the site for the "Pop-Folk" concert of the Serendipity Singers in November. An instrumental and vocal group, the nine members entertained with a combination of songs and comedy.

Syndicated Washington columnist of the Chicago Daily- Neivs, Peter Lisagor, in- itiated the Student Government Association Lecture Series with a discjssion entitled "LBJ's Use of Men and Materials." The former South Vietnamese ambassador to the United States, Dr. Tran Van Chuong, visited East Carolina November 14 with a talk on "What Next in Vietnam?"

Folk singing was the featured event at the University Union Coffee House with the Steve Baron Quartet and Raun McKinnon providing the entertainment.

Right: Dr. Tran Van Chuong. Below Left: Glenn Yarbrough displays his talent at the Parents' Day mall concert. Below Right: Raun McKinnon en- tertains students at the University Union Coffee House.


Above Left: Parents observe Glenn Yarbrough at October 7 concert. Above Right: The Steve ron Quartet. Below Left: Chad and Jeremy. low Right: Jean McGinnis sings at the Fall arter "Folk Fast" on the mall.


Building Expansion Takes Parking Facilities

With the expanding of the University, parking problems became more and more eminent. Parking space had always been limited at East Carolina; but as new class- room buildings were erected in a large portion of the student parking area, many students had to park their cars in less con- venient areas. The administration, however, did much to combat this increasing problem by developing more student parking places around New Austin and the New Music Building and between Erwin Building and the Pamlico Boom. The parking situation for women students was alleviated to some degree by the widening of the campus street in front of the dormitories and the creating of parking spaces.

Above: "No Parking" signs with obvious violations exist on almost every road. Above Right: Finding one's car after parking it can prove to be frustrat- ing on a late winter afternoon. Middle Right: Campus police, equipped with radio, nylon jacket, and innumerable pink slips, seek offenders at every turn.


Cafeteria Efficiency Improves

1967-68 saw increased competition be- tween the East Carolina Cafeteria and the downtown Greenville establishments. The cafeteria had a slight edge at the beginning of the year with the introduction of the "sloppy joe." However, Happy's Billiard and Lunch soon countered with the ham- burger steak, blackeyed peas, and French fries. On the whole, competition was very keen for the patrons of gourmet foot at East Carolina University.

All things being equal, however, this year saw only slight increases in cafeteria prices; and the efficiency of the system improved tremendously. The students seemed very happy with the newly opened Pamlico Room and were tolerant, if not happy, with the food.

Above Left: Keeping the food warm and on dis- play at the same time is always a problem, but the cafeteria attempts to solve it with lights and heating from underneath the pans. Below Left. Choosing from meats and vegetables that are precooked saves both time and money. Below: A central kitchen serves each of the three regular cafeterias. Far Below. Toward the end of the dinner period, business drops off, and momentary boredom for the cafeteria workers occurs.



Building Testifies Growth of University

Pilings and cranes, pipes and dirt piles, building frames and workmen, steady bangs and a great deal of noise charac- terized East Carolina University's growth. Among the new buildings were the new Minges Coliseum with its nine-lane Olym- pic-size pool, a new science building, a new home economics building, a heating plant, a ten-story women's dormitory, and an addition to Joyner Library.

Below: New Minges Coliseum nears its final stages of construction.


Students Find Weekend Diversions in Downtown Greenville

This year the final blow was struck! In recent years the economy of Greenville has been increasingly based on a common denominator, beer. The All-American boy, who dated the All-American girl, found no place to go. That former paragon of Ameri- canism and virtue, the ice cream parlor, was changed to the Georgetown Beer Tav- ern.

This tavern joined the existing hangouts of students: The Rathskellar, the Coach and Four, the Fiddlers Three, and The Ruins.

As the library surrendered its audience of sleepers and conversationalists on Friday afternoons, these were the places to go. But there were others also. The East Caro- lina University Playhouse and other school sponsored programs were supplemented by the two downtown theaters and the religi- ous sponsored "The Itch" and '"The Cata- combs." Hope was still alive, therefore, even after so disasterous a mishap as the loss of the ice cream parlor.

Right: The fountain in the center of Wright Circle attracts couples in the Fall and Spring both before and after dark. Left: The Pitt County Fair provides a variety of games and exhibits for dating. Below Right: Warm weather brings out blankets, couples, and interesting topics of conversation.


Above: Couples' greatest interest is conversa- tion with a favorite date over beer and coffee. Left: Jukebox in "The Rat" features music to drink by. Above Right: Silent moments among two people are often seen on any part of the campus.


''Fun in Fantasyland'' Serves as Theme of All- Sing

"Fun in Fantasyland" was the theme of the All-Sing sponsored by Alpha Xi Delta and presided over by Master of Ceremonies, Baron Hignite. The program was begun by Alpha Xi Delta with a portrayal of some children's fairy tales such as Peter Pan, the Three Bears, Cinderella, and Red Ridinghood.

Winning sorority was Alpha Delta Pi, who presented a satire on registration called "Registration is a Constipation." Honorable mention went to Chi Omega. First place in the fraternity division went to Phi Kappa Tau with its medley of popular songs, and honorable mention was given to Sigma Pi Epsilon. The professional di- vision winner was Sigma Alpha Iota Fra- ternity.

Above Right: The Alpha Xi Deltas practice long and hard for the annual All-Sing program which they host. Right: Singing Hans Christen Anderson niedlies, the Kappa Deltas are dressed appropriately for their presentation. Below Right: Enthusiastically singing "Somewhere," the Sigmas participate in the annual Alpha Xi Delta All-Sing.


Vietnam concerned everyone in one way another throughout the year. Reflecting : great amount of interest in this issue s the debate between Dr. John East and . Cleveland Bradner. Resolved: That the ense of South Vietnam is vital to the na- nal interest of the United States. The late attracted an overflowing crowd neces- iting a move from the Educational- i^chology Auditorium to McGinnis Au- orium in order to accommodate all who ihed to be admitted.

Taking the affirmative was Dr. East who tended: "The fabric of freedom is a mless web where there can be no flaws." ending the policies of President Lyndon nson and Secretary of State Dean Rusk,

Vietnam Concerns Campus

he took the position that the goals of the United States in Vietnam were simply to provide the South Vietnamese with the right to choose their own form of government, whether democratic or communist.

Assuming the negative side of the ques- tion posed. Professor Bradner approached the problem from a philosophical stand- point. He stated that America was moving toward a militarily oriented government rather than a civilian one and that the whole problem could best be solved through strengthening the United Nations. "Under the present circumstances," said Mr. Brad- ner, "The United States is merely furnishing 'free mercenaries.' "

Above Left: Dr. John East relates his views on ies of the administration in Vietnam. Above t: Professor Cleveland Bradner expresses his on that the United States, is becoming more nilitarily oriented society.


Fads Add

Above Left: Suede boots and pin-striped pants are the mode of dress for more than a few students. Above Right: Coeds exemplify the contrasting hair and clothing styles that exist on the East Carolina Campus. Below Right: Spanish- American influence on clothing fads provide warmth for this coed.


Variety, Color to East Carolina Campus

Fads and fashions were generally syn- onomous. Keeping up with the growing fashion world was a challenge for students on college campuses across the nation. East Carolina was not to be omitted from this pandemonium. Long straight hair, leather boots, textured stockings, loud colors, wild prints, plaid slacks, and mini-skirts were a few of the fads seen on this campus. As fashions changed with taste and time, so went the fads.

Above Left: "Granny glasses" come into vogue on the East Carolina campus for both men and women. Above Right: Vinyl boots add spice to a natural attraction. Beloiv Left: Hair styles in Greenville follow the national trend.


These coeds typify East Carolina women.


Coeds Contribute Spirit, Vitality

East Carolina coeds added much to the reputation of the University. If anyone doubted the validity of this statement, he needed only to ask the male students at Carolina, State, or Duke.

There could never have been a typical East Carolina University coed because each had her own characteristics. Each in her own way added something to make East Carolina the school that it was. The University did not make the girls, but the girls made up a good part of the Univer- sity.


Greenville Experiences Beauty, Hardships

of Winter

"The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around." The words of Coleridge had definite meaning for Greenville resi- dents during their ice storm, which covered everything in sight with a beautiful sheet of ice. Nothing was left out: motorcycles, cars, roads, trees, and buildings. The ice worked its gorgeous wonders everywhere. The students with stalled cars, no heat, no lights, and dead telephones thought the ice was beautiful too !

Above Right: A motorcycle left in the open catches the full fury of the storm. Below Left. The ice-covered campus presents a somewhat unique and attractive view. Below Right. Every bush and tree has its original design forced on it by the ice.


East Carolina Initiates International Studies Abroad

Under the leadership of Dr. Ralph Napp and Dr. Hans Indorf, the International Studies Abroad organization was organized to expand the number of foreign exchange students and to expand the number of American students studying or traveling abroad.

Membership was not limited to foreign language students only but to any who wished to pursue a major field of study abroad. Under this program a nine-hour course was offered in the Political Science Department for studying political processes in Western Europe.

East Carolina University students this year came in touch more than ever before on this campus with the international aspect of academic life. A program of foreign film exchange as well as an increased number of foreign professors and students added a new dimension to East Carolina's enrollment.

Above: This group poses in front of a traditional Egyptian backdrop during a travel study tour to Europe and the Mediterranean. Below Left: This picture of a typical tourist attraction in Pisa was taken during a tour of Southern Europe. Below Right: These members of the International Studies Abroad Organization discuss future possibilities of studying abroad.


Wall Offers Opportunity for Discussion, Friendship

No one knew quite why the wall was built or how it became an institution. The fact that the wall and its constantly chang- ing array of characters had become a part of the University was undeniable. Many people met and became friends while taking advantage of the free "open air" atmos- phere. Many made a habit of visiting the wall before or after classes. Far from being a Berlin Wall or the "good wall makes good neighbors wall" of Robert Frost, this wall was one that- brought people together in common interests and goals.

Above Right: This student takes advantage of the wall to observe one of the coeds on campus. Below: The wall has also become waiting place for students between classes.


Soda Shop Furnishes Refreshment, Meeting Place

As crowds poured from the classroom buildings, the University Soda Shop became the action spot for between-class activity. Mass confusion resulted as everyone pushed his way up to the counter and began shout- ing his order to the frantic workers. Music from the jukebox, talk of week-end plans, laughter, and friendly chatter filled the air for the congregation of friends around the tables and along the side counters. Yes, this was the soda shop scene that became so familiar to the students of East Carolina.

Above Left: Lunchtime in the soda shop attracts a large crowd. Above Right: Parallel counters provide a place for a quiet drink and a moment of contemplation. Below Left: Numerous tables and chairs in the soda shop furnish a place for rest and conversation. Below Right: The main at- traction in the soda shop is the usually crowded bar.


Saturday Mornings Provide Peace, Quiet

Saturday mornings often found the East Carolina campus deserted. Many students packed their bags and left on Friday for a two-day vacation away from dormitory life. Many who remained spent Saturday morning in bed and tried to catch up on some much-needed sleep. A few earnest stu- dents in the library caught up on some past assignments or pushed ahead in their stud- ies. All in all, activity was relatively limited and quiet as the rise of the sun brought Saturday morning.

Left: Some people choose to spend the entire morning sleeping. Above Right: Laundry, ac- cumulated over a period of time, usually is taken out of the closet on Saturday morning. Below Right: Workers clean up the last few remnants of trash thrown about during the week.


Rain Brings Out Umbrellas, Boots

When typical monsoons engulfed the East Carolina campus, coeds were dressed for the weather in their bright-colored rain- coats and high leather boots. The sidewalks were much too narrow as students with their opened umbrellas rushed from class to class. Occasionally an unexpected cloud spilled its contents as classes changed, and unprepared students were forced to trod unprotected in the rain. After getting settled with wet hair and drenched clothes, stu- dents often looked out the window only to find that the sun was now peeking through the clouds once again.

Above Left: A plastic rain hat assures this girl of protection from the elements. Lower Left: Rain and a small umbrella keep this couple close to- gether. Above Right: Reflections in a new-born puddle are typical of Greenville all twelve months of the year.


Carousel Weekend

Initiating the Popular Concert Series for winter quarter was singer-pianist Ray Charles, who presented the first concert in East Carolina's new Minges Coliseum. Playing before an overflowing crowd. Ray sang a wide variety of songs including popular hits, blues, and ballads. Second on the calendar was the Danish Gymnastic Team, organized and directed by Erik Flensted-Jensen. Presenting a series of physical acrobatics, the program was di- vided into 14 parts and accompanied by music written by two members of the team.

Highighting the winter term was the first annual Carousel Weekend. This pro- gram began with a lecture by Al Capp, famous for creation of Li"l Abner. Martin St. James, returning to the East Carolina campus for the second straight year, per- formed in Minges Colisium with a display of his hypnotic powers. Climaxing the week- end was a concert by the Lettermen on Saturday afternoon and a dance that night. The Buckinghams and the Monzas provided the music.

Rounding out the winter entertainment of the University Union Coffee House Series were the Grimm Brothers. These three Chicagoans gave a two-hour performance every night for a week with a show con- sisting of political and sociological satire.

Above: Ray Charles performs in the first concert given in Minges Coliseum. Left: Danish Gymnastic team demonstrates agility on the balance beam. Right: Grimm Brothers satirize American So- ciety in a performance during the University Union Coffee House Se


Headlines Winter Entertainment

Above: The Lettermen in concert during Corousel weekend. Left: Cartoonist Al Capp relates some of his opinions at the reception after his lecture. Right: After being hypnotized by Martin St. James, a student gives his impression of Elvis Presley.


Flu Epidemic Affects Class Attendance

"In sickness and in sorrow, till death do us part" described the marriage of each East Carolina student to his University. If true, many marriages were put to a severe test during the flu epidemic that struck the campus. Pleas for infirmary excuses were met with the usual cooperation, and patients were whisked speedily in to see the doctors. Green and blue pills supplemented by tasty syrup were the order of the day. Fortified with renewed vigor, the students were then able to resume the never-ending struggle for knowledge and learning.

Left: A table containing assorted kinds of medicine and bandages is a familiar sight to flu victims. Above Right: When attempting to kill time, students welcome magazines. Right: A preliminary temperature check is necessary for everyone before seeing the doctor.


170 Girls Participate in Formal Rush

Beginning with approximately 170 girls visiting each of the eight sorority houses for two consecutive nights, the process of eli- mination and decision-making began. Since each sorority had a quota of 13 pledges, competition was stiff.

Skit parties at each house initiated the second phase of rush. Returning by invita- tion only, the sisters and rushees were able to meet and get better acquainted. On Fri- day night the high-light of the week's acti- vities, the preferential party, was given at each house. After these parties, each rushee went to the Panhellenic Room to sign a preference sheet for the sorority she wished to join. Each sorority went through this same procedure; and the Panhellenic Coun- cil, with the help of Dean White, tallied the two preference sheets.

Saturday the girls picked up the bids they had received and returned to their respec- tive houses to begin the pledge period of- ficially.

Above: Rushees sign the guest hook at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Left: Alpha Delta Pis end their week of formal rush with the Black Diamond Ceremony. Below Left: Alice and the Mad Hatter take rushees through Chi Land. Below Right: Extravagant decorations highlight the skit night phase of formal rush.


Mortar Boards, Diplomas Symbolize Transition to New Roles

"They came, they saw, and they con- quered."

Thus the graduates of East CaroHna realized their most recent phase of educa- tion completed. They began to look forward to the challenge of tomorrow. The begin- ning of their education in realities was, hopefully, made more meaningful by their years at East Carolina. Their goals and ambitions then became the ambitions of those who took their places here.

Upper: From the tops to '"the top" go the students of East Carolina University. Above: The march of intellect precedes the handshake and diploma. Right: Words of wisdom come from Wake Forest President-elect, Dr. James R. Scales.


Below: A recognition of responsibilities that lie ahead causes serious expressions. Lower Right: The long wait for the diplomas has been anticipated.




Features Beauties, Marshals, Who's Who


1968 Buccaneer Queen

Juanita Barbee

Nita Barbee, a senior Home Economics major from Charlotte, North Carolina, was selected as the 1968 Buccaneer Queen from a field of 48 girls. A member of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority, Nita was also Summer School Queen in 1965 and Interfraternity Council Queen in 1966. She was sponsored by Kappa Alpha Order.



Sherry Robertson

First Runner-up

Sponsored by Sigma Sigma Sigma soro ity, Sherry Robertson was a junior primary education major from Petersburg, Virginia.

Linda West

Second Runner-up

Linda West, sponsored by South Fletcher dorm, was a business major from Burling- ton and a member of Delta Zeta sorority.


Nancy New

Homecoming Queen

Fine Arts major Nancy New, a sopho- more from Alexandria, Virginia, was spon- sored by Phi Alpha Sigma fraternity and was a member of Alpha Deha Pi sorority.

Caroline Riddle

Summer School Queen

Caroline Riddle, senior grammar educa- tion major from Norfolk, Virginia, was sponsored by the Sigma Sigma Sigma so- rority.


Dorothy Ferguson

White Ball Queen

Business Education major Dottie Fergu- son, a green-eyed beauty from Lemon Springs, North Carolina, was sponsored by Theta Chi fraternity.

Barbara Taylor

IFC Queen

Barbara Taylor, an attractive primary education major from Virginia Beach, Vir- ginia, was sponsored by Chi Omega soror- ity.


Barbara Davis

MilitarY Queen

Barbara Davis, a charming blond from Rocky Mount, North Carolina, was spon- sored by AFROTC.

Gay Winstead

MRC Queen

Music education major Gay Winstead, a senior from Charlotte, North Carolina, reigned as the Men's Residence Council Queen for 1967-68.


Sixteen Girls Represent School At Public Events

Chosen during the spring by a general student body election, the sixteen college marshals served as the official hostesses for school sponsored events. The main re- quirement for election to this position was an overall B average that must be main- tained throughout the school year.

One of the sixteen girls was picked as chief marshal. She assumed the responsibil- ity of coordinating duties and making the assignments during the year.

Right: Chief Marshal, Elizabeth Cooke. Lower Left: Pam White. Lower Right: Judy Joyner.


Above Left: Carleen Hjortsvang, Below Left: Cyndie Potter. Right: Cynthia Freeman.


Marshals (continued)

Right: Jean Joyner. Below Left: Gwyn Foushee. Below Right: Peggy Davis.


Above Left: Frances Kay Ivey. Above Right:

Gay Winstead. Below Left: Linda Tetterton. Below Right: Lynn Holt.


Marshals (continued)

Right: Nancy Lawson. Below Left: Anne Hen- dershot. Below Right: Anne Yelverton.


Thirty-Nine Receive National Recognition

WHO'S WHO AMONG AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES chose 39 East Carolina men and women to be honored during the 1967-68 school year. Selections were made on the basis of citizen- ship, leadership, academic records, and contributions to the University. Emphasis was placed on extra-curricular activities rather than scholarship alone. In making the selections the committee felt these ac- tivities were also a measure of the students' abilities.

Gale Elizabeth Adams

East Carolinian, Subscriptions Manager, Service Award; Phi Beta Lambda; Sigma Tau Sigma; Gamma Beta Phi, Secretary; Pi Omega Pi, Treasurer; College Union Student Board, Social Committee; SGA Representative, New Dorm, Rules Commit- tee, Acting Secretary, Senate Study Com- mittee; Mode! UN Secretariat, Security Council; Student Party, Parliamentarian; Beaufort County Club, Vice-chairman; The Rebel, Review Staff; ECU Merit Scholar; Plavhouse.

Rebecca Ann Barrow

Key, Editor; Buccaneer, Copy Editor, Fine Arts Editor; Delta Zeta, Treasurer; Publi- cations Board; Young Democrats Club, secretary; Dormitory House Council; Mod- el United Nations, page.

Barry Allan Blick

Jones Dormitory, President; Men's Judi- ciary; Dean's Advisory Council; Interdorm- itory Council; Orientation Counselor; Sec- retary of Internal Affairs; Alpha Kappa Delta, President; President's Cabinet; Wake County Club, Chairman; Student Party, Chairman ; SGA Legislator ; College Federa- tion of Young Democrats, State Treasurer.

Barry Blick


Who's Who (continued)

Irvin P. Breedlove

Crew team; Business Manager of The Reb- el; SGA Legislature; SGA Executive Coun- cil; Senior Class President; Alpha Kappa Psi, Treasurer; Law Society; Baptist Stu- dent Union, MRC.

Donna Cherry

Sigma Tau Delta, President, Secretary, Treasurer; Slay Hall, Secretary; Student counselor Slay and Ragsdale; SNEA; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Semi- nar; Wesley Foundation; Scholastic Mar- shal; Varsity Band.

Michael John Conley

GE College Bowl Team; Varsity cross coun- try and track; Debate team; Delegate to Model United Nations Assembly; Phi Sig- ma Pi; Delta Sigma Pi; East Carolinian columnist.

Elizabeth Warren Cooke

Vice-president of Gotten Hall; Chairman of Student Counselors, Gotten; Assistant edi- tor of 1966-67 Key; Chief marshal; Alpha Beta Alpha; Alpha Phi.

John Conley


Judith Fay Cramer

Dean's List every quarter; Sigma Pi Alph Phi Beta Kappa; Attended Inter-A: University at Saltello, Mexico.

John Dexter Daughlridge

Beta Kappa Chapter of Pi Omega Pi; Tau Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi; Jones Dorm, Floor Manager; Scott Dorm, Floor Man- ager.

Ruth Ellen Fleming

North Carolina College Queen of 1967; Kappa Delta, Activities Chairman, Press Chairman, 3 Activity Awards, Pledge Class Treasurer; Sigma Tau Sigma; Freshman Orientation Counselor.

Sylvia Gwyn Foushee

Alpha Delta Pi; Tau Pi Upsilon, President; College Marshal; Student Nurses Associa- tion ; Student Counselor.

Gwyn Foushee


Who's Who (continued)

Frank Frederick Freudig

Marching Pirates; Arnold Air Society, Commander; AFROTC, Commander; Dean's Advisory Board.

Marjory Jane Hendricks

Women's Judiciary, Member at Large, Vice- President; SGA legislature, Rules Commit- tee, School Spirit Committee, Campus Com- munications Committee, Homecoming Com- mittee, Campus Movies Chairman; Varsity Cheerleader Alternate; Associate Arts Board; Women's Glee Club; Varsity Band; Student Party; State Student Legislature; Middle South Model United Nations.

Leslie Wilson Hewett, Jr.

Gymnastics Club, President; Phi Sigma Pi; Mathematics Club; Industrial Arts Club.

Lynn Foushee Holt

Alpha Delta Pi; Tau Pi Upsilon; College Marshal; Orientation Counselor; Student Counselor; Student Nurses Association.

Frank Freudig

Lynn Holt

Marjory Hendricks


Rebecca Mae Holder

Chi Omega, Vice-president, Secretary; Stu- dent Counselor; Orientation Counselor; Sophomore Class Secretary; Summer School Day Student Representative; Stu- dent Nurses' Association; Women's Honor Council, Attorney General.

Jo Anne House

SGA Historian; SGA Legislator; Outstand- ing Student Legislator Award; University Identification Card Chairman; Homecom- ing Decoration Chairman; Chi Omega.

Martha Doby Humphrey

Phi Alpha Theta; Gamma Beta Phi; Stu- dent Counselor; History Honors Program; Student Hostess.

Dorothy Jean Joyner

Alpha Phi, President, Corresponding Sec- retary; College Marshal; Women's Honor Council, Vice-chairman; 1966 Editor of the Key; Publications Board; SGA Special Events Committee; Student Counselor.


Who's Who (continued)

Judith Ann Joyner

Alpha Phi; Marshal; Orientation Counse- lor; Student Counselor; SGA representa- tive; Junior Class Secretary.

Thomas Henry King

MRC Representative; University Union, President, Fine Arts Chairman; Dean's Ad- visory Council; Associated Arts Board; Delta Phi Delta, National Honorary Art Fraternity.

Robert Allen Koehler

Freshman Football; Varsity Football; Lutheran Student Association, President; Phi Alpha Theta; Phi Sigma Pi. Historian, Pledge Chairman; Faculty Evaluations Committee; History Departments Gifted Students Committee; History Honors Pro- gram: Recipient History Honor's Scholar- ship.


Glenn Martin Lassiter

SGA Representative; Sophomore Class President; Social Standards Committee; Foreign Films Committee; Executive Coun- cil; Dean's Advisory Council; Ring Com- mittee; Junior Class President; Secretary of Entertainment; Presidential Cabinet; As- sociated Arts Board; Campus Movies Com- mittee; Fine Arts Committee; Dormitory Floor Representative; MRC Executive Treasurer; Playhouse participant; Phi Al- pha Sigma, Secretary, Chaplain, President of Alpha Pledge class; Inter-Fraternity Council; MENG; Marching Pirates; Var- sity Band; Concert Choir; Men's Glee Club; Chapel Choir; College Singers; Secretary of Wake County Club; Dormitory Floor Manager; NCIAA; AIAA; Industrial and Technical Education Club; Student Party.

Samuel Blair Lilly

Phi Epsilon Kappa, President; Men's Honor Council; Phi Sigma Pi; Sigma Delta Psi; Freshman and Varsity Basketball; Physical Education Major's Club; Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

John Kinnion Meares

SGA Summer School, President; Honor Council; Young Republican's Club, Presi- dent, Treasurer; Freshman Class Vice-presi- dent; Student Party, Chairman, Treas- urer; Budget Committee; SGA Legislature; Attorney General's Staff; Model United Na- tions; Debate Team; Orientation Coun- selor; Viet Nam Blood Drive; East Caro- linian editorial staff.


Who's Who (continued)

Boyce Stevenson Moore, Jr.

SGA, President, Treasurer, Student Legisla- ture; IDC, Treasurer; IRC Vice-president; Kappa Alpha Order; Summer School SGA, Treasurer: Budget Committee, Chairman; Freshman Honors Math Program; Dean's Advisory Council; Most Outstanding Execu- tive Member 1966-67.

Bobby Scot Ober

Young Republican's Club, Secretary, Public- ity Chairman; SNEA; Pi Omega Pi, Presi- dent; National Student Representative; Phi Beta Lambda.

Margaret Steele Rumbley

Phi U Colony of Phi Upsilon Omicron, President; Chi Beta Phi; Home Economics Association; Head Start Teacher Orienta- tion Program, Dietitian.

Bobby Ober

Margaret Rumbley


Howard George Salenius

Men's Judiciary, Vice-chairman; Young Republican's Club, Chairman; Delegate to the Model United Nations: Phi Alpha Theta Honorary History Society; Men's Honor Council, Chairman.

John Alexander Staley Jr.

Phi Sigma Pi, Vice-president; Student Sec- tion American Institute of Physics, Presi- dent; Math Honors Association, President; Math Club; SGA Legislator, Rules Com- mittee, Chairman; Public Defender's Staff; Men's Judiciary.

Thornton Green Slovall, Jr.

Phi Sigma Pi, President; Math Club, Presi- dent; Granville County Club, President; Dean's Advisory Council; Orientation Counselor; MRC; Scott Dormitory, Lieu- tenant Governor; Math Honors Club; Phys- ics Club, Treasurer.

Charlene F. Teitelbaum

Women's Glee Club, Treasurer; SNEA; Dormitory President, Vice-president; Wo- men's Judiciary Member-at-Large, Presi- dent; Alpha Epsilon Pi Sweetheart; Hebrew Youth Fellowship, Vice President, Corre- sponding Secretary; Public Defender of Women's Honor Council; WRC, Chairman.

Charlene Teitelbaum


Who's Who (continued)

Anitra Todd

Women's Honor Council, Chairman; Secur- ity Council secretary for Model United Nations; Alpha Delta Pi, Secretary.

Lana Johann Vaughan

Women's Judiciary, Chairman: Alpha Phi, Secretary, Vice-president; SNEA; Bucca- neer staff: Women's Rules Committee; Ring Committee; Orientation Counselor; Wom- en's Judiciary Constitution Committee chairman.

James Alton Walker

Phi Sigma Pi, Treasurer; Intramural soft- ball; Faculty Evaluation Committee. '

Benjamin Thomas Webb

President of Junior and Senior Classes; Chi Beta Phi; Psi Chi; Kappa Alpha; Dean's Advisory Council.


Sandra Kaye Wentzel

Alpha Delta Pi, President; Freshman Class Treasurer: Day Student Representative; Member of Executive Committee; Enter- tainment Committee; Ring Committee; Dean's Advisory Council; Student Party; Student State Legislature delegate; Execu- tive Secretary for Mid South Model United Nations.

Theodore Walker Whitley

Lambda Chi Alpha; Freshman basketball; Freshman and Varsity baseball; Psi Chi; Psychology Club.

James Hilliard Young

Phi Kappa Tau; Buccaneer, Editor-in-chief; East Carolinian, Editor-in-chief; The Key, Associate Editor; Student Legislature com- mittees; Men's Residence Council; Publica- tions Board; Law Society; Middle South Model United Nations Vice-president; North Carolina State Student Legislature; United States Student Press Association; Recipient of East Carolina University Publications Board Award.

Theodore Whitley





Pirates Post 8-2 Record in Football Competition

High spots of the 1967 football season included an 8-2 overall record, an all-time East Carolina offensive record, the Southern Conference's individual rushing record, and a total of some -10 school, team, and in- dividual marks.

Three players - Neal Hughes, Butch Col- son, and Kevin Moran - were honored by numerous all-star outfits.

The Pirates got off to a six-game winning streak and envisioned another conference championship, but the Citadel came to Ficklen Stadium on Homecoming and les- sened ecu's chances of winning the con- ference title.

The other loss was to West Texas State, also at home. The Buffaloes brought as much talent to Ficklen Stadium as any visiting team had that season.

The Pirates began the season against William and Mary in a hurricane and strug- gled three quarters before erupting for 20 points in the final period to turn the tables.

No such problem occurred the following week against Richmond. The Bucs, after grabbing a 7-0 lead in the first quarter, pushed out front by 20-7 at halftime and added a field goal in the final half for a safe 2.3-7 decision.

Right: Head Coach Clarence Stasavich.

Above: First Row: T. Hicks, P. Hutchins, N. Hughes, J. Schwartz, P. Schnurr, K. Moran, N. Gravertt, T. Grant, W. Prince, A. Glass, J. Schuffler. Second Row: D. Young, C. Overton, J. Gudger, B. Colson, P. Bilodeau, B. Wrightman, B. Cothren, J. Dudley, W. Springs, S. Laney, B. Grieb. Third Row: R. Best, T. Bullock, D. Tyson, G. Wheeler, M. Murray, D. Flanagan, S. Garrett, M. Boaz, P. Weathersbee, B. McClure, B. Braak. Foiirlh Row: R. Jaronczyck. D. Wilmer, J. Louis, F. Rhodes, W. Lineberry, J. Flowe, D. Hamilton, B. Tucker, C. Swanner, V. Taylor.


Left: Tyson splits upright for the extra point against William and Mary. Below left: Flanagan grabs a scoring pass in the Richmond game. Below Right: Gay is carried off the field with a broken leg at Williamsburg, Va.

ECU 27 William and Mary 7

ECU 23 University of Richmond 7

ECU 42 Davidson 17

ECU 21 Southern Illinois 8

ECU 18 Louisville 13

ECU 27Parsons 26

ECU 19 Citadel 21

ECU 17 Furman 21

ECU 13 West Texas State 37

ECU 29 Marshall 13


Pirates Win Six in a Row

Above: Hughes scrambles for yardage against Wildcats. Right: ECU's Young hums a TD i during the Davidson game.

Playing before the largest crowd ever assembled at Davidson for a football game, East Carolina got off to a quick lead; but in the middle of the second period it found itself trailing. Down 17-14 with five and a half minutes left before intermission, the Bucs went ripping on to two touchdown drives to regain a lead they never lost.

The undefeated Pirates rolled into Ficklen Stadium for their first home game played against Southern Illinois University. The Salukis were a slight favorite to de-rail the Bucs, but the game turned out to be all East Carolina. Fella Rhodes got the Pirates their first touchdown as he went winging 61 yards with a stolen pass, a blow from which SIU never recovered.


The following week another nationally- ranked passer, Wally Oyler, came to visit ECU. He and his Louisville teammates were treated equally as well as the previous stars the Bucs had encountered.

The Pirates went all the way to Iowa for their sixth straight victory, and it turned out to be the most exciting of the year. Neal Hughes turned in, what Coach Clar- ence Stasavich termed, the single greatest effort by one of his players. Hughes scored three touchdowns and passed for a fourth.

Hughes had one touchdown run of 86 yards, netted 134 on the ground, and passed for another 104. Colson bulled his way for 74 yards to give the Pirates a 27-26 victory over Parsons.

Left: Weary offensive unit takes a break during the Louisville game. Below Lejt: ECU back tries to evade Louisville defense. Below Right: Colson pulls in the pigskin with a Louisville defender on his heels.


Above: Pirates' offense moves against the Bull- dogs. Above Left: Hughes flips pass against Bulldog rush. Right: Atkins fights for position between two Cadet defenders.


Pirates Suffer First Defeat During Homecoming

With the biggest crowd ever in Ficklen Stadium for the Homecoming game, the Pirates were dealt a poor hand by fate. The Citadel, a team filled with sophomores, chose this date to use up most of its good fortune for the year.

The Pirates had 25 first downs to the Citadel's 11, netted 242 yards rushing to 91 for the South Carolinians, and gained 181 yards passing to the Citadel's 155. But the final score was 21-19 for the Citadel, and the winning streak was broken. As it turned out, this was the deciding factor in the con- ference race. Had the Pirates won or tied, they would have owned out-right or shared the Southern Conference title with West Virginia.

The Pirates, after leading early, fell be- hind twice to the Cadets and on the second occasion put on another stirring late game offensive push that brought a touchdown. Still trailing by two points, they tried a two point conversion that failed.

Colson churned out his best effort of the year as he gained 153 yards and completed a pass for another 22 yards.

Below: Bucs pick up tough yards in Homecoming match.


Football (continued)

Down 28-7, Furman came back to lead 29-28 late in the fourth quarter in one of the biggest offensive displays involving two teams in the history of Ficklen Stadium. With the clock running out, the Pirates drove for the winning touchdown with Neal Hughes hitting Tom Grant with a 17-yard pass for the score and making it 34-29. East Carolina gained 321 yards rushing and 142 passing for a total of 463. Furman got only 55 rushing but gained 335 passing.

ECU 27 William and Mary 7

ECU 23 Richmond 7

ECU 42 Davidson 17

ECU 21 Southern Illinois 8

ECU 18 Louisville 13

ECU 27 Parsons 26

ECU 19 The Citadel 21

ECU 34 Furman 29

ECU 13 West Texas State 37

ECU 29 Marshall 13


With Butch Colson out nursing his in- jured leg, the Buffaloes turned it on in the last half to win 37-13 after holding only a 16-7 margin at half-time. Colson gained 102 yards rushing, all in the first half, com- pared to the team's final total of 120. This yardage indicated what happened to the Pirate offense after he left the game. Hughes had another good night passing, hitting 10 of 18; but the overall speed of West Texas with the heart of the Pirate offense on the bench was too much to contain.

Above Far Left: Neal Hughes demonstrates his winning form. Above Far Center: East Carolina sweeps the end against Furman. Below Far Left: Pirate is pursued by Furman players in dash down the field. Above: Neal Hughes dances through open hole in West Texas line. Left: Neal Hughes finds clear field. Below: Pirates find it hard getting yardage through the middle.


Freshmen Post Three-Two Season

With lineman Walter Adams named the outstanding player for the season, the fresh- man football team won three games and lost two. The Baby Bucs had a ten game winning streak stretching over three sea- sons. It was finally broken by the Citadel.

Above: First Row: Left to Right: G. Whitley, S. Foster, J. Calaham, F. Austin, D. Hewston, M. Hickson, T. Guzzo, J. Tesh, R. Morehead, M. Lynch, E. Burfon, D. Brill, F. Adams, M. Baker, L. Page. Second Row: S. Davis, A. Monroe, M. Sermons, R. Corrada, J. Elrod, M. Mills, W. Rothrock, T. Peed, T. Edmondson, B. Beard, T. Smithwick, M. Damon, W. Sasser, B. Bemisderfer, D. Roberts. Third Row: T. Ryan, K. Wise, J. Morris, M. Fleig, D. Strowd, B. Brihon, S. Letcher, J. Wilson, P. Ribbens, W. Doll, W. Adams, T. Tuler, G. Wreen, T. Pulley. Right: East Carolina Baby Buc is caught by opponent.


ECU 13 Apprentice School 7

ECU 29 Richmond 19

ECU 3 Citadel 17

ECU 12 Hargrave Military 14

ECU 32 Chowan 8

Above: M. Mills breaks away for touchdown. Cen- ter: Pirates get away punt. Below: Coach John Little and his captains, D. Brill, W. Adams, and M. Baker.


Pirates Finish First in State Meet

Compiling a dual-meet record of ten wins and one loss, the Varsity cross-country team had a highly successful season. In championship competition the Pirates fi- nished first in the State meet and second in the Southern Conference meet. Coach Bill Carson's top eight runners were Don Jayroe, Ken Voss, Randy Martin, Terry Taylor, Charles Hudson, Ron Dibling, Dave Wight, and John Osborne. ECU had three members of the eight-man All-Con- ference team: Don Jayroe, Ken Voss, and Randy Martin.

Top: Cross-Country team admires newly acquire Championship Trophy. Above: Team membei prepare for another victory. Above Far Right: To four ECU runners, R. Martin, K. Voss, T. Taylo and D. Jayroe break away from the pack in met against Baptist College. Far Right: First Rou Left to Right: R. Dibling, T. Taylor, R. Martii C. Hudson, D. Jayroe, J. Osborne. Second Row K. Voss, M. Conley, G. Burbella, D. Wight, Coac Bill Carson.



(low score wins)

ECU 29 William and Mary 28

ECU 15 St. Andrews College 50

ECU 18University of Richmond 43

ECU 20 Virginia Tech 36

ECU 19 N.C. State University 36

ECU 16 Old Dominion College 47

ECU 20 East Tennessee State University 38

ECU 17 Baptist College 38

ECU 15 Davidson College 50

ECU 15 Virginia Military Institute 46

ECU 18 Baptist College 39

1st Place North Carolina State Championship

2nd Southern Conference Championship

4th NCAA Regional Championship


Above Right: Soccer players put in many hours of practice. Above Left: East Carolina players move in on opponent. Center: Collision in mid- field sends ball astray. Right: North Carolina Weslyan College plays East Carolina University.


Soccer Team Ties

for Third in Conference

East Carolina Soccer team met some strong competition in its second year of intercollegiate play. It finished the season with a 3-7 record. The ECU hooters tied for third place in the Southern conference and set a new school record by winning three games as compared to the previous high of two wins.


ECU 1 North Carolina State 5

ECU 0 University of N. Carolina 4

ECU 1 Pembroke 2

ECU 5 North Carolina Wesleyan 3

ECU 4 Furman 1

ECU 2 Wilmington 1

ECU 1 William and Mary 3

ECU 0 Saint Andrews 2

ECU 0 Campbell 6

ECU 0 Davidson 3

Below: Left to Right: First Row: B. Bunn, T. Gillespie, B. Honaker, C. Pressley, C. Wunderle, S. Colvard. Second Row: R. Eckenrode, D. WU- kins, J. McMillian, H. Harris, T. Daniels, M. Posey. Third Row: G. Harvey, V. Badalamenti, K. Lueck, K. Barbour, J. Horner, Coach J. Welborn.


Cheerleaders Attend Clinic

Under the direction of head cheerleader, Chick Krautler. the East Carolina varsity cheerleading squad led the student body in cheering the mighty Pirates on to many victories. Consisting of fifteen cheerleaders and a pirate mascot, the varsity squad gave a hundred per cent effort to every game. Through the rain at the William and Mary game, after the dissappointment of home- coming, and through the struggle of basket- ball season, the cheerleaders continued.

Prior to the start of football season, cheer- leaders Sherry Robertson and Chick Krautler attended the nation's only All- College cheerleader clinic at the University of Southern Mississippi. Many new cheers, double stunts, chants, pom pom routines, and spirit ideas were brought back to the East Carolina squad.

Freshman cheerleaders, headed this year by co-captains Brenda Masters and Kay Whitney, were selected at the beginnina: of fall quarter. The eight freshman cheer- leaders strived to promote school spirit at all of the freshman home games and at the varsity Homecoming game.


Above Far Left. Cheerleaders include gymnastics in executing cheers. Below Far Left: First Row: Left to Right: B. Bullock, B. Bolton, P. White, C. Coakley, P. Simmons, D. Swan, and S. Robert- son. Second Row: L. Getsinger, J. Shepherd, P. Ross, R. Murphy, S. Young, B. Bodziac, T. Kessler. On Cannon: C. Krautler, Head; and C. Linville, Pirate. Top: Rain does not stop Pirate Cheerleaders from praising the team. Left: Patsy Simmons inspires spectators with enthusiasm. Above: First Row: Left to Right: M. Wozelka, K. Whitney, B. Masters, S. Averett. Second Row: D. Mc Donald, S. Jenkins, J. Kern, G. Robertson.


Pirates Move Onto New Court

Soon after the Pirates moved into new Minges Coliseum, Earl Thompson, a Green- ville youngster, who transferred to ECU from a junior college, set a school scoring record with 31 points.

Posting an 8 and 16 record for the sea son, the ECU netters faced such teams as North Carolina State, Richmond, and St. Peter's.

Dr. Jenkins announced plans for a holi- day tournamentJiext Christmas. Rapidly an outstanding field consisting of Cornell. William and Mary, Virginia, Delaware VPI, Baylor, and the Air Force Academy were named to join the Pirates in the eight-team festival.


ECU 67 St. Peter's 102

ECU 00 Old Dominion 94

ECU 89 Furman 91

ECU 101 Atlantic Christian 79

ECU 83 Richmond 90

ECU 69 St. Francis 113

ECU 67 East Tennessee 65

ECU 71 George Washington 68

ECU 58 Furman 59

ECU 71 William and Mary 70

ECU 57 Citadel 59

ECU 67 North Carolina State 83

ECU 53 East Tennessee 61

ECU 90 George Washington 72

ECU 60 West Virginia 77

ECU 77 High Point 83

ECU 100 Florida State 110

ECU 78 Richmond 112

ECU 99 William and Mary 75

ECU 72 Phillips Oilers 85

ECU 64 V.M.U 69

ECU 55 University of Toledo 72

ECU 81 Citadel 76

ECU 100 Washington and Lee 73

ECU 79 V.M.I 68

Southern Conference Tournament

ECU 71 West Virginia 76

Above Far Left: Center: T. Quinn, Coach, K. Stuart, Assistant Coach. First Row, Left to Right: T. Wills, Trainer, S. Lilly, F. Campbell, E. Braf- J. Cox. E. Thompson, B. Francis, T. Miller. Second Row: V. Colbert, C. Alford, K. Sabo, J. Modlin, B. Lindfelt, R. Kier, J. Anderson, Man- ager. Above: ECU Starting Five: T. Miller, V. Colbert, C. Alford, J. Modlin, E. Thompson. Left: Teams lock in struggle for possession of the ball. Far Left: C. Alford shoots over opponent.


Basketball (continued)

Below: T. Miller finds the advantage against Rich- mond. Far below: Pirate player, B. Lindfelt, is caught in the middle of Atlantic Christian players.


Left: Pirates huddle for pre-game instructions. Right: Players search for lost contact lens. Below: Opening tap begins Richmond-East Carolina game.


Basketball (continued)

Above Right: Wild moments take place under the boards in the Richmond game. Right: B. Lindfelt finds himself in an awkward position in the Richmond game.


Below Left: B. Lindfelt is fouled under the boards by a Richmond player. Below Right: V. Colbert shots around George Washington player.


Baby Bucs Post Good Season

East Carolina Baby Bucs, led by the combined efforts of center Jim Gregory and forward Mike Dunn, posted a season rec- ord of 10 wins and 6 losses. Highlights of the season were the games with Duke University, North Carolina State, and the University of Richmond.

Above: First Row: R. Tripp, Manager, B. Mc- Killop, J. Sermons, M. Grady. G. McNerney. K. Hartzler, G. Logan. Second Row: M. Wood, Trainer, D. Daughtry, C. Lemons, T. Wyche, J. Gregory, M. Dunn, B. Haubenreiser, Kirk Stuart, Coach. Right: J.V. coach. Kirk Stuart, calls plays from the bench.


ECU 90 Chowan 63

ECU 78 Old Dominion 106

ECU 79 North Carolina State 81

ECU 115 Atlantic Christian 77

ECU 112 Atlantic Christian 83

ECU 81 Richmond 87

ECU 106 William and Mary 81

ECU 113 Chowan 112

ECU 73 North Carolina State 99

ECU 80 Sandhills 70

ECU 73 Louisburg 72

ECU 97 Richmond 85

ECU 98 William and Mary 72

ECU 74 Louisburg Jr. College 68

ECU 79 Duke University 93

ECU 80 U.N.C 88

Above Left: T. Winch goes for a layup during the William and Mary game. Above Right: Uni- dentified Pirate secures rebound from defensive boards. Left: Baby Bucs scramble for ball.


East Carolina Hosts National AAU Indoor Championship Meet

With a 7-7 record for the season, the ECU swimming team looked forward to the Na- tional AAU Indoor Championship in Minges Coliseum in April. At the end of the reg- ular season, the team had won the South- ern Conference Championship for the third year in a row. ECU had four All-American records to its credit : Les Gerber, One Meter Diving: Mike Hamilton. 100 and 200 Meter Butterfly; Richard Tobin, Three Diving; Mike Tomberlin, 100 and 200 Meter Backstroke. The team was ranked sixth in the National AAU Indoor Cham- pionship.

Highlights of the season were the meets

with two of the top ranked teams in the in the

nation, North Carolina State and Florida.

Top: ECU Swimming Team: First Row: Left to

Right: G. Hanes, L. Allman, K. Hungate, D.

Phillips, D. Tobin. O. Paris, B. Moynihan.

Howard, S. Weissman, D. Dineen, P. Steward.

Second Row: Left to right: Dr. Ray Martinez,

Head Coach; Ray Scharf, Assistant Coach; E.

Goble, D. Donahue, D. Snyder, R. Conaway, E.

Mills, L. Jorgensen. M. Tomberlin, B. King, B.

Gregorson, J. Manchester. B. Baird, D. Murphy,

J. Sultan. Danny Scharf Mascot. Above: D. Dineen

demonstrates style in 200 freestyle. Right: Head

Coach Dr. Ray Martinez.


Left: M. Tomberline shows the form it took to win 200 backstroke. Right: Co-Captains Owen Paris and Mike Tomberlin. Below. The meet with University of Florida begins.


Swimming (continued)

ECU 48 North Carolina State 65

ECU 41 University of S. Carolina 72

ECU 74 Tulane University 39

ECU 75 Evansville 38

ECU 53 L.S.U 29

ECU 46 Alabama 67

ECU 52 Bethany 61

ECU 58 Monmouth 51

ECU 54 Southern Connecticut 59

ECU 58 West Virginia 46

ECU 57 Virginia Tech 47

ECU 47 Florida 66 i

Above Left: Diving Coach, Chuck Thompson. Above Right: Buc diver performs for crowd. Right: East Carolina's bench during meet with Florida. i '


Above Left: East Carolina diver per- forms in Three-Meter competion. Above Right: B. Aaird springs before dive. Below Left: D. Tobin executes swan dive. Below Right: D. Tobin demon- strates form that won him the Dyer Award.


Wrestling Team Posts Winning Season

ECU Wrestling Team, composed almost entirely of freshmen and sophomores, had seven matches this season and lost only one. That loss occurred in an extremely close match with N.C. State. The highlights of the 1967-1968 season were a 19-10 victory over the Citadel, the defending Southern Conference Wrestling Champions, and a 17-17 tie with Old Dominion, rated as one of the top three teams in the South. John Welborn was the new coach.

ECU 14 North Carolina State 19

ECU 20 Duke University 12

ECU 19 Citadel 10

ECU 26 Wilmington 3

ECU 21 Pembroke 6

ECU 35 St. Andrews 0

ECU 17 Old Dominion 17

Above: First Row: Left to Right: T. Ellenberger, H. Metzgar, T. Ellenberger, S. Smith, R. Rich, S. Bastian, S. McDowell, C. Bernard, M. Murray, W. Lineberry. Standing Left to Right: K. Kellum Manager, J. Sellers, R. Caffrey, D. Oliker, D. Trexler, P. Monroe, H. Harris, K. Winston, B. Hampton. Right: The referee calls a foul on East Carolina's T. Ellenberger.


Above: Tom Ellenberger works for the fall. Btlow: Pirate Tim Ellenberger finds himself m a tough situation. Left: Coach J. Welborn and hiN captain H. Metzgar.


Wrestling (continued)

Right: ECU's Buc holds opponent motionless. Center: Wayne Lineberry spins for the advantage in his heavy weight division. Below: Buc tries to work out from the bottom.


Left: East Carolina's M. Murrary struggles to down opponent. Below: Ellenberger has complete control as he overturns his opponent.


Pirates Tie for Conference Title

Led by the University's first All-Ameri- can. Richard Narron. the Pirate Baseball team finished the season in a tie with West Virginia for the Conference title. It won twenty-three games and set a new recor(Jfor wins in one season for an East Carolina team. The team finished 11-H in the con- ference and 23-5 overall.

The season started with seven lettermen and open positions all over the field. Coaches Smith and Williams placed a re- serve at first base, moved the shortstop to second base, borrowed a football player for shortstop, moved a catcher to left field, and borrowed a basketball player to pitch. These fellows combined with the veterans and re- serves became one of the finest teams in the history of East Carolina. When the sea- son was over, the results were as follows: Allstate; Richard Narron. Jim Snyder, and Dennis Burke. All-Conference; Richard Narron. Jim Snvder. Lvnn Smith, and Den- nis Burke. All-District III N.C.A.A.; Rich- ard Narron and Jim Synder. AU-American; Richard Narron. The team ranked number 20 in the final N.C.A.A. University Division Polls.

Above Right: Coach Earl Smith and co-captains Richard Narron and Lynn Smith. Below: First Row: Earl Smith, Coach, E. Thome, R. Hedge- cock, R. Narron, L. Smith, S. Dillenger, D. Foster. Second Row: B. Scoggina, G. Domanski, D. Winchester, V. Chadwich, D. Barbour, N. Hughes, J. Daniels. Third Row: R. Glover, J. Snyder, V. Colbert, S. Fornash, D. Burke, T. Jennings, T. Whitley. Fourth Row: S. Wrenn Manager, T. Holton, L. Fisher, J. Pitriggi, H. Land, L. Price, B. Norman, M. Potter, R. Gilford.



ECU 2 Dartmouth 3

ECU 10 George Washington 0

ECU 4 George Washington 3

ECU 16 Virginia 0

ECU 3 Virginia 1

ECU 9 Ithaca 4

ECU 8 Ithaca 6

ECU 5 Fordham 4

ECU 10 Fordham 1

ECU 1 Colby 0

ECU 2 West Virginia 4

ECU 2 West Virginia 2

ECU 5 Richmond 1

ECU 2 Richmond 0

ECU 6 Duke University 2

ECU 13 VMI 0


ECU 16 State 9

ECU 12 Citadel 0

ECU 4 Citadel 0

ECU 0 University of N. Carolina 11

ECU 4 Duke University 3

ECU 1 Furman 2

ECU 0 Furman 1

ECU 10 Davidson 1

ECU 2 Davidson

ECU 4 William and Mary 1

ECU 4 William and Mary 3

Above Left: Head Coach Earl Smith. Below: J. Holt performs his duties enthusiastically.


Richard Narron Becomes First Ail-American

Leading the Pirate Baseball team in batting last year, Richard Narron went on to become the first All-American ball star from East Carolina. Majoring in business administration, the Goldsboro junior began his career in baseball in high school. While playing American Legion baseball, he was selected to the All-State team for two years.

Son of Sam Narron, of Middlesex, the East Carolina "super-star" signed with the New York Mets late last year. After six months of National Guard training, he be- gan to play for the Mets and will continue through the summer. At the end of the baseball season, Narron planned to return to school here.

Speaking of his experience with the Pirate ball club Narron replied, "It is a great team with the best coaching. He (Coach Earl Smith) is a student of the game."

Above: Jay Holt salutes Richard Narron.


Above: J. Snyder makes it to first in time. Below Right: L. Smith practices his slider. Below Lejt: Pirate leaps high to snag ball.


Track Team Rewrites Record Book

Posting a record of seven wins and three losses, the 1967 track team broke and set 11 varsity records. Tri-captains Jim Cargill, Charles Hudson, and Ed Whyte worked with Coach Baxter Berryhill as the thinclads set new records for ECU.

Varsity records broken or set are as follows: one mile. 4:21.9 by Charles Hud- son; two miles, 9:54 by Terry Taylor; three mile, 15:57 by Terry Taylor; 440 relay, 42:7 by BillCothren, Clem Williams, White Whitfield, and Ed Whyte; high jump, 6 feet 4 in. by Peter Moe; broad jump, 23 feet 3 3/4 in. by Ed Whyle; triple jump, 45 feet 1 in. by Peter Moe; discus, 135 feet by Allen Hall: and 120 high hurdles, 14.4 by Jim Cargill.

Right: Ed Whyte scores in the long jump.

First Row: S. Rhodes, D. Jayroe, J. Osborne, H. Coble, R. Martin, C. Williams, W. Whitfield, C. Hudson, W. Wooten, J. Deeds, R. Roth. Second M. Conley, B. Cothren, J. Hardison, M. Bridges, E. Whyte, T. Slezak, D. Crotts, A. Cargill, P. Moe, T. Hickey, J. McCarthy, Coach Berryhill.


ECU 60 Baptist College 81

ECU 83 Citadel 62

ECU 101 Davidson 44

ECU 54 North Carolina State 91

ECU 63 University of Richmond 82

ECU 120 Atlantic Christian 25

ECU 106 Frederick College 39

ECU 103 Old Dominion 42

ECU 75 Virginia Tech 70

ECU 89 Atlantic Christian 56

Left: Jim Cargill clears a high-hurdles. Below Left: Tri-captains Ed Whyte, Charles Hudson, and Jim Cargill warm up before a meet. Below Right: ECU pole vaulter shows winning form.


Crew Obtains New Shell, Attends First State Regatta

Above Right: The crew team awaits the start of the race. Right: Coach Brousseau directs the team before a race.

With the christening of The Leo W. Jenkins, the team's new shell, the 1967 crew team launched its second year of competition with a won-lost record of 4-4.

Coached by Andre Brousseau and led by captain AI Hearn, the team competed for the first time in the Dad Vail Regatta, one of the top crew events in the country. The meet with Asheville College also proved another first, the first crew event ever held between two North Carolina schools.

ECU Narist College Won

ECU Richmond Won

ECU University of Florida Lost

ECU Jacksonville Lost

ECU Richmond Won

ECU Ashville Prep Won

ECU Dad Vail Regatta 22 out of 34

ECU Florida Regatta Lost


Left: Rowers prepare to hit water on the practice barge. Below Right: ECU oarsmen workout.

Left Row: Coach Brousseau. P. Shannon, D. Reynaud, G. Woolen, W. Mills, C. Jacona, J. Bullard. J. Atkins, G. Donharl, C. Riorden. Right Row: S. Mabel, J. Yager, A. Hearn, T. Chalk, M. Klenikciwicz. S. Wilson, A. Bagwell, J. Powell, J. Kidd, B. Donharl, J. Findley.


Cooke, Taylor Spark Netmen

Coached by John Welch, the 1967 East Carolina tennis team had a 4-6 season. Frank Cooke, the senior captain, and Chuck Taylor posted the best won-lost record. Diday and Cooke were the number one doubles team. Taylor and Chip Van Middlesworth composed the number doubles team.

Right: Taylor puts a special twist on his serve. Below Right: First Row: C. V. Middlesworth, F. Cooke. Second Row: C. Taylor, T. Dean, Diday, W. Ransome.

ECU 0 Dartmouth 9

ECU 3 Kent State 6

ECU 0 Michigan State 9

ECU 3 Citadel 6

ECU 7 Atlantic Christian 2

ECU 0 Clemson 9

ECU 7 Furman 2

ECU 0 Presbyterian 9

ECU 5 Citadel 4

ECU 0 Old Dominion 9

ECU 7 William and Mary 2

ECU 0 George Washington 9

ECU 4 Atlantic Christian 5

ECU 3 Univ. of So. Carolina 6


Lacrosse Team Records Disappointing Season

Led by player-coach Kirk Voorhees, the 1967 East Carolina Lacrosse Club played five games losing all but the one to the University of Richmond.

The Pirates went to Richmond April 28 to play for the Southern Conference La- crosse Championship, a mythical title. The first half saw Richmond start off with a flurry of "lunching" only to be destroyed by the ECU "lunchers," who sent three men out of the game in the first half.

Richmond held a one goal lead going into the last half; but that was quickly destroyed by the Pirates, who scored three in the third period and four in the final period to win it, 7-22.

ECU 7 Roanoke College 9

ECU 1 Univ. of No. Carolina 10

ECU 5 Univ. of No. Carolina 13

ECU 22 University of Richmond 7

ECU 4 Duke University 16


Golf Team Sets 6-5-1 Record

Coaching of Dr. Tom Paul and the ex- perience of returning lettermen, Howard Permar and Drayton Stott, led the 1967 East Carolina golf team to a successful season with a 6-5-1 record and second place in the Southern Conference Tourna- ment. The tournament was held on the 7000 yard Dunes Club at Myrtle Beach, South Carol

The well-balanced squad was undefeated on the home course, and the entire 1967 squad returned.

ECU Citadel 6 1/2

ECU Dartmouth 91/0

ECU North Carolina State 18 1/2

ECU Wilmington College 15

ECU Virginia Military Institute 15

ECU William and Mary 11 1/2

ECU Atlantic Christian 0

ECU George Washington 3 1/2

ECU Richmond 16 1/2

ECU Wilmington College 5

ECU Citadel 3

Above: M. Schlueter, D. Stott, and P. Buzzelli browse in the pro shop before a match. Above Right: Buzzelli digs out of a sand trap. Left: Schlueter putts for a par four.


Intramurals Provide Athletic Recreation for 2500 Men

"No program of education can be con- sidered adecquate which does not include the training of the mental, social, spiritual, physical, and aesthetic properties of the body," explained Jack Boone, Director of Intramurals. As a part of the physical edu- cation program, intramurals were designed to provide a high degree of student spirit.

Intramural sports program at East Caro- lina University provided an opportunity for every male student on the campus to participate in some type of competitive sports activity.

Team sports included in the intramural program at East Carolina University were basketball, bowling, cross country, golf, Softball, touch football, track, and volley- ball. Badminton, foul shooting, horseshoes, table tennis, tennis, and wrestling were the individual sports offered.

Above Left: Charles Watson, Student Director of Intramural Sports. Left: Jordan shows the form that won the high jump title. Above: R. Vince, Publicity Chairman; C. Watson, Student Direc- tor; J. Lowe, President of Intramurals. Below Left: Intramural Softball provides recreation for all men on campus.


Intramural Sports Promote School

Right: Watson prepares to start the Cross Coun- try race. Below: Intramural basketball helps de velop teamwork.


Spirit. Teamwork, Physical Exercise

Left: The pitcher begins his pre-game warm-up. Below Right: An afternoon football game gives EC's male population a good workout. Below: Exhausted contestants calrh their lirealh after track and field events.


President's Cup Pi Kappa Phi

Sportsman's Cup Charles Vincent (Lambda Chi Alpha)

Touch Football Stumble Bums (Independent)

Volleyball Lambda Chi Alpha

Badminton Ron Hignite (Pi Kappa Phi)

Tennis C. C. Pharr (Independent)

Cross Country Stuart Rhodes

Swimming Phi Kappa Tau

Wrestling The Yankees (Independent)

Foul Shooting Tom Powers (Sigma Phi Epsilon)

Softball The Yankees (Independent)

Horseshoes Archie Simmons (Phi Kappa Phi)

wling Alpha Epsilon Pi

Golf Pi Kappa Phi

Track and Field Phi Epsilon Kappa






Serves Students



Executive Branch Works for Students

Elected by and from the student body, the Executive Branch of the Student Govern- ment Association was headed by five execu- tive officers. Along with a president, vice- president, secretary, and historian, the four class presidents served on the branch.

This year the branch worked to benefit the students by completing a faculty evalua- tion and by devising a Student Complaint Board.

Right: Steve Moore, President. Below: David Lloyd, Vice-president.


Above: Layton Getsinger, Treasurer. Left: Sandy Wentzel, Secretary. Right: Sherry Robinson, His- torian.


Right: Steve Morrisette, Speaker. Left: Barry Blick addresses the legislature. Below: Members of the Student Government legislature consider a proposed bill.


Legislature Strives for Improvements

Composed of dormitory and day stu- dent representatives, the S.G.A. vice-presi- dent, and S.G.A. speaker, the Student Government Legislature worked in a broad capacity to serve the students of E.C.U.

In addition to making laws, the legisla- ture approved all budgets for campus ac- tivities, ratified constitutions of new or- ganizations, and strived for improvements most desired by the students. These included revised traffic laws, a new dress code for women, and additional lights around the girls' dormitories.

Barbara Atkins

Earle Beasley

Gwen Bullock

Carol Cashion

Dennis Chestnut

Candy Coe

Jackie Daniel

Kevin Foley

Gwyn Garrett

Leslie Genzardi

Marie Gerlach

Jean Harvey

Carleen Hjortsvang

Diane Holland

Marion Howard

Sue Hunniecutt

Beverly Mathews

Sue Miller

Steve Morrisette

Linda Plemmons

Bill Richardson

Bob Robinson

Judy Scarborough

Steve Sharpe

Shirley Smith

Dan Summers

Terrie Trotter

Karen Wagner

Richard Waters

Patsy Womble

Jim Young


Committees Deal with Special Problems

Appointed by the S.G.A. president, com- mittee chairmen worked with their various committees in areas of student government that required special attention. These were problems such as elections, entertainment, internal affairs, faculty evaluations, and special events. The committees sought to evaluate and administer in these fields of student activity.

Above: External Affairs, Reid Overcash. Above Right: Elections Chairman, Sue Yow. Center Right: Faculty Evaluation, Frank Harden. Right: Special Events, Jean Haney.


Far Left: Spirit Committee; John Deeds; Left: Budget Com- Layton Getsinger; Below Far Left: Entertainment Com- 11 Diuguid; Below: Internal Affairs, Barry Blick.


Summer School Student Government Campaigns for University Status

Elected at the beginning of the term, Summer School Student Government car- ried on the duties of the regular term Stu- dent Government. In addition to govern- ing the student body and handling disci- plinary problems, the members organized a Blood Drive, created a Student Book Ex- change, and worked to keep spirits high during the struggle for University status.

Left: John Meares, President: Below Left: Steve Morrisette, Vice-president: Below Right: Caroline Riddle, Secretary.


Above Left: Brenda Bullock, Treasurer, Above Right: Anitra Sheer, world famous guitarist, performs for East Carolina stu- dents. Left: Students participate in the Sum- mer Blood Drive. Below: Summer School Student Government Legislature and Ad- visers. Dean R. Alexander and Dr. James Tucker.


Councils Deal With Honor Code Violations

Men's and Women's Honor Council, each composed of seven members and one alter- nate, had jurisdiction over all violations of the honor code. Cases such as lying, cheat- ing, stealing, and any matter which broke the rules of the honor code- were brought to the attention of the council to be dealt with in the proper manner.

Above: Men's Honor Council: Left to Right: H. Woodburn, J. Mears, H. Salenius, P. Allen. Sec- ond Row: J. Greene, W. Mosier, E. Tipton. Cen- ter: Women's Honor Council: First Row: A. Gamble, J. Joyner, A. Todd, D. Swan. Second Row: M. Gerlach, B. Giles, L. Tetterton, L. Clay- ton, R. Bonnevie, B. Schwartz. Right: Defenders: R. Marrow, J. Bang, D. Hammond.


Judiciaries Enforce Campus Regulations

Operating separately to serve their re- spective constituents, the Men's and Wom- en's Judiciary Councils tried all cases of violations of university regulations which did not involve breach of the Honor Code. The Judiciaries worked in co-operation with the S. G. A. and the administration to enforce school laws.

Men's Judiciary was composed of seven members and one alternate. The Women's Judiciary consisted of eleven members and two alternates.

Above: Women's Judiciary: First Row Left to Right: C. Edwards, J. Vaughn, B. Mathews, B. Al- len, C. Hjortzvang, G. Bullock. Second Row: S. Lucas, K. Roseman, J. Henton, H. Cook, A. Cushman. Center Left: Prosecutors: J. Bang, C. Denny, C. Keeter; Left: Men's Judiciary: First Row Left to Right: C. Studky, C. Kroutler, R. Owens, H. Daniels, M. McComb. Second Row: E. Mauldin, F. Muir, H. Allen, S. Johnson, T. Leinbach.


Full-Time Employees Aid Student Government

Employed for the Student Government Association, Walter Quade and Cheryl Mears gave much time and dedication to filling the needs of the campus. Walter worked diligently for the Buccaneer, East Carolinian, Key, and Rebel; and Cheryl worked equally hard as secretary for the Student Government. Though they were kept busy, they manged to find time to share in recreation and fun with other East Caro- lina University students.


Board Regulates Publications

Serving as an advisory and supervisory board responsible for counseling in fiscal matters and directing the four S. G. A. publications - Buccaneer, East Carolinian, The Rebel, and The A:ey- the Publica- tions Board operated as an official branch of the Student Government.

The Board composed of administration officials, faculty advisers of the publications, student editors and business managers of publications, and student members at large elected by the S. G. A. approved all con- tracts, elected editors, set salaries, and ad- vised publication plans.

Left: Dr. James Tucker, Chairman of the Board.

First Row: Mrs. M. Sorensen, M. Atmon, J. Young, Dr. W. E. Brown, Dr. R. L. Holt. Second Row: T. Black- well, B. Atkins, L. Ivey, W. Rufty, B. Blick, J. Reynolds.


Buccaneer Staff Works Diligently Through Winter Storms

Neither wind, sleet, snow, nor lack of electricity kept the deadlines from arriving on their appointed dates. With this fact firmly in mind, the members of the year- book staff spent many a night in the of- fice burning the midnight oil and, thanks to winter storms, an awful lot of candles as they strived to put together the best year- book ever.

This was the first year as a university! Determined to make an everlasting chroni- cle of the year's exciting events, staff mem- bers started work in September.

A lot of laughter rang through third floor Wright, and sometimes there was grim silence as each staff member pursued his particular job. The end of the year brought satisfaction and a little nostalgia as the finished yearbook arrived ready for distribution.

Right: M. Almon, Editor-in-Chief. Below Left: Mrs. M. Sorensen, Literary Adviser. Below Right: L. Ivey, Business Manager.


Above Left: L. Blackwell, Jr. and J. Crompton, Organization Editors; Above Right: b. Atkins, Greek Editor; R. Smith, Features Editor; Left: F. Musgrove, Academic Editor; R. Daves, Fine Arts Editor.


Buccaneer (continued)

Below Left: N. New, Copy Editor; J. Flint, Classes Editor; Below Right: M. Bayley, Sports Editor; Below: Buccaneer Staff: First Row, Left to Right: S. Skiles, S. White, A. Partridge; Sec- ond Row: C. Julian, J. Long, L. Massey, R. Rogers, B. Prye, J. Griffin; Third Row: D. Moore, L. Plenimons, G. Strickland, F. Shofner, J. Overman.


East Carolinian Sets Precedents

A student supported and operated news- paper, The East Carolinian, redefined and improved its coverage of campus events and topics during the 1967-1968 school year. News and editorial topics ranged from local to national and international subjects as they affected students on campus. Race re- lations, dress codes, and political races dominated most of the early publications.

Besides improving in news coverage and editorial objectives, the newspaper made several tangible changes in its physical organization. A new precedent was set by printing a freshman orientation issue in the summer. The addition of journalism courses and a uniform style increased the quality of writing. More money was ap- propriated for enlarging the paper facili- ties and with the hope of increasing the number of publications per week.

By providing these changes, the staff worked to move The East Carolinian out of the category of an organization or club and into a responsible position as a valuable communication medium for the students of East Carolina.

Left: B. Rufty, Editor-in-Chief; Below Left: T. Blackwell, Business Manager: Below Right: Dr. Wyatt Brown. Adviser.


East Carolinian (continued)

Below: Layout staff prepares a page for final printing. Right: W. Sumner, Assistant to the Editor; B. Rufty, Editor; and S. Parks, printer, check the papers as they come off the press. Below Right: Copy Department: Bill Rogers, Layout Editor; John Lowe, Sports Editor; Beverly Carawan, News Editor; Judi Bradford, Features Editor.


Above Left: Marcy Jordan, Managing Editor; Above Right: Phyllis Bridgeman, Associate Edi- tor; Left: Francine Perry, Rewrite Editor; Be- low: East Carolinian Staff.


Key Orients Students

Informing the student body of the vari- ous organizations, policies, and activities of East Carolina University was the job of the Key. Published during spring quarter by a staff chosen the previous winter quar- ter, the Key was given to incoming fresh- men who attended orientation in the sum- mer. The remaining student body received in the fall copies to be used as reference books throughout the year.

Right: Staff, Left to Right: B. Rufty, A. Thomas, F. Scott, and C. Julian. Below: B. Barrow, Editor; J. Young, Associate Editor.


Rebel Wins All-American Honor Rating

Competing with college literary magazines ross the country in the Associated Col- legiate Press's Critical Service, The Rebel liked away with one of the few highly veted All-American Honor Ratings. One judge said in the critique, "I rarely 'e one superior rating, and I have never ,'en this number to any issue before." The Rebel is published quarterly at East rolina University by students interested "waking up" the campus community by ;ans of poetry, short fiction, essays, in- pth reporting, photo-essays, and artwork.

First Row: C. Griffin, Poetry Editor; C. Callaway, Co-ordinating Editor; J. Reynolds, Co-Editor; Second Row: S. Morris, Art Editor; N. J. Lee, Co-Editor; C. Crawford; Staff; S. Huff, Business Manager.



Religious Groups Reflect Spiritual Interest


Baptists Acquire New Student Union

Moving into its new student center was the zenith of the year for the East Carolina Baptist Student Union. It sought to pro- vide a place for students to meet, discuss, have recreation, and enjoy fellowship in a Christian atmosphere. Members of the Un- ion strove to practice their Christian con- cern and to relate their dedication to Christ through creative service. At Christmas the members of the Union gave a Christmas party and caroled for the Greenville citi- zens. The Baptist Student Union sponsored a summer mission project.

Right: Members listen attentively to guest speaker at weekly meeting. Below: Modern fa- cilities and more room are found in the new Baptist Center.


East Carolina Christian Fellowship Sponsors Needy Child

Above Left: Left to Right: D. Frye, Program Chairman; B. Daughtridge, Secretary; R. Braxton, President; E. Slaughter, Vice-president. Left: First Row: Left to Right: K. Knott, C. Knott, R. Braxton, A. Jenkins, B. Bowden, D. Jones, F. Kay. Second Row: D. Frye, C. Waters, B. Knott, W. Ballance. Below Left: First Row: Left to Right: D. Jones, F. Kay, B. Daughtridge, E. Slaughter. Second Row: W. Ballance, B. Best, C.- Yonce.

To provide Christian Fellowship for all East Carolina students and to work together in promoting good will were the founding principles for the East Carolina Christian Fellowship. The fellowship participated in many philanthropic activities in the Green- ville area such as aiding a needy family with food and clothing, visiting a children's ward at Pitt Memorial Hospital, and send ing a needy child of Greenville to a Chris- lian summer camp. Each week the Fellow ship's approximately fifteen members mel [O further their Christian goals for the bene fit of students and the community of EasI Carolina University.


Campus Christian Fellowship Strengthens Ideals

Encouraging and fostering an active par- ticipation in church life and promoting fellowship in a Christian atmosphere while at the university were the purposes of the members of the Campus Christian Fellow- ship. With the coming of spring and win- ter, many of the fellowship's members ven- tured to the beach retreats of the organi- zation. At the Eighth Street Christian Church, the members met weekly for din- ner and worship. Their goal was to strength- en and preserve their Christian ideals.

Right: Members enjoy their leisure hours at Eighth Street Christian Church. Below: Members meet for dinner before weekly meetings.


Informality Pervades Canterbury

Canterbury was many things to many people, for this reason it was successful. Each student was able to feel free to "Do his own thing and to be his own self." Can- terbury was sponsored by the Episcopal Church, but students of all denominations and no denomination attended. There was no membership in a formal sense. A sense of communion of God and Man was ever present in all of Canterbury's activities. Officers were non-existent because nothing must be done to establish artifical ranks with their tendency to divide. Individuality and informality were the basis for relation- ships between the students in and out of meetings.

Although many of the students made the Canterbury rooms a second home, organized groups met twice a week to offer the Eucharist, to eat, and to talk in the "no holds barred" jam sessions which followed supper.

Above Left: Father Houston reads the Epistle. Above: Canterburians surprise "Father Pat" with new Eucharistic Vestments. Left: Canterbury turns from saints to "haints."


Right: Left to Right: G. Gay, Treasurer; J. Gudger, Programs Chairman; J. Dudley. Secre- tary; Coach G. Williams, Adviser; N. Gravatt, President. Beloiv: Members discuss activities for coming year. Below Left: Coach Williams relaxes after meeting.

Christian Athletes Sponsor Spring Football Game

Founded in September, 1963, by the par- ticipants in athletics at East Carolina Uni- versity, the Fellowship of Christian Ath- letes presented a program to confront ath- letes and coaches, and through them the youth of the nation, with the challenge and adventures of following Christ through the fellowship of the Church. The members of the fellowship pushed their goals by sponsoring a football game in 'April and entertaining the youth of Greenville at sports events throughout the year.


Free- Will Baptists Buy New House

Free Will Baptist Youth Fellowship was organized on the East Carolina campus to promote and keep interest in the denomina- tion. Having weekly dinner meetings in the Youth Hut, the fellowship was tied together by informative and recreational programs. In July the Free Will Baptists will move to their new location on East Tenth Street.

For Above: Left to Right: J. Edgerton, Treasurer; E. Banks, Vice-president; G. Boyd, President; P. Godwin, Secretary. Above: Members frequent weekly meeting.


Hebrew Youth Undertakes Chanukakh Party

Hebrew Youth Fellowship afforded the Jewish students on campus an opportunity to gather for Bible study and prayer. This year the fellowship gathered in April for its Chanukak party and annual Passover din- ner. This occasion continued the purpose of social and cultural benefit for the Jewish population on campus.

First Row: Left to Right: P. Greenspan, M. Wold, F. Blumenstein, Secretary; R. Lurie. Secretary; P. Breitnian. President. Second Row: G. Herbst, M. Hurwitz, R. Kallman, M. Goldfarb, H. Mar- gulies. Treasurer; E. Dosik.


Catholic Students Attend Campus Mass

Weekly mass and confession were activi- s of the Newman Club, an organization of Catholic students. These were designed enhance the spiritual and temporal lives of members. Religious, social and cultural ivities, and the availability of a priest on campus was considered vital to the spir- ral enrichment of the members. Socials d suppers with the priest were enjoyed by all members. Their motto "Cor ad cor juitur" means "Heart speaks to heart."

Above: Father Spillane discusses club activ- ities with members. Above: Members eat dinner together before weekly meeting.


Clubs Further Interest in East Carolina



Chemical Society Sponsors Lectures

American Student Affiliate Chapter of the American Chemical Society was formed to instill in its members a professional pride in chemistry through intellectual stimula- tion arising from professional association. The society stimulated and maintained an interest in modern developments in chemis- try through field trips to industry and lec- tures by guests. The club sponsored the sales of chemical handbooks and a sym- posium for high school seniors.

Right: R. Roberts, Vice-president; K. Holmes, Jr., President; R. Peele, Secretary; Dr. F. Par- namni, Adviser W. Lindsey, Treasurer.

Above First Row: J. Woodford, P. Allen, K. Holmes, Jr. Second Row: Z. Tyndall, J. R. Jenkins, C. Rivenbark. Third Row: C. Mooney, R. Oglesby, S. Brower. Fourth Row: J. Bailes, R. Mary Peele, B. Tindsey. Fifth Row: G. Locks, D. Beavers, R. Roberts. Sixth Row: C. Hudson, Jr., M. Wright.


Physics Institute Conducts Field Trip

Interested students found membership in the East Carolina Section of the Ameri- can Institute of Physics. Through lectures and movies, the students had the oppor- tunity to acquire a deeper understanding of physics and the work of physics. During the year the inembers took trips designed to help maintain their interest in physics. Their year was closed by an annual picnic with the faculty of the physics department.

Above: Left to Right: J. Staley, President; Mr. F. Read, Adviser; T. Stovall, Treasurer; J. Brearey. Vice-president. Below: Members learn the use of the oscilloscope.


Association for Childhood Education Assists With Child Care Center

Above: Girls gather for refreshments after a long meeting. Above Left: Toby Sue Hoppe instructs child at Day Care Center. Right: A.C.E. Members listen attentively as Mary Sherman explains latest teaching techniques.


Education majors who had a profound desire to teach children in kindergarten through the sixth grade and who had an outstanding interest in children were quali- fied for membership in the East Carolina University Chapter of the Assoication for Childhood Education. The members were able to further their understanding of children this year by visiting the Meadow- brook Child Care Center. Selling mums this year at Homecoming in conjunction with a local florist was the main money-making project. This money was used to give the children at Meadowbrook a Christmas party.

Far Left: Left to right: V. Griffin, Membership Chairman; M. Sherman, President; L. Brown, Secretary. Above: Linda Brown helps these small children learn to write. Left: Members observe the progress of children at the Day Care Center.


Association Promotes Computer Science

Promoting an increased knowledge of the science, design, development, construc- tion, languages, and application of modern computing machinery was the founding principle for the Student Chapter of the Association for Computer Machinery at East Carolina. The association aimed to stimulate an interest in computer science and its applications in other disciplines. The chapter consisted of approximately twenty-three members who were able to advance their knowledge of computers by attending a National convention in Wash- ington, D. C. this spring. During the year, the chapter gave demonstrations for the Merit scholars and high school students.

Above: Left to Right: J. Oakley, Treasurer; F. Martins, Chairman D. Chestnut, Secretary; Mrs. T. Gross, Adviser. Below: First Row. M. McFlohon, L. Adams, Mrs, Gross, K. Gurley, S. Jones, M, Bridenstine. Second Row: D, Chestnut, G. Potts, F. Martins, M, McLawhom, D. Farrele, W. John son, J. Oakley, M. Marcus, D. Geroek, L. Jones.


Circle K Ushers for Campus Activities

Serving as a service organization on campus, the Circle K club of East Carolina University was very busy. Membership con- sisted of any men students who were invited and maintained a "C" average.

Club members served in numerous ways. They participated as ushers to all plays and lecture series on campus. They also conducted their annual fruit cake sale, from which the proceeds were used for a Christ- mas party for underprivileged children.

Above Left: Miss Nan Strickland is the Club's Homecoming representative. Right: Left to Right- D. Snyder. Vice-President; H. Holland, Sergeant- at-Arms; B. Jones, President. Above: Don War- ren and George Burbella are party-patrons for the Scout Jamboree in Rocky Mount.


Fidelio Society Renders Public Services

"Personal fulfillment through musical service" was the motto for the Fidelio Society, whose membership consisted of music majors in good standing. The so- ciety this year helped with the Greenville Day Care Center and gave pre-schoolers a basic idea of music. The members had a tutoring program for students wanting extra help with music courses. They also gave high school and junior high students private instruction on band and orchestra instruments, piano, and voice. The society was a society designed to stimulate the minds of its members and others by pro- viding service and recreational projects for itself, school, and the community.

Above: First Row: Left to Right: P. Kepley, S. Fouts, C. Hampton. Second Row: J. Tyson, K. Jones, P. Jeffries, S. Liles, K. DeVore, M. Brad- ley. Third Row: T. Rothermich, R. Wood, C. Melnikov, J. Gaither. Fourth Row: J. Sanger, J. Kimball, B. Hodges, T. Newman, R. Holman.

Above: First Row: M. Bradley, Vice-President; K. DeVore, Historian; J. Tyson, Treasurer. Sec- ond Row: J. Kimball, R. Wood, B. Hodges, C. Melnikov, President; and R. Holman.


Home Economics Club Stresses Professional Attitude

Honoring all freshmen, a picnic began tfie year for the East Carolina Home Eco- nomics Chapter. Creating an understanding of community and family and encouraging professional development of college home economics students were the main purposes for the chapter's founding here in 1934. Each member participated in preparing a spaghetti supper in October. The chapter gave outstanding chapter member, out- standing senior student, and outstanding freshman in the department awards at its annual awards banquet.

Left: Left to Right: S. Freeman, Treasurer; S. Little, Secretary; S. Harden, Vice-President; C. Yelverton, President. Below: Home Economics club members sample each other's creations at a Christmas buffet.


Top: Male members of the club do handstands during practice session. Above: First Row: C. Thompson, F. Byrns, J. March, D. Warren, J. Fansler, H. Carmine, S. Bowers. Second Row: B. Waldrop, T. Mullins, B. Campbell, F. Mobley, C. Williams, H. Gomez. Third Row: M. Little, B. Copeland, D. Buff, J. Butts. Right: H. Gomez and B. Copeland perform a balancing movement.


Gymnastic Club Excels Through Competition

"To promote action through action" served as the founding motto of the East Carolina Gymnastic Club. The club con- sisted of twenty members who had a keen desire to achieve and a wiUingness to work. Since its founding, the club has grown by leaps and bounds. This year the club par- ticipated in the Greenville Christmas parade and hosted an exhibition by a Danish gym- nastic team. It engaged in meets and ex- hibitions with Furman, Saint Andrews, Elkin, Duke, and the University of North Carolina.

Left: H. Carmine executes a back-layout on the trampoline. Below: Female members of the club perform an uneven parallel movement.


Karate Club Demonstrates Fitness of Mind, Body

Teaching various aspects of karate and representing East Carolina in com- petition kept high the interest of the Karate Club members. Members of the club gave several demonstrations dur- ing the year. Progressive belt awards, upon qualification, were awarded mem- bers for their achievements in karate. Practice twice weekly kept the club's thirty members physically fit and ready for competition.

Above: A sparring demonstration is con- ducted by Brown-belts Woolen and Baily. Right: White belt, Lyons, demonstrates board breaking with an elbow strike.


Above Left: Gary Wooten breaks a board with an open hand strike. Left: First Row: J. Bassler, Secretory; G. Wooten, President; B. Daily, Vice- President. Second Row: G. Gift, B. Lyon, K. Hampton. Third Row: A. Gaston, B. Owens, D. Waterman. Fourth Row: D. Wrenn. M. Anderson, T. Herbert, B. Norbruch. Below: Members attend a group Kata, which is a series of movements designed to polish the form and techniques.


Right: Left to Right: L. Tucker, Treasurer; D. Fitts, Reporter; S. Tolnitch, y ice-President; T. Barrington, Secretary; F. Foster, President, Dr. Waldrop, Adviser. Below: Members of the In- dustrial and Technical Education Club hold their bimonthly meeting.


Industrial and Technical Education Club Urges Professionalism

Persons eligible to join the Industrial and Technical Education Club included any student majoring or minoring in in- dustrial and technical education or engi- neering. The club emphasized the need of technical and industrial education in eastern North Carolina. It promoted fellow- ship, professionalism, and growth among students in the department. The group subsidized a loan fund which it made ble to all members. Before Christ- mas, the club collected books for the fight- ing men in Viet Nam and toys for the underprivileged children of Greenville.

Below Left: King Neptune and his mermaids reign over the Industrial and Technical Educa- tion Society's prize-winning homecoming float. Below Right: Club member sharpens a chisel on an emory wheel.


Law Society Studies Government

Speakers and discussion programs con- cerning national and international contro- versies were designed to lead the members of the Law Society to a better understand- ing of the role of the law profession in society. Stimulation of the student's intel- lectual curiosity concerning law and government was attempted. Membership was open to all students interested in the law profession. The society gave them an opportunity to learn about the skills and nature of the profession.

Above: Future lawyers learn nature of their pro- fession. Right: Left to Rif;ht: R. Rados. Secre- tary-Treasurer; Colonel Hill, Adviser; F. Harris, President; D. Raynor, Vice-President. Below bars of the Law Society take an active part their meetings.


Recreational Mathematics Interests Club

Stimulating interest in recreational math- ematics and providing a social atmosphere for learning new things about mathematics were the purposes of the full-time math- ematics students who made up the member- ship of the Maria D. Graham Mathematics Club. The club was divided into two di- visions: a junior division consisting of freshmen and sophomores and a senior division consisting of juniors and seniors. This year the club was honored at a picnic given by the Mathematics faculty. Mem- bers also had a beach trip in the spring.

Above Left: Leslie Hewett demonstrates a mathe- matics problem to his fellow club members. Left: Left to Right: Ray Stinson, Second Vice-Presi- dent; Jon Breary, Treasurer; Betsy Allen, Presi- dent; Carroll Byrum, First Vice-President; Mr. Oscar Brannon, Adviser.


Interior Designers Discuss Latest Trends

Members of the National Society of In- terior Designers at East Carolina Univer- sity worked to foster close relationship between the interior design profession and the student representing the profession to the public and trades. Members were given the opportunity to a better understanding of interior design as a profession through association with a group of people who had common interests and goals. Monthly discussion groups gave them an opportunity to compare ideas and trends and hear opinions of experts. Members promoted interest in interior design as a profession by awarding two scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students.

Right: Officers of the National Society of In- terior Designers study colors and textures of various fabrics. Below: Future interior decorators look over booklets presented to the group by a guest speaker.


Physical Education Majors Club Emphasizes Physical Fitness

Open to all physical education majors, the Physical Education Club promoted in- terest in physical education as a profession.

Principles and goals set up by the club were five-fold. It encouraged students to enter the field of physical education and recreation. Students were encouraged to engage in a program of physical fitness and to become increasingly more profes- sional. Members of the Physical Education Club tried to benefit the citizens of North Carolina by offering the students an organ- ization that would enable them to do a better job in this area of education. The club offered students an opportunity to gain the latest information in this field.

Above: Left to right: S. Wrenn, President; Dr. Jorgensen, Adviser; G. Blackwell, Vice-President.


Political Science Club Fosters Interest in International Affairs

Students with a major or minor in political science were qualified to become members of the East Carolina University Political Science Club. Under the leader- ship of Dr. Hans H. Indorf, this club strove to create an organizational outlet to stimulate professional interest and to pro- mote intellectual thought and discussion in political science. In their meetings, mem- bers discussed with noted professors from the Political Science Department, the fields of diplomacy, international relations, and international law. The club sent two of its membership to the Middle South Model United Nations.

Right: The East Carolina University Political Science Club discusses international affairs. Below: Left to Right: Bill Richardson, President; Janet Braithwaite, Secretary; Gary Bass, Treas- urer; Danny Bell, Vice-President.


Pre-Medical Society Studies Progress in Medicine

Consisting of twenty-eight members, the Pre-Medical Society invited a number of speakers from medical schools to speak to the club on the latest advancements in medical science and to sho\N supplementary films. Under the advisership of Dr. Lawrence and Mr. Derrich, the club strove to congregate all students interested in the medical profession into a society whfch, through its unity, would help all members achieve their goals in life.

Above: Left to Right, First Row: B. Adkins, R. Dupree, C. Mooney, C. Raby, P. Rowell, and H. Powell. Second Row: S. Joyner. R. Ketner, L. Dherry, E. Hillman, F. Rutledge, and B. Lindsay. Left: Left to Right: R. Dupree. President; E. Hill- man, Secretary; and B. Lindsay, Vice-president.


State Honors Local Management Society

Members of the Society for the Advance- ment of Management strove to provide a bridge between the theoretical training of school and the practical world of business and management. The group took tours of businesses in this area. This organiza- tion received an honor when Ronald Ketch- am, local president, and Robert Boyd were elected to the positions of president and vice-president in the North Carolina Society for the Advancement of Management. The society honored the management major with the highest overall average at the an- nual School of Business Convention by giving to him a management award.

Top: Left to Right: R. Boyd, Vice-president ; S. Johnson, Treasurer; R. Ketcham, President; B. McCandless, Secretary; Dr. R. Roche, Adviser W. Hart, Adviser. Above: Members conduct panel discussion on the New York Stock Ex- change.


Sociology Club Studies Human Relations

Providing opportunities for sociology and anthropology students, faculty, and other interested persons to associate, to inter- change ideas, and to promote interest in sociology and anthropology was the pri- mary function of the Sociology Club. The club had monthly meetings with speakers on poverty and other aspects of sociology. As a social service project for the region, the club featured a Sociology and Anthro- Day in May.

Above Left: Left to Right: Mrs. G. Howell, Ad- viser; M. Smith, Vice-president; A. Chandler. Sec- retary; D. Chestnut, Treasurer; C. Coggins, Presi- dent. Below: Club members enjoy a picnic in the


Student Nurses' Association Promotes Professional Unity

"Fame is nothing; the deed is every- thing." This was the motto of the East Carolina University Student Nurses' Associ- ation. It strove to promote professional and social unity among the student nurses. The club had many programs with speakers from the field of nursing. In November a veteran flight nurse spoke to the group on aerospace nursing. A film on flight nursing was shown. At Christmas the mem- bers caroled for the patients at Pitt Me- morial Hospital and the Greenville Nurs- ing and Convalescent Home.

Right: Mrs. Margaret Dolan, former president of the American Nursing Association, speaks at a district meeting. Below: Left to Right: E. Mur- phy, Historian; J. Rhyne, First Vice-president: A. Davis, President; D. Boaz, Second Vice-presi- dent; C. Willard, Secretary.


Student Party Pursues ''Quests for Quality''

Operating for the purpose of initiating programs in the Student Government Asso- ciation and urging administrative and stu- dent officers to enforce these programs, the Student Party of East Carolina was very active. To introduce its programs to the students, it sponsored candidates in the campus elections. Sixty persons comprised the membership, which concentrated most of its activity during fall and spring elec- tions.

Left: Left to Right: F. Harden, Vice-Chairman; B. Duiguid, Chairman; C. Hjortsvang, Treasurer; C. Cashion, Secretary. Above: Courtney Andrews initiates discussion on forthcoming elections. Be- low: Student Government officers, Steve Moore and Sandy Wentzel, attend Party meeting to dis- cuss plans for future projects.


Student National Education Association Tutors Underprivileged Children

Special interest in the mentally retarded and underprivileged children of the area was the basis for most of the projects of the local Student National Education As- sociation. By selling fruit cakes at Christ- mas and candles made by retarded chil- dren, the members collected funds for the Sheltered Workshop of Pitt County. Under- privileged children benefited from the tutor- ing program in which a club member helped one child for two hours each week during the entire year.

The Student National Education Associa- tion of East Carolina University worked to provide valuable opportunities for students preparing for a teaching career. The or- gariization strived to help its members de- velop an understanding of the teaching profession through participation in work of local, state, and national education associa- tions. Club activities were designed to help students develop an understanding of the history, ethics, organizations, policies, and programs of the education profession and to gain practical experiences in working to- gether on educational problems.

Above: Slides, projectors, reading machines bene- fit students at East Carolina. Below Left: Harry Mallard, president, conducts monthly meeting. Below Right: Member instructs student concern- ing use of film projector.


Above: Members discuss project for underprivi- leged children. Left: A student increases her reading rate with the help of a readometer. Top: Students learn the use of speech equipment to help the mentally retarded.


University Party Works for Campus Unity

Participating in campus elections and politics highlighted the East Carolina Uni- versity Party. As the second political party on campus, the party was founded to create student interest in Student Government and to meet a need for campus political parties and political organization. Its members won seats in the Student Legislature and four positions on the Executive Council of the Student Government Association. In Febru- ary, candidates were nominated for spring elections. The party had the honor of having a large majority of its members participate in the North Carolina Model United Na- tions Security Council.

Above: Left to Right: G. Francis, Chair- man; P. Larson, Secretary-Treasurer. Center: Nomination convention for spring elections. Below: Party mem- bers participate actively in debate of party issues.


University Union Serves Students

Under the directorship of Miss Cynthia Mendenhall, Miss Anne Sherrill, and the student officers and committees, the Uni- versity Union presented coffee house pro- grams, football dances, and a varied array of other activities for the benefit of the stu- dent population.

In the University Union a student found social, cuhural, and physical activities. It was the service center for the entire uni- versity family.

Left: Vice-president, Dan Snead takes careful notes at a committee meeting. Below: Tom King busily carries out the duties of the President. Far Below: Members of the Union piloting committee discuss future activities.


Women's Recreation Association

Sponsoring tournament and intramural competition, the Women's Recreation As- sociation worked to encourage sportsman- ship, leadership, and interest in athletics for the women students of the university. The association's schedule included track meets, tennis, volleyball, field hockey, swim meets, basketball, softball, archery, and water shows. Ending the year's activities was a spring banquet, where awards were pre- sented to the winning intramural teams and the individual sorority and fraternity winners.

Above Left: Agile coed anticipates a return volley in a badminton game. Above Right: Bas- ketball stimulates competitive spirit between women.


Sponsors Tournaments, Intramural Competition

Above: Left to Right: Carolyn Cattle, Reporter; Dianne Gibson, Treasurer; Mrs. Frances Douglas, Adviser; Judy Torick, President; Mary Quick, Secretary; Carolyn James, Vice-president.

Left: Coeds are frozen momentarily as the ball escapes a player's grasp.


Aquanymphs Host Synchronized Meet

Aquanymphs practice to perfect their "star" formation.

To swim front and back crawl, breast and side stroke, and to float were the only qualifications for nieinbership in the Aqua- nymphs of East Carolina. Under the super- vision of Mrs. Gay Blocker, the girls met each Tuesday night for practice in synchro- nized swimming. This year the Aquanymphs presented a Spring Water Show and hosted an Invitational Synchronized Swim meet for colleges in the Southeast.

Right: Left to Right: Toney Gordon, Vice-Presi- dent; Carol Mclntyre, Secretary; Margaret Tran- sou, Publicity; Susie Miller, Southeast Invita- tional Synchronized Swim Meet Chairman.

Left to Right: First Row: J. Clark, M. Quick, C. Glasscock, J. Gurganus, M. Gray, M. MacWaUace, B. Hodges, C. Mclntyre, J. Edge. Second Row: H. Kramer, D. Hack- ney, P. Daniel, M. Transou, D. Gibson, D. Quave, M. Johnson, T. Gorden. Third Row: C. Frenck, S. Miller, G. Garrett, M. Johnson, C. James, Mrs. G. Blocker, B. Aydlett, J. Mc- Gowan, J. Johnson, J. White.


Coeds Display Talents in Hockey, Modern Dance Clubs

Under the leadership of the Women's Recreation Association, the Field Hockey and Modern Dance clubs attracted girls who possessed talent and interest in these activities. Promoting the mastery of body movements served as the main purpose of the member of the Modern Dance club The members and their director, Mrs. Josephine B. Saunders, attempted to foster an interest in modern dancing. While con ditioning the body, students worked to de velop poise, grace, and agility. Demonstra- tions of the dance techniques learned dur ing the year were presented in a spring con cert.

Members of the Field Hockey club formed a team which competed with other teams throughout North Carolina. The girls won many of the games they played.

Left: First Row: Left to Right: J. Tovick, J. Johnston. Second Row: D. Gibson, M. Hanson, B. Hodges, M. Quick, E. Johnson, S. Barnhill. Third Row: C. James, A. Gregory, M. Pearson, A. Colenda, C. Cattle. Below: First Row: Left to Right: D. King, S. Cleary, F. McNeil, F. Flana- gan. Second Row: S. Thomason, J. Bradford. Third Row: B. Waldrop, C. Breedlove, L. Mears N. Heartsell, A. Cogdell, T. Stamey.


Young Democrats Encourage Political Activity

Members of the Young Democratic Club of East Carolina worked to promote the Democratic party on the state and on the national level. The club was interested in stimulating in young people an active in- terest in governmental affairs and in foster- ing and perpetuating the Democratic Party.

The club tried to stimulate this interest by inviting speakers of national prominence. Terry Sanford, who spoke on October 18, was one outstanding example. A number of interesting speakers from the faculty, including Dr. Cleveland Bradner, also spoke to the club.

The Young Democratic Club was open to any student who professed allegiance to the ideals of the Democratic Party.

Above Right: Mr. Cleveland Bradner active- ly expresses his views on a current issue. Right: Young Democrats listen to a taJk from a member of the faculty.


Young Republicans Work for Two-Party System in State

Desiring to work toward a revitalization of a sound, conservative, free enterprise philosophy of government was the require- ment for membership in the Young Repub- lican's Club at East Carolina. The club strove in all its doings to help restore the two party system in North Carolina. Films and speakers at the meetings helped the members to see their places in local, state, and national government.

Above: Left to Right: C. White, Publicity Chair- man; G. Francis, Vice-president; J. Meares, Presi- dent; B. Heilbroner, Secretary. Below: Young Republicans discuss political issues of state and national interest.


WECU Acts As Voice of University

Consisting of approximately twenty-seven members, WECU radio served as the voice of East Carolina University. It kept the campus population informed on news, weather, and social events of the campus. The only qualification for membership was an avid interest in broadcasting. In No- vember, it conducted its annual United Na- tions International Children's Emergency Fund Drive. During examinations, the sta- tion broadcasted twenty-four hours a day for the enjoyment of those students who were studying late.

Above Right: Jay Paul, Business Manager; Ryan Keith, Manager; Jack Fisher, Chief Announcer; Mitchell Manning, Adviser; Susie McConnell, Continuity Writer. Above: Members of the radio staff listen attentively to a lecture on broad- casting. Right: A staff members searches for a requested record in the storage area. Far Right: Announcer keeps the campus in touch with the rest of the world.


Women's Residence Council Initiates New Rules

Women's Residence Council, a new ad- dition to the East Carolina University cam- pus, has proposed many ideas to the Ad- ministration of the University. Formed to bring about a unified relationship among women students, to insure correct interpre- tation of women's rules, and to promote a high standard of conduct among East Caro- lina coeds, the Women's Residence Council passed a new dress code and organized com- mittees to study situations to benefit the women students of East Carolina.

Above Left: Left to Right: D. May, Secretary, Treasurer; C. Teitelbaum. Chairman; C. West- brook Vice-chairman. Above: Members consider ideas from the dormitory suggestion box.


Founded on the East Carolina campus in 1962, the Men's Residence Council func- tioned to promote a system of government for the college men's residence hall, to foster social activities, and to develop a fra ternal relationship among the men students. These goals were accomplished by the for mation of a court to interrupt bad con duct in the men's halls; annual dances monthly newsletters to members of the residence halls; and a yearly publication. "The Hill."


Men's Residence Council Governs Hill

Top: Left to Right: Judiciary Court: D. Cloutier, S. O'Connor, D. Chestnut, Chairman; D. Overman, C. Drake. Far Left: Members discuss new laundry facilities for "The Hill." Above: Left to Right: Miller, Adviser; D. Carson, Purchasing Agent; R. Reiner, Secretary of Communications; S. Hall, Vice-president; B. Davis, President; D. Chestnut, Court Chairman ; P. Berry, Secretary.



Aerospace Emphasizes Leadership Training


Bell, Doris

Benditz, Frances

Brandon, Elizabeth

Burgess, Mary

Caines, Mavis

Creech, Linda

Daughtry, Linda

Davis, Barbara

Deaton, Mary

Gallagher, Jere

Johnson, Trudy

Jones, Lynn

Above: Angels gather toys for hospitalized chil- dren. Above Right: Angels talk informally after fall rush.


Angels Receive Recognition

Angel Flight, sponsored by Arnold Air Society, was a national service organiza- tion comprised of college women selected from over one hundred college and uni- versities in the United States. The General Chennault Flight at East Carolina sought to help maintain a high morale within the local Air Force ROTC by serving as official hostesses; to further, through service, the recognition of the AFROTC; and to ac- quaint its members with the Air Force, AFROTC, the space age, and air education.

East Carolina University unit supported these goals by helping with blood drives, collecting for UNICEF, participating in AFROTC Week, sponsoring a children's Christmas party, presenting gifts to hos- pitalized children, and helping with the AFROTC annual marchathon. These activ- ities were well rewarded, for the local An- gels received recognition as the Outstand- ing Flight in Area B-2.

King, Nadine

Kirkland, Jill

Larson, Patty

Mahan, Linda

Millinder, Ruth

Noble, Joan

Olsen, Linda

Peison, Marjorie

Staley, Linda

Terrell, Brenda

Wachtel, Cathy

West, Linda

Woodall, Kathann


Arnold Air Society Sponsors Marchathon

The Motto- of Arnold Air Society, "The warrior who cultivates his mind, and pol- ishes his arms," best exemplified the mem- bers of this professional service organiza- tion. Through this motto, the members al- ways strived for the best that education offered; but they were ever ready to de- fend their country in time of need.. To be eligible for membership, one must have at- tained a "B" average in his Aerospace studies curriculum and a "C" average in his overall academic work.

Arnold Air Society sponsored Angel Flight, a coed auxiliary branch of this ser- vice organization, and the East Carolina Precision Drill Team, which represented the cadet corps and East Carolina Univer- sity in parades and other activities across the state. Arnold Air also sponsored an an- nual Blood Drive for the National Red Cross, the annual Marchathon for the March of Dimes, an annual Christmas party for underprivileged children in the community, and the Military Ball. Cadets participated in Gyil Air Patrol training and other proj-


Far Left: Angel Flight and Arnold Air get together in AFROTC lounge. Below Far Left: Cadets review points of interest after meeting. Left: Cadets take break during weekly meet- ing.

Alexander, Steven L.

Breary, Johnathan L.

Brock, Ronald O.

Counts, Don R.

Edwards, Jerry R.

Elks, Larry G.

Freudig, Frank F.

Hightower, Erwin A.

Holloman, Don M.

Judice, L. Edward

Merrill, James F.

Roberts, Bobby E.

Rose, Carl R.

Rose, Robert K.

Tobin, Richard P.

Wilkinson, John D.

Wright, George A.


Cadets Receive Flight Instruction

Through the Air Force ROTC Flight In- struction Program at East Carolina Univer- sity, nineteen senior cadets had the oppor- tunity to learn how to fly. A source ol pilot candidates to the Air Force, the pro- gram provided a course of instruction that determined whether those who met the high mental and physical requirements had the aptitude necessary for success as an Air Force pilot.

The Flight Instruction Program provides a complete course of instruction which en- abled the cadet to receive the F.A.A. pri- vate pilot's license. The student also re- ceived ground schooling, which covered in- struction in basic principles of aero-dy- namics, meteorology, and navigation.

Above Right: Cadet Rose gives pre-flight check. Above Left: Major Keith Ryan instructs cadet Phipps in ground school. Beloiv Right: Cadets Merrill and Rose rest after solo flights.


Major General Burns Speaks at Dining-In.

Left: Major General Burns delivers main address of the evening. Below: Juniors entertain with skit after formal activities. Below Left: Major General Burns is greeted by Lieutenant Colonel Carty and Cadet Rose.

To provide an opportunity for the growth of friendship and to serve as an impetus to promote "Esprit de Corps" among the ca- dets, the Air Force ROTC met for its ninth annual Dining-in in the south cafeteria. The Dining-in began with a social period, in which the cadets and the guests met one another. In addition to the dignitaries from the University and the state, Major General Burns, Commander of the 19th Air Force, attended. Major General Burns gave a speech in which he discussed the future of the young Air Force officer. The awards presentation for the outstanding work of selected cadets was another feature of the evening.


Leadership Training Promotes 'Esprit de Corps'

Through the Leadership Training Pro- gram, cadets were given the opportunity to plan and direct their own training activ- ities. Besides teaching cadets how to recog- nize and analyze problems, leadership train- ing gave an understanding of military cus- toms, traditions, and the code of conduct of an Air Force Officer. Perhaps the great- est advantage of the Leadership Training Program was the esprit de corps that it promoted within the cadet group.

Right: Cadets assemble for 12 o'clock drill. Below: Juniors prepare for summer camp. Below Right: Left to Right: Cadet Group Commanders: B. Roberts, Spring; K. Rose. ITinter; R. Brock, Fall.


Air Force ROTC Conducts Marchathon

Air Force ROTC Week and the annual Marchathon were two of the most important activities during the year. The purpose of Air Force ROTC Week was to create an interest in the two-year Air Force ROTC program and to promote a better under- standing of the United States Air Force and Air Force ROTC. The annual March- athon was a project through which the corps raised money for the March of Dimes. This year the Marchathon netted the goal of $2500.

Left: Colonel Carty and other digni- taries open ROTC Week. Above Left: Giant minuteman missile is displayed during ROTC Week. Below: Drill team performs during Marchathon.


Cadets Train in Field

"Yes sir, I'd love to march on Saturday afternoon!"

This attitude prevailed at Summer Field Training for Air Force ROTC cadets. The training was varied and intense. Military discipline was rigid, and cadets were ex- pected to perform at their maximum level of ability. Marksmanship and survival train- ing were two aspects of the varied curricu- lum. One Air Force officer stated, "Sum- mer training is the single most important aspect of the cadet's overall training."

Above Right: Frank Freudig receives the vice- commandant's award at summer camp. Above: East Carolina cadets stand under F-101 during summer camp training. Right: Processing-in is the first thing on the program at summer camp.


The Corps of Cadets made several trips to various Air Force bases this year. The purpose of these trips was to acquaint the cadets with the various facets of Air Force life. This year the cadets visited Seymour Johnson Air Force Base near Goldsboro, North Carolina. They toured the base facil- ities and observed the many different Air Force activities at the base.

Corps Travels to Seymour Johnson

Above: Part of the day's activities is lunch at the Officers Club and a briefing afterwards. Cen- ter: F-4 pilot briefs cadets. Lejt: Base tour in- cludes a trip to the flight line.


Greeks Contribute to University Life



Responsibility Comes With Being a Greek

As a Student became a Greek, he began to have special obligations, special func- tions, and a special loyahy. He gave up sleep for studies, meetings, or projects. He learned to give of himself for a greater, more important whole. As he assumed the responsibilities of leadership, scholarship, and friendship, the Greek gained the prize of caring that comes from the responsibility to something or someone other than oneself.



Panhellenic Sponsors Formal Rush

To unify the eight sororities on campus was the purpose of the Panhellenic Coun- cil. The Council was composed of one junior and one senior representative from each sorority. The presidential position was rotated among the different sororities each year.

Sponsorship of Formal Rush during the winter quarter and the strengthening of the entire Greek system were among Pan- hellenic's endeavors.

To acquaint the non-Greek with the sorority system on campus, the Panhellenic published Wheels oj Sisterhood, a pictorial story of each sorority which explained finances, services, and goals.

Above: Left to Right: S. Britt, Treasurer; J. Beckam, Chaplain; P. Montgomery, Vice-Presi- dent; A. Thomas, Parliamentarian; C. Freeman, President; S. Kuzmuck, Rush Chairman; G. Mitchell, Corresponding Secretary; A. Basford, Recording Secretary. Right: Sandy Kuzmuck dis- cusses Rush procedures.


IFC Fetes Underprivileged at Christmas

"Operation Santa Claus," a joint project of the Inter-Fraternity Council and Pan- hellenic, treated 208 children in the Sally Branch and Mineola Schools to stockings full of fruit, candy, and gifts. Members of the fraternities and sororities entertained the children with music, games, and Santa himself.

IFC served as the unifying and govern- ing body of the fraternities. Composed of the president and representatives of each fraternity, the council held judical power in violations by fraternities of the Inter- Fraternity Charter or their respective charters.

Greek Week, a week of competitive ac- tivities among fraternities, began with Greek games. Barbara Taylor reigned as Greek Week Queen.

Ending the week was the annual banquet at which awards were presented. These included Greek-Week Award for the best skit of Greek Skit Night. The Outstanding Greek Award, the Service Award, and the award to the fraternity with the highest scholastic average were other honors given fraternities by IFC.

Above Left: Rush begins as boys register. Center Left: Fraternities compete in Intramural sports. Left: IFC Officers; H. Daniels, Secretary; W. Moser, President; R. Kallman, Treasurer; W. Austin, Vice-President.


Alpha Delta Pi Wins Greek All-Sing

"You can go to college, you can go to school, but if you're not an ADPi. you're an educated fool. That's all." This favor- ite chant was frequently heard from the "little white house on the corner" as the sisters of ADPi sounded off in their living room. Sounding off really paid, however, when the strains of "Reaistration is a Constipation" won the Alpha Xi Delta Greek All-Sing.

Then came Homecoming! Staying up until 5:00 A.M., hanging awnings, and blowing up balloons were worth the loss of sleep when the ADPis took first place in the decora- tion competition. They also boasted Homecoming Queen - Nancy New.

Alpha Delta Pis were represented in many campus activi- ties including Secretary of the Student Government Associa- tion: President of Honor Council: Editor of the Buccaneer: Vice-President of Pan-Hellenic; State Student Legislators: Model UN pages: and Pi Kappa Alpha, Theta Chi, and Phi Alpha Sigma Sweethearts.

Sandy Wentzel, President

Karen Webster, Vice-President

Anitra Todd, Secretary

Brenda Laws, Treasurer

Marty Almon

Laura Bates

Ellie Boudrow

Kathy Boyd

Diana Burnette

Karen Carlson

Ann Cushman

Jane Daly

Gwyn Foushee

Pam Frazier

Gwen Garrett

Leslie Genzardi

Mary Ellen Goe

Ann Hendershot


Jan Hitchcock

Dianne Holland

Linda Hopkins

Connie Howard

Sue Hunniecutt

Virginia Lanam

Carol McIntyre

Pat Montgomery

Janet Moore

Kathy Moulton

Cathy Moser

Pam Nelson

Joyce Perry

Lyn Powell

Donna Ramsdell

Donna Rollins

Linda Rollins

Donna Salles

Tish Sawyer

Leslie Shannon

Gwen Strickland

Joan Teague

Harriet Thomas

Pat Thomasson

Stephany Tisdale

Susan Upchurch

Vicki Vienneau

Sandy Whitlock

Florence Wilson

Left: Santa hopes to grant this lucky girl her wish at the Christmas Rush Party.

Far Left: "Dancing in the Street" captures award for the Home- coming House Decora- tions for the Alpha Delta Pis.

Far Middle: Alpha Delta Pis assert team effort to overcome their foes.


Alpha Omicron Pi Receives

Lynne Cox President

Barbara Cirulis Vice-President

Kathleen Atack Treasurer

Pattie Ballint

Anna Bassford

Sally Beck

Paula Copenhaver

Connie Donnell

Dawn Flye

Nancy Herndon

Becky Kaminski

Carolyn Kumerow

Sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi displayed many unusual talents. Just eighty-seven pounds, Marsha taught Judo in the Physi- cal Education department. Lynne Cox hung out of airplanes snapping pictures of the Tar River.

The sisters made dolls for Viet Namese children and won the WRA Participation Award. Highlighting the year was the Facul- ty Basketball game with the football players as cheerleaders. Their annual Parent's Day and Rose Ball weekend were events to remember.

In the organization of the sorority, mass confusion did reign. Remember the Big Weekend when the water pressure was off in all but one shower!


WRA Participation Award

Below: At float building time the AOPis see noth- ing, hear nothing, and speak of nothing hut homecoming decorations. Left: The AOPis greet guests at their door. Far Left: AOPis enjoy the hard task of homecoming decorations. Below Far Left: Patti Ballint, AOPi's homecoming represent- ative, , is still smiling as the homecoming parade draws to a close.

Jane LeBlanc

Alice Lucas

Edwina McDevitt

Elaine Murphy

Sally Putnam

Marilyn Roesch

Frankie Ross

Anna Sturm

Betty Jo Sundy

Lin Swiggett

Gayle Williams


Homecoming Float Cops First Place for Alpha Phis

Even though the Alpha Phis spent time working for the Heart Fund, the Arthritis Drive, and other community projects, they still had time for house activities. What happened to the attempt to steal that fra- ternity flag, girls? The sisters did not do a very good job dousing Debbie when she was pinned either! They did succeed in getting themselves wet. Winning first place in the Homecoming Float competition was consolation for Friday night's last minute efforts. Dizzy, but awake, Dennis and Liz- zie worked laboriously all night.

Even with a house full of girls, who oc- casionally rolled the rooms, the well-loved Mom survived another year.

"Book Learning" was also stressed at the Alpha Phi house. The sorority presented a scholarship trophy to the sister with the highest average.

Jean Joyner President

Carleen Hjortsvang Vice-President

Johann Vaughn Secretary

Elizabeth Cooke Treasurer

Carol Alligood

Karen Ambry

Sally Askew

Sharon Bradsher

Donna Britt

Camille Clamp

Lynn Clayton

Linelle Cline

Helen Cook

Susan Cunningham

Debbie Davis

Joan Davis

Mary Ella Dodd

Dee Franklin

Cecelia Gulley

Louisa Hamilton

Liza Heffner

Frances Ivey

Peggy Johnson

Judy Joyner

Martha Klein

Pauline Kohler

Sam Maciorski

Jan McGhee

Pat Medinger

Grace Mitchell

Far Left: Alpha Phis gather in the foyer of their home to decorate for Christmas. Left: Working together, the Sisters decorate the fire- place. Beloiv Right: Parents enjoy socializing with the sisters. Beloiv Left: The Alpha Phis practice for the All-Sing.

Jeanne Morse

Diane Robinson

Pam Sanders

Bonnie Swartz

Gayle Shaw

Pam Shore

Patsy Smith

Shelia Smith

Pam Tarleton

Terri Trotter

Dottie Walker

Jean Waters

Lynn Woodward


Alpha Xi Delta Initiates Mothers' Club

Ridiculous was the word passed around the Alpha Xi House. A remnant of work on the homecoming float with the Kappa Sigmas was a piano sitting in the drive- way. Some strong males could have helped the weaker sex cart it away instead of steal- ing their trophies! Then Halloween pranks brought broken pumpkins to rest on the front steps. It was a great life!

In order for their mothers to get ac- quainted, the Alpha Xi Deltas started a Mothers' Club. Beach weekend, Pink Rose Ball, and Thanksgiving Banquet were among the Alpha Xis' annual events. Cam- pus activities in which they participated were the Arthritic Drive, Cancer Drive, and the Heart Fund.

Bettie Card President

Sharon Ward Vice-President

Anita Winriley Secretary

Anne Royalty Treasurer

Nita Barbee

Betsy Bone

Rosemary Bonnevie

Sandy Britt

Martha Calloway

Kathy Carlson

Sue Carmichael

Jane Cleveland

Donese Coley

Susan Corey

Martha Cross

Josephine Davis

Judy Dudley

Judy Farell

Kevin Foley

Mary Del Galup


Dennie Gollobin

Pat Gooden

Wanda Honeycutt

Sharron Hubbard

Gail Lea

Patti McKinley

Linda McKinney

Kathy Marshall

Pam Meadows

Jane Morris

Linda Morrison

Cheryl Murdock

Patricia Potter

Ann Reinhardt

Deedle Ricketts

Bonnie Satterfield

Patsy Simmons

Phyllis Southall

Susan Street

Orlean Thomas

Nelia Whitehurst

Jane Williams

Gay Winstead

Becky Witcher

Above Left: Alpha Xis and Theta Chis wrap Christmas presents for underprivileged children. Left: Parents enjoy a tea with their daughters.


Chi Omega Entertains Underprivileged Children

Ann Garrell President

Becky Holder Secretary

Julia Brinkley Treasurer

Beverly Abernathy

Nonie Austin

Joy Baker

Lois Brown

Sally Broyhill

Barbara Capps

Cynthia Chapman

Judy Christianson

Sara David Cutler

Dottie Cutler

Karen Davis

Ann Duke

Janet Edwards

Joan Evans

Anna Gamble

Patsy Jo Gurganus

Janet Hollimon

Jo Ann House

Brenda Hudson

Dee Kivett

Sandy Huzmuk

Eileen Landis

Diane McCaslin

Charlotte McGehee

Fulfilling the purpose of scholarship, friendship, and service, the Chi Omegas participated in various campus and com- munity activities. On campus they were ac- tive in the Student Government, Women's Judiciary, and Honor Council. Barbara Taylor reigned as Lambda Chi Alpha Sweet- heart and Inter-fraternity Queen.

Highlights of the year were the Christ- mas party and the Easter egg hunt which the Chi Omegas gave for underprivileged children. In the spring they sponsored the White Carnation Ball honoring the Formal Pledge Class.

The Chi Omegas presented their annual Rachel Spivey Award to the outstanding Home Economics student and the Social Science prize to the outstanding woman in the field of Social Science.


Far Left: Decorating the tree is the highlight of a Chi Omega Christ- mas. Left: Sisters put a finishing touch to the Chi Omega Hoot Owl. Below: Singing together in the traditional sorority spirit is a favo- rite pastime.

Nola Marshburn

Pam Masuhr

Liz Matthews

Sandy Mims

Carlotta Pfau

Stephanie Standafer

Linda Stonestreet

Barbara Taylor

Sue Yow

Evelyn Walker

Ann Wall

Patti White

Beverly White

Susan Zierath


Delta Zeta Places in Homecoming Float Division

This year was the Delta Zeta's! Their Parents' Day was a huge success. They captured first place in volleyball competi- tion among sororities. A joint effort with Sigma Phi Epsilon produced second place in the homecoming float division. "Bour- bon Street" served as the theme of the float.

Outstanding members were Becky Bar- row, Editor of the Key, and Jane Hinton and Patty Larson, Fraternity Sweethearts. Candlelights were numerous and some sur- prising. Sometimes even congratulation went wrong. Right, Sandra?

Conveisation in the Delta Zeta house was short but exciting.

"Oh, what phone were you on?"

"Were you on the out or the incoming one?"

"Long-distance for Linda West!"

"Are last names really in vogue this year?"

The Kappa Sigma social was enjoyed as was the "ruins" exchange with the Sigma Chi Deltas. What a wonderful year to re- member !

Carol Julian President

Vickie Lee Vice-President

Linda Ivey Treasurer

Brenda Smith Secretary

Martha Barahardt

Beckie Barrow

Sarah Bell

Loretta Blum

Ann Breeze

Nannette Broadwell

Janis Campbell

Cathy Chandler

Beverly Deem

Beverly Foushee

Jere Gallagher

Sandra Garrett

Phyliss Grady

Susan Hill


Jane Hinton

Betty Jacobs

Lynne Jones

Wanda Kerns

Karleen Klemp

Patty Larson

Janice Long

Lyn Lovelace

Laverne Massey

Linda Olsen

Margie Scovil

Connie Sexton

Susan Skiles

Karen Sloan

Linda Smith

Anne Thomas

Linda West

Judy Wilson

Far Left: Sigma Pi Epsilon and Delta Zeta unite to win second place in homecoming float division. Above Left and Right: Informal rush at Delta Zeta house is an integral part of their sorority life. Lejt: DZ's sing on Parent's Day.


Kappa Deltas Initiate First Annual Greek Hunt

Kappa Delta girls worked in the student Government, strutted with the Marching Pirates, slaved over the Buccaneer, and en- joyed all the comforts of home in their house on Fifth Street.

Fun at the Kappa Delta House included pledges on a Greek hunt visiting every male Greek house on campus and DC babies in Gritland. Homecoming proved to be "A hot time in the old town" for the KD's with burning float and all!

Again the KD's hosted the annual White Rose Ball, selected a "King for a Day," and gave a trophy to the outstanding senior woman in the sorority.


Linda Jones President

Judy Griffith Vice President

Juli Mandel Secretary

Donna Dunbar Treasurer

Mary Leslie Ambrose

Janet Bickham

Kay Bowman

Betty Branscome

Mary Bray

Cheryl Caraway

Nancy Carland

Diane Clark

Janis Crompton

Scarlet Dark

Lynda Davis

Ruth Fleming

Janet Flint

Marie Gerlach

Carol Gray

Sarah Green

Judy Gurganus

Sharron Hardin

Linda Hatcher

Linda Maness

Diane Merritt

Nancy Redding

Grace Roberts

Debbie Sheehan

Barbara Spano

Marilyn Strickland

Cile Sutton

Alma Taylor

Jane Teeter

Linda Tetterlon

Carolyn Tucker

Karen Wagner

Cathi Webb

Susan West

Jackie Williams

Lynda Yeatts

Above Left: KD's gather at the house for a clean-up workday. Far Left: Sisters and pledges relax before raking the yard. Right: A scrapbook provides happy memories.


Activity Highlights Year for Sigma Sigma Sigma

Linda Bullard President

Nancy Lawson Vice-President

Judy Shelton Secretary

Nancy Harrington Treasurer

Pat Arnold

Linda Bokkon

Jo Bowen

Cindy Bryant

Brenda Bullock

Shay Carroll

Gray Coltrane

Joanne Crawford

Vivian DePaola

Mary Wright Edmondson

Donna Forbes

Alice Ford

Cynthia Freeman

Suszanne Griffin

Ruth Gwynn

Jean Harvey

Claudia Holland

Another great year was underway at the Sigma house. Sisters participated enthusi astically in student Government, Legisia ture, Honor Council, cheerleading squad and as class officers and marshals. Annual social events included Founders Day Ban quet, Spring Weekend, Senior-Send-On, Parents' Day Open House, and a Christmas party for underprivileged children in con- junction with Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

Living in the house was never dull. Rat pack formed headquarters in the pink room. C. B. kept watch out the window. (For the prowler?) Deannie Kazeenie called after consecutive unscheduled serenades Where was the K A pumpkin? Fingers re- mained gauzed as the "floory foursome" played all night bridge games. Drake be- came a brother? "Fog Machine" continued in a daze, and "Motor" continued and . . . continued.


Left: Tri-Sigmas play volleyball with vim and vigor. Far Left: Senior Send-On Party honors graduating Sisters. Beloiv: Girls prepare for the Parents Day Party

Dianne Kirby

Betsy Lawson

Pam Luper

Cora Bett Madry

Kay Mitchon

Pam Mixon

Arlene Murphy

Debbie Norsworthy

Mary Stuart Page

Ann Patridge

Linda Plemmons

Sally Poindexter

Caroline Riddle

Sherry Robertson

Betty Brown Ruth

Pam Smith

Susan Stamps

Martha Sue Taff

Pat Turnbull

Pam White

Nancy Winn

Patsy Womble


Below Far Left: Alpha Epsilon Pi clown typifies the festive spirit of the homecoming theme. Below Left: Brothers work diligently to construct their new party room. Far Right: Jane Cade, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Sweetheart.


Alpha Epsilon Pi Obtains New Quarters

After busily moving into a new house this year, the AEPIs built a new party room under the supervision of brother Mike "Thumbs" Klimkiewicz. The door of the "Executive Suite" that led to nowhere was one of the main attractions of the AEPI house.

The best intramural football season of the year, with a fabulous record of 3-6-2, was obtained only through the help of their coach, Dosik.

Presented annually by the AEPIs were a scholarship award, the Best-All-Around Brother, and The Master's Cup. The broth- ers of Alpha Epsilon Pi also participated in the 1968 Cancer Drive.

Ronald Kallman, President

Gary Dyer, Vice-President

Howard Margulies, Secretary

Ellis Dosik, Treasurer

Bob Bassett

Paul Breitman

Ronald Cundiff

David Feldman

Charles Feldstein

Ronald Gagliarde

Martin Goldfarb

Glenn Herbst

Matthew Hurwitz

Peter Katzburg

Lonnie Katzen

Mike Klimliewicz

Steven Mabel

Monk Meltzer

Neil Pyne

H. Ronald Roth

Steven Rousso

Scott Tabar


Bill Mosier, President

Julian West, Secretary

Danny Evans, Treasurer

Mike Bartos

Ron Curtis

Walter Dudley

Gary Fields

Mac Forde

Mitchell Graham

Chuck Grant

David Hall

Bill Harrington

Mickey Hill

Jim Hodges

John Jackson

Bill Johnson

Lee Lewis

Mac Mc Combs

Ron McElheney

Dwight Matthews

David Miller

Steve Moore

Steve Morrisette

Linwood Parker

Above Left: Dousing a brother is a favorite pas- time of the KA's. Above Right: Nita Barbee, Kappa Alpha Rose. Far Right: KA President, Bill Mosier, hosts a party on his lawn.


Mike Patterson

Tommy Perkins

Bobby Rives

Linwood Sawyer

Bill Seawall

John Smith

Ron Spence

Bill Teague

Ken Temple

Dewitt Tharrington

Jimmy Townsend

Tebe Trotter

Doug Wheeler

Bill Wilkerson

Kappa Alpha Upholds Old South Tradition

"How many Yankees were there?" "Ten-Thousand!" "How many rebels?" "One!"

'What did he say?" "Charge!"

This rebel yell, one of the favorite calls of the KAs, reflected that good 'ole South- ern spirit with which all were so familiar.

What was life like at the KA House? On a typical Saturday, are found . . . Spence and his pledges cleaning up at 8 a.m, Jackson writing up the weather re- port issued from the "Elite Suite." (Swea- terish in the morning to long-sleevish in the afternoon.")

The KAs also socialized, with the high- light of their year being "Old South." At Christmas, the Alpha Xi Delta Sorority joined the Rebels to entertain under- privileged children.

A few outstanding members of the Kappa Alpha Order were Bill Mosie, IFC Presi- dent: Steve Morrisette, Speaker of the Legislature; and Steve Moore; SGA Presi- dent.


Below: "The Spirit of Basin Street" pervades Homecoming weekend. Right: This prize-winning float features Dixieland, Kappa Sigma style. Bot- tom: Kappa Sigmas entertain rushees with a weiner roast. Far Right: Jane Hinton, Kappa Sigma Sweeth'


Kappa Sigma Boasts Diverse Awards

Participation in campus intramurals, a Christmas party for patients in the hos- pital, and a car wash for the cancer so- ciety were only a few of the activities that the brotherhood of Kappa Sigina Fraternity enjoyed. Awards given by the Kappa Sig- mas included a scholarship award, a leader- ship award, and an award for intramural achievement.

Developing the habit of sleeping through clashes seemed to be another qualification of Kappa Sigma. "Sleepy" held the record for not opening his eyes until 3:00 on any afternoon. The funny thing was that the house was always clean when Dean Mallory popped in for his friendly chat! Luck or instinct??

As this year came to a close, the majority of the original charter members were leaving. The calls to Williamsburg ceased, but the telephone always remained busy at the Kappa Sigma house.

Larry Paisley, President

Roy Phibbs, Vice-President

Rex Meade, Secretary

Jared Diefenbach, Treasurer

Russ Blake

David Boone

Steve Burns

Duane Corder

Charles Earl

Richard Fary

Jerry Ferguson

Mike Ferguson

David Hanner

Allan Jaffe

Rudy Jones

Bruce Joyner

Bruce Kennington

James Killgo

Thomas Leinbach

George McAllee

Roy McGarrah

James Moeschl

Robert Ormand

Allan Park

Ed Tosto

Elwood Wall

John Whaton

Gary Williams


Lambda Chi Alpha Cops Football Championship

Looking back on the 1967-68 school year at the Lambda Chi House, one found Dudley Do-Right Austin, Piggy Reel, Tur- key Turrcotte, Monday Turner, Nose Sim- mons, and Lavalier 'em and Leave 'em Dickens. They were a few of the team who helped the Lambda Chis win the Inter- Fraternity Basketball and Volleyball.

The Lambda Chis were very proud of their sweetheart, Barbara Taylor, who won Inter-Fraternity Sweetheart.

A highlight of the Christmas season was the party the Lambda Chis gave for under- privileged children. In the spring they spon- sored the Annnual Sorority Field Day and their Annual Parents' Day.

Bill Austin, President

Jens Bang, Vice-President

Danny Ferguson, Secretary

Paul Roseman, Treasurer

Ken Austin

Doug Beaman

Steve Bernhardt

Gary Blanton

Bill Bodziak

Neil Buie

Glenn Chitty

Chuck Coble

Ben Courtney

Doug Driver

Lee Fogle

Francis Foster

Jerry Hardesty

Ken Harwood


Jimmy Jones

Charles Lanier

David McNeill

Danny Miller

Buddy Morris

John Murray

Jim Parsons

Chris Piczak

Pat Prather

Perry Pruette

Butch Redwine

Ed Reel

Larry Taylor

Ed Tipton

Jim Turcotte

Bob Turner

Dees Whitley

Ted Whitley

John Young

Above Far Left: Lambda Chi Alphas capture the inter-fraternity football championship. Betow Far Lett: "Fun and Games" is the theme of Lambda Chi's annual Field Day. Above: Lambda Chi Alphas "swinging and singing" during the 1967 Homecoming Parade. Lett: Miss Barbara Taylor, Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Girt.


Phi Alpha Sigma Boasts Homecoming Queen

Ending every conversation with "vote Nancy New" brought exciting resuhs when Phi Alpha Sigma's sweetheart became East Carolina's Homecoming queen.

Nine boys seeking a close bond of brotherhood formed the fraternity last No- vember. Pledges and brothers aided in securing furniture for the house and in building a party room. Amusing decora- tions were added to the house by a painter who studied psychedelic technique and a seamstress who practiced the art of back- ward application! Highlights of the year were Wimpy's words of wisdom, Spider- man's decisions, and the attempted theft of Phi Alpha Sigma's 350 pound Tiki God by adventurous E. C. coeds.

Above Left: Work on the party room shows as the Phi Alplia Sigmas take time out to move the fraternity "Philosopher." Above: There's one in every crowd, as Mr. Coo! emerges from the House. Below Center: Phi Sigs take interest in information sent by one of several national fraternities seeking its affiliation. Above Right: In a more serious mood Brother Grubb takes advan- tage of the study room to move the mountain of assignments for the next day's classes. Above Far Right: Textbooks, lecture notes, essays, and Tareytons litter the table as brothers master the first virtue of Phi Sig life: Academic pursuit. Below Right: Miss Nancy New, Phi Alpha Sigma Sweetheart.


George Blanchard, President

Jerry Grubb, Vice-President

Martin Lassiter, Secretary

Gregg, Ruddick, Treasurer

Jerry Banks

William Colvard

Bob Davis

Dail Hall

Bob Halyburton

Tom Halyburton

Tommy Mayhew

Gary Ross

Bill Rufty


Phi Kappa Tau Takes First in All-Sing

It was bound to happen! J. Bugg, the "field mouse," broke the mirror he sang to each morning, and it was not his fault. "Angle Kisses" walked by and said, "Hi Bud." just once too often. It was a shat- tering experience!

Among other shattering experiences that occurred at the Phi Tau House was the annual Woman Haters Week, when the Sigmas received the most Hated Sorority Trophy. The Phi Taus' display of musical talent won them the Alpha Xi Delta All- Sing. Another trophy given by the Phi Taus went to the senior male Greek with the highest average.

The Phi Taus' outstanding membership included members of Men's Judiciary, cheerleaders, and SGA vice-president.

Phil Privette, President

Hank Woodbum, Vice-President

Chuck Stuckey, Secretary

Ken Chalk, Treasurer

Jim Bilbro

Tommy Carrier

Butch Carter

David Carter

Tom Clune

Ken Cooper

Skipper Crow

Henry Daniels

Harry DeHart

Steve Drum

Jimmy Greene

Steve Gurganus

Charles Hamilton

Bill Hamnett

Tim Kesler

Chipper Linville

David Lloyd

Mac McMillian

Bill Moore

Ron Mowry

Ray Owen


Larry Price

Terry Quinn

Byron Renfro

Doug Ricks

John Schofield

Cherry Stokes

Dee Ward

Danny Wiley

Far Left: Kathy Thompson, Phi Kappa Tau Sweetheart. Left: Phi Kappa Taus treat Sigma pledges to a mud bath during Woman Hater Week.


Pi Kappa Alpha Boasts Scholarship Trophy

Music drifted along Fifth Street during preparation for Homecoming as the Pi Kappa Alphas were busily having a paint- in. The paint-in brought about a high time on the hill. The results were the Pikas' winning first place in the Fraternity House decoration division.

Dream Girl Ball and the concert by the sea were the traditional activities of the year. Brothers participated in the Blood Drive, sponsored an Easter egg hunt for faculty children, and received the IFC Scholarship trophy.

Ben McMakin, President

Harry Everett, Vice-President

Mike Hutchinson, Secretary

Charlie Strickland, Treasurer

Joe Beasley

Gib Blackmon

Paul Cassidy

Julius Dees

Dan Fjetzer

Tommy Griffin

John Harrison

Steve Hornaday

Danny Hoyle

Jim Hunter

Bill Leinss

Mike Madigan

Spanky Moses

Richard Newley

David Parks

Beever Peer


Jerry Quinn

Steve Showfety

Massy Simpkins

Jerry Smith

Craig Souza


Bill Steed

Jim Teal

Stuart White

Left; Leslie Shannon, Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl. Below: "Bourbon Street East" is the theme of the Pika house decoration for Homecoming.


Pi Kappa Phi Again Receives President's Cup

"Progress" and "action" were the by- words of Beta Phi Chapter, as the Pi Kapps succeeded in getting the most pledges on campus. In addition to the successful rush program, Pi Kapps concluded an extremely good intramural program. Because of the Pi Kapps' interest in the participation in fraternity athletics, they won the President's Cup for two years consecutively.

Activities for the Pi Kapps included a Christmas party for underprivileged chil- dren, alumni weekend, Founders Day, Par- ents' Day, and the annual Rose Ball.

Bill Marks, President

Tom Yopp, Secretary

Reese Helms, Treasurer

Steven Anderson

Dennis Barbour

Bill Boyd

James Britt

John Burleson

Jonathan Burt

Mike Cavendish

Jack Cotten

Jim Culp

Tom Damewood

Cam Frazier

Danny Gibson

Mike Green

Bob Josephs

Bil Kemp

Bill Kinsey

Rick McCrary

Lennie McFarland

Mike McCuirk

Paul Monroe

Frank Muir

Larry Mulvhill

Gary Murchison

Gary Nicholds


Phil Puckett

Jeryl Rawls

Ray Revels

Archie Simmons

Bob Stallworth

Bill Thornton

John Usilton

Bickey Woodward

Far Left: Susan Walton, Pi Kappa Phi Home- coming Representative. Left: Pi Kap Zetas pause during an outstanding rush. Bottom: Delta Zetas help Pi Kappa Phis in their yard beautification project.


Sigma Chi Delta Gives Blood, Money

To demonstrate their willingness to serve the community, the Sigma Chi Delta broth- ers participated in the Blood Drive, March of Dimes, and the United Fun. Included in their activities at the house was a party which featured Otis Redding. The north and south equally divided the dance floor with Sodans and Dell'Arena on one side and Ed and 0. D. on the other.

The Azalea Festival was the setting of the first formal get-together of the Sigma Chi Deltas. D. T. Ricks and Larry "The Red" proved to be outstanding figures at this event.

In spite of Brud's mono, Mike's hepatitis, and Rutledge's wrecked car, the Sigma Chi Deltas ended another year with the belief that "Even the bad times were good!"

Raymond Margerum, President

Glenn Haworth, Vice-President

Michael Helms, Secretary

Dennis Sebesan, Treasurer

Ron Bowman

Jim Buckner

Bob Cashion

Ed Cooper

Rick Dell'Arena

Dave Denson

Jim Faulkler

Jrank Hall

Willie Harrell

Bill Hicks

Kenny Mann

John Martin


Ron Mobely

Ronald Montaquila

Larry Mosely

Eric Olver

Tony Phillips

O. D. Reagan

Allan Rutledge

Steve Sharp

Ed Smith

Hank Sodano

Sale Stearns

Bruce Tangel

Jack Tracy

Buster Ward

Brent Witt

Far Left: Patty Larson, Sigma Chi Delta Sweet- heart. Below Left: Cleaning the yard proves a weekend chore. Below Right: The Sigma Chi Deltas entertain rushees in their new house. Left: Sigma Chi Deltas masquerade as girls for Greek Skit Night.


Herbert Highsmith Commander

Charles Gold Lt. Commander

Burce Romano Treasurer

Drayton Stott Recorder

William Baggett

Thomas Baker

Stanton Cagle

Jim Coan

John Connelly

John Currin

Tommy Dean

Graham Dozier

Bill Eubanks

John Flanagan

David Howard

Robert Keiber

Right: Children at the Sadie Salter School re- ceive gifts from the Sigma Nus at Christmas. Above Far Right: Ruth Gwynn Fleming, Sigma Nu Sweetheart. Below Right: Sigma Mu Saturday is enjoyed by brothers and their dates.


Sigma Nu Donates Banners

Highlights of the year for Sigma Nu included a Christmas party for the first grade children at Sadie Salter School. The Sigma Nus presented to Minges Coliseum banners which represented all the Southern Conference Schools.

A new program was also enacted by brothers, in which they had at their in- formal meetings guest speakers ranging from judges to hippies. Even though Dag- gett was in love and Bruce still made A's, the year left their house standing.

Marshall King

Pete McMillian

Thomas Oliver

John Rosenau

Chris Russell

Doug Smith

Charles Stroupe


Sigma Phi Epsilon Gives Award Honoring Mom Harris

Another exciting year at 505 East Fifth Street began as "Flips" took over the gavel. Busy pledges provided a new party room for combo activities and fun. Living quar- ters had a new air and new paint, but dirt still persisted!

Beer flowed freely as the fraternities competed for the cherished title of "Greek Beer Drinker of the Year." The Sig Eps presented an award to the outstanding Greek athlete of the year. A new award in honor of Mom Harris was presented to the outstanding pledge and brother.

Homecoming with a Sig Ep finalist in the court, parties, beach weekend, and the Sig Ep Ball were a few of the happenings that made this year one to be remembered!


Gary Phipps, President

Danny Scholl, Vice-President

Ted Saunders, Secretary

John Cawthon, Treasurer

Gino Abessino

Tom Brown

Tom Byrd

Tom Cassell

Bill Dyson

Richard Early

Archie Harris

Randy Highsmith

Bob Hill

Dwayne Holland

Terry Huffman

David Hughes

Don Huneycutt

Art Hutchinson

Steve Irvin

Dave Litchfield

Whit Menefee

Bill Messer

Jimmy Mitchell

Rickey Parker

Charles Presley

Bob Reynolds

Carl Schavio

Don Snyder

Winston Spurgeon

Gary Stephenson

Rodney Tyler

Charles Vaughn

Hunter Vermillio

Johnny Warren

Barry Williams

Steve Wilson

Left: Sig Eps vie for the title of "Greek Beer Drinker of the Year." Far Left: Alice Smith Ford Sigma Phi Epsilon.


Right: Elle Boudrow, Thela Chi Dream Girl. Below Left: Theta Chis and dates are glad that the weekend has finally arrived. Far Right: Combo parties high- light the weekends at the Theta Chi house.

Theta Chi Rates Fourth in Nation

As the sun pulled away from the shore and the basement slowly leaked into West Fourth Street, one approached the house of the ox-men. In the background Mom was heard sipping her wacki-wacki tea above the noise of the bottles breaking against the basement wall. Drawing nearer, he found the red castle of the "blue shirt boys" and their "golden throne."

Rated fourth among chapters in the United States by its National, Thela Chi served the University by participating in the blood drive and serving as cheerleaders. Among them were the head cheerleader and the treasurer of the Student Govern- ment Association.

At Christmas the Theta Chis and the Alphi Xi Delta Sorority gave a Christmas Party for underprivileged children. In Jan- uary, the brothers enjoyed their Dream Girl Dance, which spotlighted the Theta Chi Dream Girl. The Theta Chis were also proud of their White Ball Representative, who won White Ball Queen.


Jim Foster, President

Paul Ross, Vice-President

Phil Goodman, Secretary

Bobby Dowd, Treasurer

Thirl Baker

Bill Buller

Burke Clark

Bill Clear

David Conrad

Bill Elam

Mercer Faulkner

Layton Getsinger

Ronnie Hardee

Larry Heath

Larry Henson

Larry Holt

Lew Jamison

Ken Kinney

Morris Kornegay

Chick Krauller

Bill Lane

Dennis Lane

Tony Moreland

Jimmy Mullins

Randy Murphy

Eric Overcash

Rodney Pagan

John Philan

Dennis Rockwell

Bob Salem

Mike Schleuter

Paul Shannon

John Shepherd

Woody Webb

Dale Whitcher


Alpha Kappa Psi Sends Books to Vietnam

"Come Hell or High Water," the theme used by Alpha Kappa Psi, won for it first place in the Organizational Homecoming Float Division. Not only did the Alpha Kappa Psis win the float division, but they captured the "Spirit Flag" for three straight weeks !

Alpha Kappa Psis sent paperback books to soldiers in Vietnam and worked with UNICEF. Beach weekend and a business trip to Texas Gulf Service were highlights of their year. Who would forget the Hell's Angel Party, where the "best-dressed" win- ner carried off a bottle of liquor?


Skipp Hugg, President

Ron Pitt, Vice President

Bill Clark, Secretary

Phil Coleman, Treasurer

Bruce Baggarly

J. L. Bauerband III

Fisher J. Beasley

Alexander M. Breedlove

James W. Brinson

Ronald N. Cain

James T. Danowski

Thomas F. Danowski

Melvin L. Edwards

Larry D. Farver

John Fletcher

Max Gilbert

Marc Gilden

Ronald Greenwood

Robert Hall

James Handlon

Paul Harvin

Jay Johnson

Steven Johnson

Tuck Johnson

Jerry Mc Bryde

Donovan McLaurin

Thomas Medlin

Douglas Mewborn

Colie Millson

O. N. Monroe

Richard Narrow

Preston Pipkin

Charles Reed

Donald Roberson

William Rogerson

Ray Sharpe

Jack Slappey

Joseph Tyson

Vernon Tyson

William Watson

David Waley

Richard Whitten

Far Left: The Spirit of San Francisco Alpha Kappa Psi Party. Below Far Left: Karen Wagner, Alpha Kappa Psi Sweetheart. LEft: Alpha Kappa Psis take time out from studying.


Alpha Phi Omega Rates High National Membership

To highlight the school year, the Alpha Phi Omegas sponsored the annual White Ball in January. Proceeds from the White Ball went to the Crippled Children's Organ- ization. Alpha Phi Omega participated in community activities including helping with the Community Chest. United Fund, the tuberculosis Association, and Pitt County Crippled Children Association.

The Alpha Phi Omegas served the cam- pus as ushers at campus movies, gradu- ation, and other special campus activities. Leadership and service served as the motto of Alpha Phi Omegas, the largest service fraternity in the United States.

Marcus Cake, President

William Rogers, Vice-President

Gilbert Beety, Secretary

John Bogatko, Treasurer

Herman Allen

Stephen Gaskey

Glen Gulledge

Sidney Keeter

Jack Johnson

Wayne Murschell

James Perkinson

David Tutterow


Above Far Left: Miss Jane Cade, Alpha Phi Omega Sweetheart. Above Left: Miss Janice Smith sponsored by Umstead dormitory, reigns as White Ball Queen. Right: Couple enjoys dancing to the music of Billy Butter- field and his orchestra. Left: Brothers of Alpha Phi Omega supervise voting for White Queen.


Chi Beta Phi Enters Float in Homecoming

To promote interest in science and to give recognition to scholarly attainment in sci- ence were the purposes of Chi Beta Phi honor fraternity. Membership was open to students with a keen interest in science.

Chi Beta Phi participated in homecom- ing by entering a float in the Mardi Gras parade and sponsoring a Homecoming Queen candidate.

John Neal, President

Cookie Lewis, Vice-president

Reginal Baker

John Julius Beasley

Doris Bell

Doris Benditz

Kester Carrow

Helen Cleveland

Judy Dudley

Alann Edwards

James Galloway

David Green

Nancy Harris

Linda Hill

Keith Holmes


Howard Jennings

Nancy Ann Laws

Thomas Lester

George Locko

Rachel Micol

Maxine Mobley

Anne B. Neal

Diana Newson

Rose Mary Peele

Donna Roberson

Rex Roberts

Margaret Rumbley

Robert Satterfield

Miriam Sawyer

Teresa Setaro

Bonnie Rose Taylor

Ben Webb

Above Far Left: Chi Beta Phi members begin experiment in science laboratory. Above: Mem- bers look over plans for spring activities. Left: Homecoming is the topic of discussion at fall meeting.


Delta Phi Delta Sponsors Scholarship

Delta Phi Delta, the honorary fraternity based on art scholarship, participated in the Christmas and Spring Art Shows in the University Union. The money received from the selling of art work at these shows enabled the giving of two scholarships to talented members and non-members. The Pallette, the Delta Phi Delta organizational publication, showed the fraternity's enthu- siasm for art.

Linda Merritt President

Gale Pearce Vice-president

Betty Armstrong Treasurer

Pat Ballint

Katyryn Burney

Marge Glaus

Julia Coble

Cathy Cota


Bonnie Foust

Thomas King

Larry Livengood

Carol Loser

Joan Murray

Jim Southerland

Mary Sullivan

Randy Walters

Susan Wood

Above Far Left: Patty Ballint shapes a piece of pottery for an art project. Above: Delta Phi Delta members carefully saw a piece of plywood. Left: Displays by art students are enjoyed by E.C.U. students.


Delta Sigma Pi

Participates in Fraternity

National Election

For special information projects, mem- bers of Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity took business and observation trips to Wash- ington, D.C., and to the Research Triangle Area in Raleigh, North Carolina.

They participated in the national elec- tion for Delta Sigma Pi of the year, at which an outstanding business leader was selected. Awards were given by the organi- zation to the senior member with the high- est average in General Business curriculum, to the outstanding pledge, and to the mem- ber most improved in scholarship.

Activities of Delta Sigma Pi included Rose Ball, National Founder's Day, and Red Cross Blood Drive. A Christmas party for underprivileged children was given with the Chi Omega Sorority. Delta Sigma Pi members participated in football and bowl- ing intramurals.


Stephen Murray, President

Harold Kidd, Senior Vice-president

Fred Goins, Secrerary

Jay Katon, Treasurer

Hugh Becton

Michael Conley

Phillip Ellis

Douglas Glass

William Hall

James Harris

Claude Hendershot

William Huey

Denis Lamparter

Larry Lewis

Above Far Left: Brothers of Delta Sigma Pi look over old annuals. Below Far Left: Members and their dates relax at Delta Sigma Pi formal. Left: Delta Sigma Pis gather at the Candlewick inn for a dinner party. Below: S. Murray, President, presides over meeting.

Robert Likos

Robert McInerney

Jim Miller

Joseph Patrick

Robert Spencer

John Turner

John White


Lot Winslow, Jr., President

George Bright, Vice-president

Lois M. Comer, Secretary

Ray Stinson, Treasurer

Joan Abemathy

Gale Adams

Beverly Barbour

Diane Barbour

Paulette Barnes

Roy Barnhill

Rosemary Bonnevie

Kathy Brake

Jonathan Brearey

Candance Coggins

Judy Coggins

Betsy Daughtridge

Peggy Davis

Judy Dudley

Agnes Fey Dozier

Kathy Grimes

Kay Gurley

Carleen Hjortsvang

Cherie James

Margaret Jilcott

Joan Leigh Jones

Linda Kennedy

Mary Lynn King

Rebecca Ann Langley

Randall LeBlond

Linda Merritt

Gamma Beta Phi Initiates State Organization

"Scholarship, Service, and Character" were the watch words of the Lambda chap- ter of Gamma Beta Phi. Members offered assistance to all service clubs, established a state organization of the chapters, and par- ticipated in "Operation Santa Claus."

As a service to E.C.U., a scholarship was awarded to a National Merit Scholar com- ing to the university.


Billie Ruth Parker

Johnny Parks

Kenneth Paramore

Shelia Popwell

Ray Roberts, Jr.

Frances Scott

Kent Smith

Cynthia Ann Stroud

Brenda Tarkington

Linda Ann Taylor

Carmen Tutor

Carolyn Westbrook

Sandra Wright

Far Left: Stuffed animals are bought by a mem- ber of Gamma Beta Phi as Christmas gifts for underprivileged children. Above: Choosing Christ- mas gifts for children gives members the Christ- mas spirit. Left: Officers of Gamma Beta Phi; Lot Winslow, President; George Bright, Vice- president; Carolyn Westbrook, Treasurer; Lois Comer, Secretary.


Alpha Kappa Delta Sponsors Research Projects

Alpha Kappa Delta, a national honor sociology fraternity and a new organization on campus, provided opportunities for stu- dents to gain scientific knowledge and con- ferred distinction for high achievement in sociology.

Alpha Kappa Delta sponsored research projects in sociology and presented awards for the best papers presented by its mem- bers.

Barry Blick President

Janet Lowe, Vice-President

Mary Ann Lippincott

Dr. George Douglas

Dr. Sanders

Dr. Ralph Napp

Mrs. Gladys Howell

Dr. Blanche Watrous

Dr. Melvin Williams


Far Left: Barry Blick serves as president of Alpha Kappa Delta. Above: Officers and newly initiated pledges pose together under the fraternity's let- ters. Left: Dr. Melvin Williams speaks at a din- ner meeting.

B. Scott Ober, President

Peggy Cook, Vice-president

Mary Beth Hunter, Secretary

Gale Adams, Treasurer

Patsy Baker

Julia Brinkley

Annette Cavenaugh

John Daughtridge

Barbara Davis

Gail Davis

Peggy Gardner

Sue Crawley Gibson

Renee Gorham

Thomas Hicks

Cherie James

Candy Kane


Pi Omega Pi Gives Scholarship

Promoting scholarship, encouraging civil responsibility, fostering high ethical stand- ards and service as the basis of all worthy enterprise were the purposes of Pi Omega Pi, business fraternity.

A senior with the highest scholastic av- erage in business education received the Thomas Clay Williams Memorial Scholar- ship'^ Award. Scholarship awards also were awarded to underclassmen with a B average in business. Pi Omega Pi participated in a candy sale and helped a needy family at Christmas.

Dee Kivett

Dennis Lamparter

Betty McCandless

Jane McGee

Jim Steeley

Russell Sutton

Larry Swaney

Effie Vick

Rose Wooten

Becky Yarbrough

Above Far Left: Scott Ober and Peggy Gard- ner discuss plans for helping a needy family at Christmas. Above: Scott Ober, President, proudly displays the Pi Omega Pi Chapter trophy which the fraternity won for ECU this year. Left: Members discuss spring ac- tivities.


Phi Beta Lambda Visits Richmond Reserve Bank

Field trips to Richmond Federal Reserve Bank, to Wachovia Computer Center, and to a cigarette manufacturing company in Winston-Salem were taken by Phi Beta Lambda members who strived to uphold their motto of "Education, Service, and Progress."

To honor members who achieved out- standing service. Phi Beta Lambda awards of service were given to a senior member and to an underclassman. The Finch-Cam- eron Scholarship Award was given to the graduating member with the highest av- erage for four years of outstanding work.

Pat Perry, President

Haywood Forrest, Vice-president

Nancy Bittner, Secretary

Rita Everette, Treasurer

Edna Adams

Tom Belote

Harry Black

Brenda Blair

Vicki Bridges

Laurie Brinkle

Karen Brooks

Frank Carson

Lawrence Cartner

Becky Coltrane

Danrty Connell

Charles Cranford

Jim Cuff

Howard Vann Cutts

Doug Damran

Brenda Draper

Bill Dudley

Hazel Eatmon

Kenny Evans

Linda Forehand


Peggy Gardner

Renee Gorham

Paul Gregory, Jr.

Anna Hahn

Glen Hamilton

Elaine Harris

Detra Hedgepeth

Tommy Hicks

Robert Holloway

Kaye Honeycutt

Nancy Hooper

Mary Beth Hunter

Lindsay Jones

JoAnne Kellam

Connie Lambert

Robert Likos

Delores Little

Linda Logus

Mary Love

Jenny McGhee

Judy Melton

Arnold Miller

Malinda Neal

Richard Nelson

Scot Ober

Helen Olsen

Dianna Outlaw

Steve Owens

Elliot Patrick

William Powell

Lin Robinson

Donna Rollins

Jo Ann Salter

Jackie Savage

Joan Skinner

Ronald Spencer

Doug Stockton

Pat Stubbs

Marsha Ann Summerlin

Larry Swaney

Brenda Terrell

Gerry Weber

Frederick Whaley

Glen White

Connie Williams

Kenneth Winston

Anita Woodford

Above Left: Phi Beta Lambda displays awards in Rawl showcase.


Right: Members of Gamma Theta Upsilon enjoy dinner meeting. Below Right: Fun and business are combined at a fraternity meeting.

Gamma Theta Upsilon Revises Campus Maps

Sending a newsletter to the alumni of the Geography Department and to others inter- ested in geography was a project of Gam- ma Theta Upsilon, East Carolina's geogra- phy fraternity. Members also participated in a survey of past students in the geogra- phy department to discover their activities and background from 1960 to the present.

Furthering professional interest in ography and strengthening student and pro- fessional training by covering subjects other than those in the classroom were the goals of Gamma Theta Upsilon.

Special plans for the year included a week-end field trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and a trip to Washington, D.C. Projects sponsored by the fraternity included making campus maps and revision of campus maps given to E.C.U. students at the beginning of the school year.

Rufus Keel, President

William Austin, Vice-president

Thomasine Sanderson, Secretary

Steve Benton

Doug Dutton

Mercer Faulkner

Gary Gaddy

David Greene

John Shepherd


Phi Epsilon Mu Sponsors -Tree-Play" Nights

Carolyn James President

June Temple Treasurer

Dianne Golding Secretary

Janine Bedsworth

Glenda Blackman

Brenda Bullock

Carolyn Cattle

Diane Gibson

Sherri Hanchey

Mary Frances Quick

Karen Sloan

Ester Styron

Margaret Transou

Phi Epsilon Mu sisters enjoyed listening to professional speakers and sponsored "Free-Play" Nights for women in the gymnasium. Their purposes as a fraternity were to instill professional pride, to elevate standards and ethics for people in health, physical education, and recreation; and to stimulate a greater interest in these pro- fessions.

Left: Health and physical education are topics' of interest at Phi Epsilon Mu meeting.


Phi Epsilon Kappa Officiates at Meets

Phi Epsilon Kappa played an important part in the activities of the Physical Edu- cation Department this year. The brothers officiated at swim and track meets, aided in the physical fitness test and collected for the arthritis fund. To promote physical education, the fraternity sponsored guest speakers.


Sam Lilly, President

Steve Craft, Vice-President

Fred Campbell, Treasurer

Gib Blackman

Burt Brinson

Danny Bowen

Mike Burchell

Bob Copeland

Roger Dalton

Larry Deal

Bill Jordan

Ron Moore

Johnny Wadsworth

Charles Watson

Steve Wrenn

Left: Phi Epsilon Kappa members participate in campus intramurals. Above Far Left: Marie Gerlach, Phi Epsilon Kappa Sweetheart. Below Far Left: Members begin football play.


Phi Mu Alpha Serenades at Christmas

Alan Van Tuyl President

Marvin Piland Vice-President

Steven Morlan Secretary

Harry McLamb Treasurer

John Bircher

Cyrus Brock

David Burns

Ronald Byerly

Christmas spirit was at a height as Phi Mu Alpha sang Christmas carols at the girls' dormitories and sorority houses and later presented the annual Christmas Con- cert. Other activities for Phi Mu Alpha Sin- foris Fraternity included Alpha Xi Delta All-Sing, Student Composers Contest, Con- temporary Music Festival, and the presen- tation of the Messiah jointly with the East Carolina University Symphony Orchestra and Sigma Alpha Iota. Spring quarter brought the presentation of the Fraternal Spirit Award to the brother who had ex- hibited outstanding leadership and fraternal spirit during his membership. Brothers of Phi Mu Alpha sponsored a fish fry to raise money for the Charles Lovelace Me- morial Scholarship Fund.


Above Far Left: Members constantly prepare for concerts and presentations. Far Left: Sigma Alpha Iota joins Phi Mu Alpha for a joint Christmas Concert. Above: Members of Phi Mu Alpha pre- pare for their Christmas concert. Left: Polishing, packing, performing, Phi Mu Alpha's work is never done !

Henry Cherry

Albert Cordell

Kenneth Deans

Ross Hale

Robin Hough

James Launmann

Ernest Logemann

William Parker

Adrian Roberts

Henry Ross

Terry Rothermich

Michael Soltys

Thomas Steele

Michael Stephens

James Stockner

Rufus Stuckey

Scott Walker

James Wells


Phi Sigma Pi Honors Outstanding Senior

Thornton Stovall, Jr., President

James Walker, Treasurer

Paul Allen

Robert Barnes, Jr.

James Burwell

William Crisp

John Daughtridge

Roy Dicks

James Galloway

Daniel Griffin, Jr.

Claude Hendershot

Leslie Hewett, Jr.

Ronald Ketcham

Thomas Lester

Larry Livengood

Napoleon Monroe III

Laurence Partin

Tony Phillips

Riley Reiner

Robert Russell

Ray Stinson

Charles Taylor

Benjamin Terrell

Larry Thompson

Above: Brothers of Phi Epsilon Pi combine a dinner with a discussion of the fraternity. Right: Members of Phi Siema Pi gather in Buccaneer Room for dinner.


Founders Day Banquet and a Christmas Party for underprivileged children were ejects of Phi Epsilon Pi. The brothers esented the Outstanding Male Senior ward to the most outstanding male in the aduating class. The Service Key went a brother as the highest honor any other could receive.

Qualifications for membership in Phi Epsilon Pi consisted of an overall B average, a clear judiciary record, and demon- ration of leadership potential. Ideals of holarship, leadership, and fellowship were promoted by this fraternity.

Patrick Timberlake

Leonard Veillette

Donald Warren

Tyrone Williams

James Wilson


Preparing a meal is a basic skill of the Phi Upsilon Omicron member.

Margaret Rumbley, President

Linda Moore, Vice-President

Rebecca Buck, Secretary

Janice Alphin,

Lynda Blalock

Cornelia Bowen

Martha Sue Barden

Sylvia Brixhoff

Martha Bullock

Mona Lou Canady

Beverly Ann Causey

Linda Lee Christian

Fanniem Cutis

Janice Daughtry

Fannie Allene Davis

Marjorie Gray Drake

Sandra Flowers

Carolyn Fulghum

Leslie Genzardi

Mildred Ann Goldston

Brenda Sue Hinnant

Carleen Hjortsvarng

Alice Booker King

Brenda G. McAdams


Sarah McLeod

Dorothy Mizelle

Alice Ann Riddick

Ellen Rogerson

Sharon Sloan

Evelyn Spangle

Karen Sue Spruill Linda Louise Watson

Donna Cheryl Yelverton

Phi Upsilon Colony Receives National Membership

Phi Upsilon Colony of Phi Upsilon Omicron was formerly the local honorary Phi Omicron. A petition for membership in the national fraternity was submitted and approved. Formal initiation took place in the spring.

To advance home economics; to be of service to the profession: to organize a group of women with similar ideals and professional interest; and to encourage moral, intellectual, and professional de- velopment of members were the colony's goals for the year.

Managing a machine that measures the number of twists in a piece of thread is an intricate part of fabric study.


Phi Sigma Tau Honors Students

Phi Sigma Tau recognized students with high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy. A B average and rank in the upper thirty-five percent of their class were required for membership in this fra- ternity.

The Dialogue, a semiannual journal in- cluding articles in the field of philosophy, promoted interest and encouraged pro- fessional spirit.

Above Right: Members of Phi Sigma Tau share an idea. Right: Members listen intently to a talk given by one of their brothers.

Alice Faulkner Secretary

Cleveland Bradner

Houston Craighead

D. D. Gross

Margaret Jones

John Kosy

J. Ray Lanfear

Ernest Marshall


Psi Chi Encourages Research, Scholarship, Service

Ben Webb, President

Alann Edwards, Secretary

Wayne Bearbower, Treasurer

John Anema

John Beasley

Ruby Brown

Graham Burkeimer

Linda Cameron

Harry Cain

Vicky Church

Helen Cleveland

Nancy Clinton

Sammie Cratch

Jean Deetz

Calvert Dixon

Barbara Drye

Richard Fell

Mary Galup

Jerome Goldman

William Grossnickle

Ann Jennings

Janie Johnson

Kermit Keeter

Charlie Laub

Thomas Long

Elke Maxwell

Daniel Miller

Charles Mitchell

John Monds

Max Nunez

Clinton Prewett

Theodore Saunders

Teresa Setaro

Howard Sitton

John Vantrease

Sharon Verner

Kenneth Walker

Beth Webb

Karen Webster

Theodore Whitley

Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, had as its purpose the en- couragement of scholarship in members and the advancement of the science of psychology. Awards presented to outstand- ing members were the Psi Chi Certificate of Achievement for service and "Psi Chi Research Awards" to encourage student research.

The fraternity was organized with the Psychology Club to allow those interested in the field of Psychology, regardless of their major or minor field, to participate jointly in activities with Psi Chi.

Members enjoy a guest speaker.


Right: Sigma Alpha Iota joins Phi Mu Alpha Christmas concert. Below Right: Sisters practii for concert.

Sigma Alpha Iota Wins All-Sing

Sisters of Sigma Alpha Iota, the women's professional music fraternity, performed in the winter musicale and Contemporary Music Festival. This year the fraternity presented the Messiah in conjunction with Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and won the pro- fessional division in the Alpha Xi Delta All-Sing. Striving to develop and further the cause of music was the goal of Beta Psi chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota.

Jane Birmingham

President Jeanne Laub,

Vice-President Marsha Beaman,

Treasurer Cora Bell

Judy Hoell

Nancy Kendrick McLamb

Ginny Scott

Jeanne Smith

Susan Schmeer


Gwyn Foushee, President

Joan Bridges, Vice-President

Judith Garrison, Secretary

Sandra Ervin, Treasurer

Barbara Adams

Lee Bennett

Ruth Boardhurst

Hilda Hodgson

Lynn Holt

Nancy Lawson

Inez Martinez

Edith Myers

Rhonda Neilson

Bonnie Waldrop

Era Warren

Tau Pi Epsilon Honors Nurses

Tau Pi Epsilon, Honorary Nursing Fra- ternity, was one of the new fraternities to recognize superior scholarship and leader- ship quality, to foster high professional standards, and to encourage creative work. The members had a cookout at Coach Martinez's. Several guest speakers appeared at their meetings throughout the year.

Above Left: Members of Tau Epsilon plan activities for their first year. Left: Cookout at Coach Martinez's pool is enjoyed by his guests.


Peggy Davis, President

Teresa Swain, Vice-President

Donna Cherry, Treasurer

Carmen Tutor

Sigma Tau

To the student who majored or minored in English, Sigma Tau Delta provided an opportunity to "promote the mastery of written expression." The chapter encour- aged worthwhile reading and fellowship among students specializing in the English language and literature.

Members of Sigma Tau Delta contri- buted to the East Carolina Literary Mag- azine, The Rebel, and presented two dra- matic readings, "The Heiress" and "A Christmas Carol."

Left: Sigma Tau Delta membership presen reading of "A Christmas Carol."


Delta Presents Dramatic Readings

Ann Bryan

Sherron Deal

Patsy Hartley


Fine Arts Stresses Music, Theater



Passion, Comedy Rage in "La Ronde"

Directed by David Press and written by Arthur Schnitzler, "La Ronde" was present- ed to East Carolina University as a popular rondelay of love as practiced in old Vienna and told in ten interlocking scenes. Each scene was made for two persons, and each person played two consecutive scenes and served as the link between them. The sol- dier of the first scene left his lady of the evening to appear in the next scene with a parlor maid. From this scene of love, the maid departed to play a similar scene with the wealthy man who employed her.

George Schreiber's excellent lighting pro- vided illumination for John Sneden's ele- gant set. Mary Stephenson's beautiful and stately costumes proved the right comple- ment to the dignified setting.

After spending the afternoon elsewhere, the Count returns home to his wife, played by Jane Barrett.


Above: The Count, played by Taylor Green, and the Streetwalker, Bonnie Taylor, overcome "class distinction" via the powers of love. Left: Richard Bradner as the Poet and Jane Barrett as the Actress escape to the country for a weekend that unfortunately falls short of expectation.


"A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum" brought zany comedy to the East Carolina stage. Heads rolled, and sides split as the actors sang and danced their way into hilarity. Based on a book by Burt Shelvelove and Larry Gelbert, the play was set in ancient Rome, 200 years before the Christian era. The comedy unfolded under the direction of Edgar Loessin in an elaborate set designed by John Sneden. Brett Watson directed the music, and Mavis Ray the choreography.

R. Gregory Zittel, as Prologus the free- dom searching slave, found himself in many complicated situations; but he always es- caped through many clever and comical maneuvers. Hero, played by Richard Brad- ner, and Philia, played by Jenny Shipp, were the two young lovers determined to be together. The curtain lowered on the last act as the entire crew sang "A Comedy To- night."

Above Right: The Courtesan, Gymnasia, is stud- ied aesthetically by R. Gregory Zittle, in the leading role of Prologus, the slave, who attains his freedom through many clever maneuvers. Below: The entire cast opens the zany evening declaring to the audience that "It's A Comedy Tonight."


The ''Forum'' Brings Zany Comedy to East Carolina Stage

Left: The Proteans, Conwell Worthinglon, David Burns, and James Fleming, encounter Domina, played by Linda Moyer, by accident as they carry "heavy baggage." Below Left: The young lovers, Richard Bradner and Jenny Shipp, sing about their impending joy to come after many compli- cations are resolved. Beloio Right: Taylor Green, Hysterium, and Senex. Cullen Johnson, admire a bust of Domina, wife of Senex.


Love, Tragedy Electrify ''Phaedre'' Production

Jean Racine's "Phaedre" as translated by Robert Lowell was the second production given by the East Carolina University De- partment of Drama this year. A prime ex- ample of French Classicism, the play was written by Racine in 1677. The plot was taken virtually in its entirety from the "Hip- polytus" of Euripides; but thematically and dramatically, it was entirely Racine.

Staged on a majestically simple set of levels and crumbling columns the style was a modification of pure French classicism. With actor-in-residence, Amanda Meiggs, in the stellar role and guest actor from New York. Louis Turenne, as Theseus, the trag- edy of a stepmother in love with her hus- band's son emerges with intense power through a boldness and clarity of acting and direction. Discarding any rigidity in traditional French classicism. Director Loes- sin attempted to deal with lucidity of com- munication as the characters moved toward their tragic destination.

George Schreiber's fluid and intricate lighting brought John Sneden's stark set into everchanging compositions and mood. The costumes designed and executed by Mary Stephenson, with inspiration from the arte-nouveau drawing of Aubrey Beards- ley, were very effective in contribution to the classic simplicity in which the pro- duction was conceived. Rarely produced by college theatres, this play was an excep- tional highlight in the ever-expanding rep- ertoire of the Department of Drama.

Above Right: Richard Bradner as Hippoly- tus and Jill Woodlief as Aricia. Right: Phae- dre throws herself on Hippolytus' sword to welcome the mercy of death.


Above Left: The impossible anguish caused by love for her stepson drives Phaedra to her death. Above Right: Rosalind Roulston, as Oenone, and Amanda Meiggs, as Phaedra. Oenone, Phaedra's nurse and confidante, is also dragged to destruc- tion through her devotion to her lady. Above: Phaedra confronts Hippolytus to reveal uncon- trollable passion for him.


''Romeo, Juliet'' Brings Standing Ovation

"Romeo and Juliet" by William Shake- speare received its first East Carolina pro- duction by the East Carolina Playhouse in February at McGinnis Auditorium. This well-known tragedy of a boy and girl in love was directed by Edgar Loessin, who with the talents of set designer John Sne- den, made this play a truly moving tribute to the East Carolina stage. The costumes were designed by Mary Stephenson, and the lighting was directed by George Schreiber.

Right: "But soft! What light through yonder win- dow breaks?" Below Left: at the Capulets' masked ball, Komeo, played by Richard Bradner, first meets Juliet, played by Jane Barrett. Below Right: Lady Capulet, played by Barbara Simpson, and Friar Laurence, played by Jim Fleming, mourn over Juliet who feigntd death.


Left; Romeo tries to halt an ensuing duel between Mercutio and Tybalt. Below: Capulet, played by Taylor Green, discusses with his wife and the nurse Juliet's imminent marriage to the County Paris.


University Orchestra Presents ''Don Juan''

Carefully selected by audition, members of the East Carolina University Symphony Orchestra strived to maintain the high stand- ards set by the School of Music when the Symphony was formed. The only resident symphony orchestra in Eastern North Car- olina, the group in October presented "Don Juan," a symphonic poem by Strauss. The Symphony Orchestra performed in the "Mes- siah" in December and gave a concerto in February.

Right: A member of the Symphony Orchestra pays particular attention to a run during a practice session. Below: The East Carolina University Symphony Orchestra performs in the "Messiah."


Symphonic Band Plays in Contemporary Music Festival

Under the direction of Herbert L. Carter, the Symphonic Band toured South Carolina and performed at various high schools in that state during the month of January. It was hoped that the hours of practice would provide the band the highest quality of performance. The band also played at the Christinas Assembly, gave a concert in Feb- ruary, and participated in the Contemporary Music Festival at East Carolina University April 24-28. Having a limited enrollment, the band selected members through audi- tions.

Left: Director Herbert L. Carter stresses a par- ticular line of music to the band. Below Left: Band members concentrate on different areas of music during rehearsals. Below Right: The Symphonic Band practices three times a week during the aca- demic year.



Marching Pirates Arouse School Spirit

Marching Pirates and majorettes of 1967- 68 paraded their way into the fall quarter with colorful uniforms, precision marching and rousing renditions of the "Alma Ma- ter" and "Dixie." The 160-member band provided an impressive background for pep rallies, football games, and the various pa- rades in which they performed. Under the direction of George W. Knight, the March- ing Pirates instilled a rousing sense of school spirit in the students, facuhy and alumni of East Carolina University.

Below Right: The Rebel canon roars as East Car- olina Bucs score another touchdown. Below Left: East Carolina Majorettes Left to Right:: L. Davis, J. Barnett, B. Prosseu, C. Johnson, and L. Jones.


Varsity Band Boasts 70 Instrumentalists

Conducted by George W. Knight, Jr., the Varsity Band provided musical experience for freshman music majors and for non- music majors with high school experience. Consisting of 70 instrumentalists, the band provided pep music for all home basketball games and gave concerts during the win- ter and spring.

Below: Members of the Varsity Band rehearse for their winter concert.


Women's Chorus Conducts Music Workshop

According to Director Mr. Paul Aliapou- lios, the function of the Women's Chorus was to provide a laboratory or workshop in two or three-part music for non-music majors. The chorus gave singing experi- ence for many primary education majors. "This Is My Country" was one of several patriotic songs the chorus concentrated on this year. The chorus studied Christmas songs, folk-tunes, sacred and classical mu- sic. No audition was required for mem- bership in the Women's Chorus.

Left: Two members of the Women's Chorus con- centrate on special emphasis given a particular song. Beloiv: Hours of practice bring perfection to the chorus.


Men's Glee Club Travels to Morehead

Under the direction of Dr. Clyde S. Hiss, the Men's Glee Club of East Carolina Uni- versity practiced three times a week this year in preparation of a concert with the St. Mary's Glee Club in Raleigh. For the first time, the Men's Glee Club traveled to Morehead City and presented an evening concert. According to Dr. Hiss, the Men's Glee Club strived to provide chorale expe- rience to the non-music major and main- tain a high quality of musical perform- ance. Membership through audition was available to all.

Right: The Men's Glee Club and Women's Chorus combine efforts to present a Christmas program. Below: The Men's Glee Club of East Carolina University.


Women's Glee Club Sings in MESSIAH

Consisting of forty members, the Wom- en's Glee Club of East Carolina University traveled throughout Eastern North Caro- lina to give concerts in the high schools. Under the direction of Miss Beatrice Chauncey, the Glee Club sang art, folk, and religious selections and participated in the Messiah and the Christmas Assembly pre- sented on the campus of East Carolina University. Membership, by audition, was open to any woman student.

Above: A member of the Glee Club practices her solo for the Christmas Assembly. Below: Women's Glee Club of East Carolina University.


Concert Choir Sings in Christmas Assembly

Highlighting this year's activities for the Concert Choir was a spring tour of the Eastern Seaboard. The choir performed at several colleges and civic functions. Under the direction of Mr. Charles W. Moore, the choir practiced many hours in preparation for its performance in the annual Christ- mas Assembly.

Right: Members of the Concert Choir practice for the Christmas Assembly. Below: The East Caro- lina University Concert Choir.


University Chorale Conducts Choral Workshops

Starting its second year as a performing group, the University Chorale, under the direction of Mr. Paul Aliapoulios, presented a spring concert for the student body and faculty. Throughout the fall and winter quarter, the Chorale conducted choral work- shops for the area high school choirs. The University Chorale joined the two Glee Clubs, the Symphonic Orchestra, and the Concert Choir to present the annual Christ- mas Assembly.

Above: The University Chorale. Below Left: A member of the Chorale strives for perfection during a practice session. Below Right: Members rehearse for their performance of the Messiah given in December.


College Artists Present Shows

Seeking to contribute to the cultural advancement of East Carolina University was the chief aim of the College Artists. Under the supervision of director Norman Keller, the College Artists presented, dur- ing the academic year, art shows to the students and faculty of the University. The College Artists, a service organization, strived to provide ideas and promote fel- lowship among the art students and facuhy.

Above Right: College Artists work in the Cata- combs for their annual Art Show. Right: Several members discuss their plans for the forthcoming year. Below: Deciding on the best painting is always a difficult chore.


Poetry Forum Presents Dramatic Readings at Methodist College

Above Left: David Lawson listens with pleasure to a poem read by a Forum member. Above Right: Members concentrate on critique given by a guest poet. Right: Forum advisers enjoy a break in their reading sessions.

Organized in 1963. the Poetry Forum was composed of students and all people interested in writing poetry. People through- out the country submitted their poetry to the Forum for criticism. At meetings of the Forum, reading and writing of modern poetry were discussed for the benefit of all members of the group. Many Poetry Forum members have had their poetry published in national literary magazines and in the University's literary magazine, the Rebel. In December, the Poetry Forum traveled to Fayetteville to give a dramatic reading for the Methodist College and the Fayette- ville community.


The Fine Arts Series, sponsored by the Student Government Association of East Carolina University, presented an excellent series of concerts, which were attended by hundreds of students, faculty, and local residents. In October, the Czech Philhar- monic Orchestra, under the direction of Ladislav Slovak, presented the Moldau by Smetana and A Serenade for Strings, Opus 5, by Eugen Suchon. The virtuosity of the hundred musicians had attracted many eminent men .to the orchestra's podium since the first concert under Antonin Dvorak in 1896. Also in October, the Warsaw Quintet presented a program of classical and ro- mantic music. The Quintet featured Bron- islaw Gimpel, violin; Drzysztof Jakowicz, violin; Stefan Kamasa, viola; Aleksander Ciechanski, cello; and Wladislaw Szpilman, piano. The focal point of November was the performance given by the Chamber Symphony of Philadelphia. Performing se- lections from Don Quixote, the Symphony captivated its audience with its diversified interpretation of the grandiose "Largo," the tender "Andante," and the rustic "Al- legro Moderate." Highlighting February was the appearance of the National Ballet, known throughout the world as the Resi- dent Company of Washington, D.C.

Above Right: Two performers in the Nation. Ballet execute a step in Tschaikosky's "Swa Lake." Above: The Chamber Symphony of Phil delphia performs under the Direction of Ansb Brusilow.


National Ballet Appears at East Carolina

Above Left: The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of Ladislav Slovak, performs an excerpt from the Moldau. Left: The Warsaw Quintet. Above Right: Anshel Brusilow empha- sizes a portion in the "Andante" from Don Quixote for the Chamber Symphony of Philadelphia.





Aerospace Department Enrolls Freshmen and Junior in Air Force ROTC Programs Leading to Commissions

Lt. Col. Douglas F. Carty, Director

TSgt. John L. Hamilton

Maj. Kevin T. Ryan, Jr.

Maj. Carl E. Tadlock

TSgt. Grover M. Thomas


To train, educate, and commission career- oriented second lieutenants to meet Air Force requirements was the mission of the Aerospace Department.

The Department taught Air Force ROTC courses under two programs which led to a commission: the four year program and the new two year program. In the four-year program, the student enrolled as a freshman. In the two-year program the student form- ally began as a junior. In both programs the cadets received financial assistance dur- ing the junior and senior years, leadership training at an Air Force base during a summer period, and pilot training in light aircraft for qualified seniors.

Air Force ROTC stressed quality, motiva- tion, educational achievement, and service to one's country. The cadets studied world military systems, communication, aerospace power, and officer professionalism.

Above Far Left: Aerospace cadets attentively listen to a lecture on communications. Below Far Left: Major Ryan explains the functions of modem aircraft. Left: Cadets and Angel Flights participate in ROTC week. Below Left: Leader- ship is a significant part of the Aerospace pro- gram.


School of Art Opens Technical Library

Expanded facilities in ceramics, print- making, and sculpture accommodated the four hundred and fifty undergraduates and the sixteen graduate students in the Art School this year. With the appropriation of many new slides, the foundation of a technical library was begun. A new major in Design was added; and plans for offer- ing AB, MA, and PhD degrees in the field of Art History were under way.

Right: Students in graphic arts work to print letter heads.

Left: A dedicated artist is absorbed in his work.

Dr. Wellington B. Gray, Dean

Mr. Charles F. Chamberlain

Mr. Warren A. Chamberlain, Sr.

Mr. Wesley V. Crawley

Mr. Robert S. Edmiston

Mrs. Sara J. Edmiston

Mr. Emily Farnham

Mr. Michael C. Flinn

Mrs. Marilyn F. Gordley

Mr. M. Tran Gordley

Mr. William H. Holley

Mr. Ralph E. Jacobs

Mr. Peter G. Jones

Mr. Norman Keller

Dr. John F. Moffitt

Mr. Francis L. Neel

Miss Betty E. Petteway

Miss Elizabeth Ross

Dr. Francis Speight


College of Arts, Sciences Enlarges to Nineteen Departments

Headed by Dean John M. Howell, the College of Arts and Sciences provided the entire general arts curriculum for all liberal arts majors and served as the nucleus be- tween the administration and the individual departments.

Composed of nineteen departments, the College of Arts and Sciences was the largest unit in the university this year. It was the first school divided into separate depart- ments.


Left: Dean John H. Howell. Below Far Left: Graduate students attend a class in the math department. Above Far Left: Exact measurements result in a success- ful experiment. Below: Physics students learn modern methods of problem solv- ing.


Professional training for actors, directors, and teachers was the basic aim of the Drama and Speech Department. Faculty and students joined in the productions.

McGinnis Auditorium was the setting for plays which brought entertainment to the student body and gave majors in this area an opportunity for actual involvement in productions.

The department offered comprehensive study in the four basic arts: dance, radio and television broadcasting, and public speaking.

Above: Excitement distracts entire cast from play production. Right: Guest actress, Amanda Meiggs, and Rosalind Roulston depict part of the tragedy of Phaedra.


Drama Students Get Professional Training Through Study I Basic Arts of Play Production, Acting Experience

Mr. Edward Loessin, Director

Mr. G. Douglas Ray

Mr. James L. Rees

Miss Rosalind Roulston

Mr. James Slaughter

Mr. John A. Sneden, Jr.

Above Left: Richard Bradner portrays Hippolyte in the drama production of Phaedra. Below: Music Choreography and playhouse directors dis- cuss necessary stage changes.


Shift to Three-Hour Courses Highlights English Departmen

Dr. Charles G. Wiley Director

Dr. Francis R. Adams

Mr. Phillips B. Benyamin

Dr. Warren B. Bezanson

Dr. Richard J. Browne

Mrs. Marie B. Browning

Dr. Richard L. Capwell

Dr. Sarah H. Caraway

Mrs. Karen B. Chetkins

Mrs. Faye C. Clay

Mrs. Donna M. Congleton

Mr. Joseph W. Congleton, Jr.

Mrs. Nell C. Everett

Miss Louise Y. Fitzgerald


Dr. William H. Grate

Miss Mary H. Greene

Miss Janice Hardison

Miss Dixie E. Hickman

Mrs. Jo Ann F. Jones

Dr. Rachel H. Kilpatrick

Mr. John H. Lowery, Jr.

Dr. Bart M. Reilly

Dr. Frederick Sorensen

Mrs. Mary Sorensen

Mr. Malcolm H. South

Miss Barbara A. Stewart

Dr. Alfred Wang

Dr. Veronica C. Wang

Mr. Vernon A. Ward, Jr.

Mrs. Edith Webber

To widen the student's intellectual ex- perience, the English Department this year added a galaxy of new courses to its offer- ings. Among these were four undergraduate and three graduate courses in linguistics, five courses in journalism, four courses in Chinese language, two courses in Chinese literature, and one course in oriental lit- erature in translation.

Department-wide shift to three-hour courses permitted students to take a variety of courses. In the freshman composition program, three courses were required. The first quarter was devoted to rhetoric and the essay, the second to longer prose works and training in research, and the third quarter to the short story, drama, and fic- tion. These courses were supplemented by a composition laboratory designed to help students with basic problems in writing.

Far Left: Dr. Rachael Kilpatrick takes time from her busy schedule to help a student. Left: Sched- ules are being pointed out to the faculty by Mr. Charles Wiley.


Geology Professor Attends International Congress.

Dr. C. Q. Brown, Director

Dr. B. A. Bishop

Dr. Percy Crosby

Dr. Stanley R. Riggs

Personal research projects by the pro- fessors, seminars conducted by the depart- ment, and a gift from Duke University of petrographic microscopes highlighted the year for the newly formed Geology Depart- ment.

The honor of attending the International Geological Congress in Prague, Czecho- slovakia, was awarded a member of the department. With one hundred per cent of its staff holding Ph.D.'s, the department offered three new undergraduate degrees: B.S. in Geology, B.S. in Geology for Earth Science Teaching, and a B.A. in Geology.

Above Right: Dr. Percy Crosby is reviewing a thin section of rock from the Adirondack Moun- tains through a petrographic microscope in his National Science Foundation grant-supported re- search. Right: Dr. B. A. Bishop points out the sagittal section of the nautilus to some of his students.


Members of Geography Department Study in Europe

Thirty-five members of the Geography Department toured Europe, wrote papers, and studied historic locations and the geography of the areas visited.

Emphasis on Latin American studies and the addition of courses on Mexico and the economics of the Latin Americas aided in the creation of a new Latin American minor.

Seminars for seniors and graduate stu- dents were conducted every week.

Left: Students learn to read a map key with the aid of Mr. Gustafson. Below: Dr. Mohamad Is- mail Siddiqu, Fulbrighl Professor, points out on a map his native land of Pakistan to his students.

Dr. Robert E. Cramer Director

Mr. H. L. Gustafson, Jr.

Dr. George C. Martin

Dr. Palmyra Monteiro

Dr. Mohamed Ismail Siddiqi

Mr. Phillip Shea

Dr. Daniel H. Stillwell


Foreign Languages Divide Into Two Departmem

As a result of rapid growth, the Foreign Languages Department was divided into separate departments, romance languages and German. Mr. James L. Fleming con- tinued as director of the department of romance languages.

Russian, a Slavic language, was added to the curriculum under the German de- partment, headed by Dr. Henry Wander- man. Modern laboratory equipment aided the students in acquiring knowledge and efficiency in foreign languages.

Far Right: The correct German pronunciation of "ah" is demonstrated by Dr. Miegler. Below Far Right: Language students improve their skills in the lab-

Mr. James L. Fleming, Director

Dr. Jose Baro

Mrs. Esther Fernandez

Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez

Miss Manolita Fernandez

Mrs. Helga E. Hill

Miss Bonnie Keller

Mr. David W. King

Mrs. Maria F. Koonce

Mr. Andre J. Marion

Dr. Alfred Murad

Mrs. Marguerite A. Perry

Mrs. Relly Wanderman

Dr. Wanderman Heads German Department

Dr. Joseph Daugman

Dr. Herbert Madler

Dr. Elizabeth Miegler

Dr. Felix Schnitzler

Mr. Peter Wiese


"Additional space allowed the department to stress quality for physical education majors and to serve better the entire student body." declared Dr. Nephi Jorgenson, chair- man.

New facilities of the department were housed in the Minges Coliseum, named for the chief benefactors. The new field house was named the Scales Field House for W. M. Scales, Jr., who led the fund drive to build it.

Above Right: Minges Coliseum is a much needed addition for the Physical Education Department Above Left: Students relax from their studies ir the old g)-m. Right: Mr. Scharf demonstrates the new electronic timer to one of his students.


Minges Coliseum Honors Benefactors

Advanced students learn new techniques.

Mrs. Gay Blocker

Mr. Robert Lee Boone

Mr. Harold Bullard

Dr. Nephi M. Jorgensen Director

Miss Frances Dougles

Mr. Robert B. Gantt

Mr. Jimmie R. Grimsley

Mr. Edgar W. Hooks, Jr.

Dr. Leon E. Johnson

Dr. Thomas H. Johnson

Dr. Larry L. Kendrick

Miss Maris Mitchell

Mr. Tom R. Quinn

Mrs. Josephine B. Saunders

Mr. Ray Scharf

Mr. Ernest W. Schwarz

Mr. Norman Earl Smith

Mrs. Nell Stallings

Dr. Ralph H. Steele

Mr. Kirk K. Stewart

Mr. Henry C. Vansant

Mr. Odell L. Welborn

Mr. Johnny Walter Welborn

Mr. George E. Williams


To maintain the East Carolina Manu- script Collection, which had several thou- sand manuscript items, was the duty of the full-time curator employed this year by the History Department.

The department sponsored a Symposium for History and Social Studies teachers and published its fourth volume in the series of East Carolina University Publication in History. Transition from a college depart- ment to a university department was made through increasing emphasis on research and writing and through broadening the graduate curriculum.

Right: Old manuscripts are a source of research.

Dr. Herbert R. Paschal, Director

Dr. Philip Adler

Mrs. Mary J. Bratton

Dr. Lawrence F. Brewster

Mr. Wyatt L. Brown

Dr. Howard B. Clay

Dr. Hubert A. Coleman

Dr. Betty C. Congleton

Dr. Richard P. Duval

Dr. Alvin A. Fahrner


History Department Employs First Full-Time Curator

Mr. Thomas C. Herndon

Mr. Donald R. Lennon

Dr. Roy N. Lokken

Dr. Paul Murray

Mr. John D. NcNille

Dr. James R. O'Connell

Dr. Herhert P. Rothfeder

Dr. Claude C. Sturgill

Dr. Richard C. Todd

Miss George-Anne Willard

Dr. Wilkins B. Winn

Above: Doctors Paschal, Ferrell, and Calhoun comment on historical problems during a com- mittee meeting.


Commissioned by publishing companies several members have worked to produce manuscripts for certain mathematics courses. Dr. Tullio Pignani and Mr. Paul Haggard completed Elements of Trigonom- etry and wrote a textbook, Analytical Ge- ometry. Dr. Spickerman and Dr. Pignani collaborated to produce another book, Ele- mentary Geometry.

The Mathematics Department received National Science Foundation support for an institute for secondary teachers of mathe- matics and in-service seminars for college teachers. The first of these supports fifty secondary school teachers. It is the first support that the university received relative to professional activities of college pro- fessors from other campuses.

Undergraduate and graduate curricula were continuously studied and up-dated to comply with the national trends of leading universities in the nation.

Data processing enjoyed by math students.

Dr. Donald R. Bailey

Mrs. Elizabeth Faye Bennett

Mr. Oscar W. Brannan

Mrs. Stella Daugherty

Mrs. Mildred H. Derrick

Mrs. Frances F. Dudley

Mrs. Ellen C. Fleming

Mrs. Tennala A. Gross

Mr. Paul W. Haggard

Dr. Katharine Hodgin

Dr. K. G. Johnson


Mathematics Faculty Commissioned to Publish Textbooks

Dr. Tullio J. Pignani Director

Mrs. Nannie Lee W. Manning

Mrs. Virginia G. McGrath

Dr. Sallie E. Pence

Mr. Frank W. Saunders

Dr. Katye O. Sowell

Mrs. Kershn Tobiasson

Mr. Leif Tobihsson

Mr. Louise L. Williams

Mr. Robert Woodside

Below: Dr. Pignani and Mr. Haggard review galley proofs for a new math textbook.


Philosophy Department Adds Reading Roo)

"Philosophy presents the students with an opportunity to think about things he is not ordinarily given an opportunity to think about," said Dr. Kozy, chairman of the Philosophy Department. This year a room was converted into a Philosophy Reading Room for the benefit of the faculty members and philosophy majors and minors. New books were added to the library, and portraits of great philosophers done by students in the Philosophy Art course were displayed in the library and offices of the faculty members.

Dr. John Kozy. Jr. Director

Mr. Houston Craighead

Mr. D. D. Gross

Miss Margaret I. Jones

Dr. Ray J. Lanfear

Mr. Ernest C. Marshall

Mr. Bradner enlightens philosophy students


Political Science Initiates Honors Program

To strengthen its program at the under- graduate and graduate levels has been the aim of the Political Science Department. At the undergraduate level, activation of a three-quarters honor program was offered for ten juniors and seniors in the top ten percent of their class. Development of the courses at the graduate levels also took place.

Through the varied instruction offered by this department the faculty hoped to develop quality and good citizenship to their full potential in the students.

Left: Faculty reports are tabulated in depart- mental meeting.

Mr. Herbert R. Carlton

Dr. James C. Dixon

Dr. William F. Troutman, Jr., Director

Dr. John East

Mr. Hans H. Indorf

Dr. young-dahl Song

Dr. H. I. Sugg

Mrs. Mary A. Yarbrough

Dr. Tinsley E. Yarbrough


Psychology Department Creates Internship Progran

Headed by Dr. Clinton R. Prewett. the Psychology Department had 389 majors. Fifty-one students worked toward their masters' degrees. The faculty added four members to the staff. These were Dr. Spurgeon Cole. Dr. Wayne B. Kinzie, Dr. James Pres- ton Rogers, Jr., and Jay R. Steinberg.

Internship settings where students were placed for a six month period were Asheville, Winston-Salem. Green ville, Boone, Raleigh, Goldsboro, and Morganton. One student was located at the Bar Harbor Child Guidance Clinic in Maine.

Also a part of the Psychology De- partment was the Developmental Eval- uation Clinic, headed by Dr. Malene Ions.

Left: A dedicated professor engages in con- tinual research.

Dr. Clinton R. PRewett, Director

Mr. Graham J. Burkheimer, Jr.

Mr. Calvert R. Dixon

Dr. William F. Grossnickle

Dr. R. Monnee Hedges

Dr. Thomas E. Long

Dr. Julia D. Marshall

Dr. Charles C. Mitchell

Mr. Jay K. Steinberg

Dr. Harry A. Williams


Dr. Yoon H. Kim

Dr. Peter H. Kunkel

Dr. Ralph R. Napp

Dr. Robert H. Sanders

Dr. K. L. Sindwani

Dr. Blanche G. Watrous

Dr. Melvin J. Williams, Director

Efforts of the Sociology Department to develop in three broad directions - social welfare, anthropology, and sociology proper - led to an increase in course offerings and a new minor in anthropology. Students were given the opportunity to concentrate in social welfare and prepare themselves for public welfare positions. New courses offered were the American Indian, Popula- tion Problems, and the Child in Con- temporary Cultures.

Five visiting professors taught in the rtment last summer. These included such outstanding sociologists as Dr. George Hillery of the University of Kentucky and Dr. Everett Wilson, Chief Sociologist on a special project of the American Sociological Association.

Above: Doctors Kim, Sanders, Douglas, and Kunkel discuss new trends in sociology. Lejt: Dr. Watrous explains the evolution of man.


Mr. E. R. Browning, Dean

Dr. James H. Bearden

Miss Dorothy Brandon

Dr. Byron B. Brown

Mr. Norman H. Cameron

Mr. J. Marshall Colcord

Dr. Albert R. Conley

Mrs. Ouida C. Debter

Dr. Audrey V. Dempsey

Mrs. Faye Dempsey

Mrs. Thadys J. Dewar

Dr. William H. Durham

Miss Ruby Elene Edens

Dr. Alton Finch

Mr. John Stuart Fletcher II

Dr. Alice M. Harrison

Mrs. Carol A. Hart

Mr. William S. Hart

Dr. Paul T. Hendershot

Dr. Joseph A. Hill

Mr. Samuel Thomas Hill

Mr. Kenneth C. James

Dr. Ray L. Jones

Mrs. Ruth B. Jones

Dr. Tora M. Larsen


American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business Accredits School at East Carolina University I

Attainment of accreditation by the Amer- ican Association of Collegiate Schools of Business enabled the department to keep the pace set by today's changing world. "Constantly changing business and eco- nomics put pressure on a school of busi- ness to stay modern," said Dean E. R. Browning.

To keep the department up to date in every way, three ftew majors were added the school of business: management, marketing, and real estate. Modern equip- ment replaced the old.

Far Left: Many important points of a successful businessman are discussed in Dr. Hill's classes. Left: Lab assistant prepares tapes for shorthand students to take dictations.

Mr. Gorman W. Ledbetter

Miss Velma W. Lowe

Mrs. Lucille Lundy

Mr. Jesse L. McDaniels

Dr. Harold M. McGarth

Mrs. Mildred T. McGrath

Dr. Mohammad T. Abul

Dr. Donald C. Rocke

Dr. Joseph W. Romita

Mr. S. Bernard Rosenblatt

Mr. Wilfrid F. Rylander

Mr. Allan Sharpe

Mr. Gordon F. Smith Jr.

Dr. Jack W. Thornton Jr.

Dr. Robert P. Vichas

Mr. William Henly Watson

Dr. Chung-Jeh Yeh

Dr. L. H. Zincone Jr.


School of Education Employs Audiologist,

Dean Douglas R. Jones, Director

Dr. Frank Arwood

Dr. Thomas A. Chambliss

Dr. Amos O. Clark

Dr. Sheldon C. Downes

Dr. Frank G. Fuller

Col. Milton E. Godfrey

Dr. Robert J. Gregory

Dr. Keith D. Holmes

Miss Esta D. Johnson

Dr. W. B. Martin

Dr. Ruth Modlin

Dr. William C. Sanderson

Dr. Mary L. Staton


Divides into Five Different Departments

To serve adequately the students, the un: versity, and the state, the school of educa tion this year was divided into five depart ments. Those were the department of Spe cial Education with Dr. Gilbert Ragland chairman; Department of Counselor Edu cation with Dr. Frank Fuller, chairman; Department of Educational Administration and Supervision with Dr. Ralph Brimley, chairman; Department of Elementary Edu- cation with Dr. Frank Arwood, chairman; and Department of Secondary Education with Dr. James Batten, chairman. Dr. Shel- don Downes served as coordinator of the new program in vocational rehabilitation begun this year.

Majors in Speech Therapy and Mental Retardation were added to the School of Education. The change brought an audio- logist to work with therapy in the develop- mental clinic.

The addition of a six-year program in supei vision and guidance began the ground- work for the future doctoral program.

Far Left: Experimenting with a tape recorder trains students to listen for speech problems. Left: Knowing how to operate a motion picture projector is an asset in teaching Below: Students in audio-visual aids practice operating a slide projector


Home Economics Department Establishes Phi Upsilon Colony

Dr. Mirian B. Moore, Director

Dr. Josephine A. Foster

Miss Geneva A. Helms

Miss Moselle Holberg

Dr. Patricia G. Hurley

Miss Ruth Lambi

Mrs. Willene E. O'Neal

Miss Eleanor A. Quick

Dr. Vila H. Rosenfeld

Mrs. Jannis B. Shea

Miss Alice Strawn

Above Right: Home Economic students learn to work with preschool children. Right: Self-tailored clothes are sewn with care.


Establishment of a Phi Upsilon colony, an honor society in Home Economics, was one of the major accomplishments of the Home Economics Department this year. The Head Start Orientation Program, concerned with training interested individuals in work- ing for Head Start throughout Eastern North Carolina, continued its work. The Home Economics Department offered two B.S. degrees: one in teacher education, the other in institutional management. Work on a masters program was initiated.

Above: Fascination is a bird's nest. Left: A food demonstration is given by a future homemaker.


Industrial and Technical Education Department Hosts Arts Association

Dr. Thomas J. Haigwood, Director

Dr. Kenneth L. Bing

Dr. William R. Hoots

Mr. Thomas G. Latimer

Mr. Robert W. Leith

Mr. Blondy E. Scott

Mr. Bobby James Tate

Mr. Paul E. Waldrop, Jr.


Above: A modern world calls for an emphasis in electronics. Far Left: Mr. Tate assists a student in mechanical drawing. Lejt: An emory wheel is used to sharpen tools.

One hundred and fifty industrial arts teachers convened at the fall meeting of the North Carolina Industrial and Technical Arts Association. The Industrial and Tech- nical Education Department was host. In the spring this department sponsored an annual administrators' conference for prin- cipals and teachers. Trends in industrial education were presented and discussed.

The Industrial Arts Department was al- located additional space in which to pursue research and offer professional education in the industrial-vocation-technical fields.


Music Department Installs Twenty-Six Station Listening Systems, Recording Equipment as Instructional Devices

Mr. Paul A. Aliapoulios

Dr. Thomas H. Carpenter

Mr. Herbert L. Carter

Dr. Robert L. Carter

Mr. Earl E. Beach, Dean

Miss Beatrice Chauncey

Mr. Rufus L. Dickey, Jr.

Miss Elizabeth Drake

Dr. W. Edmund Durham

Mr. Robert L. Hause

Mr. James W. Houlik

Mr. Eugene Isabella

Mr. Harold A. Jones

Mr. George W. Knight, Jr.

Mr. Richard Lucht

Dr. Thomas W. Miller

Dr. Charles W. Moore

Dr. Catherine A. Murphy

Mr. James H. Parnell


Seven new faculty members and a new major in music therapy were added to the School of Music this year. Installation of a twenty-six station listening system and professional recording equipment were among the teaching aids added to the department's equipment. Department spon- sored programs were designed to aid the music majors in developing their talents.

Left: Miss Chauncey prepares Woman's Glee Club for a concert. Below: The symphonic band conducted by Mr. Hause practices for "The Mes- siah". Far Left: Mr. Herbert Carter rehearses with brass section of the symphonic band.

Mr. James A. Searl

Mr. Barry M. Shank

Mrs. Pat Spain

Mr. Charles E. Stevens

Mrs. Eleanor Toll

Mr. Paul O. Topper

Mr. Donald C. Tracy

Mr. Brett T. Watson

Mrs. Gladys R. White


With facilities designed specifically for its specialized activities, the School of Nursing relocated in its new building at the beginning of the 1967-1968 academic

Junior and senior nursing students vol- unteered to assist with the country-wide measles vaccination program. The Student Nurse Association made Christmas decora- tions for the patients' trays at Pitt Me- morial Hospital and sold ball point pens to raise money to buy a gift for the new School of Nursing building.

Above and Far Right: Student nurses are trained to observe strict rules of sanitation. Below: Stu- dents learn medical knowledge in the classroom.


School of Nursing Relocates in New Building

Mrs. Judith A. Anderson

Mrs. Monta Rae Bandy

Miss M. Lee Bennett

Mrs. Audrey Biggers

Mrs. Eva W. Warren, Dean

Mrs. Ruth J. Broadhurst

Mrs. Judith Garrison

Mrs. Greer G. Levine

Mrs. Inez N. Martinez

Miss Edith G. Myers

Miss Rhoda M. Nielson

Mrs. Barbara A. Quiggins

Mrs. Lona P. Ratcliffe

Mrs. Joanne L. Suggs

Mrs. Bonnie E. Waldrop


Dr. William Byrne Lectures to Biology Department

Dr. Graham J. Davis, Director

Mr. Francis P. Belcik

Dr. Joseph F. Boyette

Mr. Hubert W. Burden

Dr. Patricia A. Daugherty

Dr. Linda W. Little

Dr. T. E. Lundy

Dr. James S. McDaniel

Dr. Susan J. McDaniel

Speaking on his research in molecular biology of memory, Dr. William Byrne of Duke University highlighted the year for the Biology Department.

A bio-chemistry major was added to the curriculum: and graduate majors within the department of biology were established in the general areas of aquatic studies, physiology, and bio-chemistry.

Construction of a new Biology-Physics building was begun; and completion date was set as December, 1968. Additions in equipment included the purchase of a microdensitometer.

Left: Biology students are introduced to research.


Chemistry Department Applies to American Chemical Society

Application to the American Chemical Society was made by the Chemistry De- partment this year. Although well received, it will take two years before accreditation comes through. Seven new members were added to the department's staff. These brought the total to fifteen, fourteen of which hold Ph.D.'s. The curriculum pro- gressed greatly in its improved changes and was aided in its development by newly- purchased instrumental equipment.

Left: Centrifuging processes enable students to separate solids from liquids through the applica- tion of more gravity and temperature control.

Dr. Robert C. Lamb, Director

Dr. Carolina L. Ayers

Dr. Paul W. Ayers

Mr. J. O. Derrick

Dr. Grover W. Everett

Dr. Edgar Heckel

Dr. Jang Kuo

Dr. Joseph N. LeConte

Dr. Warren K. McAllister


Physics Department Opens Research Areas to Student

Nuclear plivfics. plasma physics, and magnetic resonance were three programs in which the Department of Physics did research this year.

Offering the B.S., A.B., and the B.S. in teaching, the department offered a program to prepare students to be professional scientists as well as secondary school teachers.

The department, every quarter, conduct- ed a seminar program for faculty and students. Speakers from within the faculty, as well as \ isitors. were included.

Physics students welcome the challenge of mode equipment.

Dr. J. William Byrd

Dr. Carl G. Adler

Dr. Byron L. Coulter

Dr. R. M. Helms

Mr. Floyd M. Read

Dr. Thomas C. Say


Science Education Adds Practical Arts Course

Dr. Frank W. Eller

Dr. Carol D. Hampton

Dr. Carolyn H. Hampton

Dr. Floyd E. Matthels

James D. Nicholson

Dr. Moses M. Sheppard

Dr. Donald E. Bailey, Director

Left: Mr. Byrum explains the use of the galvano- meter to his physical science class. Below: Photographical Arts, a new course in the de- partment, is explained to a student by Dr. Eller.

To the curriculum of the science edu- cation department this year, a practical arts course in photography was added. A new project was the publishing of News- letter for Science Teachers, which was cir- culated throughout the state.

Courses for in-service high school science teachers were provided, and the depart- ment worked with prospective teachers in the field of science.


Library Science Gains Additional Space

Serving all departments and the whole university, the library science department welcomed the 20,000 additional square feet which housed the new North Carolina room and increased the size of the reading room. The budget for books and library material was doubled this year.

Members of the staff addressed various organizations within the university and as far away as Philadelphia.

Right: Containing an abundance of resource material, the library serves all the students.

Mr. Gene D. Lanier, Director

Miss Emily S. Boyce

Mrs. Frances B. Everhart

Mrs. Lois T. Berry

Mrs. Sallie E. Mann


Department of Continuing Education Publishes Own Catalogue

Formerly known as the Extension Divi- sion, the Department of Continuing Edu- cation was unique in that it took courses to the student.

New programs founded in the depart- ment of Continuing Education this year were a training laboratory in mental health and a seminar for public health nurses. The Department expanded its of- ferings in non-credit courses in business. It published, for the first time, its own catalogue.

Mr. Brayom E. Anderson, Jr.

Mr. Garlan F. Bailey

Mr. John S. Bell, Jr.

Mr. Charles H. Bowman, Jr.

Miss Vivian Parnee Crickmore

Mr. Samuel P. Hudson

Mr. Edmond W. Limer, Jr.

Mr. Coy Edwin McClintock

Mr. James A. McCee

Far Above: Servicemen at the Camp Lejeune Center participate in an English class. Above: Dr. Leo Jenkins and Dr. David Middleton meet with Generals Anderson and Bowman to discuss the University Center at Cherry Point.

Mr. Charles F. McKiever

Mr. Herman D. Phelps

Mrs. Mary K. Thornton



No University Exists Without Students

Student classification was a bitter-sweet experience. To the wide-eyed freshman, classification was an albatross; to the third quarter senior, it was a laurel.

What caused the evolvement from alba- tross to laurel? The answer was simple: concentrated exposures to varied disci- plines. Exposure to new, and sometimes conflicting, ideas caused two distinct re- sponses: evaluation and positive or neg- ative reaction.

This process had the power to transform adolescents into adults within four short years.



From freshman to senior, they never stop.


Graduate School

Dr. John O. Reynolds, Dean of Graduate School; Mr. Ennis L. Chestung, Assistant Dean

Allen, Marvin L. Business

Barnette, Jerry L. Mathematics

Baumrind, Vernon E. Geography

Blake, Russell W. Business

Bordeaux, Kenneth R. Business

Borst, Franklin J. Business

Bradford, Susan E. Mathematics

Brewer, Claude S., Jr. Education

Brown, Sammy A. Business

Byrum, Jerry H. Science Education

Canady, Ronald L. Business

Carstarphen, John, III Education

Citrenbaum, Charles Psychology

Crane, Peter B. Education

Davis, Samuel A. Political Science

Derrickson, Vivian Sociology

Dickens, William, III Physical Education

Dilda, Kenneth W. History

Dupree, Joseph W. Business

Englebrecht, Ted D. Business


Feddeman, William K. Business

Fell, Richard E. Psychology

Fisher, Jerry Business

Fitzgerald, Douglas H. Music

Flora, James R. Business

Fornes, Roy W. Business

Frekko, Emery F. Business

Gainey, Millard J. Business

Goins, Ralph M. Art

Goldman, Jerome M. Psychology

Green, Linda L. History

Hall, Adron F. Biology

Helsabeck, James R. Biology

Henson, Gerald M. Political Science

Holson, Joseph F. Biology

Hosea, Thomas G., Jr. Biology

Hudson, William M. Education

Humphrey, Martha D. History

Isaac, Margaret P. Guidance and Counseling

Jenkins, Alberta Education

Expanding school offers Saturday graduate classes.


Graduate assistants supervise laboratories .

Jennings, Ann B. Clinical Psychology

Jennings, Howard D. Jr. Biology

Johnson, Richard W. Mathematics

Jones, Harry K. Business

Jorgensen, Layne W. Physical Education

Keller, Frank E. Political Science

Keys, Evelyn E. Music Education

Kingree, Richard A. Clinical Psychology

Kirkland, Thurloe L. Business Administration

Lambeth, Ben A. Political Science

Larson, Michael T. History

Laub, Charlie G. Experimental Psychology

Lea, William T. Physical Education

Mansfield, Ervine E. History

Mantz, Edna J. Music Education

McCullen, Forest G. Clinical Psychology

Merrit, James F. Biology

Miller, Daniel F. Psychology

Nunez, Max G. Clinical Psychology

Phipps, Diane B. Business Administration

Prichard, Timothy F. Business Administration

Raynor, Margaret F. Music

Ruschival, Mary L. Psychology

Sanderson, Leon M. Business

Sawyer, Sophie S. Science Education


Schrum, Paul M., Jr. Music Education

Shifflett, Andrew L. History

Simmons, Almeria M. Guidance

Sitton, Howard T. Jr. Psychology

Skrobiszewski, John Industrial and Technical Education

Smedley, Stanley R. Business Administration

Smith, Alethia J. Music

Southerland, Isaac B. Science Education

Stancil, John R. History

Stockdale, Dennis Biology

Tolston, Vicki J. Physical Education

Vantrease, John M. Jr. Psychology

Vinson, Emily Piano Performance

Walder, Jeffrey M. Industrial and Technical Education

Walker, Kenneth N. Psychology

Wall, Jerry L. Business

Webb, Benjamin T. Psychology

West, Roberta D. Music

White. John N. Business

Zahran, Teresa A. Voice

. . . and conduct research.


Class of 1968

Ervin Breedlove, President; Grace Mitchell, Vice- President: Caroline Riddle, Secretary; Brenda Bullock, Treasurer.

Adams, Edna Y.

Adams, Gale E.

Adams, Linda J.

Aldridge, Rebecca N.

Allen, Margaret M.

Allen, Betsy A.

Alligood, Carol D.

Alligood, Alice R.

Alligood, Jane R.

Alligood, Linden L.

Alligood, Miriam L.

Allred, Susan C.

Alphin, Eva M.

Ambry, Karen M.

Amon, Carol

Anderson, Elizabeth

Anderson, Gerald T.

Anderson, Sue C.

Anderson, Susan

Andrews, Barry D.


Applelby, Andrew S.

Applewhite, Walter B.

Arcand, Andre T.

Armstrong, Betty S.

Armstrong, Michael D.

Arnette, Dianne L.

Arnold, Patricia A.

Asato, Winifred K.

Atack, Kathleen A.

Austin, Gwendolyn I.

Austin, William H., Jr.

Autrey, Mae C.

Avent, Beverly J.

Ayscue, Kaye W.

Bach, Wayne M.

Badalamenti, Vincent

Baker, Fred B.

Baker, Larry T.

Baker, Lonnie G.

Baker, Susan C.

Balkcum, Judy C.

Barbee, Juanita B.

Barber, Bettie L.

Barbour, Beverly F.

Barbour, Diane H.

Barnes, Elizabeth A.

Barnes, James N.

Barnes, Judith A.

Barnes, Paulette M.

Barnes, Robert I.

Barnett, Bruce W.

Barnette, Patricia D.

Barnhill, Roy L.

Barrett, Brenda C.

Barrington, Thomas L.


Barrow, Rebecca A.

Barry, Patricia E.

Bartlett, Donald

Barwick, Lynn P.

Bass, David A.

Bass, Rebecca H.

Bassford, Anna M.

Bateman, Judy D.

Bates, Margaret C.

Baum, William R.

Beacham, Sidney T.

Beaman, Margaret A.

Beaman, Marsha H.

Bearbower, Dorcie W.

Beato, Joseph A.

Beatty, Ashley S.

Beety, Gilbert T.

Bell, Doris A.

Bell, Sarah L.

Bellmann, Marcia L.

Belote, Herbert T.

Benton, Bonnie B.

Benton, Stephen B.

Berry, Carolyn P.

Bird, Robert F.

Black, Harry B.

Blackburn, James W.

Blackburn, Walter W.

Blackman, Thomas G.

Blackwell, Thomas H.

Seniors leave with eagerness . .


and a touch of regret.

Blalock, Joel T.

Blanchard, Albert, Jr.

Bland, Cherry, M.

Blanton, Gary C.

Blick, Barry A.

Boaz, Dolores

Bobbitt, Nancy B.

Bodziak, William J.

Bogatko, John A.

Bohniuller, Frederick

Bone, Betsy J.

Bonnevie, Rosemary

Borschel, Jeanne L.

Bottoms, Frieda R.

Boudrow, Eleanor M.

Bowden, Beverly J.

Bowden, Bonita D.

Bowles, Linda J.

Boyd, Janice M.

Boyd, Kenneth R.

Boyd, Phyllis K.

Boyd, Robert H.

Boyette, Eddy L.

Boyette. Janet R.

Boyles, Ira W.

Bradey, Nancy K.

Bradford, Judith L.

Bradley, Nancy E.

Bradsher, Sharon K.

Branch. Mary R.



Brandon, Dennecia L.

Bray, Lucy S.

Brearey, Jonathan L.

Breedlove, Irvin P., Jr.

Breen, Sandra J. R.

Bridgers, Joan A.

Bridgers, Mary C.

Bridges, David A.

Bright. Danny L.

Brinson, James W.

Britt, Mary S.

Britt, Sandra L.

Brixhoff, Sylvia P.

Brock, Edith M.

Brock, Ronald O.

Brooks, Benjamin L.

Brooks, James L.

Brown, Brenda L.

Brown, John M.

Brown, Justin L., III

Brown, Patricia A.

Brown, Rebecca A.

Brown, Thomas E.

Brunson, Richard D.

Bryan, Ann C.



Buck, Rebecca P.

Bulla, Linda R.

Bullard, John I.

Bullard, Linda N.

Bullard, Mary A.

Bullock, Brenda L.

Bullock, Martha E.

Bunch, Henry A.

Bunch. John N., Jr.

Bunch, Mary L. D.

Burawski, William H.

Burch, Barbara S.

Burgess, Wayne T.

Burke, Dennis C.

Burke, Margaret M.

Burnett, Myrle J.

Burnette, Diana D.

Burney, Katherine J. A.

Byerly, Ronald B.

Bynum, Joanne M.

Byrum, Willie C.

Cain, Ronald N.

Cake, Marcus P.

Callicutt, Charles D.

Callis, Lorraine H.



Cameron, Celia A.

Cameron, Linda N.

Campbell, Earnest F.

Campbell, Robert A.

Canady, Monia L.

Cannon, Evelyn P.

Card, Adele R.

Carlson, Karen L.

Carmichael, Beverly S.

Carney, Basil W., Jr.

Carpenter, Michael R.

Carraway, Dora J.

Carson, John F., Jr.

Carter, Beverly J.

Carter, Gloria D.

Carter, William C.

Cartwright, Martha E.

Cassidy, Joseph P.

Cauley, William D.

Cavanaugh, Annette W.

Cavendish, Michael

Cayton, Faye C.

Chalk, William K.

Chambers, Alton B.

Chambers, Diana L.

Chandler, Anne E.

Chappell, Bertie S.

Chappell, Claudia J.

Charron, Raymond B.

Cherry, Donna L.

Cheshire, Nancy L.

Childers, John S.

Childers, Robert L., Jr.

Chitty, Thomas G.

Church, Vicky T.


Clamp, Julie C.

Clark, Burke F.

Clark, Carol J.

Cleveland, Helen S.

Cline, Linelle L.

Clinton, Nancy H.

Cobb, James R., Jr.

Cobb, Melvin R., Jr.

Cobb, William R.

Coble, Judith A.

Coble, Julia L.

Cochran, Willian C.

Coggins, Candace C.

Colbert. Vincent N.

Cole, Patricia V.

Comer, Linda L.

Comer, Lois M.

Conaway. Richard E.

Conley, Michael J.

Connell, Daniel R.

Conrad, David P.

Cook, Peggy J.

Cooke, Elizabeth W.

Copeland, Robert J.

Cordell, Albert 0.

Cotten, Vista K.

Courtney, Benjamin H.

Cox, Hilda D.

Cox, Janice J.

Cox, Jimmy R.

Cox, Wesley D.

Coyle, Marcia L.

Cranford, Charles R.

Creech, Dwight M.

Creech, Frances C.



Creech, Jerry N.

Creech, Marjorie D.

Cromartie, Urbanna M.

Crouse. Peggy J.

Culley, David N.

Cummings, Zeb C. III

Currin, Percy T.

Curtis, Ronnie G.

Cutler, Dorothy T.

Cutler. Linda A.

Dalton, Roger D.

Daly, Norma J.

Damren, Douglas M.

Daniel, Linda A.

Daniel, Shirley M.

Daniel, Thomas J.

Darden, Carl D.

Daughtridge, John D.

Davis, Diane W.

Davis, Doris A.

Davis, Frances E.

Davis, H. Faye

Davis, Jeffrey C.

Davis, Sandra H.

Day, William J.

Four years is a long time.


Deal, Harvie A.

Deal, Sherron H.

Deans, Donna S.

Deans, Thomas L.

Dees, Judy L.

Deetz, Jean A.

Deilinger, Eloise H.

Dellinger, Henry S.

DePriore, Peter A.

Denton, Martha C.

DeSandro, Shirlee J.

DeVido, Gregory J.

Dickerman, Kathleen A.

Dixon, Mary M.

Donnelly, Robert J.

Dosik, Ellis R.

Dough, William M.

Dowell, Nancy G.

Dozier, Agnes F.

Drake, Marjorie G.

Draper, Brenda G.

Drost, Paula E.

Dryden, William C.

Drye, Barbara L.

Dudley, Judy L.

Dudley, William L.

Duke, Joel T.

Dunbar, Donna K.

Dunn, Judith W.

Dunn, Nancy G.

Durham, Corrine J.

Dutton, Douglas M.

Eason, Alana J.

Eastwood, William D.

Ebbett, Janis E.


Edmondson, Mary W.

Edwards, Carolyn M.

Edwards, Jerry R.

Elam, Toni R. B.

Elam, William H.

Elliott, Linda C.

Elliott, Phillip C.

Elliott, Robert H.

Elliott, Sharon L.

English, Donna L.

Ennis, Walter M.

Ervin, Billy E.

Ervin, Faye J.

Ervin, Sandra E. B.

Eubank, Sue J.

Evans, Audrey K.

Evans, Carolyn R.

Evans, Daniel E.

Evans, Donald E.

Evans, Patsy G.

Everett, William C.

Everette. Helen E.

Everette, Mildred E.

Everette, Rita A.

Fairless, Seaton P., Jr.

Seniors face a new world . . .


with confidence and open minds.

Faitoute, Gail L.

Fann, Shelia D.

Farell, Judy E.

Farmer, Frank D., Jr.

Farmer, Phyllis C.

Farrell, Donald J.

Faulkner, Alice M.

Faulkner, Mercer M.

Ferguson, Danny T.

House, Jo Anne

Fincher, Benjamin E.

Finman, Edward D.

Finney, Larry G.

Flanigan, Kathleen P.

Fleming, Ruth E.

Flowe, Rebecca K.

Foley, Kevin A.

Forbes, George D., Jr.

Forbes, William S.

Ford, Alice S.

Fornash, Steven R.

Forrest, Haywood E., Jr.

Forsythe, Gloria J.

Foster, James B.

Foster, Stephen C.



Foushee, Sylvia G.

Fowler, Harry H.

Fox, Minnie S.

Franklin, Dara L.

Freeman, Shelia L.

Frohman, Shirley

Fulghum, Carolyn R. J.

Fulghum, Janet L.

Fulghum, Nancy G.

Fuller, John M.

Fulton, Norma J.

Funderburk, Frank E.

Futrell, Frances F.

Gaddy, Gary L.

Gall, Judith A.

Gamble, Anna V.

Gans, Barry F.

Gard, Bettie W.

Gardner, Judith F.

Gardner, Vivian A.

Garner, Jerry W.

Garrell, Mary A.

Garrett, Sandra F.

Gaskill, Cora D. J.

Gerlach, Marie H.

Gibbs, Mary L. T.

Gibson, John W.

Gibson, Sue C.

Gill, Anne S.

Gill, Barbara J.

Glover, Donna I.

Godfrey, Sarah A.

Goe, Maryellen

Goff, Susan

Goins, Fred T., Jr.


Gold, Rebecca J.

Goldfarb, Martin J.

Golding, Dianne

Goldston, Mildred A.

Gooden, Patricia A.

Goodwin, Judith G.

Gordon, Michael D.

Gottschalk, Virginia

Grant, Joan C. G.

Grant, Thomas J.

Gravatt, W. Nelson

Gray, John T.

Gray, Mary M.

Green, David M., Jr.

Green, Joan C.

Greer, Ellen M.

Gregory, Mary L.

Griffin, Suzanne

Grimes, Kathy Q.

Grove, William G.

Gupton, Milton C.

Gurganus, Patsy J.

Gurley, Tony K.

Hager, David S.

Hagwood, Ricky G.

Hahn, Anna L.

Hales, Mary A.

Hall, Frank W.

Hall, Robert H.

Halsey, Johnny V.

Hanchey, Sandra L.

Handlon, James W.

Hanner, David C.

Hardison, Judy H.

Hardy, Herman A.


Each senior follows a different road.

Hare, James D.

Harmon, Gerald K.

Harper, Charles M.

Harrell, Bennett M.

Harrell, Mary G.

Harrell, Shirley J.

Harrington, William

Harris, Dolores R.

Harris, Jann E.

Harris, John F.

Harris, Nancy S.

Harris, Robert J.

Harriss, Judy C.

Haun, Veronika G.

Hawley, Jesse J.

Hawley, Nancy N.

Hayes, Charles A.

Hayes, Lynda D.

Healy, Patricia L.

Hearne, Sara L.

Heckman, Sandra W.

Hedgepeth, Andrew C.

Hedgepeth, Detra S.

Heeden, Carol A.

Heffner, Liza B.

Hendricks, John D.

Hendricks, Marjory J.

Henry, Catherine B.

Henson, Diane E.

Henson, Larry M.


Hepler, Shirley A.

Hewett, Leslie W., Jr.

Heyward, Katherine E.

Hill, Linda M.

Hill, Michael T.

Hines, Samuel S.

Hinton, Yvonne J.

Hitchcock, Janice B.

Hoard, Jennifer L.

Hodge, Ruth A.

Hodgson, Hilda S.

Hogg, Donald G.

Holder, Rebecca M.

Holloman, Joseph J.

Holloway, Robert E.

Holmes, Keith D., Jr.

Holt, Lawrence D.

Holt, Shirley F.

Honaker, William E.

Honeycutt, Brenda K. M.

Hooker, Lynda L.

Hopewell, Gloria J.

Hoppe, Toby Sue

Horner, Janice A.

Howard, Margaret A.


Seniors solve problems . . .

Howell, Judith A.

Howerton, Betsy G.

Howie, Meredith A.

Howitt, Robert B.

Howland, Mary V.

Hoyle, Robert C.

Hudson, Charles T., Jr.

Hudson, Steve W.

Huey, William I.

Huffman, Robert L., Jr.

Hughes, Nettie S.

Humphries, Edward

Hunter, Mary B.

Hunter, William J.

Hutchison, Susan D.

Hux, Albert R., Jr.

Hyde, John S.

Iacona, Charles J.

Ingram, Donald W.

Irey, Jill

Irons, Gay

Isner, Robert B., III

Jackson, Jesse V.

Jacobs, Betty E.

James, Harriet H.

James, Nancy E.

Jayroe, Donald W.

Jenkins, Harry E.

Jennings, David H.

Jennings, Susan M.


and grow with accomplishment.

Jenrette, Brenda C.

Jernigan, Emma L.

Jernigan, Linda E.

Jessup, Frances S.

Jilcott, Margaret T.

Johnson, Jeanne C.

Johnson, Horace M., Jr.

Johnson, Joseph W.

Johnson, Larry D.

Johnson, Patsy A.

Johnston, Julie G.

Jones, Bettie T.

Jones, Carole L.

Jones, Ceresy K.

Jones, Donald G.

Jones, James E.

Jones, Linda L.

Jones, Lindsay E.

Jones, Lynne H.

Jones, Millard B.

Jones, Mona B.

Joyner, Dorothy J.

Joyner, Judith A.

Judice, Lynn E.

Kallman, Ronald S.

Katon, Jay D.

Kay, Beverly A.

Keating, Camilla E.

Keel, Rufus V.

Keeter, Kermit K., Jr.



Keeter, Sidney G., Jr.

Keever, Judith A.

Keiber, Robert J.

Kemp, Donald R.

Kennedy, Linda K.

Kennedy, Richard B.

Kent, Carol A.

Ketcham, Ronald R.

Kight, Laurie J.

Killgo, James L., Jr.

Kimlick, Jeanne M.

King, Alice R.

King, Ann L.

King, Carl W.

King, Mary L.

King, Thomas H.

Kingsbury, Harry K., Jr.

Kinney, Kenneth B.

Kinzie, Michael A.

Kivett, Pauline D.

Klein, Martha D.

Klemp, Karleen

Kluttz, Susan C.

Koehler, Robert A.

Koonce, William J., Jr.


Kramer, Janine A.

Kuhn, Nanci L.

Lai, Robert

Lamparler, Denis L.

Landis, Eileen D.

Landsperger, Walter J.

Lane. Gordon M.

Lane, Rebecca L.

Lane, Robert L., Jr.

Lane, Walter M.

Larson, Patricia A.

Lasater, Rebecca D.

Lassiter. G. Martin

Lassiter, Nancy K.

Laub, Jeanne S.

Laughinghouse, Charles F.

Laughlin, Arrington J.

Laumann, James T.

Law, Jerry D.

Lawrence, Edward W.

Lawson, Nancy R.

Leblanc, Jane H.

Leblond, Randall P.

Lee, Anna C. M.

Lee, Jane A.



Lee, Sandra J.

Lee, Sarah J.

Leggett, Carolyn J.

Leggett, Donna Y.

Lester, Thomas H.

Lewis, Brenda T.

Lewis, Joanne C.

Lewis, Larry E.

Lewis, Lawrence H., Jr.

Lewis, Susan T.

Lilly, Samuel B.

Lindenmuth, Deborah A.

Lindsey, William H.

Lippincott, Mary A.

Little, Betsy B.

Little, Brenda L.

Little, Donald P., Jr.

Logemann, Ernest V.

Lord, Janette E.

Lorenz, Patricia A.

Losee, Carol A.

Love, Mary D.

Lowe, Janet H.

Lucas, Alice D.

Lueck, Kerby W.

Lyda, Elizabeth L.

Macemore, Albert D.

Maggiold, Judith S.

Mallard, Harry C., Jr.

Mannino, Victor E.

Mansfield, Barbara B.

Marshall, L. Katheryn

Martin, Charles C., Jr.

Martin, Patricia L.

Martin, Sarah L.


Martin, William N.

Mason, Patricia J. E.

Massengill, Susan H.

Massey, Joan M.

Mathews, Donald G.

Mauldin, Tula A.

Mauser, Edward A., Jr.

Maxwell, Elke B.

Mayer, Kenneth C.

McCaffrey, David L., Jr.

McCandless, Betty D.

McChesney, James D.

McClenny, Dennis K.

McCluskey, Phyllis D.

McCombs, Marvin III

McCombs, Neale R., Jr.

McCraw, Monte F.

McCullen, Annie R.

McCullen, Audrey B.

McCullen, Lillian I.

McDaniel, Janet E.

McDuffie, Heidi M.

McGrath, Mark J.

McInerney, Robert J.

McInnis, Rebecca L.

McKeel, Sherly A.

McLamb, Harry C., Jr.

McLamb, Nancy I. K.

McLaurin, Brenda I.

McLean, Doris F.

McMahon, Vincent K.

McNeill, William D.

McRae, Flora A.

Meadows, Pamela R.

Medlin, Pamela B.



Meginnis, Sylvia J.

Melvin, Robert P.

Mendenhall, Maria

Merritt, Linda F.

Mewborn, Douglas E.

Miller, Arnold L., Jr.

Miller, Bobbye A.

Miller, Donald C.

Miller, James A.

Miller, Janice R.

Mills, Barbara J.

Mills, Brenda G.

Minton, Charles E.

Mintz, Gary M.

Mitchell, Bingham., Jr

Mitchell, Miriam G.

Mitchon, Katherine E.

Mobley, Nettie M.

Mohn, Frederick H.

Monds, John P.

Monk, Sidney R.

Monnes, James B.

Monroe, Orville N.

Moore, Boyce S., Jr.

Moore, Carol S.


Moore, Carolyn P.

Moore, Janet T.

Moore, Levy E.

Moore, Linda S.

Moore, Phillip R.

Moorefield, Arthur W.

Mooring, Steven F.

Morrison, James W.

Morton, Susan W.

Moseley, Mary L.

Moye, Peggy A.

Moyer, Lynda J.

Murdock, Jerold P.

Murphy, Frances A.

Murphy, Herschel G.

Murray, Joan A.

Murray, Stephen R.

Musgrove, Sandra F.

Mylum, Jane

Myrick, Judith A.

and ponder their significance.



Narron, Samuel R.

Neal, Anne B.

Neal, James P.

Neal, John E.

Neely, Fulton R.

Nelms, Donald M.

Nelson, Richard S.

Nelson, Wallace V., Jr.

Nettles, William M.

Newborn, Anthony E.

Nichols, Nancy A.

Nichols, Stephen C.

Noble, Judy C.

Nolan, Russell E., Jr.

Norrell, Janet M.

Norwood, John S.

Nutter, Sandra L.

Ober, Bobby S.

Oleary, Harriet E.

Oliver, Alice A.

Olsen, Richard P.

O'Neal, Helen F.

Orchard, Hays W.

Ormand, Robert A.

Ormand, Shelor W. B.

Ormsby, Thomas E.

Overton, Becky H.

Overton, Bobby E.

Owen, Ray W.

Padwrick, Effie G.

Paisley, Larry G.

Paramore, Kenneth R.

Parham, Michael J.

Parker, Billie S.

Parker, Ernest L.


Parker, William M.

Parks, James J.

Parrish, James W.

Parsons, Gregory W.

Partin, Thomas L.

Pate, Larry E.

Pearce, Lucretia G.

Pearce, Roy N.

Peele, Michael A.

Pelt, Alice K.

Perkinson, James E., Jr.

Perkinson, John L.

Permar, Rufus H., Jr.

Perry, Joyce M.

Pfaff, Howard R.

Pfaff, Shirley A.

Phillips, Baxter F.

Pickard, Donna L.

Pierce, Don L., Jr.

Pierce, Hal W.

Pierce, Jimmy G., Jr.

Piland, Marvin S.

Pistner, Neta M.

Pittard, Beverly J.

Pittard, Michael L.

Pittard, Ruth W.

Pittman, Harold H.

Piunti, Charles D.

Poffenbaugh, Patsy A.

Pollard, Larry G.

Poot, John R.

Pope, Robert W., Jr.

Porter, Michael W.

Posey, Michael 0.



Poston, Russell E.

Powell, Barbara L.

Powell, Donna G.

Powell, Martha A.

Powell, William H.

Pressley, Charles C.

Primm, Sandra G.

Prince, William H.

Pritchard, Vida R.

Pritchett, Nona B.

Puglia, Joseph, Jr.

Pyne, Neil L.

Quinton, Sandra K.

Rabhan, Sandra R.

Rackley, Barbara F.

Raines, Kathryn A.

Ramsey, Hazel J.

Rand, Robert A.

Ravelli, John W.

Raynor, David K.

Reel, Alice J.

Reinhold, Gerald S.

Rettig, John S.

Reynolds, Charles K.

Reynolds, Elizabeth W.

Some times the grade is steep,


Reynolds, Thomas H.

Rhem, Sara L.

Rhodes, Martha L.

Rhodes, W. Edward

Rhyne, Jo Ann

Richardson, John R.

Richardson, Sharon A.

Riffle, Gail W.

Riordan, Clifford T.

Roberson, Donna K.

Roberson, Ethel C.

Roberts, Adrian R., Jr.

Roberts, Bobby E.

Roberts, Terrell R.

Robertson, Bernard P.

Robertson, Kenneth L.

Robertson, Regina S.

Robinson, Bryan E.

Robinson, George L., Jr.

Rockwell, Dennis K.

Roesch, Marilyn L.

Rogers, Bonnie B.

Rogers, Sandra A.

Rogers, W. James

Rollins, Donna G.

Rose, Carl R.

Rose, Robert K.

Roseman, Paul M., Jr.

Rosen, Susan F.

Rosenbaum, Phillip D.

Ross, Henry A., Jr.

Rothermich, Terry P.

Roughton, Edgar G.

Rountree, Ruth E.

Rouse, Walter A.


Rowland, Floyd M., Jr.

Rumbley, Margaret S.

Rutledge, Fred A.

Salenius, Howard G.

Sanderlin, Brenda L.

Sasser, Paul L.

Satchell, Lou E.

Saul, Carol A.

Saunders, Ronald L.

Saunders, Stephen D

Saunders, Theodore F.

Savage, Jackie L.

Sawyer, Judith S.

Schwall, Karen L.

Schecter, Roger N.

Schiavone, Joseph A.

Scott, Anne G.

Seaman, Barbara S.

Sebesan, Dennis J.

Seigler, Marie L.

Setaro, Teresa A.

Settle, David M.

Shannon, Leslie K.

Shaw, Kenneth W.

Shearin, Lynn R.

Shelton, Bennett D.

Shelton, Judy H.

Shepherd, John F.

Sheppard, Carolyn J.

Shields, Fred W., Jr.

A senior reflects on college experiences^


but he must persevere.

Shoaf, Melinda G.

Shore, Pamela K.

Short, Harold M.

Schuffler, Jimmie N.

Simmons, Roderick A.

Sledge. Roger L.

Sloan, Sharon G.

Small, Harriet B.

Smith, Brenda L.

Smith, Charlie K.

Smith, Gene S.

Smith, Jerry R.

Smith, John M., Jr.

Smith, Patsy G.

Smith, Rosa J. M.

Smith, Sheila O.

Sneed, Sara A.

Snyder, Donald E.

Sobieski, Gordon E.

Sorrell, Anne M.

Spangler, Evelyn L.

Sparrow, John D.

Spencer, Johnny M., Jr.

Spencer, Ronald D.

Spragins, Linda C.

Spruill, Haywood, Jr.

Spruill, Patricia A. H.

Stainback, Brenda L.

Staley, John A., Jr.

Staluaker, Susan E.



Steeley, James E.

Stephens, Jennings W.

Stephenson, James T.

Stewart, Jo Ann

Stinagle, Janice E.

Stinson, Wesley, R.

Stockner, James I.

Stockton, Douglas M.

Stokes, Dennis A.

Stokley, Robert E.

Stonestreet, Linda V.

Stovall, Thornton, Jr.

Strickland, Gloria C.

Stroup, William R.

Stubbs, Colon P.

Stuckey, Rufus D., Jr.

Study, Neil T.

Stutts, Barney W.

Sugg, Donna T.

Sugg, Joan K.

Sullivan, Mary I.

Summerlin, Marsha A.

Summers, Ann L.

Sutton, Sherwood R.

Swain, Clifford W.


Swan, Dorothy A.

Swaney, Larry B.

Sykes, Joan M.

Tarkington, Brenda K.

Tart, Paula A.

Taylor, Alma W.

Taylor, Barbara B.

Taylor, Charles E., Jr.

Taylor, Larry R

Taylor, Peggy J.

Taylor, Terence G.

Taylor, Vernon O.

Teachey, Linda F.

Teal, Patricia A.

Teel, Patricia J.

Teitelbaum, Charlene

Terrell, Benjamin T.

Terrell, Brenda L.

Terrell, Judy S.

Terrell, William L. Jr.

Tesh, Bennis E., Jr.

Tharrington, Donnie E.

Tharrington, Norman A.

Thomas, Sandra M.

Thomason, Sallie A.



Thomasson, Patricia A.

Thompson, Cathy A.

Thompson, Ernest L.

Thorne, Edwin J.

Thurston, Carole R.

Thurston, Thomas L.

Tilyard, John H.

Tisdale, Stephany A.

Tobin, Richard P.

Todd, Anitra

Todd, Gregory T.

Tomberlin, Michael

Tonn, Dianne H.

Torick, Judith A.

Tosto, Edwin E., Jr.

Tothill, Opal S.

Trott, Phyllis Q.

Troupe, Joseph T.

Turner, Katherine

Turner, Patricia L.

Tutor, Nancy C.

Twiford, Kathryn B.

Twiford, Travis W.

Tyler, John D.

Tyson, John K.

Underhill, Timothy C.

Upchurch, Larry B.

Usilton, John L.

VanGelder, Donna L.

VanMiddlesworth, C.

Vantuvyi, Alan W.

Varley, Nan M.

Vaughan, Barbara A.

Vaughan, Lana J.

Vaughan, Linda F.


Veillelte, Joseph L.

Verner, Sharon G.

Vernon, Robert G.

Vestal, Mary C.

Vienneau, Vicki L.

Wackerman, Charles S.

Walker, Jackie E.

Walker, James A.

Walker, Sandra Y.

Wall, Evelyn S.

Wall, Katherine H.

Wallace, Frederick T.

Walsh, Nancy J.

Walters, Diana L.

Walters, Jennes R.

Ward, Dennis E.

Warren Hugh A.

Wasner, John A.

Watkins, Bettie L.

Watson. Charles R.

Watson, Edwin T.

Watts. Gordon P.

Webb, Beth A. W.

Webster, Karen A.

Weldon. Jillian M.

Wellons, Sylvia A.

Welton, Marvin L.

Welton, Nancy M.

Wennrich, Timothy W.

Wentzel, Sandra K.

Whaley, Carol L.

Whaley, Roxie P.

Wheeler, Joel D.

White, Barbara E.

White, Beverly P.



White, Glenn C.

White, John R.

Whitehead, Beverly A.

Whitehurst, Cornelia

Whitehurst, Cornelius

Whitehurst, Linda T.

Whitley, David F.

Whitley, Theodore W.

Whitson, Suzanne W.

Whitten, Richard G.

Whorton, James W.

Wielawd, Richard A.

Wiggins, Patricia B.

Wiggins, William R.

Wiley, William T., Jr.

Wilkerson, Frances A.

Williams, Eva C.

Williams, Joseph C., Jr.

Williams, Marilyn L.

Williams, Patricia E.

Williams, Ralph D.

Williams, Roma G.

Williams, Sonya B.

Williams, Terry J.

Williamson, Beverly L.

Williamson, Margaret

Williamson, Rebecca E.

Williamson, Stephen W.

Wilson, James I.

Wilson, Sylvia D.

Wingate, Leon H.

Winn, Nancy W.

Winstead, Rowena G.

Witcher, Eulis D.

Wood, Dillion L.


Wood, Jo A.

Wood, Mattie T.

Wood, Susan P.

Wood, William M.

Woodard, Betty J.

Woodford, Anita

Woodford, Warren J.

Wooten, Gary C.

Wooten, Sandra L.

Wooten, Sharyn K.

Wrenn, Doris A.

Wrenn, Kathryn V.

Wrenn, Steven L.

Wright, Evelyn J.

Wright, George A.

Wright, Sandra F.

Wynne, Sharon C.

Yarbrough, Richard C.

Yorke, Jewell A.

Young, Bobbie C.

Young, James H.

Yount, Michael D.

Yount, Thelma H.

Zalewski, Carol A.

Traveling on, he cannot stop.


Class of 1969

Left to right: Carleen Hjortsvang, President; Diane Kirby, Secretary; Linda Plemmons, Vice-president.

Abbott, Vivian I.

Abell, Sandra J.

Abernathy, Beverly K.

Abernatby, Joan B.

Abrams, Brenda L.

Acree, Chris W.

Adams, Bonnie F.

Adams, Judy A.

Adcock, Roger, Jr.

Adkins, Bernard, Jr.

Adkins, James E.

Adkins, Linda A.

Albert, Paul E., Jr.

Albritton, Daisy L.

Aldridge, Sandra E.

Alexander, Steven L.

Alford, Charles J.

Alford, Jo Ann

Allen, Barbara L.

Allen, Helen M.

Allen, Mary P.

Allen, Paul J. III

Allen, Roger D.

Allison, Adra I.

Almon, Martha R.

Alphin, Janice M.

Alston, Carol L.

Aman, Judy R.

Amici, Emaelia V.

Anderson, Edith H.

Anderson, Gregory L.

Anderson, Lynda F.

Anderson, Mary S.

Anderson, Richard E.

Anderson, Vickie M.

Andrae, Don

Andrew, John S.

Andrews, Dennis G.

Andrews, Suzanne J.


Anema, John C.

Appenzeller, Gail M.

Apple, Janet T.

Applegate, Joseph B.

Arnold, Patricia C.

Arnold, William D.

Askew, Sara L.

Atkinson, Andrew J.

Atwater, Charles S.

Auten, Elizabeth D.

Avent, Ernest B.

Aydlett, Rebecca A.

Bailey, Barbara C.

Baker, Cheryl K.

Baker, Etta R.

Baker, Melford R.

Baker, Patsy E.

Baker, Sarah V.

Baker, Sharon A.

Baldree, William E., Jr.

Baldwin, Steve A.

Balko, Michael P., Jr.

Ballint, Patricia L.

Bang, Jens E.

Banks, Cecil S.

Banks, William C.

Baan, Joseph S.

Barber, Sandra R.

Barbour, Kenneth S.

Barden, Martha S.

Barnes, Merriman T., Jr.

Barnes, Thomas F.

Earnhardt, Jane S.

Barnhill, Frances S.

Barnhill, Robert H.

Barnum, Howard O.

Barrow, Stephen T.

Barwick, Brenda C.

Bass, Gary L.

Bass, Paul M., Jr.

Batchelor, Celia A.

Bateman, Donald R.

Bates, Laura Z.

Batista, Walter I.

Baugus, Linda L.

Baviello, Ronald R.

Bays, Margaret A.

Beans, Leonard J.

Beasley, Bob E.

Beasley, Charlie R., Jr.

Beasley, John J.

Beasley, W. Earle

Beaver, Henry G.

Beck. Sarah V.

Becton, George F.

Bel, Cora M.

Bell, Danny L.

Bell, Fonda C.

Belt, Pamela K.

Benditz, Ellen F.

Bennett, Frances T.

Bennett, James D.

Bennett, W. Richard

Benson, Archie D., Jr.

Benson, Don E.

Benson, Mary E.

Benson, William A. III

Bentley, Edith G.

Benton, Margaret L.

Berger, Jane E.

Berger, Vincent R.

Bergh, Verna L.

Bernhardt, Floyd G.

Berry, Patrick K.

Berry, Peggy Y.

Best, Julie G.

Bielby, Earl W.

Bilyou, Susan M.

Binet, Richard E.

Binkley, Eldon D.

Bircher, John C.

Birmingham, Jane Y.

Bishop, Julius L.

Bishop, Richard W.

Bissett, Harold E., Jr.

Bissette, Sherman R.

Blackman, Gail E.

Blackmon, Glenda K.


Juniors attain status as upperclassmen.

Blair, Barbara A.

Blair, Brenda E.

Blair, Linda E.

Blalock, Ethel F.

Blalock, Lynda W.

Blanchard, Helen R.

Blaylock, Dorothy L.

Blount, Mary C.

Bobersky, Stephen L.

Bobo, Paula R.

Boger, Anne M.

Bolton, Beverley R.

Bone, Mary E.

Booth, Arthur J.

Boothe, Carol D.

Boseman, Jane T.

Botts, Sharon L.

Bowen, Cornelia E.

Bowen, Danny

Bower, Thomas D.

Bowes, Warren A.

Bowman, Paul M.

Boyd, Gaynor C.

Boyd, Toney A.

Boyd, William G.

Bradley, Edward W.

Bradley, Mary E.

Brake, John M.

Brame, Caroline M.

Branch, Betty J.

Branch, Ellen N.

Brandon, Elizabeth A.

Branscome, Betty F.

Brantley, Elizabeth A.

Brantley, Margaret E.

Braswell, Marsha R.

Bridges, James M.

Bridges, Catherine B.

Bridges, Paul F.

Bridges, Victoria L.

Briggs, Betty C.

Bright, George W. III

Briley, Julius W.

Brinkley, Julia F.

Brinson, Glenda D.

Brinson, Vance B.

Britt, Clyde S.

Britt, John K.

Britt, Nina E.

Brooks, Evelyn L.

Broughton, Richard B.

Brower, Stanley F.

Brown, Bruce D.

Brown, Cynthia M.

Brown, Esther G.

Brown, Margaret A.

Brown, Ruby E.

Brown, Sylvia J.

Brown, Thelma A.

Bryan, Andrea E.

Bryan, Linda C.

Bryant, Kenneth S.

Bryant, Larry D.

Buckner, James C.

Buelin, Ronald R.

Buettner, Nancy R.

Buie, Barbara J.

Buie, Neil E.

Bullard, Linda G.

Bumgarner, Janet S.

Bunch, Annette

Bunch, Janette

Bunch, Margaret E.

Bunn, Bennie G.

Burbella, George J.

Burch, Brenda A.

Burchell, Michael R.

Burden, Patricia A.

Burleson, John D.

Burns, Betsy B.


Burt, Jonathan M.

Burwell, Janes D.

Butcher, Terry L.

Butler, Judith L.

Buzzelli, Phillip L.

Bynum, Joseph C. III

Byras, Frank E.

Byrum, Johnny J.

Cain, Harry I.

Caines, Gertrude M.

Calder, Lynn F.

Campbell, Janis

Cannon, Mary E.

Caprio, Robert J.

Carden, Debra A.

Carlson, Edward D.

Carraway, Allen M., Jr.

Carrow, Kester L.

Carson, Donald H., Jr.

Carstarphen, Barbara

Carter, Carol S.

Carter, Dwight H.

Carter, James L.

Carter, Lois M.

Carter, Martin A., Jr.

Carter, Richard S.

Cartwright, Charles L.

Casebolt, Hampton D.

Casey, Lois M.

Cashion, Carol F.

Cashion, Robert N.

Cassady, Paul C.

Castellini, Daniel J.

Castles, Lonna E.

Cathey, Jane H.

Cattle, Rosemary

Cauley, Mary M.

Causey, Beverly A.

Caviness, Marvin L.

Cawthon, John D.

Chambers, Allen B.

Chambliss, Thomas W.

Cheek, Ada F.

Chesson, James R.

Chesson, Janis W.

Chesson, Murry G.

Chestnut, Dennis E.

Chorley, Joseph H.

Christian, Linda L.

Christiansen, Judy A.

Church, Gerald W.

Ciccolella, Jan L.

Clark, Linda R.

Clark, Russell B.

Clark, Wm. F., Jr.

Claus, Marjorie, L.

Clayton, Mary L.

Cleveland, Julian L.

Cleveland, Rebecca J.

Coates, Daniel T.

Cobb, Carolyn R.

Cobb, Charles D., Jr.

Cobb, Jane G.

Coble, Henry L.


Students change from one in a crowd .

Coe, Candice H. Coffin, Willard M. Coggins, Judith M. Cohron. Linda L. Cole, Gary G. Coleman, Nancy D. Coleman, Philip C. Coley, Sue C.

CoUier, Billie S. Collins, Anne B. Collins, Patsy Comer, Betty G. Conner, Ellen P. Conner, Peter T. Conner, Susan A. Conway, Jacuqeline E.

Cook, Candice L. Cooke, Lynn B. Cooke, Marilyn F. Cooksey. Christina J. Copenhaver, Ernest H. Cortopassi, Constance Cota, Cathy J. Cougle, Bryar T.

Counts, Donald R. Cousins, Catherine W. Cox, Cameron M., Jr. Cox, Charles N. Cox, Diana G. Cox, Gilda Cox, Howard T. Cox, Lynda S.

Craft, Stephen D., Jr. Grain, Phyllis W. Cratch, Sammie L. Creech, Carolee D. Creech, Linda F. Crew, William R. Crisp, William R. Crist. Patricia U.

Crocker, Loomis G. Cromartie, Jean D. Groom, Larry D., Sr. Crosland, Evandelee Crotts, David F. Cuff, James J. Culton, Martha A. Cunningham, Susan O.

Cutler, Sara D. Cutts, Fanniem Dail, David W. Dale, Matoka C. Daly, Marian F. Daniels, Johnie B. Danowski, Thomas E. Dark, Scarlet A.

Daughety, Donna M. Daughtry, Carl M., Jr. Daughtry, Carolyn M. Daughtry, Emily L. Daughtry, Janice E. Daughtry, Linda G. Davenport, Haywood E Daves, Dewey R.

Davis, Barbara D. Davis, Buford L. Davis, Charles E. Davis, Deborah S. Davis, Fannie A. Davis, Grady T. HI Davis, Helen G. Davis, Janet L.

Davis, Jere L. Davis, John A. Davis, Karen B. Davis, Judith A. Davis, Lu

Davis, Margaret

Davis, Robert B.

Daws, William

. . to individuals pursuing a discipline.

Dawson, Braxton B., Jr.

Day, Mary E.

Deane, Raymond C., Jr.

Deans, Kenneth N.

Debruhl, James F.

Debruhl, William L.

Deeds, John M. III

Dellarena, Richard M.

Dennis, Robert G.

Denton, Herbert E.

Denton, Lynda G.

Dickens, Marty G.

Dicks, Roy C.

Diefenbach, Jared R.

Dill, Samuel M.

Ditmars, John M.

Diuguid, William H.

Dodson, Beatrice L.

Donahue, Richard T.

Donharl, Bruce E.

Donharl, Glenn T.

Dorsey, David M.

Doss, Carolyn E.

Drake, Charles E.

Draughon, Vivian C.

Dressel, Barry L.

Dubose, Barbara J.

Dudley, Jeff F.

Dufford, Thomas E.

Duke, Ann M.

Dunaway, Margo D.

Dunn, Charles P.

Dunn, Judith A.

Dunn, Lynda L.

Dupree, Glenda G.

Durham, Evelyn D.

Durham, James E.

Duval, John C.

Dyer, Gary K.

Earl, Charles L.

Earles, John S. III

Eason, Cheryll L.

Eason, Linda K.

Eatman, Elvin J.

Eatmon, Hazel K.

Edmundson, Marcia L.

Edwards, Alann W.

Edwards, David A.

Edwards, Elizabeth G.

Edwards, Janet A.

Edwards, Jesse C.

Edwards, Julian T.

Edwards, Michal E.

Edwards, William III

Efird, Elaine Y.

Egnor, Diane M.

Elks, Helen R.

Elks, Larry G.

Eller, Michael A.

Elliott, Irene W.

Ellis,, Larry M.

Ellis, Phillip C.

Ellis, Valeria A.

Elmore, Ashby D.

Elmore, William E.

Embler, Anita L.

English, Jerry B.

Enscore, Judy A.

Evans, Joan D.

Evans, Judith W.

Evans, Kenneth W.

Evans, Paula G.

Evans, Richard Jr.

Eveland, Frances A.

Everett, James H.

Everett, Jane E.

Everett, William R., Jr.

Everhardt, Joseph W.

Fair, Christine A.

Fair, William B.



Falkler, James B.

Fann, Jarvis C.

Earless, Ruben R.

Farmer, Donald E., Jr.

Faulkner, Robert G.

Faulkner, William M.

Fennell, Richard A.

Fennessey, Patricia L.

Ferguson, Gerald R.

Ferguson, Michael L.

Ferrell, Jerry M.

Ferrell, Rhonda B.

Finch, Daniel R.

Fincher, Earle L.

Fisher, Dolores A.

Fisher, Leonard T.

Fitts, Donald J.

Fitzgerald, John D.

Flake, John D.

Flanagan, Sharon V.

Flanigan, Judith G.

Fleming, Eugene C.

Floars, John W.

Flowe, Paula L.

Flowers, Sandra H.

Floyd, Reed D.

Fogleman, Floyd M.

Fonvielle, Russell

Ford, Frances A.

Foreman, Judith A.

Forrest, James H.

Forrest, Louis P.

Forrester, Vance P., Jr.

Foster, Francis J., Jr.

Foust, Bonnie L.

Fowlkes, James S.

Foy, Margaret A.

Francis, William J., Jr.

Franklin, Benjamin N.

Franklin, Pender L., Jr.

Frazer, Estella B.

Freakley, Gwendolyn A.

Fulbright, Janet E.

Fulk, Nancy C.

Fulkerson, Sara P.

Fullenkamp, Barbara J.

Fussell, Margaret N.

Gainey, William K.

Galloway, James M.

Galup, Mary D.

Gammon, Flora M.

Gardner, Charles D.

Gardner, Lena O.

Gardner, Peggy A.

Gamer, Trudy G.

Gamer, Thomas J.

Garrett, Gwyneth D.

Garrett, John W.

Garrett, Linda J.

Garris, William R.

Garrison, Barry W.

Garrity, Frances P.

Garwood, Mary E.

Gaskey, Stephen G.

Gaskill, Jack S., Jr.

Gaskins, Tina J. C.

Gaston, Robert L.

Gatehouse, Claudia E.

Gates, Nancy E.

Gee, John F.

Genzardi, Leslie J.

Gerard, Jackie A.


Gerringer, Laurel D.

Getsinger, Clarence L.

Gibson, Carol A.

Gibson, Herbert W.

Gift, Gregory A.

Gilger, Mary

Gill, William S. III

Gillam, Davis J.

Gillespie, Thomas F.

Ginsberg, Myrna H.

Glass, James D.

Godfrey, Horace D., Jr.

Godfrey, James H. III

Godwin, Ruby G.

Goins, Alan R.

Goodman, Brenda L.

Goodson, Robert L.

Gore, John S., Jr.

Gorham, Joan R.

Gorham, Stephen D.

Grabowski, Michael K.

Grady, Phyliss M.

Graham, Robert F., Jr.

Gray, Julia F.

Graybeal, Betty J.

Greene, Jane A.

Green, Prentis W.

Greene, Betty G.

Greenup, Gerald V.

Gregory, Noah P., Jr.

Griffin, Ezra D., Jr.

Griffin, Lucretia K.

Grote, Judith L.

Groves, Judy L.

Grubb, Gerald C, Jr.

Guarino, Thomas L.

Glenn, S. Gulledge

Gunter, Charles L.

Gurganus, Carrie L.

Gurganus, Horace D.

Gurganus, Jean C.

Gurganus, Judy C.

Gurganus, Zelle W.

Gurley, James P.

Gwaltney, Helen K.

Haislip, Barbara B.

Hale, Allan R.

Hale, Dandridge R.

Haley, Donnie E.

Hall, George A.

Hall, John T.

Hall, Rebecca D.

Hall, Roy B.

Hall, Shelia R.

Hall, Stephen J.

Hall, Wm. T.

Hallman, Carol A.

Ham, Carol E.

Hamilton, Judith G.

Hamilton, Mary L.

Hammond, Jabez D.

Hansen, Julia K.

Hanson, Diana P.

Hardee, Martha C.

Hardee, William C.

Hardesty, Jerry T.

Hardin, Wanda D.

Hargett, Frederick W.

Harkey, Wayne N.

Harmon, Barbara J.

Harper, Victoria P.

Harrell, Abbie K.


Harrell, Addie G.

Harrell, William A.

Harrelson, Rita P.

Harrigan, Lisbeth E.

Harrington, Joseph L.

Harris, Anita B.

Harris, Archie L.

Harris, Barbara E.

Harris, Harry M.

Harris, James H.

Harris, Janice E.

Harris, Keyma D.

Harris, Margaret E.

Harris, Martha W.

Harris, Mary E.

Harris, Rachel C.

Harrison, Martha S.

Harrison, Robert R., Jr.

Hart, Alice L.

Hartley, Joseph B., Jr.

Hartley. Patsy D.

Hartsook, Ronald L.

Harwood, Frances D.

Haskins, Charles A.

Hatcher, Linda L.

Hawkes, Barbara F.

Hawkins, William T.

Hawley, Allyson B.

Haworth, Glenn R.

Heath, Charles L.

Heath, Maude M.

Heavner, Daniel L.

Hedgecock, Elizabeth

Helms, Charles R.

Helms, Randolph M.

Hendershot, Claude A.

Henderson, Daniel L.

Henderson, James W.

Hendrix, Wilburn E.

Henry, Sandra L.

Herbert, Thomas P., Jr.

Herman, Charles A.

Herron, Charles P., Jr.

Hester, Celia

Hewett, Julia K.

Hewitt, Daniel A., Jr.

Hickok, Katherine B.

Hicks, Billy R.

Hicks, George T.

Hightower, Erwin A.

Hill, Agnes C.

Hill, E. Susan

Hill, Willard B.

Hines, Danny R.

Hinnant, Brenda S.

Hinson, Gerald T.

Hinson, Waher L., Jr.

Hinton, Delores

Hinton, Jane W.

Hjortsvang, Carleen E.

Hockett, Douglas W.

Hodges, Betsey L.

Hodges, Nathaniel J.

Hoell, Judy L.

Hoffman, Nancy J.

Holcombe, Clifton III

Holland, Harvey C., Jr.

Holland, Jo K.

Holland, Timothy D.

Hollomon, Don M.

Hollowell, Gloria A.

Holster, Susan E.

Honeycutt, Sim G., Jr.

Hoogendonk, W. Peter

Hook, Marilyn S.

Hooks, Brenda F.

Hope, David P.

Hopkins, Barry P.

Hord, James C.

Horne, Donald E.

Horne, Thomas G.

Horton, Eurhalia O.

Horton, Patricia A.

Hough, Robin Z.

House, Beverly S.

Houser, Hilda G.

Howard, Marion J.

Howard, Phyllis R.


Howerton, Linda L.

Hoyle, Rebecca O.

Huber, Vera H.

Hudson, Brenda M.

Hudson, Jasper D.

Huff, Pamela J.

Hufham, Judith C.

Huggins, Sybil E.

Hughes, John E.

Hughes, Vickky W.

Hull, Dedie A.

Hullett, Wayne M.

Humphrey, William W.

Humphreys, John C.

Hunniecutt, Sara S.

Hux, Martha G.

Ihrie, James K.

Ingram, Ellen E.

Ingram, Henry P.

Irvin, James R.

Isley, Sarah V.

Ivey, Linda E.

Jackson, John K., Jr.

Jafee, Allen

James, Carolyn A.

James, Cherie F.

Jarman, James M., Jr.

Jayroe, Emma K.

Jefferies, Paula C.

Jenkins, Martha J.

Jenkins, William T.

Jessup, Fay E.

Jessup, Janet E.

Johnson, Alma R.

Johnson, Curtiss W.

Johnson, Cynthia G.

Johnson, Edward S.

Johnson, Jack W., Jr.

Johnson, James A.

Johnson, Janie D.

Johnson, Johnny F.

Johnson, Michael J.

Johnson, Steven J.

Johnson, Trudy A.

Johnston, Lollie M.

Jolly, Betty K.

Jones, Brenda J.

Jones, Carol E.

Jones, David G.

Jones, David L., Jr.

Jones, Joan L.

Jones, Kathryn L.

Jones, Sandra J.

Jones, Theodore D.

Jones, William S.

Jordan, Eunice M.

Jordan, William H., Jr.

Jorgensen, Janis

Joyner, Ethel C.

Joyner, George M.

Joyner, William B.

Julian, Carol

Kaminski, Eliz L.

Kane, Candice B.

Keen, Sandra C.

Keener, Melinda L.

Keir, Richard M.

Kellam, Jo Anne

Keller, William R., Jr.

Kellis, Dorothy M.

Kelly, Mary P.

Kennedy, Patricia L.

Kennemur, John H., III

Kepley, Jewell E.

Kern, Daniel R.

Kern, Edward A.

Kershaw, Lee A.

Kidd, Harold Jr.

Kidd, Wm. Jerome

Killough, Russell L.

Kilpatrick, Gwendolyn

Kilpatrick, Hallie S.

Kilpatrick, Mary E.

Kincaid, Thomas L., Jr.

King, Beverly L.

King, Carlton W., III

King, Dixie G.

King, Janice L.


King, Nadine V.

King, Pamela M.

King, Paul C., Jr.

King, William B.

Kinney, Karen A.

Kinsey, Ned M.

Kinsey, William H.

Kirby, Diane L.

Kirby, Lannie R.

Kirkland, Judith A.

Kitchin, Hanna L.

Klimkiewicz, Michael

Kluttz, Nancy P.

Knox, Phyllis T.

Knox, Thomas H.

Korn, Rita A.

Kornegay, Kathy J.

Krautler, Charles C.

Kruslicky, Mary A.

Lackey, Josiane T.

Lackey, Kay M.

Lafferty, Wm. C.

Lamb, John T.

Lambert, J. Annette

Lancaster, Elizabeth

Lance, Sandra L.

Land, Harry L., Jr.

Landin, Billie J.

Lane, James T.

Langley, Rebecca A.

Langley, Roberta L.

Lanier, James L., Jr.

Lanier, Peggy S.

Latham, Mary P.

Latham, Scott K.

Latta, Kathryn M.

Lavalley, Linda A.

Lavenduski, Mary F.

Lawing, Robert J.

Laws, Brenda S.

Laws, Nancy A.

Leatherman, Kathy A.

Ledford, Thomas F.

Lee, Betty A.

Lee, Betty J.

Lee, Patricia A.

Leinss, William S.

Lemmons, Sharon P.

Lett, Wayne D.

Lewis, Barbara C.

Lewis, Daisy L.

Lewis, Linda M.

Lewis, Patricia A.

Lewis, Sylvia A.

Likes, Robert J.

Lillard, Linda W.

Lingle, Jacqulyn R.

Linko, Brenda S.

Lippincott, John C.

Little, Brenda F.

Little, Jeanne D. E.

Little, Joe S.

Little, Judith C.

Livengood, Larry E.

Lloyd, David R.

Locke, George A.

Loflin, Terry L.

Logemann, Palsy H.

Long, Carolyn P.

Long, Charles E.

Long, Edna C.

Long, Elmer E. III

Long, Joanne

Long, Sandra L.

Lewder, Robert L.

Lowe, John W., Jr.

Lowe, Thomas M.

Lugani, Barbara A.

Lukens, Marsha A.

Lupton, James E.

Juniors mingle academics and friendship


Lupton, Owen A.

Lynd, Gayle M.

Lytle, James R.

Macioroski, Sandra

Mahan, Linda K.

Mahler, Rebecca L.

Manchester, James D.

Maness, Dorcas R.

Mann, Donald C.

Mann. Jody L.

Manning, Frances J.

Manning, Mitchell W.

Manning, Pamela E.

March, Judith E.

Markham, Rudolph A.

Marks, Billie D.

Marks, William F.

Marshall, Barbara A.

Marshall, David R.

Martin, Hal L.

Martin, Melinda J.

Martin, Robert R., Jr.

Matthews, Beverly A.

Matthews, Dwight W.

Matthews, Linda S.

Malthis, Mildred B.

Mauldin, Clement E.

Mauney, Jack D.

Mayhew, Thomas W.

Mayville, Mary E.

McAdams, Brenda G.

McCall, Leon E., Jr.

McCall, Marcia L.

McCandlish, Susan R.

McCanless, Vivian P.

McCormack, David A.

McCown, Robert W.

McCoy, Edward J.

McCubbins, Claude T.

McDaniel, Elizabeth

McCee, Mary J.

McGehee, Charlotte A.

McGowan, Mittie R.

McIntyre, Bette L.

McIntyre, Carol J.

McKee, Judith A.

McKelvey, Dennis G.

McKinley, Patti P.

McKinney, Linda L.

McLaughlin, Patricia

McLeod, Sarah E.

McMahon, Linda M.

McMakin, Benjamin R.

McMillan, Claude D.

McMillian, Cecil M.

McNaughton, Peggy A.

McNeill, Albert D.

McSwain, Bryan D.

Meachem, Karen G.

Meadows, Terry E.

Meiggs, Tiffney F.

Melnikov, Carol R.

Melson, Kay S.

Melton, Judy E.

Menefee, Wade W. III

Merritt, Frances D.

Merritt, Selby P.

Mewborn, Asa W.


Michael, Judy G.

Michael, Paul H.

Micol, Rachel J.

Minton, Christina

Miller, Robert C.

Miller, Susie L.

Mills, Edwin G., Jr.

Mills, Sammy R.

Minton, Scott C. F.

Mioduszewski, Michale

Mitchell, Coy W.

Mitchell, Gregory M.

Mitchell, James R.

Mitchum, William D., Jr.

Mixon, Pamela K.

Mizelle, Dorothy L.

Mizelle, Sandra L.

Mobley, Franklin D.

Mobley, Linda L.

Mock, Charles G.

Moschi, James G.

Montgomery, Patricia

Mooney, Charles F.

Moore, Diane

Moore, James R.

Moore, Phoebe M.

Moore, Rebecca L.

Moreland, Anthony E.

Morgan, Thomas W.

Morlan, Steven C.

Morris, Barbabra J.

Morris, Everett L., Jr.

Morrisette, Stephen C.

Morrison, Donald G.

Morton, Barbara L.

Morton, Randy M.

Moser, Kathy L.

Mosier, William H.

Motsinger, Jay C.

Mowen, Jill L.

Moynihan, Robert C., Jr.

Mullen, Helen P.

Mullen, James H.

Mumford, Janice M.

Murdoch, Cheryl L.

Murphy, Ian D., Jr.

Murray, Brenda D.

Murray, John B.

Myles, Decker J.

Nance, Alpha N.

Nance, Linda G.

Nantz, Freddie R.

Napowsa, Cheryl J.

Nash, John C.

Neal, Malinda L.

Neal, Susan C.

Nelson, Melvin G.

Nelson, Pamela H.

Newell, Terry M.

Newkirk, Emily W.

Newman, Thomas L.

Newson, Dianna E.

Newton, Johnny L., Jr.

Newton, Mary E.

Newton, Samuel C.

Nicholds, Gary A.

Nichols, Forrest W.

Nichols, Wilson S., Jr.

Nicholson, Barbara G.

Niparts, Herbert

Nixon, Phyllis L.

Noble, Joan C.

Noe, Janet M.

Nolan, Sandra L.

Noreleet, Mary E.

Norman, Robert W.

Northcutt, Donna L.

Oakley, Jesse R.

Oates, Patricia A.

Obrien, Michael T.

OConner, Robert J.

Ogburn, Katharine L.

Ogle, Sherry L.

Oliver, John M., Jr.

Olliff, Martha C.

Olsen, Helen D.

Olson, Marcia L.

Oneal, Harry R.


Oosterwyk, Margaret W.

Osborne, John W.

Outland, Rudolph B., Jr.

OUtlaw, Dianna M.

Overman, David S.

Overman, Ernest N.

Overton, Anna S.

Overton, Charles M.

Pace, Charles E.

Papale, Michele A.

Parker, John Q.

Parker, Lina G.

Parker, Mary L.

Parker, Ora C.

Parker, Salli J.

Parker, William H., Jr.

Parrish, Janett G.

Parvin, Mary A.

Pate, Fletcher J.

Pate, Rupert G., Jr.

Patrick, Joseph E.

Patterson, Betsy H.

Patton, Rosa V.

Paul, Jay R.

Paul, Jerry L.

Paxton, Donna A.

Payne, Lu A.

Payne, Roger L.

Payne, Sandra R.

Peacock, Nancy R.

Pearson, Vertis C.

Peele, Bonnie L.

Peele, Rose M.

Pendergraft, George L.

Pendleton, Rhonda L.

Penland, Linda B.

Pennington, Julia E.

Perry, Charles W., Jr.

Peters, Michael S.

Peterson, Margie R.

Pfau, Carlotta E.

Phillips, Clifford H.

Phillips, Jerri L.

Phillips, Johnny R.

Phillips, Mary J.

Phillips, Tony G.

Phipps, Gary J.

Pickett, Henry D.

Pickler, Mary L.

Pierpoint, Martha G.

Pierson, Marjorie L.

Pitt, Judith A.

Pittard, William D.

Pittman, Arthur T. III

Pitts, Eunice H.

Plemmons, Linda S.

Poole, Patsy H.

Pope, Braxton B.

Popwell, Sheila J.

Porter, Jack H.

Potter, Cheri L.

Potter, Cynthia A.

Potts, Ernest B.

Price, Larry W.

Price, Patricia G.

Price, Marsha J.

Priddy, Patricia A.

Pridgen, Roland S.

Pritchard, Janice G.

Pugh, Beverly S.

Pulley, Martha E.

Purcell, Samuel M.

Purvis, Elizabeth G.

Quinn, Terry C.

Ragland, Sheila F.

Rains, Betsy A.

Rains Frankie C.

Rammacher, Joanne

Rash, Mary D.

Ray, Phyllis R.

Ravbourn, Holly M.

Reagan, Ollie D., Jr.

Reavis, Leo C.

Reed, Charles T.

Reel, Edwin L. Jr.

Reid, Gloria Y.

Reiner, Riley E.

Renn, Virginia L.


Reville, Jill J.

Raynaud, David S.

Reynolds, Robert E., Jr.

Reynolds, Ruth E.

Rhem, John E.

Rhodes, Rosemary

Rich, Julius H., Jr.

Richardson, William S.

Riddick, Alice A.

Riddle, Irene B.

Riddle, Nancy C.

Rietdore, Nancy A.

Riggs, Larry C.

Ribenbark, Charles F.

Rivenbark, Jerry D.

Rivera, Katharine L.

Roach, Andrew T., Jr.

Roberson, Johnny L.

Roberson, Mary D.

Roberts, George H.

Roberts, Judy C.

Roberts, Rex D.

Robertson, Sherry J.

Robinson, Claudia D.

Robinson, George W.

Robinson, William C.

Robson, Brenda J.

Roddy, Brenda J.

Rodgers, Brenda J.

Rodriguez, Judith A.

Rogers, William M.

Rogerson, Ellen

Rogerson, William R.

Romano, Bruce A.

Rose, Randy K.

Ross, Frances M.

Ross, Joyce M.

Ross, Phyllis P.

Rosso, Donna B.

Roth, John R.

Rothrock, Carl E., Jr.

Rountree, A. Margaret

Rowlell, Margaret L.

Rumley, Carolyn W.

Rush, Stephen P.

Russell, Charles F.

Russell, Mary L.

Ruth, Betty B.

Ryan, Jane H.

Sabo, Kenneth M.

Saleeby, Nickie A.

Salles, Donna J.

Salter, Jo Ann

Samuelson, Richard L.

Sanderson, Sandra C.

Sanderson, Thomasine

Sandlin, Issac J., Jr.

Sanford, Ada B.

Sanger, John S.

Sargent, Frances L.

Sasser, Lewis E., Jr.

Satterfield, Bonnie L.

Satterfield, Robert D.

Satterthwaite, Hattie K.

Juniors enjoy the life of a student . .


. . while it is his.

Saval, Marria M.

Sawyer, Eula K.

Sawyer, Kathryn A.

Sawyer, Miriam E.

Sawyer, Patricia A.

Scarborough, Gary E.

Schafford, Jo Ann

Schick, Timothy A.

Schmoer, Susan K.

Schmidt, Ridiard G.

Schwartz, Bonnie L.

Scoggin, Charles B.

Scoggins, William B.

Scott, David W.

Scott, Francis K.

Scott, Susan E.

Scott, Virginia F.

Scruggs, Cynthia L.

Scurry, Sharon G.

Scagic, Dennis G.

Seagondollar, Lauree

Seaman, Joyce M.

Seaton, Nancy E.

Seawell, William D.

Seachrist, Richard O.

Selling, Margaret C.

Sellers, Emily C.

Sergeant, William A.

Sessoms, Ronald H.

Sharpe. Carol O.

Shaw, Martha H.

Shaw, Roberta A.

Shearin, Ava J.

Sheffield, Jerry H.

Sherman, Mary L.

Sherrill, Lee S.

Sherrill, Marilyn E.

Shirley, Dana J.

Shoaf, Brenda I.

Showfety, Stephen D.

Shue, Charlotte F.

Simmons, Beulah P.

Simmons, Sondra G.

Simpson, Algie B.

Simpson, Linda C.

Sink, Larry B.

Skiles, Susan

Skinner, Joan C.

Skipper, John G., Jr.

Sklar, Toby M.

Sloan, Karen A.

Sloan, Millard F., Jr.

Small, Eliz C.

Small, Julia L.

Smallwood, Bernadine

Smith, Barbara A.

Smith, Barbara N.

Smith, Beverly J.

Smith, Brenda K.

Smith, Connie V.


Smith, Cynthia D.

Smith, Doyle R.

Smith, Elbert D., Jr.

Smith, James N.

Smith, Joan R.

Smith, John J.

Smith, Linda F.

Smith. Mary L.

Smith, Myron

Smith, Nancy R.

Smith, Ralph R.

Smith, Rebecca J.

Smith, Rexie J.

Smith, Saundra K.

Smith, Stephen T.

Smith, Susan K.

Southerland, James D.

Sparrow, William C.

Spears, Martha B.

Speas, Larry D.

Speight, Ann P.

Speight, Joseph I.

Spencer, Robert A.

Spivey, Susan B.

Spirey, Thomas B.

Spruill, Erma P.

Spruill, Karen S.

Stakes, Gary E.

Staley, Linda L.

Stallings, Barbara D.

Stallings, Linda C.

Stanley, Cynthia S.

Steele, Ann H.

Steele, Kathryn S.

Steele, Thomas N.

Stephens, Henry M.

Stephens, Michael C.

Stephenson, John P.

Stevens, Glenda S.

Stimpson, Sharon A.

Stirling, Patricia L.

Stoken, Edward J.

Stone, John W. III

Straughn, Jacqueline

Strawbridge, Martha B.

Street, Susan J.

Strickland, Louis E.

Strickland, Rudy C.

Strickland, Sandra D.

Stringfellow, Donald

Stroud, Cynthia A.

Stubbs, Clyde V.

Studebaker, Rosemary

Sturm, Sarah A.

Styron, Cecil H.

Sullivan, Leo T.

Sultan, John R.

Summerfield, David B,

Summers, Ella L.

Sumner, Louis W.

Sumner, Nellie B.

Sumner, Paula A. H.

Sumrell, Carolyn J.

Swain, Teresa C.

Tabar, Guy S.

Tally, Donna L.

Talton, Iris A.

Tallon, Lawrence W., Jr.

Tamul, Patricia B.

Tarlton, Grover C., Jr.

Tart, Nina L.

Tate, Linda D.

Taylor, Bonnie R.

Taylor, Catherine V.

Taylor, Christine A.

Taylor, John A., Jr.

Taylor, John E.

Taylor, Linda A.

Taylor, Mary A.

Taylor, Muriel S.

Taylor, Svlvia L.

Teel, Lee R.


Tetterton, Linda L.

Teuteberg, Sarah L.

Thacker, Robert T., Jr.

Tharrington, Margaret

Thaxton, Dennis E.

Thigpen, Emily K.

Thomas, Anne K.

Thomas, Betty L.

Thomas, Carolyn J.

Thomas, Cheryl L.

Thomas, Claudia N.

Thomas, Frances K.

Thomas, Hazel E.

Thomas, Marijane

Thomas, Ora Ann

Thomas, Orlean L.

Thomas, Rachel

Thomas, Rebecca S.

Thomason, Janet R. L.

Thompson, Betty K.

Thompson, Pauline E.

Thompson, Sandra A.

Thompson, Sarah L.

Thomson, Brenda S.

Thornton, Mildred J.

Tillman, Linda C.

Tipton, Lawrence E.

Tofani, Joanne M.

Tolnitch, Susan K.

Townsend, Donna D.

Townson, Jerry M.

Trent, Patricia J.

Tripp, Milton K.

Truitt, Nancy C.

Tudor, Donald N.

Tunnell, Alexander J., Jr.

Tunstall, Joseph P., Jr.

Turner, John S.

Turner, Kenneth W.

Turner, Linda G.

Turner, Robert E.

Tyler, Harry L.

Tyler, John R.

Tyndall, Faye M.

Tyndall, Zackie L.

Underwood, Elizabeth

Upchurch, Michael L.

Upchurch, Phyllis H.

Usic, Cynthia S.

Usrey, Margaret

Utley, Carolyn A.

Vaden, Robert G.

Vallery, Roberta J.

Vance, Kate H.

Vause, John Irvin, Jr.

Veasey, Mary M.

Veazey, Jean

Venters, Sara L.

Vick, Effie E.

Vick, Robert W.

Vick, Robert W.

Vickers, Jennifer D.

Vignetti, Karen L.

Wachtel, Catherine L.

Waddell, Don G.

Waddill, Jean C.

Wadsworth, Johnnie, Jr.

Waldrop, Bonnie A.

Walker, Carol K.

Walker, Donna M.

Walker, James W.

Walker, Linda K.

Walker, Sidney D., Jr.

Walker, Van S.

Wall, Danny J.

Wallace, Evelyn L.

Walrod, Mary S.

Walters, Jane C.

Wamsley, Alfred J., Jr.

Ward, Catherine A.

Warren, Ann B.

Warren, Donald M.

Warren, Rita A.

Warren, Roger A., III

Warren, Sandra B.

Washington, Patricia

Watkins, Edward P.

Watson, Bette A.


Watson, Linda L.

Watson, William E.

Waugh, Karen L.

Wayne, Jeffrey E.

Webb, Andrea J.

Webb, Joseph E.

Weber, Geraldine R.

Weise, Maureen B.

Weisiger, Lewis A.

Weitz, Lloyd D.

Welch, Eloise W.

Wellington, Elizabeth

Wells, Ember C.

Wells, James L.

Wells, Stella W.

Wells, Thelma S.

West, Eddie H.

West, Elizabeth D.

West, Linda L.

West, Susan

West, William E.

Westbrook, Carolyn S.

Westmoreland, Howard

White, Judy L.

White, Nora E.

White, Stanford M.

White, Charles H.

White, Wade C., Jr.

Whiteley, John W.

Whitfield, Robert E.

Whitley, Linda A.

Whitley, Madge L.

Whitley, Nancy J.

Whitley, Paul R.

Whitley, William D.

Whitwell, Tommye J.

Whyte, Thomas E.

Wilder, Faye D.

Wilkins, Donald A.

Wilkinson, John D.

Wilkinson, Margaret A.

Willard, Cheryl L.

Williams, Evelyn A.

Williams, Freddie T.

Williams, Gail L.

Williams, Gregory C.

Williams, Harriette A.

Williams, Harry J., Jr.

Williams, James M.

Williams, Margaret A.

Williams, Noah C., Jr.

Williams, Sharon A.

Williams, Sherry L.

Willis, Caroline L.

Wilson, Betty F.

Wilson, Donnie C.

Wilson, Judy B.

Wilson, Linda L.

Wilson, Patricia A.

Wilson, William W., Jr.

Windley, Anita G.

Wingate, Claudia

Winslow, Lloyd E.

Winslow, Percy L.


Window, Sylvia G.

Winston, Kenneth H.

Wisenburg, Nancy J.

Witcher, Rebecca M.

Withers, Roger W.

Witt, Sandra L.

Womble, Patricia C.

Wood, Betty J.

Wood, Beverly R.

Wood. Deborah L.

Wood, Dempsey R.

Wood, Michael G.

Wood, Patsy G.

Wood, Robert A.

Wood, Sheila M.

Woodall, Billle C.

Woodburn, Tommy J.

Woodyard, Carolyn V.

Woolard, Lydia K.

Wooten, Jean E.

Wooten, Mary E.

Wooten, Rose Y.

Wooten, William W.

Wright, Anthony L.

Watson, Dianne E.

Wynne, Eleanor L.

Yancey, Marshall E., Jr.

Yarbrough, Rebecca J.

Yarbrough, Susanna L.

Yelverton, Ann C.

Yelverton, Donna C.

Yelverton, Donald W.

Yopp, Glenwood H., Jr.

Young, Dennis A.

Young, Johnny L.

Young, Martha J.

Young, Stephen K.

Zachary, Cassie E.

Zambrana, Nancy M.

Juniors prepare for future careers in society.


Class of 1970

Sitting: Mary Page, Vice-president; Helen Cooke, Secretary; Standing: Chipper Linville, Treasurer; David Guilford, President.

Adams, Barbara J.

Adams, Judith A.

Adams, Linda L.

Adamson, Susan

Adcock, Kathryn J.

Ahlsen, George W., Jr.

Albright, Lynda J.

Alderman, Bruce H.

Aldridge. Linda

Alexander, Cathie J.

Alexander, Henry B.

Alexander, Thomas B.

Alford, Dolores A.

Alford, Margarette G.

Allen, Brenda C.

Allen, Herman O., Jr.

Allen, Mary A.

Allen, Mary F.

Allen, Robert E.

Alston, William S., Jr.

Alvarado, Manuel A.

Anderson, John W.

Anderson, Karen C.

Anderson, Mary C.

Anderson, Pamela L.

Anderson, Randolph C.

Anderson, Steven L.

Andreas, Ruth J.

Andrews, Barbara A.

Andrews, Charles K.

Angel, Ellen D.

Anthony, Joseph E.

Arbegast, Walter P.

Arnold, Dottie J.

Arons, Rhea L.

Ashburn, Gary B.

Ashley, Cynthia D.

Atkins, Barbara S.

Atkinson, Ann E.


Austin, James F.

Austin, Janice E.

Austin, Nonie R.

Ayers,, Michael B.

Bacon, Jeffrey J.

Bagby, Richard L.

Bailes, Judy D.

Bailey, Anne C.

Bailey, Melbem C, Jr.

Bailey, Patricia D.

Bailey, Radford B., Jr.

Bain, John D.

Baird, Robert W.

Baird, Wanda J.

Baker, Wanda G.

Baker, William C.

Baker, William D.

Balak, Joseph R.

Baldwin, Linda L.

Balkcum, Carolyn B.

Ballance, Lester W.

Ballance, Thomas W., III

Banko, Roberta S.

Banks, Ellis S., Jr.

Barbee, Susan G.

Barbour, Betty G.

Barbour, Gloria D.

Barham, Doris J.

Barham, Edward L., Jr.

Barkley, Margaret R.

Barkley, Phyllis A.

Barlow, Margaret D.

Barnes, Linda L.

Barnhill, Walter R.

Barry, Wendy

Bartlett, Ronald L.

Bartlett, Sandra K.

Barto, Clarence O., III

Barwick, John F., Jr.

Bass, Brenda W.

Bass, Edward T., Jr.

Bass, Harriet S.

Bass, Pamela Jo

Bastian, Stanley

Batchelor, Michael F.

Batten, Connie M.

Batts, Charles D.

Batts, Larry G.

Beaman, Stephen L.

Beaman, Susan M.

Beasley, Fisher J.

Beasley, Joseph R.

Beatty, Julie A.

Beaulieu, Anne E.

Beaver, Barry W.

Beavers, David L., Jr.

Bedsworth, Janine M.

Beitl, Jo Ann

Belcher, Robert G.

Bell, Ronald L.

Bell, Ruth Ann

Belote, Frank L.

Bennett, Margie Ann

Bennett, Ronald B.

Bennett, Tony R.

Berger, Nell D.

Berlage, Heather S.

Bernhardt, Johnny L.

Berry, Patricia A.

Best, Abbiegail L.

Best, Benjamin N., Jr.

Best, Nancy L.

Bierma, Stephen G.

Bissette, Elizabeth G.

Bittner, Nancy L

Black, Barbara D.

Black, Mary M.

Blackburn, Carl W.

Blackburn, Jean C.

Blackburn, Phyllis N.

Blackwell, Lee H.

Blanchard, Janet G.

Blanchard, Joseph B.

Blind, Danny C.

Bland, Thomas H.

Bland, William G.

Blankenship, Martha

Blaylock, Kenneth W.


Blevins, Wanda S.

Blue, Sharon L.

Blumenstein, Frances

Boaz, James M.

Boisseau, Benjamin C.

Bokkon, Linda C.

Bolt, James T.

Bolton, Linda L.

Bone, Brenda I.

Bonner, Constance M.

Boone, David E.

Boone, Sidney G.

Borcaux, Peggy L.

Bostio, Jewel D.

Bostio, Joe H.

Bowers, Sandra L.

Bowling, William A., Jr.

Bowman, Kay M.

Boyd, Robert L.

Boyd, Gaynor C.

Boykin, Bobby D.

Braak, Bernard B.

Bradshaw, Eileen

Brady, Deborah C.

Brafford, James E.

Brake, Katherine M.

Bramley, Eleanor C.

Branin, Mark J.

Branscomb, Joanne

Brantley, Carolyn E.

Braswell, Betty J.

Braunhardt, Ronald N.

Braxton, Linda F.

Braxton, Ronald E.

Breedlove, Carolyn J.

Breeze, Ann M.

Breitman, Paul

Bridenstine, Ann M.

Bridge, Sharon L.

Bridgeman, Phyllis G.

Bridgers, Charles W.

Bridgers, Linda M.

Bright, Barbara A.

Bright, James P.

Brinson, Marion E.

Britt, James A.

Broadhurst, Susan A.

Broadwell, Maria N.

Brock, Cyrus W.

Brook, Patricia A.

Brodie, Edward H.

Brooks, Elizabeth A.

Brooks, Jeffrey G.

Brooks, Karen M.

Brooks, Warren S.

Brown, Anna C.

Brown, Carolyn J.

Brown, Catherine W.

Brown, Linda A.

Brown, Linda J.

Brown, Martha W.

Brown, Mary H.

Brown, Thomas R.

Bryan, Kelly F.

Bryant, Bruce A.

Bryant, Cynthia

Bryant, Paulette

Bryant, Rebecca M.

Buchanan, Vernon L.

Buff, Jackie F.

Bullock, Gwen E.

Bullock, Thomas C.

Bullock, Lacey W.

Bumgardner, Karen C.

Bunch, Brenda K.

Bunch, Earl W.

Bunch, Velton R.

Burch, Vernon G., Jr.

Burgess, Harvey D.

Burgess, Mary J.

Burke, Etta D.

Burke, Sharon R.

Burns, David J.

Burns, Janice M.

Burns, Martha E.

Buschman, Jane C.

Butler, Donald E.

Butler, Teresa L.


Butts, John D.

Byrd, Charles T.

Byrd, Frieda G.

Cade, Jane M.

Cahoon, Karl G.

Cahoon, Robert Jr.

Cain, Mary S.

Calcutt, Stephen D.

Caldwell, Kenneth C.

Calhoun, Elizabeth B.

Callahan, William G.

Callaway, Paul F.

Campbell, Annette R.

Campbell, Cheryl A.

Campbell, Kathryn L.

Campbell, Waller E., Jr.

Campbell, William R.

Campeau, Robert A.

Canipe, Herbert W., Jr.

Cannon, Lou E.

Cannon, Sue E. Cantlev, Cerney D.

Capps, Erie D.

Cardwell, Cecil D.

Carmichael, Alison G.

Clark, Diane

Clark. Jerry

Carpenter, Jo A.

Carper, George M., Jr.

Carr, Carol A.

Carraway, George B.

Carraway, Sudie A.

Carrier, Frances D.

Carriker, Alice A.

Carroll, Luellen

Carroll, Thomas R., Jr.

Carter, Susan A.

Cartner, Lawrence A.

Cartwright, Mary K.

Carver, Evelyn B.

Cascioli, Edna L.

Case, David R.

Cash, Terry D.

Cashwell, Callie R.

Cassell, Catherine C.

Cassell, Thomas M.

Catlette, Susan L.

Cattle, Carolyn A.

Chaffee, Pamela R.

Chalk, Terence E., Jr.

Chalmers, Thomas W.

Chambers, Nancy L.

Chamblee, Helen B.

Chambless, Rebecca T.

Chandler, Cathy I.

Check, Mary J.

Cheek, Cynthia E.

Cherry, Henry L.

Cherry, Margaret G.

Chestnutt, Sallie F.

Childers, Floyd D.

Chisom, Sherman L.

Clark, Margie K.

Clark, William G.

Clarke, Janis S.

Cleary, Margaret S.

Cliborne, Judith L.

Clodfelter, Frances F.

Clune, Thomas J.

Coble, Charles E.

Cockman, Ivey L.

Coggins, Jacqueline M.

Coggins, James R.

Cohen, Sharon A.

Coker, John H.

Colenda, Patricia A.

Coley, Linda D.

Collie, Patience E.

Collins, Johnny P.

Colson, Elizabeth A.

Coltrain, Brenda A.

Comer, James S.

Compton, Linda B.

Conlon, Kathleen E.

Cook, Helen E.

Cooley, Leslie A.

Cooper, Jane F.


Sophomores return

Corbitt, Charles H., Jr.

Corder,' Duane A.

Corey, Susan M.

Corson, Kenneth A., Jr.

Cortelyou, Catherine

Cotrone, Audrey G.

Cousins, Emily J.

Cox, Donna J.

Cox, Eula C.

Cox, Jacqueline A.

Cox, Peggy A.

Crain, George E., Jr.

Crane, Mithael L.

Crater, Barbara A.

Craven, Charles H.

Crawford, Elizabeth C.

Crawford, Linda L.

Crawford, Stephen B.

Credle, Mary F.

Creech, Gibbie S.

Crisp, William L.

Cromartie, Elizabeth

Crompton, Janis L.

Crooke, James R.

Cross, Martha A.

Cross, Sanford T.

Cruise, Glenda J.

Crumpler, Thomas D.

Culbreth, Walter M., Jr.

Cumber, William E.

Cundiff, Ronald G.

Cunningham, Jane P.

Cuthbertson, Larry E.

Cutler, Lewis E.

Cutts, Howard V.

Damon, Margaret L.

Daniel, Jackie A.

Daniel, Linda F.

Daniels, Audrey D.

Daniels, Russell W.

Darden, James H., III

Darnell, Stephen W.

Darrow, Billy R.

Daughtridge, Betsy A.

Daughtry, Lola H.

Daughtry, Thomas M.

Davenport, Elizabeth

Davenport, Linda G.

Davidson, Sandra I.

Davis, Carlton

Davis, Carolyn J.

Davis, Daniel B., Jr.

Davis, Douglas F.

Davis, Elizabeth A.

Davis, James M.

Davis, Jerry, B.

Davis, Josephine A.

Davis, Louis P.

Davis, Mary E.

Davis, Pauline

Davis, Rebecca J.

Deal, Jerry L.

Deal, Larry R.

Dean, Nancy C.

Deaver, Brenda G.

Deem, Beverly A.

Delantonas, Thomas

Denmark, Mary H.

Dennis, Marylin D.

Derreth, Barbara E.

Devore, Kathleen

Dew, Reginald H.

Dickenson, William F.

Dickerson, Mary F.

Dickinson, John G.

Dickson, Kenny G.

Dillard, Linda J.

Dillingham, Anna L.

Dixon, Catherine E.

Dixon, Hilda D.


more confident, more determined.

Dixon, Jennifer

Dixon, John R.

Dodd, Mary E.

Donnell, Michael L.

Dorey, William F.

Dowell, Larry T.

Dudley, Ce, elia A.

Dudley, Walter R., Jr.

Duncan, Sandra E.

Dupree, Richard B.

Durham, Mary L.

Earley, Jean O.

Earley, Dana E.

Eddins, Patricia A.

Edge, Connie S.

Edgerton, Judine V.

Edmondson, Russell B.

Edwards, Brenda A.

Edwards, Mary L.

Edwards, Ollie W.

Edwards, Sandra L.

Edwards, Tula H.

Elder, Darrell

Elks Charles B., Jr.

Ellenberger, Thomas C.

Ellenberger, Timothy

Elliott, Brenda J.

Elliott, Kenneth R.

Elliott, Thomas E.

Ellis, Brenda K.

Ennis, Paul G.

Ervin, Patricia A.

Erwin, John K.

Estridge, Ricky B.

Evans, Alan D.

Evans, Lindsey M.

Everett, Debra K.

Everett, Mary J.

Ezzell, Mary R.

Ezzell, Nola E.

Ezzell, Robert H.

Ezzell, William W.

Falls, Bonnie R.

Farina, Daniel C.

Farrell, Robert A.

Feldman, David H.

Fennell, Linda A.

Ferguson, Michael J.

Ferree, Walter F.

Ferrell, Waverly J.

Ficklin, John T.

Finch, Rebecca I.

Findley, John E.

Fisher, Cecelia L.

Fishher, David W.

Fisher, John M.

Fisher, Judith F.

Flake, Betsy R.

Flanagan, Dwight J.

Flint, Janet L.

Flournoy, Linda J.

Flowers, Charles R.

Flye, Paul W., Jr.

Flythe, Meredith D.

Folkes, Virginia A.

Forbes, Johnny W.

Ford, Lynn D.

Forehand, Charles L.

Forehand, Linda P.

Fornes, Frances J.

Forrest, Lou T.

Forrest, Peggy A.

Forrest, Wanda T.

Foster, Mary L.

Foster, Richard H.

Foushee, Beverly D.

Foust, Steven A.

Fouts, Stefani K.

Fowler, Reeves A.

Fox, Charles A., Jr.



Francis, Mary D.

Francis, Walter C.

Franklin, Eleanor J.

Frazier, Bruce H.

Frazier, Phillip R

Freeman, Cynthia K.

Freeman, John B., Jr.

Frier, Angela J.

Frye, Johnny D.

Fulcher, Dewey E.

Fulcher, Janet C.

Fulgham, Robert L.

Futch, Robert S., Jr.

Gacomo, Kevin J.

Gallagher, Jere D.

Gallagher, Martha C.

Galloway, Kenneth R.

Ganey, Paul H.

Garcia, B. Howard

Gardner, David F.

Garlow, Rebecca J.

Graver, Carol A.

Gates, Gwendolyn D.

Geiter, Helen L.

Genois, Errol K.

George, Caroline W.

Gerock, Donald B.

Gibbens, Anne C.

Gibson, Diane M.

Gibson, Lenora E.

Giddings, Joseph E.

Gilbert, Brenda J.

Gilbert, Donald M.

Gillis, Bonnie L.

Gilmore, Jack R.

Godley, Carolyn R.

Godwin, Pamela C.

Godwin, Susan V.

Goldston, Donna G.

Golightly, Carol A.

Gooden, Bernice A.

Goodpasture, Lora A.

Goodson, Vickie L.

Goodwin, Joseph H.

Gordon, Cheryl A.

Gordon, Frank N.

Gower, Amy E.

Grady, Patricia A.

Grady, Robert V.

Graham, Donna M.

Graham, George R.

Granger, Penny M.

Grant, Diane M.

Grant, James R.

Grant, Marcia L.

Grant, William F., HI

Gray, Carol A.

Gray, James L.

Grav, Linda D.

Gray, William R., Jr.

Green, Alton L.

Green, Ervin T., Jr.

Green, Fred A.

Green, Fredrick W.

Green, Michael W.

Green, Sarah E.

Greene, Brenda J.

Greene, DonaJd E.

Gregory, Alice G.

Gregory, Jackie L.

Griffin, Brenda K.

Griffin. John C.


Griffin, Judith C.

Griffin, Mary E.

Griffin, Patricia W.

Griffin, Thomas W.

Griffin, Virginia G.

Grimes, Beatrice M.

Grimes, James F.

Grissom, Katherine C.

Groce, Richard E.

Gudger, James F., Jr.

Guffy, Janice F.

Guilford, David J.

Gurganus, Jena L.

Gurganus, John H., Jr.

Gurganus, William R.

Gurkin, Linda F.

Gurley, Steve R.

Haigler, Gary L.

Haines, Sharon L.

Hairfield. Joanne

Hairr, Laura E.

Hale, Paula M.

Hales, Leah H.

Hall, Flavius B., Jr.

Hall, James D.

Hall, Michael A.

Hall, Ralph W.

Hall, William D.

Hamilton, Thomas R.

Hammond, Alma J.

Hammett, William L., Jr.

Hampton, Claude B., Jr.

Hampton, Janet C.

Hampton, Michael L.

Hanchey, Sherri L.

Hankovich, Barhara A.

Hardee, Karl W.

Hardee, Marion S.

Harding, Elizabeth M.

Hardison, Catherine M.

Hardison, Donald S.

Hardy, Janis C.

Hardy, Laura B.

Hare, Marvin E.

Harmon, Annie J.

Harrell, Oscar M.

Harrell, William F.

Harrington, Harry D.

Harris, Marian M.

Harris, Mildred M.

Harris, Sandra F.

Harriss, Donald M.

Hart, William F.

Harvey, Jean M.

Harvin, Paul R.

Hatfield, Marshall L.

Hathaway, Sherry A.

Hatley, William L.

Hauser, Gary S.

Hawkins, Jeanette E.

Hayes, Arthur L.

Hayes, Gregory D.

Hayes, Mavis K.

Hazelton, Jeffrey H.

Heam, Rebecca S.

Heath, Helen

Heath, Terry E.

Heath, Walter D., Jr.

Heavner, Patricia B.

Hedrick, Lynette

Helms, Carol A.

Helms, Emma L.


Hendershot, Anne L.

Henderson, Douglas S.

Henderson, Morris B.

Henderson, Walter, Jr.

Henretta, Sarah E.

Henry, Patricia G.

Henslee, Charles F., III

Herbst, Glenn A.

Herndon, Martha F.

Herring, Marsha A.

Hester, Loretta K.

Hicks, Joel T.

Highsmith, Randy C.

Hildebrand, Janet G.

Hildebrand, Mary K.

Hildebrand, Michele A.

Hill, Donna L.

Hill, James F., III

Hill, Linda L.P.

Hill, Mamie D.

Hill, Nancy

Hill, Nancy L.

Hill, Robert N.

Hill, William S.

Hillman, Ethel A.

Hiltz, Stephen R.

Hines, Brenda C.

Hinson, Linda K.

Hinson, Nell E.

Hinzman, Carol L.

Hirt, LInda D.

Hobbs, Bejamin C.

Hodges, Clarence c., Jr.

Hodgin, Donald L.

Hoffman, Sara A.

Hohing, Carol A.

Holder, Deborah L.

Holder, Frederick A.

Holland, Dianne M.

Holland, Kathryn D.

Holland, Mary C.

Holland, W. Doyle

Holliday, Linda A.

Hooker, Benjamin A., Jr.

Hooper, Nancy E.

Hoots, Mary L.

Hopkins, Linda C.

Hopkins, Norman C.

Hornaday, Stephen H.

Horner, Bonnie L.

Horton, Brenda D.

Horton, George F.

Horton, Larry W.

Houston, Josephine A.

Howard, Constance M.

Howard, Eleanor R.

Howard, George W., III

Howell, John M.

Howell, Steven E.

Hubbard, Sharron L.

Hudson, Linda J.

Hudson, Martha B.

Huffman, Terry D.

Hufham, Sybil E.

Hughes, Constance L.

Hughes, Jack D.

Hulka, Kathryn A.

Humphrey, David L.

Humphrey, Mary L.

Humphrey, Robert L.

Hungate, Kenneth W.

Hunt, Hilda D.

Hurdle, James R., Jr.

Hurwitz, Matthew L.

Hutchings, Walter R.

Hutchison, Arthur W.

Hute, Juanita J.

Hutson, Jan M.

Irvin, Stephen R.

Isley, Samuel L.

Ivey, Kathryn L.

Ivey, Margo Z.

Jackson, Katherine D.

Jackson, Linda S.

James, Cheryl A.

James, Gahlon H.

James, Mary L.

Jard, Marjorie H.

Jaronczyk, Robert J.

Jarvis, Brure B.

Jarvis, Elbert J., II

Jedlicka, Gary R.

Jeffries, Diana G.

Jenkins, George P.

Jenkins, Hattie E.

Jenkins, James R.

Jenkins, Joan B.

Jenkins, Margaret D.

Johnson, Laura L.

Jolly, Robert E.

Jones, Alan Lee

Jones, Beverly M.

Jones, Dawn A.

Jones, Donnie H., III

Jones, Ella V.

Jones, Helen F.

Jones, Julia G.

Jones, Lalon E.

Jones, Maxie R.

Jones, Nancy E.

Jones, Pamela L.

Jones, Plummer A., Jr.

Jones, Sharon A.

Jones, Shirley E.

Jones, Thomas K.

Jordan, Marcella J.

Jordan, Victoria

Jordan, Yvonne G.

Joyce, Sylvia E.

Joyner Marlena W.

Joyner, Maurice, C., Jr.

Joyner, Bonnie S.

Joyner, William H.

Judd, Julia M.

Judson, Fredrick D.

Justice, John P.

Kahdy, Georgette

Kannan, Carolyn L.

Katzen, Lionel I.

Kearney, Richard E.

Kearns, Rebecca V.

Keener, Worthy K.

Keith, Winston R.

Kellum, Linda K.

Kelly, Ann E.

Kelly, Virginia R.

Kelsay, Michael C.

Kemp, William B., Jr.

Kennedy, Cynthia A.

Kennedy, Ruby C.

Kennerly, William R.

Kennington, Harold B.

Kerns, Wanda F.

Kesler, Timothy B.

Key, Hilda J.

Key, Mickey G.

King, Connie S.

King, Donna K.

King, Durwood M.

Kluttz, Ray B.. Jr.

Knight, Michael O.

Knight, Terry L.

Knox, Linda M.

Kohler, Pauline A.

Koppenhoefer, Louis G.

Kornegay, Jane T.

Koumparakis, Phyllis

Kumerow, Carolyn A.


Laine, Barbara A.

Lambert, Connie K.

Lanam, Virginia L.

Lancaster, Thomas L.

Lane, Faye T.

Lane, Luey A.

Lange, Harry M.

Langston, Marsha J.

Lankford, Anne D.

Laramore, Harrison R.

Larson, Janice S.

Lassiter, Cathryn M.

Lassiter, Sarah E.

Latchford, James A.

Latimer, Ann M.

Laughter, Mary J.

Lea, Brenda G.

Leake, William R.

Lee, Jimmy

Lee, Lynnette R.

Lee, Patsy D.

Leestead, Sharon D.

Leggett, Thomas H.

Leinbach, Robert T.

Lemnah, Susan G.

Leonard, Dennis

Leonard, Thomas B.

Lever, Earl H., Jr.

Lewis, Carolyn J.

Lewis, Frances R. C.

Lewis, Margaret C.

Lewis, Shirley A.

Lewis, Tola E., Jr.

Liles, Sara M.

Lilley, Constance K.

Lilley, Patricia G.

Lindler, Susan L.

Lingerfelt, Carolyn B.

Lipscomb, Ralph E.

Lisenby, James D.

Little, Fritz, F.

Little, Gloria D.

Little, Jean D.

Lloyd, Gene E.

Logue, Linda J.

Long, Margaret A.

Long, Sylvia A.

Louis, James R.

Lucas, Anna E.

Lucas, Marvin B.

Lunsford, Judy E.

Lurvey, Lola J.

Lyles, Gay M.

Lynch, Wilburn J.

Lysne, Dena K.

Lytle, Linda P.

Sophomores prepare to receive.


to relate this knowledge.

Mabe, Carol K.

Mabry, William F.

Macfarland, Patricia

Maddox, Phyllis L.

Malone, Charles J.

Maness, Linda L.

Mankin, Michael L.

Mann, Michael R.

Mann, Stephen L.

Manning, Donna L.

Manning, Keith D.

Manning, Oscar R.

Manning, Peggy E.

Marcus, Michael B.

Margulies, Howard S.

Marion, Jean S.

Marlin, Robert

Marr, John E., III

Marshall, Linda F.

Marshall, Sandra G.

Martin, James E., III

Martin, Mary S.

Martin, Patricia D.

Mason, Baxter W.

Mason, Vivian C.

Massey, Faye L.

Massey, Jackie L.

Masuhr, Pamela A.

Mathes, Norman H., Jr.

Matheson, Juanita D.

Malta, William C.

Matteson, Guy

Matthews, Priscilla W.

May, Betsy A.

May, Mary J.

Mayes, Margaret A.

Mayo, Charles E.

McAllister, Margaret

McAuliffe, Christine

McCall, Grover T.

McCaslin, Jane D.

McCauley, Rodney E.

McClain, Judith A.

McClees, Carol A.

McClendon, Sandra A.

McCoD, Frances M.

McConnell, Ellen S.

McCoy, Carlos M.

McCoy, Julia M.

McCutchan, Kathleen

McDade, Pamela J.

McDaniel, Karen L.

McDearmon, Virginia L.

McDevitt, Edwina R.

McDowell, Robert W.

McDowell, Samuel J.


McDuffie, Linda I.

McGhee, Jenny S.

McGill, Joan E.

McGinniss, Cheryl A.

McGlohon, Millie

McGowan, Joanna K.

McGrath, Gregory E.

McIntyre, Margaret

McKenzie, Ellis J.

McKinney, Michael J.

McKinnon, Jeannette H.

McLaurin, Jane H.

McLean, Harold K.

McLean, Sally V.

Mcleod, Suzanne

McManus, Phyllis A.

McMillan, Daphne R.

McMillan, James D.

McNally, Joseph W.

McNeil, Janice F.

McPherson, David W.

McPherson, Laura R.

McSwain, Ann

Meade, Rex L.

Mears, Bernice E.

Mears, Catherine A.

Medinger, Patricia A.

Medlin, Rebecca A.

Medlin, Rodney M.

Meeks, Joseph B., Jr.

Melton, Charlotte R.

Melton, Sylvia S.

Mercer, Cynthia A.

Merchant, Ted H.

Meredith, Robert A.

Miesiaszek, Donna L.

Millard, Stephen E.

Miller, Clarence A., Jr.

Miller, Jane E.

Miller, Thomas C.

Millinder, Amy R.

Mills, Dorothy E.

Mills, Thomas W.

Mims, Sandra S.

Mingus, Donna R.

Minor, Carolyn G.

Mirra, Peter S.

Mizelle, Carolyn S.

Mizelle, Joan E.

Mobley, Ronald W.

Modlin, James R.

Moldin, Richard F.

Molloy, George A.

Moody, Lloyd R.

Moody, Richard J.

Mooneyham, Jeral L.

Moore, Barbara A.

Moore, Brenda J.

Moore, Gary D.

Moore, Dorothy C.

Moore, Janet S.

Moore, Mary E.

Moore, Rexford J.

Moore, Ronald J.

Moore, Sharon B.

Morris, Billy W.

Morris, George R.

Morris, Judy L.

Morrisette, Peggy

Morriss, Sarah E.

Morrow, John M.

Morse, Jeanne A.

Mosley, Archie T.

Mountcastle, Sallie V.

Moyer. Cynthia J.

Muir, Frank F.

Mullen, Reginald O.

Mumford, Brenda L.

Munroe, Cynthia L.

Murchison, Gary D.

Murchison, James A.

Murschell, Wayne M.

Myers, John G.

Myers, Margaret L.

Nail, Janice

Nalepa, Arlene M.

Nance, Judy A.

Nace, Linda C.


Nance, Marsha A.

Nash, Donna K.

Neal, Arnold C.

Neely, Carl E., Jr.

Nelson, Edna E.

Nelson, John B.

Nelson, Josephine T.

Newberry, Larry W.

Newbold, Gregory S.

Newman, Linda L.

Newton, Billy R.

Newton, Margaret S.

Nichols, Hugh V.

Nichols, Johnny M.

Nicholson, Brenda K.

Nicholson, Sandra K.

Nielsen, Karen I.

Ninmann, Benny E.

Noble, Eunice G.

Noble, Leonard W. Jr.

Nobles, Lottie K.

Noe, Alexander B. Jr.

Noell, Catherine C.

Norfleet, Martha V.

Norman, Billie A.

Norris, Harriet E.

Norris, Lester E.

Norsworthy, Debra L.

Northcott, Donald R.

Nunn, Larry R.

Oakley, Marilyn G.

Obrecht, Dawn V.

Odham, Barbara A.

Okelley, Jean F.

Oliver, David W.

Oliver, Thomas A.

Olsen, Linda L.

Oneal, Susan B.

Origer, Nancy A.

Orr, Janet L.

Orr, Richard W.

Orton, Clifton B.

Overby, Donald W.

Overby, Mary D.

Overcash, Eric M.

Overcash, Michael R.

Overman, Janet G.

Overman, Jessie A.

Overs, Patsy A.

Overton, George T.

Overton, Helen W.

Owen, Linda C.

Owen, Reeta E.

Owens, Jesse A.

Owens, Linda G.

Owens, Stephen L.

Owings, Jane A.

Pace, Joseph B.

Paden, David E.

Page, Mary S.

Paramore, Edgar R.

Paris, Fulton T.

Park, Allen Joe III

Parker, Margaret L.

Parker, Nancy L.

Parker, Sara L.

Parnell, Frances K.

Parrish, Hazel J.

Parrish, Keith R.

Parrish, Ronald H.

Parson, Pamela S.

Partridge, Ann B.

Pearce, Anne E.

Pearson, William E

Peel, Linda S.

Peel, Robson C.

Peer, Donald W.

Pelletier, Laura P.

Peluso, Robert N.

Penfield, Nancy S.

Pentz, Archie P.

Perry, Donald H.


Perry, Mary L.

Perry, Virginia L.

Peterson, Pamela G.

Pharo, Adrian G.

Phelps, Harriet M.

Phillips, Annette E.

Phillips, David P.

Pickett, Gerald F.

Pierce, Donna P.

Pierce, Judy G.

Piner, Saundra G.

Piner, Sherry D.

Piniaha, Grace

Pipher, Charles K.

Pittillo, Cherie G.

Pittman, James L.

Pittman, Mary I.

Pittman, Sherrill K.

Pollard, Emily J.

Pollard, Nancy E.

Pollok, Virginia C.

Pope, James S.

Portela, Gilbert M.

Porter, Tanya E.

Powell, Charles H.

Powell, Harriette L.

Powers, Brenda S.

Powers, David A.

Precythe, Jane W.

Presnell, Ann F.

Presnell, Sherry A.

Prevette, Richard L.

Price, Edwina L.

Price, Lonnie B.

Price, Sandra L.

Priddy, Clyde M.

Pridgen, Katye D.

Pridgen, Michael F.

Prince, Janice M.

Privott, Mary F.

Provence, Linda

Prowe, Jennifer H.

Pruit, Anne M.

Prye, Betty A.

Pugh, Brenner T.

Purvis, James W. Jr.

Purvis, Walter E.

Putnam, Myra S.

Quick, Mary F.

Quinn, Elizabeth A.

Quisenberry, Nora L.

Raby, Caroline W.

Ralph, Ruth A.

Ramsdell, Donna L.

Randall, Judith C.

Randow, Regina R.

Rankin, Robert G.

Ransone, William T.

Raxter, Martha J.

Ray, Carol U.

Read, Sandra J.

Reaves, Cynthia D.

Reavis, Peggy L.

Reddick, Kenneth L.

Redding, Nancy A.

Reeder, Harry L. III

Register, Graham B.

Reid, Linda L.

Reinhardt, Ann M.

Remley, Debra L.

Renfrow, Sandra E.

Respass, Rita H.

The road ahead still unknown,


Respess, William A.

Reynolds, John R.

Reynolds, Preston Jr.

Rhyne, Robert A.

Rice, Christine A.

Rice, Patricia G.

Rich, Ronald W.

Richardson, Janet K.

Richardson, William R.

Ricketts, Joanne F.

Ricks, Gary R.

Riddle, Peggy J.

Riggs, Charles F.

Riley, Leary R.

Riner, Stephen C.

Ringrose, Steven J.

Risnes, Connie L.

Rivenbark, Henry G.

Roberson, Gerald W.

Roberson, Sandra R.

Roberts, Billy B.

Roberts, Grace A.

Roberts, Steven F.

Roberts, Thomas

Roberts, Thomas J. Jr.

Roberts, Waher F. Jr.

Roberts, William Y.

Robinson, Randall W.

Robinson, Robert B.

Rockwell, Charlene C.

Rodgers, Joan L.

Rogers, Carl M.

Rollins, Linda D.

Roper, Katherine W.

Rose, Jo A.

Rose, Linda A.

Rose, Margaret A.

Rosenau, John P.

Ross, David S.

Ross, James 0.

Roth, Howard R.

Rett, Rebecca R.

Rountree, Bessie A.

Rouse, Jessie C.

Rousso, Steven B.

Routh, Linda M.

Rowe, Linda G.

Rowell, Patricia A.

Rowland, Myra S.

Royall, William F.

Rudder, Emily D.

Rudisill, Darrell E.

Ruffin, Michael F.

Russell, Robert F.

Rust, Robin A.

Ryu, Toshiko

Seine, Cynthia A.

Salinger, Jennifer W.

Salisbury, John S.

Salter, David C.

Sanders, Shelby

Sapp, Sharon K.

Satterfield, Jerry W.

Saunders, Alice P.


Saunders, Freddie

Saunders. Jonnio L.

Sawyer, Philip R.

Sawyer, Van Waco Jr.

Scales, Judy A.

Scarborough, Judith S.

Schell, Thomas F.

Schleif, Jan M.

Schlitzkus, Suzanne

Scoggins, Larry K.

Scruggs, Mitzi L.

Searcy, John D.

Sedgwick, Linda L.

Sellars, Barry C.

Sellers, Daniel D.

Sellers, Joseph T. Jr.

Sellers, Michael G.

Selph, Jeffrey L.

Sermons, Bertha A.

Serra, Michael A.

Setzer, Douglas A.

Sexton, Emily G.

Shaw, Coy W. Jr.

Shaw, Elizabeth G.

Shaw, William D.

Shearin, Natalie J.

Shearin, Susan G.

Shearin, Verna D.

Sheehan, Deborah L.

Sheffield, Everett E.

Shields, David S.

Shields, Sheilah E.

Shore, Karen H.

Shore. Zetta G.

Shul, Brian

Silance, Hilda L.

Simmons, Archie C.

Simmons, Frances L.

Simmons, Stephen M.

Simpson. Barbara A.

Simpson, Wayne T.

Slaughter, Eric A.

Slaughter, Ruthie E.

Smith, Cecelia L.

Smith, Clarence A. Jr.

Smith, Cynthia H.

Smith, Darrell L.

Smith, Henry A.

Smith, Jacquelin

Smith, Jane L.

Smith, Joyce A.

Smith, June S.

Smith, Larry G.

Smith, Lanny O.

Smith, Lawrence A.

Smith, Linda L.

Smith, Marland B.

Smith, Mary C.

Smith, Phillip R.

Smith, William H. Jr.

Diligently they pursue their work.

Snead, Daniel C.

Snuggs, Frances C.

Snyder, Morris E.

Solomon, Michael E.

Southerland, Anthony

Southerland, Kathryn

Southgate, Thomas F.

Spain, Hilda G.

Spano, Barbara A.

Sparrow, Stephen W.

Spence, Keifford D.

Spivey, Cynthia D.

Sprinkle, Melinda A.

Spruill, Constance T.

Spruill, Mary K.

Stallings, Edna M.

Stamps, Susan B.

Stancil, Sue A.

Standefer, Stephanie

Stanley, Frances A.

Stanley, Judy A.

Starke, Linda D.

Starling, Clara H.

Steinberg, Miriam R.

Stem, Sandra E.

Stephens, James L.

Stephenson, Charles L.

Stephenson, Daisy H.

Stephenson, Jerome B.

Stephenson, Susan C.

Stephenson, Vivian R.

Stevens, Judith D.

Stirling, Robert M.

Stocks, James S.

Stokes, James H.

Stone, Sara P.

Stowe, David L.

Strain, Robert D.

Strawn, Bobby M.

Strickland, Charles E.

Strickland, Amette

Strickland, Gwendolyn

Strickland, Joseph H.

Strickland, Marilyn L.

Strickland, Robert D.

Strickland, Willard B.

Stroud, Larry C.

Styron, Ester K.

Sugg, Robert S.

Suggs, Lennie J.

Suggs, Phyllis G.

Sullivan, Nelda F.

Sundholm, Marjory A.

Surles, Gayle O.

Sutliff, John A. Jr.

Sutton, Brenda S.

Sutton, Joanna E.

Sutton, Mary L.

Sutton, Sandra K.

Swan, Sallie R.

Swann, Jerry N.

Swanner, Charles P.

Swartzlander, Jeanne

Sweat, George L.

Swiggett, Linda G.

Sykes, Barbara A.

Sykes, Jack H. Jr.

Sykes, Jonnie E.

Talley, Martha E.

Tamul, Joseph J.

Tant, Claudia I.

Tart, Joyce B.

Tart, Paul D.

Taylor, Bonnie K.

Taylor, Joseph E.

Taylor, Lee R. Jr.

Taylor, Thomas F.

Temple, June F.

Temple, Kenneth R.

Terry, Carol Jo

Terry, Susan L.

Tesh, Jo Sherman

Tesh, Kay F.

Tetterton, Barbara L.

Thayer, Nancy S.

Thigpen, Juanita W.

Thomas, Greg A.

Thomas, Julia West


Thompson, Hubert W. Jr.

Thompson, Pamela A.

Thompson, Patricia A.

Thompson, Winfield Jr.

Thomburg, Brenda J.

Thrower, Minda L.

Thweatt, Donna L.

Tilley, Edna A.

Tilley, Theresa R.

Tillwick, Karen A.

Tilt, Kenneth M.

Timberlake, Patrick B.

Tingen, Marshall L.

Tisler, Michael J.

Tomkinson, Patricia J.

Topping, Sheryll A.

Tourond, Mary M.

Townsend, Clarence G.

Transou, Margaret A.

Traynor, Lola P.

Trickier, Terry L.

Trimmer, Gale E.

Trotter, Terrie T.

Tucker, Burney L. Jr.

Tucker, Carol Ann

Tucker, Carolyn A.

Turner, Alice B.

Turner, Beverly M.

Turner, Georgette A.

Turner, Joseph W.

Tutterow, Charles D.

Tuttle, John G.

Tuttle, Judy L.

Twisdale, Andrew E.

Twisdale, George M.

Tyson, Joseph J.

Tyson, Vernon L.

Upchurch, Linda L.

Upchurch, Susan T.

Upton, William E.

Utley, Billie

Vannoy, William E.

Vantuyl, Neil C.

Varsho, Emma A.

Vestal, Larry W.

Vick, Nora F.

Viel, Lawrence W.

Vinson, Deborah G.

Vogler, Michael R.

Voss, Kenneth W. II

Wages, Robbie E.

Wagner, Elizabeth A.

Wagner, Karen L.

Walker, Gary J.

Walker, Glenda L.

Walker, Patsy L.

Walker, Philip E.

Wall, Jerry W.

Wall, Michael E.

Wallace, Barbara A.

Wallace, Patricia B.

Walters, James N.

Ward, Doris J.

Ward, Edith G.

Warden, Rebecca L.

Warren, Donald E.

Warren, Edward R.

Warren, Martha R.

Waterman, Robert D.

Waters, Bobby E.

Waters, Marsha E.

Waters, Marvin T.

Watkins, Thomas C.

Watson, Ann L.

Watson, Diana G.

Watson, Phyllis A.

Watson, Rebecca D.

Weathers, Susan D.

Webb, Brenda J.

Webster, Thomas R. II

Weekley, Carol A.

Weeks, Carolyn F.

Weeks, Margaret E.

Wells, Linda C.

Wells, Linda M.

Wells, Richard A.

West, Penelope P.

Wharton, John H.


Whaley, David E.

Wheeler, George W.

Whetsell, Thomas E.

Whichard, Jimmie W.

Whicker, Charles V.

Whitaker, Barry K.

Whitaker, Michael B.

White, Dflorcs J.

White, Gailya A.

White, Gregory B.

White, John F. Jr.

White, Lloyd W. III

White, Pamela A.

White, Sarah E.

Whitehead, Linda L.

Whitfield, Gerald W.

Whitley, Bobby L.

Whitley, David L. Jr.

Whitley, Nancy B.

Whitlock, Martha S.

Widmaier, Robert G.

Wilcox, Anne E.

Wilcox, Jo B.

Wilhelm, Stephen R.

Wilier, Rodney L.

Williams, Carol L.

Williams, David C.

Williams, Deborah J.

Williams, Deborah S.

Williams, Jackson C.

Williams, Jo A.

Williams, Johnny L.

Williams, Judith C.

Williams, Kay F.

Williams, Patricia A.

Williams, Ruby L.

Williams, Sherry E.

Williford, Jane A.

Williford, Rebecca

Willis, James S.

Willis, William D.

Wilson, Barbara A.

Wilson, Don F.

Wilson, Donna S.

Wilson, Nancy L.

Wilson, Sandra G.

Wilson, Stephen H.

Winders, Barbara N.

Winters, Barbara A.

Womble, Andrew C.

Womble, David E.

Wommack, Florence E.

Wondergem, Kenneth

Wood, Carolyn R.

Wood, Deidre L.

Wood, Iris E.

Woodall, Anthony M.

Woodall, Kathann

Woodward, Branson L.

Woodard, Elizabeth A.

Woodbury, David K.

Wooten, Linda F.

Wooten, Annette G.

Wooten, Linda F.

Worsley, Anne C.

Wraight, Hope M.

Wrenn, Robert L.

Wright, John C.

Yarbrough, Thomas A.

Yates, Deborah M.

Yeager, William D.

Yonce, Charles M.

Yopp, Susan C.

Young, Barbara L.

Young, Douglas J.

Young, Linda E.

Young, Marcella H.

Zagorski, John M. Jr.

Zimmerman, Allan M.


Class of 1971

Left to Right: Bob Whitley, President; Donna Clayton, Secretary; Steve Davis, Vice-President; Absent: Jimmy Keeler, Treasurer.

Aaron, Lois I.

Abbott, Philip R.

Abene, Stephen G.

Adams, April L.

Adams, Cheryl L.

Adams, Franklin V.

Adams, Linda S.

Adams, Paul F., Jr.

Aderholt, Judy A.

Albert, Sarah C.

Aldridge, Barbara A.

Aldridge, James K.

Aldridge, Mary D.

Alexander, Gary M.

Alexander, Leita D.

Alexiou, Odis A.

Alford, Hallie P.

Alford, Mary L.

Alford, Peggy L.

Allen, Barbara L.

Allen, David S.

Allen, Emiley L.

Allen, Gloria J.

Allen, Jacqueline N.

Allers, Arthur W.

Ambrose, Barbara J.

Ambrose, Jacqueline

Amick, Beverly G.

Anderson, Belinda J.

Anderson, Beverly J.

Anderson, John F.

Anderson, Larry B.

Anderson, Mary E.

Apple, Stephen W.

Arena, Catherine T.

Armour, David M.

Arnold, Bernard H.

Arnold, Christine M.

Arthur, Brenda J.

Asbell, Charles M., Jr

Askew, Edward C.

Askew, Ester R.

Aston, Deborah A.

Atkins, Michael D.

Aulbert, Rodney L.

Aull, Mildred E.

Averitt, Carol S.

Ayers, Lou F.


Ayers, Stedman B.

Ayscue, Cheryl D.

Bach, Claudia F.

Bacorn, Judith L.

Bailey, Cynthia A.

Bailey, Cynthia S.

Bailey, Jaenn M., Jr.

Bailey, Mary E.

Bailey, Stephen D.

Baker, Barbara J.

Baker, Kathryn E.

Baker, Patsy A.

Baldree, Susan C.

Baldridge, Deborah M.

Baldwin, Margaret S.

Balkcum, William R.

Ballard, Frances P.

Ballard, Margaret E.

Ballentine, Carolyn R.

Bandy, Patricia G.

Banks, Elbert L.

Banks, Mary M.

Bannister, Deborah R.

Barbee, Dixon L.

Barbour, Jo A.

Barbour, Linda F.

Barefoot, Brenda C.

Barefoot, James S.

Barefoot, Pamela K.

Barefield, Doris J.

Barnes, Judy M.

Barnes, Paula M.

Barwick, Sylvia L.

Bassett, Robert M., Jr.

Bateman, Marilyn

Batten, Bonnie E,

Batten, David L.

Bayless, Martha R.

Bayley, Michael F.

Beal, Walter E., Jr.

Beaman, Kenneth W.

Beaman, Robert L. III

Beane, Terry E.

Beasley, Barry R.

Beasley, Samuel P.

Beeson, Stephen B.

Beland, Marvin C.

Bell, Beverly A.

Bell, Shirley L.

Bemisderfer, William

Bender, William E.

Bennett, Jeanne K.

Bennett, Richard G.

Bennett, Robert B.

Benzon, Robert P.

Bercegeay, Ellen F.

Bernard, Woodrow W.

Berner, Krisann M.

Berry, Delano H.

Berry, Dolores E.

Berry, Michael C.

Best, Rita L.

Best, Sue P.

Bethea, Karen L.

Biggerstaff, Linda

Biggs, Martha T.

Bird, Anne K.

Bishop, Margaret E.

Biszantz, Charlotte K.

Bixler, Bruce B.

Blackburn, Bonnie S.

Blackman, Terry L.

Blackmon, Freddie A.

Blackwell, Beverly G.

Blackwell, Donna J.

Blade, Karen A.

Blalock, Hal J.

Blalock, Lamberth Jr.

Blalock, Philip D.

Blalock, Robert W.

Blalock, William G.

Blaylock, Barbara E.

Blythe, Mary F.

Bobbitt, Joy A.

Bolejack, Janet S.

Bone, Ellen E.


Boneoey, Michael L.

Bonkemeyer, Gary E.

Booth, Cheryl A.

Booth, Susan J.

Booth, Virginia S.

Borschel, Leona M.

Bostick, Bonnie D.

Bounds, Nancy C.

Bovender, Penny L.

Bowen, Janet M.

Bowman, Deborah C.

Bowman, Gilmer L.

Boyd, Barbara J.

Boyd, Paula C.

Beyer, Jimsey A.

Boyette, Larry S.

Bradley, Ben M.

Brake, Hamilton J.

Branch, Frank N.

Brandenburg, Lynne A.

Brandon, Pamela G.

Braxton, Johnnie F., Jr.

Bray, Morris H.

Brearey, Margaret A.

Brewer, Ann B.

Brewer, Judy E.

Bridgers, Charles W.

Bridgers, Robert D.

Bridges, Barbara A.

Bridges, Susan A.

Briggs, Jacqueline I.

Brill, David A.

Brink, Linda E.

Brinkley, Laurie E.

Brinton, Joanne L.

Brinton, Linda J.

Britt, Patsy E.

Britton, Bruce B.

Britten, Donald W.

Britton, Susan M.

Brooks, Beverly G.

Brooks, Linda M.

Brooks, Patsy

Brothers, Karen F.

Broughton, Steven N.

Browder, Patricia A.

Brown, Annie R.

Brown, Bonnie L.

Brown, Deborah J.

Brown, George R.

Brown, Gwendolyn A.

Brown, Jane K.

Brown, Lynette R.

Brown, Mary T.

Brown, Sandra G.

Brown, Steven D.

Brown, Susan R.

Brown, Susann S.

Brown, William H.

Browne, Joseph M.

Brownfield, C. L., Jr.

Bryan, Andra R.

Bryan, Martha E.

Bryan, Samuel A.

Bryant, Linda C.

Bryant, Linda F.

Bryant, Luther D.

Buchan, Elma D.

Buchanan, Ronald W.

Buck, Dwight F.

Buck, Sandra M.

Buckner, John M.

Buckner, Melba E.

Buenger, Margaret A.

Buff, Deborah J.

Bueford, Marjorie M.

Bugg, Rebecca J.

Bunn, Margaret A.

Bunn, Martha R.

Bunting, Doyle W.

Uncertain freshmen launch college careers.


Burkheimer, Lucy K.

Burnett, Paula B.

Burns, Janie M.

Burroughs, Paula E.

Burt, Douglas S.

Butler, Gloria G.

Butler, Jeffrey C.

Byrd, William C.

Cagle, Elizabeth D.

Cain, Theresa G.

Calhoun, David T.

Campbell, Isaac L.

Campbell, Nancy M.

Campbell, Rebecca S.

Campbell, Thomas C.

Cannon, Carolyn F.

Cannon, Elizabeth H.

Canup, Nancy L.

Carden, James R.

Carelock, Donna L.

Carey, James W.

Carlson, John A.

Carraway, Diane K.

Carraway, Frankie D.

Carraway, Judy C.

Carroll, Donna M.

Carson, Douglas A.

Carter, Alice M.

Carter, Linda E.

Carter, Michael J.

Carter, Sandra G.

Casey, James N.

Casey, Leslie W.

Cashwell, Raymond P.

Caskey, Walter D.

Casper, Cheryl L.

Cassisi, Richard C.

Casteen, Michael O.

Castell, Linda L.

Castevens, Gail E.

Cates, Cheryl J.

Cauley, Martha

Chagaris, Theodore

Chambers, Timothy B.

Chambliss, Charles W.

Chapman, Betty E.

Chappell, Jerry A.

Chappell, Montie K.


Charles, Thomas M.

Charping, William D.

Cherry, Gail E.

Cherry, Morris L.

Chestnutt, Amos J.

Childers, Anthony O.

Childers, Paula A.

Choguetle, Guy R.

Christian, Leslie M.

Churchill, James W.

Clapp, Carolyn P.

Clapp, Larry E.

Clark, Cheryle E.

Clark, Elisabeth L.

Clark, Gary E.

Clark, John B.

Clark, Joyce L.

Clark, Vivian L.

Clarke, Mary R.

Clayton, Donna K.

Clayton, Nancy C.

Clayton, William S.

Clegg, Delia L.

Clegg, George E.

Clements, Anita D.

Cline, Lawrence O.

Clinkscales, Neta A.

Clodfelter, Ellen J.

Clore, Robert M.

Coates, Carl L.

Cobb, Shirley A.

Cochran, Jack J.

Cogdell, Anne C.

Coggins, Anna K.

Coggins, Edna F.

Cole, Ella J.

Colenda, Joseph R., Jr.

Collier, Cara C.

Coltrane, Rebecca J.

Comer, Bruce E.

Connell, Margaret K.

Connelly, Jane S.

Cook, Delores A.

Cooney, Michael D.

Cooper, Ellen M.

Cooper, John J.

Cooper, Kathleen

Cooper, Kenneth D.

Cooper, Sara C.

Copeland, Janice S.

Copeland, Wm. G.

Corbett, Betty M.

Corrada, Richard E., Jr.

Costello, June M.

Cottingham, Mary M.

Cotton, Douglas D.

Council, Catherine A.

Council, Janet M.

Courville, Joyce A.

Covington, Joanne K.

Cox, Carolyn F.

Cox, Floyd M.

Cox, Jerry W.

Cox, Jetta C.

Cox, Nannette

Cox, Sandra D.

Cox, Stephen R.

Cox, Suzanne L. Cozzens, Sandra G. Craft, Imogene Craft, Sandra G. Craft, Virginia A.

Cranford, Kitty C.

Crawford, Chloe A.

Crawford, Vicki D.

Crawley, Ronnie L.

Creech, Deborah L.

Creech, Gloria A.

Creech, Kay F.

Creem, Patricia A.

Young freshmen and a newborn university


begin the climb together.

Cress, Peggy P.

Croom, Beverly S.

Croom, Catherine A.

Crotsley, John M.

Crotts, Clara C.

Crow, Gene L.

Cullbreath, Warren

Curlee, Ruth J.

Currin, Shirley A.

Cutler, Adelyn G.

Cutis, William

Dail, Carolyn F.

Danieron, Jeanette

Damiano, Rose L.

Dance, Cheryl

Daniel, Jeter E.

Daniel, Sharon A.

Daniel, Saundra E.

Dannehl, Mary M.

Darden, Vickie G.

Darden, William A.

Daugherty, Walter C.

Daughtry, Doyle C.

Daughtry, Kathleen

Daughtry, Linda L.

Davenport, Patricia A.

Davis, Bernard H.

Davis, Brenda V.

Davis, Carolyn Y.

Davis, Cynthia J.

Davis, James H. Jr.

Davis, John H.

Davis, Lois A.

Davis, Margaret A.

Davis, Myra L.

Davis, Randall G.

Davis, Ronnie F.

Davis, Roy A.

Davis, Stephen B.

Davis, Stephen E.

Davis, Steven D.

Davis, Sydney D.

Davis, Teresa J.

Dawes, Henry T.

Deal, Janice C.

Deal, Luther Z. Jr.

Dean, Vivian A.

Debnam, Deborah G.

Deck, William A.

Demetriou, James A.

Dempsey, Judy F.

Denmark, Treva N.

Denning, Alma H.

Denny, Ted N.

Dibling, Ronald L.

Dickens, Roslyn A.

Dillon, Jay W.

Dineen, David A.

Dixon, Brenda G.

Dixon, Donna J.

Dixon, Phillip R.

Doherty, Cornelia A.

Dollar, Kenneth L.

Dorman, Evelena

Dorsey, Curt L.

Dough, Sandra L.

Douglas, Jack W.

Downing, Bobbie C.

Dozier, Richard G. Jr.

Draffin, Charles E.


Driver, John T.

Droddy, David W.

Drum, Pamela J.

Dry, Linda L.

Dudley, Paula B.

Dugger, Brenda L.

Duncan, Carey C.

Duncan, Janis P.

Duncan, John A.

Duncan, Patricia A.

Dunkley, Diane L.

Dunlap, Patricia A.

Dunlap, Paul P.

Dunlow, Nora S.

Dunn, Lynn P.

Dunne, Daniel J.

Dunne, Diana L.

Dunning, Emily J.

Dunning, Jerry B.

Dunson, Larry D.

Durkin, Kathleen E.

Dussinger, Diane D.

Dyar, Gregory B.

Dyson, Susan D.

Eads, Wayne B.

Earnhardt, Stanton A.

Earp, Leonard B.

Earp, Patsy Ann

Echols, Sandra R.

Edge, Emily A.

Edge, Janice L.

Edmonds, Reta J.

Edmondson, Terry M.

Edmund, Robert F.

Edmunds, Eddie D.

Edrington, Thomas G.

Edwards, Barbara A.

Edwards, Betty F.

Edwards, Betty L.

Edwards, David A.

Edwards, Linda J.

Edwards, Marion W.

Edwards, Martha G.

Edwards, Mary E.

Eller, Thomas L.

Ellington, Margaret L.

Ellington. Paul W.

Elliott, Sharon E.

Elliott, Valinda J.

Ellis, Brenda K.

Ellis, Sharen A.

Elrod, John A.

Engle, Lydia M.

English, Edward E.

English, Edwin S.

English, William A.

Ensor, Linda D.

Equils, Raymond A.

Etheridge, Alice J.

Etheridge, Maude G.

Evans, Althea J.

Evans, Cathy Sue

Evans, Deborah S.

Evans, Jerry L.



Evans, Virginia M.

Everett, Jane E.

Everette, Lynda C.

Ezzell, Richard A.

Ezzell, Waller D., Jr.

Fallon, Eugene D.

Fansler, Judith A.

Fare, Carl E., Jr.

Farver, Larry D.

Fary, Richard L.

Faucctte, Melody D.

Faulk, Marvin J.

Faulkner, Cail R.

Faulkner, Mary C.

Fay, John E., III

Felton, Graham P.

Ferrell, Belinda L.

Fields, Edmond W.

Fields John W.

Fields, Waller G.

Finch, Lucy C.

Finch, Wanda G.

Fines, Oliver F.

Finger, Ann E.

Finney, Helen M.

Finocchi, Vickie L.

Fisher, Jack A.

Fisher, Mary C.

Fleig, Douglas W.

Fleming, William M.

Flowers, Rhonda C.

Floyd, Judith C.

Foley, John S.

Folsom, Richard K.

Forbis, David L.

Formyduval, Charles M.

Forsyth, Scarlett M.

Foster, Samuel M. III

Foster, Susan A.

Fouche, Wallace F.

Fowler, Zalia D.

Fox, Kaye M.

Frank, George R.

Frazier, Pamela K.

Frazier, Terry J.

Freeman, Donald A.

Freeman, Donald E.

French, Susan G.

Frisbey, Bill L.

Fulcher, Betsy G.

Fulcher, Delores A.

Fulcher, Sandra L.

Fuller, Al W.

Fuller, Richard E.

Fuller, Robert S.

Fulton, John D.

Funderburk, Linda J.

Funk, Joseph E.

Furuseth, Owen J.

Gabriel, Paula L.

Gaither, Mary J.

Gallimore, William M.

Gandy, Karen A.

Gardner, Michael D.


Gardner, Terry C.

Gardner, Wayne A.

Garnion, Penny G.

Gamer, Cecil T.

Garner, Gloria D.

Garner, Katherine M.

Garner, Marveen G.

Games, Debbie J.

Garrett, Robert H.

Garris, Audrey G.

Gaskill, Lydia F.

Gaskins, Dotti L.

Gaskins, Jerry L.

Gasperini, Eugene G.

Gaston, Jan C.

Gehman, Margaret A.

Geiter, Charlene G.

Gelder, Anne M.

Geldon, Marc H.

Gelpi, Renee M.

Georghiou, George

Gerard, Frankie E.

Gibbs, Frances M.

Gibson, Daniel A.

Gidley, Anne K.

Gilbert, Deborab M.

Gilbert. Max D., Jr.

Gilbreath, John W., Jr.

Glascock, Claudia M.

Gleason, Jane M.

Glenn, Thomas W.

Goble, Elmer W. III

Godwin. Belinda R.

Godwin, Charles V.

Godwin, James A.

Goforth, Charles B.

Goodall, Albert R.

Goodall, Linda C.

Goodman, Shirley L.

Goodnight, Rebecca G.

Goodson, Douglas F.

Goolsby, Rebecca J.

Gordon, Va G.

Gordon, Walter M.

Gorham, Henry W.

Goss, Joseph A., Jr.

Gossett, Ellen K.

Grace, Linda A.

Grady, Rebecca V.

Grady, Michael

Grant, Charles H. III

Grant, Laurabeth B.

Graves, Frances K.

Gray, Bruce E.

Gray, Wilbur B. III

Green, Carolyn S.

Green, Colleen L.

Greenspan, Peter D.

Gregerson, Robert, Jr.

Gregory, James M.

Grice, Claudia M.

Griffin, Donna S.

Griffin, Ellen S.

Griffin, James H., Jr.

Griffin, Martha H.

Griffin, Patricia A.

Griffin, Robert S.

Griggs, James D.

Grimes, Mary S.

Grosse, Nancy V.

Guirkins, Margaret E.

Gulledge Va A.

Gurganus, Dianna

Gurganus, Joseph V.

Gurganus, Sharon A.

Gurley, Peggy J.

Guthrie, Shirley D.

Hackney, Dudley A.

Hadden, Whitney W.

Haggart, Elizabeth A.

Haggerty, Barbara A.

Hapman, Marsha A.

Hahn, Stephen H.

Hall, Betty F.

Hall, Calton, G.

Hall, Deborah L.

Hall, Mary M.

Hall, Michael D.


Hall, Robert R.

Hall, Sarah L.

Hall, Warren D.

Halsey, Patricia L.

Halyburton, Thomas F.

Hamilton, Janice E. Hammack, Diana J. Hamrick, Sharon G.

Hancock, Helen J

Hanes, Betty J.

Hanes, Gregory E.

Hanson, Wendy C.

Harher, Dana J.

John A.

Hardee, Peggy D.

Harding, Mary J.

Hardison, Eleanor C.

Hargrove, Marcia

Harper, Eliz S.

Harper, Marvin R.

Harper, Susan E.

Harrell, Linda A.

Harrington, Mary L.

Harrington, Ollie D.

Harrington, William H.

Harris, David L.

Harris, Lynn M.

Harris, Lynn M.

Harris, James H., Jr.

Harris, Jo A.

Harris, Reuben M.

Harris, Robert W. Jr.

Harrison, Steven C.

Harrison, William L.

Hart, Claudia H.

Hartman, Sue A.

Hartsell, Marian C.

Hartzler, Kenneth A.

Haskett, Cecilia J.

Hassell, Sylvia T.

Hastings, Ronnie L.

Hasty, Jo A.

Hatch, Rita G.

Hatchell, Donna L.

Hathcock, Kathy A.

Haubenreiser, Robert

Hawks, Jack L. Jr.

Hayes, Kenneth R.

Hayes, Robert E., Jr.

Hayes, Sandra L.

Head, Molly J.

Healy, Jane T.

Heath, Stanley R.

Heimbach, Kathryn S.

Helms, Robert D.

Hemmens, Henry J.

Hendrix, Brenda D.

Herndon, Barbara D.

Herring, Samuel H.

Hester, Ronald S.

Hicks, James A.

Hicks, Otha L.

Hicks, Patricia C.

High, John W., Jr.

Highsmith, Ilinda K.

Hightower, Bette

Hill, Carolyn L.

Hill, Danny W.

Hill, Garland A.

Hill, Mary E.

Hill, Patricia L.

Hill, Sandra C.

Hillard, Linda A.

Hinkle, William G.

Hinnant, Cathy J.

Hinnant, Clarkie L.

Hix, Gary D.

Hobbs, Sharon G.

Hobgood, Johnny G.

Hodge, Janet Marie

Hodges, Latham P.

Hodges, Ruth L.

Hodgson, Mary K.

Hodnett, Linda L.

Hoggard, Judith A.


Hogue, Tamera D.

Holden, Charles G.

Holland, Sandra L.

Holloman, Dixie C.

Holoman, Susan P.

Holloway, Wm. S.

Hollowell, Linda A.

Holmes, Brenda S.

Holmes, Ralph B.

Holoman, Richard H.

Holt, Edmund W.

Holt, James M.

Hoose, Gregory W.

Hopkins, Henry L.

Hopkins, Jacqueline M.

Hopper, Neil F.

Hord, Dennis C.

Home, Clifton D.

Horton, Willis W.

Hosteller, Thomas G.

Howard, Agnes L.

Howard, Philip W.

Howard, Stephen F.

Howdershell, Jane E.

Howell, Edna E.

Howze, Katianne B.

Hoyle, Teresa D.

Hubbs, George F.

Hudson, Betty J.

Hudson, Juliana C.

Hudson, Marjorie L.

Hudson, Patricia L.

Huffman, William G.

Huffman, Wm. H.

Hughes, Richard A.

Hughes, Ted S.

Humphrey, Marsha L.

Huneycutt, Donald L.

Hunt, Gerald

Hunt, Joyce C.

Hunter, James R.

Hunter, Robert T., Jr.

Huntley, Dennis H.

Hurley, Barbara A.

Hurley, Mary E.

Husenovic, Vera

Hussey, Leah N.

Hutchins, Roy W.

Icenhour, Parks H.

Ingram, Mary F.

Ipock, Betty L.

Irby, Sallie J.

Ireland, Robert L.

Isbell, Nina E.

Isley, Dover W.

Ivey, Barbara G.

Jackson, Billie F.

Jackson, Linda F.

Jackson, Bella L.

Jackson, William L.

James, Robert L., Jr.

Jamison, Linda L.

Jeffers, Stephen C.

Jenkins, Charles O.


Both experience new frustrations.

Jenkins, Janice M.

Jenkins, Suzanne N.

Jennings, Emily J.

Jennison, Mary J.

Jernigan, Janet G.

Jernigan, Joan E.

Jernigan, Maridia

Jernigan, Robert N.

Jewell, Gary A.

Johnson, Billie M.

Johnson, Donna J.

Johnson, Doris D.

Johnson, Ellen C.

Johnson, Elma V.

Johnson, Esther A.

Johnson, George M. Jr.

Johnson, Gina L.

Johnson, Jack G.

Johnson, Jan C.

Johnson, Josephine L.

Johnson, Kenneth W.

Johnson, Lucy A.

Johnson, Marcia E.

Johnson, Patrilla, L.

Johnson, Priscilla R.

Johnson, Raymond E.

Johnson, Rose M.

Johnson, Susan E.

Johnson, Teresa A.

Johnson, Terry J.

Johnston, Linda L.

Jonas, William E.

Jones, Brenda G.

Jones, Bruce M.

Jones, Charles S. Jr.

Jones, Deborah S.

Jones, Frances G.

Jones, Kerry F.

Jones, Peggy J.

Jones, Randolph C.

Jones, Virginia L.

Jones, William E.

Jones, Wm. G.

Jordan, Judy R.

Jordan, Sylvia L.

Jorgensen, Mark G.

Joyce, Dianne M.

Joyner, Carl W.

Joyner, Mary S.

Joyner, Worth B.

Judge, Amelia K.

Julian, Cathy A.

Julian, Linda L.

Jump, Ronald D.

Juno, Sharon D.

Kallen, Kathleen P.

Karl, Robert J.

Katlermann, August Jr.

Kay, Frances L.

Kearney, Joan S.

Kearney, Samuel C.

Keaton, Patricia L.

Keel, Judith A.

Keel, William W.

Keene, Thomas A.

Keener, Terry L.

Keeter, James C. Jr.

Keith, Vickie R.

Keller, Nancy L.

Kelly, Alyce K.

Kelly, Melvin K.

Kelly, Susan C.

Kendrick, Sue A.

Kern, Janet L.

Kemodle, Linda C.

Key, Jerry C.

Kidd, Frank E. Jr.

Kimball, Donna F.

Kimball, James

Kimbro, Carlton E.


Kimel, Ralph C. Jr.

Kimrey, Carol B.

King, Charles R.

King, Deborah C.

King, Gary D.

King, Gwendolyn L.

King, Hazel M.

King, Judy D.

King, Larry S.

King, Shelley J.

Kinney, Ann E.

Kinney, Bari J.

Kinney, Philip M.

Kinsaul, Phyllis J.

Kinsey, Sarah L.

Kirby, Beverly A.

Kissinger, Beverly A.

Kivett, Joan M.

Knight, Emma L.

Knight, Julia P.

Knott, Margaret E.

Knowles, Geoffrey W.

Kornegay, Deborah K.

Kramer, Hillary B.

Kuebler, Robert A.

Kumar, Arun S.

Lagos, Elaine J.

Lagrange, Linda C.

Lamberth, Inez E.

Lambeth, Minehardt R.

Lamonica, Marcia L.

Lancaster, Nancy J.

Lancaster, Rebecca J.

Land, Patricia H.

Lang, Dorothy C.

Langston, Kenneth R.

Lanier, Kenneth C., Jr.

Lapas, George, Jr.

Laroque, Wray D.

Latham, Muriel D.

Lautares, Marsha A.

Lawrence, Rebecca S.

Laws, George W.

Lawson, Dianna F.

Lawson, William B.

Leary, Mary M.

Lee, Jacquelyn M.

Lee, James E.

Lee, James S.

Lee, Joyce M.

Lee, Joyce M.

Lee, Mary F.

Lefaivre, Rochelle S.

Leggett, Suzanne

Leggett, Va C.

Leggett, William K.

Leich, John W.

Lemonds, Vickie J.

Leonard, John P.

Lerner, Roberta J.

Letcher, Burlin S.

Lewis, Janice G.

Lewis, Martha B.

Lewis, Robert J., Jr.

Leysath, Edward A.

Liles, Horace R.

Lilley, Elizabeth A.

Lilley, Joan B.

Lilley, Timothy W.

Lilley, Vicki E.

Linder, Alice D.

Linton, Brenda L.

Linton, Bruce A.

Little, Francis M.

Little, Johnnie K.

Livingston, Paula F.

Lloyd, Carolyn J.

Lloyd, Donna K.

Lloyd, Ricky V.

Loftin, Sandra J.

Logan, George R.

Long, Emily D.

Long, Kathryn S.

Long, Mary E.

Long, Nicholette

Long, Paula J.

Longacre, James R.

Lorman, Douglas G.

Love, Terry G.


Lowder, Christine E.

Lowe, Linda D.

Lowe, Margaret W.

Lowe, Anne M.

Lowe, Sylvia J.

Lowe, William G. Jr.

Loy, Rebecca S.

Ley, William D. Ill

Lucas, Susan S.

Luquire, Steven W.

Lurie, Rozanne

Lutrick, Virginia L.

Lyerly, James L.

Lynch, Wanda K.

Lynn, Clyde G.

Lyons, Amelia A.

Lyons, Richard C.

Lytle, Emily J.

Mabe, Ronald J.

Mabry, Brenda A.

Macgregor, Susan E.

Macon, Lynda S.

Malbon, Cynthia

Mallard, Fumey A.

Mangum, Rebecca A.

Mann, Christine C.

Mann, Edward H.

Manning, Edwin G.

Manning, Frances R.

Manning, Mona F.

Maples, Brenda G.

Mardant, Susan A.

Marion, Charlotte A.

March, Patrick F.

Marshall, Danny K.

Marshall, William B.

Martin, Bobbe S.

Martin, Harold F.

Martin, Jerry W.

Martin, Susan

Martin, Suzanne D.

Martindale, Elizabeth

Mason, Beverly A.

Massey, Sandra G.

Masters, Brenda A.

Mathews, Henry S.

Mauney, Eva A.

Mauney, Monty L.

Maurer, Elizabeth A.

Mayo, Ava L.

McAdams, Robert C.

McAlister, Gary S.

McBryde, Terry W.

McCarthy, Linda A.

McCaskill, Deborah S.

McClurg, Carol J.

McCombs, Kathryn R.

McCrary, Richard W.

McCullough, James S.

McCullough, Michael A.

McCullough, Samuel C.

McDaniel, Larry C.

McDonald, Linda V.

McDuffie, Mary F.

McElheney, Paula A.

McFarland, Leonard R.

McGirt, Barbara J.

Mclnnis, Mary N.

Mcintosh, Marilyn J.

McIver, Kenneth A. Jr.

McKeel, Daniel L.

McKenzie, Martha C.

McKenzie, Victor B.

McKeown, Bruce G.

McLamb, Sally J.

McLaurin, Donald J.

McMahan, Charles L.

McManus, Janice H.

McNeill, Mary J.

McNeill, Patricia A.

McNeill, Sally J.

McNerney, John G.

McNutt, Anne P.

Meadows, Wm. L. III

Mealy, Kathleen M.

Mears, Linda L.

Medlin, Linda R.

Melton, David K.


Melvin, John R.

Melvin, Samuel R.

Messer, Stanley W.

Mewborn, Julia A.

Michael, Steven D.

Michaels, Belva L.

Michaels, Brent R.

Midgett, Mary D.

Midgette, Mary A.

Miller, Barbara L.

Miller, Christopher C.

Miller, Karen S.

Miller, Linda J.

Miller, Norman G.

Miller, Willis G.

Mills, Gloria J.

Milner, Jan E.

Mims, Brown L.

Minges, Terry C.

Minter, Deborah G.

Minton, Rodney D.

Mintz, Dorothy E.

Mitchell, Kathryn M.

Mobley, Mark L.

Mobley, Ruby E.

Modlin, Becky A.

Monroe, Paul H.

Montaquila, Ronald J.

Montgomery, Martha

Moore, Allen K.

Moore, Claudia L.

Moore, Donna C.

Moore, Jan E.

Moore, John R.

Moore, Karen J.

Moore, Linda Q.

Moore, Luther L.

Moore, Susan D.

Moore, William R.

Moorehead, Randy R.

Morgan, Brenda L.

Morgan, William M.

Morlan, Mary E.

Morris, Frances R.

Morris, Jenny L.

Morris, Judith L.

Morris, Mary L.

Morris, Wm. B.

Morrison, Annice W.

Morrow, Linda K.

Morrow, Richard J.

Morton, Kathryn

Morton, Roosevelt

Moseley, Mary A.

Moser, Linda K.

Moulton, Katherine V.

Recreation becomes more sophisticated


but some are still children at heart.

Mozingo, Betty J.

Mozingo, James S.

Mozingo, Joyce S.

Mozingo, Sheila G.

Mullins, Timothy F.

Mumford, Sandra L.

Murdoch, Anna M.

Murphy, Brenda J.

Murphy, Shelley L.

Murray, Joseph R.

Murray, Patricia A.

Myers, Mary L.

Myers, Raleigh B. III

Myrick, Barbara R.

Nalley, Sandra A.

Narum, Kathleen M.

Naylor, Diana D.

Naylor, Steve V.

Neal, Carolyn L.

Neal, Maureen A.

Neese, Julia I.

Neighbours, Paula D.

Nelson, Gene C.

Nethercutt, Nancy J.

Netherland, Susan F.

Newcomb, Jean C.

Newnam, Donald W.

Nichols, David G.

Nichols, James L., Jr.

Nicoletti, Nancy A.

Noble, Becky L.

Noble, Freda O.

Nordbruch, Robert T.

Norfleet, Catherine

Norman, Mary E.

Norman, William W., Jr.

Norris, Nancy B.

Nowell, Richard D.

Oakley, Larry G.

Obannon, Earleen V.

Odham, Doris R.

Odom, Regina L.

Oliver, Elizabeth D.

Oliver, Everett J., Jr.

O'Neal, Delbridge S.

O'Neal, Evelyn M.

O'Neal, Francis D.

O'Neal, William B.

O'Neill, Margaret A.

Orlowsky, Sandra L.

Orton, Arthur M.

Outlaw, William N., Jr.

Owen, Linda D.

Owens, Elbert W., Jr.

Owens, Larry J.

Owens, Marilyn L.


Owens, William S.

Padgett, William T.

Page, Brenda L.

Page, Michael L.

Page, Thomas E.

Pait, Luther A.

Palassis, Antoinette

Palmer, Patricia J.

Parham, Lucretia A.

Parker, Osburne B.

Parker, Patricia K.

Parker, Sylvia D.

Parks, Larry C.

Parnell, Patricia A.

Parrish, Carl F.

Parsons, James M.

Partin, Gail E.

Pate, Linda K.

Pate, Margaret W.

Pate, Marilyn A.

Patrick, Mary D.

Pattersrn, Charles T.

Patterson, Ronnie R.

Payne, Cameron

Payne, Robert C.

Peacock, June D.

Pearson, Alice B.

Pearson, Cynthia A.

Pearson, Diana M.

Pecunia, Myrna E.

Peed, Terry W.

Peedin, Bonnie M.

Peedin, Floyd R.

Peel, Elizabeth B.

Peel, Michael C.

Peer, Linda M.

Pelletier, Brenda J.

Pelletier, Lynne D.

Pendleton, Terry S.

Penley, Shirley E.

Penny, Brenda L.

Perkins, Thalia J.

Perkins, Tommy G.

Perkins, William G.

Perry, Belinda C.

Perry, Rodney W.

Peterson, David G.

Petree, Henry E., Jr.

Peeil, Debra M.

Pharr, Mary L.

Phelps, Retta A.

Phibbs, Ralph S.

Phillips, Bobby R.

Phillips, Howard T.

Phillips, Pamela J.

Phillips, Randall D.

Pickard, James E.

Pickard, Robert H.

Pierce, Beverly D.

Pierce, Doris E.

Pierce, Marcia D.

Pike, Donald F.

Pike, Edith J.

Pilchard, Beverly A.

Pilkenton, Sheila K.

Pillow, Lynda L.

Piniaha, Maryann E.

Pinsky, Robert D.

Pipkin, Rija K.

Pittman, Clifton L., Jr.

Pittman, Gurney E., Jr.

Pittman, Mack G., Jr.

Pittman, Samuel L.

Pittman, Susan A.

Pitts, John R.

Pitts, Sina R.

Piatt, Harold W.

Pleasants, James F.

Plummer, Betty L.

Plybon, Robert B.

Coeds observe new dress code.


Pollard, Frances A.

Poole, Jerome V.

Pope, Dennis D.

Pope, Hal J., Jr.

Pope, Judy G.

Pope, Teresa J.

Portela, Mary E.

Postlewait, Kathleen

Potts, Donna F.

Powell, Deborah J.

Powell, Emily M.

Powell, Mary E.

Powers, Deborah F.

Presson, Trudy M.

Prevatte, Frances K.

Price, Brenda E.

Price, Donald E.

Price, Karen L.

Price, Nancy

Price, Tessie S.

Price, William R.

Pridgen, Patricia K.

Prince, Donna G.

Proctor, Frederick T.

Proctor, Kathryn B.

Proseus, Bonnie L.

Prosper, Cynthia A.

Puckett, Phillip L.

Pulley, James

Pulliam, Deemus A., Jr.

Purvis, Laurie A.

Puzon, Daniel I.

Quave, Donna K.

Quick, John H.

Quick, Sterling R.

Quincannon, Jane F.

Ragan, George M.

Raines, Roger L.

Rainey, Donna L.

Rains, Linda G.

Rains, Mary E.

Rankin, Elizabeth

Ransdell, Juanita

Rappucci, Daniel M.

Rauth, Barbara A.

Ray, Clara L.

Reavis, Thomas B.

Redmond, Vicki K.

Renegar, Neva E.

Renegar, Patricia A.

Renn, Kitty M.

Rettew, Edna C.

Reynolds, Janet M.

Reynolds, Thomas D.

Rhash, Barry A.

Rhoney, Rebecca A.

Rhyne, Linda A.

Ribbins, Peter D.

Richardson, James E.

Richmond, Rita A.

Riggsbee, Ned L.

Riley, Dan E.

Rittenbury, Mary D.

Robbins, David R.

Robbins, Margaret A.

Roberson, Lillian C.

Roberts, David G.

Robertshaw, Mary L.


Robertson, Carl J., Jr.

Robertson, Melissa K.

Robertson, Tommy J.

Robinson, Nellie G.

Robinson, Vivian E.

Robinson, Willie M.

Rodgers, Hilda F.

Rodman, Camillus H., Jr.

Rodriguez, Diego A.

Roe, Howard B.

Roebuck. Stella K.

Rogers, Camilla C.

Rogers, Jon C.

Rogerson, Ann

Romer, Rose M.

Rose, Donald W.

Rosebrock, Elizabeth

Roseman, Kathy L.

Roser, John L., Jr.

Ross, Anne L.

Rothrock, Howard W.

Rouse, Peggy J.

Rowe, Debora A.

Rowe, Deborah K.

Rowe, Ida E.

Rowell, Thomas R.

Ruch, Donald G.

Rudroff, Mary E.

Rumbold, John T.

Ruse, Pamela J.

Russell, Christopher

Russell, Michael J.

Rust, Dennis P.

Ruth, Wayne S.

Ryals, Reginald B.

Ryan, Thomas E.

Rylander, Dale C.

Sage, William R.

Sallin, Darlene R.

Sample, Sheridan L.

Sandbank, Ellen M.

Sanderson, Glenwood K.

Sanges, Jane L.

Saunders, Grover M.

Sawrey, Robert W.

Sawyers, Rush A.

Saylors, Michael C.

Schadel, Margaret L.

Schewe, William C.

Schmidt, Janet E.

Schott, Richard A.

Schumaker, Sally C.

Scott, Danny L.

Scott, Elmer H., Jr.

Scott, Lynnette L.

Scott, Phyllis J.

Scott, Ramona A.

Seagondollar, Laurel

Seamon, Elizabeth L.

Secor, Albert T.

Sellers, Richard D.

Sermons, James R.

Serotta, Barbara L.

Settle, Thomas G.

Freshmen feel the vastness of a university.


Setzer, Suzanne

Sharick, Christine C.

Sharpe, David T.

Sharpe, Raymond P.

Sharpe, Steven L.

Sharpless, Karen

Shatley, Danny P.

Shaw, Lela M.

Shearer, Linda K.

Shearin, James Calvin

Sheets, Gary W.

Sheets, Mary S.

Sheffield, Cynthia L.

Sheneman, Susan L.

Shepherd, Cecelia J.

Sheppard, Nancy E.

Sheppard, Thorne M.

Sherrill, Brenda J.

Sherrill, Harry D.

Sherrill, Jerry D.

Shields, Garrow A.

Shields, Mary S.

Shinn, Madeleine A.

Shipe, Mary C.

Shoffner, Adriene F.

Sholar, Hunter D.

Short, Terry B.

Showffty, Victoria R.

Shue, Roy M. Jr.

Sifford, Brenda S.

Sigmon, Paula M.

Sigmon, Tonia S.

Silva, Armando C.

Simmons, Anna J.

Simmons, Barbara A.

Simmons, Candace J.

Simmons, Carolyn L.

Simmons, Karen E.

Simmons, Lillie M.

Simms, Chester D. Jr.

Simpkins, Margaret R.

Simpson, Malcolm Jr.

Simpson, Phillis L.

Sink, Nancy C.

Skeen, Ervin, D.

Skibbe, Wilma J.

Skinner, Ralph D.

Skowronski, Thomas F.

Sledd, Peggy E.

Sledge, Johnsie L.

Smart, Garry L.

Smathers, Frank

Smathers, Janis L.

Smith, Billy F.

Smith, Byron F.

Smith, Carl C.

Smith, Charlie H.

Smith, Christine E.

Smith, Donald

Smith, Dorothy M.

Smith, Edward A.

Smith, Ernest W.

Smith, Francis A.

Smith, Frederick G.


Smith, Glynn O.

Smith, Howard R.

Smith, Janice W.

Smith, Julian T.

Smith, Kenneth E.

Smith, Linda S.

Smith, Marcus C., Jr.

Smith, Nancy

Smith, Shirley J.

Smith, Stuart G.

Smith, Suzanne N.

Smithwick, Terryl D.

Snow, Gloria J.

Snow, Ivy J.

Snuggs, Susan A.

Snyder, Robert E.

Snyder, Wanda L.

Somers, Jacqueline G.

Spain, Mary L.

Spain, Pamela K.

Spence, Pamela J.

Spencer, Joyce M.

Spencer, Randall M.

Spooner, Shirley A.

Spraggins, Treka E.

Sprinkle, Allen L.

Stallings, Douglas G.

Stallings, Linda A.

Stallworth, Robert F.

Stamey, Theresa G.

Stancil, Charles O.

Stanley, Patricia

Stanley, Stella E.

Stanton, Suzanne E.

Staples, Norman H., Jr.

Starling, James G.

Statham, Thomas F.

Stephenson, John III

Stephenson, Susan C.

Stevens, Beverly A.

Stevens, Linda J.

Stevenson, Cheryl D.

Stevenson, Donna L.

Stewart, Catherine L.

Stewart, Janice G.

Stewart, Leslie A.

Stewart, Virginia D.

Stilley, Gary G.

Stimmel, Patricia A.

Stinson. Gwyndolyn L.

Stock, John M.

Stocks, Mary L.

Stokes, John H., Jr.

Stokes, Linda G.

Stoltz, Linda G.

Stone, Linda J.

Stone, Loretta V.

Stoops, Carol F.

Storey, Brenda G.

Story, Terry S.

Stowe, Beverly J.

Streetman, Eddie J.

Strickland, Kenneth C.

Strickland, Pamela J.

Strickland, Stephen B.

Strong, Charles H.

Stroud, David L.

Stroud, Edward H., Jr.

Stuart, Judy L.

Suddreth, Paula D.

Suiter, Joseph L.

Sullivan, Janice K.

Summers, Carla D.

Summers, Daniel L.

Sutton, Carol D.

Sutton, Carolyn A

Sutton, Diane

Sutton, Nannette

Sutton, Sandra M.

Sutton, Stanley D.

Sutton, Susan L.

Swaim, Margaret A.

Swain, Dorothy A.

Swain, Robert D. Jr.

Swindell, Ann P.

Sykes, Carolyn F.

Sykes, Jon K.

Tadlock, Milton E., Jr.


Talley, Wm. Douglas

Tanner, Diane E.

Tart, Ricky D.

Tart, Koherl C.

Tasler, Karene E.

Tatum, Curtis N.

Tatum, Mary E.

Taylor, Martha K.

Taylor, Martha T.

Taylor, Mary M.

Taylor, Pamela S.

Taylor, Sarah E.

Taylor, Wm. Alton

Teachey, Debra A.

Teague, Louis A.

Teal, James H.

Tedder, Judith L.

Tee, Vicki S.

Teich, June A.

Tesh, John C.

Tetterton, Louis G., Jr.

Thigpem, Harry L.

Thomas, Christopher E.

Thomas, Daniel W.

Thomas, Deborah A.

Thomas, Donald C.

Thomas, Jane G.

Thomas, Janell P.

Thomas, Margaret E.

Thomas, Pamela S.

Thomas, Sharon L.

Thompson, Caroline E.

Thompson, Cheryl E.

Thompson, Marilyn S.

Thompson, Patricia A.

Thompson, Patricia A.

Thornburg, Timothy F.

Tillery, Charles L.

Timberlake, Bonnie J.

Tinney, John Eldon

Tisdale, James O., Jr.

Todd, Susan E.

Toler, John A.

Toler, Melvin T.

Toler, Steve L.

Tomlinson, Martha

Tomlinson, Martha L.

Treadwell, Georgia M.

Trexler, Douglas

Tripp, Linda G.

Tripp, Robert S.

Troutman, Raymond A.

Tucker, Terry G.

Tucker, Thomas T.

Turner, Linda L.

Turner, Martha E.

Turner, Walter R.

Tyler, Timothy O.

Tyndall, Dorothy K.

Tyson, Carolyn E.

Tyson, Mary K.

Tyson, Mary L.

Underwood, Nan G.

Unwin, Craig L.

Upshaw, Elizabeth

Upton, Betty A.

Valotta, Alan P.

Vance, Elizabeth H.

Vance, Kathleen A.

Vandiford, Carlton W.

Vanhoy, Martha E.

Vann, Deborah A.

Vann, Edna K.

Vanneman, Valerie D.

Vannetta, Barbara L.

Vanslyke, Pamela M.

Vaughan, Ruth T.

Vause, Kenneth D.

Vawter, Delores A.

Vest, Donna M.

Vester, Gretchen D.

Vick, Richard C.

Vickers, Earleen P.

Vickers, Joan P.

Vining, Martha M.

Vinson, Deborah S.

Vogel, Dorothy P.

Voncannon, Ronald L.


Wade, Harry P.

Wadsley, Va A.

Wages, Gary R.

Wagoner, Marianne

Wald, Marsha A.

Waldroh, Edna H.

Walker, Carol A.

Walker, Gilda A.

Walker, Joel T.

Wallace, John G., Jr.

Wallace, Mary M.

Waller, Edgar C.

Waller, Sarah E.

Walsh, Janie D.

Walter, Patricia M.

Walters, Dietra L.

Walton, Susan C.

Ward, Alfred D., Jr.

Warner, John R.

Warren, David S.

Warren, Elizabeth A.

Warren, John W.

Warren, Patricia A.

Warren, Stephen S.

Warrington, Charles

Warshawsky, Cathryn A.

Washington, Don W.

Waters, Linda A.

Waters, Richard C., Jr.

Watkins, Fred O., III

Watkins, Jo A.

Watson, Jackie M.

Watson, Judy M.

Watson, Rita C.

Watson, Sherry A.

Watts, James H.

Weaver, John G.

Weaver, John R.

Weavil, Glenda J.

Weavil, Nathan R.

Webb, Joan C.

Weeks, Bobbie A.

Weir, Karen L.

Weissman, Steven L.

Welch, Linda M.

Welch, Patricia A.

Welker, William C.

Wellons, Charlotte G.

Wells, Anzy L.

Wells, Samuel L., Jr.

Wenderoth, James W.

Wentz, Wanda R.

West, Dwight G.

West, Jenny S.

West, Peggy L.

Westbrook, Hubert A.

Westbrook, James

Westbrook, Nancy J.

Wetherington, Jason A.

Whaley, Frederick K.

Wheeler, Vicki E.

Whichard, Carole A.

Whisenant, Patricia D.

Whisnant, Constance B.

Whisnant, Melba T.

White, Carolyn A.

White, Frank V.

White, Harriet J.

White, James L.

White, Jan B.

White, Judy A.

White, Sandra G.

White, Sylvia L.

White, Vickie R.

Whiteman, Vivian F.

Whitener, Robert E.

Whitesell, James A.

Whitesell, Linda A.

Whitefield, Marilyn

Whitley, Barbara A.

Whitley, George

Whitley, James R.

Whitley, Janice L.

Whitley, Robert E.

Whitney, Kay E.

Wilfong, Gary H.

Wilkerson, Norman W.

Wilkie, Fynne


Wilkins, Mary C.

Wilkinson, Gregory A.

Willett, Stephen M.

Williams, Allen W.

Williams, Carol S.

Williams, Catherine

Williams, Connie D.

Williams, David J.

Williams, David J.

Williams, James E., Jr.

Williams, Marian I.

Williams, Steven C.

Williams, Taffy J.

Williams, Winnie L.

Williamson, Daisy L.

Williamson, Dale M.

Williamson, Wendell Y.

Williford, Jimmie R.

Williford, Trudy L.

Willis, Jane M.

Willitts, Jane P.

Wilson, Braxton, A.

Wilson, James L.

Wilson, Mary J.

Wilson, Melanie A.

Wilson, Roseann E.

Winbon, Belinda E.

Winslow, Hugh C., Jr.

Winslow, Mary L.

Winstead, Brenda N.

Witt, Carl B.

Wood, Judy M.

Wood, Keith L.

Wood, Sandra J.

Wood, Steven R.

Woodard, Connie R.

Woodard, Linwood E.

Woodard, Marvin W.

Woodcock, Joyce A.

Woodell, Tanny J.

Woodworth, Jane L.

Woolard, Sylvia L.

Wooten, Dennis N.

Worley, Archie L., Jr.

Worrall, Elisabeth

Worthington, Edward

Wozelka, Mary J.

Wrape, Mary E.

Wray, Cal A., III

Wrenn, Danny K.

Wrenn, Gerald W.

Wyche, Tyrone J.

Wynn, Jean A.

Yeager, S. Carole W.

Yelverton, Mary S.

Youngblood, Susan L.

Zellers, Harold G.

Ziglar, Jane C.

Zimmer, Kristen E.

Zimmerman, Kathryn

Zimmerman, Susan L.


Senior Directory

ADAMS, EDNA Y.. Greenville. N.C.: B^usiness Education, B.S.; Woman's Chorus, Phi Beta Lambda.

ADAMS, GALE E.. Bath, N.C.; Business Educa- tion, B.S. ; Student Government Association, New Dorm Representative, Sigma Tau Sigma, Parliamentarian of Student Party, Treasurer of Pi Omega Pi, Secretary of Gamma Beta Phi, Phi Beta Lambda, Model U.N. Secretariat, Canter- bury, E.C. Play House, East Carolinian Subscrip- tion Manager, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

ADAMS, LINDA J., Greenville, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S. ; Mathematics Club, Young Demo- crats Club.

ALDRIDGE, REBBECCA N., Raleigh, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student Counselor, Student National Education Association, As- sociation for Childhood Education. ALLEN, MARGARET M., Maxton, N.C.; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse's Association. ALLEN, BETSY A., Farmville, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S.; Women's Recreation Association, Freshman Honors Seminar, Student Counselor, Women's Judiciary Council, New Dorm Presi- dent; Mathematics Club, Secretary, President. ALLIGOOD, CAROL D., Swansboro, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S. ; Alpha Phi, College Marshall.

ALLIGOOD, ALICE R,. Washington, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association, Association for Childhood Edu- cation, Young Republican Club. ALLIGOOD, JANE R., Washington, N.C.; Elementary Educniirn, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

ALLIGOOD, LINDON L., Washington, N.C.; Mathematics, B.S.

ALLIGOOD, MIRIAM L., Washington, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.

ALLRED. SUSAN C, High Point, N.C.; Nurs- ing, B.S.; Student Nurse's Association, Publica- tions Chairman.

ALPHIN, EVA M., Mt. Olive, N.C.; English and Library Science, B.S.; Angel Flight Execu- tive Officer, Garrett Dormitory, President; Alpha Beta Alpha, Vice President.

AMBRY, KAREN M., Denville, N.J.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Alpha Phi. AMON, CAROL, Falls Church, Va.; Business, B.S.

ANDERSON, ELIZABETH J., Enfield, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.

ANDERSON, GERALD T., Berwick, Pa.; His- tory, B.A.

ANDERSON, SUE C, Falls Church, Va.; His- tory, B.S.; Young Democrats Club, Philosophy Club, East Carolinian, Newman Club. ANDERSON SUSAN, Wilmington, N.C.; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Sociology Club, Stu- dent National Education Association. ANDREWS, BARRY D., Levit Town, Pa.; His- tory, B.A.; King Youth Fellowship, Vice Presi- dent.

APPLEBY, ANDREW S., Franklin, Va.; His- tory, A.B.

APPLEWHITE, WALTER B., Fayetteville, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; Mens Residence Coun- cil, Public defender.

ARCAND, ANDRE T., Springfield, Va.; Psychol- ogy, A.B.; Marching Pirates, Symphonic Band. ARMSTRONG, BETTY S., Rocky Mount, N.C.; Art, B.S. ; Delta Phi Delta.

ARMSTRONG, MICHAEL D., Elizabeth City, N.C.; History, A.B.

ARNETTE, DIANNE L., Alexandria, Va.; Spanish, B.S.; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Record Secretary; Panhellenic Council, Orientation Counselor.

ARNOLD, PATRICIA A., Greenville, N.C.; Business, B.S.A.; Sigma Sigma Sigma. ASATO, WINIFRED K., Kahului, Hawaii; Primary Education, B.S.; King Youth Fellow- ship, Aquanymphs.

ATACK, KATHLEEN A., Richmond, Va.; Eng- lish, B.S.; Alpha Omicron Pi, Treasurer. AUSTIN, GWENDOLYN I., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

AUSTIN, WM. HORTON, JR., Hatteras, N.C.; Geography, A.B.; Lambda Chi Alpha, Secretary, President; Men' Honor Council, Inter- Fraternity Council, Gamma Theta Upsilon, Vice Presi- dent.

AUTREY, M. CYNTHIA, Fort Lee, Va.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

AVENT, BEVERLY J., Whitakers, N.C.; Gram- mar Education, B.S. ; Student National Educa- tion .Association, Aquanymphs, Vice President of Fleming Hall.

AYSCUE, KAYE W., Smilhfield, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Women's Chorus, Student Na- tional Education Association, Association for Childhood Education. "^^-BACH, WAYNE M., Arlington, Va.; Political Science, A.B.; Political Science Club. BADALAMENTI, VINCENT, Nutley, N.J.; Mathematics, B.S.; Freshman FootbaU, Varsity Football, Varsity Soccer.

BAKER, FRED B., Greenville, N.C.; History, B.S.; Chi Beta Phi.

BAKER, LARRY T., Colerain, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.

BAKER, LONNIE G., Kinston, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Physical Education Major's Club. BAKER, SUSAN C, Arlington, Va.; English, B.S.; Majorettes, Student Government Associa- tion, Diving Team, French Club. BALKCUM, JUDY C, Garland, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Wesley Foundation Of- ficer, Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Education. BARBEE, JUANITA B., Charlotte, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Alpha Xi Delta, Rush Secre- tary, Mistress of Ritual, Parliamentarian; Kappa Alpha Rose, Summer School Queen. Inter-Fra- ternity Queen, Student Counselor, Panhellenic Representative, Rush Chairman; Home Ec- onomics Club.

BARBER, BETTIE L, Portsmouth, Va.; Home Economics, B.S.; College Union Secretary, Stu- dent National Education Association, Home Economics Club.

BARBOUR, BEVERLY F., Benson, N.C.; French and Library Science, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Alpha Beta Alpha, Corresponding Secretary; Student National Education Association. BARBOUR, DIANE H., Benson, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Treasurer Fletcher, Social Com- mittee Fletcher, Publicity Committee Fletcher, Gamma Beta Phi, Aquanymphs. BARNES, ELIZABETH A., Bladenboro, N.C; Psychology and Sociology, A.B.; Baptist Student Union, Sociology Club, Psychology Club. BARNES, JAMES N., Durham, N.C; Biology, B.S.; WECU, Manager, Program Director. BARNES, JUDITH A., Wilson, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association. Association for Childhood Educa- tion.

BARNES, PAULETTE M., Roanoke Rapids, N.C;. History, B.S.;Student National Educa- tion Association, Gamma Beta Phi. BARNES, ROBERT I., Washington, D.C; His- tory, A.B.; Phi Sigma Pi, History Honors. BARNETT, BRUCE W., Ramsey, N.J.; Busi-

ness, B.S.; East Carolina Bowling League. BARNETTE, PATRICIA D., Richmond, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association.

BARNHILL, ROY L., Burgaw, N.C; History and Library Science, B.S.; Alpha Beta Alpha, Treasurer; Gamma Beta Phi. BARRETT, BRENDA C, Pendleton, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Model United Na- tions.

BARRINGTON, THOxMAS L., Grimesland, N.C; Industrial and Technical Education, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Industrial and Technical Education Club, Secretary; Epsilon Pi Tau, Treasurer.

BARROW, REBECCA A., Snow Hill, N.C; English B.S.; Delta Zeta, Treasurer; Key, Edi- tor; Buccaneer, Fina Arts Editor, Copy Editor; Publications Board, University Party, Young Democrats Club, Corresponding Secretary; Stu- dent Counselor, Dormitory House Council, Women's Chorus, Model United Nations Page, Who's Who in American Colleges and Univer- sies. ^=_BARRY, PATRICIA E., Seattle, Washington; Political Science, A.B.; Debate Team, Philosophy Club.

BARLETT, DONALD, Camp Lejune, N.C; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Soccer Team.

BAR WICK, LYNN P., Seven Springs, N.C; Education, B.S.: Student National Education As- sociation, Free Will Baptist Fellowship, Associa- tion for Childhood Education. BASS, DAVID A., Serboard, N.C; Mathematics, B.S.

BASS, REBECCA H., Charlotte, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Educa- tion, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-President, Presi- dent.

BASSFORD, ANNA M., Alexandria, Va.; Soci- ology, A.B.; Sociology Club, Student Govern- ment, Alpha Omicron Pi, Panhellenic Secretary, University Union Committee, Secretary. BATEMAN, JUDY D., Jacksonville, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Women's Glee Club, Alpha Omicron Pi, Student Counselor, Student National Education Association, Woman's Rec- reation Association.

BATES, MARGARET C, Gloucester, Va.; Eng- lish and Spanish, A.B.; East Carolinian, Women's Residence Council, University Union. BAUM, WM. ROSS, Wilmington, Delaware; Business Administration, B.S.; Young Demo- crats Club, Canterberry Club. BEACHAM, SIDNEY T., Williamston, N.C; Geography, A.B.

BEAMAN, MARGARET A., Dudley, N.C; Eng- lish. A.B.; Dormitory President, Secretary; Women's Judiciary, Homecoming Representative, Homecoming Committee.

BEAMAN, MARSHA H., Wilson, N.C; Music, B.M.E.; Marching Band, Wind Ensemble Or- chestra, Symphonic Band, University Chorrle, Sigma .\lpha Iota.

BEARBOWER, DORCIE W., Orange, California; Psychology, A.B.; Psychology Club, Vice Presi- dent; Psi Chi, Treasurer; Chi Beta Phi. BEATO, JOSEPH A., Trenton, N.J.; History, B.A.

BEATTY, STUART A., Arlington, Va.; English and History, A.B.

BETTY, GILBERT T., Toms River, N.J.; His- tory, B.S.; Alpha Phi Omega, Secretary; Phi Alpha Theta.

BELL, DORIS A., Pilot Mountain, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; East Carolinian, Student Coun- selor, Angel Flight, Home Economic Chapter, Chi Beta Phi, Semper Fidelis Society.

BELL, SARAH L., Hillsborough, N.C.; English, A.B.; Delta Zeta, Buccaneer, Women's Recrea- tion Association, Pre-Law Society, Orientation Counselor.

BELLMANN, MARCIA L., Richmond, Va.; Spanish, B.S.; Hebrew Youth Fellowship, Re- cording Secretary.

BELOTE, HERBERT T., Melfa, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Phi Beta Lambda, So- ciety for Advancement of Management. BENTON, BONNIE B., Belvidere, N.C.; Elemen- tary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association.

BENTON, STEPHEN B., Annadale, Va.; Geography, A.B.; Sociology Club, Secretary; Gamma Theta Upsilon.

BERRY, CAROLYN P., Clarkton, N.C.; Li- brary Science and French, B.S.; Alpha Beta Alpha, Baptist Student Union, Library Science Club, Student National Education Association. BIRD, ROBERT F., Greenville, N.C.; Business, B.S.A.B.; Sigma Phi Epsilon. BLACK, HARRY B., McLean, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda. BLACKBURN, JAMES W., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Industrial and Technical Education, B.S. Industrial and Technical Education Club. BLACKBURN. WALTER, Wm., Fuquay, N.C. Geography, A.B.

BLACKMAN, THOMAS G., Fremont, N.C. Physical Education, B.S.; Health and Physical Education Major's Club, Vice President; Pi Kappa Alpha, Treasurer, Athletic Chairman Men's Honor Council, Phi Epsilon Kappa. BLACKWELL, THOMAS H., Reidsville, N.C. Sociology, A.B.; Concert Choir, Chapel Choir, University Chorale, Young Democrats, East Carolina Playhouse, East Carolinian, Business Manager, Circulation Manager; Publications Board, Fine Arts Committee, Lecture Committee, Model United Nations, Deans Advisory Council. BLALOCK, JOEL T., Greenville, N.C; History, A.B. ; King Youth Fellowship. BLANCHARD, ALBERT JR., Fallschurch, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.A.; Young De- mocrats Club, Society for the Advancement of Management.

BLAND, CHERRY M., Goldsboro, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student Counselor, Stu- dent National Education Association. BLANTON, GARY C, Charlotte, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S. ; Lambda Chi Alpha. -^BRICK, BARRY A., Raleigh, N.C; Sociology and Political Science, A.B.; Sociology Club, Kappa Delta Alpha, Chairman of Student Party, Secretary of internal affairs. President of Jones Hall, Dean's Advisory Committee, Men's Judi- ciary, Advisory Board of Model United Nations, State Treasurer of College Federation of Young Democrats Club, Chairman of Wake Country Club, Student Government Association Summer School Legislature, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

BOAZ, DOLORES, Fairmont, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N.

BOBBITT, NANCY B., Henderson, N.C; Gram- mar Education, B.S.

BODZIAK, WILLIAM J., Washington, D.C; Pre-Dentistry, Biology, A.B.; Lambda Chi Al- pha, Varsity Cheerleader, Karate Club. BOGATKO, JOHN A., Virginia Beach, Va.; Geography, B.S.; Foreign Film Committee, Al- pha Phi Omega, President, Vice President, Treas- urer, Secretary, Chaplain; Resident Counselor, Planning Committee for Methodist Student Cen- ter.

BOHMULLER, FREDERICK, Newport, N.C; History, B.S.; Political Science Club. BONE, BETSY J., Roanoke Rapids, N.C; Special Education, B.S.; Student National Educa-

tion Association, Alpha Xi Delta, Woman Resi- dent Council, Dormitory, President, Vice Presi- dent; Association for Childhood Education. BONNEVIE, ROSEMARY, Charlotte, N.C; Business, Accounting, B.S.B.A.; College Mar- shal, Women's Honor Council, Alpha Xi Delta, President, Vice President, Pledge Trainer; Gam- ma Beta Phi.

BORSCHEL, JEANNE L., Kinston, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, House Council. BOTTOMS, FRIEDA R., Charlotte, N.C; Eng- lish, B.S.; Aquanymphs, East Carolina Tutor. BOUDROW, ELEANOR M., Jacksonville, N.C; French, B.S. ; Homecoming Representative, Pi Kappa Phi Rose Queen, Theta Chi Dream Girl, Inter-Fraternity Council Queen Representative, Alpha Delta Pi, Song Chairman, Pledge Trainer. BOWDEN, BEVERLY J., High Point, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Association for Childhood Education.

BOWDEN, BONITA D., Butner, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Counselor, Young Democrats Club, East Carolina Christian Fellowship, Secre- tary; Student Nursing Association, Mediation Board; Student Nurse Association of North Carolina, District 5 Vice President. BOWLES, LINDA J., Newport News, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Education.

BOYD, JANICE M., Goldsboro, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse's Association, Fletcher Homecoming Committee, Decorating Committee, Chairman of Social Committee. BOYD, KENNETH R., Quantico, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.A.

BOYD, PHYLLIS K., Greenville, N.C; Gram- mar Education, B.S.; Free Will Baptist Fellow- ship, President; Student National Education As- sociation.

BOYD, ROBERT H., Pinetown, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.; Society for the Advance- ment of Management, Vice President; Young Democrats Club.

BOYETTE, EDDY L., Lucama, N.C; Health and Physical Education B.S.; Physical Educa- tion Majors Club, North Carolina Association for Health and Physical Education Recreation. BOYETTE, JANET R., Zebulon, N.C; English, B.S.

BOYLES, IRA W., Rural Hall, N.C; Business, B.S.P.

BRADEY, NANCY K., Denmark, S.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association, Women's Chorus. BRADFORD, JUDITH L., Columbia, S.C; Art, A.B.; Modern Dance Club, Gamma Beta Iota, East Carolinian.

BRADLEY, NANCY E., Mount Airy, N.C; English, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation, Baptist Student Union. BRADSHER, SHARON K., Shallotte, N.C; Speech, B.S. ; Student National Education As- sociation, Student Party, Alpha Phi, Projects Chairman; House Council.

BRANCH, MARY R., Elizabeth City, N.C; Music, B.M.E.; Women's Glee Club, Concert Choir, Student Counselor, Sigma Alpha Iota, Music Educator's National Conference. BRANDON, DENNECIA L., Winston-Salem, N.C;. Home Economics, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Home Economics Chap- ter.

BRAY, LUCY S., Elizabeth City, N.C; History and Library Science, B.S.

BREAREY, JONATHAN L., Newport, N.C; Physics, B.S.P.; Air Force ROTC, Arnold Air

.Society, Gamma Beta Phi, Historian; Math Club, Treasurer; Student Section of American Institute of Physics, Vice President. BREEDLOVE, IRVIN P., Jr., Durham, N.C; Business, B..S.; Student Government Associa- tion, Rebel, Business Manager; Men's Resi- dent Council, Alpha Kappa Psi, Treasurer; Sen- ior Class President, East Carolina Crew Team, Who's Who in American Colleges and Univer-

BREEN, SANDRA J., Fayetteville, N.C; Mathe- matics, B.S.

BRIDGERS, JOAN A., Durham, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Counselor, Tau Pi Upsilon, Vice President; Student Nurse Association, Dormitory Social Committee, Baptist Student Union, Durham County Club. BRIDGERS MARY C, Macclesfield, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S.

BRIDGES, DAVID A., Oceanside, Calif.; Chemistry, B.S. ; Student Affiliate of the Ameri- can Chemical Society.

BRIGHT, DANNY L, Burlington, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.B.A. BRINSON, JAMES W., Fayetteville, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S.B.A.; Alpha Kappa Psi. BRITT, MARY S., Clinton, N.C; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Buccaneer, East Caro- linian, Women's Recreation Association, Aqua- nymphs, Physical Education Majors Club, North Carolma Association for Health, Education, and Recreation.

BRITT, SANDRA L., Fayetteville, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse Association, Alpha Xi Delta, Social Committee Chairman; Pan- hellenic. Treasurer; Student Counselor, Second Runner-up to Homecoming Queen. BRIXHOFF, SYLVIA P., Wake Forest, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Phi Upsilon. BROCK, EDITH M., Raeford, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse Association. BROCK, RONALD O., Goldsboro, N.C; History, A.B.; Air Force ROTC, Drill Team, Com- mander; Arnold Air Society. BROOKS, BENJAMIN L., Harkers Island, N.C; Industrial and Technical Education, B.S.; Epsilon Pi Tau, Industrial and Technical Educa- tion Club.

BROOKS, JAMES L., High Point, N.C; His- tory, B.S.

BROWN, BRENDA L., Beulaville, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association.

BROWN, JOHN M., Grifton, N.C; Industrial and Technical Education, B.S.P. ; Industrial and Technical Education Club. BROWN, JUSTIN L., Ill, Hillsborough, N.C; Business, B.S.

BROWN, PATRICIA A., Annandale, Va.; Physi- cal Education, B.S.

BROWN, REBECCA A., Rockingham, N.C; History, B.S.

BROWN, THOMAS E., Greenville, N.C; Ge- ography, B.S.; Marching Pirates. BRYAN, ANN C, Elizabeth City, N.C; Eng- lish, B.S.; Sigma Tau Delta, Student National Education Association.

BUCK, REBECCA P., Greenville, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Marching Pirates, Symphonic Band, Home Economics Club, Phi Upsilon O^ii-

BULLA, LINDA R., Graham, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Aquanymphs, Student National Education Association, Student Nursing Association.

BULLARD, JOHN I., Arlington, Va.; Indus- trial Arts, B.S.P.; East Carolina Crew Team.

Senior Directory

BULLARD, LINDA N., Lumber Bridge, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nursing Association, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Vice President, President; Sigma Nu Sweatheart, Homecoming Representa- tive, Women's Judiciary.

BULLARD, MARY A., Hope Mills, N.C.; Com- mercial Art, B.F.A.; National Society of In- terior Design.

BULLOCK, BRENDA L., Richmond, Va.; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Aqua- nymphs, Women's Recreation Association, Sports Chairman; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Assistant Treas- urer; Women's Honor Council, Public De- fender, Attorney General; Senior Class Treas- urer, Phi Epsilon Mu, Homecoming Committee, Spirit Committee, Ring Committee, Freshman and Varsity Cheerleader, Student Government Association Summer School, Treasurer, Executive Council, Legislator; Physical Education Majors Club, Secretary.

BULLOCK, MARTHA E., Sanford, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Phi Upsilon Omicron. BUNCH, HENRY A., Edenton, N.C.; Health and Physical Education, B.S. BUNCH, JOHN N., JR., Edenton, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.B.A.; Marching Pirates, Varsity Band, Young Republican Club, Society for the Ad- vancement of Management.

BUNCH, MARY L., Tyner, N.C.; Primary Edu- cation, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation, Association for Childhood Education. BURAWSKL WILLIAM H., Wilmington, Del.; Geography, A.B.; Sigma Pi. BURCH, BARBARA S., Rocky Mount, N.C.; Education, B.S.; Modern Dance Club, Alpha Phi, Panhellenic Representative. BURGESS, WAYNE T., Greensboro, N.C.; Psychology and History, A.B.; Lambda Chi Al- pha, Freshman and Varsity Baseball. BURKE, DENNIS C, Westfield, N.J.; Physical Education, B.S.; Freshman and Varsity Base- ball, Physical Education Majors Club. BURKE, MARGARET M., New Castle, Del.; Business Education, B.S.

BURNETT, MYRLE J., Raeford, N.C.; Gram- mar Education, B.S.; Student Counselor, Student National Education Association. BURNETTE, DIANA D., New Bern, N.C., French, B.S.; Foreign Film Committee, Alpha Delta Pi, Recommendations Chairman. BURNEY, KATHERINE J., Clarkton, N.C.; Art, B.F.A.: Delta Phi Delta, National Society of Interior Designers.

BYERLY, RONALD B., Charlotte, N.C.; Music Education, B.M.E.; Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Orchestra.

BYNUM, JOANNE M., Greenville, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

BYRUM, WILLIE C, Covapeake, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Mathematics Club, Vice President; Math Honors Club, Vice President.

CAIN, RONALD N., Ahamahaw, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.B.A.; Alpha Kappa Psi, Society for Advancement of Management. CAKE, MARCUS P., Greenville, N.C.; Indus- trial Technology, B.S.P.; Alpha Phi Omega, President.

CALLICUTT, CHARLES D., HuntersviUe, N.C.; Voice, B.M.E.; Concert Choir, East Carolina Chorale, Concert Madrigal Group, Music Edu- cator's National Conference. CALLIS, LORRAINE H., Hampton, Va.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Alter- nate Cheerleader.

CAMERON, CELIA A., Broadway, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association.

CAMERON, LINDA N., Kinston, N.C.; Psychol- ogy, B.A.; Women's Judiciary, Honor Council, East Carolinian, Psi Chi, Pschology Club, Dean's Advisory Council, Dormitory, President Social Chairman.

CAMPBELL, EARNEST F., Chattaroy, W.Va.; Physical Education, B.S.; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Varsity Basketball.

CAMPBELL, ROBERT A., Fremont, N.C.; Bi- ology, A.B. ;Las( Carolinian, Men' Honor Coun- cil, Men's Judiciary.

CANADY, MONA L., Richlands, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Phi Upsilon Omicron, Home Economics Association.

CANNON, EVELYN P., St. Augustine, Fla.; English, B.S.

CARD, ADELE R., New Bern, N.C.; English, A.B.; Freshman Honors Seminar, Sophomore Honors Seminar, Psychology Club. CARLSON, KAREN L., Virginia Beach, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Women's Judiciary, Women's Recreation Association, Alpha Delta Pi.

CARMICHAEL BEVERLY S., Rocky Mount, N.C;. Grammar Education, B.S.; Student Na- tional Education Association, Alpha Xi Delta, Parliamentarian, Marshall, Rush Secretary, So- cial Chairman; Student Counselor, Women's Judiciary.

CARNEY, BASIL -W., JR., Williamsburg, Va.; Physics, A.B.; Physics Club, Mathematics Club. CARPENTER, MICHAEL R., Greenville, N.C; History, B.S.

CARRAWAY, DORA J., Snow Hill, N.C; Elementary Education, B.S.; Student Counselor. CARSON, JOHN F., JR., Greenville, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda.

CARTER, BEVERLY J., Midway Park, N.C; Physical Education, B.S.; Dormitory Vice Presi- dent, President; Women's Residence Council, Physical Education Major Club, Phi Epsilon Mu.

CARTER, GLORIA D., Ellerbe, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

CARTER, WM. CASPER, Norlina, N.C; Ge- ography, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda, Gamma Theta Upsilon, Phi Kappa Tau, Inter-Fraternity Council.

CARTWRIGHT, MARTHA E., Elizabeth City, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student Coun- selor, Women's Honor Council, Student National Education Association.

CASSIDY, JOSEPH P., Lynbrook, N.Y.; His- tory, A.B.; La Crosse.

'--CAULEY, WM. DOUGLAS, New Bern, N.C; Political Science and History, A.B. ; Young Re- publican Club, ROTC.

CAVANAUGH, ANNETTE W., Beulaville, N.C; Business, B.S.; Pi Omega Pi.

-^-CAVENDISH, MICHAEL E., Greenville, N.C; Political Science, A.B.; Pi Kappa Phi, Fresh- man Basketball.

CAYTON, FAYE C, Aurora, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student Counselor, Student National Education Association. CHALK, WM. KENDALL, Raleigh, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, B.S. A.; Phi Kappa Tau, Treasurer; Society for the Advancement of Management, Freshman Track. CHAMBERS, ALTON B., Jacksonville, N.C; History, B.S.

CHAMBERS. DIANA L., Jacksonville, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Counselor, Alpha Phi, Alumni Secretary.

CHANDLER, ANNE E., Rocky Mount, N.C; Sociology, A.B.; Sociology Club, Dormitory Vice President.

CHAPPELL, BERTIE S., Greensboro, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club. CHAPPELL, CLAUDIA J., Elizabeth City, N.C; Primary Education, B.S. ; Student National Education Association, University Union, As- sociation for Childhood Education. CHARRON, RAYMOND B., Greenville, N.C; English, A. B.; Karate Club, East Carolina Surf Team.

CHERRY, DONNA L., Washington, N.C; Eng- lish, B.S.; College Marshal, Varsity Band, Dean's List, Student National Education Association, Sigma Tau Delta, President, Secretary, Treas-

The world seems sweeter after a rain.

urer; Student Counselor, Dormitory Secretary, Freshman and Sophomore Honors, IFho's Who in American Colleges and Universities. CHESHIRE, NANCY L., Virginia Beach, Va., Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association.

CHILDERS, JOHN S., Elizabeth City, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.

CHILDERS, ROBERT L., Jr., Rockingham, N.C.; Business Administration, A.B. CHITTY, THOMAS G., Ahoskie, N.C.; Ge- ography, A.B.; Lambda Chi Alpha, Inter-Fra- ternity Council.

CHURCH, VICKY T., Burlington, N.C.; Psychol- ogy, A.B.; WECU, Executive Staff; Psi Chi, Psychology Club, Broadcasting Guild President; Mathematics Honors Courses. CLAMP, JULIE C, Salisburg, N.C.; Biology, B.S.; Aquanymrhs, Publicity Manager; Alpha Phi, Gamma Beta Phi, Student Section of American Institute of Physics, Buccaneer. CLARK, BURKE F., Richmond, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.A.; Theta Chi. CLARK, CAROL J., Alexandria, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.

CLEVELAND, HELEN S., Greenville, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; Psi Chi, Chi Beta Phi. CLINE, LINELLE L., Kannapolis, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Alpha Phi. CLINTON, NANCY H., Graham, N.C.; Psychol- ogy, A.B.; Psi Chi.

COBB, JAMES R., JR., Windsor, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.

COBB, MELVIN R., Jr., Merry Hill, N.C.; In- dustrial Technology, B.S.P.; Industrial and Technical Education Club, North Carolina In- dustrial Arts Association, American Industrial Arts Association, Society for the Advancement of Management.

COBB, WILLIAM R., Rocky Mount, N.C.; His- tory, A.B. ; WECUT.V.

COBLE, JUDITH A., Fayetteville, N.C.; Social Studies, B.S.

COBLE, JULIA L., Fayetteville, N.C.; Art, B.S.; Delta Phi Delta, Fine Arts Chairman of Uni- versity Union.

COCHRAN. WILLIAM C, Rocky Mount, N.C.; Industrial Technology, B.S.P.; Epsilon Pi Tau. COGGINS, CANDACE C, Fort Eustis, Va.; Sociology, A.B.; Freshman Cheerleader, Sociol- ogy Club, Secretary, President; Gamma Beta Phi, Psychology Club, Corresponding Secretary, Women's Recreation Association. COLBERT, VINCENT N., Washington, D.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Varsity Basketball, Varsity Baseball.

COLE, PATRICIA V., Reidsville, N.C.; History, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi.

COMER, LINDA L., Carthage, N.C.; Library Science, B.S.; Library Science Club, House Council.

COMER, LOIS M., Boscoe, N.C.; Mathematics, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Secretary; Mathematics Club, Student National Education Association, Women's Glee Club.

CONAWAY, RICHARD, E., Arlington, Va.; Business, B.S.; Freshman and Varsity Swim Team, Arnold Air Society, Intermurals. CONLEY, MICHAEL J., Greenville, N.C.; Ec- onomics, B.S.; General Electric Bowl Team, De- bate Team, Freshman and Varsity Cross-Country and Track, Phi Sigma Pi, Delta Sigma Pi, East Carolinian, United Nations Model As- sembly Delegate, Freshman and Sophomore Ho- nors, Business Honors, Philosophy Club, Young Republicans, Student Chapter of American Chemical Society, Who's Who in American Col- leges and Universities.

CONNELL, DANIEL R., Raleigh, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.B.A.; Phi Beta Lambda. CONRAD, DAVID P., Greensboro, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.P.; Theta Chi.

COOK, PEGGY J., Wilson, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Pi Omega Pi, Assistant Secretary, Vice President.

COOKE, ELIZABETH W., Nashville, N. C; Mathematics and Library Science, B.S.; Key, Associate Editor; Marshal, Student Counselor, Dormitory Vice President, Alpha Phi, Treasurer, Activities Chairman; Alpha Beta Alpha, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. COPELAND, ROBERT J., Falmouth, Maine; Physical Education, B.S.; Varsity Swim and Dive Team.

CORDELL, ALBERT O., Greenville, N.C., Music, B.M.E.; Phi Mu Alpha, Marching Pirates, Orchestra, Symphonic Band. GOTTEN, VISTA K., Chesapeake, Va.; Pre- Med Chemistry, A.B.; Dormitory Treasurer, Pre-Med Society, Secretary. COURTNEY, BENJAMIN H., Williamston, N.C.; Education, B.S.; Lambda Chi Alpha, Men's Judiciary Council, Vice President. COX, HILDA DURHAM, Siler City, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Kappa Delta, Treasurer; Phi Beta Lambda.

COX, JANICE J., Rockingham, N.C.; English, B.S.; Sigma Tau Delta, Psychology Club, East Carolinian, Rebel, Pottry Forum. COX, JIMMY R., Garrett, Ky.; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Varsity Basketball, Captain; Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Phsyical Education Majors Club, North Carolina Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. COX, WESLEY, D., Cove City, N.C.; Industrial and Technical Education, N.S.P.; Industrial and Technical Education Club, Society for the Advancement of Management, Epsilon Phi Tau, Secretary.

COYLE, MARCIA L., Charlotte, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation, Home Economics Chapter. CRAWFORD, CHARLES R., Thomasville, N.C.; Business Administratives, B.S.B.A.; Freshman Football Team, Society for the Advancement of Management, Phi Beta Lambda. CREECH, DWIGHT M., Smithfield, N.C.; Psychology and Philosophy, A.B. CREECH, FRANCES C, La Grange, N.C.; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Student National Ed- ucation Association.

CREECH, JERRY, N., Benson, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.

CREECH, MARJORIE D., Selma, N.C.; Gram- mar Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association.

CROMATIE, URBANNA M., Raleigh, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Association for Childhood Education.

GROUSE, PEGGY JO, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Mathematics Club, Phi Beta Lambda.

CULLEY, DAVID N., Crumpton, Md.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.; Church Choir, Lec- ture Committee, Student Legislature, Young Democrats Club, Vice President; Society for the Advancement of Management, East Carol- inian, Co-News Editor.

CUMMINGS, ZEB C, III, Tarboro, N.C.; In- dustrial Arts, B.S.; Industrial and Technical Education Club, University Union, Young Demo- crat's Club.

CURRIN, PERCY T., Fayetteville, N.C.; Busi- ness, A.B.

CURTIS, RONNIE G., Hopewell, Va.; Busi- ness, B.S.A.; Kappa Alpha Order, Inter- Fra- ternity Council, Society for the Advancement of Management.

CUTLER, DOROTHY T., Goldsboro, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association, Chi Omega, Model United Na- tions Page, Association for Childhood Educa- tion.

CUTLER, LINDA A., Elizabeth City, N.C.; Medical Technology, B.S.; University Union Committee.

DALTON, ROGER D., Greensboro, N.C.; Physi- cal Education, B.S.; Freshman Football, Varsity Wrestling, Varsity Track, Greenville Tutorial Society, Physical Education Major's Club, Treas- urer; Phi Epsilon Kappa.

DALY, NORMA J., Clayton, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Alpha Delta Pi, Programs Chair- man.

DAMREN, DOUGLAS M., Beaufort, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.P.; Phi Beta Lambda, Methodist Student Center, Union Bowling League.

DANIEL, LINDA A., New Bern, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.

DANIEL SHIRLEY M., Roxboro, N.C.; Soci- ology, A.B.; Sociology Club, Psychology Club, Dormitory Officer.

DANIEL, THOMAS J., Fayetteville, N.C.; Ac- counting, B.S.

DARDEN, CARL D., Newton Grove, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; Pi Kappa Phi. DAUGHTRIDGE, JOHN D., Rocky Mount, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.; Pi Omega Pi, Phi Sigma Pi, Junior Scholarship Award; Dormitory Floor Manager, Resident Counselor, Who's Who in American Colleges and Univer- sities.

DAVIS, DIANE W., Morehead City, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association, Association for Childhood Education.

DAVIS, DORIS A., WhiteviUe, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurses Association, President; Deans Advisory Council, Buccaneer Nurse, Edi- tor; Baptist Student Union, Woman's Chorus, Intramurals, Dormitory Social Committee, Chair-

DAVIS, FRANCES E., Belhaven, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Educa- tion.

DAVIS, HATTIE F., Fremont, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Mathematics Club Association for Childhood Education.

DAVIS, JEFFREY C, Raleigh, N.C.; Account- ing, B.S.B.A.

DAVIS, SANDRA H., Gritton, N.C.; Art, B.S. DAY, WILLIAM, J., Burlington, N.C.; Busi- ness Accounting, B.S.P.

DEAL, HARVIE A., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Elementary Education, B.S. DEAL, SHERRON H., Macclesfield, N.C.; Eng- lish and Library Science, B.S.; Sigma Tau Delta, Alpha Beta Alpha, Library Club. DEANS, DONNA S., Norfolk, Va.; History, B.A.; Summer School Student Government As- sociation Legislator, Entertainment Committee; Movie Committee; Freshman Orientation Coun- selor. .=*EANS, THOMAS L., Sims, N. C; Political Science, A.B.; Sociology Club, Secretary; Baptist Student Union, President; Young Republicans, Treasurer.

DEES, JUDY L., New Bern, N.C.; Mathematics, B.S.


Senior Directory

DEETZ, JEAN A., Waukegan, 111.; Sociology. A.B.; Buccaneer, East Carolinian, Young Demo- crats Club, Sociology Club, Psychology Club, Psi Chi, Student Government Association, Fac- ulty Evaluation Committee. DELLINGER, ELOISE H., Statesville, N.C.; Chemistry, A.B.; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Seminars, Delta Zeta, Panhellenic Chaplin; General Electric College Bowl. DELLINGER, HENRY S., Holly, N.C.; Biology, B.S.

DELPRIORE, PETER A., Norfolk, Va.; Psychol- ogy, B.A.

DENTON, MARTHA C, Loisburg, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association, Young Democrats Club, As- sociation for Childhood Education. DESANDRO, SHIRLEE J., Goldsboro, N.C.; English. B.S.

DEVIDO, GREGORY, J., Milltown, N.J.; Ge- ography, A.B.; Freshman and Varsity Swim Teams, Assistant Swim Coach, Teacher Evalua- tion Committee, Newman Club. DICKERMAN, KATHLEEN A., Wilson, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Ed- ucation Association, Association for Childhood Education, Tutorials of East Carolina. DIXON, MARY M., Reidsville, N.C.; Music Education, B.M.E.; Chapel Choir, Concert Choir, Wesley Foundation, Student Music Education National Conference, Student Counselor. DONNELLY, ROBERT J., Nutley, N.J.; Market- ing, B.S.; Freshman Football, Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary, Executive Council, Pledgemaster, Vice President.

DOSIK, ELLIS R., Arlington, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President; Lacrosse Team, Intramurals, Inter-Fraternity Council. DOUGH, WM. MICHAEL, Kill Devil Hills, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Society for the Advancement of Management. DOWELL, NANCY G., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

DOZIER, AGNES E., Powells Point, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S. ; Student National Educa- tion Association, Student Counselor, Gamma Beta Phi, Buccaneer, Association for Childhood Education.

DRAKE, MARJORIE G., Greenville, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Phi Omicron. DRAPER, BRENDA G., Suffolk, Va.; Busi- ness, B.S. ; Phi Beta Lambda. DROST, PAULA E., Hampton, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Tutorial Society, Poetry Forum, Student National Education Association. DRYDEN WM. CON ANT, Pocomoke, Md.; Psychology, A.B.; Pi Kappa Phi, President; Inter-Fraternity Council, President, Vice Presi- dent; Vice President of Junior Class. DRYE, BARBARA L., Oakboro, N.C.; Psychol- ogy, A.B.; Psi Chi, Psychology Club, Dormitory Vice President, Hall Proctor, Hostess; Glee Club.

DUDLEY JUDY L., Swansboro, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S.; Student Counselor, Alpha Xi Delta, Vice President, Membership Chairman; Chi Beta Phi, Mathematics Honors Club, Secretary- Treasurer; Mathematics Club. DUDLEY, WILLIAM L., Washington, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda, Society for Advancement of Management. DUKE, JOEL T., Henderson, N.C.; Business Administration, A.B.; Intramural Softball. DUNBAR, DONNA K., Greenville, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Kappa Delta, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer; A' ev, Co-typist; Homecoming Representative, Association of Childhood Educa- tion.

DUNN, JUDITH W., Macclesfield, N.C.; Pri- mary Education. B.S.; Aquanymphs. DUNN, NANCY G., Goldsboro, N.C.; Mathe- matics, A.B.

DURHAM, CORRINE J., Winterville, N. C; Special Education, B.S.

DUTTON, DOUGLAS M., Arlington, Va.; Ge- ography, .^.B.

EASON, ALANA J., Clayton, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Homecoming Representative, Fresh- rnan Chief Cheerleader, Student Orientation Counselor.

EASTWOOD, WM. DWIGHT, Fountain, N.C.; Sociology, A.B.; Sociology Club. EBBETT, JANIS E., Roanoke, Va.; Music, B.M.E.; Symphony Orchestra, Student Music Education National Conference. EDMONDSON, MARY W., Rocky Mount, N.C.; History, B.S.; Sigma Sigma Sigma. EDWARDS, CAROLYN M., Marshville, N.C.; English, B.S. ; Women's Judiciary, House Coun- cil.

EDWARD, JERRY R., Kenly, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S.

ELAM TONI B., Myrtle Beach, S.C; Art, B.S.; Freshman Orientation Counselor, National So- ciety of Interior Designers, Student Govern- ment Association Representative. ELAM, WILLIAM H., Charlotte, N.C.; Busi- ness, A.B.; Freshman Orientation Counselor, Student Government Association Legislature, Homecoming Committee, Theta Chi, Rush Chair- man; Inter- Fraternity Council, Summer School Judicial Court, Public Defender; Men's Honor Council, Vice Chairman; University Party, Law Society, Air Force ROTC.

ELLIOTT: LINDA C, Carthage, N.C.; English, A.B.; Philosophy Club, Cantebury. ELLIOTT, PHILLIP C, Falls Church, Va.; Psychology, A.B.; Pi Kappa Phi. ELLIOTT, ROBERT H., Union Level, Va.; Music, B.M.E. ; Marching Band, Varsity Band, Men's Glee Club, Secretary; Symphonic Band, University Concert Choir, Fine Arts Committee, Secretary; Music Education National Confer- ence.

ELLIOTT, SHARON L., Raleigh, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Aquanymphs. ENGLISH, DONNA L., Ashtabula, Ohio; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

ENNIS, WALTER M., Greensboro, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.B.A. ERVIN, BILLY E., Edenton, N.C.; Industrial Technology, B.S.P.

IRVIN, FAYE J., Kannapolis, N.C. Psychology, A.B.; Psychology Club.

ERVIN, SANDRA E., Edenton, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse's Association, Tau Pi Upsilon, Treasurer.

EUBANK, SUE J., Pollocksville, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

EVANS, AUDREY K., Durham, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.

EVANS, CAROLYN R., Durham, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.

EVANS, DANIEL F., Vienna, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.; Kappa Alpha Order, Treasurer; Inter-Fraternity Representative. EVANS, DONALD E., Greenville, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, A.B.

EVANS, PATSY G., Clarkton, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Library Club, President, Alpha Beta Alpha, Most Outstanding Member, Co- chairman Refreshment Committee; Dormitory President, Hall Proctor, Chairman Fine Arts Committee, Religions Committee, Election Com- mittee, Student National Education Association,

Women's Judiciary, Secretary. EVERETT, WILLIAM C, Ayden, N.C; In- dustrial Technology, B.S.P.

EVERETTE, HELEN E., Kinston, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Young Democrats Club, Student Nurse's Association.

EVERETTE, MILDRED E., Macclesfield, N.C; English, B.S.

EVERETTE, RITA A., Washington, N.C; Busi- ness Education, B.S.; Baptist Student Union, Phi Beta Lambda, Treasurer; Student National Education Association.

FAIRLESS, SEATON P., Jr., Colerain, N.C; Library Science, B.S.; Theta Chi, Alpha Phi Omega.

FAITOUTE, GAIL L., Springfield, N.J.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, New- man Club, Women's Recreation Association. FANN, SHELLA D., Clinton, N.C; Music, B.M.; Student Counselor, University Choral, Concert Choir.

FARELL, JUDY E., Fayetteville, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurses Association, Alpha. Xi Delta.

FARMER, FRANK D., Jr., Wilson, N.C; Psy- chology, A.B.

FARMER, PHYLLIS C, Greenville, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Sigma Sigma Sigma. FARRELL, DONALD J., Winston-Salem, N.C; Mathematics, A.B.; Mathematics Club, Newman Club.

FAULKNER, AUCE M., Kinston, N.C; Mathe- matics, B.S.; Mathematics Club, Phi Sigma Tau, Student National Education Association.

Old Austin is a standing symbol of East Carolina


FAULKNER, MERCER M., Kinston, N.C; Geography, M.A.; Theta Chi, Gamma Theta Upsilon.

FERGUSON, DANNY T., Winston-Salem, N.C; Education, B.S.; Society for Advancement of Management, Lambda Chi Alpha, Correspond- ing Editor.

FERGUSON, DOROTHY R., Lemon Springs, N.C; Business Education, B.S.; White Ball Queen.

FINCHER, BENJAMIN E., Charlotte N.C; Music, B.M.E.; Concert Choir, President; Phi Mu Alpha, Opera Theatre, Fine Arts Com- mittee.

FINMAN, EDWARDS D., Charlotte, N.C; Geography, A.B.

FINNEY, LARRY G., Jonesville, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S.

FLANIGAN, KATHLEEN P., Nutley, N.J.; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Modern Dance Club, Hockey Club, Physical Education Majors Club, Phi Epsilon Mu. FLEMING, RUTH E., Greenville, N.C; Span- ish, A.B. ; Kappa Delta, Sigma Tau Sigma, North Carolina College Queen, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. FLOWE, REBECCA K., China Grove, N.C; Psychology, A.B.

FOLEY, KEVIN A., Fairfax, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Alpha Xi Delta, Social Chairman; Alpha Beta Alpha, Historian; Student Gov- ernment Association, Day Student Representa-

FORBES, GEORGE D., JR., Franklin, Va.; Business, B.A.; Theta Chi, Secretary, House Manager, Football Coach.

FORBES, WM. SMITH, Chacowinity, N.C; History, B.S.

FORD, ALICE S., Arlington, Va.; Home Eco- nomics, B.S.; Home Economics Chapter, Sigma Sigma Sigma.

FORNASH, STEVEN R., McLean, Va.; Physi- cal Education, B.S.; Freshman and Varsity Baseball.

FORREST, HAYWOOD E., JR., Kinston, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Phi Beta Lambda, Vice President, State Treasurer. FORSYTHE, GLORIA J., Franklinton, N.C; Elementary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

FOSTER, JAMES B., Advance, N.C; Business, A.B.

FOSTER, STEPHEN C, Winston-Salem, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Society for the Advancement of Management. FOUSHEE, SYLVIA G., Durham, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Tau Pi Upsilon, President; Stu- dent Nurse's Association, College Marshal, Al- pha Delta Pi, Reporter, Executive Secretary; Student Counselor, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

FOWLER, HARRY H., Greenville, N.C; His- tory, B.S.

FOX, MINNIE S., Mebane, N.C; Psychology, A.B.; Psychology Qub.

FRANKLIN, DARA L., W. Orange, N.J.; English, B.S.; Sociology Cub, Women's Recre- ation Association, Alpha Phi, Popular Enter- tainment Committee.

FREEMAN, SHEILA L, Castalia, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Chapter, Committee Chairman; Hall Procter. FROHMAN, SHIRLEY, Waverly, Va.; History, B.S.; Student Government Association Legis- lator, Hebrew Fellowship, Student Counselor, East Carolinian, University Union, History Hon- ors Program, Women's Chorus, Dormitory House Council.

FULGHUM, CAROLYN R., Sims, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Free Will Baptist Student Fellowship, Student Na- tional Education Association. FULGHUM, JANET L., Kenly, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Free Will Baptist Fellowship, Dormitory Secretary, Association for Childhood Education.

FULGHUM, NANCY G., Wilson, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Dormitory Treasurer. FULLER, JOHN M., Chocowinity, N.C; Ac- counting, A.B.

FULTON, NORMA J., Pinnacle,^ N.C; Ele- mentary, Education, B.S.; Women's Recreation Association, Alpha Omicron Pi, Corresponding Secretary; Student National Education Associa- tion, East Carolinian, Foreign Relations Club, University Union, Fine Arts Committee; Wes- ley Foundation, Advisory Council; Faculty Evaluatioi-. Committee.

FUNDERBURK, FRANK E., Welcome, N.C; Psychology, A.B.

FUTRELL, FRANCES E., Four Oaks, N.C; Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Dormitory Officer. CADDY. GARY L., Washington, N.C; Geogra- phy, A.B.; Gamma Theta Upsilon. GALL, JUDITH A., Lewisburg, W. Va.; Psy- chology, A.B. ; Psychology Club. GAMBLE, ANNA V., Newton, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Women's Recreation Association, Chi Omega, Assistant Rush Chairman; Women's Honor Council, Public Defender. CANS, BARRY F., Norfolk, Va.; Psychology, A.B.; Psychology Club, Marching Band, Sym- phonic Band.

CARD, BETTIE W., Elizabeth City, N.C; History, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation, Alpha Xi Delta, President; Buccaneer, Greek Editor; Student Counselor, Women's Ju- diciary, Representative to Associated Collegiant Press.

GARDNER, JUDITH E., Wilson, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; American Home Economics Association.

GARDNER, VIVIAN A., Cycle, N.C; Business, B.A.; Dormitory President, Women's Judiciary, Women's Residence Council, Gamma Beta Phi. GARNER, JERRY W., Selma, N.C; Chemistry, B.S.; Student Affiliate of American Chemical Society.

GARRELL, MARY A., Hickory, N.C; Gram- mar Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Association, Chi Omega, President, Treas- urer; Women's Recreation Association. GARRETT, SANDRA F., Elizabeth City, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Women's Recreation Association, Delta Zeta, Song Leader, Rush Chairman; Student National Education As- sociation, Chapel Choir, Women's Chorus, Wom- en's Glee Club, White Ball Representative, Buccaneer.

GASKILL, COBA D., Elizabeth City, N.C; Physical Education, B.S.; Women's Recreation Association, Phi Epsilon Mu, Physical Education Majors Club, North Carolina Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. GERLACH, MARIE H., New Bern, N.C; Psychology, A.B.; Kappa Delta, Vice President of Pledge Class; Student Government Associa- tion Legislator, Dormitory President, Psychology Club, Women's Residence Council, Majorette, Craven County Club for University Status, President.

GIBBS, MARY L., Greenville, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Student National Education Association.

GIBSON, JOHN W., Stevensville, Md.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.

GIBSON, SUE C, Littleton, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.; Student Counselor, Pi Omega Pi, Historian.

GILL, ANNE S., Greenville, N.C; Elementary Education, B.S.

GILL, BARBARA J., Elizabeth City, N.C; Phy- sical Education, B.S.; Physical Education Ma- jors Club, Women's Recreation Association. GLOVER, DONNA L, Gary, N.C; History, B.S.; Student Counselor, Student National Edu- cation Association.

GODFREY, SARAH A., Arlington, Va.; En- glish, B.S.

GOE, MARY E., Raleigh, N.C; Primary Educa- tion, B.S.; Primary Education Association, Al- pha Delta Pi, Rush Chairman, House Manager; Women's Recreation Association. GOFF, SUSAN, South Pine, N.C; Art, B.F.A.; Interior Design Club.

COINS, FRED T., JR., Mount Airy, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Delta Sigma Pi, Secretary; Blast Carolina Merit Scholar, Dormitory Vice President, Men's Residence Council, President, Vice President; Student Party, Vice Chairman; Model United Nations, Freshman Orientation Counselor, Executive Cabinet, Men's Judiciary, Student Government Association Legislator.

GOLD, REBECCA J., Greenville, N.C; Mathe- matics, B.C.; Chi Beta Phi, Marshal, Baptist Student Union, Mathematics Club, Buccaneer. GOLDFARB, MARTIN J., Greensboro, N.C; History, A.B.; Lacrosse, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Sec- retary, Treasurer; Hebrew Youth Fellowship, President.

GOLDING, DIANNE, Roanoke, Va.; Physical Education, B.S.; Physical Education Majors Club, Student National Education Association, Phi Epsilon Mu.

GOLDSTON, MILDRED A., Goldston, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Chap- ter, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Student National Education Association.

GOODEN, PATRICIA A., El Monte, Calif.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Freshman Orientation Counse- lor, Alpha Xi Delta, Rush Secretary, Activities Chairman, Journal Correspondent; House Council. Student Nurse's Association, Dormitory Social Chairman.

GOODWIN, JUDITH G., Morehead City, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Child- hood Education.

GORDON, MICHAEL D., Greenville, N.C; Business, B.S.A.; Air Force ROTC. GOTTSCHALK, VIRGINIA, Jacksonville, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Newman Club, Presi- dent, Vice President, Secretary; Mathematics Club, Student National Education Association. GRANT, JOAN C, Seven Springs, N.C; Elementary Education, B.S. GRANT, THOMAS J., St. Augustine, Fla.; Physical Education, B.S.; Football. GRAVATT, WM. NELSON, BurkeviUe, Va.; Geography, B.S. ; Football, Fellowship of Chris- tian Athletes, President; Co-captain Football Team.

GRAY, JOHN T., Pleasant Garden, N.C; Art Education, B.S.

GRAY, MARY M., La Grange, N.C; Educa- tion, B.S.

GREEN, DAVID M., JR., Mountain Lakes, N.J.; Geography, A.B.; Gamma Tau Upsilon, Chi Beta Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi. GREEN, JOAN C, Hertford, N.C; Home Eco- nomics, B.S.; Home Economics Club. GREER, ELLEN M., Whiteville, N.C; Art, Interior Design, B.S.; House Council.


Senior Directory

GREGORY, MARY L., Lucama, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.

GRIFFIN, SUZANNE, Washington, D.C.; Edu- cation, B.S.; Women's Recreation Association, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Student National Educa- tion Association.

GRIMES, KATHY Q., Cooleenee, N.C.; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Women's Rec- reation Association, Physical Education Majors Club, Gamma Beta Phi, Phi Epsilon Mu, Dormitory Secretary.

GROVE, WM. GOODLOE, Halifax, N.C.; In- dustry, B.S.P.

GUPTOM, MILTON C, Henderson, N.C.; Business, B.S.B.A.

GURGANUS, PATSY J., Bethel, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Chi Omega, Orientation Counselor, Association for Childhood Education. GURLEY, TONY K., Goldsboro, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S.; Student Counselor, Gamma Beta Phi, Student National Education Association. HAGER, DAVID S., Mount Holly, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.P. ; Marching Pirates, Symphonic Band, Varsity Band, College Choir, Choral Union, Collegians Dance Band, Phi Mu Alpha, Pledge Class President, Social Chair- man, Historian, Executive Committee. HAGWOOD, RICKY G., Elkin, N.C.; Business Education, B.S.

HAHN, ANNA L., Charlotte, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda.

HALES, MARY A., Fremont, N.C.; Art, B.S. HALL, FRANK W., Milford, Del.; Accounting, B.S.

HALL, ROBERT H., Angier, N.C.; Accounting, B.S.B.A.; Freshman Basketball, Freshman Base- ball, Alpha Kappa Psi.

HALSEY, JOHNNY V., Patrick Springs, Va.; History, A.B.

HANCHEY, SANDRA L., Jacksonville, N.C.; English, 'B.S. ; Majorette, Gamma Beta Phi. HANDLON. JAMES WM., Greensboro, N.C.; Business, B.S.B.A.; Varsity Golf, Alpha Kappa Psi, Corresponding Secretary; Student Govern- ment Association, Internal Affairs, Society for Advancement of Management. HANNER, DAVID C, Charlotte, N.C.; History, A.B.; Kappa Sigma, Guard, Treasurer; Phi Alpha Theta, Freshman Track, Tutorial So- ciety, Entertainment Committee. HARDISON, JUDY H., JamesviUe, N.C.; Gram- mar Education, B.S.

HARDY, HERMAN A., Kinston, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.B.A.; Society for the Advancement of Management.

HARE, JAMES D., Faison, N.C.; Elementary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

HARMON, GERALD K., Bessemer City, N.C.; Business, B.S.P.; University Union Bowling League, Intramurals.

HARPER, CHARLES M., Greensboro, N.C.; History, B.S.; Football, Lacrosse, Semper Fi- delias Society.

HARRELL, BENNETT M., Goldsboro, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.

HARRE, MARY L., Reidsville, N.C.; Business, B.S.

HARRELL, SHIRLEY J., Colerain, N.C.; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Women's Chorus, Wom- en's Recreation Association, Association for Childhood Education.

HARRINGTON, WILLIAM E., Washington, N.C.; History, A.B.

HARRIS, DOLORES R., Greenville, N.C.; His- tory, B.S.; Mathematics Club, Buccaneer.

HARRIS, J ANN E., Kannapolis, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; House Council, Student Na- tional Education Association, Association for Childhood Education.

HARRIS, JOHN F., Burlington, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.P.

HARRIS, NANCY S., Rutherford, N.S.; Nurs- ing, B.S.

HARRIS, ROBERT J., Washington, N.C.; Mathematics, A.B.; Freshman and Varsity Base- ball, Physics Club, Mathematics Club. HARRISS, JUDY C, Southern Pines, N.C.; Voice, B.M.; Chapel Choir, College Chorale, University Choir, Music Education National Conference.

HAUN, VERONIKA G., KiUrell, N.C.; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.

HAWLEY, JESSE J., Lucama, N.C.; English, B.S.

HAWLEY, NANCY C, Sims, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student Counselor. HAYES, CHARLES A., Norlina, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.; Society for the Ad- vancement of Management.

HAYES, LYNDA D., Cherryville, N.C.; Eng- lish, B.S.

HEALY, PATRICIA L., Raleigh, N.C.; Interior Design, B.S.; National Society of Interior Designers.

HEARNE, SARA L., Biscoe, N.C.; Art, B.S. HECKMAN, SANDRA W., Miami, Fla.; Busi- ness, B.S.P.

HEDGEPETH, ANDREW C, Kittrell, N.C.; Geography, A.B.

HEDGEPETH, DETRA S., Eure, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.B.A.; Phi Beta Lambda, Society for the Advancement of Management. HEEDEN, CAROL A., Goldsboro, N.C.; Eng- lish, B.S.

HEFFNER, LIZA B., Lock Haven, Pa.; So- ciology, A.B.; Alpha Phi.

HENDRICKS, JOHN D., Nashville, N.C.; Phy sical Education, B.S.; Physical Education Ma- jors Club, North Carolina Association Health, Physical Education and Recreation. HENDRICKS, MARJORY J., Rehoboth Beach, Del.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student Gov- ernment Association, Freshman Senator, Dor-

mitory Representative, Rules Committee, Com- munications Committee; Women's Judiciary, Vice Chairman; Varsity Cheerleader Alternate, Campus Movies Committee, Chairman; School Spirit Committee, Student Party, Homecoming Committee, Hockey, Women's Glee Club, Var- sity Band, Women's Residence Council, Legis- lature Collegiate Council of United Nations, Who's Who In American Colleges and Uni- versities.

HENRY, CATHERINE B., Rocky Mount, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Student National Education Association, Phi Upsilon, Treasurer.

HENSON, DIANE E., Metairie, Pa.; Library Science, B.S.; Library Club, Young Republican Club, History Club, Homecoming Committee. HENSON, LARRY M., Mount Holly, N.C.; Business, A.B.; Theta Chi, Assistant Treasurer; Phi Beta Lambra, Freshman Orientation Coun- selor, Society for Advancement of Management. HEPLER, SHIRLEY A., Raleigh, N.C.; Soci- ology, A.B.; Sociology Club, Dormitory Treas- urer, Young Democrats Club, Student National Education Association.

HEWETT, LESLIE W., JR., Fords, N.J.; Math- ematics, B.S. ; Industrial Arts Club, Gymnastics Club, President; Phi Sigma Pi, Reporter; Mathematics Club, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

HEYWARD, KATHERINE E., Mount Pleasant, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S. HILL, LINDA M., Ahoskie, N.C.; Mathematics, B.S.; Chi Beta Phi, Mathematics Qub, Student National Education Association. HILL, MICHAEL T., Conover, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Men's Judiciary, Freshman Orientation Counselor, Kappa Alpha Order, Social Chairman, Sergeant-at-arms, Inter- Fraternity CouncU Representative; Committee for Advancement of National Honor Societies, Chairman; Student Government's Association. HINES, SAMUEL S., Richmond, Va.; Spanish, B.S.

HINTON, YVONNE J., Kinston, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

HITCHCOCK, JANICE B., Charlotte, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Freshman Cheerlead-

He is just one on a big University campus


er, Alpha Delta Pi, Social Chainiian; Sludtnt National Education Association. HOARD, JENNIFER L., Arlington, Va.; His- tory, A.B.

HODGE, RUTH A., High Point, N.C.; Library Science and History, B.S.; Alpha Beta Alpha, History Club.

HODGSON, HILDA S., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Tau Pi Epsilon. HOGG, DONALD G., Dry Fork, Va.; Business Administration, B.S.A.

HOLDER, REBECCA M., Garner, N.C.; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student Counselor, Chi Omega, Vice President, Secretary; Orientation Counse- lor, Honor Council, Attorney General; Summer School Student Government Association, Day Student Representative; Student Nurse's As- sociation, Sophomore Class Secretary, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. HOLLOMAN, JOSEPH J., Ahoskie, N.C.; Ac counting, B.S.P.; Sigma Tau Sigma, Vice Presi- dent; Society for the Advancement of Man- agement, Treasurer; East Carolinian, Produc- tion Editor; Young Republicans Club. HOLLO WAY, ROBERT E., Salisburg, Md.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Circle K, Phi Beta Lambda, Society for the Advancement of Management.

HOLMES, KEITH D., JR., Greenville, N.C.; Chemistry, B.S.P.; Freshman Chemistry Hand- book Award, Student Affiliate of American Chemical Society, President; Chi Beta Phi, Sigma Xi Research Award. -HOLT, LAWRENCE D., Raleigh, N.C.; Politi- cal Science, A.B.; Varsity Cheerleader, Orienta- tion Counselor, Appeals Board, Theta Chi, Vice President, President; Inter-Fraternity Council.

HOLT, SHIRLEY F., Durham, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; College Marshal, Alpha Delta Pi, Tau Pi Upsilon, Student Nurse's Association, Stu- dent Counselor, Orientation Counselor. HONAKER, WILLIAM F., Goldsboro, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.

HONEYCUTT, BRENDA K., Roseboro, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda, Student Na- tional Education Association, Dormitory Presi- dent, Women's Judiciary, Dean's Advisory Coun- cil.

HOOKER, LYNDA L., New Holland, Pa.; English, B.S.; University Union, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary. HOPEWELL, GLORIA J., Goldsboro, N.C.; English, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation.

HOPPE, TOBY S., Pompano Beach, Fla.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Kappa Delta, Parlia- mentarian; Summer School Legislature, Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Education.

HORNER, JANICE A., Fayetteville, N.C.; Edu- cation, B.S.

HOWARD, MARGARET A., Greensboro, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Kappa Delta at Queens College. HOWELL, JUDITH A., Apex, N.C.; Elemen- tary Education, B.S. ; Student National Educa- tion Association.

HOWERTON, BETSY G., Roxboro, N.C.; Edu- cation, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation, Association for Childhood Education, Dormitory President, Women's Judiciary, Dean's Advisory Council.

HOWIE, MEREDITH A., Charlotte, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, National Education As- sociation.

HOWITT, ROBERT B., Northville, N.J.; His- tory, A.B.

ROWLAND, MARY V., King George, Va.; Elementary Education, B.S.; Student National

Education A

HOYLE, ROBERT C, Richmond, Va.; Indus- trial and Technical Arts, B.S.P. HUDSON, CHARLES T., JR., Greenville, N.C.; Chemistry, A.B.; American Chemistry Society. HUDSON, STEVE W., Hickory, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Freshman Football, United Nations General Assembly.

HUEY, WILLIAM I., Burlington, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.A. ; ROTC, Men's Residence Council, Student Party, Delta Sigma Pi. HUFFMAN, ROBERT L., JR., Goldsboro, N.C.; Business, B.S.B.A.

HUGHES, NETTIE S., Chadbourn, N.C.; Bi- ology, B.S.; Buccaneer.

HUMPHRIES, EDWARD D., Charlotte, N.C. Business Administration, B.S.B.A. HUNTER, MARY B., Beulaville, N.C; Busi ness Education, B.S.; Pi Omega Pi, Secretary Phi Beta Lambda.

HUNTER, WILLIAM J., Winston-Salem, N.C. Biology, A.B.

HUTCHISON, SUSAN D., South Boston, Va. History, A.B. ; History Club, Tau Sigma, Younj Republicans Club, Phi Alpha Theta, Historian History Honors Seminar.

HUX, ALBERT R., JR., Roanoke Rapids, N.C. Psychology, A.B.; Alpha Phi Omega, Intra- murals. ^'^--'HYDE, JOHN S., Gary, N.C; Political Science, A.B.

lACONA, CHARLES J., Greenville, N.C; Bi- ology, B.S.; Crew Team, Karate Club, Surf Club, Intramural Softball.

INGRAM, DONALD W., Alexandria, Va.; Business,, B.S.A.

IREY, JILL, Silver Springs, Md.; Interior Design, B.F.A.; Alpha Gamma Delta at West Va. Wesleyan, Social Chairman, Pledge Class Treasurer; Kappa Pi, Secretary, Treasurer; Yearbook, Class Editor; Newspaper, Art Editor. IRONS, GAY, McLean, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Education. ISNER, ROBERT B., HI, Mouth of Wilson, Va.; Art, B.F.A.; College Artist of the School of Art, Treasurer.

JACKSON, JESSE V., Winterville, N.C; In- dustrial Technology, B.S.P. ; Epsilon Pi Tau, Industrial and Technical Education Club. JACOBS, BETTY E., Elizabeth City, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Women's Glee Club, Concert Choir, Women's Chorus, Delta Zeta, Panhellenic, Student National Education As-

JAMES, HARRIET H., Concord, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Phi Upsilon Colony.

JAMES, NANCY E., Sunbury, N.C; Library Science, B.S.; Library Club, Student Counselor, Alpha Beta Alpha.

JAYROE, DONALD W., Morehead City, N.C; Physical Education, B.S.; Glee Club, Indoor and Cross-Country Track, Spring Track, Team Captain.

JENKINS, HARRY E., Wadesboro, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.P. JENNINGS, DAVID H., Madison Heights, Va.; Business, A.B.

JENNINGS, SUSAN M., Patterson, La.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

JENRETTE, BRENDA C, Tabor City, N.C; Business, A.B.; Majorette, Phi Beta Lambda, Young Republicans Club.

JERNIGAN, EMMA L., Edenton, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.

JERNIGAN, LINDA E., Colerain, N.C; Educa- tion, B.S.; Student National Education Associa- tion.

JESSUP, FRANCES S., Bennett, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Association for Child- hood Education, Student National Education Association.

JILCOTT, MARGARET T., Roxobel, N.C; Business, B.S.P.; Gamma Beta Phi, Phi Beta Lambda, Dormitory Officer. JOHNSON, HORACE M., JR., Durham, N.C; Business, B.S.A.; Alpha Kappa Psi, President; Dean's Advisory Council, Track Team. JOHNSON, JEANNE C, WinterviUe, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

JOHNSON, JOSEPH W., Burlington, N.C; Mathematics, A.B. ; Track Team, Cross-Coun- try; Baptist Student Union, Vice President. JOHNSON, LARRY D., Lynchburg, Va.; Busi- ness, B.S.

JOHNSON, PATSY A., Forest City, N.C; Psychology, A.B.

JOHNSTON, JULIE G., Nashville, N.C; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Physical Educa- tion Majors Club, Women's Recreation Associa- tion, Field Hockey Chairman; Phi Epsilon Mu, Parliamentarian; Student National Education Association, North Carolina Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. JONES, BETTIE T., Snow Hill, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.

JONES, CAROLE L., Hickory, N.C; Sociology, A.B.

JONES, CERESY K., Fuquay-Varina, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Chapel Choir, Col- lege Chorale, Student National Education As- sociation, Alpha Beta Alpha, Secretary Treas- urer; Student Counselor.

JONES, DONALD G., Pantego, N.C; Industrial Technology, B.S.P.; Industrial and Technical Education Club, American Institute of Physics. JONES, JAMES E., Gradeake, N.C; Mathe- matics, B.S.; Lambda Chi Alpha, Parliamen- tarian, Ritualist.

JONES, LINDA L., Williamston, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Kappa Delta, President, White Ball Representative, Best Pledge Award; Kappa Delta National Convention Delegate, Majorette, Head Majorette, Marching Pirates, Dean's Ad- visory Council, Home Economics Club, Student National Education Association. JONES, LINDSAY E., Washington, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S.B.A.; Phi Beta Lambda, Society for the Advancement of Management. JONES, LYNNE H., Arlington, Va.; Psychology, A.B.; Sociology Club, Women's Chorus, Psy- chology Club, Delta Zeta, Philanthrop Chair- man; Law Society, Secretary-Treasurer; Buc-

JONES, MILLARD B., Durham, N.C; History, B.S.; Circle K Club, President. JONES, MONA B., Clinton, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Association for Childhood Edu-

JOYNER, DOROTHY J., Rocky Mount, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student Counselor, Key, Editor; Publications Board, Alpha Phi, Corresponding Secretary, President; College Marshal, Student Government Association, Spe- cial Events Committee; Women's Honor Coun- cil, Vice Chairman; Who Who In American Colleges and Universities.

JOYNER, JUDITH A., Farmville, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Marshal, Alpha Phi, Who's Who In American Colleges and Uni- versities.

JUDICE, LYNN E., Alexandria, Va.; Eco- nomics, B.S.A.; Freshman and Sophomore Hon- ors, Phi Sigma Pi, Corresponding Secretary; Arnold Air Society, Comptroller, Information Officer; American Legion Award, Sigma Tau Sigma, President, Historian.


Senior Directory

KALLMAN, RONALD S., Richmond, Va.; Bus- iness, B.S.; Alpha Epsilon Pi, President; Inter- Fraternity Council, Treasurer; Hebrew Youth Fellowship, Treasurer; Lacrosse Team. KATON, JAY D., Falls Church, Va.; Account- ing, B.S.; Delta Sigma Pi, Treasurer; Phi Beta Lambda.

KAY, BEVERLY A., Virginia Beach, Va.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Kappa Delta Pi, Student National Association.

KEATING, CAMILLA E., Shelley, N.C.; Soci- ology, A.B.; Sociology Club. KEEL, RUFUS V., Greenville, N.C.; Geogra- phy, A.B.; Gamma Theta Upsilon, President. KEETER, KERMIT K., JR., Shelby, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; Phi Sigma Pi, Chi Beta Phi, Psi Chi.

KEETER, SIDNEY G., JR., Goldsboro, N.C.; Industrial Education, B.S.; Alpha Phi Omega, Epsilon Pi Tau, Industrial and Technical Edu- cation Club, Men's Honor Council, Attorney General; Dormitory Floor Manager. KEEVER, JUDITH A., Hickory, N.C.; Soci- ology, A.B.; Aquanymphs, Sociology Club, Psy- chology Club.

KEIBER, ROBERT J., Kearny, N.J.; Art, B.S.; Sigma Nu, Inter-Fraternity Council. KEMP, DONALD R., Greensboro, N.C.; His- tory, A.B.

KENNEDY, LINDA K., Pink Hill, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Student National Education Association. - =KENNEDY, RICHARD B., Pfafftown, N.C.; PoHtical Science, A.B.; Dormitory President, Men's Judiciary, Student Government Associa- tion, Lecture Committee, Band. KENT, CAROL A., Tarboro, N.C.; English, B.S.

KETCH AM, RONALD R., Jacksonville, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.; Phi Sigma Pi, Society for Advancement of Management, Presi- dent; WECU, Business Manager. KIGHT, LAURIE J., Jacksonville, N.C.; Soci- ology, A.B.; Majorette, Sociology Club. KILLGO, JAMES L., JR., High Point, N.C.; Chemistry, B.S.; Kappa Sigma, Pre-Med. So- ciety, Vice President; Inter-Fraternity Council, American Chemical Society. KIMLICK, JEANNE M., Mathews, N.C.; Art, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Homecoming Committee, National Society for Interior Designers.

KING, ALICE R., Norlina, N.C.; Home Eco- nomics, B.S.; Phi Upsilon Colony. KING, ANN L., Warrenton, N.C.; Education, B.S.

KING, CARL W., Durham, N.C.; Business Administration. B.S.; Student Government As- sociation.

ING, MARY L., Hampton, Va.; Political Science and German, A.B.; Women's Glee Club, Gamma Beta Phi, Canterbury Club, Philosophy Honors Seminar, Rebel, Advertising Manager. KING, THOMAS H., Ahoskie, N.C.; Art, B.S.; Men's Residence Council, Dean's Advisory Council, University Union, Fine Arts Commit- tee, President; Associated Arts Board, Delta Phi Delta, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

KINGSBURY, HARRY K., JR., Washington, D.C.; Business, B.S.

KINNEY, KENNETH B., Greensboro, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Freshman Swimming, Theta Chi, Rush Chairman.

KINZIE, MICHAEL A., Bridgewater, Va.; Music, B.M.E.; Phi Mu Alpha, Pi Kappa Lambda, Marching Pirates, Symphonic Band, Orchestra, Student Music Education National Conference.


KIVETT, PAUUNE D., Kinston, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.; Pi Omega Pi, Attorney General, Chi Omega.

KLEIN, MARTHA D., Kenly, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurses Association, Vice Presi- dent, District VI Recording Secretary, State Recording Secretary; Alpha Phi, Social Secre- tary; Alumni Secretary; Gamma Beta Phi. --^^^LEMP, KARLEEN, Annandale, Va.; Political Science, A.B.; Model United Nations, East Carolinian, Delta Zeta Junior Panhellenic Dele- gate; Summer School Queen Court, Intramural Volleyball and Basketball, Young Democrats. KLUTTZ, SUSAN C, Durham, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Educa- tion.

KOEHLER, ROBERT A., Kinston, N.C.; His- tory, B.S.; Freshman and Varsity Football, Lutheran Student Association, President; Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi, Historian, Pledge Chairman; Faculty Evaluation Committee, Phi Alpha Theta, History Honors' Scholarship, Who's Who In American Colleges ^tnd Uni- versities.

KOONCE, WILLIAM J., JR., Greenville, N.C.; Industry, B.S.P.; Epsilon Pi Tau, Industrial and Technical Education Club. KRAMER, JANINE A., Raleigh, N.C.; Art, Interior Design, B.F.A.; National Society for Interior Designers, College Artists of the School of Art.

KUHN, NANCY L., Shippensburg, Pa.; Mathe- matics, A.B.; Alpha Omicron Pi, Chi Beta Phi, Secretary; University Union, Historian, Social Chairman, Secretary; Women's Glee Qub, Mathematics Club, Women's Recreation As- sociation, Student National Education Associa- tion, Summer School Student Government As- sociation Legislator.

LAI, ROBERT, Babylon, N.J.; Industrial Tech- nology, B.S.

LAMPARTER, DENIS L., Manheim, Pa.; Dis- tributive Education, B.S.; Delta Sigma Pi, Pi Omega Pi, Men's Residence Council. LANDIS, EILEEN D., Media, Pa.; History, A.B.; Student Government Association, Chi Omega, Women's Recreation Association. LANDSPERGER, WALTER J., Greensboro, N.C.; Industrial and Technical Education, B.S.; Industrial and Technical Education Club. LANE, GORDON M., Snow Hill, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.A.; Freshman Baseball, So-

ciety for the Advancement of Management. LANE, REBECCA L., Snow Hill, N.C.; Psy- chology, A.B.

LANE, ROBERT L., JR., Greenville, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S. LANE, WALTER M., Fremont, N.C.; Acount- ing, B.S.B.A.

LARSON, PATRICIA A., Fort Bragg, N.C.; English, B.S.; Student Counselor, Military Ball Queen, Angel Flight, Administrative Officer, Executvie Officer Commander; Leadership Award, Delta Zeta, Recording Secretary, Cor- responding Secretary; Sigma Chi Delta Sweet- heart, White Ball Representative, Homecoming Representative, Student Government Associa- tion, Budget Committee Secretary; University Party, Secretary; Freshman Honor Council, Judiciary Committee, Woman's Recreation As- sociation.

LASATER, REBECCA D., Durham, N.C.; Eng- lish, A.B.; Student Counselor, Sigma Tau Delta.

LASSITER, GLENN M., Raleigh, N.C.; In- dustrial Technology, B.S.P.; Freshman Class Senator, Summer School Legislator, Sophomore Class President, Foreign Films Committee, Chairman; Executive Committee, Ring Commit- tee, Social Standards Committee, Dean's Ad- visory Council, Junior Class President, Men's Residence Council, Floor Representative, Enter- tainment Committee, Secretary; Fine Arts Com- mittee, Lecture Committee, Associated Arts Board, Phi Alpha Sigma Campus Service Com- mittee, Chairman; Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

LASSITER, NANCY K., Boykins, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

LAUB, JEANNE S., Charlotte, N.C.; Music, B.M.E.; Sigma Alpha Iota, Concert Choir, Marching Pirates, Music Educator's National Conference, Chapel Choir.

LAUGHINGHOUSE, CHARLES F., Greenville, N.C.; Business, B.S.B.A.

LAUGHLIN, ARRINGTON J., Greenville, N.C.; History, B.S.

LAUMANN, JAMES T., Jacksonville, N.C; Geography, A.B.; Marching Pirates, Varsity Band, Symphonic Band, Phi Mu Alpha. LAW, JERRY D., Mobile, Ala.; Psychology, A.B.; Psychology Club, Soccer Team. LAWRENCE, EDWARD W., Rockingham, N.C; Education, B.S.; Student National Education

"Old world, we cannot hold thee close enough.



LAWSON, NANCY R., Durham, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Counselor, Tau Pi Upsilon, Honor Council, Attorney General; Student Nurses Association, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Vice President; College Marshal. LEBLANC, JANE H., Scituate, Mass.; Spanish,- A.B.; Alpha Omicron Pi, Women's Recreation Association.

LEBLOND, RANDALL P., Swansboro, N.C.; Mathematics, A.B.; East Carolina Bowling League, President; Gamma Beta Phi, Reporter; Mathematics Club, Treasurer; Physics Club. LEE, ANNA C, Asheville, N.C.; Art Education, B.S.

LEE, JANE A., Goldsboro, N.C.; Sociology, A.B.

LEE, SANDRA J., Richlands, N.C.; English, B.S.; Student National Education Association. LEE, SARAH J., Oriental, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.

LEGGETT, CAROLYN J., Pinetown, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Chap- ter, Student National Education Association, Dormitory Vice President.

LEGGETT, DONNA Y., Oxford, N.C.; Special Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Educa- tion.

LESTER, THOMAS H., Orange, Va.; Psy- chology, A.B.; Chi Beta Phi, Virginia Students Club, Vice President.

LEWIS, BRENDA T., Randleman, N.C.; Li- brary Science and History, B.S.; Library Science, History Club.

LEWIS, JOANNE C, Beaufort, S.C; Biology, A.B.; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Sem- inar, Chi Beta Phi, Pledge Master, Vice Presi- dent; Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Candidate. LEWIS, LARRY E., Warsaw, Va.; Business Administration, B.S. P.; Delta Sigma Pi. LEWIS, LAWRENCE H., JR., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; History, B.S.; Alpha Phi Omega, Cor- responding Secretary; Freshman Golf, Varsity Golf, Intramurals.

LEWIS, SUSAN T., Arlington, Pa.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Vice President; Women's House Council.

LILLY, SAMUEL B., Newport, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Honor Council, Freshman and Varsity Basketball, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Physical Education Majors Club, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Vice President, President; Phi Sigma Pi, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

LINDENMUTH, DEBORAH A., Media, Pa.; Physical Education, B.S.

LINDSEY, WILLIAM H., FayetteviUe, N.C.; Chemistry, A.B.; Intramural Volleyball, Intra- mural Baseball, ROTC, Drill Team, Com- mander; Wrestling, Student Affiliate American Chemistry Society, Treasurer; Premedical So- ciety, Treasurer, Vice President; Psychology Club.

LIPPINCOTT, MARY A., Fredericksburg, Va.; Sociology, A.B.; Psi Chi, Sociology Club, House Council, Women's Residence Council, Dormitory President.

LITTLE, BETSY B., Hertford, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.

LITTLE, BRENDA L., Laurel Hill, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Freshman Class Sen- ator, American Home Economics Association, University Union, Buccaneer, Student Govern- ment Association.

LITTLE, DONALD P., JR., Capron, Va.; Psy- chology, A.B.; Mathematics Club, Psychology Club.

LOGEMANN, ERNEST V., Rapidan, Va.; His- tory, B.S.; Marching Pirates, Phi Mu Alpha,

Social Committee, Pledge Committee. LORD, JANETTE E., Lexington, Va.; English, A.B.

LORENZ, PATRICIA A., Wise, N.C.; Biology, A.B.

LOSEE, CAROL A., Falls Church, Va.; Interior Design, B.F.A.

LOVE, MARY D., Concord, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda.

LOWE, JANET H., WiUiamsburg, Va.; Soci- ology, A.B.; Alpha Kappa Delta, Vice Presi- dent; Sociology Club.

LUCAS, ALICE D., Halifax, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; Alpha Onficron Pi, Philanthropic Chair- man; Gamma Beta Phi, East Carolinian, Wom- en's Recreation Association, Chi Beta Phi, Uni- versity Union, Faculty Evaluation Committee. LUECK KERRY W., Falls Church, Va.; Eng- lish, A.B.; Soccer Team.

LYDA, ELIZABETH L., Asheville, N.C.; Music, B.M.E.; Marching Pirates, Varsity Band, Sym- phonic Band, Women's Glee Club, University Chorale, Student Counselor, Music Educator's National Conference.

MACEMORE, ALBERT D., Jonesville, N.C.; Business, B.S.

MAGGIOLO, JUDITH S., Babylon, N.J.; Edu- cation, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation.

MALLARD, HARRY C, JR., PoUocksville, N.C.; Elementary Education, B.S.; Psychology Qub, Student National Education Association, President.

MANNING. VICTOR E., Newport, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.B.A.

MANSFIELD, BARBARA B., Raleigh, N.C.; History, B.S.

MARSHALL, INA K., Burlington, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S. ; Women's Glee Club, Vice President; Alpha Xi Delta, Pledge Trainer, Vice President, Best Pledge; Summer School Student Government Association Legislator, Stu- dent Counselor, Dormitory President, Hall Proc- tor, House Council.

MARTIN, CHARLES C, JR., Jamesville, N.C.; Business Administration, B.A. MARTIN, PATRICIA L., Concord, N.C.; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurses' Association. MARTIN, SARAH L., Williamston, N.C.; Ac- counting, B.S. P.; Chapel Hill Chorus, Physical Therapy Club, Public Speaking and Debate. MARTIN, WM. N., Washington, N.C.; Psy- chology, A.B.; Men's Residence Council, La- crosse, Freshman Football, Psychology Club, Physical Education Club.

MASON, PATRICIA J., Shawboro, N.C.; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Physical Education Majors Club, Dormitory Vice Presi- dent, Phi Epsilon Mu, Historian. MASSENGILL, SUSAN H., Elizabeth City, N.C. ; Primary Education, B.S. MASSEY, JOAN M., Pleasant, N.C; Elemen- tary Education, B.S.; Student National Educa- tion Assoication.

MATHEWS, DONALD G., Caniden, N.C; Phy- sical Education, B.S.

MAULDIN, TULIA A., Dunn, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Association. MAUSER, EDWARD A., JR., Hampton, Va.; Geography, A.B. ; Freshman and Varsity Foot- ball, Monogram Club.

MAXWELL, ELKE B., Greenville, N.C; Psy- chology, A.B.; Psi Chi, Psychology Club. MAYER, KENNETH C, Newport, N.C; In- dustrial Arts, B.S.; Epsilon Pi Tau. McCaffrey, DAVID L., jr., Wilmington, Del.; Accounting, B.S.; University Union Bowl- ing Team, Phi Beta Lambda. MacCANDLESS, BETTY D., Vanceboro, N.C; Business, B.S.; King Youth Fellowship, Vice

President, Secretary; Student Counselor, Home- coming Representative, Society for the Advance- ment of Management, Secretary; Pi Omega Pi, Historian.

McCHESNEY, JAMES D., Charleston, W. Va.; Chemistry, A.B.; American Chemistry Society. McCLENNY, DENNIS K., Goldsboro, N.C; Psychology and Education, A.B.; Freshman Football, Psychology Club, Varsity Football. McCLUSKEY, PHYLLIS L., Greensboro, N.C; Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association of Childhood Educa- tion, Women's Chorus.

McCOMBS, MARVIN, HI, Statesville, N.C; Industrial Technology, B.S.P.; Kappa Alpha Order.

McCOMBS, NEALE R., JR., Kannapolis, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Dormitory President, Lt. Governor; Men's Residence Coun- cil, Society for Advancement of Management. McCRAW, MONTE F., Hopewell, Va.; Geogra- phy, B.S.; Gamma Theta Upsilon, Treasurer. McCULLEN, ANNIE R., Clinton, N.C; Music Education, B.M.E.; Chapel Choir, Women's Glee Club, University Chorale, Music Education National Council.

McCULLEN, AUDREY B., Hampstead, N.C; Mathematics and Psychology, A.B. McCULLEN, LILLIAN I., Tarboro, N.C; En- glish, B.S.; King Youth Fellowship. McDANIEL, JANET E., FayetteviUe, N.C; Primary Education, A.B. ; Student National Education Association, Association for Child- hood Education.

McDUFFIE, HEIDI M., Princeton, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S. ; King Youth Fellow- ship, Historian; American Childhood Education, Vice President.

McGRATH, MARK J., Lowell, Mass.; History, B.S.

McINERNEY, ROBERT J., SomerviUe, N.J.; Business Administration, B.S.P. McINNIS, REBECCA L., Sanford, N.C; His- tory, B.S.

McKEEL, SHERYL ANN, Graham, N.C; Eng- lish, B.S. ; Student National Education As- sociation, Angel Flight, Outstanding Pledge Award; Buccaneer, Alpha Beta Alpha. McLAMB, HARRY C, JR., Newton Grove, N.C; Music, B.M.E.; Marching Band, Orches- tra, Symphonic Band, Phi Mu Alpha. McLAMB, NANCY L., Chesapeake, Va.; Music Education, B.M.E.; Music Education National Council, Marching Pirates, Orchestra, Varsity Band, Symphonic Band, University Chorale, Sigma Alpha Iota.

McLAURIN, BRENDA I., Goldsboro, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.

McLEAN, DORIS F., Hampton, Va.; Psychol- ogy, A.B. ; Psychology Club. McMAHON, VINCENT K.. Washington, D.C; Business Administration, B.S. McNeill, WM. D., Washington, N.C; Indus- trial Technology, B.S.

McRAE, FLORA A., Rowland, N.C; Commer- cial Art, B.S.

MEADOWS, PAMELA R., Kinston, N.C; Busi- ness, A.B.; Student Counselor, Alpha Xi Delta, Social Chairman.

MEDLIN, PAMELA B., Albemarle, N.C; Grammar Education and Library Science, B.S.; Women's Glee Club, Secretary; Library Club, Alpha Beta Alpha, Reporter; Student National Education Association, House Council. MEGINNIS, SYLVIA J., Rockingham, N.C; Speech, B.S.; East Carolina Playhouse. MELVIN, ROBERT P., Statesville, Ga.; Eng- lish, A.B.; Phi Beta Lambda, Young Re- publicans, East Carolinian, Advertising Manager.


Senior Directory

MENDENHALL, MARIA, Williamston, N.C.; English, B.S.

MERRITT, LINDA E., Wake Forest, N.C.; Art, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Delta Phi Delta, President; National Society of Interior De- signers, Treasurer.

MEWBORN, DOUGLASS E.. Goldsboro, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Alpha Kappa Psi, President, Secretary; Men's Glee Club. Intramural Athletics.

MILLER, ARNOLD L., Lexington, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.P.; Phi Beta Lambda, Society for Advancement of Management. MILLER, BOBBYE A., Beulaville, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Woman's Chorus, Var- sity Band.

MILLER, DONALD C, Winston-Salem, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; Freshman Orientation Coun- selor, Popular Entertainment Committee, Psy- chology Club, Faculty Evaluation. MILLER, JAMES A., Ahron, Pa.; Accounting, B.S.P.; University Union Bowling League, Delta Sigma Pi, Fraternity Bowling League, Phi Beta Lambda.

MILLER, JANICE B., Washington, N.C.; Health, Physical Education, B.S.; North Caro- lina Education Association, Student National Education Association, Physical Education Ma- jors Club, American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Phi Epsilon Mu, Women's Recreation Association, Fletcher House Council.

MILLS, BARBARA J., Apex, N.C.; History, B.S.; Student National Education Association. MILLS, BRENDA G., Durham, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.

MINTON, CHARLES E., Nags Head, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.A. MINTZ, GARY M., Graham, N.C.; Physics, A.B.

MITCHELL, BINGHAM, JR., Aulander, N.C.; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Physical Education Majors Club, Men's Program Chair- man, North Carolina Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation. MITCHELL, MIRIAM G., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Education and History, B.S.; Senior Class Vice President, Alpha Phi, Panhellenic Council, Secretary; History Club, Student National Edu- cation Association, Foreign Films Committee, Women's Recreation Association, Panhellenic Delegate to Women's Residence Council. MITCHON, KATHERINE E., Statesville, N.C.; Art, B.S.; Sigma Sigma Sigma. MOBLEY, NETTIE M., Williamston, N.C.; Math, B.S.; Student Education Association, Chi Beta Phi.

MOHN, FREDERICK H., Richlands, N.C.; "^Political Science, A.B.; Men's Glee Club. MONDS, JOHN P., Hertford, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; North Carolina Wesleyan Singers, As- pects, Phi Sigma Pi, Psi Chi. MONK, SIDNEY B., Goldsboro, N.C.; Business, A.B.

MONNES, JAMES B., McLean, Va.; Business, B.S.; East Carolina Surf Team, Intramurals. MONROE, ORVILLE N., Rocky Mount, N.C.; Business, B.S.M.; Phi Sigma Pi, Alpha Kappa Psi, President; Freshman-Sophomore Honors Program, Men's Judiciary; Alpha Kappa Psi, President.

MOORE, BOYCE S., Cleveland, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.P.; Student Legislature, Honor Council, Men's Residence Council, Treas- urer, Vice-President; Dean's Advisory Council, Student Government Association, Treasurer, President; ff^ho's Who In American Colleges and Universities. MOORE, CAROL S., Chesapeake, Va.; Soci-

ology, A.B.; Student Counselor, Sociology Club, Secretary; Woman's Hall.

MOORE, CAROLYN P., Kannapolis, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.

MOORE, JANET T., Tarboro, N.C.; Elementary Education, B.S.

MOORE, LEVY E., Tarboro, N.C.; History, A.B.

MOORE, LINDA S., Swansboro, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Phi Upsilon Omicron, Re- porter, Vice-President; Home Economics Club, Student Counselor.

MOORE, PHILLIP R.. Washington, N.C.; In- dustrial Technology, B.S.

MOOREFIELD, ARTHUR W., YanceyviUe, N.C.; History, B.S.

MOORING, STEVEN F., Maury, N.C.; Indus- trial Education, B.S. ; Industrial-Technical Edu- cation Club, Epsilon Pi Tau, Reporter. MORRISON, JAMES W., Westtown, N.Y.; Geography, A.B.

MORTON, SUSAN W., Hubert. N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.

MOSELEY, MARY L., Winterville, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

MOYE, PEGGY A., Windsor, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.

MOYER, LYNDA J., Springfield, Va.; Drama, B.F.A.; East Carolina Playhouse, Concert Choir, National Collegiate Players. MURDOCK, JEROLD P., Henderson, N.C.; History, B.S.

MURPHY, FRANCES A., Kinston, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Orientation Coun- selor, Student Government Association, Day Student Representative; Student Party, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Entertainment Committee; Elec- tions Committee, Student National Education Association. -MURPHY, HERSCHEL, G., Wilson, N.C.; Political Science, A.B.

MURRAY, JOAN A., Greenville, N.C.; Art, B.F.A., Commercial Art Club, College Artist of the School of Art.

MURRAY, STEPHEN R., Greenville, N.C.; Business Law and Real Estate, B.S.B.A.; Delta Sigma Pi, President; College Union Commit- tee, Intermural Bowling League. MUSGROVE, SANDRA F., Jacksonville, N.C.; Elementary Education, B.S.; Young Republican Executive Council, Newman Club, Buccaneer, Academic Editor.

MYLUM, JANE, Wilson, N.C.; Art Education, B.S.

MYRICK, JUDITH A., Carthage, N.C.; Nurs- ing, B.S.N., Student Nurses' Association, Dor- mitory Proctor.

NARRON, SAMUEL R., Middlesex, N.C.; Business, A.B.; Baseball.

NEAL, ANNE B., Henderson, N.C; Science Education. B.S.; American Chemical Society, Chi Beta Phi, Student Counselor. NEAL, JAMES P., Wilson, N.C; History,. B.S. NEAL, JOHN E., Greensboro, N.C; Chemistryf A.B.; Freshman Wrestling, American Chemical Society, President; Chi Beta Phi, President. NEELY, FULTON R., Clinton, N.C; Business, A.B. ; East Carolinian, Advertising Manager; Intramural Basketball and Softball, Young Re- publicans Club.

NELMS, DONALD M., Spring Hope, N.C; Geography, A.B.

NELSON, DONALD M., Spring Hope, N.C; Geography, A.B.

NELSON, RICHARD S., Atlantic, N.C; Busi- ness Administration. B.S. Phi Beta Lambda, Young Republicans Club.

NELSON, WALLACE V. JR., Wagram, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.A., Sigma Nu. NETTLES, WILLIAM M., Hampton, Virginia; Mathematics, B.S.

NEWBERN, ANTHONY E., Elizabeth City, N.C; Mathematics, A.B.

NICHOLS, NANCY A., Charlotte, N.C; Edu- cation, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation, American Childhood Education. NICHOLS, STEPHEN C, Norwood, N.C; Psychology.

NOBLE, JUDY C, Deep Run, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S.; Dormitory Proctor, Angel Flight, Pledge Secretray, Social Committee. NOLAN, RUSSELL E. JR., Fredricksburg, Va.; Business, B.S.A. ; Soda Shop, Student Manager. NORRELL, JANET M., Liberty, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.

NORWOOD, JOHN S., Black Mountain, N.C; Physical Education, B.S.

NUTTER, SANDR.A L., Vienna, Virginia; His- tory, A.B.

OBER, BOBBY S., Edenton, N.C; Business Education, B.S.; Freshman Scholarship Award, Young Republican Club, Secretary; Student National Education Association, Phi Beta Lambda, Beta Kappa Chi, President; Pi Omega Pi, President, National Officer; Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. OLEARY, HARRIET E., Warsaw, N.C; Li- brary Science, Geography, B.S.; Buccanneer, Student National Education Association, Li- brary Club, Alpha Beta Alpha. OLIVER, ALICE A., Creswell, N.C; Library Science, B.S.; Library Club. OLSEN, RICHARD P., Belle Mead, N.J.; Physics, A.B.; Mathematics Club, Student Sec- tion of American Institute of Physics, Presi- dent; University Union Bowling League. ONEAL, HELEN F., Steadman, N.C; English, B.S.

ORCHARD, HAYS W., McLean, Virginia; Mathematics, B.S.; Air Force ROTC, East Carolina Honor Drill Team, Arnold Air So- ciety, Chaplin, Operations Officer; General Dynamics Award, East Carolina Handgun Club, Treasurer; Floor Manager, Men's Honor Coun- cil, Investigator; Men's Judiciary, Attorney General; Intramurals.

ORMAND. ROBERT A., Conover, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.P.; Kappa Sigma. ORMAND, SHELOR W., Hickory, N.C, Busi- ness Education, B.S.; Modern Dance Club, Dormitory Social Committee. ORMSBY, THOMAS E., Southern Pines, N.C; Business, B.S.B.A.; Society for Advancement of Management.

OVERTON, BECKY H., Greenville, N.C; Mathematics, B.S.; Mathematics Cub. OVERTON, BOBBY E., Kittrell, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S.; Delta Sigma Pi. ^SS^WEN, RAY W., Newport News, Va.; Po- litical Science and Philosophy, A.B.; Orienta- tion Counselor, Law Club, Men's Judiciary, Chairman; Phi Kappa Tau, President, Vice President, Parliament, I.F.C Delegate; Soph- omore Class Parliamentarian and Treasurer; State Student Legislature Delegate, Model United Nations Delegate, Model Security Coun- cil Delegate, President's Cabinet, Secretary of External Affairs; Student Government Associ- ation Committees, United Nations, Delegate to Collegiate Council, State Chairman. PADERICK, EFFIE G., Kinston, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Educational Association, American Childhood Education, Free Will Baptist Fellowship.


PAISLEY, LARRY G., McLean, Virginia; Busi- ness, B.S.A. ; Freshman Homecoming Committee, "Greeks Speak", Editor; Kappa Sigma, Presi- dent, Secretary; Inter-Fraternity Council, Deans Advisory Board, Intramurals. PARAMORE, KENNETH R., Grimesland, N.C.; Business, B.S.B.A.; Society for Advancement of Management, Gamma Beta Phi. PARHAM, MICHAEL J., Nathalie, Virginia; Physical Education, B.S.

PARKER, BILLIE S., Four Oaks, N.C.; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Student Counselor, Gamma Beta Phi, Student National Education Association.

PARKER, ERNEST L., Harkers Island, N.C.; Industrial Arts, B.S.P., Kappa Alpha, Industrial Arts Club, Basketball.

PARKER, WM. MORRIS, WiUiamston, N.C.; Music, B.M.; Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Phi Mu Alpha, Corresponding Secretary; Sax- ophone Ensemble, Music Educators National Conference, State Convention. PARKS, JAMES H., Roanoke Rapids, N.C.; Business Administration, B.C. PARKS, JAMES J., Raeford, N.C.; History, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Phi Alpha Theta, Young Democrats Club, History Club, Dor- mitory Proctor.

PARRISH, JAMES W., Lakeland, Fla.; Music Education, B.M. ; Varsity Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Marching Pirates, Con- cert Choir, Brass Choir.

PARSONS, GREGORY W., Bethel, Conn.; His- tory, A.B.; Karate Club, Judo Club, Intramural, Softball and Football.

PARTIN, THOMAS L., Scotland Neck, N.C.; Industrial Arts, A.B.; Industrial Arts Club, Phi Sigma Pi, Epsilon Pi Tau.

PEARCE, LUCRETIA G., Zebulon, N.C; In- terior Design, B.F.A. ; National Society for In- terior Designers, Secretary; Delta Phi Delta, Vice President.

PEARCE, ROY N., Franklington, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.A. PEELE, MICHAEL A., WiUiamston, N.C; His- tory, A.B.

PELT, ALICE K., Goldsboro, N.C; Education, B.S.

PERKINSON, JAMES L., JR., Littleton, N.C; Industrial and Technical Education, B.S.; Alpha Phi Omega, Pledgemaster; Industrial and Tech- nical Education Club.

PERKINSON, JOHN L., Roanoke Rapids, N.C; English, B.S.

PERMAR, RUFUS H., JR., Greensboro, N.C; Business, B.S.B.A.; Freshman and Varsity Golf. PERRY, JOYCE M., Elizabeth City, N.C; English, A.B.; Freshman Honors Seminar, Sigma Tau Delta, Pledge Trainer, Publicity Chair- man; International Films Committee, Alpha Delta Pi, Registrar, Rush Chairman; Everyman Cast, Model United Nations Page. PEAFF, HOWARD R., Asheville, N.C; In- dustrial and Technical Education, B.S.; Alpha Phi Omega, Industrial Arts Club. PFAFF, HOWARD R., Asheville, N.C; In- Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

-PHILLIPS, BAXTER F., Colonial Heights, Va., Political Science, A.B.; Model United Nations, Track, Concert Choir.

PICKARD, DONNA L., Durham, N.C, Psy- chology, A.B. ; Psychology Club.

=LIERCE, DON L, JR., New Bern, N.C; Po- litical Science, E.B. ; Varsity Lacrosse, Karate Team, Model United Nations Delegate, Spirit Committee, Student Government Association, Popular Entertainment Committee, Cheerleader,

Buccaneer, East Carolinian. PIERCE, HAL W., Princeton, N.C, Math- ematics, A.B.; Mathematics Club. PIERCE, JIMMY G., JR., Colerain, N.C; History, B.S.

PILAND, MARVIN S., Lacrosse, Va., Music, B.M.E.: Symphonic Band, Marching Pirates, Drum Major, Phi Mu Alpha, Alumni Secretary; Vice President of Bands, Orchestra, Music Edu- cators National Conference.

PISTNER, NETA M., Teachey, N.C; Sociology and Science, A.B.; Women's Intramurals, New- man Club, Secretary; American Chemical So- ciety, Secretary; Sociology Club. PITTARD, BEVERLY J., Prospect Hill, N.C; English, B.S.

PITTARD, MICHAEL L., Charlotte, N.C, Music, B.M.E.; Concert Choir, Opera Theater, Music Educators National Conference. PITTARD, RUTH W., Conover, N.C; English, B.S.

PITTMAN, HAROLD H., Selma, N.C, Busi- ness, B.S.

PLUNTI, CHARLES D., Wilmington, Del.; Accounting, B.S.P.; Phi Beta Lambda, Canter- bury Club.

POFFENBAUGH, PATSY A., Netherlands; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Association for Childhood Education, Newman Club.

POLLARD. LARRY G., Tarboro, N.C; History, A.B. ; Phi Sigma Tau, President. POOT, JOHN R., Greenville, N.C; History, A.B.; East Carolina Playhouse, Opera Theatre, Men's Chorus, Circle K.

POPE, ROBERT W., JR., Lucama, N.C, Phys- ical Education, B.S.; Physical Education Majors Club.

PORTER, MICHAEL W., Benson, N.C, Eng- lish, A.B.

POSEY, MICHAEL 0., Greenville, N.C; Psy- chology, A.B.; Newman Club, Publicity Chair- man, President; Phi Epsilon Pi, Historian; Poetry Forum, Varsity Soccer Team. POSTON, RUSSELL E., Alexandria, Va., Busi- ness, B.S.A.

POWELL, BARBARA L., Thomasville, N.C, Primary Education, B.S.; Women's Recreation Association, Model United Nations Page, Alpha Delta Pi, Recreation Chairman; Student Na- tional Education Association Homecoming Com- mittee.

POWELL, DONNA G., George N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Edu- cation.

POWELL, MARTHA A., Rowland, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Freshman Cheerleader, Student Legislature, Orientation Counselor, Chi Omega, Student National Education Association. POWELL, WILLIAM H., Princess Anna, Md.; Accounting, B.S.B.A.; Phi Beta Lambda, Young Democrats.

PRESSLEY, CHARLES C, Greenville, N.C; Business, A.B.; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Co-captain Soccer Team, Chess Team.

PRIMM, SANDRA G., Hampton, Va.; Grammar Education, B.S.

PRINCE, WILLIAM H., Exmore, Va.; Physical Education, B.S. ; Football.

PRITCHARD, VIDA R., Elizabeth City, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association.

PRITCHETT, NONA B., Southern Pines, N.C; History, A.B. ; Rebel.

PUGLIA, JOSEPH JR., Sumter, S.C; Biology, A.B.

PYNE, NEIL L, Charlotte, N.C; Business Management, B.S.; Alpha Epsilon Pi. QUINTON, SANDRA K., Edenton, N.C, Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association.

RABHAN, SANDRA R., Jamestown, N.C; Sociology, A.B.; East Carolinian, Features Editor; Sociology Club, Canterbury, Young Democrats Club.

RACKLEY, BARBARA K., Farmville, N.C; History, B.S.

RAINES, KATHRYN A., Goldsboro, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

RAMSEY, HAZEL J.; Salisbury, N.C; English, B.S.; Sociology Club, Student National Edu- cation Association.

RAND, ROBERT A., Goldsboro, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.

RAVELLI, JOHN WM., Jacksonville, N.C; Business Administration, B.S. RAYNOR, DAVID K., Suffolk, Va.; Business Administration, A.B., Phi Kappa Tau, Rush Chairman, Sergeant at Arms, Publicity Chair- man; Vice-President Sophomore Class, Men's Judiciary, Secretary; Men's Honor Council, Homecoming Queens Chairman, Orientation Counselor, Assistant Chairman; East Carolina Law Society, Secretary and Treasurer; Model United Nations Delegate, Merit Scholarship Committee.

REEL, ALICE J., Fair Bluff, N.C, Mathe- matics and Library Science, B.S. ; Student Coun- selor, Gamma Beta Phi, Baptist Student Union, Association of Computer Machinery. REINHOLD, GERALD S., Ephrata, Pa., Busi- ness Administration, B.S.B.A. RETTIG, JOHN S., Morris Plains, N.J.; General Business, B.S.

REYNOLDS, CHARLES K., HendersonviUe, N.C; Business Administration, B.S. REYNOLDS, ELIZABETH W., Macclesfield, N.C; Primary Education, B.S. ; Association for Childhood Education, Student National Edu- cation Association, Student Government Repre- sentative.

REYNOLDS, THOMAS H., Grandview, Texas; Physical Education, B.S. ; Aycock Dorm, Vice- President; Physical Education Major's Club. RHEM, SARA C LEWIS, Grifton, N.C; Math, B.S. ; Freshman Honor Program, Honorary Math Fraternity.

RHODES, MARTHA L, Lenoir, N.C; Library Science, B.S.; Student National Education As- sociation, Alpha Beta Alpha. RHODES, WILLIAM E., Matthews, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.

RHYNE, JO A., Charlotte, N.C; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Counselor, Westminister Fellow, ship. Student Nurse's Association, Vice-Presi- dent.

RICHARDSON, JOHN R., Hopewell, Va.; Busi- ness, B.S.P.; Air Force R.O.T.C RICHARDSON, SHARON A., Petersburg, Va.; Psychology, A.B.

RIFFLE, GAIL W., Jacksonville, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S.; Student Counselor, Pi Omega Pi, Phi Beta Lambda.

RIORDAN, CLIFFORD T., Chicago, Ill.; In- dustrial Technology, B.S.P.; Crew Team. ROBERSON, DONNA KAY, Lawrence, N.C; Psychology, A.B.; Alpha Delta Pi, Chaplain; Panhellenic, Vice-President; East Carolinian, Chi Beta Phi, Psi Chi, Psychology Club. ROBERSON, ETHEL C, Louisburg, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Association for Childhood Education.


Senior Directory

ROBERTS, ADRIAN R., JR., Mount Olive, N.C.; Education, B.S.; Men's Honor Council, East Carolina Resources Scholarship, Phi Sigma Pi, Secretary; Gamma Beta Phi, Historian; Phi Mu Alpha, Student National Education As- sociation, Student Government Representative, Men's Residence Council, Senator; Math Honors Program, English Honors Seminar, Merit Scholar's Welcoming Committee. ROBERTS, BOBBY E., Willow Springs, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Air Force R.O.T.C, Arnold Air Society, Phi Epsilon Kappa. ROBERTS, TERRELL R., Candor, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.

ROBERTSON, BERNARD P., Jackson, N.C.; Business, B.S. A.; Society for Advancement of Management, Crew Team.

ROBERTSON, KENNETH L., Leaksville, N.C.; Geography, A.B.

ROBERTSON, REGINA S., Aberdeen, N.C.; History, B.S.

ROBINSON, BRYAN E., Belmont, N.C.; Psy- chology, A.B.; Sociology Club, Psychology Club, East Carolina Tutors.

ROBINSON, GEORGE L., JR., Fayetteville, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda.

ROCKWELL, DENNIS K., Wilmington, DeL; Elementary Education, B.S.; Theta Chi. ROESCH, MARILYN L., Alexandria, Va.; Pri- mary Education, B.S. ; Student National Edu- cation Association, Alpha Omicron Pi, Newman Club, Women's Recreation Association, Uni- versity Union.

ROGERS, BONNIE B., Timberlake, N.C.; Edu- cation, B.S. ; Student National Education Assoc- iation, Young Democrat's Club. ROGERS, SANDRA A., Williamston, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club. ROGERS, WM. JAMES, Warrenton, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.A.; Alpha Phi Omega,~ Vice-President, Treasurer.

ROLLINS, DONNA G., Wake Forest, N.C.; Business, A.B. ; Buccaneer, Student Government Association, Foreign Films Committee, Dormi- tory Social Chairman, Phi Beta Lambda, Re- porter; Alpha Delta Pi, Corresponding Secre- tary; Homecoming Representative, "My Fair Lady".

ROSE, CARL R., Smithfield, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S. ; Arnold Air Society, Commander; Air Force ROTC, Information Officer; Color Guard, Commander; Men's Glee Club, East Carolinian, Mathematics Club, Flight Instruc- tion Program. -;^^=^tOSE, ROBERT K., Kenly, N.C., Political Science. A.B.; Air Force R.O.T.C, Drill Team, Arnold Air Society.

ROSEMAN, PAUL M., JR., Rocky Mount, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.B.A.; Lambda Chi Alpha, Treasurer; Inter-Fraternity, Council. ROSEN, SUSAN F., Roanoke, Va.; Primary Education, B.S. ; Hebrew Youth Fellowship, Student National Education Association. ROSENBAUM, PHILIP D., Greenville, N.C.; Business, A.B.; Alpha Kappa Psi, Men's Resi- dence Council, Society for the Advancement of Management.

ROSS, HENRY A., JR., Hubert, N.C.; Music, B.M. ; Chapel Choir, Concert Choir, Marching Pirates, Music Educators National Conference, Phi Mu Alpha, Fine Arts Committee, Opera Theater.

ROTHERMICH, TERRY P., St. Charles, Missouri; Music, B.M.; Phi Mu Alpha, Music Educators National Conference, Fidelio Society. ROUGHTON, EDGAR G., Gaston, N.C.; Busi- ness B.S.P.; East Carolinian.

ROUNTREE, RUTH E.; Women Recreation Association, Student National Education As- sociation.

ROUSE, WALTER A., Kinston, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.; Men's Residence Council, Judiciary Chairman.

ROWLAND, FLOYD M., JR., Blanche, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S. RUMBLEY, MARGARET S., Greenville, N.C.; Institution Management, B.S.; Chi Beta Phi, Home Economics Chapter, Phi U Colony, Presi- dent; Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

RUTLEDGE, FRED A., Atlanta, Ga.; Pre-Med, Chemistry, A.B.; Pre-Med Society, President; Tutor Society, Intramural Baseball, American Chemistry Society.

SALENIUS, HOWARD G., Greenville, N.C.; History, A.B.; Young Republicans Club, Chair- man; Model United Nations Delegation, Men's Judiciary, Vice Chairman; Phi Alpha Theta, Men's Honor Council, Chairman; Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. SANDERLIN, BRENDA L., Shawboro, B.S.; Primary Education, B.S. ^ASSER, PAUL L., Mount Olive, N.C.; Po- '^tical Science, A.B.; Political Science Club, Organization Committee; Psychology Club. SATCHELL, LOU E., Easton, Md.; Accounting, B.S.B.A.

SAUL, CAROL A., Glassboro, N.J.; Sociology, A.B.; Aquanymphs, Wesley Foundation, Soci- ology Club.

SAUNDERS, RONALD L., Bedford, Va.; His- tory, B.S.

SAUNDERS, STEPHEN D., Greenville, N.C.; Biology, B.S.; Science Club, Pres-Medical So- ciety, Dormitory Officer.

SAUNDERS, THEODRE F., Charlotte, N.C.; Psychology, A.B.; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Recorder; Psi Chi, Psychology Club.

SAVAGE, JACKIE L., Spring Hope, N.C.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S. ; Pi Beta Lambda. SAWYER, JUDITH S., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse's Association. SCHALL, KAREN L., Raleigh, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Aquanymphs, North Carolina Education.

SCHECTER, ROGER N., Greensboro, N.C.; Biology, B.S.

SCHIAVONE, JOSEPH A., Arlington, Va.; Geology, B.S.; Theta Chi.

SCOTT. ANNE G., Richmond, Va.; Education, B.S.

SEAMAN, BARBARA S.; McLean, Va.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

SEBESAN, Dennis J., Claymont, Del.; Busi- ness, Accounting, B.S. ; Sigma Chi Delta, Treas- urer.

SEIGLER, MARIE L, Reidsville, N.C.; Home Eccnomics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Stu- dent National Education Association. SETARO, TERESA A., Dallas, Tex.; Psy- chology, A.B.; Psychology Club, Sociology Club, Psi Chi, Chi Beta Phi.

SETTLE, DAVID M., Winston-Salem, N.C.; History, B.S.

SHANNON LESLIE K., Wilmington, N.C.; Education, B.C.; Student National Education Association, Alpha Delta Pi, Vice President, Chairman; Women's Recreation Association, Pi Kappa Alpha, Dream Girl.

SHAW, KENNETH W., Durham, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.

SHEARIN, LYNN R., Raleigh, N.C.; Art, B.S.; Aquanymphs, Homecoming Committee, Foreign Films Committee, Spirit Committee, Dormitory

President, Women's Judiciary, Women's Resi- dence Council, Constitution Committee. SHELTON, BENNETT D., Durham, N.C.; Eng- lish, A.B.; King Youth Fellowship, Traveling Quartet.

SHELTON, JUDY H., Atlanta, Ga.; Primary Education, B.S.; Women's Judiciary, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Recording Secretary, House Man- ager; Student National Education Association, Aquanymphs.

SHEPHERD, JOHN F., Statesville, N.C.; Geog- raphy, B.S. ; Freshman Wrestling, Theta Chi, "Keeper of Light"; Cheerleader, Gamma Theta Epsilon.

SHEPPARD, CAROLYN J., Washington, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; East Carolinian, Home Economics Club. -SHIELDS, FRED W., JR., F? yetteville, .N.C.; Political Science, A.B.

SHOAF, MELINDA G., Burlington, N.C.; Soci- ology, A.B. ; Young Democrats, Student Na- tional Education Association. SHORE, PAMELA K., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Education, B.S.; Alpha Phi, Rush Chairman; Women's Recreation Association. SHORT, HAROLD M., Charlotte, N.C.; Mathe- matics, A.B.; Mathematics Club, Vice Presi- dent; Physics Club.

SHUFFLER, JIMMIE N., New Bern, N.C.; Business, A.B. ; Varsity Football. SIMMONS, RODERICK A., Roanoke Rapids, N.C.; Business, B.S.

SLEDGE, ROGER L, Louisburg, N.C.; Chem- istry, B.S.

SLOAN, SHARON G., Winston-Salem, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Student National Edu- cation Association; Dormitory Treasurer.

The campus certainly looks quiet at night


SMALL, HARRIET B., Edenton, N.C.; English. B.S.

SMITH, BRENDA L., Mount Olive, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Delta Zeta, Rush Chair- man, Recording Secretary; Library Science Club, Buccaneer, Alpha Beta Alpha. SMITH, CHARLES K., Scotland Neck, N.C.; Mathematics, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Treasurer; Mathematics Club.

SMITH, GENE S., Vanceboro, N.C.; Geography, A.B.

SMITH, JERRY R., Monroe, N.C.; Business, B.S.P.; Pi Kappa Alpha, Historian; Society for Advancement of Management, University Party. SMITH, JOHN M., Greensboro, N.C.; Psy. chology, A.B.

SMITH, PATSY G., Burlington, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Women's Recreation Associ- ation, Treasurer; Alpha Phi, Song Chairman. SMITH, ROSA J., Greenville, N.C.; Nursing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse's Association, Chi Omega. SMITH, SHEILA O., Charlotte, N.C.; Art, B.F.A.; National Society for Interior Designers, Vice President; Alpha Phi, Panhellenic Treas- urer.

SNEED, SARA A., Oxford, N.C.; Elementary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Home Economics Club, National Education Association.

SNYDER, DONALD E., Wilmington, Del.; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Swim Team, Student National Education Association, President, Treasurer; Circle K, Vice President; Associ- ation for Childhood Education, Men's Residence Council, Films Committee, Sigma Phi Epsilon. SOBIESKI, GORDON E., Arlington, Va.; Science and Geography, A.B. SORRELL, ANNE M., High Point, N.C.; Elementary, Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

SPANGLER, EVELYN L., Ayden, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Phi U Colony, Phi Upsilon Omicron.

SPARROW, JOHN D., Kinston, N.C.; Business, B.S. Sigma Nu.

SPENCER, JOHNNY WM. JR., Raleigh N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.A.; Society for Advancement of Management. SPENCER, RONALD D., Canton, Pa.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S,; Society for Advance- ment of Management, Phi Beta Lambda. SPRAGINS, LINDA C, Littleton, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Association for Childhood Education.

SPRUILL, HAYWOOD, JR., Elizabeth City, N.C. ; Business Administration, B.S. ; Society for Advancement of Management; Circle K, Intramural Basketball and Football. SPRUILL, PATRICIA A., Columbia, N.C; English, B.S.

STAINBACK, BRENDA L., Henderson, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Home Economics Club, Phi U Colony. STALEY, JOHN A., JR., Morehead City, N.C; Mathematics and Physics, A.B.; Mathematics Club, Phi Sigma Pi, Outstanding Math and Physics Freshman, Mathematics Honors, Student Government Association, Rules Committee, Chairman; Mon's Judiciary, Public Defender; Who's Who In American Colleges and Uni- versities.

STALNAKER, SUSAN E., Newport News, Va.; English, B.A.; Philosophy Club. STEELEY, JAMES E., Selinsarouse, Pa.; Busi- ness, B.S.

STEPHENS, JENNINGS W., Norfolk, Va.; History, B.S. ; WEUC

STEPHENSON, JAMES T., Murfreesboro, N.C; Industrial and Technical Education, B.S. STEWART, JO ANN, Newport News, Va.; History, A.B.; Political Science Club. STINAGLE, JANICE E., Wilson, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student Nurse's Association. STINSON, WESLEY R., Siler City, N.C; Mathematics, B.S.; Mathematics Club, Vice President; Gamma Beta Phi, Treasurer; Phi Sigma Pi, Mathematics Honors. STOCKNER, JAMES I., Galax, Va.; Music, B.M.; Marching Pirates, Symphonic Band, Orchestra, Concert Band, Men's Glee Club, Music Educator's National Conference, Vice President; Phi Mu Alpha.

STOCKTON, DOUGLAS M., Greenville, N.C; Accounting, B.S.P.; Phi Beta Lambda. STOKES, DENNIS A., Greenville, N.C; In- dustrial Technology, B.S.

STOKLEY, ROBERT E., Elizabeth City, N.C; History, B.S.

STONESTREET, LINDA V., Albemarle, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Chi Omega, Homecoming Committee, Spirit Committee. STOVALL, THORNTON, JR., Stovall, N.C; Mathematics and Physics, A.B.; Phi Sigma Pi, President; Mathematics Club, President; Psysics Club, Treasurer; Men's Residence Council, Lt. Governor; Orientation Counselor, Dean's Ad- visory Council, Mathematics Honors Club, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. STRICKLAND, GLORIA C, Elon College, N.C; Accounting, B.S.A.

STROUP, WM. ROBERT, Cherry ville, N.C; Business, B.S.P.

STUBBS, COLON P., Hubert, N.C; Business, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda.

STUCKEY, RUFUS D., JR., BishopviUe, S.C; Music, B.M.E.; Phi Mu Alpha, Marching Pirates, Symphonic Band, Concert Choir, Col- lege Singers, University Chorale. STUDY, NEIL T., Reistertown, Md.; Physical Education, B.S.

STUTTS, BARNEY W., JR., Burlington, N.C; Business, B.S.

SUGG, DONNA T., Norfolk, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association.

SUGG, J(3AN K., Snow Hill, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student Counselor, Orientation Counselor, Student National Education Assoc- ation.

SULLIVAN, MARY L., Falls Church, Va.; Art, B.S.

SUMMERLIN, MARSHA A., Alexandria, Va.; Business, B.S.; Phi Beta Lambda, Hockey Team, Intramurals.

SUMMERS, ANN L, Durham, N.C; Primary Education, B.C

SUTTON, SHERWOOD R., La Grange, N.C; Business, B.S.; Pi Omega Pi, Phi Beta Lambda, Society for Advancement of Management. SWAIN, CLIFFORD W., Washington, N.C; Education, B.S.

SWAN, DOROTHY A., Newark, Del.; Primary Education, B.S.; Freshman and Varsity Cheer- leader, Women's Honor Council, Secretary; Spirit Committee, Student Government Associ- ation.

SWANEY, LARRY B., Huntingdon, Pa.; Ac- counting, B.S.; Pi Omega Pi, Phi Beta Lambda. SYKES, JOAN M., Nashville, N.C; Mathe- matics, B.S. ; Dormitory Secretary, Student Counselor.

TARKINGTON, BRENDA K., Windsor, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu-

cation Association, Association for Childhood Education, Gamma Beta Phi. TART, PAULA A., Lillington, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Association for Childhood Education, National Education Association. TAYLOR, ALMA W., Atlanta, Ga.; Elmentary Education, B.S.; Kappa Delta, Membership Chairman; Student Counselor, Student National Education Association, Buccaneer Queen Con- testant.

TAYLOR, BARBARA B., Virginia Beach, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Chi Omega, Lambda Chi Alpha Crescent Girl, Inter-Fraternity Council Queen, Association for Advancement of Man- agement, Model United Nations Page. TAYLOR, CHARLES E., JR., Rocky Mount, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.A. ; Fresh- man Tennis and Basketball, Varsity Tennis, Phi Sigma Pi.

TAYLOR, LARRY R., New Church, Va.; Geography, A.B.; Lambda Chi Alpha, Gamma Theta Upsilon.

TAYLOR, PEGGY J., Tabor City, N.C; Eng- lish, B.S.; Rebel, Assistant Manager. TAYLOR, TERRENCE G., Havelock, N.C; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Cross- country Team, Indoor Track, Track, Health and Physical Education Major's Club. TAYLOR, VERNON 0., Hickory, N.C; History, B.S.; Varsity Football Manager, Wrestling Man- ager, Men's Residence Council. TEACHEY, LINDA F., Rose Hill, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N.

TEAL. PATRICIA A., Lexington, N.C; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association, Association for Childhood Education.

TEEL, PATRICIA J., Greenville, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.

TEETER, JANE B., Oakboro, N.C; History, B.S.; Kappa Delta, House Manager; Young Democrats Club.

TEITELBAUM, CHARLENE, Richmond, Va.; Speech Pathology, B.S. Dormitory President, Vice President; Hebrew Youth Fellowship, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary; Women's Glee Club, Treasurer; Judiciary Coun- cil, Chairman; Alpha Epsilon Pi Sweetheart, Women's Residence Council, Chairman of Con- stitution Committee; Student National Educa- tion Association, Homecoming Representative, Who's Who In American Colleges and Uni- versities.

TERRELL, BENJAMIN T., Raleigh, N.C; History, A.B.; Phi Sigma Pi, Phi Alpha Theta, Treasurer; Canterbury, Freshman English Honors, Rebel, Publicity Editor; Student Faculty Committee.

TERRELL, BRENDA L., Greensboro, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.; Angel Flight, Phi Beta Lambda.

TERRELL, JUDY S., Ahoskie, N.C; Psy- chology, A.B.; Student Counselor, Psychology Club, Psi Chi.

TERRELL, WILLIAM I., JR., Thomasville, N.C; Industrial Technology, B.S.; Industrial Arts Club.

TESH, BENNIE F., JR., Greensboro, N.C; Physical Education, B.S.; Pre-Medical Society. THARRINGTON, DONNIE E., Zebulon, N.C; Business, Distributive Education, B.S. THARRINGTON, NORMAN A., Louisburg, N.C; History, B.S.; Phi Sigma Pi, Phi Alpha Theta, History Honors.

THOMAS, SANDRA M., Chesapeake, Va.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Rebel, Student Na- tional Education Association.


Senior Directory

THOMASON, SALLIE A., Kannapolis, N.C.; Drama and Speech, B.S.; East Carolina Pro- ductions, Hall Proctor, Gymnastics Club, IVIodern Dance Club, Treasurer, Vice President; Aqua- nymphs, Student Counselor, Alternate Cheer- leader.

THOMASSON, PATRICIA A., Arlington, Va.; Psychology, A.B.; Women's Recreation Associ- ation, Alpha Delta Pi, Magazine Chairman, Membersliip Chairman, Treasurer, Pledge Trainer.

THOMPSON, CATHY A., Danville, Va.; Edu- cation, B.S.; Phi Kappa Tau Sweetheart, Stu- dent National Education Association. THOMPSON, ERNEST L., Durham, N.C.; Health and Physical Education, B.S. ; Phi Sigma Pi, Lambda Chi Alpha. THORNE. EDWIN J., Westfield, N.J.; Geog- raphy. B.S.; Varsity Baseball, Soccer. THURSTON, CAROLE R., Richmond, Va.; Primary Education, B.S.

THURSTON, THOMAS L., Jacksonville, N.C.; Business, B.S.

TILYARD. JOHN H., Greensboro, N.C.; Science and Geography, A.B.

TISDALE, STEPHANY A., Annandale, Va.; Primary Education, B.S. ; Freshman and Varsity Cheerleader, Alpha Delta Pi, Rush Chairman, Guard; Student National Education Association, Spirit Committee.

TOBIN, RICHARD P., New Rochelle, N.J.; Psychology, A.B.; Varsity Swim Team, Arnold Air Society R.O.T.C.

TODD, ANITRA, Wendell, N.C.; Grammar Edu- cation, B.S.; Women's Honor Council, Alpha Delta Pi, Secretary; Student National Educa- tion Association, Security Council, Conference Coordinator; Model United Nations, Secretary for Administrative Affair, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. TODD. GREGORY T., Colerain, N.C.; Mathe- matics, B.S.

TOMBERLIN, MICHAEL B., Morganton, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Swim Team, Ail- American, Natirnal Backstroke Champion. TONN, DIANNA H., Greenville, N.C.; English and Library Science, B.S.; Lutheran Student Association, Alpha Beta Alpha. TORICK. JUDITH A., Madison, N.J.; Physical Education, B.S.; Women's Recreation Associ- ation, President, Physical Education Majors Club, Treasurer; Phi Epsilon Mu, Young Demo- crats Club, Hockey Club.

TOSTO, EDWIN E., JR., Jacksonville, N.C.; Business, B.S.A.; Kappa Sigma. TOTHILL, OPAL S., Qinton, N.C. ; Elementary Education, B.S.

TROTT, PHILLIS 0-. Richlands, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.

TROUPE, JOSEPH T., Wilson, N.C; Business Administration, B.S.P. ; Society for Advance- ment of Management.

TURNER, KATHERINE M., New Bern, N.C; Elementary Education, B.S.

TURNER, PATRICIA L., Richmond, Va.; His- tory, B.S. ; Intramurals, Women's Recreation Association.

TUTOR, NANCY C, Fuquay-Varina, N.C; English, B.S.; Sigma Tau Delta, Historian; Gamma Beta Phi, Publicity Committee; Dra- matic Readings, "Everyman", "A Christmas Carol".

TWIFORD, KATHRYN B., Greensboro, N.C; Primary Education. B.S.; Junior Class Treas- urer, Delta Zeta, .Activities Chairman; Orien- tation Counselor.

TWIFORD, TRAVIS W., Powells Point, N.C; Art, B.S.

TYLER, JOHN D., Weldon, N.C; Administration, B.S.B.A.

TYSON, JOHN K., Wadesboro, N.C; Music, B.M.

UNDERHILL, TIMOTHY C, Raleigh, N.C; Business, B.S.A.

UPCHURCH, LARRY B., Raleigh, N.C; Po- litical Science, A.B.; Men's Residence Council, Orientation Counselor, Tennis Team, Men's Honor Council, Model United Nations. USILTON, JOHN L., Denton, Md.; Psysical Education, B.S.. Marching Pirates, Gymnastics Club, Track, Pi Kappa Phi. VAN GEILDER, DONNA L., Vestal, N.Y.; Art, B.S.; University Union, Fine Arts Chair- man. Recording Secretary.

VAN MIDDLESWORTH, CHARLES, Asbury Park. N.J.; Business, B.S. ; Freshman and Varsity Tennis, Pi Omega Pi, Sophomore Scholastic Award.

VAN TUYI, ALAN W., Arlington, Va.; Music Education, B.M.E.; Crew, Marching Pirates, Varsity Band, Symphonic Band, Phi Mu Alpha, Secretary, President; Brass Choir, Student Music Educator's National Conference, Orchestra, "My Fair Lady", "A Funny Thing Happened". VARLEY, NAN M., New Bern, N.C; English, B.S.

VAUGHAN, BARBARA A., Harrellsville, N.C; Medical Technology, B.S.M.T.; Gamma Beta Phi.

VAUGHAN, LANA J., Rocky Mount, N.C; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Orientation Counselor, Alpha Phi, Vice President, Secretary; Women's Judiciary, Vice Chairman, Chairman; Women's Rules Committee, Ring Committee, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. VAUGHAN, LINDA F., Durham, N.C; Eng- lish, B.S.; Freshman Honors Seminar, Sigma Tau Delta, Sigma Tau Sigma. VEILLETTE, JOSEPH L.. Rocky Mount, N.C; Commercial Art, B.F.A.; Phi Sigma Pi. VERNER, SHARON G., Clark, N.J.; Psy- chology, A.B.; Psi Chi.

VERNON. ROBERT G., Greensboro, N.C; Busi- ness, B.S.P.

VESTAL, MARY C, Boonville, N.C; Grammar Education, B.S. ; Student Counselor, Baptist Student Union, Freewill Baptist Fellowship. VIENNEAU, VICKI L., Arlington, Va.; Gram- mar Education, B.S.; Women's Recreation As- sociation, Alpha Delta Pi, Reporter.

WACKERMAN, CHARLES S., PoUocksville, N.C; Philosophy and Political Science, A.B.;

Phi Sigma Tau, Philosophy Club, Young Re- publicans Club, Student Government Association, Canterbury.

WALKER, JACKIE E., Rockingham, N.C; Accounting, B.S.B.A.; Freshman Baseball. WALKER. JAMES A., Oxford, N.C; Account- ing, B.S.B.A.; Phi Sigma Pi. Treasurer; In- tramural Softball, Faculty Evaluation Com- mittee, Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

WALKER, SANDRA Y., Macon, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Association, Y'oung Democrats Club, Student Counselor, Freshman Orientation Counselor, Homecoming Representative.

WALL, EVELYN S., Wake Forest, N.C; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.; Student National Edu- cation Association.

WALL, KATHERINE H., Greenville, N.C; English and Library Science, B.S. WALLACE, FREDERICK T., Morris Plains, N.J.; Psychology, A.B.; Freshman Golf Team, Psychology Club.

WALSH, NANCY J., Charlotte, N.C; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Chapter. WALTERS, DIANA L, Greenville, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student National Association, Dis- trict Treasurer; Buccaneer Queen Contestant, Free Will Baptist Fellowship, Program Chair- man, President.

WALTERS, JENNES R., Wilson, N.C; Art, Interior Design, B.S.; National Society for In- terior Designers, Delta Phi Delta, Orientation Counselor.

WARD, DENNIS E., Cove City, N.C; English, B.S.

WARREN, HUGH A., Fayetteville, N.C; Busi- ness, A.B.

WASNER, JOHN A., Goldsboro, N.C; In- dustrial Education, B.S.; Epsilon Pi Tau. WATKINS, BETTIE L., Raleigh, N.C; Eng- lish and Library Science, B.S.; Library Club, Secretary-Treasurer; Dormitory Treasurer, Sec- retary; Student National Education Association, Alpha Beta Alpha.

WATSON, CHARLES R., Kenley, N.C; Health and Physical Education, B.S.; Intramurals, Student Director; Honor Council, Men's Judi- ciary, Student Government Association, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Hall Manager, Economics Rela- tions Board, Chairman.

WATSON, EDWIN T., Harrellsville, N.C; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.; Society for Advance-

The thousands of lights on CoDege Drive continuously bum.


ment of Management.

WATTS, GORDON P., Goldsboro, N.C.; His- tory, A.B.

WEBB, BETH W., Raleigh, N.C.; Psychology, A.B. ; Films Committee, Psi Chi, Psychology Club, Women's Honor Council, Lecture Com- mittee, Election Committee, Alpha Omicron Pi, Student Nurse's Association, Pre-medical So- ciety.

WEBSTER, KAREN A., Annandale, Va.; Psy- chology, A.B. ; Psi Chi, Buccaneer,, Alpha Delta Pi, Vice President.

WELDON, JILLIAN M., Rocky Mount, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Westminister Fellow- ship, Home Economics Chapter, Student Na- tional Education Association. WELLONS, SYLVIA A., Dunn, N.C.; Business Education, B.S.; King Youth Fellowship. WELTON, MARVIN L., Norfolk, Va.; Physical Education, B.S.; Freshman and Varsity Track, Phi Kappa Tau, Vice President; Physical Edu- cation Major's Club.

WELTON, NANCY M., Greenville, N.C.; Edu- cation, B.S. ; Student National Education As- sociation.

WENNRICH, TIMOTHY W., Glens Falls, N.Y.; History, A.B.

WENTZEL, SANDRA K., Raleigh, N.C.; Eng- lish, B.S.; Freshman Class Treasurer, Student Government Association, Day Student Repre- sentative, Executive Secretary, Entertainment Committee, State Legislature Delegate; Dean's Advisory Council, Alpha Delta Pi, President; Orientation Counselor, Model United Nations, Executive Secretary; Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities.

WHALEY, CAROL L., Richlands, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.; Mathematics Club, Stu- dent National Education Association. WHALEY, ROXIE P., Newport, N.C.; Account- ing, B.S.P,

WHEELEJt, JOEL D., Durham, N.C.; Business, B.S. ; La Crosse, Kappa Alpha, Men's Resi- dence Council.

WHITE. BARBARA E., Merry Hill, N.C.; Mathematics, B.S.

WHITE, BEVE'RLY P., Elizabeth City, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Chapter, Chi Omega, Buccaneer Beauty. WHITE, GLENN C, Elizabeth City, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S. ; Phi Beta Lambda.

WHITE. JOHN R., Dothan, Ala.; Business Administration, A.B.; Delta Sigma Pi., R.O.T.C. WHITEHEAD, BEVERLY A., Scotland Neck, N.C.; English, B.S.

WHITEHURST, CORNELIA, Raleigh, N.C.; Music, B.M.; Music Educator's National Con- ference, College Singers, College Chorale, Alpha Xi Delta. Chapel Choir.

WHITEHURST, CORNELIUS, Bethel, N.C.; History, A.B.; Alpha Phi Omega, Sergeant-at- Arms; Air Force R.O.T.C, University Union Bowling League, Orientation Counselor. WHITEHURST, LINDA T., Greenville, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Gamma Beta Phi, Student National Education Association. WHITLEY, DAVID E., Williamston, N.C.; Ele- mentary Education, B.S.

WHITLEY, THEODORE W., Gary, N.C.; Psy- chology, A.B.; Lambda Chi Alpha, Freshman Basketball, Freshman and Varsity Baseball, Who's Who In American Colleges and Uni- versities.

WHITSON, SUZANNA W., Alexandria, Va.; English, A.B.; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Seminars. Sigma Tau Delta, Secretary ; Psi Chi Psychology Club, University Union, Social Committee, Women's Glee Club. WHITTEN, RICHARD G., Henderson, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Alpha Kappa Psi, President,

Vice President; Intramural Football, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball; Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament.

WHORTON, JAMES WM., Newport, N.C.; Business, B.S.

WIELAND, RICHARD A., Greenville, N.C.; Business, B.S.

WIGGINS, PATRICIA B., Greenville, N.C.; Business Education, B.S.

WIGGINS, WM. RAY, Jacksonville, N.C.; Ac- counting, B.S.

WILEY, WM. THOMAS, JR., Greenville, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S.P. WILKERSON, FRANCES A., Kinston, N.C.; Business Administration, B.S. WILLIAMS, EVA C, Louisburg, N.C.; Busi- ness, B.S.

WILLIAMS, JOSEPH C, JR., Clinton, N.C.; Business, B.S.P.

WILLIAMS, MARILYN L., Richmond, Vir- ginia; Biology, B.S.; Chi Beta Phi. WILLIAMS, PATRICIA E., Benson, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association. <;- WILLIAMS, RALPH D., Battleboro, N.C.; Po- litical Science, A.B. ; Dormitory Hall Manager, Football Manager.

WILLIAMS, ROMA G., Mt. Olive, N.C.; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Women Recreational Association, Student Nurses Association, Alpha Omicron Pi, President.

WILLIAMS, SONYA B., Raeford, N.C.; Home Eccnomics, B.S.; Home Economics Chapter, Student National Education Association, Baptist Student Union.

WILLIAMS, TERRY J., Fayetteville, N.C.; Home Economics, B.S.; Home Economics Club, Wesley Foundation.

WILLIAMSON, BEVERLY L., Wilson, N.C.; English, A.B.; House Council, Publications Committee.

WILLIAMSON, MARGARET, Portsmouth, Va.; Nursing; Alpha Omicrrn Pi, Vice President, Senior Panhellenic Representative; Student Nurse's Association, 1st Vice President; East Carolinian, Women's Recreation Association, Dormitory Student Counselor. WILLIAMSON, REBECCA E., Burlington, N.C.; Elementary Education, B.S.; Student Na- tional Association.

WILLIAMSON, STEPHEN W., Graham, N.C.; Industrial and Technical Education. A.B.; In- dustrial and Technical Education Club. WILSON, JAMES I., Hamlet, N.C.; Business^ Accounting, B.S.A.; Phi Sigma Pi Reporter, Student Government, Faculty Evaluation Com- mittee.

WILSON, SYLVIA D., Winterville, N.C.; So- ciology, A.B.

WINGATE, LEON H., Bath, N.C.; Business, B.S.; Society for Advancement of Management. WINN, NANCY W., Dinwiddle, Va.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Orien- tation Counselor.

WINSTEAD, ROWENA G., Charlotte, N.C.; Music Education. B.M.E.; Concert Choir, Col- lege Chorale, Chapel Choir, Music Educators' National Conference, College Marshall, Student Legislator, Alpha Xi Delta. WITCHER, EULIS D., High Point, N.C.; Geography, A.B. ; Theta Chi, Gamma Theta Upsilon.

WOOD, DILLON L., Jacksonville. N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S. ; Student National Education Association, Association for Child- hood Education, East Carolinian, Tutorial So- ciety.

WOOD, JO A., Four Oaks, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S.; Student National Education


WOOD, MATTIE T., Benson, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Student National Education Association, Association for Childhood Edu- cation.

WOOD, SUSAN, Wilmington, Delaware; Com- mercial Art, B.S.; Delta Phi Delta. WOOD, WM. MICHAEL, Spring Hope, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Student Trainer. WOODARD, BETTY J., Nashville, N.C.; Pri- mary Education, B.S.

WOODFORD, ANITA, Richmond, Va.; Busi- ness Administration, B.S.B.A.; Dormitory Vice President, Society for the Advancement of Management, Pi Beta Lambda. WOODFORD, WARREN J., Roanoke, Va.; Chemistry, B.S.P.; American Chemical Society. WOOTEN, GARY C, Hudson. N.C.; Industrial Arts, A.B.; Crew, Karate Club, President; Semper Fidelous Society, President; Industrial and Technical Education Club. WOOTEN, SANDRA L., Fountain, N.C.; Grammar Education, B.S. ; Free Will Baptist Fellowship, Treasurer, Vice President; Fresh- man Honor Seminar, Sophomore Honor Seminar, Student National Education Association, Dorm- itory Student Counselor.

WOOTEN, SHARYN K., Fayetteville, N.C.; Library Science, B.S. ; Dormitory Proctor, Stu- dent National Education Association, Sociology Club, Alpha Beta Alpha, Outstanding Award; Lutheran Student Association. WRENN, DORIS A., Sanford, N.C.; Primary Education, B.S.; Modern Dance Club, Treas- urer; Student National Education Association. WRENN, KATHRYN V., Raleigh, N.C.; Edu- cation, B.S.

WRENN, STEVEN L., Graham, N.C.; Physical Education, B.S.; Physical Education Club, Presi- dent; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Secretary; Baseball Manager.

WRIGHT. EVELYN J., Tabor City, N.C; Ac- counting, B.S.P.

WRIGHT, GEORGE A., Raleigh, N.C; Psy- chology, A.B.

WRIGHT, SANDRA F., Roanoke Rapids, N.C; Education, B.S. ; Student National Education Association, Gamma Beta Pi. -WYNNE, SHARON C, Greenville, N.C; Po- litical Science, A.B.; Freshmen Aquanymphs, University Party.

YARBROUGH, RICHARD C, Raleigh. N.C; Business Administration, B.S. ; Society for Ad- vancement of Management. YORKE, JEWELL A., Kannapolis, N.C; Granmiar Education, B.S.

YOUNG, BOBBIE C, Asheville, N.C; Edu- cation, B.S.

YOUNG, JAMES H., Ahoskie, N.C; English, B.S. ; Buccaneer, Classes Editor, Business Man- ager, Editor-in-Chief; East Carolinian, Manag- ing Editor, Editor-in-Chief; Key, Associate Editor; Student Legislature, Parliamentarian; Student Government, Elections Chairman; Stu- dent Government Budget Committe, Men's Resi- dence Council. East Carolina University Publi- cations Board, East Carolina University Law Society, Student Orientation Counselor, Middle South Model United Nations, Vice President, Chairman of Economic Council; North Carolina State Student Legislature, Phi Kappa Tau, Editor; United States Student Press Association, Recipient of E.C.U. Publications Board Award, Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni- versities.

YOUNT, MICHAEL D., Hickory N.C; Com- mercial Art. B.F.A.

YOUNT, THELMA H., Hickory, N.C; Nurs- ing, B.S.N. ; Student Nursing Association, Gamma Beta Phi, Dormitory Hall Proctor.



Administration - Faculty


Aerospace Department 330

Alpha Delta Pi 230

Alpha Epsilon, Pi 246

Alpha, Kappa Delta 282

Alpha Kappa Pai 270

Alpha Omicron Pi 231

Alpha Phi Omega 272

Alpha Phi 234

Alpha Xi Delta 236

American Chemical Society 175

American Institute of Physics 174

Angel Flight 214

Aquanymphs 204

Arnold. Air Society 216

Art Department 332

Arts and Sciences Department

Association for Childhood

Education 176

Baptist Student Union 164

Biology Department 366

Buccaneer 154

Business Department 354

Campus Christian Fellowship 166

Canterhury 167

Chemistry Department

Chi Beta Phi

Chi Omega

Circle K

College Artists

Concert Choir

Delta Pi Delta

Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Zeta

Drama Department

East Carolinian

Education Department

English Department

Fidelio Society

Foreign Language Departs

Free Will Baptist

Gamma Beta Phi

Gamma Theta Upsilon

Geology Department

Geography Department

Gymastics Cluh

Health and Physical Educal


Hebrew Youth Fellowship

History Department

Hockey Club

Phi Beta Lambda

Phi Epsilon Kappa

Phi Epsilon Mu

Phi Kappa Tau

Phi Mu Alpha

Phi Sigma Chi

Phi U Colony

Phi Sigma Tau

Philology Department

Physical Education Majors Club

Physics Department

Pi Kappa Alpha

Pi Kappa Phi

Pi Omega Pi

Poetry Forum

Political Science Club

Political Science Departi

Pre-Med Society

Psychology Department

Publications Board



Society for the Advancemei

of Management

Sigma Alpha Iota

Sigma Chi Delta

Sigma Nu 261

Sigma Phi Epsilon 266

Sigma Sigma Sigma 244

Sigma Tau Delta 302

Sociology Club 195

Sociology Department 353

Student Government

Association 140

Student Nursing Association

Student National Education

Association !98

Student Party 197

Symphonic Band 315

Symphonic Orchestra 314

Tau Pi Epsilon 301

Theta Chi 268

University Chorale 323

University Party 200

Varsity Band 318

WECU 208

Women's Chorus 319

Women's Glee Club 321

Women's Recreation

Young Democrat's Club 206

Young Republican's Club

Student Index

Aaron, Lois llene 456

Abbott, Philip Ray 456

Abbott, Vivian llene 416

AbeU, Sandra Jean 416

Abene, Stephen G 456

Abernathy, Beverly K.

Abernathy, Joan Benny 416

Abrams, Brenda Lou 416

Acree, Chris Workman 416

Adams, April Lee 456

Adams, Barbara Jean 436

Adams, Bonnie Faye 416

Adams, Cheryl Lou 456

Adams, Edna Yvonne 380

Adams, Franklin V 456

Adams, Gale Elizabeth 380

Adams, Judith Ann 436

Adams, Judy Anne 416

Adams, Linda Joyce 380

Adams, Linda Lee 436

Adams, Linda Susan 456

Adams, Paul F., Jr 456

Adaroson, Susan 436

Adcock, Kathryn J. 436

Adcock, Roger, Jr. 416

Aderholl, Judy Ann 456

Adkins, Bernard, Jr 416

Adkins, James Edwin 416

Adkins, Linda Ann H. 416

Ahlsen, George W., Jr. 436

Ajas, Teruyo 436

Albert, Paul E., Jr 416

Albright, Lynda Joy 436

Albritton, Daisy L. 416

Alderman, Bruce H 436

Aldridge, Barbara A 456

Aldridge, James K. 456

Aldridge, Linda C. 436

Aldridge, Mary Dianne 456

Aldridge, Rebecca N. 380

Alexander, Cathie J. 436

Alexander, Gary M. 456

Alexander, Henry B. 436

Alexander, Leita D. 456

Alexander, Steven L. 416

Alexander, Thomas B. 436

Alexiou, Odis Aleck 456

Alford, Charles J. 416

Alford, Dolores A. 436

Alford, Hallie P. 456

Alford, Jo Ann 416

Alford, Margarette G. 436

Alford, Mary Linda 456

Alford, Peggy L. 456

Allen, Barbara Lee 456

Allen, Barbara Leslie 416

Allen, Betsy Ann 380

Allen, Brenda C. 436

Allen, David Samuel 456

Allen, Emiley Lamarr 456

Allen, Gloria Jane 456

Allen, Helen Mary 416

Allen, Herman O., Jr. 436

Allen, Jacqueline N. 456

Allen, Judy Gale 416

Allen, Margaret M. 380

Allen, Marvin L. 376

Allen, Mary Angela 436

Allen, Mary Force 436

Allen, Mary Paulette 416

Allen, Paul J., III 416

Allen, Robert Ellis 436

Allen, Roger Dale 416

Allers, Arthur W. 456

Alligood, Alice Rae 380

Alligood, Carol Davis 380

Alligood, Jane R. 380

Alligood, Lindon L. 380

Alligood, Miriam L. 380

Allison, Adra Ives 416

Allred, Susan C. 380

Almon, Martha Ruth 416

Alphin, Eva Mae 380

Alphin, Janice Marie 416

Alston, Carol Leigh 416

Alston, Wm. Stanley, Jr

Alvarado, Manuel A. 436

Ambrose, Barbara J. 456

Ambrose, Jacqueline 456

Ambry, Karen Marie 380

Amici, Emclia V. 416

Amick, Beverly Gail

Amon, Carol L.

Anderson, Belinda Joy

Anderson, Beverly J. 436

Anderson, Edith H. 416

Anderson, Elizabe, J. 380

Anderson, Gerald T. 380

Anderson, Gregory L. 416

Anderson, John E. 456

Anderson, John W. 436

Anderson, Karen C. 436

Anderson, Larry Brook 456

Anderson, Lynda Faye 416

Anderson, Mary C. 436

Anderson, Mary Ellen 456

Anderson, Mary S. 416

Anderson, Pamela Lynn 436

Anderson, Randolph C. 436

Anderson. Sue C. 380

Anderson, Susan 380

Anderson, Vickie M. 416

Andrae, Don

Andreas, Ruth J. 436

Andrew, John Stuart 416

Andrews, Barbara Anne 436

Andrews, Barry D. 380

Andrews, Charles K. 436

Andrews, Dennis C. 416

Andrews, Suzanne J. 416

Anema, John C. 417

Angel, Ellen Douglas 436

Anthony, Joseph E. 436

Appenzeller, Gail M 417

Apple, Janet Tanya 417

Apple, Stephen W. 456

Appleby, Andrew S 381

Applegate, Joseph B. 417

Applewhite, Walter B. 381

Arbegast, Walter P.

Arcand, Andre Thomas 381

Arena, Catherine T. 456

Armour, David M. 456

Armstrong, Betty Sue 381

Armstrong, Michael D. 381

Arnette, Dianne Lee 381

Arnold, Bernard Hines 456

Arnold. Christine M. 456

Arnold, Dottie Jane 436

Arnold, Patricia A. 381

Arnold, Patricia C. 417

Arnold, William D. 417

Arons, Rhea Lorraine 436

Arthur, Brenda Jo 456

Asato, Winifred K. 381

Asbell, Charles M., Jr. 456

Ashburn, Gary Brent 436

Ashley, Cynthia D 436

Askew. Edward C. 456

Askew, Esther Ruth 456

Askew, Sara Lee 417

Aston, Deborah Ann 456

Atack, Kathleen Ann 381

Atkins, Barbara Sue 436

Atkins, Michael D. 456

Atkinson, Andrew J. 417

Atkinson, Ann Eliz 436

Atwater, Charles S. 417

Aulbert, Rodney Lee 456

Aull, Mildred Eliz 456

Austin, Gwendolyn I. 381

Austin, James F. 437

Austin, Janice Elaine 437

Austin, Nonie R. 437

Austin, Wm. Horton, Jr.

Auten, Elizabeth D. 417

Autrey, Mae Cynthia 381

Avent, Beverly Jane 381

Avent, Ernest Braswel 417

Averitl, Carol S. 456

Aydlett, Rebecca A. 417

Ayers, Lou F. 456

Ayers, Michael B. 437

Ayers, Lou F. 456

Ayers, Michael B. 437

Ayers, Stedman B. 457

Ayscue, Cheryl D. 457

Bach. Claudia F.

Bach, Wayne Marshall

Bacon, Jeffrey John

Bagby, Richard Lee

Bailes, Judy Dorcas

Bailey, Anne Clark

Bailey, Barbara C.

Bailey, Cynthia Ann

Bailey, Cynthia Sue

Bailey, Jaenn M., Jr.

Bailey, Mary Eliz

Bailey, Melbern C. Jr.

Bailey, Patricia D.

Bailey. Radford B., Jr.

Bailey. Stephen D.

Bain, John David

Baird, Robert W.

Baird, Wanda Jane

Baker, Barbara Jean

Baker, Cheryl Kay

Baker, Etta Ruth

Baker, Fred Ben

Baker, Kathryn Elaine

Baker, Larry Talmage

Baker, Lonnie Gene

Baker, Melford Ray

Baker, Patsy Arlene

Baker, Patsy Eileen

Baker, Sarah V.

Baker, Sharon Ann

Baker, Susan Carol

Baker, Wanda Cambell

Baker, William C.

Baker, William D.

Balak, Joseph R.

Baldree. Susan C.

Baldree, William E., Jr.

Baldridge, Deborah M.

Baldwin, Linda Lee

Baldwin, Margaret S.

Baldwin, Steve Arnold

Balkcum, Carolyn B.

Balkcum, Judy Corine

Balkcum, Wm. R.

Balko, Michael P., Jr.

Ballance, Lester W.

Ballance, Thomas W., II

Ballard, Frances P.

Ballard, Margaret E

Ballentine, Carolyn R.

Ballint, Patricia Lee

Bandy, Patricia Gay

Bang, Jens Erickson 417

Banko, Roberta S. 437

Banks, Cecil Sutton 417

Banks, Elbert Leslie 457

Banks, Ellis S., Jr. 437

Banks, Mary Margaret 457

Banks, William C. 417

Bannister, Deborah R. 457

Baran, Joseph S. 417

Barhee, Dixon L. 457

Barbee, Gurney A., Jr. 457

Barbee, Juanita Blain 381

Barbee, Susan Gail 437

Barber, Beltie Lou 381

Barber, Sandra Ruth 417

Barbour, Betty Gail 437

Barbour, Beverly F 381

Barbour, Diane Hale 381

Barbour, Gloria Dare 437

Barbour, Jo Anne 457

Barbour, Kenneth S. 417

Barbour, Linda Faye 457

Barden, Martha Sue 417

Barefoot, Brenda C. 457

Barefoot, James S. 457

Barefoot, Pamela Kay 457

Barfield, Doris Jean 457

Barham, Doris Jane 437

Barham, Edward L., Jr. 437

Barkley, Margaret R. 437

Barkley, Phyllis A. 437

Barlow, Margaret D. 437

Barnes, Elizabeth A. 381

Barnes, James Nixon 381

Barnes, Judith Ann 381

Barnes, Judy Maye 457

Barnes, Linda L 437

Barnes, Merriman T. Jr

Barnes. Paula Marie 457

Barnes, Paulette M.

Barnes, Robert Ingram ... 381

Barnes, Thomas F. 417

Barnett, Bruce Weir 381

Barnette, Jerry Lynn 376

Barnette, Patricia D. 381

Barnhardt, Jane S. 417

Barnhill, Frances S. 417

Barnhill, Robert H. 417

Barnhill, Roy L. 381

Barnhill, Walter R. 437

Barnum, Howard Otto 417

Barrett, Brenda C. 381

Barrington, Thomas L.

Barrow, Rebecca Ann 382

Barrow, Stephen T. 417

Barry, Patricia E. 382

Barry, Wilma Mae

Bartlett, Donald

Bartlett, Ronald Lee 437

Bartlett, Sandra K.

Barto, Clarence O. III


Butcher, Terry Lynn 419

Butler, Donald E. 438

Butler, Gloria Gail 459

Butler, Jeffrey C. 459

Butler, Judith Lee 419

Butler, Teresa Irene 438

Butts, John Daniel 439

Buzzelli, Phillip L. 419

Byerly, Ronald Bruce 385

Bynum, Joanne M. 385

Bynum, Joseph C. III 419

Byrd, Charles Thomas 439

Byrd, Frieda Gene 439

Byrd, William Colon 459

Byrns, Frank Edmond 419

Byrum, Jerry Holt 376

Byrum, Johnny Julius 419

Byrum, Willie C. 385

Cade, Jane Marie

Cagle, Elizabeth D.

Cahoon, Karl Glen

Cahoon, Robert, Jr.

Cain, Harry Irving

Cain, Mary Susan

Cain, Ronald Norris

Cain, Theresa Gail

Caines, Gertrude M.

Cake, Marcus P.

Calcutt, Stephen D.

Calder, Lynn Frances

Caldwell, Kenneth C.

Calhoun, David T.

Calhoun, Elizabeth B.

Callahan, William G.

Callaway, Paul F.

Callicutt, Charles D.

Callis, Lorraine Hope

Cameron, Celia Ann

Cameron, Linda Nell

Campbell, Annette R.

Campbell, Cheryl Ann

Campbell, Earnest F.

Campbell. Isaac L., II

Campbell, Kathryn L. 439

Campbell, Nancy M. 459

Campbell, Rebecca S. 459

Campbell, Robert A. 386

Campbell, Thomas C. 459

Campbell, Walter E., Jr

Campbell, William R. 439

Campeau, Robert Allan 439

Canady, Mona Lou 386

Canady, Ronald Lee 376

Canipe, Herbert W., Jr. 439

Cannon, Carolyn Faye 459

Cannon, Elizabeth H. 459

Cannon, Evelyn P. 386

Cannon, Lou Ellen 439

Cannon, Mary E. 419

Cannon, Sue Ellen 439

Cantley, Cerney D. 439

Canup, Nancy Lou 459

Capps, Erie Dianne 439

Caprio, Robert Joseph 419

Caraway, Cheryl Ann 439

Card, Adele Rose 386

Garden, Debra Anne 419

Garden, James R. 459

Cardwell, Cecil D. 439

Carelock. Donna Lynne 459

Carey, James Watson 459

Carlson, Edward D. 419

Carlson, John Arthur 459

Carlson, Karen Lea 386

Carmichael, Alison G. 439

Carmichael, Beverly S. 386

Carney, Basil W., Jr. 386

Carpenter, Jo Anne 439

Carpenter, Michael R. 386

Carper, George M., Jr. 439

Carr, Carol Ann 439

Carraway, Allen M. 419

Carraway, Diane Kay 459

Carraway, Dora Jean 386

Carraway, Frankie D. 459

Carraway, George B. 439

Carraway, Judy C. 459

Carraway, Sudie A. 439

Carrier, Frances D. 439

Carriker, Alice Ann 439

Carroll, Donna Marie 459

Carroll, Luellen 439

Carroll, Thomas R., Jr. 439

Carrow, Kester Lane 419

Carson, Donald H., Jr. 419

Carson, Douglas A. 459

Carson, John F., Jr. 386

Carstarphen, Barbara 419

Carstarphen, John, III 376

Carter, Alice Mario 459

Carter, Beverly Jo 386

Carter, Carol Sue 419

Carter, Dwight H. 419

Carter, Gloria Diane 386

Carter, James Leonard 419

Carter, Linda Ellen 459

Carter, Lois Marie 419

Carter, Martin A., Jr. 419

Carter, Michael Jay 459

Carter, Richard S. 419

Carter. Sandra Gail 459

Carter, Susan Anne 439

Carter, Wm. Casper 386

Gartner, Lawrence A. 439

Cartwright, Charles L. 419

Cartwright, Martha E. 386

Cartwright, Mary K. 439

Carver, Evelyn B. 439

Cascioli, Edna Louise 439

Case, David Richard 439

Casebolt, Hampton D. 419

Casey, James Neal 459

Casey, Leslie Winford 459

Casey, Lois Mae 419

Cash, Terry D. 439

Cashion, Carol Faye 419

Cashion, Robert N. 419

Cashwell, Callie R. 439

Cashwell, Raymond P. 459

Caskey, Walter D. 459

Casper, Cheryl Lynn 459

Cassady, Paul Carter 419

Cassell, Catherine C. 439

Cassell, Thomas M. 439

Cassidy, Joseph P. 386

Cassisi, Richard C. 459

Casteen, Michael 459

Castell, Linda Lee 459

Castellini, Daniel J. 419

Castevens, Gail E 415

Castles, Lonna E 419

Gates, Cheryl Jo 459

Cathey, Jane Hoagland ... 419

Catlette, Susan L. 439

Cattle, Carolyn Anne 439

Cattle, Rosemary 419

Cauley, Martha 459

Cauley, Mary Mumford 419

Cauley, Wm. Douglas 386

Causey, Beverly Ann 419

Cavanaugh, Annette W. 386

Cavendish, Michael E. 386

Cavioess, Marvin Lee 419

Cawthon, John D. 419

Caylon, Faye Carlyle 386

Chaffee, Pamela R. 439

Chagaris, Theodore 459

Chalk, Terence E., Jr. 439

Chalk, Wm. Kendall 386

Chalmers, Thomas W. 439

Chambers, Allen B. 419

Chambers, Alton B. 386

Chambers, Diana Lynne 386

Chambers, Nancy L 439

Chambers, Timothy B. 459

Chamblee, Helen B 439

Chambless, Rebecca T. 439

ChambliBS, Charles W. 459

Chambliss, Thomas W. 419

Chandler, Anne Eliz 386

Chandler, Cathy Ina 439

Chapman, Betty Elaine 459

Chappell, Bertie S. 386

Chappell, Claudia J. 386

Chappell, Jerry Allen 459

Chappell, Montie K. 459

Charles, Thomas M. 460

Charping, William D. 460

Charron, Raymond B. 386

Check, Mary Josephine 439

Cheek, Ada Frances 419

Cheek, Cynthia E. 439

Cherry, Donna Lee 386

Cherry, Gail Elizabet 460

Cherry, Henry Lee 439

Cherry, Margaret G. 439

Cherry, Morris L. 460

Cheshire, Nancy Lou 386

Chesson, James Russel 419

Chestnut, Dennis Earl

Chestnut, Amos J.

Chestnut, Sallie F.

Childers, Anthony O.

Childers, Floyd D.

Childers, John S.

Childers, Paula Ann

Childers, Robert L., Jr.

Chisom, Sherman L.

Chitty, Thomas G.

Choquette, Guy R. 460

Chorley, Joseph H. 419

Christian, Leslie M. 460

Christian. Linda Lee 419

Christiansen, Judy A. 419

Church, Gerald W. 419

Church, Vicky Turner 386

Churchill, James W. 460

Ciccolella, Jan Lea 419

Citrenhaum, Charles 376

Clamp, Julie Camille 387

Clapp, Carolyn P 460

Clapp, Larry Eugene 460

Clark, Burke Faris 387

Clark. Carol Jeanne 387

Clark, Cheryle Eliz 460

Clark, Diane Wade 439

Clark, Elisabeth L. 460

Clark, Gary E. 460

Clark, Jerry Wayne 439

Clark. John Banks 460

Clark, Joyce Louise 460

Clark, Linda Ray 419

Clark, Margie K. 439

Clark, Russell Bailey 419

Clark, Vivian Lee A. 460

Clark, Wm. Fowden, Jr.

Clark, Wm. Garland 439

Clarke, Janis S. 439

Clarke, Maryrita 460

Claus, Marjorie Lee 419

Clayton, Donna Karen 460

Clayton, Mary Lynn 419

Clayton, Nancy C. 460

Clayton. William S. 460

Cleary, Margaret S. 439

Clegg, Delia Louise 460

Clegg, George Edward 460

Clements, Anita Diane 460

Cleveland, Julian L. 419

Cleveland, Rebecca J. 419

Cliborne, Judith L. 439

Cline, Lawrence Olin 460

Cline, Lineile Louise 387

Clinkscales, Neta A. 460

Clinton, Nancy H. 387

Clodfelter, Ellen J. 460

Clodfelter, Frances E. 439

Clore, Robert Murray 460

Clune, Thomas James 439

Coates, Daniel T. 419

Cobb, Carolyn R. 419

Cobb, Charles D., Jr. 419

Cobb, James R., Jr. 387

Cobb, Jane G 419

Cobb, Melvin R., Jr 387

Cobb, Shirley Anne 460

Cobb, William R. 387

Coble, Charles E. 439

Coble, Henry L. 419

Coble, Judith Ann 387

Coble, Julia Lamm 387

Cochran, Jack Jenkins 460

Coe, Candice H.

Coffin, Willard M.

Cogdell, Anne Conley

Coggins, Anna K.

Coggios, Candace C.

Coggins, Edna Faye

Coggins, Jacqueline I.

Coggins, James Ray

Coggins, Judith M.

Cohron, Linda Lou

Coker, John H.

Colbert, Vincent N.

Cole, Ellaj'ean

Cole, Gary Glenn

Cole, Patricia Van

Coleman, Nancy D.

Coleman, Philip C.

Colenda, Joseph R.

Colenda, Patricia A.

Coley, Linda D.

Coley, Sue C.

Collie, Patience E.

Collier, Billie S.

Collier, Cara C.

Collins, Anne

Collins, Johnny

Collins, Patsy 420

Colson, Elizabeth A. 439

Coltrain, Brenda A. 439

Coltrane, Rebecca J. 460

Comer, Betty Grace 420

Comer, Bruce Edward 460

Comer, James Stewart 439

Comer, Linda Lee 387

Comer, Lois Margaret 387

Compton, Linda B. 439

Conaway, Richard Erie 387

Conley, Michael J. 387

Conlon, Kathleen E. 439

Connell. Daniel R. 387

Connell, Margaret K. 460

Connelly, Jane Starr 460

Conner, Ellen P. 420

Connet, Peter T. 420

Connor, Susan Allfair 420

Conrad, David Paul 387

Conway, Jacqueline E. 420

Cook, Candice L. 420

Cook, Delores Ann 460

Cook, Helen E. 439

Cook, Peggy Jean 387

Cooke, Elizabeth W. 387

Cooke, Lynn Black 420

Cooke, Marilyn F. 420

Cooksey, Christina J. 420

Cooley, Leslie Ann 439

Cooney, Michael D. 460

Cooper, Ellen Marie 460

Cooper, Jane Frances 439

Cooper, John Joseph 460

Cooper, Kathleen 460

Cooper, Kenneth D. 460

Cooper, Sara Cameron 460

Copeland, Janice S. 460

Copeland, Robert J. 387

Copeland, Wm. Gregory 460

Copenhaver, Ernest H. 420

Corbett, Betty M. 460

Corbitt. Charles H., Jr. 440

Cordell, Albert Oram 387

Corder, Duane Alan 440

Corey, Susan Margaret 440

Corrada, Richard E., Jr

Corson, Kenneth A., Jr. 440

Cortelyou, Catherine 440

Cortopassi, Constance 420

Costello, June M. 460

Cota, Cathy Jean 420

Cotrone, Audrey G. 440

Gotten, Vista Kay 387

Cottingham, Mary M. 460

Cotton. Douglas Dowd 460

Cougle, Bryar Ted 420

Council, Catherine A. 460

Council, Janet Marie 460

Counts, Donald R. P. 420

Courtney, Benjamin H. 387

Courville, Joyce A. 460

Cousins, Catherine W. 420

Cousins, Emily Jane 440

Covington, Joanne K. 460

Cox, Cameron M., Jr. 420

Cox, Carolyn Fulcher 460

Cox, Charles N. 420

Cax, Diana Gail D. 420

Cox, Donna Jane 440

Cox, Eula Catherine 440

Cox, Floyd McCoy 460

Cox. Gilda 420

Cox, Hilda Durham 387

Cox, Howard Thomas 420

Cox, Jacqueline Ann 440

Cox, Janice Jenkins 387

Cox. Jerry Wayne 460

Cox, Jetta Clinton 460

Cox, Jimmy Ray 387

Cox, Lynda Scott 420

Cox, Narinette 460

Cox, Peggy Ann 440

Cox, Sandra Diane 460

Cox, Stephen R. 460

Cox, Suzanne Lynn 460

Cox, Wesley Don 387

Coyle, Marcia Lee 387

Cozzens, Sandra Gail 460

Craft, Imogene 460

Craft, Sandra Gail 460

Craft, Stephen D., Jr. 420

Craft. Virginia A. 460

Grain, George E., Jr 440

Grain, Phyllis W. 420

Crane, Michael L. 440

Crane, Peter Blue 376

Granford, Charles R. 387

Cranford, Kitty Carol 460

Cratch, Sammie L. 420

Crater, Barbara Ann 440

Craven, Charles H. 440

Crawford, Chloe A. 460

Crawford, Elizabeth C. 440

Crawford, Linda Lee 440

Crawford, Stephen B. 440

Crawford, Vicki D. 460

Crawley, Ronnie Lee 460

Credle, Mary Frances 440

Creech. Carolee D. 420

Creech. Deborah L. 460

Creech, Dwight M.

Creech, Frances C.

Creech, Gibbie Sue

Creech, Gloria A.

Creech, Jerry Neal

Creech, Kay Frances

Creech, Linda F.

Creech, Marjorie D.

Creem, Patricia Ann

Cress, Peggy Paulette

Crew, William Ray

Crisp, William Lee

Crisp, William R.

Crist, Patricia Marie

Crocker, Loomis G.

Cromartie, Eliz. H.

Cromartie, Jean D.

Cromartie, Urbanna M.

Crompton, Janis L.

Crooke, James R.

Croom, Beverly Susan

Croom, Catherine Ann

Croom, Larry D., Sr.

Crosland, Evandelee

Cross, Martha Ann

Cross, Sanford Troy

Crotsley, John Mcrary

CrottB, Clara C.

Crotts, David Frank

Crouse, Peggy Jo

Crow, Gene Louis

Cruise, Glenda Jean

Crumpier, Thomas D.

Cuff, James Joseph

Culbreth, Walter M., Jr.

Culton, Martha Amelia 420

Cumber, William E. 440

Cummings, Zeb C. III 388

Cundiff, Ronald C. 440

Cunningham, Jane P. 440

Cunningham, Susan Ora 420

Curlee, Ruth Judy 461

Currin, Percy Tony 388

Currin, Shirley A. 461

Curtis, Ronnie Gaston 388

Cuthbertson, Larry E. 440

Cutler, Adelyn G. 461

Cutler, Dorothy T. 388

Cutler, Lewis Edmond 440

Cutler, Linda Alleen 388

Cutler, Sara David 420

Cutts, Fannie M. 420

Cutts, Howard Vann 440

Cutts, William 461

Dail, Carolyn Faye 461

Dail, David Whitney 420

Dale, Matoka Caroline 420

Dalton, Roger Dale 388

Daly, Marian Frances 420

Daly. Norma Jane 388

Dameron, Jeanette R. 461

Damiano, Rose Lucia 461

Damon, Margaret L. 410

Damren, Douglas M. 388

Dance, Cheryl Lynn 461

Daniel, Jeter Elwood 461

Daniel, Linda Alton 388

Daniel, Linda Faye 440

Daniel, Mary Regina 461

Daniel, Pamela 461

Daniel, Sharon Ann 461

Daniel, Shirley Marie 388

Daniel, Thomas J. 388

Daniels, Audrey Dene 440

Daniels. Johnie B. 420

Daniels, Russell W. 440

Daniels, Saundra E. 461

Dannehl, Mary M. 461

Danowski, Thomas F. 420

Darden, Carl Douglas 388

Darden, James H., III 440

Darden, Vickie Gail 461

Darden, William A. 461

Dark, Scarlet Ann 420

Darnell, Stephen W. 440

Darrow, Billy Russ 440

Daugherty, Walter C. 461

Daughety, Donna M. 420

Daughtridge. Betsy A. 440

Daughtridge, John D. 388

Daughtry, Carl M., Jr. 420

Daughtry, Carolyn M. 420

Daughtry, Doyle C. 461


Faulk, Marvin Jack 463

Faulkner, Alice Marie 391

Faulkner, Gail R. 463

Faulkner, Mary C. 463

Faulkner, Mercer M. 391

Faulkner, Robert G. 422

Faulkner, William M. 422

Fay, John E., III 463

Feddeman, Wm. Kent 377

Feldman, David H. 441

Fell, Richard Earle

Felton, Graham Fridge 463

Fennell, Linda A. 422

Fennell, Richard A. 422

Fennessey, Patricia L. 422

Ferguson, Danny T. 391

Ferguson, Dorothy R. 391

Ferguson, Gerald Ray 422

Ferguson, Michael Lee 422

Ferguson, Michael J. 441

Ferree, Walter F. 441

Ferrell, Belinda Lee 43

Ferrell, Jerry Mac 422

Ferrell, Rhonda B. 422

Ferrell, Waverly J. 441

Ficklin. John Thomas 441

Fields, Edmond Woodar 463

Fields, John W. 463

Fields, Walter Geddie 463

Finch, Dadiel Rodney 422

Finch, Lucy Catherine 463

Finch, Rebecca L. 441

Finch, Wanda Green 463

Fincher, Benjamin E. 391

Fincher, Earle L. 122

Findley, John Edward 441

Fines, Oliver F. 463

Finger, Ann Ellison 463

Finman, Edward D. 391

Finney, Helen Marie 463

Finney, Larry Gale 391

Finocchi, Vickie Lynn 463

Fisher, Cecelia L. 441

Fisher, David Ward 441

Fisher, Dolores Ann 422

Fisher, Jack Alan 463

Fisher, Jerry 377

Fisher, John Marshall 441

Fisher, Judith F. 441

Fisher, Leonard T. 442

Fisher, Mary C. 463

Fitts, Donald James 422

Fitzgerald, Douglas H. 377

Fitzgerald, John D 422

Flake, Betsy Ross 441

Flake, John David 422

Flanagan, Dwight J. 441

Flanagan, Sharon V. 422

Flanigan, Judith G. 422

Flanigan, Kathleen P 391

Fleig, Douglas Wayne 463

Fleming, Eugene C. 422

Fleming, Ruth Ellen 391

Fleming, William M. 463

Flint, Janet Linda 441

Floars, John Wright 422

Flora, James Riley 377

Flournoy, Linda J. 441

Flowe, Paula Lynn 422

Flowe, Rebecca Kay 391

Flowers, Charles Ray 441

Flowers, Rhonda C. 463

Flowers, Sandra H. 422

Floyd, Judith Carol 463

Floyd, Reed Dixon 422

Flye, Paul William 441

Flythe, Meredith D. 441

Fogleman, Floyd M. 422

Foley, John Stephen 463

Foley, Kevin Ann 391

Folke, Virginia Anne 441

Folsom, Richard K. 463

Fonvielle, Russel 422

Forbes, George D., Jr. 391

Forbes, Johnny Waylon 441

Forbes, Wm. Smith 391

Forbis, David Lewis 463

Ford, Alice Ford 391

Ford, Frances Annette 422

Ford, Lynn Denise 441

Forehand, Charles L. 441

Forehand, Linda P. 441

Foreman, Judith A. 422

Formyduval, Charles M. 463

Fomasb, Steven R. 391

Fornes, Frances Jean 441

Fornes, Roy W. 377

Forrest, Haywood E., Jr.

Forrest, James H 422

Forrest, Lou Tina 441

Forrest, Louis P 422

Forrest, Peggy Anne 441

Forrest, Wanda Tripp 441


Forrester, Vance P., Jr. 422

Forsyth, Scarlett M. 463

Forsythe. Gloria J. 391

Foster, Francis J., Jr. 422

Foster, James B. 391

Foster, Mary Latham 441

Foster, Richard Hale 441

Foster, Samuel M., III 463

Foster, Stephen C 391

Foster, Susan Annette 463

Fouche, Wallace E. 463

Foushee, Beverly D. 441

Foushee, Sylvia C. 392

Fousl, Bonnie Leigh 422

Foust, Steven Alan 441

Foots, Stefani Kay 441

Fowler, Harry H. 392

Fowler, Reeves A. 441

Fowler, Zalia Dell 463

Fowlkes, James Selby 422

Fox, Charles A., Jr. 441

Fox, Kaye Marie 463

Fox, Minnie Sue 392

Foy, Margaret Abbey 422

Francis, Mary D. 422

Francis, Walter Chas 442

Francis, William J., Jr. 422

Frank, George R. 463

Franklin, Pender L., Jr. 422

Frazier, Estella B. 422

Frazier, Bruce Hart 442

Frazier, Pamela Kay 463

Frazier, Phillip R. 442

Frazier, Terry Joe 463

Freakley, Gwendolyn A. 422

Freeman, Cynthia K. 442

Freeman, Donald A. 463

Freeman, Donald Earl 463

Freeman, John B., Jr. 442

Freeman, Sheila Lynn 392

Frekko, Emery F. 377

French, Susan Grey 463

Frier, Angela Jean 442

Frisbey, Bill Louis 463

Frohman, Shirely 392

Frye, Johnny Dale 442

Fulbright, Janet E 422

Fulcher, Betsy Gail 463

Fulcher, Delores Anne 463

Fulcher, Dewey E. 442

Fulcher, Janet C. 442

Fulcher, Sandra Lou 463

Fulghum, Carolyn R. J. 392

Fulghum, Janet Louise 392

Fulghum, Nancy Gray 392

Fulghum, Robert L. 442

Folk, Nancy Carol 422

Fulkerson, Sara P. 422

Fullenkamp, Barbara J. 422

Fuller, Alton W. 463

Fuller, John M. 392

Fuller, Richard E. 463

Fuller, Robert S. 463

Fulton, John Dixon 463

Fulton, Norma J. 392

Funderburk, Frank E. 392

Funderburk, Linda J. 463

Funk, Joseph Edward 463

Furuseth, Owen James 463

Fussell, Margaret N. 422

Futch, Robert S., Jr. 442

Futrell, Frances E. 392

Gabriel, Paula L.

Gacomo, Kevin Joseph

Gaddy, Gary L.

Gainey, Millard J.

Gaither, Mary J.

Gall, Judith Ann

Gallagher, Jere D.

Gallagher, Martha C.

Gallimore, William M.

Galloway, James M.

Galloway, Kenneth R. .

Galup, Mary Del

Gamble, Anna Virginia

Gammon, Flora M.

Gandy, Karen Anne

Ganey, Paul Hiram

Cans, Barry Frederick

Garcia, Bert Howard

Gard, Bettie Worth

Gardner, Charles Dana

Gardner, David F.

Gardner, Judith E.

Gardner, Lena Outlaw

Gardner, Michael Jan 463

Gardner, Peggy A. 422

Gardner, Terry G. 464

Gardner, Terry G. 464

Gardner, Vivian Alyce 392

Gardner, Wayne Allan 464

Garlow, Rebecca J. 442

Garmon, Penny Gene 464

Garner, Cecil Thomas 464

Garner, Gloria D. 464

Gamer, Jerry Wayne 392

Garner, Katherine M. 464

Garner, Leona G. 422

Garner, Marveen G. 464

Garner, Thomas Joel 422

Carne, Debbie Jo 464

Garrell, Mary Ann 392

Garrett, Gwyneth D. 422

Garrett, John William 422

Garrett, Linda Joyce 422

Garrett, Robert H. 464

Garrett, Sandra Faye 392

Garris, Audrey Gay 464

Garris, William R. 422

Garrison, Barry W. 422

Garrity, Frances P. 422

Carver, Carol Ann 442

Garwood, Mary Ellen

Gaskill, Lydia F. 464

Gaskins, Dottilois 464

Gaskins, Jerry Lee 464

Gaskins, Tina J. C. 422

Gasperini, Eugene G 464

Gaston, Jan Carol 464

Gaston, Robert L.

Gatehouse, Claudia E. 422

Gales, Gwendolyn D. 442

Gales, Nancy E. 422

Gee, John Franklin 422

Gehman, Margaret Anne 461

Geiter. Charlene Gail 461

Geiter, Helen Leslie 442

Gelder, Anne McPherson

Geldon, Marc Howard 464

Gelpi, Renee M. 464

Genois, Errol Karl 442

Genzardi, Leslie J. 4-2

George, Caroline W. 442

Georghiou, George 464

Gerard, Frankie E. 464

Gerard, Jackie Ann 422

Gerlach, Marie Helen 392

Gerock, Donald Bruce 442

Cerringer, Laurel D. 423

Getsinger, Clarence L. 423

Gibbens, Anne Carlile 442

Gibbs, Frances M. 464

Gibbs, Mary Lee T. 392

Gibson, Barbara C. 392

Gibson. Carol Ann 423

Gibson, Daniel Allen 464

Gibson, Diane M. 442

Gibson, Herbert W. 423

Gibson. John Walter 392

Gibson, Lenora Elaine 442

Giddings, Joseph E. 412

Gidley, Anne Keene 464

Gift, Gregory A. 423

Gilbert, Brenda Joyce 442

Gilbert, Deborah M. 464

Gilbert, Donald Max 442

Gilbert, Max D., Jr 464

Gilbreath, John W., Jr. . 464

Cilger, Mary Maude 423

Gill, Anne Saunders 392

Gill, Barbara Jellres 392

fill, William S., III 423

Gillam, David James 423

Gillespie, Thomas F. 423

Gillis, Bonnie Loyd 442

Gilmore, Jack Rhodes 442

Ginsberg, Myrna H. 423

Glass, James D. 423

Glasscock, Claudia M. 464

Gleason, Jane Marie 464

Glenn, Thomas W.

Glover, Donna Irene 392

Goble, Elmer W., III 464

Godfrey, Horace D., Jr. 423

Godfrey, James H., III 423

Godfrey Sarah Ann 392

Godley, Carolyn R. 442

Godwin, Belinda Rose 464

Godwin, Charles V. 464

Godwin, James Anthony 464

Godwin, Pamela Connie 442

Godwin, Ruby Gwen 423

Godwin, Susan Vester 442

Goe, Mary Ellen 392

Goff, Susan 392

Goforth, Charles B. 464

Goins, Alan Richard 423

Goins, Fred T., Jr. 392

Goins, Ralph Michael 377

Gold, Rebecca Jackson 393

Goldlarb. Martin Jay 393

Golding, Dianne 393

Goldman, Jerome M. 377

Goldston, Mildred Ann 393

Goldston, Donna Gayle 442

Golightly, Carol Ann 442

Goodall, Albert R. 464

Goodall, Linda C. 464

Gooden, Bernice Ann 442

Gooden, Patricia Anne 393

Goodman, Brenda Lou 423

Goodman, Shirley Lynn 464

Goodnight, Rebecca G. 464

Goodpasture, Lora Ann 442

Goodson, Douglas F. 464

Coodson, Robert L. 423

Goodson, Vickie L. 442

Goodwin, Joseph H. 442

Goodwin, Judith Gail 393

Coolsby, Rebecca Jane 464

Gordon, Cheryl Anne 442

Gordon, Frank N. 442

Gordon, Michael David 393

Gordon, Va. Grace 464

Gordon, Walter M. 464

Gore, John Solon, Jr. 423

Gorham, Joan Renee 423

Gorham, Stephen D. 423

Gorhan, Henry Wise 464

Goss, Joseph A., Jr. 464

Gossett, Ellen K. 464

Gottachalk, Virginia 393

Gower, Amy Elizabeth 442

Grabowski, Michael K. 423

Grace, Linda Arlene 464

Grady, Patricia Ann 442

Grady, Phylisa Marie 423

Grady, Rebecca V. 464

Grady, Robert Vance 442

Grady, William M 464

Graham, Donna Morton 442

Graham, George Robert 442

Graham, Robert F., Jr. 423

Grant, Charles H., III 464

Grant, Diane Marie 442

Grant, Hosea T., Jr. 377

Grant, James Ronald 442

Grant, Joan Carol G. 393

Grant, Laurabeth B. 464

Grant, Marcia Louise 442

Grant, Thomas John 393

Grant, William F., III 442

Gravatt, Wm. Nelson 393

Graves, Frances Kay 464

Gray, Eunice Elliot 464

Gray, Carol Anne 442

Gray, James Lenton 442

Gray, John Thurston 393

Gray, Julia Faye 423

Gray, Linda Dare 442

Gray, Mary Margaret 393

Gray, Wilbur B., III 464

Gray, William R., Jr. 442

Graybeal, Betty Jo 423

Green, Alton L. 442

Green, Carolyn Sue 464

Green, Colleen Lee 464

Green, David M., Jr. 393

Green, Ervin T., Jr. 442

Green, Fred A. 442

Green, Jane Alden 423

Green, Joan Carol 393

Green, Frederick W. 442

Green, Linda Lou 377

Green, Michael W. 442

Green, Prentis Wright 423

Green, Sarah Edith 442

Greene, Betty Gail 423

Greene, Brenda Joyce 442

Greene, Donald E. 442

Greenspan, Peter D. 464

Greenup, Gerald Vem 423

Greer, Ellen Maxine 393

Gregerson, Robert, Jr. 464

Gregory, Alice G. 442

Gregory, Jackie L. 442

Gregory, James M. 464

Gregory, Mary L. B 393

Gregory, Noah Paul, Jr. 423

Grice, Claudia Marie 464

Griffin, Brenda Kay 442

Griffin, Donna Sue 464

Griffin, Ellen Sue 464

Griffin, Ezra D., Jr. 423

Griffin. James H., Jr. 423

Griffin, John Chester 442

Griffin, Judith C. 443

Griffin, Lucretia K. 423

Griffin, Martha Helen 464

Griffin, Mary E. 443

Griffin, Patricia Ann 464

Griffin, Patricia W. 443

Griffin, Robert Spen 464

Griffin, Suzanne 393

Griffin, Thomas W. 443

Griffin, Virginia G. 443

Griggs, James Daniel 464

Grimes, Beatrice Mae 443

Grimes, James Fabius 443

Crimes, Kathy Quinn 393

Crimea, Mary Susan 464

Grissom, Katherine C. 443

Groce, Richard Earl 443

Grosse, Nancy V. 464

Grote, Judith Lynn 423

Grove, Wm. Goodloe 393

Groves, Judy Lynne 423

Grubb, Gerald C., Jr. 423

Guarino, Thomas L. 423

Gudger, James F., Jr. 443

Guffy, Janice Faye 443

Guilford, David James 443

Guirkins. Margaret E. 464

Gulledge, Glenn S. 423

Gulledge. Va. Anne 464

Gunter, Charles L. 423

Gupton, Milton C. 393

Gurganus, Carrie Lin 423

Gurganus, Dianna 464

Gurganus, Horace D. 423

Gurganus, Jean C. 423

Gurganus, Jena Lee 443

Gurganus, John H., Jr. 443

Gurganus, Joseph Van 464

Gurganus, Judy C. 423

Gurganus, Patsy Joe 393

Gurganus, Sharon Ann 464

Gurganus, William R. 443

Gurganus, Zelle W. 423

Gurkin, Linda Faye 443

Gurley, James Patrick 423

Gurley, Peggy Jean 464

Gurley, Steve R. 443

Gurley, Tony Karen 393

Guthrie, Shirley Dawn 46

Gwaltney, Helen Kay 423

Hackney, Dudley Ann

Hadden, Whitney W.

Hager, David Sidney

Haggart, Elizabeth A.

Hagman, Marsha A.

Hagwood, Ricky Gordo

Hahn, Anna Louise

Hahn, Stephen Henry

Haigler, Gary L.

Hairfield, Joanni

Hairr, Laura Ellen 443

Haislip, Barbara B. 423

Hale, Allan Randolph 423

Hale, Dandridge R. 423

Hale, Paula Marie 443

Hales, Leah Holland 443

Hales, Mary Ann 393

Haley, Donnie E. 423

Hall, Adron Franklin 377

Hall, Betty Frances 464

HaU, Calton Gibson 46J

Hall, Deborah Lynn 464

Hall, Flavins B., Jr. 443

Hall, Frank Willard 393

Hall, George Allen 423

Hall, James Dale 443

Hall, John Turner 423

Hall, Mary Marshburn 464

Hall, Michael Alan 443

Hall, Michael Douglas 464

Hall, Ralph Williams 443

Hall, Rebecca D. 423

Hall, Robert Haywood 393

Hall, Robert Ray 465

Hall, Roy Burton 423

Hall, Sarah Lee 465

Hall, Sheila Rae 423

Hall, Stephen J. 423

Hall, Warren Dale 465

Hall, William David 443

Hall, Wm. Travis 423

Hallman, Carol Ann 423

Halsey, Johnny Vester 393

Halsey, Patricia L. 465

Halyburton, Thomas F. 465

Ham, Carol Elizabeth 423

Hamilton, Janice E. 423

Hamnett, Wm. L., Jr. 443

Hampton. Claude B., III

Hamrick, Sharon G 465

Hanchey, Sandra Lee 393

Hanchey, Sherri Lynn 443

Hancock, Helen J. 465

Haudlon, James Wm. 393

Hanes, Betty Jan 465

Hanner, David C. 393

Hansen, Julia K. 423

Hanson, Diana Parham 423

Hanson, Wendy C. 465

Harber, Dana Jean 465

Hardee, John A. 465

Hardee. Karl Wayne 443

Hardee, Marion S. 443

Hardee, Martha C. 423

Hardee, Peggy Delores 465

Hardee, William C. 423

Hardesty, Jerry T. 423

Hardin, Wanda D. 423

Harding, Elizabeth M. 443

Harding, Mary Jane 465

Hardison, Catherine M. 443

Hardison, Donald S. 443

Hardison, Eleanor C. 465

Hardison, Judy Helen 393

Hardy, Janis Carol 443

Hardy, Laura Britt 443

Hare, James Donald 394

Hargrove. Marcia A. 465

Hargus, Stanley M. 465

Harkey, Wayne Noel 423

Harmon, Annie J. 443

Harmon, Barbara J. 423

Harmon, Deborah K. 465

Harmon, Gerald K. 394

Harper, Alma R. 465

Harper, Charles M. 394

Harper, Eliz. Snow 465

Harper. MaiTin Ronald 465

Harper, Susan Ellis 465

Harper, Victoria P. 423

Harrel, Oscar Melvin 443

Harrell, Abbie Kay 423

Harrell, Addie G. 424

Harrell, Bennett M. 394

Harrell, Linda Ann 465

Harrell, Mary Louise 394

Harrell, Shirley J. 394

Harrell, Wm. Ayers 424

Harrell, Wm. Frazelle 443

Harrelson, Rita P. 424

Harrigan, Lisbeth E. 424

Harrington, Harry D. 443

Harrington, Joseph L. 424

Harrington, Joseph L. 424

Harrington, Mary L. 465

Harrington, Ollie D. 465

Harrington, William E. 394

Harrington, William H. 465

Harris, Anita Belmont 424

Harris, Archie L. 424

Harris, Barbara E. 424

Harris, David Lee 465

Harris, Dolores R. 394

Harris, Harry M. 424

Harris, James H., Jr. 465

Harris, James Herbert 424

Harris, Janice Ewiog 424

Harris, Jann Emily 394

Harris, Jo Ann 465

Harris, John Franklin 394

Harris, Keyma Donald 424

Harris, Lynn M. 465

Harris, Lynn M. 465

Harris, Margaret E. 424

Harris. Marian M. 443

Harris, Martha Winn 424

Harris, Mary Elaine 424

Harris, Mildred Marie 443

Harris, Nancy Sue 394

Harris, Rachel Carol 424

Harris, Reuben M. 465

Harris, Robert James 394

Harris, Robert W., Jr. 465

Harris, Sandra Faye 443

Harrison, Martha S. 424

Harrison, Robert B., Jr.

Harrison, Steven C. 465

Harrison, William L. 465

Harriss, Donald M. 443

Harriss, Judy Celene 394

Hart, Alice Lee 424


Hewitt, Daniel A., Jr. 424

Heyward, Kalherinc E. 395

Hickok, Katherine B. 424

Hicks, Billy Ring 424

Hicks, George Thomas 424

Hicks, James Auburn 465

Hicks, Joel Thomas 444

Hicks, Otha Lee 465

Hicks, Patricia C. 465

High, John Wesley, Jr. 465

Higlltower. Erwin A. 424

Hildcbrand, Janet C. 444

Hildebrand, Mary K. 444

Hildebrand, Michele A.

Hill, Agnes Carrietta 424

Hill, Carolyn L. 465

Hill, Danny Wade 465

Hill, Donna Lynn 444

Hill, Erma Susan 424

Hill, Garland A 465

Hill, James F., III 444

Hill, Linda L. Papurca 444

Hill, Linda Mae 395

Hill, Mamie Diane 444

Hill, Mars Eliz. S. 465

Hill, Michael Thomas 395

Hill, Nancy 444

Hill, Nancy Louise 444

Hill, Patricia Leigh 465

Hill, Robert Noel 444

Hill, Sandra C. 465

Hill, Willard Byron 424

Hill, William Steven 444

Hillard, Linda Ann 465

Hillman, Ethel Anna 444

Hiltz, Stephen Robert 444

Hines, Brenda Carole 444

Hines, Danny Ray 424

Hines, Samuel S. 395

Hinkle, William G. 465

Hinnant, Brenda Sue 424

Hinnant, Cathy Jo 465

Hinnant, Clarkie Lou 465

Hinson. Gerald Thomas 424

Hinson, Linda Kay 444

Hinson, Nell Elaine 444

Hinson, Walter Lee, Jr. 424

Hinton, Dolores 424

Hinton, Jane Winnette 424

Hinton, Yvonne J 395

Hinzman, Carol Lee 444

Hirt, Linda Dale 444

Hitchcock, Janice B. 395

Hix, Gary Daniel 465

Hiortsvang, Carleen E. 424

Hoard, Jennifer L. 39S

Hobbs, Benjamin C. 444

Hobbs, Sharon C.

Hobgood, Johnny Gill 465

Hockett, Douglas W. 424

Hodge, Janet Marie 465

Hodge, Ruth Ann 395

Hodges, Betsey Lee 424

Hodges, Clarence C. Jr.

Hodges, Latham Pate 465

Hodges, Nathaniel J. 424

Hodges, Ruth Lee 465

Hodgin, Donald Lee 444

Hodgson, Hilda Sue 395

Hodgson, Mary K. 465

Hodnett, Linda Louise 465

Hoell, Judy Laine 424

Hoffman, Nancy Jane 424

Hoffman, Sara Agnes 444

Hogg, Donald Gourlay 395

Hoggard, Judith Ann 465

Hogue, Tamera D. 466

Hohing, Carol Anne 444

Holcombe, Clifton, III 424

Holden, Charles G. 466

Holder, Deborah Lou 444

Holder, Frederick A. 444

Holder, Rebecca Mae 395

Holland, Diane Marie 444

Holland, Harvey C., Jr. 424

Holland, Jo Kathryn 424

Holland, Mary Claudia 444

Holland, Sandra L. 466

Holland, Timothy Dale 424

Holland, Wm. Doyle 444

HoUiday, Linda Ann 444

Holloman, Dixie C. 466

HoUoman, Joseph John 395

Holloman, Susan P. 466

Hollomon, Don Meade 424

HoUoway, Robert E. 395

Holloway, Wm. Stephen 466

Hughe, Nettie Sue 396

Hughes, Richard A. 466

Hughes, Ted Steven 466

Hughes, Vicky Walloce 425

Hulka, Kathryn A. 444

Hull, Dedie Anne 425

Hulletl, Wayne M. 425

Humphrey, David L. 444

Humphrey, Marsha L. 466

Humphrey, Martha Doby

Humphrey, Mary Lou 444

Humphrey, Robert L. 444

Humphrey, William W. 425

Humphreys, John C. 425

Humphries, Edward D. 396

Huncycutt, Donald L. 466

Hungate. Kenneth W. 444

Hunnicult, Sara S. 425

Hunt, Gerald 466

Hunt, Hilda Dianne 444

Hunt, Joyce Carmen 466

Hunter, James Robert 466

Hunter, Mary Beth 396

Hunter, Robert T., Jr. 466

Hunter, William James 396

Huntley, Dennis H. 466

Hurdle, James R., Jr. 444

Hurley, Barbara Ann 466

Hurley, Mary Eliz 466

Hurwitz, Matthew L. 444

Husenovic, Vera 466

Hussey, Leah Nanette 466

Hutchings, Walter R. 444

Hutchins, Roy W. 466

Hutchison, Arthur W. 444

Hutchison, Susan Day 396

Hute, Juanita Jean 444

Hutson, Jan Michelene 444

Hux, Albert R., Jr 396

Hux, Martha Gwen 425

Hyde, John S. 396

Iacona, Charles J. 396

Icenhour, Parks Hal 466

Ihrie, James Ralph 425

Ingle, Wm. Walter 444

Ingram, Donald W. 396

Ingram, Ellen Elvira 425

Ingram, Henry P. 425

Ingram, Mary Frances 466

Ipock, Betty Lou 466

Irby, Sallie J. 466

Ireland, Robert L. 466

Irey, Jill 396

Irons, Gay 396

Irvin, James Ronald 425

Irvin, Stephen Ross 444

Isaac, Margaret P. 377

Isbell, Nina E. 466

Isley, Dover Wilton 466

Isley, Samuel Lee 444

Isley, Sarah Vivian 425

Isner, Robert B., III 396

Ivey, Barbara Gail 466

Ivey, Kathryn Louise 444

Ivey, Linda Eileen 425

Ivey, Margo Zorado 444

Jackson, Billie Faye

Jackson, Jesse Van

Jackson, John K., Jr.

Jackson, Linda Faye

Jackson, Linda Sue

Jackson, Rella Louise

Jackson, William L.

Jacobs, Betty Eudora

Jaffe, Allen

James, Carolyn Ann

James, Cherie Frances

James, Cheryl Anne

James, Gabion Haines

James, Harriet H.

James, Mary Lynn

James, Nancy E.

James, Robert L., Jr.

Jamison, Linda Lou

Jard, Marjorie Helen

Jarman, James M., Jr.

Jaronczyk, Robert J.

Jarvis, Bruce Burton

Jarvis. Elbert J., Jr.


Judd, Julia Marie 445

Judge, Amelia Kay 467

Judice, Lynn Edward 397

Judson, Fredrick D. 445

Julian, Carol 425

Julian, Cathy Ann 467

Julian, Linda Louise 467

Jump, Ronald Dean 467

Juno, Sharon Diane 467

Justice, John P. 445

Kahdy, Geogette 445

Kallen, Kathleen P.

Kallman, Ronald S.

Kaminski, Eliz. Lee

Kane, Candice B.

Kannan, Carolyn Lee

Karl, Robert John

Katon, Jay Douglas

Kattermann, August, J.

Kay, Beverly Ann

Kay, Frances Lee

Kearney, Joan S.

Kearney. Samuel C.

Kearns, Rebecca V.

Keating, Camilla E.

Keaton, Patricia L.

Keel, Judith Ann

Keel, Rufus Vanoy

Keel, William W.

Keen, Sandra Carole

Keene, Thomas Alan

Keener, Terry Lee

Keener, Worthy Klutz

Keeter, Kermit K., Jr.

Kecter, James C., Jr.

Keeter, Sidney G., Jr. 398

Keever, Judith Ann 398

Keiber, Robert John 398

Keir, Richard M. 425

Keith, Vickie Ruth 467

Keith, Winston Ryan 445

Kellam, Jo Anne 425

Keller, Frank Elwood 378

Keller, Nancy Link 467

Keller, William R., Jr. 425

Kellis, Dorothy Mae 425

Kellum, Linda Kaye 445

Kelly, Alyce Katrine 467

Kelly, Ann Elizabeth 445

Kelly, Mary Patricia 425

Kelly, Melvin Kenneth 467

Kelly, Susan C. 467

Kelly, Virginia Reid 445

Kelsay, Michael C. 445

Kemp, Donald R. 398

Kemp, Wm. Benjamin, Jr.

Kendrick, Sue Adams 467

Kennedy, Cynthia Ann 445

Kennedy, Linda Kay 398

Kennedy, Patricia Lee 425

Kennedy, Ruby Carol 445

Kennemur, John Hill 425

Kennerly, William R. 445

Kennington, Harold B. 445

Kent, Carol Ann 398

Kepley, Jewell E. 425

Kern, Daniel Richard 425

Kern, Edward A. 425

Kern, Janet Lillian 467

Kernodle, Linda C. 467

Kerns, Wanda Faye 445

Kershaw, Lee Allyson 425

Kesler, Timothy B. 445

Ketcham, Ronald R. 398

Key, Hilda Jane 445

Key, Jerry Cecil 467

Key, Mickey Geraldine 445

Keys. Evelyn Elaine 378

Kidd, Frank Edward, Jr.

Kidd, Harold Junior 425

Kidd, Wm. Jerome 425

Killgo, James L., Jr 398

Killough, Russell L. 425

Kilpatrick, Gwendolyn 425

Kilpatrick, Hallie Su 425

Kilpatrick, Mary Eliz. 425

Kimball, Donna Faye 467

Kimball, James D., Jr. 467

Kimbro, Carlton E. 467

Kimel, Ralph C. Jr. 468

Kimrey, Carol Boiling 468

Kiralirk, Jeanne Marie 398

Kincaid, Thomas L., Jr. 425

King, Alice Rooker 398

King, Beverly Louise

King, Carl Wayne

King, Carlton W., III

King, Charles Randall

King, Connie Sue

King, Deborah Carolyn

King, Donna Kay

King, Durwood M.

King, Gary Dewey

King, Gary Lee

King, Gwendolyn Lee

King, Hazel May

King, Janice Louise

King, Judy Dianne

King, Kelly Stuart

King, Larry Steven

King, Martha Sharon

King, Mary Lynn

King, Nadine Vivian

King, Pamela Michele

King, Shelley Jean

King, Thomas Henry

King, William B.

Kingree, Richard A.

Kingsbury, Harry K.., Jr.

Kinney, Ann Elizabeth

Kinney, Bari Jeanne

Kinney, Karen Alice

Kinney, Kenneth Byron

Kinney, Philip Melvin

Kinsaul, Phyllis Jean

Kinsey, Ned March

Kinsey, Sarah Lois

Kinsey, William H.

Kinzie, Michael A

Kirby, Beverly Ann

Kirby, Diane Long

Kirby, Lannie Ross

Kirby, Mary Louise

Kirk, Betty Joyce

Kirkland, Judith A.

Kirkland, Thurloe L.

Kissinger, Beverly A.

Kitchin, Hanna Law

Kittrell, James L.

Kivett, Joan Marie

Kleinert, Phillip S. 445

Klemp, Karleen 398

Klimkiewicz, Michael 426

Kornegay, Kathy Jo

Koumparakis, Phyllis

Kramer, Hillary B.

Kramer, Janine Ann

Krautler, Charles C.

Kruslicky, Mary Ann

Kuebler, Robert Allen

Kuhn, Nancy Louise

Kumar, Arun Sindwani

Kumerow, Carolyn A.

Lackey, Josiane T. 426

Lackey, Kay Michelle 426

Lafferty. Wm. Charles 426

Lagos, Elaine J. 468

Lagrange, Linda C. 468

Lai, Robert 399

Laine, Barbara Anne 446

Lamb, John Thomas 426

Lambert, Connie Kaye 446

Lambert, Jane A. 426

Lamberth, Inez Elaine ... 468

Lambeth, Ben Avery 379

Lambeth, Minehardt R. .. 468

Lamonica, Marcia Lynn .. 468

Lamparter, Denis L. 399

Lanam, Virginia L. 446

Lancaster, Elizabeth 426

Lancaster, Nancy J. 468

Lancaster, Rebecca Jo 468

Lancaster, Thomas L. 446

Lance. Sandra Lee 426

Land, Harry Lee, Jr. 426

Land, Patricia Holmes 468

Landin, Billie Jean 426

Landis, Eileen Denise 399

Landsperger, Walter J. 399

Lane, Faye T. 446

Lane, Gordon M. 399

Lane, James T. 426

Lane, Lucy A. 446

Lane, Rebecca L. 399

Lane, Robert L., Jr. 399

Lane, Walter Mark 399

Lang, Dorothy Carol 468

Lange, Harry M. 446

Langley, Rebecca Ann 426

Langley, Roberta Lee 426

Laogston, Kenneth Ray 468

Langston, Marsha J. 446

Lanier, James L., Jr. 426

Lanier, Kenneth C., Jr. 468

Lanier, Peggy Sharon 426

Lankford, Anne Dicken 446

Lapas, George, Jr. 468

Laramore, Harrison R. 446

Laroque, Wray D. 468

Larson, Janice Eliz 446

Larson, Michael Todd 378

Larson, Patricia Ann 399

Lasater, Rebecca D. 399

Lassiter, Cathryn M. 446

Lassiter, Glenn M. 399

Lassiter, Nancy Kay 399

Lassiter, Sarah E. 446

Latchford, James A. 446

Latham, Mary P. 426

Latham, Muriel Diane 478

Latham, Scott Kennedy 426

Latimer, Ann M. 446

Latta, Katbryn M. 426

Laub, Charlie G. 378

Laub, Jeanne Smothers 399

Laughinghouse, Chas F. 399

Laughlin, Arrington J. 399

Laughter, Mary Jo 446

Laumann, James Thomas

Lautares, Marsha A. 468

Lavalley, Linda Anne 426

Law, Jerry Dale 399

Lawing. Robert James

Lawrence, Edward W. 399

Lawrence. Rebecca S. 468

Laws, Brenda Susan

Laws, George Willard 468

Laws, Nancy Ann 426

Lawson, Dianna Faye 468

Lawson, Nancy Renn 390

Lawson, William Bruce 468

Lea, Brenda Gail 446

Lea, William Thomas 378

Leake, William R. 446

Leary, Mary Martha 468

Leatherman, Kathy Ann 426

Leblanc, Jane Hammond

Leblond, Randall P. 399

Ledford, Thomas F. 426

Lee, Anna C. M. 399

Lee, Betty Ann 426

Lee, Betty Jean 426

Lee, Jacquelyn M. 468

Lee, James Everette 468

Lee, James Steven 468

Lee, Jane Anne 399

Lee, Jimmy 446

Lee, Joyce Marie 468

Lee, Lynnette Raye 446

Lee, Mary Frances 468

Lee, Patricia Ann 426

Lee, Patsy Darlene 446

Lee, Sandra Jo 400

Lee, Sarah Joyce 400

Lefaivre, Rochelle S. 468

Lefstead, Sharon D. 446

Leggett, Carolyn J. 400

Leggett, Donoa Yancey 400

Leggett, Suzanne 468

Leggett, Thomas H. 446

Leggett, Va Carol 468

Leggett, William Kent 468

Leich, John Walter 468

Leinbach, Robert T. 446

Leinss, William S. 426

Lemmons, Sharon Penn 426

Lemnah, Susan C. 446

Lemonds, Vickie Joyce 468

Leonard, Dennis 446

Leonard, John Phillip 468

Leonard, Thomas B. 446

Lerner, Roberta Jean 468

Lester, Thomas Henry 400

Letcher, Burlin S. 468

Lett, Wayne Dixon 426

Lever, Earl Harry, Jr. 446

Lewis, Barbara C. 426

Lewis, Brenda Turner 400

Lewis, Carolyn Jean 446

LewU, Daisy Louise 426

Lewis, Frances R. C. 446

Lewis, Janice Gale 468

Lewis, Joanne Cecelia 400

Lewis, Larry Edward 400

Lewis, Lawrence H., Jr. 400

Lewis, Linda Mae 426

Lewis, Margaret C. 446

Lewis, Martha Briscoe 468

Lewis, Patricia Ann 426

Lewis, Robert J., Jr. 468

Lewis, Shirley Anne 446

Lewis, Susan Thomas 400

Lewis, Sylvia Anne 426

Lewis, Tola E., Jr. 446

Leysalh, Edward Allen 468

Likos, Robert James 426

Liles, Horace Ray 468

Liles, Sara Miller 446

Lillard, Linda W. 426

Lilley, Constance K. 446

Lilley, Elizabeth Ann 468

Lilley, Joan Brenda 468

LUley, Patricia G. 446

Lilley, Timothy W. 468

Lilley, Vicki E. 468

Lilly, Samuel Blair 400

Lindenmuth, Deborah A.

Linder, Alice Dora 468

Lindler, Susan L. 416

Lindsey, William H. 400

Lingerlelt, Carolyn B. 446

Lingle, Jacqulyn R. 426

Linko, Brenda Sue 426

Linton, Brenda Lynn 468

Linton, Bruce Allan 468

Lippincolt, John C. 426

Lippincott, Mary Ann 400

Lipscomb, Ralph E. 446

Lisenby, James D. 446

Little, Betsy Barbee 400

Little, Brenda Faye 426

Little, Brenda Lewis 400


Lucas, Alice Dean

Lucas, Anna Eliz

Lucas, Marvin Barnes

Lucas, Susan Shaw

Lueck, Kerry William

Lugani, Barbara A.

Lukeos, Marsha Anne

Lunsford, Judy E.

Lupton, James Edmond

Lupton, Owen Aubrey

Luquire, Steven W.

Lurie, Rozanne

Lurvey, Lola Jayne

Lutrick, Virginia L.

Lyda, Elizabeth L.

Lyerly, James Lyndon

Lyles, Gay Marie

Lynch, Wanda Kay

Lynch, Wilbur John

Lynd, Gayle Marie

Lynn, Clyde Gilbert

Lyons, Amelia Anne

Lyons, Richard Craig

Lysne, Dena Kay

Lytle, Emily Jo

Lytic, James R.

Lytle, Linda P.

Malone, Charles J.

Manchester, James D.

Maness, Dorcas R.

Maness, Linda Lou

Mangum, Rebecca Avis

Mankin, Michael Lee

Mann, Christine C.

Mann, Donald Cory

Mann, Edward Harvey

Mann, Jody Leigh

Mann, Michael Roger

Mann, Stephen, Lee

Manning, Donna Louise

Manning, Edwin Gerald

Manning, Frances J.

Manning, Frances Roxy

Manning, Keith D.

Manning, Mitchell W.

Manning, Mona Faye

Manning, Oscar R.

Manning, Peggy E.

Manning, Pamela F.

Mannino, Victor E.

Mansfield, Barbara B.

Mansfield, Ervin E.

Mantz, Edna Joann

Maples, Brenda Gai

March, Judith Eliz

Marcus, Michael Barry

Mardant, Susan Arlene

Margulies, Howard S.

Marion, Charlotte A.

Markham, Rudolph A.

Marks, Billie Dean

Marks, William F.

Marlin, Robert H., Jr.

Marr, John E., III

Marsh, Patrick Fabian

Marshall, Barbara Ann

Marshall, Danny Kay

Marshall, David Rice

Marshall, ina Kathryn

Marshall, Linda F.

Marshall, Sandra G.

Marshall, William B.

Marlin, Bobbe Sue

Martin, Charles C. Jr.

Martin, Robert R., Jr.

Martin, Sarah LiUey

Martin, Suzanne D.

Martin, Wm. Neil

Martindale, Elizabeth

Mason, Baxter Wright

Mason, Beverly Ann

Mason, Patricia J. F.

Mason, Vivian Carol

Massengill, Susan H.

Massey, Faye Laverne

Massey, Jackie Lou

Massey, Joan Maxine

Massey, Sandra Gail

Masters, Brenda A.

Masuhr, Pamela Ann

Mathes, Norman H., Jr.

Matheson, Juanita D.

Mathews, Donald Glenn

Mathews, Henry S.

Matta, William Craig

Matteson, Guy

Matthews, Beverly A.

Matthews, Dwight W.

Matthews, Linda Sue

Matthews, Priscilla W.

Malthis, Mildred B.

Mauldin, Clement E.

Mauldin, Tula Anne

Mauney, Eva Anne

Mauney, Jack D.

Mauney, Monty Lee

Maurer, Elizabeth Ann

Mauser, Edward A., Jr.

Maxwell, Elke B.

May, Betsy Allen

May, Mary Jean

Mayer, Kenneth C.

Mayes, Margaret A.

Mayhew, Thomas Wilson

Mayo, Ava Lonya

Mayo, Charles Edward

Mayville, Mary E.

McAdams, Brenda G. 427

McAdama, Robert C. 469

McAIister, Gary S. 469

McAllister, Margaret 447

McAuliffe, Christine 447

McBryde, Terry Wayne 469

McCaffrey, David L., Jr.

McCall, Grovcr Thomas

McCall, Leon Edgar, Jr. 427

McCall, Marcia Lou 427

McCandless, Betty D. 401

McCandlish, Susan R. 427

McCanless, Vivian P. 427

McCarthy, Linda Ann 469

McCaskill, Deborah S. 469

McCaslin, Jane D. 447

McCauIey, Rodney Earl 447

McChesney, James D. 401

McClain, Judith Anne 447

McClees, Carol Ange 447

McClendon, Sandra A. 447

McClenny, Dennis K. 401

McClurg, Carol Jean 469

McCluskey, Phyllis D. 401

McColl, Frances M. 447

McCombs, Kathryn R.

McCombs, Marvin. III

McCombs, Neale R., Jr. 401

McConnell, Ellen S. 447

McCormack, David A. 427

McCowD, Robert Wilson

McCoy, Carlos Manuel

McCoy, Edward Joseph 427

McCoy, Julia Marie 447

McCrary, Richard Wil 469

McCraw, Monte F. 401

McCubbins, Claude T.

McCullen, Annie Rose 401

McCullen, Audrey B. 401

McCullen, Forest C. 378

McCullen, Lillian 401

McCuUough, James S. 469

McCullough, Michael A.

McCuUough, Samuel C.

McCutchan, Kathleen

McDade, Pamela Joyce 447

McDaniel, Eunice E. 427

McDaniel, Janet F. 401

McDaniel, Karen L. 447

McDaniel, Larry Clark

McDearman, Va. Lynn

McDevitt, Edwina Roe 447

McDonald, Linda V. 469

McDowell, Robert W. 447

McDowell, Samuel J. 447

McDuffie, Heidi M. 401

McDuffie, Linda 448

McDuffie, Mary France

McElheney, Paula Ann

McFarland, Leonard R. 469

McGee, Mary Jane 427

McGehee, Charlotte A. 427

McGhee, Jenny Sue 447

McGill, Joan Evans 448

McGinniss, Cheryl Ann

McGirt, Barbara Jean 469

McGlohon, Millie 448

McGowan, Joanna K. 448

McGowan, Mittie Ruth 427

McGrath, Gregory E. 448

McGrath, Mark Joseph 401

Mclneruey, Robert J. 401

Mclnnis, Mary N. 469

Mclnnis, Rebecca L. 401

Mcintosh, Marilyn J. 469

Mclntyre, Bette Lynn 427

Mclntyre, Carol J. 427

Mclntyre, Margaret 448

Mclver, Kenneth A., Jr.

McKee, Judith Anne 427

McKeel, Daniel Lee 469

McKeel, Sheryl Ana 401

McKelvey, Dennis G. 427

McKenzie, Ellis June 448

McKenzie, Martha C. 469

McKenzie, Victor B. 469

McKeown, Bruce Grant 469

McKinley, Patti P. 427

McKinney, Linda Lee 427

McKinney, Michael J. 448

McKinnon, Jeannette H.

McLamb, Harry C., Jr.

McLamb, Nancy L. K. 401

McLamb, Sally J. 469

McLaughlin, Patricia 427

McLaurin, Brenda 401

McLaurin, Donald Joe

McLaurin, Jane Hunter 448

McLean, Doris Faye 401

McLean, Harold K. 448

McLean, Sally Vivian 448

McLcod, Sarah E. 427

McLeod, Suzanne 448

McMahan, Charles L. 469

McMahon, Linda Marie 427

McMahon, Vincent K. 401

McMakin, Benjamin R. 427

McManus, Janice H. 469

McManus, Phyllis Ann 448

McMUlan, Claude D. 427

McMillan, Daphne R. 448

McMillan, James D. 448

McMillian, Cecil M. 427

McNally, Joseph Wm. 448

McNaughton, Peggy Ann 427

McNeil, Janice Faye 448

McNeill, Albert David 427

McNeill, Mary Jane 469

McNeill, Patricia Ann 469

McNeill, Sally Jane 469

McNeill, Wm. Daniel 401

McNerney, John G. 469

McNutt, Anne Pelton 469

McPherson, David Wm. 448

McPherson, Laura R. 448

McRae, Flora Ann 401

McSwain, Bryan Dentry 427

Meachem, Karen G. 427

Meade, Rex Lee 448

Meadows, Pamela Rae 401

Meadows, Terry E. 427

Meadows, Wm. Lee III

Mealy, Kathleen Mary 469

Mears, Beraice Eliz 448

Mears, Catherine A. 448

Mears, Linda Lou 469

Medinger, Patricia A. 448

Medlin, Linda Ruth 469

Medlin, Pamela Burris

Medlin, Rebecca Ann

Medlin, Rodney Marvin 448

Meeks, Joseph B., Jr. 448

Meginnis, Sylvia J. 402

Meiggs, Tiffney Faye 427

Melnikov, Carol Rita 427

Melson, Kay Sue 427

Melton, Charlotte R. 448

Melton, David Kent 469

Melton, Judy Ellen 427

Melton, Sylvia Sue 448

Melvin, John Patrick 470

Melvin, Robert P. 402

Melvin, Samuel R. 470

Mendenhall, Maria 402

Menefee, Wade W., III 427

Mercer, Cynthia Ann 44

Merchant, Ted Hughes

Meredith, Robert A.

Merrill, Frances D.

Merritt, Linda E.

Merritt, Selby Paige

Messer, Stanley Wayne

Mewborn, Asa Wilson

Mewborn, Douglas E.

Mewborn, Julia A.

Michael, Judy Gayle

Michael, Paul H.

Michael, Steven D.

Michaels, Belva Lynn

Micol, Rachel J.

Michaels, Brent R.

Midgett, Mary Dawn

Midgette, Mary Ann

Miesiaszek, Donna L.

Millard, Stephen E.

Miller, Arnold Lee Jr.

Miller, Barbara Louis

Miller, Bobbye Ann

Miller, Christopher C.

Miller, Clarence A. Jr.

Miller, Daniel F.

Miller. Donald Curtis

Miller. James Allen ..

Miller, Jane Eliz

Miller, Janice R

Miller, Karen Suzanne

Miller, Linda Jean

Miller, Norman Gerard

Miller, Robert Chris

Miller, Susie Lynne

Miller, Thomas Cruise

Miller, Willis G., Jr.

Mims, Sandra Stouall

Minges, Terry Clyde

Mingus, Donna Rae

Minor, Carolyn G.

Minter, Deborah G.

Minton, Charles Ellis

Minton, Christina

Minton, Rodney D.

MinloD, Scott C. F.

Mintz, Dorothy E.

Mintz, Gary Micheal

Mioduszewski, Michale

Mirra, Peter Steven

Mitchell, Bingham. Jr.

Mitchell, Coy Wayne

Mitchell, Gregory M.

Mitchell, James R.

Mitchell, Kathryn M.

Mitchell, Miriam G.

Mitchon, Kalherine E.

Mitchum, William D., Jr.

Mixon, Pamela Kaye

Mizelle, Carolyn S.

Mizelle, Dorothy L.

Mizelle, Joan Eliz

Mizelle, Sandra Lee

Mobley, Franklin D.

Mobley, Linda Lou

Mobley, Mark Leonard

Mobley, Nettie Maxine

Mobley, Ronald W.

Mobley, Ruby E.

Mock, Charles Glenn

Modlin, Becky Alita

Modlin, James Ray

Moeschl, James G.

Mohn, Frederick H.

Moldin, Richard F.

Molly, George A.

Monds, John Perry

Monk, Sidney R.

Monnes, James B.

Monroe, Orville N.

Monroe, Paul H., Jr.

Montaquila, Ronald J.

Montgomery, Martha

Moody, Lloyd Ray

Moody, Richard John

Mooney, Charles F.

Mooneyham, Jeral L.

Moore, Allen Keith

Moore, Barbara Ann

Moore, Boyce S., Jr.

Moore, Brenda Joyce

Moore, Carol S.

Moore, Carolyn P.

Moore, Gary Donald

Moore, Claudia Lee

Moore, Diane

Moore, Donna C.

Moore, Dorothy Carol

Moote, James Reid

Moore, Jan Elinda

Moore, Janet Susan

Moore, Janet Taylor

Moore, John Robert

Moore, Karen Jade

Moore, Levy Edward

Moore, Linda Quinn

Moore, Linda Ruth

Moore, Linda Sawrey

Moore, Luther Leon

Moore, Mary Eliz

Moore, Phillip Ray

Moore, Phoebe Maria

Moore, Rebecca Lee

Moore, Rexford J.

Moore, Ronald J.

Moore, Sharon Bettina

Moore, Susan D.

Moore, William R., II

Moorefield, Arthur W.

Moorebead, Randy Ray

Mooring, Steven Foy

Moreland, Anthony E.

Morgan, Brenda Lee

Morgan, Thomas Wayne

Morgan, William M.

Morlan, Mary E.

Morlan, Steven C.

Morris, Barbara Jane

Morris, Billy W.

Morris, Everett L., Jr.

Morris, Frances Ruth

Morris, George Relmon

Morris, Jenny Lynn

Morris, Judith Lynn

Morris, Judy Lyon

Morris, Mary Lynn

Morris, Wm. Birnes, II


Morrisette, Peggy 448

Moirisette, Stephen C. 428

Morrison, Annice W. 470

Morrison, Donald G. 428

Morrison, James, W. 403

Morriss, Sarah Eliz 448

Morrow, John Michael 448

Morrow, Linda K. 470

Morrow, Richard J. 470

Morse, Jeanne Ann 448

Morton, Barbara L. 428

Morton, Kathryn 470

Morton, Randy M. 428

Morton, Roosevelt 470

Morton, Susan W. 403

Moser, Kathy Louis 428

Moser, Linda Kay 470

Mosier, Wm. Hinnant 428

Mosley, Archie T. 448

Motsinger, Jay C. 428

Moullon, Katherine V.

Mountcastle, Sallie V. 448

Mowen, Jill L. 428

Moye, Peggy Annette 403

Moyer, Cynthia Jean 418

Moyer, Lynda Jane 403

Moynihan, Robert C., Jr.

Mozingo, Betty Jean 471

Mozingo, James S. 471

Mozingo, Joyce S. 471

Mozingo, Sheila Cayle 471

Muir, Franlc Fielding 448

Mullen, Helen P. 428

Mullen, James Henry 428

Mullen, Reginald Oris 448

MuUins, Timothy F. 471

Mumford, Brenda Lee 448

Mumford, Janice M. 428

Mumford, Sandra L. 471

Monroe, Cynthia L. 418

Murchison, Gary D. 448

Murchison, James A. 448

Murdoch, Anna M. 471

Murdoch, Cheryl Lee 428

Murdock, Jerold Paul 403

Murphy, Brenda J. 471

Murphy, Frances A. 403

Murphy, Herschel G. 403

Murphy, Ian D., Jr. 428

Murphy, Shelley L. 471

Murray, Brenda Dale 428

Murray, Joan A. 403

Murray, John B. 428

Murray, Joseph Robert 471

Murray, Patricia Ann 471

Murray, Stephen R. 403

Murschell, Wayne M. 448

Musgrove, Sandra Faye 403

Myers, John G. B. 448

Myers, Margaret Lee 448

Myers, Mary Lee 471

Myers, Raleigh B., III 471

Myles, Decker J. 428

Mylum, Jane 403

Myrick, Barbara R. 471

Myrick, Judith Anne 403

- N-

Nail. Janice

Nalepa. Arlene Marie

Nalley, Sandra Ann

Nance, Alpha Nelson

Nance, Judy Ann

Nance, Linda Carol

Nance, Linda Gail

Nance, Marsha Ann

Nantz, Freddie Ross

Napowsa, Cheryl J.

Narron, Samuel R.

Narum, Kathleen Marie

Nash, Donna Kay

Nash, John Charles

Naylor, Diana Downe

Naylor, Steve Van

Neal, Anne Brinkley

Neal, Arnold C.

Neal, Carolyn Lee

Neal, James Patrick

Neal, John Edgar

Neal, Malinda Lee

Neal, Maureen A.

Neal, Susan Colleen

Neely, Carl Eugene Jr.

Neely, Fulton R.

Neese, Julia Irene

Neighbours, Paula D.

Nelms, Donald Moore

Nelson, Edna Edwards

Nelson, Gene Craig 471

Nelson, John Brooks 449

Nelson, Josephine T. 449

Nelson, Melvin Glenn 428

Nelson, Pamela Hill 428

Nelson, Richard S. 404

Nelson, Wallace V., Jr. 404

Netbercutt, Nancy Jo 471

Netherland, Susan F. 471

Nettles, William M. 404

Newbern, Anthony E. 404

Newberry, Larry W. 449

Newbold, Gregory S. 449

Newcomb, Carolyn J. 471

Newell, Terry M. 428

Newkirk, Emily W. 428

Newman, Linda Lee 449

Newman, Thomas Lee 428

Newnam, Donald Wayne 471

Newsom, Dianna Eliz 428

Newton, Billy Ray 449

Newton, Johnny L., Jr. 428

Newton, Margaret S. 449

Newton, Mary Eliz 428

Newton, Samuel C. 428

Nicholds, Gary Albert 428

Nichols, David Grady 471

Nichols, Hugh V. 449

Nichols, James L., Jr. 471

Nichols, Johnny Mack 449

Nichols, Nancy Anne 404

Nichols, Stephen C. 404

Nichols, Wilson S., Jr. 428

Nicholson, Barbara G. 428

Nicholson, Brenda Kay 449

Nicholson, Sandra K. 449

Nicoletti, Nancy A. 471

Nielsen, Karen 449

Ninmann, Benny Emil 449

Niparts, Herbert 428

Nixon, Phyllis Louise 428

Noble, Becky Layne 471

Noble, Eunice Gwen 449

Noble, Freda Olivia 471

Noble, Joan C. 428

Noble, Judy Carol 404

Noble, Leonard Wm., Jr.

Nobles, Lottie Kay 449

Noe, Alexander B., Jr.

Noe, Janet MacDonald 428

Noell, Catherine C. 449

Nolan, Russell E., Jr. 404

Nolan, Sandra Louise 428

Nordbruch, Robert T. 471

Norfleet, Catherine 471

Norlleet, Martha V. 449

Norfleet, Mary Emily 428

Norman, Billie 449

Norman, Mary Eliz 471

Norman, Robert Wright 428

Norman, William W., Jr.

Norrell, Janet Marie 404

Norris, Harriet Eliz 449

Norris, Lester Earl 449

Norris, Nancy Bernice 471

Norsworthy, Debra L. 449

Northcott, Donald R. 449

Northcutt, Donna L. 428

Norwood, John Stephen 404

Norwell, Richard D. 471

Nuckols, Forrest W. 428

Nunez, Max Gabriel 378

Nunn, Larry Richard 449

Nutter, Sandra Lee 404


Oakley, Jesse Ray 428

Oakley, Larry Gene 471

Oakley, Marilyn Gray 449

Gates, Patricia Ann 428

O'Bannon, Earleen V. 471

Ober, Bobby Scot 404

Obrecht, Dawn V. 449

O'Brien, Michael T. 428

O'Connor, Robert J. 428

Odham, Barbara Ann 449

Odham, Doris R. 471

Odom, Regina Louise 471

Ogburn, Katharine 428

Ogle, Sherry Loretla 428

O'Kelley, Jean F. 449

O'Leary, Harriet E. 404

Oliker, David Wm. 449

Oliver, Alice Ann 404

Oliver, Elizabeth D. 471

Oliver, Everett J., Jr. 471

Oliver, John M., Jr. 428

Oliver, Thomas Allen 449

Ollift, Martha C. 428

Olsen, Helen Dee 428

Olsen, Linda Lee 449

Olscu, Richard P. 404

Olson, Marcia Lynn 428

O'Neal, Delbridge S. 471

O'Neal, Evelyn Marie 471

O'Neal, Francis D. 471

O'Neal, Harry Reams 428

O'Neal, Helen Frances 404

O'Neal, Susan Beth 449

O'Neal, William B. 471

O'Neill, Margaret Ann

Oosterwyk, Margaret W.

Orchard, Hays William 404

Origer, Nancy Ann 449

Orlowsky, Sandra L. 471

Ormand, Robert Adrian 404

Ormand, Shelor W. B. 404

Ormsby, Thomas E. 404

Orr, Janet Lynne 449

Orr, Richard Wayne 449

Orton, Arthur M. 471

Orton, Clifton B. 449

Osborne, John W. 429

Gotland, Rudolph B., Jr.

Outlaw, Dianna Marie 429

Outlaw, Wm. Nelson, Jr.

Overby, Donald W. 449

Overby, Mary Davis 449

Overcash, Eric M. 449

Overcash, Michael R. 449

Overs, Patsy Ann 449

Overton, Anna Sheryl

Overton, Becky Harris 404

Overton, Bobby E. 404

Overton, Charles M. 429

Overton, George T. 449

Overton, Helen W. 449

Owen, Linda Carol 449

Owen, Linda Diane 471

Owen, Ray Wayne 404

Owen, Reeta Elza 449

Owens, Elbert W., Jr. 471

Owens, Jesse Alan 449

Owens, Larry Joe 471

Owens, Linda Gray 419

Owens, Marilyn Lee 471

Owens, Stephen Lee 449

Owens, William Samuel

Owings, Jane Alan 449

Pace, Charles Ernest

Pace, Joseph B.

Paden, David Edward

Paderick, Effie Grace

Padgett, William T.

Page, Brenda Louise

Page, Mary Stuart

Page, Michael L.

Page, Thomas Ervin

Paisley, Larry Greer

Pait, Luther Andrew

Palassis, Antoinette

Paris, Fulton T.

Park, Allen Joe III

Parker, Billie Surles

Parker, Ernest L.

Parker, John Quinton

Parker, Lina Gayle

Parker, Margaret L.

Parker, Mary Louise

Parker, Nancy Lou

Parker, Ora Creech

Parker, Osburne B

Parker, Patricia Kay

Parker, Salli Jane

Parker, Sara Lucinda

Parker, Sylvia Dianne

Parker, William H., Jr.

Parker, Wm. Morris

Parks, James Hinton

Parks, James Johnson

Parks, Larry Calvin

Parnell, Frances Kaye

Pamell, Patricia Ann

Parrish, Carl F.

Parrish, Hazel J.

Parrish, James W. 405

Parrish, Janett Grace 429

Parrish, Keitb Ray 449

Parrish, Ronald H. 449

Parsons, Gregory W. 40S

Parsons, James M. 472

Parsons, Pamela S. 449

Partin, Gail Eliz 472

Parlin, Thomas L. 405

Partridge, Ann Brooks 449

Parvin, Mary Ann 429

Pate, Fletcher J. 429

Pate, Linda Kay 472

Pate, Margaret Wood 472

Pate, Marilyn A. 472

Pate, Rupert G., Jr. 429

Pate, Tommy Baxter 449

Patrick, Joseph E. 429

Patrick, Mary Dell 472

Patterson, Betsy Hope 429

Patterson, Charles T. 472

Patterson, Linda M. 449

Patterson, Patricia M. 449

Patterson, Ronnie Ray 472

Patton, Rosa V. 429

Paul, Claude C. III 449

Paul, Jay Richard 429

Paul, Jerry Lynn 429

Paul, Judith Ana 449

Paiton, Donna Anne 429

Payne, Cameron 472

Payne, Lu Ann 429

Payne, Robert C. 472

Payne, Roger Lee 429

Payne, Sandra Rosa 429

Peacock, June Dianne 472

Peacock, Nancy R. 429

Peaden, Stanley D. 449

Pearce, Anne E. 449

Pearce, Lucretia Gale 405

Pearce, Roy Nelson 405

Pearson, Alice B. 472

Pearson, Cynthia Ann 472

Pearson, Diana Marie 472

Pearson, Vertis C. 429

Pearson, William E. 449

Pecunia, Myrna E. 472

Peed, Terry Ward 472

Peedin, Bonnie Mae 472

Peedin, Floyd R. 472

Peel, Elizabeth Booth 472

Peel, Linda Sue 449

Peel, Michael Clark 472

Peel, Robson Clark 449

Peele, Bonnie Louise 429

Peele, Michael Allen 405

Peele, Rose Mary 429

Peer, Donald Wm 449

Peer, Linda Marie 472

Pellelier, Brenda J. 472

Pelletier, Uura P. 449

Pellelier, Lynne D. 472

Pelt, Alice Kaye 405

Peluso, Robert N. 449

Pendergraft, George L. 429

Pendleton, Rhonda L. 429

Pendleton, Terry S. 472

Penfield, Nancy Sue 449

Penland, Linda B. 429

Penley, Shirley Eliz 472

Pennington, Julia E. 429

Penny, Brenda Irene 472

Pentz, Archie Perry 449

Perkins, Thalia Jerot 472

Perkins, Tommy Glenn 472

Perkins, William G. 472

Perkinson, James E., Jr.

Perkinson, John L. 405

Permar, Rulus H., Jr. 405

Perry, Belinda Carole 472

Perry, Charles W., Jr. ... 429

Perry, Donald H. 449

Perry, Joyce Marie 405

Perry, Mary Louise 450

Perry, Rodney W. 472

Perry, Virginia L. 450

Peters, Michael S. 429

Peterson, David G. 472

Peterson, Margie Ree 429

Peterson, Pamela Gray 450

Petree, Henry E., Jr. 472

Pfall, Howard R. 405

Pfalf, Shirley Ann 405

Plau, Carlotta E. 429

Pleil, Debra Marie 472

Pharo, Adrian George 450

Pharr, Mary Lou 472

Phelps, Harriet M. 450

Phelps, Retla Ann 472

Phibbs, Ralph S., Jr. 472

Phillips, Annette E. 450

Phillips, Baxter F. 405

PhUlips, Bobby Ray 472

Phillips, Cliffdord H. 429

Phillips, David P. 450

Phillips, Howard T. 472

Phillips, Jerri Lynn 426

Phillips, Johnny Roy 429

Phillips, Mary J. 429

Phillips, Pamela J. 472

Phillips, Randall D. 472

Phillips, Tony Gray 429

Phipps, Diane B. 378

Phipps, Gary James 429

Pickard, Donna Lee 405

Pickard, James Ernest 472

Pickard, Robert H. 472

Pickett, Gerald F. 450

Pickett, Henry D. 429

Pickler, Mary Lynn 429

Pierce, Beverly D. 472

Pierce, Don Leroy, Jr. 405

Pierce, Donna Paige 450

Pierce, Doris Eliz 472

Pierce, Hal Warren 405

Pierce, Jimmy G., Jr. 405

Pierce, Judy Gray 450

Pierce, Marcia Diane 472

Pierpoint, Martha G. 429

Pierson, Marjorie L. 429

Pike, Donald Forrest 472

Pike, Edith Joann 472

Piland, Marvin S. 405

Pilchard, Beverly Ann

Pilkenlon, Sheila Kay 472

Pillow, Lynda Lee 472

Piner, Saundra Gale 450

Piner, Sherry Diane 450

Piniaha, Grace 450

Piniaha, Mary Ann E 472

Pinsky, Robert David 472

Pipher, Charles K. 450

Pipkin, Rita Kay 472

Pistner, Neta Marie 405

Pitt, Judith Ann 429

Pittard, Beverly J. 405

Pittard, Michael L. 405

Pittard, Ruth W. 405

Pittard, William D 429

PittiUo, Cherie G. 450

Pittman, Arthur T. III

Pittman, Clifton L., Jr. 472

Pittman, Gurney Ed., Jr.

Pittman, Harold Henry 405

Pittman, James Lynn 450

Pittman, Mack G., Jr 472

Pittman, Mary Irene 450

Pittman, Samuel Lane

Pittman, Sherrill Kay 450

Pittman, Susan A. 472

Pitts, Eunice Harriet 429

Pitts, John Richard 472

Pitts, Sina Riggs 472

Piunti, Charles David

Piatt, Harold Wilmer 472

Pleasants, James F. 472

Plemmons, Linda S. 429

Plummer, Betty Lynne 472

Plybon, Robert B. 472

Poffenbaugh, Patsy A. 405

Pollard, Emily J. 450

Pollard, Frances A. 473

Pollard, Larry Cordon 405

PoUard, Nancy E. 450

Pollok, Virginia C. 450

Poole, Jerome Vaughan 473

Poole, Patsy Hellon 429

Poot, John Richard 405

Pope, Braxton Branch 429

Pope, Dennis Darrell 473

Pope, Hal J., Jr. 473

Pope, James Shuford 450

Pope, Judy Gwendolyn 473

Pope, Robert W., Jr. 405

Pope, Teresa Jane 473

Popwell, Sheila Jean 429

Portela, Gilbert Mark 450

Portela, Mary E. 473

Porter, Jack Homer 429

Porter, Michael W. 405

Porter, Tanya Elaine 450

Posey, Michael Owen 405

Postlewait, Kathleen 473

Poston, Russell E. 406

Potter, Cheri Lynne 429

Potter, Cynthia A. 429

Potts, Donna Faye 473

Potts, Ernest Guy 429

Powell, Barbara Lynn 406

Powell, Charles Henry

Powell, Deborah Jane 473

Powell, Donna Gale 406

Powell, Emily Mae 473

Powell, Harriette L. 450

Powell, Martha Ann

Powell, Mary E. 473


Rash. Mary Dianne 429

Rautb, Barbara Anne 473

Ravelli, John Wm 406

Baxter, Martha Jean 450

Ray, Carol Underwood 450

Ray, Clara Lynn 473

Ray, Phyllis Rose 429

Raybourn, Holly M. 429

Raynor, David Kenneth 406

Raynor, Margaret E. 378

Read, Sandra Judith 450

Reaves, Cynthia D. 450

Reavis, Leo Craige 429

Reavis, Peggy Lou 450

Reavis, Thomas B. 473

Reddick, Kenneth Lee 450

Redding, Nancy Ann 450

Redmond, Vicki Kaye

Reed, Charles Thomas

Reeder, Harry L., III 450

Reel, Alice Joy 406

Reel, Edwin Lee, Jr. 429

Register, Graham B. 450

Reid, Gloria Yvonne 429

Reid, Linda Lou 450

Reiner, Riley Earle 429

Reinhardt, Ann Marie 450

Reinhold, Gerald S. 406

Remley, Debra Lou 450

Renegar, Neva E. 473

Renegar, Patricia Ann 473

Rentrow, Sandra E. 450

Renn, Kitty Marcus 473

Renn, Virginia Lee 429

Respass, Rita Helen 450

Respess, William A. 451

Rettew, Edna C. 473

Rettig, John Stewart 406

ReviUe, Jill Jessica 430

Reynaud, David S. 430

Reynolds, Charles K. 406

Reynolds, Elizabeth W.

Reynolds, Janet Marie 473

Reynolds, John R. 451

Reynolds, Preston, Jr.

Reynolds, Robert L., Jr.

Reynolds, Ruth E. 430

Reynolds, Thomas D. 473

Reynolds, Thomas H. 407

Rhash, Barry Arthur 473

Rhem, John Edward 430

Rhem, Sara C. Lewis 407

Rhodes, Martha Lee 407

Rhodes, Rosemary 430

Rhodes, Wm. Edward 407

Rhoney, Rebecca Ann 473

Rhyne, Jo Ann 407

Rhyne, Linda Ann 473

Rhyne, Robert Andrew 451

Ribbins, Peter Daniel 473

Rice, Christine Ann 451

Rice, Patricia Gail 451

Rich, Julius H., Jr. 430

Rich, Ronald Wayne 451

Richardson, James E. 473

Richardson, Janet Kay 451

Richardson, John R. 407

Richardson, Sharon A. 407

Richardson, William R. 451

Richardson, William S. 430

Ricketts. Joanne F. 451

Ricks, Gary Russell 451

Riddick, Alice Ann 430

Riddle, Irene Berry 430

Riddle, Nancy C. 430

Riddle, Peggy Jo 451

Rietdorf, Nancy Ann 430

Riffle, Gail White 407

Riggs, Charles F. 451

Riggs, Larry Coleman 430

Riggsbee, Ned L. 473

Riley, Dan Edward 473

Riley, Leary Ruaine 451

Rinei, Stephen Craig 451

Ringrose, Stephen J. 451

Riordan, Clifford T. 407

Risnes, Connie Lee 451

Rittenbury, Mary C. 473

Rivenbark, Charles F. 430

Rivenbark, Henry G. 451

Rivenbark, Jerry D. 430

Rivera, Katharine L. 430

Roach, Andrew T., Jr. 430

Bobbins, David Ray 473

Robbins, Margaret Ann 473

Roberson, Donna Kay 407

Roberson, Ethel C. 407

Roberson, Gerald W. 451

Roberson, Johnny Lee 430

Roberson, Lillian C. 473

Roberson, Mary Drew 430

Roberson, Sandra R. 451

Roberts, Adrian R., Jr. 407

Roberts, Billy Blake 451

Roberts, Bobby Earl 407

Roberts, David Gwyn 473

Roberts, George H. 430

Roberts, Grace Adams 451

Roberts, Judy Carol 430

Roberts, Rex Dana 430

Roberts, Steven F. 451

Roberts, Terrell Ray 407

Roberts, Thomas 451

Roberts, Thomas J., Jr. 451

Roberts, Walter F., Jr. 451

Roberts, William Y. 451

Robertshaw, Mary L. 473

Robertson, Bernard P. 407

Robertson, Carl J., Jr. 474

Robertson, Kenneth L. 407

Robertson, Melissa K. 474

Robertson, Regina Sue 407

Robertson, Sherry J. 430

Robertson, Tommy Joe 474

Robinson, Bryan F. 407

Robinson, George L., Jr. 407

Robinson, George W. 430

Robinson, Nellie G. 474

Robinson, Randall W. 4S1

Robinson, Robert B. 451

Robinson, William C. 430

Robinson, Vivian E. 474

Robinson, Willie M. 474

Robson, Breoda Jewell 430

Rockwell, Charlene C. 451

Rockwell, Dennis K. 407

Roddy, Brenda Joyce 430

Rodgers, Brenda J. 430

Rodgers, Hilda Faye 474

Rodgers, Joan L. 451

Rodriguez, Judith A. 430

Roe, Howard Bruce 474

Roebuck, Stella Karen 474

Roesch, Marilyn L. 407

Rogers, Bonnie B. 407

Rogers, Camilla C. 474

Rogers, Carl Marion 451

Rogers, Jon Charles 474

Rogers, Sandra Anne 407

Rogers, William Max 430

Rogers, Wm. James 407

Rogerson, Ann O'Neal 474

Rogerson, Ellen 430

Rogerson, William R 430

Rollins, Donna Gail 407

Rollins, Linda D. 451

Romano, Bruce Anthony 430

Romer, Rose Marie 474

Roper, Katherine W. 451

Rose, Carl Ray 407

Rose, Donald W. 474

Rose, Jo Anne 451

Rose, Linda Ann 451

Rose, Margaret Ann 451

Rose, Randy Kieth 430

Rose, Robert Kent 407

Rosebrock, Elizabeth 474

Roseman, Kathy Lynn 474

Roseman, Paul M., Jr. 407

Rosen, Susan Faye 407

Rosenau, John P. 451

Rosenbaum, Phillip D. 407

Roser, John Louis, Jr. 474

Ross, Anne Lasater 474

Ross, David Steven 451

Ross, Frances M. 430

Ross, Henry A., Jr. 407

Ross, James Owens 451

Ross, Joyce Marie 430

Ross, Phyllis P. 430

Rosso, Donna Barbara 430

Roth, Howard R. 451

Roth, John Richard 430

Rolhermich, Terry P. 407

Rolbrock, Carl E., Jr. 430

Rothrock, Howard W. 474

Rott, Rebecca Ruth 451

Roughton, Edgar G. 407

Rountree, Annie M. 430

Rountree, Bessie Ann 451

Rountree, Ruthellen 407

Rouse, Jessie Carolyn 451

Rouse, Peggy Joyce 474

Rouse, Walter Arthur .... 407

Rousso, Steven Barry 451

Routb, Linda Moore 451

Rowe. Debora Ann 474

Rowe. Deborah Kade 474

Rowe. Ida Elaine 474

Rowe. Linda Gale 451

Rowell, Thomas Ray 474

Rowell, Patricia Ann 451

Rowland, Floyd M., Jr. 408

Rowland, Myra Susan 451

Rowlett, Margaret L. 430

Royall, Wm. Franklin 451

Ruch, Donald Gene 474

Rudder, Emily Dianne 451

Rudisill, Darrell E. 451

Rudroff, Mary Elinor 474

Ruffin, Michael F. 451

Rumbley, Margaret S. 408

Rumbold, John T. 474

Rumley, Carolyn Ward

Ruschival, Mary Lena 378

Ruse, Pamela Jean 474

Rush, Stephen Pate 430

Russell, Charles F. 430

Russell, Christopher 474

Russell, Mary Lee 430

RuBsell, Michael J. 474

Russell, Robert F. 451

Rust, Dennis Paul 474

Rust, Robin Ann 451

Ruth, Betty Brown 430

Ruth, Wayne Stuart 474

Rutledge, Fred Allen 408

Ryals, Reginald B. 474

Ryan, Jane Henderson

Ryan, Thomas Edward 474

Rylander, Dale C. 474

Ryu, Toshiko 451

Sabo, Kenneth M. 430

Sage, William Ray 474

Saleeby, Nickie Ann 430

Saine, Cynthia Ann 451

Salenius, Howard G. 408

Salinger, Jennifer W. 451

Salisbury, John S. 451

Salles, Donna Jean 430

Sallin, Darlene Rose 474

Salter, David Charles 451

Salter, Jo Ann 430

Sample, Sheridan L. 474

Samuelsen, Richard L. 430

Sandbank, Ellen M. 474

Sanderlin, Brenda Lee 408

Sanders, Shelby 451

Sanderson, Glenwood K.

Sanderson, Leon M. 378

Sanderson, Sandra C. 430

Sanderson, Thomasine 430

Sandlin, Isaac J., Jr. 430

Sanford, Ada Betsy 430

Sanger, John Samuel 430

Sanges, Jane Layton 474

Sapp, Sharon Kay 451

Sargent, Frances L. 430

Sasser, Lewis E., Jr. 430

Sasaer, Paul Lehman 408

Satchell, Lou Elwin 408

Satterfield, Bonnie L. 430

Satlerfield, Jerry W. 451

Satterfield, Robert D. 430

Satterwaite, Hatlie K. 430

Saul, Carol Ann 408

Saunders, Alice P. 451

Saunders, Freddie 452

Saunders, Grover M. 474

Saunders, Johnnie Lou 452

Saunders, Ronald L. 408

Saunders, Stephen D. 408

Saunders, Theodore F. 408

Savage, Jackie Lou 408

Saval, Marcia Marian 431

Sawrey, Robert Wayne 474

Sawyer, Eula Frances 431

Sawyer, Judith S. 408

Sawyer, Kathryn Ann 431

Sawyer, Miriam E. 431

Sawyer, Patricia Ann 431

Sawyer, Philip R. 452

Sawyers, Rush A. 474

Sawyer, Sophie S 378

Sawyer, Van Waco, Jr. 452

Saylors, Michael C. 474

Scales, Judy Anne 452

Scarborough, Gary E. 431

Scarborough, Judith S. 452

Schadel, Margaret Lea 474

Schafford, Jo Ann 431

Schavio, Carl J. 431

Schecter, Roger N. 408

Schell. Thomas F. 452

Schleif, Jan Marie 452

Schewe, William C. 474

Schiavone, Joseph A. 408

Schick, Timothy Alan 431

Schlitzkus, Suzanne 452

Schmeer, Susan Kay 431

Schmidt, Janet Eliz 471

Schmidt, Richard G. 431

Schuurr, Paul F. 405

Schott, Richard A. 474

Schrum, Paul M., Jr. 379

Schumaker, Sally C. 474

Schwall, Karen Lee 408

Schwartz, Bonnie Lee .... 431

Scoggins, Charles B. 431

Scoggins, Larry K. 452

Scoggins, William B. 431

Scott, Anne Geraldine 408

Scott, Danny Lee 474

Scott, David W. 431

Scott, Elmer H., Jr. 474

Scott, Francis Kay 431

Scott, Lynette L. 474


Scolt, Phyllis Jean

Scoll, Ramona Ann 474

Scott, Susan E. 431

Scott. Virginia E. 431

Scruggs, Cynthia L. 431

Scruggs, Mitzi Lee 452

Scurry, Sharon Gail 431

Seagle, Dennis George 431

Seagondollar, Laurel 474

Seaman, Barbara S. 408

Seaman, Joyce Margare 431

Seamon, Elizabeth L. 474

Searcy, John Daniel 452

Seaton, Nancy Eliz 431

Seawell, William D. 431

Sebesan, Dennis J. 408

Sechrisl, Richard 431

Senor, Albert T. 474

Sedgwick, Linda L. 452

Seigler, Marie Louise 408

Seiling, Margaret C. 431

Sellars, Barry C. 452

Sellars, Daniel D. 452

Sellers, Emily C. 431

Sellers, Joseph T., Jr.

Sellers, Michael Glen 452

Sellers, Richard D. 474

Selph. Jeffrey L. 452

Sergeant, William A. 431

Sermons, Bertha Anne

Sermons, James Ralph 474

Serotta, Barbara Lee 474

Serra, Michael A. 452

Seasoms, Ronald H. 431

Setaro, Teresa Ann 408

Settle, David Marion 408

Settle, Thomas Gary 474

Setzer, Douglas A. 452

Setzer, Suzanne 475

Sexlon, Connie Ann 431

Sexton, Emily Gray 452

Seymore, Jo Ann 431

Shannon, Leslie Kaye 408

Sharick, Christine C 475

Sharpe, Carol 431

Sharpc, David Thomas 475

Sharpe, Raymond P. 475

Sharpe, Steven Lee 475

Sharpless, Karen 475

Shatley, Danny P. 475

Shaw, Coy W.. Jr. 452

Shaw, Elizabeth G. 452

Shaw, Kenneth W. 408

Shaw, Lela Mae 475

Shaw, Martha Harriet 431

Shaw, Roberta Anne 431

Shaw, Wm. Douglas 452

Shearer, Linda Kay 475

Shearin, Ava Jane 431

Shearin, Ellen T. 431

Shearin, James Calvin

Shearin, Lynn Ridley

Shearin, Natalie Jane

Shearin, Susan Gayle 452

Shearin, Verna Dene 452

Sheehan, Deborah Lee 452

Sheets, Gary Wayne 475

Sheets, Mary Sue 475

Sheffield, Cynthia L. 475

Sheffield, Everett E. 452

Sheffield, Jerry H. 431

Shellon, Bennett Dodd 408

Shelton, Judy Howard 408

Sheneman, Susan Leah 475

Shepherd, Cecelia Jo 475

Shepherd, John F 408

Sheppard, Nancy Eliz. 475

Sheppard, Thorne M., Jr.


Sherman, Mary Lucy 431

Sherrill, Brenda J. 475

Sherrill, Harry David 475

Sherrill, Jerry Dale 475

Sherrill, Lee S. 431

Sherrill, Marilyn E. 431

Shields, David S. 452

Shields, Fred W., Jr. 408

Shields, Garrow Ann 475

Shields, Mary Susan 475

Shields, Sheilah E. 452

Shifnett, Andrew L. 379

Shinn, Madeleine Ann 475

Shipe, Mary Caroline 475

Shirley, Dana James 431

Shoaf, Brenda Irene 431

Shoaf, Melinda G. 409

Shoffner, Adriene F. 475

Sholar, Hunter D. 475

Shore, Karen Hale 452

Shore, Pamela Kay 409

Shore, Zetta Gay 452

Short, Harold Milton 409

Short, Terry Bruce 475

Showfety, Stephen D. 431

Showfety, Victoria R. 475

Shue, Charlotte Faye 431

Shue, Roy Milton, Jr. 475

Shuffler, Jimmie N. 409

Shul, Brian 452

Sifford, Brenda Sue 475

Sigmon, Paula Marie 475

Sigmon, Tonia Shela 475

Silance, Hilda Leigh 452

Silva, Armando C. 475

Simmons, Almeria Mae 379

Simmons, Anna Jane 475

Simmons, Archie C. 452

Simmons, Barbara Anne 475

Simmons, Beulah P. 431

Simmons, Candace J. 475

Simmons, Carolyn Lee 475

Simmons, Frances L. 452

Simmons, Karen Eliz 475

Simmons, Lillie Mae 475

Simmons, Roderick A.

Simmons, Sondra Gail 431

Simmons, Stephen M. 452

Simms, Chester D., Jr.

Simpkins, Margaret R. 475

Simpson, Barbara Ann 452

Simpson, Linda C. 431

Simpson, Malcolm, Jr. 475

Simpson, Phillis Lou 475

Simpson, Wayne T. 452

Sink, Nancy Carol 475

Silton, Howard T., Jr. 379

Skeen, Ervin Dwain 475

Skibbe, Wilma Jean 475

Skiles, Susan 431

Skinner, Joan Carol 431

Skinner, Ralph D. 475

Skipper, John G., Jr. 431

Sklar, Toby Michael 431

Skowronski, Thomas F. 475

Skrobiszewski, John 379

Slaughter, Eric A. 452

Slaughter, Ruthie E 452

Sledd, Peggy Ellen 475

Sledge, Johnsie Lou 475

Sledge, Roger Larry 409

Sloan, Karen Ann 431

Sloan, Millard F., Jr. 431

Sloan, Sharon G. 409

Small, Eliz. Carol 431

Small, Harriet Bond 409

Small, Julia Leary 431

Smallwood, Bernadine 431

Smedley, Stanley R. 379

Smart, Garry Lee 475

Smathers, Frank M. 475

Smathers, Janis Lynn 475

Smith, Alethia J. 379

Smith, Barbara Ann 431

Smith, Barbara N. 431

Smith, Beverly Jean 431

Smith, Billy Floyd 475

Smith, Brenda Kay 431

Smith, Brenda Lanette 409

Smith, Byron F. 475

Smith, Carl Cornelius 475

Smith, Cecelia Lynne 452

Smith, Charlie H. 475

Smith, Charlie Kent 409

Smith, Christine E. 475

Smith, Clarence A., Jr. 452

Smith, Connie V. 431

Smith, Cynthia D. 432

Smith, Cynthia H. 452

Smith, Darrell Lee 452

Smith, Donald Neal 475

Smith, Dorothy Mae 475

Smith, Doyle Reid 432

Smith, Edward A. 475

Smith, Elbert D., Jr. 432

Smith, Ernest Wayne 475

Smith, Francis A. 475

Smith, Frederick G. 475

Smith; Gene Stancill 409

Smith, Glynn Ora 476

Smith, Henry Allen 452

Smith, Howard Ray, Jr. 476

Smith, Jacqueline K. 452

Smith, James Norris 432

Smith, Jane Iris 452

Smith, Janice Wanda 476

Smith, Jerry Ralph 409

Smith, Joan Rochelle 432

Smith, John Jordan 432

Smith, John Martin, Jr. 409

Smith, Joyce Ann 452

Smith, Julian Theodor 476

Smith, Kenneth Ervin 476

Smith, Lanny Oscar 452

Smith, Larry Gene 452

Smith, Lawrence Allen 452

Smith, Linda Faye 432

Smith. Linda Lee 452

Smith, Linda Susan 476

Smith, Marcus C., Jr. 476

Smith, Marland B. 452

Smith, Mary Craven 452

Smith, Mary Louise 432

Smith, Myron Ann 432

Smith, Nancy Ann 476

Smith, Nancy Ruth 432

Smith, Patsy Gayle 409

Smith, Phillip Ray 452

Smith, Ralph Russell 432

Smith, Rebecca Jane 432

Smith, Rexie Jane 432

Smith, Rosa J. McRae 409

Smith, Saundra Kaye 432

Smith, Sheila Oakley 409

Smith, Shirley Jane 476

Smith, Stuart Gerald 476

Smith, Susan Kay 432

Smith, Willatd M.

Smith, William H., Jr.

Smithwick, Terryl D.

Snavely, Robert Grant

Snead, Daniel C.

Sneed, Sara Ann

Snow, Gloria Jean

Snuggs, Frances C.

Snuggs, Susan Ann

Snyder, Donald F.

Snyder, Morris E.

Snyder, Robert Ernest

Snyder, Wanda Lee

Sobieski, Gordon Ericv

Solomon, Michael E.

Soltys, Michael A.

Somers, Jacqueline G.

Sorrell, Anne Marie

Southerland, Anthony

Southerland, Isaac B.

Southerland, James D.

Southgate, Thomas F.

Spain, Hilda G.

Spain, Mary Louise

Spain, Pamela Kaye

Spangler, Evelyn L.

Spano, Barbara Ann

Sparrow, John Dalton

Sparrow, Stephen W.

Sparrow, William C.

Spears, Martha Burns

Speas, Larry Dean

Speight, Ann Powell

Speight, Joseph L.

Spence, Keifford D.

Spence, Pamela Jean

Spencer, Johnny Wm., Jr.

Spencer, Joyce Marie

Spencer, Randall Marl 476

Spencer, Robert Allen 432

Spencer, Ronald D. 409

Spivey, Cynthia D. 453

Spivey, Susan B. 432

Spivey, Thomas Barry 432

Spooner, Shirley Ann 476

Spraggins, Treka Eliz. 476

Spragins, Linda C. 409

Sprinkle, Allen L. 476

Sprinkle, Melinda Ann 453

Spruill, Constance T. 453

Spruill, Erma Phelps 432

Spruill, Haywood, Jr. 409

Spruill, Karen Sue 432

Spruill, Mary Kay 453

Spruill, Patricia A. H. 409

Stainback, Brenda Lou 409

Stakes, Gary E. 432

Staley, John A., Jr. 409

Staley, Linda Lee 432

Slallings, Barbara 432

Stallings, Douglas C. 476

Stallings, Edna Mae 453

Slallings, Linda Anne 476

Stallings. Linda C. 432

Stallworth, Robert F. 476

Stalnaker, Susan E. 409

Stamey, Theresa Gail 476

Stamps, Susan Byrle 453

Stancil, Charles Owen 476

Standi, John Russell 379

Stancil, Sue Anthony 453

Standefcr, Stephanie 453

Stanley, Cynthia Sue 432

Stanley, Frances Ann 453

Stanley, Judy Ann 453

Stanley, Patricia 476

Stanley, Stella Eliz 476

Stanton, Suzanne Eliz.

Staples, Norman H., Jr.

Starke, Linda D.

Starling, Clara H.

Starling, James G.

Statham, Thomas F.

Steele, Ann Harris

Steele, Kathryn Smith

Steele, Thomas Nelson

Steeley, James Ernest

Steinberg. Miriam R.

Stem, Sandra E.

Stephens, Henry M.

Stephens, James Lynn

Stephens, Jennings W.

Stephens, Michael C.

Stephenson, Charles L.

Stephenson, Daisy H.

Stephenson, James T.

Stephenson, Jerome B.

Stephenson, John, III

Stephenson, John P.

Stephenson, Susan C.

Stephenson, Susan C.

Stephenson, Vivian R.

Stevens, Beverly Ann

Stevens, Glenda Sue

Stevens, Judith D,

Stevens, Linda Jo

Stevenson, Cheryl D.

Stewart, Catherine L.

Stewart, Janice G,

Stewart, Jo Ann

Stewart, Leslie Anne

Stewart, Virginia D.

Stilley, Gary Gene

Stimmel, Patricia Ann

Stimpson, Sharon Anne 432

Stinagle, Janice Eliz 410

Stinson, Gwyndolyn L. 476

Stinson, Wesley Ray 410

Stirling, Patricia L. 432

Stirling, Robert M. 453

Stock, John M., Jr. 476

Stockdale, Dennis L. 379

Stockner, James Irven 410

Stocks, James S. 453

Stocks, Mary Lee 476

Stockton, Douglas M. 410

Sloken, Edward J. 432

Stokes, Dennis A. 410

Stokes, James Harney 453

Stokes, John Hardy, Jr. 476

Stokes, Linda Gayle 476

Stokley, Robert E. 410

Sloltz, Cecelia Kay 432

Stoltz, Linda Gayle 476

Stone, Loretta Venus 476

Stone, Sara Patricia 453

Stone, Linda Jo 476

Stone, John W., III 432

Slonestreet, Linda V. 410

Stoops, Carol Faye 476

Storey, Brenda Gail 476

Story, Terry Sue 476

Stovall, Thornton, Jr. 410

Stowe, Beverly Jean 476

Stowe, David Lee 453

Strain, Robert D. 453

Straughn, Jacqueline 432

Strawbridge, Martha B. 432

Strawn, Bobby M. 453

Steet, Susan Jane 432

Streetman, Eddie Jay

Strickland, Charles E. 453

Strickland, Arnette 453

Strickland, Gloria C. 410

Strickland, Gwendolyn 453

Strickland, Joseph H. 453

Strickland, Kenneth C. 476

Strickland, Louis E. 432

Strickland, Marilyn L. 453

Strickland, Pamela J. 476

Strickland, Robert D. 453

Strickland, Rudy C. 432

Strickland, Sandra D. 432

Strickland, Stephen B. 476

Strickland, Willard B. 453

Stringfellow, Donald 432

Strong, Charles Hall 476

Stroud, Cynthia Ann 432

Stroud, David Lynn 476

Stroud, Edward H., Jr. 476

Stroud, Larry C 453

Stroup, Wm. Robert 410

Stuart, Judy Lynne 476

Slubbs, Clyde Van 432

Stubbs, Colon Patrick

Stuckey, Rufus D., Jr.

Studebaker, Rosemary

Study, Neil Thompson 410

Sturm, Sarah Anna 432

Stutts, Barney W., Jr. 410

Styron, Cecil Henry 432

Styron, Esther K. 453

Suddreth, Paula D.

Sugg, Donna Troy 410

Sugg, Joan Karen 410

Sugg, Robert Steve 453

Suggs, Lennie J. 453

Suggs, Phyllis Gail 453

Suiter, Joseph L. 476

Sullivan, Janice K. 476

Sullivan, Leo Thomas 432

Sullivan, Mary 410

Sullivan, Nelda Fay 453

Summerlin, Marsha A.

Summers, Ann Lippard

Summers, Carla Dawn 476

Summers, Daniel L. 476

Summers, Ella Latne 432

Sumner, Louis Wesley 432

Sumner, Nellie B. 432

Sumner, Paula A. H. 432

Sumrell, Carolyn J. 432

Sundholm, Marjory Ann 453

Surles, Gayle 453

Sutlitf, John A., Jr. 453

Sutton, Brenda Sue 453

Sutton, Carol Dianne 476

Sutton, Carolyn Ann 476

Sutton, Diane 476

Sutton, Joanna E 453

Sutton, Mary L. 453

Sutton, Nannette 476

Sutton, Sandra Kaye 453

Sutton, Sandra M. 476

Sutton, Sherwood R. 410

Sutton, Stanley D. 476

Sutton, Susan Lou 476

Swaim, Margaret Ann 476

Swain, Clifford Wade 410

Swain, Dorothy Ann 476

Swain, Robert D., Jr. 476

Swain, Teresa Carol 432

Swan, Dorothy Ann 411

Swan, Sallie Ruth 453

Swaney, Larry B. 411

Swann, Jerry Norman 453

Swanner, Charles P. 453

Swartzlander, Jeanne 453

Sweat, George Lewis 453

Swiggett, Linda G. 453

Swindell, Ann Pace 476

Sykes, Barbara A. 453

Sykes, Carolyn Faye 476

Sykes, Jack H., Jr. 453

Sykes, Joan Meade 411

Sykes, Jon Kenneth 476

Sykes, Jonnie Ellen 453

Tadlock, Milton E., Jr. 476

Talley, Martha E. 453

Talley, Wm. Douglas 477

Tally, Donna Lou 432

Talton, Iris Anne 432

Talton, Lawrence W., Jr.

Tamul, Joseph John 453

Tamul, Patricia B. 432

Tanner, Diane E. 477

Tant, Claudia Irene 453

Tarkington, Brenda K.

Tart, Joyce Britt 453

Tart, Nina Louise 432

Tart, Paul D. 453

Tart, Paula Ann 411

Tart, Ricky Donald 477

Tart, Robert Carlyle 477

Tasler, Karene Eliz 477

Tate, Linda Dianne 432

Tatum, Curtis Norman

Tatum, Mary Ellington 477

Taylor, Alma Wright 411

Taylor, Barbara Blake 411

Taylor, Bonnie Kay 453

Taylor, Bonnie Rose 432

Taylor, Catherine V. 432

Taylor, Charles E., Jr. 411

Taylor, Christine Ann 432

Taylor, John A., Jr. 432

Taylor, John Edward 432

Taylor, Joseph E. 453

Taylor, Larry R. 411

Taylor, Lee R., Jr. 453

Taylor, Linda Ann 432

Taylor, Martha Kay 477

Taylor, Martha Tanya

Taylor, Mary Ann 432


Taylor, Mary Margaret

Taylor, Muriel S

Taylor, Pamela Stone

Taylor, Peecy Jean

Taylor, Sarah Eliz.

Taylor, Sylvia Leigh

Taylor, Terence G.

Taylor, Thomas F.

Taylor, Vernon O.

Taylor, Wm. Alton

Teachey, Debra Ann

Teachey, Linda Faye

Teague, Louis Alan

Teal, James H.

Teal, Patricia Ann

Tedder, Judith L.

Tee, Vicki Sharon

Teel, Patricia Joan

Teeter, Jane Blair

Teitelbaum, Charlene

Temple, June Faye

Temple, Kenneth R.

Terrell, Benjamin T.

Terrell, Brenda Lynn

Terrell, Judy Savin

Terrell, William L., Jr.

Terry, Carol Jo

Terry, Susan Leigh

Tesh, Bennie F., Jr.

Tesh, Jo Sherman

Tesh, John C.

Tesh, Kay Frances

Tetterton, Barbara L.

Tetterton, Louis C., Jr.

Teuteberg, Sarah, L.

Thacker, Robert T., Jr.

Tharrington, Donnie E.

Tharrington, Margaret

Tharrington, Norman A.

Thaston, Dennis Edgar

Thayer, Nancy S.

Thigpen, Emily Kayo

Thigpen, Harry Lee

Thigpen, Juanita W.

Thomas, Anne Kirk

Thomas, Betty Loretta

Thomas, Carolyn Jean

Thomas, Christopher E.

Thomas, Claudia Nell

Thomas, Daniel Wesley

Thomas, Deborah Anne

Thomas, Donald Cotton

Thomas, Frances Kay

Thomas, Greg A.

Thomas, Hazel Elaine

Thomas, Jane G.

Thomas, Janell P.

Thomas, Julia West

Thomas, Margaret E.

Thomas, Marijane

Thomas, Ora Ann

Thomas, Orlean L.

Thomas, Pamela Sue

Thomas, Rachel

Thomas, Rebecca Sue

Thomas, Sandra Marie

Thomas, Sharon L.

Thomason, Janet R. Lee

Thomason, Sallie A.

Thomasson, Patricia A.

Thompson, Betty Kay

Thompson, Caroline E.

Thompson, Cathy Ann

Thompson. Cheryl E.

Thompson, Ernest L.

Thompson. Hubert W.,

Thompson, Pauline E.

Thompson, Sandra A.

Thompson, Sarah Lee

Thompson, Winfield

Thomson, Brenda Sue

Thotnburg, Brenda J. 454

Thornburg, Timothy F. 477

Thorne, Edwin John 412

Thornton, Mildred J. 433

Thrower, Minda L. 454

Thurston, Carole R. 412

Thurston, Thomas Lee 412

Thweatt, Donna Lynne 454

Tillery, Charles Lee 477

Tilley, Edna A. 454

Tilley, Theresa R. 454

Tillman, Linda Carol 433

Tillwick, Karen Ann 454

Tilt, Kenneth Michael 454

Tilvard, John Howard 412

Timberlake, Bonnie J. 477

Timberlake, Patrick B. 454

Tingen, Marshall Lee 454

Tinney, John Eldon 477

Tipton, Lawrence Ed 433

Tisdale, James O., Jr. 477

Tisdale, Slephany Ann 412

Tisler, Michael J. 454

Tobin, Richard P. 412

Todd, Anilra 412

Todd, Gregory T. 412

Todd, Susan Eliz 477

Tofani, Joanne Marie 433

Toler, John Anthony 477

Toler, Melvin Thomas 477

Toler, Steve Lewis 477

Tolnitch, Susan Kay 433

Tolston, Vicki Jo 379

Tomberlin, Michael B. 412

Tomkinson, Patricia J. 454

Tomlinson, Martha 477

Tomlinson, Martha 477

Tonn, Dianne Helen 412

Topping, Sheryll Anne 454

Torick, Judith Anne 412

Tosto, Edwin E., Jr. 412

Tothill, Opal Sandra 412

Tourond, Mary M. 454

Townsend, Clarence G. 454

Townsend, Donna D. 433

Townson, Jerry Morgan 433

Transou, Margaret Ann 454

Traynor, Lola Paige 454

Treadwell, Georgia M. 477

Trent, Patricia Jane 433

Trexler, Douglas Van 477

Trickier. Terry Lee 454

Trimmer, Gale Eliz 454

Tripp, Linda Gaynelle 477

Tripp, Milton Keith 433

Tripp, Roger Samuel 477

Trott, Phyllis Quinn 412

Trotter, Terrie T. 454

Troupe, Joseph T. 412

Troutman, Raymond A.

Truitt, Nancy Carolyn 433

Tucker, Burney L., Jr. 454

Tucker, Carol Ann 454

Tucker, Carolyn Ann 454

Tucker, Terry Gray 477

Tucker, Thomas T. 477

Tudor, Donald Norris 433

Tunnell, Alexander, Jr.

Tunstall, Joseph P., Jr. 433

Turner, Alice Brown 454

Turner, Beverly M. 454

Turner, John Sparrow 433

Turner, Joseph W. 454

Turner. Katherine M. 412

Turner, Kenneth Wayne 433

Turner, Linda Grace 433

Turner, Linda L. 477

Turner, Martha E. 477

Turner, Patricia Lee 412

Turner, Robert E. 433

Turner, Walter Ray 477

Tutor, Nancy Carmen 412

Tutterow, Charles D. 454

Turtle, John G. 454

Tutlle, Judy Lynn 454

Twiford, Kathryn B. 412

Twiford, Travis Wayne 412

Twisdale, Andrew E. 454

Twisdale, George M. 454

Tyler, Harry Lee 433

Tyler, John Dorian 412

Tyler, John Rodney 433

Tyler, Timothy Odell 477

Tyndall, Dorothy K. 477

Tyndall, Faye M. 433

Tyndall, Zackie L. 433

Tyson, Carolyn Eliz 477

Tyson, John Kermit 412

Tyson, Joseph James 454

Tyson, Mary Kathryn 477

Tyson, Mary Louise 477

Tyson, Vernon Leon 454

- u-

Underbill, Timothy C. 412

Underwood, Elizabeth 433

Underwood, Nan G. 477

Unwin, Craig Lee 477

Upchurch, Larry B. 412

Uprhurch, Linda Leo

Upchurch, Michael Lee

Upchurch, Phyllis V. H.

Upchurch, Susan T.

Upshaw, Elizabeth

Upton, Betty Ann

Upton, William E.

Usic, Cynthia Sue

Usilton, John Lyston

Usrey., Margaret Anno

Utley, Billie

Utley, Carolyn Anne

Vaden, Robert Grayson 433

Vallery, Roberta J. 433

Valotta, Alan Paul 477

Van Gelder, Donna Lee 412

Van Middlesworlh C. 412

Vance, Elizabeth H. 477

Vance, Kate Huske 433

Vance, Kathleen Ann

Vandiford, Carlton W. 477

Vanhoy, Martha Eliz 477

Vann, Deborah Ames 477

Vann, Edna Kathryn 477

Vanneman, Valerie D. 477

Vannetla, Barbara L. 477

Vannoy, William E. 454

Vanslyke, Pamela M. 477

Vanlrease, John M., Jr. 379

Vanluyl, Alan Wells 412

Vantuyl, Neil C. 454

Varley, Nan Marcillo 412

Varsho, Emma Ann 454

Vaughan, Barbara A. 412

Vaughan, Lana Johann 412

Vaughan, Ruth T. 477

Vaughan, Linda F. 412

Vause, John Irvin, Jr. 433

Vause, Kenneth D. 477

Vawter, Delores Ann 477

Veasey, Mary Margaret 433

Veazey, Jean 433

Veillette, Joseph L. 413

Venters, Sara Lou 433

Verner, Sharon Gale 413

Vernon, Robert G. 413

Vest, Donna Marie 477

Vestal, Larry W. 454

Vestal, Mary C. 413

Vester. Gretchen D. 477

Vick Effie Early 433

Vick, Nora Fay 454

Vick, Richard C. 477

Vick, Robert Wayne 433

Vick, Robert Wellona 433

Vickers, Earleen P. 477

Vickers, Jennifer D. 433

Vickers, Joan Parker 477

Viel, Lawrence W 454

Vienneau, Vicki Lee 413

Vignettj, Karen L 433

Vining. Martha M.

Vinson, Deborah C.

Vinson, Emily Lynn

Vinson, Deborah Sue

Vogel, Dorothy P.

Vogler, Michael R.

Voncannon. Ronald L.

Voss, Kenneth W.

Wachtel, Catherine L 433

Wackerman, Charles S. 413

Waddell, Don C 433

WaddiU, Jean Cabell 433

Wade, Harry Phillips 478

Wadsley, Va Ann 478

Wadsworth, Johnnie, Jr. 433

Wages, Gary Robert 478

Wages, Robbie E. 454

Wagner, Elizabeth A. 454

Wagner, Karen Leo 454

Wagoner, Marianne 478

Wald, Marsha Ann 478

Walder, Jeffrey M. 379

Waldrop, Bonnie Ann 433

Waldrop, Edna Harris 478

Walker, Carol Ann 478

Walker, Carol Kay 433

Walker, Donna M. 433

Walker, Gary Joe 454

Walker, Gilda Anne 478

Walker, Glenda L. 454

Walker, Jackie Edwin

Walker, James Alton 413

Walker, Joel Timothy

Walker, Kenneth Neil

Walker, Linda Katbrin 433

Walker, Patsy Lynne 454

Walker, Philip E. 454

Walker, Sandra Young

Walker, Sideny D., Jr. 433

Walker, Van Scott 433

Wall, Danny Joe 433

Wall, Evelyn Sue 413

Wall, Jerry Leon 379

Wall, Jerry Wayne 454

Wall, Katherine H. 413

Wall, Michael Edmund 454

Wallace, Barbara Ann 454

Wallace, Evelyn Laura 433

Wallace, Frederick T. 413

Wallace, John G., Jr. 478

Wallace, Mary M. 478

Wallace, Patricia B 454

Waller, Edgar C. 478

Waller, Sarah Eliz 478

Walrod, Mary S. 433

Walsh, Janie D. 478

Walsh, Nancy J. 413

Walter, Patricia M. 478

Walters, Diana Louise

Walters, Dietra Leigh

Walters, James Norman 454

Walters, Jennes Randy 413

Walton, Susan Carol 478

Wsmsley, Alfred J., Jr. 433

Ward, Alfred D., Jr. 478

Ward, Catherine A 433

Ward, Dennis Elvin 413

Ward, Doris Jeanette 454

Ward, Edith Gaile 454

Warden, Rebecca L. 454

Warner, John R. 478

Warren, Ann B. 433

Warren, David Stephen 478

Warren, Donald Earl 4S4

Warren, Donald M. 433

Warren, Edward R. 454

Warren, Elizabeth A. 478

Warren, Hugh Ammie 413

Warren, John Webster

Warren, Martha Ruth 454

Warren, Patricia Anne 478

Warren, Rita Ann 433

Warren, Roger A., III 433

Warren, Sandra B. 433

Warren, Stephen Scott 478

Warrington, Charles 478

Warshawsky, Cathryn A.

Washington, Don W. 478

Washington, Patricia 433

Wasner, John Albert 413

Waterman, Robert D. 454

Waters, Bobby Eugene 451

Waters, Linda Ann 478

Waters, Marsha E. 454

Waters, Marvin T. 454

Waters, Richard C. Jr. 478

Watkins, Bettie Lou 413

Watkins, Edward Powe 433

Watkins, Jo Ann 478

Watkins, Thomas Craig 454

Watson, Ann Lewis 454

Watson, Bette Anne 433

Watson, Charles Ray 413

Watson, Diana Gail 451

Watson, Dianne E. 435

Watson, Edwin Tyrone

Watson, Jackie Marie 478

Watson, Judy M. 478

Watson, Linda Louise 434

Watson, Phyllis Ann 451

Watson, Rebecca D. 454

Watson, Rita Carol 478

Watson, Sherry A. 478

Watson, William Ezra 434

Watts, Cordon Payne 413

Watts, James Henry 478

Waugh, Karen Lynne 431

Wayne, Jeffrey Earl 434

Weathers, Susan D. 451

Weaver, James Garland 478

Weaver, John Russell 478

Weavil, Glenda June 478

Weavil, Nathan R. 478

Webb, Andrea Jean 431

Webb, Benjamin T. 379

Webb, Beth A. Wilson 413


Webb, Brenda Jean 454

Webb, Joan Clark 478

Webb, Joseph Earl 434

Weber, Geraldine R. 434

Webster, Karen A. 413

Webster, Thomas R., II 454

Weekley, Carol Ann 454

Weeks, Bobbie A. 478

Weeks, Carolyn Fay 454

Weeks, Margaret E. 454

Weir, Karen Louise 478

Weise, Maureen Bess 434

Weisiger, Lewis A. 434

Weissman, Steven L. 478

Weilz, Lloyd David 434

Welch, Eloise Wayson 434

Welch, Linda M. 478

Welch, Patricia Ann 478

Weldon, Jillian Mary 413

Welkcr, William C. 478

Wellington, Elizabeth 434

Wellons, Charlotte C. 478

Wellons, Sylvia Ann 413

Wells, Anzy Lanie 478

Wells, Ember Cooper 434

Wells, James Larry 434

Wells, Linda Carol 454

Wells, Linda Mae 451

Wells, Richard Allen 454

Wells, Samuel Lee, Jr. 478

Wells, Stella Weise 434

Wells, Thelma Sharon 434

Welton, Marvin Lee 413

Welton, Nancy Morgan 413

Wenderoth, James W. 478

Wennrich, Timothy W.

West, Dwight Gibson 478

West, Eddie Harold 434

West, Elizabeth D. 434

West, Jenny Sue 478

West, Linda Lee 434

West, Peggy Lucille 478

West, Penelope P. 454

West, Roberta Dawn 379

West, Susan 434

West, William Edward 434

Westbrook, Carolyn S. 434

Westbrook, Hubert A. 478

Westbrook, James A. 478

Westbrook, Nancy J. 478

Westmoreland, Howard 434

Welherington, Jason A. 478

Whaley, Carol L. 413

Whaley, David E. 455

Whaley, Frederick K. 478

Whaley, Roxie Patrice 413

Wharton, John H. 454

Wheeler, George W. 455

Wheeler, Joel Douglas 413

Wheeler, Vicki Eliz 478

Whichard, Carole Ann 478

Whichard, Jimmie W. 455

Whicker, Charles V. 455

Whisenant, Patricia D. 478

Whisnant, Constance B. 478

Whisnant, Melba T. 478

Whilaker, Barry K. 455

Whitaker, Michael B. 455

White, Barbara E. 413

White, Beverly Pratt 413

White, Carolyn Anne 478

White, Charles H. 434

White, Delores Jean 455

Wilson, William W., Jr. 434

Winhon, Belinda E. 479

Winders, Barbara Nell 455

Windley, Anita Gay 434

Wingate, Claudia 434

Wingate, Leon Hal 414

Winn, Nancy Webb 414

Winslow, Hugh C., Jr. 479

Winslow, Lloyd E. 434

Winslow, Mary Lloyd 479

Winslow, Percy L. 434

Winslow, Sylvia Gail 435

Winstead, Brenda Nell 479

Winstead, Rowena G. 414

Winston, Kenneth H. 435

Winters, Barbara Ann 455

Wisenburg, Nancy Jo 435

Witcher. Eulis Dale 414

Witcher, Rebecca M. 435

Withers, Roger Wayne 435

Witt, Carl Brent 479

Witt, Sandra Lera 435

Womble, Andrew C. 455

Wommack, Florence E. 455

Wondergem, Kenneth 455

Wood, Betty Jo 435

Wood, Beverly R. 435

Wood, Carolyn Rose 455

Wood, Deborah Lee 435

Wood, Deidre Lee 455

Wood, Dcmpsey Ray 435

Wood, Dillon Louis 414

Wood, Iris Elizabeth 455

Wood, Jo Ann 415

Wood, Judy Marie 479

Wood, Keith L. 479

Wood, Mattie Tresa 415

Wood, Michael Gary 435

Wood, Patsy Gail 435

Wood, Robert Allison 435

Wood, Sandra Jo 479

Wood, Sheila Maureen 435

Wood, Steven Randal 479

Wood, Susan Pusey 415

Wood, Wm. Michael 415

Woodall, Anthony M. 455

Woodall, Billie C. 435

Woodall, Kathann 455

Woodard, Betty Jane 415

Woodard, Branson Lee 455

Woodard, Connie R. 479

Woodard, Eliz. Ann 455

Woodard, Linwood E. 479

Woodard, Marvin W. 479

Woodburn, Tommy Jane 435

Woodbury, David Kent 455

Woodcock, Joyce A. 479

Woodell, Tanny Joe 479

Woodford, Anita 415

Woodford, Warren J. 415

Woodward, Janet Lynn 455

Woodworth, Jane L. 479

Woodyatd, Carolyn V. 435

Woolard, Lydia Karen 435

Woolard, Sylvia Lynn 479

Wooten, Annette G. 455

Wooten, Dennis Nolen 479

Wooten, Gary Calvin 415

Wooten, Jean E. 435

Wooten, Linda Faye 455

Wooten, Mary Elizabeth 435

Wooten, Rose York 435

Wooten, Sandra L. 415

Wooten, Sharyn Kaye 415

Wooten, William W. 435

Worley, Archie L., Jr. 479

Worrall, Elisabeth 479

Worsley, Anne C. 455

Worthington, Edward 479

Wozelka, Mary J. 479

Wraight, Hope Marie 455

Wrape, Mary Ellen 479

Wray, Cal Absolum, III 479

Wrennm Danny K, 479

Wrenn, Doris Ann 415

Wrennm Gerald Wayne 479

Wrenn, Kathyrn V 415

Wrenn, Robert Lee 455

Wrennm Steven Lee 415

Wright, Anthony L, 435

Wright, Evelyn J, 415

Wright, George A, 415

Wright, John C, 455

Wright, Sandra Faye 415

Wyche, Tyrone Jethro 479

Wynn, Jean Allen 479

Wynne, Eleanor Louise

Wynne, Sharon Cross 415

- Y-

Yarbrough, Rebecca J.

Yarbrough, Richard C.

Yarbrough, Susanna L.

Yarbrough, Thomas A.

Yates, Deboah Marie

Yeager, Susan Willis

Yeager, Wm. Donald

Yelverton, Ann C.

Yelverton, Donald W.

Yelverton, Donna C.

Yelverton, Mary S.

Yonce, Charles Milton

Yopp, Clenwood H., Jr.

Yopp, Susan Caroline

Yorke, Jewell Ann

Young, Barbara L.

Young, Bobbie C.

Young, Dennis Allen

Young, Douglas Jerry

Young, James Hilliaid

Young, Johnny L.

Young, Linda Eliz

Young, Marcella H.

Young, Martha Jean

Young, Stephen Kent

Youngblood, Susan Lee

Yount, Michael Dan

Yount, Thelma Hall

Photo Credits

Chief Photographer - Walter Quade

Assistant Photographers - John Burt

Walter Dudley

Jim Metz

Ed Stroud

All Color Photography - Homer Ball

Class Portraits - Smith Studio

Additional Credits - Richmond News Leader

Raleigh News and Observer

Photographic Section, 2nd Marine Div. FMF Camp Lejeune, N.C.

Bruce Whitaker

Ken Cooke

Lynn Jones

Alice Pelt

East Carolina University School of Art

Rufus Freeman


In Memoriam

Mary Hemphill Greene


Miss Greene, who had the longest record of service from 1928-1968, contributed im- measurably to the transformation of this institution from a small two-year teachers college to the large regional university it is today. To East Carolina University she gave continuity and character. Among the three generations she taught and influenced are individuals in every walk of life: sen- ators, professors, journalists, lawyers, med- ical doctors, ministers, teachers, business men, farmers, and housewives. To each she was an eminent example of hope, dignity, integrity, and good taste.

A native of Abbeville, South Carolina, Miss Greene received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Agnes Scott College in 1924 and the Master of Arts degree from Colum- bia University in 1928. Miss Greene was elected to membership in Phi Beta Kappa. She was listed in Who's Who in American Education in 1963 and in the Directory of Amerirnn Scholars in 1964,

The academic world and the field of journalism proudly claimed Miss Greene. Both mourn her untimely death January 21, 1968. As a professor of English, she is fondly remembered for her love of Shake- speare. As director of the campus News Bureau from 1945-1963, rhe earned the re- spect and admiration of the many news- paper editors with whom she filed news stories. As a member of the Publications Board of East Carolina University and as editorial adviser of the East Carolinian, she gave encouragement and counsel to young journalists.

Miss Greene is gone. Her example, her kindly humor, her admonition, and her greatness endure.


From the Editor .

A university emerged, and it was almost a year old. Through the past 512 pages, an emphasis was placed upon the student; for he was the university. He made it what it was and what it would be.

As the editor sat in the quiet office with the final deadline met, she remembered the quiet of the office in early September. Plenty of clean desks and paper were avail- able then, but now the typewriter ribbons were worn thin, and it was a struggle to find a pencil. Seeing the office so quiet made her realize that the Buccaneer was more than just copy, pictures, and head- aches. It was people. From the first staff meeting when the traditional challenge to produce the "best book ever" was issued, so many problems arose that she wondered if the book would ever meet her satisfac- tion.

Several factors were emphasized heavily throughout the book. These were providing as nearly complete a history of the year as possible, capturing the life of the stu- dent, perfecting copy and layouts, and often re-doing them as many as five times. These goals were realized even though at many times the staff must have felt that a heart- less witch sat in the editor's office saying repeatedly, "Do it over! You know when the deadline is."

Special thanks were due a great staff, those who stepped in at the last and those who stayed till the end. Whether they were faced with working in limited space, solicit- ing uncooperative organizations on cam- pus, manufacturing pictures out of thin air, or sorting thousands of student por- traits, the staff showed dedication to a com- mon goal.

Large medals of honor went to Walter Quade, campus photographer; Mr. Lee H. Blackwell of Taylor Publishing Company; Mr. A. F. Smith of Smith Studios; Mrs. Mary Sorensen, literary advisor; and Dr. James H. Tucker, Dean of Student Affairs. These people were an integral part of the Buccaneer and gave it much of their time. The editor's parents and Alpha Delta Pi sorority sisters provided invaluable morale throughout the year.

Now that the end was in sight, the long hours, late evenings, and all week-end ses- sions seemed worthwhile. Those who looked into the Buccaneer office and wondered what went on would never know what they had missed - a great experience.


Buccaneer 1968
1968 Buccaneer, yearbook of East Carolina University. The first yearbook published by the students of East Carolina Teachers College, The Tecoan, debuted in 1923. The name of the yearbook changed to the Buccaneer in 1953. The Buccaneer suspended publication from 1976-1978 and 1991-2005, finally ceasing in 2018. It was superseded by Anchors Away in 2019. The yearbook resumed publication in 2005-2006 to celebrate the university's centennial.
Original Format
school yearbooks
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University Archives
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