A short historical sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Goldsboro, North Carolina

Historical Sketch


Symbol of the Presbyterian Church]

First Presbyterian Church
Goldsboro, North Carolina

of the

In writing a historical sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Goldsboro, N. C., it is interesting to go back to more than 200 years, for in 1756, Rev. Hugh McAden, a Scotch Presbyterian, began a great missionary journey in the Colony of N. C., which resulted in the establishing of a chain of churches from the Cape Fear to the Catawba Rivers. The First Presbyterian Church founded in North Carolina by the Scotch Irish was in 1735, 20 years before Rev. McAden's great missionary journey. When the church at Kenansville, in the adjoining county of Duplin, was established, it was known as the Grove Church. This church has been in continuous existence ever since.

The Rev. Samuel Stanford was one of the early ministers of this church and the old records show that some of the forebears of several members of the Goldsboro Church were baptized by the Rev. Stanford. Naturally the Presbyterians in the county of Duplin had much to do with furthering the work of the Presbyterians in Wayne County.

When the old town of Waynesborough, the first county seat of Wayne County, was incorporated in 1787, there was no church in the town for several years, but in 1830 a church was built which was used by all denominations It is interesting to note that a Community Church flourished in Wayne County as early as 1830. It was about this time that Dr. Elisha Mitchell, a Presbyterian preacher as well as a great teacher and scientist, wrote an account of his preaching visit to Waynesborough telling how he gathered the few Presbyterians together for services. This is the first recorded service held for the Presbyterians who in later years bcame allied with our present church.

Situated about eight miles from Waynesborough was the little village of Everittsville. The old record states that in November, 1848, the Rev. Andrew McMillan of Fayetteville Presbytery visited Everittsville and the adjoining country as a Missionary. He found two or three members of the Presbyterian Church in the village, and at their earnest request he was induced to remain and to continue his labors by preaching on alternate Sabbaths in Everittsville and Goldsboro. In the meantime the old town of Waynesborough has been abandoned and the County Seat moved two miles east to the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad (now the Atlantic Coast Line) where the town of Goldsboro had come into being. At the spring meeting of Fayetteville Presbytery a resolution was passed, and a Committee appointed to organize a church in Everittsville. On the 29th

of Sept. 1849, Rev. Stedman, Rev. H. McAlister, and Rev. McMillan met at Everittsville for the purpose of carrying out the resolution of Presbytery. After the sermon an invitation was given to those who wished to enroll in the Everittsville Church, and the following were admitted as members: Eli Murray, Miss Mary Snyder, James McDuffie, Mrs. Rachel S. West, and Miss Elizabeth Sherbrook. Not being prepared for a full organization, it was decided to defer the election of Elders and Deacons until the following spring. On the 17th of March 1850 Messrs. John Everitt and Eli Murray were ordained as Elders and Willis Hall was appointed Deacon.

Up to this time there was no house of worship, so the members now thought it the proper season to erect a church. Aided by friends abroad and by their own earnest efforts, “they were enabled to erect a very neat and commodious building at the cost of $1,826. The house was dedicated in 1850.” Before the dedication of the building we find that Mrs. Esther McMain, Mrs. Margaret Castex, John Everitt, Mrs. Rachel Everitt, Miss Barbara Ann Everitt, Willis Hall, Mrs. Sarah Hall, Miss Elizabeth Clinton Morrisey, Miss Julia A. Bunting, Mrs. Eliza Smith, and J. H. Crosby were received as members of the Everittsville Church. Also a colored man named Yorke.

“It is right to mention here with gratitude the kindness of the Ladies of the Wilmington Presbyterian Church, who besides other marks of kindness presented to the Church a very neat and elegant pulpit Bible.” The two members of this early church who did more than anyone else were Messrs. John Everitt and Willis Hall.

The little village of Everittsville did not grow very rapidly, neither did the church, but the newer village of Goldsboro (about six miles from Everittsville) was growing in population, and many of the residents of Everittsville had moved to Goldsboro. So in 1855 we find a committee from Fayetteville Presbytery meeting in Goldsboro on February 17th for the purpose of organizing the Goldsboro Church. The Church was organized on this date with the following members: Mrs. Margaret Castex, Mrs. Esther McMain, Willis Hall, Mrs. Martha Gregory, Miss Sarah McMain, Mrs. Margaret Pittman, Mrs. Nancy Harris, N. B. Bull, and Mrs. Eliza Bull. Messrs. Willis Hall and N. B. Bull were elected and ordained Ruling Elders.

Shortly after the organization of the church, a lot, corner of West Ash and North James Streets, was donated by Mr. Willis Hall to the new congregation, and the First Presbyterian Church was built and completed for use in 1856 with the following gentlemen named as trustees: Dr. Chas. F. Dewey, Messrs. Willis Hall, John Griswold, E. B. Borden, Sr., R. J. Gregory, and James A. Washington, none of whom were Presbyterians except Mr. Hall. The first service held in the church was a confirmation service held by Bishop Atkinson of the Episcopal Church in 1856.

In 1861 the Presbytery of Fayetteville dissolved the Everittsville Church, and its members became members of the Goldsboro Church. In the same

year, 1861, the Goldsboro Church made its first recorded report to Presbytery. It reported eleven Communicants, forty-eight members in the Sunday School, and $489.00 collected for all purposes. For several years there seem to be no records of any kind. It has always been generally reported by the older members that the church was closed on account of the War Between the States from 1862-67.


Rev. D. T. Towles, who was Moderator of the First Meeting of the Session in 1856, preaching occasionally.

Rev. John Nott, of Schenectady, N. Y., was stated supply from 1857-1860.

Rev. W. W. Latta, 1861.

Rev. Simmons H. Isler, 1862.

Rev. Luther McKinnon, 1867-1871.

Rev. N. Z. Graves, D.D., 1872-1875.

Rev. B. F. Marable, D.D., 1876-1879.

Rev. Robert McAlpine, 1880-1882.

Rev. J. M. Rose, D.D., 1883-1889.

Rev. J. C. McMullen, 1889-1891.

Rev. Edward Mack, D.D., 1892-1893.

Rev. Jonas Barclay, 1893.

Rev. W. F. Farries, D.D., 1893-1908.

Rev. V. G. Smith, 1909-1913.

Rev. Peter McIntyre, 1914-1937.

Rev. Legh R. Scott, D.D., 1937-1943.

Rev. James M. McChesney, Jr., 1944-.

How interesting it would be if we had some information about these early ministers of our church, but the records give no interesting data. However, from some of the older members we do have a few personal recollections of some of these ministers. Rev. S. H. Isler and family lived in Goldsboro and Mr. Isler often supplied the pulpit. He was a godly man, loved and respected by all. His family contributed much to the growth of the Church from 1866 to 1951.

Rev. Luther McKinnon was greatly beloved, not only for his excellent qualities as a minister but also because of his genial, friendly nature. Became President of Davidson College 1885-88.

Rev. B. F. Marable, often spoken of as one of the great scholars of the church, was a preacher who greatly stirred his members. A grandson of Dr. Marable, Rev. Thomson Brown Southall, was a missionary to Korea from 1938-1941. He is now (1951) Superintendent of Home Missions and Director of Colored Work in the Presbytery of New Orleans.

Rev. Robert McAlphine was also well beloved, his friendliness and Christian character won for him great affection throughout the entire congregation.

Rev. J. C. McMullen was a minister of decided opinions and his personality left an impression on this Church. One son and one daughter became missionaries in China and were in the field until compelled by war conditions to return home. A grandson, John C. McMullen, is a Presbyterian Minister.

Rev. Edward Mack was just out of the seminary when he came to this church, having graduated from Davidson College and Princeton Theological Seminary. After leaving this church he served as pastor of several larger churches, also was professor in Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, later in Union Theological Seminary in Richmond. He remained at Union until forced to retire on account of poor health. Dr. Mack served as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, U. S., and one son, Rev. Joseph B. Mack, a Presbyterian Minister, is now Superintendent of Home Missions of Knoxville Presbytery.

Rev. W. F. Farries, a Scotch Canadian, not only served the church well, but was also an active force in the community. Largely through his efforts a start was made which eventually led to the establishment of the Goldsboro Hospital, now known as the Wayne County Memorial Hospital.

Rev. Peter McIntyre, also a Scotch Canadian, came to the church well known by many of its members, as he had held a Pastorate at Faison, N. C., for several years. Mr. McIntyre was a great leader and possessed a wonderful personality, and during his pastorate the church grew greatly. He began the second Home Mission project at Antioch, a country settlement a few miles from Goldsboro. The Sunday School Building was erected at a cost of $50,000.00 during his lifetime, and after his death it became the McIntyre Memorial Building. Mr. McIntyre died February 6, 1937, after having served the church and community for 23 years.

Once in a long time it may come to a church to have a minister so blessed by God as Mr. McIntyre was, one who walked humbly with God, kept the faith and went about doing good. He left the Church and the community greatly blessed because he had lived with us.

Dr. Legh R. Scott was greatly interested in the Home Mission projects, as well as being interested in the work with the soldiers at Seymour Johnson Field. During Dr. Scott's pastorate, the Church had its first Director of Religious Education, Miss Mary Rhoads, who came well equipped for work, especially with the young people of the Church. During this time, the young people were fully organized and realy a splendid work began to take shape. Dr. Scott left the church to accept a call to the Presbyterian Church in Rome, Georgia.

Rev. James M. McChesney, Jr., came to the church in 1944, and by his devotion to the church and his untiring efforts we have seen the membership greatly increased and have seen the work among the young people

grow steadily. In this work he has been aided by Miss Mary Jean McFadyen, the present Director of Religious Education. Not only in the church has Mr. McChesney served the young people but in the community as well, having taken a very active part in the work of the Goldsboro Recreation Council. Mr. McChesney has been greatly interested in furthering the plans for the church to have more space and better facilities to meet the growing needs of the congregation. Consequently, the church through proper committees purchased an excellent site comprising a little more than seven acres on the corner of Ash and Jackson Streets. It is on this location that we now turn with so much pride to the dedication of the first unit, the Education Building, and look forward with equal pride to the construction of the Sanctuary. Mr. McChesney has worked long and hard to see these projects carried out.

During the years it is interesting to note the growth of the church. The report first made to Presbytery in 1861 showed that this church had 11 communicants, 48 members of the Sunday School, and $489.00 collected for all purposes. Compare this with the report made to Presbytery in 1951 which shows 599 communicants, 449 enrolled in Sunday School, and $52,577.22 collected for all purposes.


As always, the Women of the Church have been most active and by their untiring efforts have greatly aided in the work of this church. Though the church was organized in 1855, we do not find any mention of the women at work in the church until 1876 when Bryan Whitfield, an elder in the church, was appointed a committee of one to solicit donations for the different benevolent objects prescribed by the General Assembly, from the two Ladies Benevolent Aid Sewing Societies of the church.

One year later, April 4, 1877, we find that the Session appointed a committee to report on the finances of the church and on that committee were three women, Mrs. George L. Kirby, Mrs. Margaret Castex and Miss Bain. This seems to be the first time that any women were appointed on a committee, and the first time that any women have been mentioned in connection with the church's work. In 1896 the Session records that the ladies of the church requested that they be allowed to distribute envelopes for collecting benevolent funds. This request was granted. In 1901 the Session requested that the Ladies Missionary Society and the Young People's Missionary Society endeavor to raise funds for the Endowment Fund for Ministerial Relief. From 1904 to 1908 that the women's societies and the young people's societies are mentioned, but we find no actual reports. In 1910 there was more definite information concerning the women's work. The Foreign Missionary Society reports twenty members with $53.00 contributed to Foreign Missions and $6.00 to other causes. The Home Missionary Society which had been reorganized with 13 members reports $2.80 contributed. The Annie Chestnut Missionary Society, which was the young people's society, had also been reorganized with 15 members, and

the amount contributed by them was $3.00. In 1913 the two Missionary Societies appear to be combined under the name of the Woman's Missionary Society with a membership of 55, and the amount contributed for the year was $212.40. The Cheerful workers, as the young people's society was now known, had 23 members and contributed $4.00.

1920 was a most important year in the Women's Societies, for it was during this year that the old organization was done away with and the women of this church became a part of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Southern Presbyterian Church, U. S. This new plan had originated with Mrs. Winsborough in 1912, and in a short time the plan was adopted by many of the churches. It was, however, 8 years later before the Goldsboro Church could adopt the new plan. However, after the adoption the women threw themselves heartily into the work, and this plan has become generally very popular and with necessary adjustments. It has been adopted by many of the Protestant Churches. In 1949 a reorganization of the Woman's Auxiliary took place, and the organization became known as the Women of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. This new organization has greatly enlarged the scope of work and seems to have met with general approval.

The report for 1951 shows:

Number of Circles—9.

Number of Members—273.

Number of Regular Meetings—9.

(Does not include the Executive Board Meetings.)

No projects have originated in the church in which the women have not had a part and they have stood by at all times to give their support and aid.


The first Home Mission Project was the work at Georgetown, a nearby suburb of Goldsboro. The First Church, seeing the need at Georgetown, accepted a building lot from Dr. George L. Kirby, an elder in the church, and a small Chapel was erected on what is now North Herman Street. The date is not altogether clear, but the Chapel was built and occupied between 1890 and 1892, during the pastorate of Rev. J. C. McMullen. During all these years the first church has stood by and carried on the work faithfully. In 1940, under Dr. Scott's pastorate, the Chapel celebrated its 50th Anniversary, and the name was changed to George Kirby Presbyterian Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rawlings built an addition to the Chapel which includes several classrooms, Mrs. M. E. Robinson, Sr., gave the adjoining lot on which has been erected the Recreation Hall, and Rev. Edward Mack, D.D., a former pastor, presented the chapel with a Communion Service, and the Business Women's Circle #6, through their Chairman, Mrs. E. B. Borden, Jr., presented the Chapel with a Silver Baptismal Bowl.

Reverend Harold Corkey in 1948 became Pastor of the Chapel, holding regular services as well as Sunday School. The membership is 68. Dr. J. W. Hassell (1944-46) preceded Mr. Corkey in the work at George Kirby. He laid the splendid foundations upon which Mr. Corkey has worked so successfully. There is one Deacon at the Chapel.

The Women of the Church were organized in 1948; now there are two circles with a membership of 25.


About 1923, Mrs. Rena Humphrey Butler, who had spent many years in Brazil with her husband, Dr. George W. Butler, a missionary, returned to Goldsboro and became assistant to Rev. Peter McIntyre in mission work of the First Presbyterian Church.

The Antioch Community was a field of interest to them. Though unwanted there, Mrs. Butler began her work. She gained permission to tell Bible stories to the children in the one-room schoolhouse, and through this contact with the children and through contacts made by visiting the homes, she won the confidence of the community. Then permission was given to use the schoolhouse on Sundays, and under the leadership and inspiration of Mr. McIntyre, Mrs. Butler, and Dr. Hubbard Kerr the work was started. The need and desire of a chapel was felt. A lot was purchased in 1925 and the brick secured by Mr. McIntyre and the interested men in the community began the work on the building. Mr. Joe Rosenthal, an interested Jewish friend, gave the windows, Mrs. M. E. Robinson, Sr., gave the benches, and Mrs. B. H. Griffin gaves $1,000.00 toward the Building Fund. Though unfinished, the building was put into use in 1926. Many interested friends from the first church and students from Union Theological Seminary during their summer vacations did much to further this work.

On October 29, 1944, the Antioch Chapel was organized into a Presbyterian Church by a commission appointed by Albemarle Presbytery. From that time the work has grown steadily, and from August 1944 to November 1946 the Rev. James W. Hassell and his wife worked faithfully, being assisted by members from the First Church. In 1948 Rev. Harold Corkey became the pastor, conducting services each second and fourth Sundays. Mr. Corkey is greatly assisted in the work at Antioch by a number of friends from the First Church. There are now (1951) 50 members of the church and 75 members of the Sunday School, and there are 4 Elders and Deacons of the Antioch Church.

The Women of the Church were organized in 1944 and there is one Circle with 11 members. They have contributed to the various causes and have done much to maintain interest in the church. The church has carried on the various activities under the leadership of Miss Mary Jean

McFadyen, DRE, such as Youth Fellowship groups, daily Vacation Bible Schools, study classes and special services.

Much progress has been made since the day in 1923 when Mrs. Butler gathered the children together in the little one-room schoolhouse.


During World War I the church was active in many different ways. Money was raised to meet the increasing obligations towards supporting activities and furthering religious work in the various camps. Many of the women met regularly to do Red Cross Work and to help in other ways to provide comfort and cheer for the soldiers.

These are the men affiliated with the church who enlisted in World War I: W. E. Borden, Jr., Thos. L. Borden, C. Boswell, J. R. Edwards, R. R. Faison, Preston Faison, P. C. Garrison, Gabriel Holmes, L. R. Hummel, Louis Hummel, S. G. Hummel, T. B. Magill, J. W. Mozingo, G. L. Pittman, W. W. Pierce, W. R. Phillips, M. E. Robinson, Jr., J. R. Shannon, R. W. Spicer, H. A. Whitfield, T. A. Whitfield, Jr., W. Pope Wilson, R. A. Wooten, L. W. Dixon, Chas. Davis, D. K. Hobson, M. S. Witherington, Jr.

During World War II the church had opportunities for greater service than during World War I. A large camp, Seymour Johnson, was established a few miles from Goldsboro, bringing thousands of men from all over the States into this community. Committees were formed whose business it was not only to look after the spiritual life of the soldiers but also to bring pleasure to them socially. The McIntyre Memorial Building was open at all times, and on Sunday evening supper was served to as many as cared to come. Many members of the church opened their homes where the soldiers always found a warm welcome.

Among the women Red Cross Work went on with renewed vigor, many women served as Grey Ladies in the Field Hospital and did excellent work in the USO. During these years those who remained at home were eager and anxious to help in all ways. Dr. L. R. Scott, the pastor, and Miss Mary Rhoads, DRE, were untiring in their efforts to promote the church's activities among the soldiers.

These are the men and women affiliated with the church who enlisted in World War II: Murray Borden, Jr., Richard W. Borden, Paul Borden, Jr.,* Humphrey B. Brown, William B. Brown, Mary Frances Barnes, H. Francis Batson, James W. Batson, L. D. Batson, Lee Carroll, Louis E. Carten, William L. Corbett, Paul W. Best, James W. Bizzell, Sion A. Boney, Jr., James A. Boykin, David Bradshaw, Henry M. Braxton, Ted Burwell, Robert Abell,* David John Adams, C. Arthur Allred, George Daly, Jr., Hugh Daughtery, James M. Deaton, Ridgon Dees, Jr., William A. Dees, Jr., J. Dillon Eason, Jr., Thurston C. Edmundson, William C.


Gardner, Frank A. Grantham, Paul C. Garrison, Jr., Robert L. Grantham, Walter J. Grantham, Woodrow W. Grantham, John B. Graham, William H. Griffin, Jr., Wilson V. Griffin, Robert L. Harrington, Thomas C. Harrington, J. W. Hassell, Jr., Andrew Hassell, William Herring, William A. Hollowell, George E. Hood, Jr., Gabriel Holmes, Jr., John McN. Holmes, Wilbert W. Howell, Matt Ransom Gwatney, Norward D. Gwatney, Harry Jackson, Clarence Jackson, Louis Jernigan,* Grainger Kornegay, G. Hazlett Long, Warren LeRoy, Charles B. Magill, James L. Marshburn,* Willie Mitchell, William B. Mooring, Neal Pat McArthur, Jr., Patrick H. McArthur, Arthur McCrary, Thomas McCrary, Carl McBride, Talbot A. Parker, Jr., Wylie F. Parker, Arnold F. Page, Joe Pearson, Thomas Pearson, Boddie Perry,* Robert W. Powell, Jr., Jay C. Pressly, John S. Pressly, Joe A. Rose, Legh R. Scott, Jr., Neal A. Scott,* Frederick Shepherd, Ralph W. Smith, Wiley H. Smith, Charles McDonald Smith, George Vance Smith, J. W. Smith, William M. Smith, Emmett R. Spicer,* George K. Spicer, James W. Spicer, John Spicer, Jr., Williams Spicer, Jr., William G. Stanley, Dorothy Stanton, Robert E. Taylor, Faison Thomson, Jr., V. Allen Tolson, Robert Wooten, Marjorie Wooten.


The Youth Program of the Church has been an active and well organized one. In September, 1946, the Youth Organization in the Presbyterian Church, U. S., was changed. The First Presbyterian Church reorganized, too, and since that time has followed the suggested Commission plan, making it possible for each young person in our Presbyterian Youth Fellowship to serve on one of the five Commissions: Christian Faith, Christian Growth, Christian Outreach, Christian Works, or Christian Comradeship.

Each spring and fall the young people hold an all-day or week-end Retreat, at which time they evaluate and plan ahead. Each young person looks forward to these periods of instruction, planning and fellowship. A highlight of a year's program is Assembly's Youth Sunday, held each November. At this time the young people assumed complete charge of a morning worship service. Many hours are spent working out a stimulating service and each has been most challenging and inspirational for the entire congregation.

Several of the Goldsboro young people have served on the Youth Fellowship Council of Albemarle Presbytery. This Youth Program is also carried out at George Kirby and Antioch.

Another highlight in the Youth Fellowship has been the response of several young people to Christ's call to serve Him in some full-time capacity. Three young men from the First Church, Harry and Bob Mitchell and W. B. Boykin, Jr., and one from George Kirby Chapel, Doster Brock, Jr., have been received by Albemarle Presbytery as Candidates for the Ministry


and two young women, Patsy Donnell and Callie McArthur, have been received under the care of the Session of the church because they desire to prepare themselves for some type of full-time Christian work.

Church Property

The first manse owned by the Church was at 209 N. George Street, having been purchased in 1890 for $1,700.00, and sold in 1944 for $7,500.00, the proceeds from the sale to go to the Building Fund.

In 1911 the church purchased the lot on North James adjoining the present property for the purpose of erecting an Education Building, later to be known as the McIntyre Memorial Building. This building was completed in 1920 at a cost of about $50,000.00. Mention should be made of the splendid work done in connection with this building by Mr. Nathan O'Berry. While not a communicant of the church, Mr. O'Berry was a regular attendant. He gave generously to all of the causes, and he was untiring in his efforts to offer excellent suggestions as to the final details of the building. The women of the church had a large part in helping to make the building a success, they were not only financial contributors but contributed both time and energy in furnishing the building.

In 1925 the site of the Antioch Church was purchased in Fork Township.


As mentioned before, the first gift to the church was in 1855 when Willis Hall gave the lot, corner of West Ash and North James Streets, upon which the church was built. In 1890 Dr. George L. Kirby gave the lot on North Herman Street on which George Kirby Chapel was built. In 1940 Mrs. Susan Kirby Robinson gave the adjoining lot upon which the Chapel Recreation Hall was built and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rawlings gave and built the extra classrooms.

In 1945 Mrs. Ella K. Borden and her daughters, Susan B. Borden and Mary Borden Parker, gave the church the residence at 410 East Walnut Street, to be known as the Emmet R. Spicer Memorial Manse, this being a memorial to their kinsman, Capt. Emmet R. Spicer, who was killed at Corregidor February 1945.

In 1951 Mrs. M. E. Robinson and her son, M. E. Robinson, gave the church 70.46 acres in New Hope Township, the proceeds from the sale of the property to go to the Building Fund.

The Church has been the beneficiary of two wills, namely, the will of Mrs. Susan Swann, dated 1919, and the will of Herbert L. Finlayson, dated 1929. The church received about $10,000.00 from the will of Mrs. Swann, and approximately $13,000.00 from the Finlayson will, the Session of the church to serve as trustees for both funds.


The windows in the church are memorial windows, placed in memory of the following:

Octavia A. MarableLorraine R. Miller
John EverittWillis Hall
Henrietta G. McMullenBarbara Miller Isler
Benjamin F. MarableEllerslee Spicer
Rachel EverittHenry Lee Spicer
Addie McKinnon Spicer

The Memorial Organ was given as a memorial to their parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee by their daughters, Hattie Lee Finlayson, Mattie Lee Cannon and Sallie Lee Borden.

The Baptismal Font is in memory of Neal Anderson Scott, Ensign, U.S.N.R., killed at the Battle of Santa Cruz, 1942.

A Silver Urn in memory of Lt. Virginius Boddie Perry, U.S.M.C., killed in the Palau Islands, 1945.

A Silver Urn in memory of Lt. Paul Lambert Borden, killed in action in Schmidt, Germany, 1945.

The Tablet was placed in the McIntyre Memorial Building in 1938 in memory of Peter McIntyre and of his wife, Constance Fuller McIntyre.

The Building Program

During Dr. Scott's pastorate (1937-43) a movement was started either to enlarge our present church or to build a new one. All these plans were interrupted by the war and it was not until several years later that Mr. McChesney and the congregation began the serious work of raising funds for a new church.

In 1949 the church purchased a lot on the corner of East Ash and Jackson Streets containing 7 acres and at once the congregation entered heartily into the plan to build the first unit of the new church, the Education Building. It is of interest to note that the funds have been raised by

gifts from the entire congregation. There have been no large gifts, but the small gifts have given many the feeling that each member has played a part in raising the funds.

To date, December 1, 1951, the total building fund is $163,276.53. This includes $2,932.36 which was realized from various investments.

The Women of the Church

The Women of the Church have contributed (Jan. 1-Dec. 1, 1951) $2,993.65 to the Building Fund, besides having raised $2,336.15 to meet all the obligations of their organization.

Church Budget

All collections for the Church Budget from January 1, 1951, to December 1, 1951, have amounted to $22,701.74. This includes contributions to all causes prescribed by Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly, as well as meeting the current expenses of the church.


At present (December, 1951) the resident membership of the church is 473.

The nonresident membership is 58.

The George Kirby Membership is 68.

Making a total membership of 599.

Church School

Total enrolled is 396.

Number of teachers—29.

Number of officers—3.

Collections from January 1, 1951, to December 1, 1951, amounts to $827.66.

This little sketch has tried to set forth a short account of the life of the First Presbyterian Church from February 1855 to December 1951. The information has come from the Session Books, from the records of the various societies, from newspapers, and from some of the members who have preserved a few early records. The Committee is grateful to all of those who have helped on the preparation of this Sketch.

One may have feelings of regret in having to leave a church so dear to so many hearts, but at the same time there is happiness and satisfaction in knowing that the Church has grown so greatly and that each of us has had a part in furthering God's work in the Presbyterian Church.






Dec. 31, 1951 Committee

A short historical sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Goldsboro, North Carolina
A short historical sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Goldsboro, North Carolina. [Goldsboro, N.C. : First Presbyterian Church, 1951] 12 p. ; 24 cm. Caption title. "Dec. 31, 1951."
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BX9211.G5 S56 1951
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Dan Taylor Dec 31 2016

Dr. Bob Bardin: My wife & I spoke with you Christmas eve after your sermon on MESS. I inquired about a recording of your message and was told you didn't have one, but to contact you with my e-mail address and you'd send me a copy. Thank you! Dan Taylor

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