House-keeper's companion

For the Benefit of the New Baptist Church.
Price 50 Cents.

Printed at Tarboro, N.C.18--?

For the Benefit of the New Baptist Church.
Price 50 Cents.


All men love good things. This is a common way of saying, that every man, be he perfect or imperfect, has in his mind an ideal of those things that he loves, and that concern him most. This is undoubtedly true, and proved by simple observation.

Men must live, move and have their being. To do so, they must eat. Therefore if living is important, and there is no man, it is sure, that denies this, then that which sup-ports life, surely is of equal importance, and being so, demands our attention and care.

Eating is a good thing, an enjoyable thing, a profitable thing. It is an absolute necessity. It is one of nature's first requirements. Every man wants the best. To have the best, there must be careful preparation and good material.

In this little volume, will not be found the matter for the cook, but its contents pertain only to the how, the why, and the wherefore.

It makes little pretention to originality. It is in fact only an arrangement of the best recipes, the collections of generations, conveniently arranged for the house-keeper's use.

We have been asked to write this short preface. We consented, and if the perusal of this book prove as much pleasure to the buyer, as our task has been, then both will be satisfied, and the good ladies of the Missionary Baptist Ch arch of Tarboro', will feel themselves amply repaid for their labors.

We cheerfully commend the book to the public, not only for its real worth, but for the cause it so nobly represents.



The following is a table of measures and weights which will be found useful in connection with the recipes : One quart of flour, - 1 pound
Two cupsful of butter, - 1 "
Two cupsful granulated sugar, - 1 "
Two heaping cupsful of powdered sugar, - 1"
One generous pint of liquid, - 1"
One pint of finely chopped meat packed solidly, 1 "

The cup used is the common kitchen cup, holding half a pint.


BEEF SOUP. Take a shank or a piece of roasted beef, put it in a dinner pot full of cold water, with 1 quart can of tomatoes, 1 of a cabbage, 2 ears of corn, 12 pods of okra, and a few butter beans; thicken with flour, add salt and pepper to taste. Boil about three hours. Soup is better made from a roasted shank. -- Mrs. Austin.

CHICKEN SOUP. Take one chicken with 3 pints water, boil till chicken comes to pieces, then add 1 cup sweet milk, let it come to a boil which will make it thick enough. Salt and pepper to taste. For sick people, milk can be omitted. -- Mrs. Austin.

SOUP STOCK. To 4 pounds of lean beef put 4 quarts of cold water, wash the meat and put it in the water with-out salt; let it come slowly to boiling point. Keep the scum skimmed off, add a little salt and let it boil gently until the meat is in rags.

BOUILLON. To 4 quarts of stock made of lean beef add 1 quart of tomatoes, 1/2 pint of fine chopped onions. 1



tablespoonful of celery salt, 2 of chopped parsley, 1 of all spice,1 of cloves, 4 of brown flour, I quart of claret wine. Simmer slowly 40 minutes, and just before straining add the whites of two eggs well beaten. Two tablespoonsful of butter may be added.


VIRGINIA HAMS.For each 100 pounds of ham, 10 pounds of 2 ounces of saltpetre, 2 pounds of brown sugar, 1 ounce of red pepper, from 4 to 41/2 gallons of water or just enough to cover the hams; the brine should be strong enough to float an egg. The hams should remain in the brine 5 or 6 weeks, then hung up and smoked a light brown with hickory chips. After smoking wrap each ham in papers; then put in bags with the hock down and hang up the bag. To prevent skippers, when taken from brine let dry a little and rub molasses lightly over the ham and cover well with pulverized black pepper. Put plenty in the hock.

CORNED BEEF.Sprinkle the beef well with salt and let it lie until all the animal heat is out. Then for every 100 pounds of beef allow 4 quarts of salt, 4 pounds of brown sugar, 4 ounces salt petre pounded fine, all well mixed. Scatter some of mixture over the bottom of a barrel, then put in a layer of beef, over this sprinkle a layer of mixture of salt petre and sugar, and so on until all is packed, allowing a larger portion of mixture for the top. Boil sufficient water to cover it and when cold pour over. Put weights on the beef to keep it well under the brine. If the brine gets ropy and will not drop clear, pour off and boil, skimming as it boils, and when it has cooled pour over the beef.

CORNED BEEF OR TONGUE 6 pounds of alum salt, 1 pound of brown sugar, pound salt petre, 4 gallons of water. Rub the meat well with salt before putting in



Pickle, Drop tongues in the pickle as you. can get them and make more brine when they are not well covered. Excellent. Mr. J. T. Barnes.

SCALLOPED OYSTERS. 1/2 gallon oysters, 3/4 pound of butter, 1 pound of cracker dust or 1 loaf of bread. Strew over the bottom of an earthenware dish bread crumbs and bits of butter, then a layer of oysters, then more crumbs and butter, continue until the dish is filled. Add a little Water and bake in the oven.Fred Cooper.

BEEF STEAK.Place on the broiling irons over glowing coals a steak about an inch thick (surloin preferred). When broiled on one side turn over, broil nicely and take up, and season with butter, pepper and parsley (if liked). Place in a covered dish 3 or 4 minutes and serve hot.Fred Cooker.

FRIED OYSTERS.Put oysters on a towel and let them remain until dry. Then dip each oyster in a well beaten egg and then in cracker crumbs. Cook in enough boiling lard to cover them, lift out with a strainer and sprinkle with salt. Serve hot.Mrs. J. M. Baker.

FRIED OYSTERS.Select large, fine oysters, place on a sifter to drain about one hour before cooking. When ready for cooking roll in fine cracker dust and pat lightly with the hand. Have your butter very hot, put in the 0ysters a few at the time and fry a light brown.Fred Cooper.

BEEP A LA TOMATO.Cold beef chopped in very small pieces, 1 can of tomatoes or fresh tomatoes, cut up, and mixed with beef. Season with gravy of beef, 1 teaspoonful of butter, red and black pepper and silt, dessert spoonful mustard, tablespoonful vinegar, a handful chopped parsley, one small onion and two tablespoonsful of tomato catsup. Put all in baking dish, fill nearly to top with water and let it cook slowly for two hours until



there is little juice in it. Then sprinkle thickly with cracker crumbs or bread, or biscuit, and brown on top. An elegant dish for dinner. Mrs. J. H. Baker.

DEVILED CRABS.To a No. 2 can of crabs add 11/2 cups of grated bread crumbs, 1 teacup of vinegar, 2 heaping tablespoonsful of butter, 2 teaspoonful of mustard of ordinary strength, a little salt and black pepper, salt, spoon of cayenne pepper, the yelks of three hard-boiled eggs and one raw one well beaten. After well mixing fill the shells, cover with bread crumbs and bake. Serve hot or cola.Mrs. Bynum.

PICKLED OYSTERS.Let the oysters just come to a boil, drain them, and place in a bowl, sprinkling between each layer a little black pepper, a few whole peppers, salt, mace and allspice. Pour over the whole two cups of liquor to one of vinegar until the oysters are covered. -- Mrs. Blount.

SALMON CROQUETS.One can salmon picked up fine drained of the oil, 3 eggs boiled hard and chopped fine; 3 good size Irish potatoes boiled and mashed fine, 1 tablespoonful of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Mould into egg shaped balls, dip each ball in raw egg well beaten, then in bread crumbs. Fry in half lard and half butter. This will make eleven balls.Mrs. Green.

DEVILED EGGS.1 dozen eggs boiled hard, cut carefully in halves, lenthwise remove the yelks, mash and. mix either chopped ham or chicken. Season with salt, vinegar, pepper, mustard, and celery seed. Make into little balls and till the whites. Nice dish for supper or lunch. Bruton.

DEVILED EGG-S.Boil hard 1 dozen eggs. Cut carefully in halves, lengthwise, and remove the yelks, mash and mix with a heaping tablespoonful of butter, 1 tea spoonful of mustard, 1 of celery seed, 1/2 teacup of vinegar,

a little black pepper and salt to taste. Fill the whites. This makes a very pretty dish, garnished with parsley.

BAKED SHAD.Fill the fish with a rich dressing, (made as for fowl) sew up and gash. Cover with bread crumbs, a little pepper, and salt. Put in the baking pan with a little water. Baste frequently while cooking.

BARBECUED SHADMay be prepared as above, and a small teacup of vinegar added to the water when half done. Baste often.


BAKED TOMATOES.To 1 quart of tomatoes put 11/2 cups sugar and 2 biscuits, or rolls, broken in small pieces 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Bake in an earthen or tin dish and serve in same Austin.

POTATOES A LA LYONAISE.Cold boiled Irish potatoes cut in blocks. Season with salt and pepper to taste and fry a light brown.Austin.

DICED IRISH POTATOES.Pare and chip raw Irish potatoes, put in a stew pan and cover with milk. Season with a piece of butter size of hen egg, salt and pepper to taste. Stew until thoroughly done. Be careful not to burn. -- Mrs. Sharpe.

SCALLOPED IRISH POTATOES -Slice 1 dozen potatoes and put in layers in a baking dish after greasing it. Between layer butter a sprinkling of flour, 1 slice of onion chopped fine, salt and very little black pepper, 1/2 pound butter is not too much. When the dish is ready for baking, pour in a large cup of fresh milk and bake slowly for one hour and a half. Let the potatoes be brown and crisp. A delicious dish in spring when vegetables are scarce.Mrs. J. H. Baker.



SARATOGA CHIPS.Wash and peel potatoes. Cut in very thin slices, drop in hot lard and fry a light brown. Cook a few at a time and sprinkle salt over them as you put in the dish.-- Austin.

WINED POTATOES.Place in a baking dish a layer of boiled, sliced sweet potatoes, sprinkle thickly with sugar and bits of butter, then another layer of potatoes and so on until the pan is full. Pour over the whole 1/2 pint of wine. If this does not cover add water. Serve in a baking dish as a vegetable. Some leave off the wine. -- Austin.

POTATO CHIPSSlice raw Irish potatoes with a potato slicer and let stand in cold water hour. Take out and lay, on a towel until perfectly dry. Then fry a nice brown in boiling lard. Sprinkle with salt as you put them in the dish. -- Mrs. J. M. Baker.

BROWN BETSY.Pare and chip (dout slice) enough tart apples to nearly fill a shallow baking pan. Put in a layer of apples, sprinkle with sugar, bits of butter cracker or biscuit then a layer of apples, &c., until all is used. Cover with water and bake a light brown. Serve in the pan they are cooked in. A nice dinner relish. -- Mrs. Sharpe.

GREEN CORN PUDDING.-Cut the corn off 6 large ears, beat 6 eggs very light, stir into the corn 11/2 pints of Sweet milk, 2 tablespoonsful of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Bake in an, earthen dish a light brown. -- Austin.

BAKED MACARONI.1/2 package macaroni, boil until tender. Put in a pudding dish with bits of butter, some grated cheese, salt, pepper, cracker crumbs, 4 eggs well beaten, a little mustard, and 1 pint of milk. Stir all together and bake 3/4hour. -- Austin.

MACARONI WITH TOMATOES.-- 1/2 pound of macaroni boiled and then stewed in milk and butter. Tomatoes stewed with one spoonful sugar, and salt, pepper, and butter.



Mix macaroni and tomatoes in layers in baking dish, tomatoes on top, and brown. It will take about half an hour. --Mrs J. H. Baker.

BOILED OKRA.Put tender pods of okra into boiling water. Boil until easily pierced with a fork. Season with Salt, butter and pepper, and vinegar if preferred Boil in a porcelain lined stew-pan.

SPINACH.Boil in clear water until tender. Then season with butter and salt, and serve with hard boiled or porched eggs.

OYSTER PLANT OR SALSIFY.5 stalks of salsify, boil until tender, then mash fine and add 6 eggs well beaten, with salt and pepper to taste. If not soft enough add a little milk. Drop 1 spoonful at the time in boiling lard and fry a light brown. -- Fred Cooper.

ASPARAGUS.Boil stalks until tender in clear water, and serve with drawn butter sauce.

CORN FRITTERS.12 ears of corn or 1 can, 1 pint of flour, 3 eggs, pepper and salt, then thin with milk. Fry in hot lard. -- Mrs. Clark.

DEVILED TOMATOES.Take large tomatoes, cut out the centre, fill with a mixture of bread crumbs, butter, pepper, and salt. Put in a baking pan with enough water to prevent sticking and bake. -- Mrs. Clark.

CANNED TOMATOES.Take perfectly ripe tomatoes, scald and remove the skins, keeping the fruit as nearly whole as Possible. Place in a preserving kettle, cover, heat up slowly and cook until boiling hot all the way through. Put in cans or jars and cover tightly. Do not add any water while cooking as a good tomato will furnish enough juice for itselfMrs. -- E. T. Bynum.




CHICKEN SALAD.Boil till tender one chicken, chop fine the whites of 12 hard boiled eggs, 1/4 head of cabbage, 2 bunches of celery. Then mash the yelks with 2 tablespoonsful of butter, 2 of sugar, 1 of mustard, pepper and salt to taste, 1 teaspoonful celery seed, 1 cup of vinegar,Mrs. C. J. Austin.

DRESSING FOR SLAW.Put in a sauce pan 1 cup of vinegar, 1 teaspoonful each of mustard, salt and black pepper,1 tablespoonful of sugar, a lump of butter size of a walnut; while this is boiling beat two eggs and stir keep stirring until it thickens, then add a few celery seed.

POTATO SALAD.Boil 6 large Irish potatoes, peel and mash, add 2 large onions chopped fine, Make a dressing Of the yolks of 4 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup of vinegar, 1 table spoonful of mustard, 2 of butter, 1 teaspoonful. of celery seed and 1 of black pepper, salt to taste; mix well and stir in the potato.--Mrs. Bynum.

TABLE MUSTARD.Cook corn starch thoroughly until very thick adding a little salt. and make quite sweet. When nearly cold, sift in white mustard and beat until perfectly try smooth and as stiff as mush. Add good vinegar until just thin enough to pour through slowly from a spoon. Will keep several months in cool weather.

POTATO SALAD.Slice cold Irish potatoes. Put a layer of potatoes in a salad bowl, then a layer of finely chopped onion, sprinkle salt and pepper, then another layer of potatoes and so on until your dish is filled. Take gravy of any baked fowl and put in a stew pan, set on the fire add 1 tablespoonful of vinegar to six of gravy. Heat and mix thoroughly and pour over potatoes. Just use enough gravy to season well.-- Mrs. J. M. Baker.




MUSTARD PICKLES. One half-pack small cucumbers, 1/2 pack string beans, 1 quart of green peppers, 2 quarts of small onions, 2 pounds of ground mustard mixed with 1 pint of the best sweet oil To this add 3 quarts of vinegar.

SLICED CUCUMBER PICKLES.2 gallons of sliced cucumbers (as for table) 24 onions sliced, 10 green peppers, 12 tablespoonsful white mustard seed, 8 races of ginger. 6 peices of mace, 5 teaspoonsful tumeric. 6 cups sugar, 2 tablespoonsful celery seed. Sprinkle a little salt through cucumbers, onions, and peppers, and let stand 3 hours. Then carefully drain through your fingers, put in the kettle with spices, etc.,sprinkled through them. Pour over all vinegar enough to cover and boil until cucumbers are clear and tender. -- Mrs. Ben Sharpe.

CUCUMBER PICKLES.4 ounces of mustard seed, 1 ounce celery seed, 1/2 ounce of tumeric, 1/2 ounce ground ginger, 3 ounces of grated horse radish, 1 medium size cabbage 6 pods of green and red pepper, 21/2 pounds sugar, of quarter-pound box of mustard. 5 onions, 1/2 gallon vinegar 1 lemon. Take all these ingredients with the cabbage and lemon sliced and put on with vinegar; let it come to a boil,then drop in 2 gallons of cucumbers after they are greened. Let all boil together, then take off and put in a jar. --- Mrs. Austin.

CABBAGE CHOW-CHOW.--Take 1 large cabbage, cut as for slaw, put in a kettle with 6 large sliced onions. 5 ounces mustard seed, 11/2 ounces celery seed, 1/2 ounce of tumeric, 1/2 ounce ground ginger, 3 ounces of grated horse radish, 2 pods of green and red pepper each, 2 pounds of sugar, 1/8 pound of mustard, 3 pints of vinegar. Boil until the onion is done. Add 1 sliced lemon. -- Mrs. Austin.

GERMAN PICKLE.One-half gallon of sliced tomatoes, 1/2 gallon of sliced cucumbers, 1 gallon of chopped cabbage, 1 gallon vinegar, 21/2 pounds sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt, 4 tablespoonsful white Mustard seed, 4 table - spoonsful celery seed, 2 tablespoonsful ginger, 2 tablespoonsful black pepper, 2 tablespoonsful of cloves, 2 tablespoonsful spice, 6 large onions chopped fine. Cook until well done. -- Mrs. E. T. Bynum.

TOMATO SOY.To 1 gallon of vinegar add 3 tablespoonsful of cloves, 3 of spice, 1/2 of mace, 1 of pepper. To every quart of vinegar put pound of brown sugar. For this quantity use 1 peck of sliced tomatoes. First drop the tomatoes in a weak salt water over night, next morning boil in alum water just tinged with vinegar until they are green, then scald in clear water. Add to spiced vinegar and boil until clear and well done. -- Mrs. Johnson.

CUCUMBER PICKLE.Gather cucumbers when 4 or 5 inches long. Take 2 gallons of cucumbers and put in very strong brine 9 days; then drain and boil in alum water until they are a little softened and turned green. Let them stand in this until next day, then drain and scald in plain vinegar. They can remain in this until you can prepare spiced vinegar. This calls for 2 gallons of vinegar, 1 pint white mustard seed well beaten, 4 ounces ground ginger, 3 of beaten pepper, 3 of allspice, 1 of cloves, 1 of mace, 1 of celery seed, a few onions well beaten like mustard seed, 1 handful of grated horse-radish, 2 pounds of brown sugar. Let vinegar and spices stand in the sun for sometime, then pour over the cucumbers. -- Mrs. Blount.

FRENCH PICKLES.One gallon of cabbage, 1/2 gallon green tomatoes, 1 quart onions, 6 pods green pepper, without seed, 3 tablespoonsful of ground mustard, 1 each of ginger, cloves, cinanmon, celery seed, horse-radish, and 2 of salt, 1/4 pound of sugar, gallon vinegar. Chon up all



the vegetables, with a little salt and let it stand an hour.Add the spices and vinegar,then boil until tender. -- Mrs. Johnson.

SWEET PICKLED PEACHES. Seven pounds peaches, 3 pounds sugar, 1 quart vinegar. Add spice and cloves and let boil nine mornings.-- Mrs. F. Pender

CABBAGE PICKLE.Quarter the cabbages and split the quarters. Put, them in a wooden tray and sprinkle each piece with salt, let it remain 24 hours then drain from the salt. Pack them in a jar with a layer of sugar, onions chopped fine, and different kinds of spices. Boil sufficient vinegar to cover and pour on while boiling hot.-- Bynum.

SWEET PICKLED PEACHES.Use large cling peaches, peel them carefully, and to every pound of fruit add 3/4 pound of sugar and 1/2 pint of vinegar. Boil the sugar and vinegar together every morning for 9 mornings, and pour over the fruit. On the ninth morning put all together in a large porcelain kettle with 2 ounces each of mace, all spice, and cloves. Boil briskly fifteen minutes. This is excellent. -- Mrs. Blount.

SWEET PICKLED CHERRIES.To 5 pounds of fruit put 3 of sugar, 1 quart of vinegar, 2 ounces of cinnamon, the same of cloves, 1 ounce of mace. Put the fruit in a jar and boil the vinegar, sugar and spices, and pour boiling hot on the fruit.

SWEET PICKLED DAMSONS.The same as cherries above.

TOMATO CATSUP.--Take 1 gallon large ripe tomatoes, peel them, and place in a large stone jar. Cover the top of jar with a thick pastry made of flour and water. Place the jar in a pot of water and let boil four or five hours;

strain the mixture, add 2 large onions, salt, sugar and spice to taste. Boil and strain, then add sufficient vinegar to thin the mixture.-- Mrs.Blount.

SWEET TOMATO PICKLE.Three pounds of fruit, 11/2 pounds of sugar, 1/2 pint of vinegar. Different spices to suit taste and boil well. -- Mrs. Johnson.

WATERMELON RIND.Take the rind of melon, peel and drop in strong brine. When ready to make pickle take out and soak until perfectly fresh. Then weigh the rind and allow one 1/2 pound of sugar to every pound of rind. Put in a kettle with a few blades of mace, cover with vinegar. Boil until you can stick a fork through easily. You will have to be careful in cooking, and take out the pieces as they get done. -- Mrs. E. T. Bynum.

RED PEPPER CATSUP.Four dozen fine peppers, 2 quarts of vinegar, 1 of water, 3 tablespoonsful of horse-radish grated, 5 onions chopped fine, 1 handful of garlic. Boil until soft and strain through a seive; then add 2 tablespoonsful of salt, 1 of celery seed and spice, after which boil ten minutes longer and add a little sugar. Add 1/2 tablespoonful of cloves.-- Mrs. Johnson.

CUCUMBER PICKLE.Take enough cucumbers to fill a 2 gallon jar, cut in two lengthwise and soak until fresh. Cover in equal portions of vinegar and water, and boil 11/2 hours very gently. Then take them out and boil 11/2 hours in 1 gallon fresh vinegar, 2 pounds of sugar, 1 tablespoonful cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful of celery seed, 1 tablespoonful tumeric, 1 of black peeper, and 1 of horse-radish, 1 teaspoonful cloves, 1 teaspoonful mace, 1 teaspoonful ginger (added when cold) and 1/2 teaspoonful of cayenne pepper. These are good as soon as cold, and are excellent.-- Mrs. Bynum.

GERMAN PICKLE.Three-fourths peck green tomatoes, 2 large cabbages, l5 or 20 large onions, 30 or 40 onion

buttons (left whole), 25 large cucumbers, 1 pint of grated horse-radish, 1/2 pound ground ginger, 4 pounds of brown sugar. Cut cabbage, cucumbers, onions and tomatoes in small pieces and pack in salt over night. Next morning drain off the brine and put in soak for a day in vinegar and water (half and half) then drain and pour out all the liquor. Mix in the spices, boil 1/2 gallon vinegar with the 4 pounds sugar, and while hot pour in the above ingredients. Drain off the next morning and heat again. Heat the third time and it will be ready for use. -- Mrs. Bass.

CUCUMBER CATSUP.Take 3 dozen grown cucumbers, 8 white onions. Peel and grate cucumbers and chop onions as fine as possible. Add 1 pint of salt and tie in a thin bag and let drain all night. Then add 1 tea cup of white mustard seed and a scant 1/2 cup black pepper. Put in wide mouth bottles and cover with cold vinegar. A few days after look at it, and if the vinegar is below the top add more. This tastes like the fresh cucumbers and keeps well. -- Mrs. E. T. Bynum.

TOMATO SAUCE. Scald and peel tomatoes and let them boil a little; strain all the water you can from them without pressing. Then add 1/2 pound of sugar to 1 pound of tomatoes, and 1 pint of vinegar to 4 pounds tomatoes. Season with ginger and cinnamon to taste, and cook until almost a marmalade. This is very good to eat with cold meats. -- Mrs. Bynum.

RASPBERRY VINEGAR.-Fill a bowl with berries, Pour over them as much vinegar as it will hold; let them stand 24 hours, then press them. To 1 pint of juice put 1 Pound of loaf sugar. -- Mrs. Johnson.

TOMATO CATSUP. Cook the tomatoes and run through a seive. To 1/2 gallon of juice add 4 tablespoonful each of black pepper and salt, 3 of mustard, 1 teaspoonful each of cloves, mace, and red pepper, 1 quart vinegar. Boil until it begins to thicken.-- Mrs. Orren Williams.




LEAVEN.Boil 3 Irish potatoes, until soft, in enough Water to cook them; then mash in the same water and add nearly a pint of meal and 3 tablespoonsful of leaven. Set to rise, and after it has well risen, add meal enough to make into cakes. Dry well in the shade.-- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

LOAF BREAD.One quart of flour, 1 large tablespoonful of lard, tablespoonful sugar, 2 tablespoonsful of liquid past, 1 teaspoonful salt. Make a moderately soft dough. Work well and set in a warm place to rise over night. In the morning work again and make in rolls or loaves, let rise an hour and bake slowly. -- Mrs. Jones.

ROLLS OR BREAD.One quart of flour, 1 well beaten egg, 1 large tablespoonful lard, 2 tablespoonsful sugar, 1 teaspoonful salt, 2 teaspoonsful of fresh leaven. Rub the lard in the flour, then add the egg, then the salt, sugar and leaven dissolved in a cup of milk-warm water, then add enough warm water to make a soft dough. Rise in a warm place over night. In the morning work again; make into rolls or loaves and rise an hour. Bake slowly. -- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

PARKER HOUSE ROLLS.One pint of boiled milk, 2 quarts of flour, 4 teaspoonsful leaven, 2 tablespoonsful of lard, 2 tablespoonsful sugar, 2 teaspoonsful salt. Melt lard in the warm milk, let cool and add leaven, sugar and salt. Sift flour in the crock and make hole in the middle and pour in the milk, etc. Stir in a little of the flour and set to rise early in the morning. About 12 o'clock stir in the rest of flour and let rise until an hour before baking. Then roll out and cut size and shape of saucer. Spread a little lard on half the dough and double over like turnovers. Let sponge before baking. These are very nice. -- Mrs.Austin.

FRENCH ROLLS.Two eggs, 1 quart flour, 1 large tablespoonful of butter or lard, 2 tablespoonsful of sugar, 2 tablespoonsfnl of yeast, 1 teaspoonful of salt. Make up with milk (about the same as rolls) and work well. -- Mrs. Austin.

RUSK.Made in the same way only add 1/2 pound of sugar. After working a second time roll and cut with a biscuit cutter. Let rise half an hour before baking. -- Austin.

COLD WALTER BISCUITS.One quart of flour, 1 large tablespoonful of lard. Leave out a small portion of the flour to work in. Then rub the lard well in the remaining flour, make up very stiff with cold water, and beat and work until the dough blisters. -- Mrs. Austin.

RACHELS SALLY LUNN. Six eggs, 1 quart flour, 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup sugar, 2 teaspoonsful leaven, 1 teaspoonful salt. Make about the consistency of pound cake batter. if wanted for supper make up early in the morning, if for breakfast make up at night. Rise well and bake slowly.

PARKER HOUSE MUFFINS.Boil 1 quart of milk. Let cool and stir in 1 quart of sifted flour, 1 teaspoonful of salt and 1/2 teacupful of liquid yeast. Beat well, then add 3 well beaten eggs, place to rise, when light stir in 1 table_ spoonful of melted butter. Bake quickly in muffin cups.

STEAM BOAT MUFFINS.-One quart of flour, 3 eggs, 1 spoonful of lard, 2 of baking powders, 1 tablespoonful of sugar. Mix with' milk to make a thin batter.-- Mrs. Johnston.

MUFFINS.One and a half pint of milk, 11/2 pint flour,

2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of salt. Beat well and bake in muffin cups.-- Mrs. Austin.

RICE WAFFLES.One quart of flour and enough milk, to make a tolerable stiff batter. Add 2 well beaten eggs, 1 cup of boiled rice, 1 teaspoonful each of butter and lard, 1 of soda and 2 of cream tartar, salt to taste.

WAFFLES.One pint of milk, 2 eggs, 2 tablesnooilsful of butter, teaspoonful soda and 1 of cream tartar, 11/2 pints of flour (scant). Beat eggs well, add milk and butter (after being melted in L spoonsful hot water). Then stir in the flour -- Mrs. Blount.

WAFFLES.A handful of meal, a tablespoonful of lard, a pinch of soda. Scald the meal and beat smooth . When cool enough add 2 eggs, stir well and add 1 pint of flour and milk enough to thin batter, salt to taste. -- Mrs. Austin.

FRENCH PUFFS.One cup of flour made up with cream or water, about the consistency of biscuit dough, a little salt, cut with a knife in balls the size of a marble. Roll very thin and fry in hot lard- Then sprinkle with pulverized sugar. -- Mrs. Jones.

PUFF OMELET.Beat the yelks of 6 eggs and whites of 3 very light, 1 tablespoonful of hour taste melt a table small cup of milk with salt and pepper spoonful of butter in a pan, pour in the mixture and set in a hot oven, when it thickens pour over the remaining whites well beaten. Return to the oven and bake a delicate brown.-- Austin.

FLANNEL CAKES.One quart of flour, 1/2 cup of meal, a tablespoonful of yeast, make a stiff batter, put to rise at night. Next morning beat 2 eggs very light and add to the batter, with a pinch of soda and two pinches of cream tar-tar and enough milk to make the right consistency. -- Norfleet

SCOTCH CAKES.Two quarts of flour, 1 tablespoonful butter, 11/2 cups of sweet milk, 1 cup of well risen yeast, 2 eggs, small quantity of salt. Make a soft dough at night, and in the morning early make into thin biscuits, to rise a second time; cover them and when light bake quickly and serve hot. When wanted for supper make up at 10 o'clock and work them over about 11/2 hours before supper. -- Mrs.W. S. Clark.

FRIED TOAST.Cut slices of light bread and have a very hot griddle ready. Make a batter of 1 egg, 2 teaspoonsful of flour and 2 teaspoonsful of sugar, and salt to taste, 11/2 cups of milk. Wet each piece and fry a light brown. Serve in a covered dish.

MILK TOAST.Slice the bread and toast a light brown. Take 1 quart of sweet milk and let it come to a boil, add 2 eggs well beaten and a piece of butter the size of a duck egg, stirring all the time until it thickens, then pour over toasted bread in a covered dish, a little salt will add very much. A nice breakfast dish. -- Austin.

CHEESE STRAWS.Take 1 pint of flour and lump of lard and butter together the size of a walnut, work into a dough with water as for pie pastry with a little salt. Grate 1/2 pound cheese. Roll dough thin, sprinkle with cheese, fold the edges and work well, then roll again and sprinkle remainder of cheese, roll very thin and cut in narrow strips 6 inches long, 1/4 inch wide. Mix and bake. -- Mrs. Green.

Puddings AND PIES

WINE PUDDING.Eight eggs, 1 light pound of sugar, piece of butter size of turkey egg, 1 cup cream, 1 cup wine, 1 nutmeg. Beat yelks and whites separately, leave out 4 whites for meringue. Beat yolks, add sugar, cream the

butter, add wine and cream, and tablespoonful of flour. Bake in pastry . This is splendid. -- Mrs. Bruton.

PLUM PUDDING.Two-thirds cup molasses, 1 cup milk, 4 cups flour, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in milk, 2 cups of raisins seeded and chopped. Pour in pudding bag, boil 3 hours, and serve with sauce.

ONE EGG PUDDING.One egg, 1 tablespoonful of but-ter, 1 cup sugar, 1 of milk, 2 of flour, 1 scant teaspoonful of soda, 2 of cream of tartar. Bake and serve with sauce. -- Mrs. Norfleet.

MOLASSES cup sugar, 1 of. butter, 1 of milk, and 1 of molasses, 2 eggs, 3 cups of flour, teaspoonful of soda. Flavor to suit taste. Bake in cake pan. -- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

TAPIOCA PUDDING.Soak 1 teacup full of Tapioca in cold water. Put into a sauce pan with a pint of milk, and let it gradually warm until the Tapioca is soaked. Then add 1 pint of cold milk, 4 eggs well beaten, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoonful of salt. Flavor as you like and bake. -- Mrs. Fountain.

VANILLA PUDDING.One cup of mush, 1 of sugar, 4 eggs, a piece of butter size of an egg. Put a little of the white in the batter, and leave the remainder for the icing.Season with vanilla.

COCOANUT PUDDING.-To 1 cocoanut 6 eggs, 2 cups sugar, small piece of butter. Beat yelks separately. Bake on pastry. This will make 4 puddings. -- Mrs. Bass.

POTATO CUSTARD.Four eggs, 11/2 cup sugar, 1 cup

butter, 1 lemon. Put in enough milk to make batter thin, 1 large potato or 2 small ones.

LEMON CUSTARD.For 2 custards take 2 lemons, cup sugar, 4 eggs and a piece of butter size of an egg. Beat, yelks and whites separately; to the yelks add sugar and other ingredients with the grated rind and juice of the lemon. Take the whites of 4 eggs and heat well for the icing.-- Mrs. Austin.

POTATO CUSTARD.Six eggs, the whites beaten separately, 3 cups sugar, 2 of milk, 3 of strained potatoes, and 1 of butter. Flavor to taste. Bake on pastry. -- Mrs. Austin.

LEMON PUDDING. Yelks of 8 eggs, pound sugar 1/2 pound butter, juice and rind of 1 large lemon, 1 grated biscuit. Bake on pastry.Mrs. Austin. TRANSPARENT PUDDING.The yelks of 8 eggs, 3/4 pound butter, pound of sugar, 1/2 pound preserves.Bake on pastry. -- Mrs. Norfleet.

GRATED POTATO PUDDING.Peel and grate 2 nice sweet potatoes, heat eggs, 1/4 pound sugar and 1/4 pound butter (melted). Season with nutmeg, a little allspice and a pinch of salt. Stir in the grated potato, mix well and bake. --Mrs. Frank Fender.

BREAD PUDDING.Soak 1 pint of bread crumbs enough hot water to soften well, beat 4 eggs; add 1/2 cup sugar, 1 pint milk, 1 tablespoonful butter, and bake. Eat with sauce made of 11/2 cup sugar, 11/2 cup water, 1/2 tablespoonful butter. Boil until thick,and flavor with nutmeg and wine.-- Mrs. F. Fender.

EDGECOMBE PUDDING.Boil 2 tablespoonsful of corn starch in 2 cups of new milk. When cold add the beaten yelks of 6 eggs, 1/2 pound sugar, tablespoonful of butter. Add the juice and grated rind of a fresh lemon, Pour into a puff paste and cover with icing.-- Mrs. Bynum.

APPLE PIES.Add to 1 cup of stewed apples 4 eggs, 1 cup sugar beaten together, a small piece of butter, and flavor with netmeg. Bake puff paste. -- Mrs. Green

BREAD AND BUTTER PUDDING.Butter raisins, currants, well, strew the bottom with preserves, nuts, then a layer of bread or cake crumbs; add another layer of preserves, currants, raisins, and nuts, and so on, letting the top layer be of preserves, &c. Pour over this pudding a custard made of 1 quart milk, 4 eggs, 4 tablespoonsful sugar and flavor to taste Bake ten minutes.-- Miss Lucy Wimberly.

POTATO CUSTARD.Four cups sugar, 4 eggs well beaten, 3 cups potatoes, 2 cups milk, 1/2 cup butter. Bake on pastry. -- Mrs. Johnson.

FOSTER PUDDING. Eight eggs, 1/2 cup of flour, 1 quart of milk, 3 tablespoonsful of butter, sweeten to taste. Bake until solid, then spread jelly or preserves over it. Reserve the whites of 4- of the eggs, heat lightly with 4 tablespoonsful of sugar, spread over the top and return to the oven. Bake a light brown. -- Mrs. Johnson.

MOLASSES PUDDING.--One cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups molasses, 1 cup of milk, 6 eggs, 1 lb. flour, 1 teaspoonful of soda. Melt the butter in the milk over a few warm embers, then add the sugar, molasses and eggs. Sift flour and soda together and mix them well with the

above ingredients. You may add raisins or currants if you like.-- Mrs. Johnson.

SUNDAY PUDDING.Six eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 4 of flour and 1 of milk, 11/2 pound of raisins, 1/2 cup of butter, 1 teaspoonful of soda, 2 of cream tartar. -- Mrs. Johnston.

BATTER PUDDING.Beat 5 eggs very light, stir in 1 pint of sifted flour, 1 quart of sweet milk. Bake in a pan without a crust, and eat with sauce.-- Mrs Johnston.

CITRON.Soak the rind till fresh, then boil in ginger tea with alum in it, first green as you would cucumbers, then boil in clear water, then make a syrup, 1 pound of sugar to 1 pound of citron and cook till clear. -- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

APPLE JELLY.Quarter and core nice tart apples and boil until soft; then strain without any pressing and after boiling up and skimming thoroughly and add 1 pound of sugar to 1 pint of juice and boil until it jellies nicely. -- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

MINCE MEAT.To 4 pounds of nice steak boiled and chopped fine; add 21/2pounds of raisins, 1 pound of citron, 2 pounds of currants, different kinds of preserves, as many as you choose, 12 large apples, different spices, mix with sugar and wine, put it in a kettle, heat it through, then put it in a jar. Pour over it 1 pint of brandy, put 1 pound of suet, add butter when you make the pies. The juice of an orange is an improvement. -- Mrs. Johnson.

CANNED FRUIT FOR PIES.To every 3 pounds of fruit add 1 pound of sugar. Put in a preserving kettle and let it come slowly to a boil, let boil about 2 minutes or until boiling hot all the way through. Put into air tight cans and seal up immediately. Pies made of this fruit do not need any more sugar unless very acid.

CANNED PEACHES AND PEARS.Make a syrup of pound of sugar and 1 pint of water to and covered with cold water.of fruit. Have the fruit peeled and covered with cold water.Drop a few at a time in the syrup and boil until you can run a straw through them. Have air tight jars in a pan of boiling water and drop fruit in them. Cover with syrup and seal. To be eaten with milk or cream. -- Austin.


FRUIT CAKE.One pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar, 11/4 pound of butter, 12 eggs, 4 pounds raisins, 3 pounds of currants, 1 pound citron, 1/2 pint French brandy, 1/2 pint Madeira wine, allspice, mace and nutmeg. -- Bynum.

BLACK CAKE.One pound flour, 1 pound of sugar Pound of butter, 12 eggs, 3 pounds of raisins, 2 pounds currants, 1 pound of citron, 1 pound of English walnuts or almonds, 1 pound of figs, juice and grated rind of two oranges, 1 nutmeg, 1 wine glass each of brandy and wine, cup of molasses, 1 teaspoonful of soda (dissolved in a little milk put in last thing), 2 of cream tartar sifted in flour, cream butter and flour together, beat yelks and sugar together, add beaten whites to sugar and yelks, and mix gradually to butter and flour. Flour the fruit well and mix in the batter. -- Mrs. C. J Austin.

BLACK FRUIT CAKE.One and quarter pound of butter, 12 eggs, 1 pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar. Cream the butter and sugar together, add the well beaten yelks, whip the whites and add alternately with the flour, always using the whites last. Add 3 pounds of stoned raisins cut fine and floured, 1 pound of dried figs finely shredded, 1 pound of almonds blanched and thoroughly pulverized, 1/4

pound of citron shredded, add tablespoonfuI each of pulverized cinnamon, allspice, cloves and nutmeg, add 1 wine glass each of brandy and wine.-- Mrs. Blount.

WHITE FRUIT CAKE.Whites of 12 eggs, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound flour, 3/4 pound butter. 2 pounds of citron, 1 grated cocoanut, 1 pound of blanched almonds, 1/2 pound of English walnuts. -- Mrs. C. J, Austin.

SALLIE WHITE CAKE.To a well made pound cake add 2 pounds of almonds blanched and chopped fine, grated cocoanuts, 2 pounds of citron, 1 pound sliced and the other chopped fine, 1 wine glass of wine and teaspoonful mace.Mrs. -- Gaskill.

BRIDE'S CAKE.The whites of 13 eggs, 3/4 pound of butter, 1 pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar. Beat whites well, stir in sugar until very light, cream butter and flour together and stir a little at a time to the eggs and sugar, 1 wine glass of brandy. Flavor with lemon. -- Austin.

MARBLE CAKE.Use Bride's Cake batter. Take out and color a bright pink with cochineal coloring. Put one half the white batter in the baking pan, then the pink and lastly the remaining white. Run a knife through and through to marble. -- Mrs. Austin.

RAINBOW CAKE.Use the Bride's Cake batter and divide into three equal parts. Color 1 part pink as in marble cake, 1 part with chocolate and leave the remaining one-third white. Bake in layers and put together with boiled icing thickly strewn with raisins, and flavored with vanilla Alternate the layers beginning with a dark one.--Mrs.Austin.

WHITE CAKE.Whites of 18 eggs, 3/4 pound butter, 1 pound flour, 1 pound sugar, Beat the whites to a stiff

froth, add the sugar as for icing; cream the butter and flour, add sugar and egg, 1/4 teaspoonful soda and 1/2 teaspoonful cream tartar in flour.Austin. SILVET CAKEWhites of ten eggs, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound of flour, 1/2 pound butter, 1/2 cup of sweet milk, 2 teaspoonsful baking powder. -- Mrs. Pender.

MOUNTAIN CAKE.One pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar, 1/2 pound butter, 6 eggs, 1 cup of milk. Flavor with vanilla. This is very good with 1 pound of raisins stirred in the batter. -- Mrs. Bynum.

WHITE CAKE.-Whites of 12 eggs whipped, 5 cups of flour after being sifted. 1 teaspoonful of soda and 2 of cream tartar sifted in the flour, 3 cups of sugar,1 cup of milk, 1 cup of butter. Cream the butter and sugar together, gradually add the milk, then the whipped whites and flour alternately. Flavor with rose water or lemon extract. 1 pound of shredded citron is an improvement. This is excellent baked as a large cake or baked in layers (without citron) for puree filling, this quantity making two layer cakes.

PUREE FILLING. Two large cocoanuts grated, 1 pound of sugar dissolved in 3/4 cups of water. Let sugar and water boil until nearly candy which you can tell by dropping from the end of a spoon. Pour slowly on the whites of 3 well beaten egs, beat rapidly until it thickens, gradually add the cocoanut. Spread between layers of the cake.-- Mrs. G.W. Blount

BUTTER SPONGE.Fourteen eggs, their weight in sugar, 8 in flour, 6 in butter. Beat sugar and yelks together, cream butter and flour, beat whites separately. Work the flour and into the yelks and sugar a little at a

time, then put in the whites and wine glass of vinegar-Beat well. Flavor with lemon. -- Mrs. C. J. Austn.

POUND CAKE.Twelve eggs, 1 pound flour, 1 pound sugar, 3/4 pound butter. Flavor with lemon. Wine glass of brandy and wine, 1/4 teaspoonful cream tartar sifted in the flour and a lump of soda size of a garden pea dissolved in a little milk put in the last thing. -- Austin

POUND CAKE.One pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound of butter and 12 eggs, Cream the butter and flour, heat sugar and yelks together and add butter and flour to them, then the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Flavor to taste. A very little baking powders will be an improvement

CHARLESTON CAKE.Four cups of flour, 3 of sugar, 1 cup or butter, 6 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoonful soda and 2 of cream tartar. Flavor with lemon.

SPONGE CAKE.Twelve eggs, weight of 10 in sugar, 6. in flour, wine glass of vinegar. Flavor with lemon. Beat yelks and sugar togther, add the whipped whites, and stir in the flour lightly; lastly the vinegar and flavoring. -- Mrs Austin.

PUDDING CAKE.Two cups of sugar, 2 cups of flour,1 cup of butter, 1 cup of milk, teaspoonful of soda dissolved in the milk, 2 of cream tartar sifted in the flour, 3 eggs. Flavor with lemon. -- Mrs. Austin.

CURRANT CAKE.-- One cup of milk, 1 cup of butter,2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of currants after being washed and dried, 3 eggs, 31/2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoonful soda and 2 of cream tartar sifted in the flour. Bake as a large cake or in little tin shapes. -- Mrs. G. W. Blount.

SUNSHINE CAKE.Whites of 11 eggs yelks of 6, 11/2

cups of granulated sugar, 1 cup of flour after being sifted,1 teaspoonful of cream tartar, 1 teaspoonful of orange extract. Beat the whites to a stiff froth, and gradually stir in the sugar, beat, the yelks well, add to them the whites and sugar and flavor. Finally stir in the flour. Mix quickly and hake 50 minutes in a slow oven. Do not grease the pan. -- Mrs. Blount.

YELLOW CAKE. Yelks of 10 eggs, 4 cups of flour, 2 teaspoonful of sugar cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, cup soda and 2 of cream tartar sifted in the flour. Juice and rind of one lemon.--Gertrude Blount.

DELICATE CAKE.Whites of 16 eggs, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound of flour, 9 ounces of butter, Flavor with rose-water.--Mrs. Clark.

COFFEE CAKE.Two cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup of strong coffee, 4 eggs, 4 cups of flour, 2 teaspoonsful of cinnamon and cloves, 1 grated nutmeg, 1 pound of raisins, 1 pound of currants, 2 teaspoonsful of baking powder.

WILMINGTON CAKE.Four cups of sifted flour, 21/2 cups of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1 cup of milk, 6 eggs, 1 teaspoonful of soda and two of cream tartar. Flavor with vanilla. This batter makes nice snow balls.-- Bynum.

CORK CAKE.One cup butter, 1 cup of milk, 3 cups of sugar, 5 cups of sifted flour, 6 eggs, 1 teaspoonful soda and two of cream tartar. Flavor to taste.--Mrs. Bynum.

FARMERS' LIGHT CAKE.One cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 6 eggs beaten separately. 3 cups flour, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful baking powder.

CREAM CAKE.Three cups sugar, 2 cups very thick cream beaten together, 1 cup butter, the whites of 12 eggs beaten to a froth, add 4 cups flour, bake in layers. The whites of 6 eggs beaten to a froth, add sugar to make it thick, then take this icing, put in a deep pan of boiling water, and let it cook for a few minutes, stir all the while.

CITRON CAKE.Twelve eggs, 1 pound sugar, 1 pound flour, 2 pounds almonds, 21/2 pounds citron, 1 large cocoa nut grated fine, 1 nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful of mace, 1 of cloves, 1 wineglass of wine, 1 of French brandy.

TIPSY CAKE.Six eggs leaving out the whites of 3, 2 cups of sugar, cups of flour before being sifted, 1 cup of boiling water, 1 teaspoonful of soda and 2 of cream tartar sifted in the flour. Beat the yelks a little, add the sugar and beat 15 minutes, add the 3 beaten whites and a cup of boiling water just before the flour. Flavor with vanilla and bake in three layers. CUSTARD- 1/2 gallon of milk, 8 eggs, 2 cups sugar. Beat the sugar and eggs together; let the milk come to boil, pour over the beaten eggs and sugar; place all in a double boiler and boil until the proper consistency of custard. SYLLABUB-TO quart of rich cream add 3/4 cup of sugar and 1/2 pint of white wine. Whip until quite thick. Have ready a large glass bowl, saturate 1 layer of cake in some good white wine and place in the bowl, stick thickly with blanched almonds, pour over some of the custard, and add some syllabub; continue until all the layers are in, then pour over the remaining custard and pile the top with syllabub. It requires 1 quart of wine and 1 pound of almonds. --Mrs.Blount.


COCOANUT CAKE.Use batter for cork cake and bake in layers. Then prepare a filling as follows: 1 large or 2 small cocoanuts grated, 1 pound of sugar moistened with a teacup of water, whites of 3 eggs. Boil water and sugar until almost candy, then pour boiling hot on the whites of eggs well beaten. Beat until it thickens and is getting cool, then spread on layers and sprinkle on the cocoanut, then more icing and so on until all the layers are used. Cover the cake with icing and sprinkle the cocoanut lightly all over it. Flavor cake and filling with vanilla.-- Mrs. E. T. Bynum.

LEMON JELLY CAKE.Two cups of flour, 11/2 cups of sugar, 1/2 cup butter, 6 eggs, 1 measure of powders. Tablespoonful milk. Flavor with lemon. Bake in layers.

JELLY For CAKE.One cup of water, 1 cup of sugar, 1 egg, 1 large lemon, 1 tablespoonful of flour. Beat sugar and egg together, add flour, then water, lastly the rind and juice of lemon. Cook slowly until thick, stirring all the time. -- Austin.

LEMON JELLY LAKE.Six eggs, 4 cups of flour before sifting, 1 teaspoonful soda and 2 of cream tartar sifted in the flour, 1 cup of butter, 1 cup of milk, 21/2 cups of sugar, well beat n cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs well beaten altogether, then the milk and flour alternately. Bake in layers.

FILLINGThe grated rind of two large or 4 small lemons, juice of 4 large or 6 small lemons, 1 pound of sugar, 1 heaping tablespoonful butter, 6 eggs or the yelks of 12. Beat the sugar and eggs, add butter and juice and rind of lemons, put in a double boiler and cook until a thick jelly. -- Mrs. G. W. Blount.

LOVE CAKE.One cup of powdered sugar, 3 table spoonsful of melted butter, 3 eggs, 1 tablespoonful milk, cups of sifted flour, 11/2 teaspoonful baking powders. Bake in 3 layers. FILLING2/3 cup of rich thick cream,3 tablespoonsfttl of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. Whip all together until very light. Then spread between the layers which should be cold.--Mrs. Fountain.

CHOCOLATE CAROMEL CAKE.Six eggs beaten separately, 1 pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar, 1/2 pound of butter, 1 cup of sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful of soda and 2 of cream tartar sifted in flour. FILLING- 1/2 pound or 1 cake of chocolate, 1 pounds sugar, 1 cup of sweet milk, 1/2 cup of butter. Melt butter, milk and sugar together, as soon as it begins to boil add grated chocolate. Boil 20 minutes or until it granulates. Flavor with vanilla. -- Blount.

CHOCOLATE CAKE.Seven eggs, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound of flour, 1/2 pound of butter, 1 cup of milk, and a pinch of soda. FILLING cake of baker's chocolate, 4 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of butter. Wet the chocolate with milk and water, let boil until very thick. When cool spread between layers and ice with it. -- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

ALMOND SPONGE CAKE.Whites of 10 eggs, 1 cup flour, 11 cups of sugar, 1/2 teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful cream tartar. Bake in two shallow tins. CUSTARD-Take 1/2 pint cream, boil and stir in 3 well beaten yelks, 2 teaspoonsfnl of sugar, 1 teaspoonful corn starch dissolved in cold milk. Boil until thick and when cool add 1/2 pound of blanched almonds chopped fine. For the top make an icing of the white of an egg, 1 cup of sugar and a few drops of almond extract. Decorate the top with blanched almonds. --Clark.

BANANA CAKE.Three eggs, 1/2 pound pulverized sugar, 1/2 pound of flour, 1 teaspoonful baking powders, 1/2 cup cold water. Bake in square pans. When cool split and slice three bananas and spread on, sprinkle with pulverized sugar, then put on top of cake. Slice 3 bananas on top of cake. Whip until very light a pint of sweet cream with a tablespoonful pulverized sugar. Pour on top of cake. -- Mrs. Henry Morris.

CUSTARD CAKE.Six eggs, 1/2 pound flour, grated peel of lemon. Beat yelks, sugar and peel until very light, whip whites to a stiff froth and add to sugar and yelks. Sift in flour very lightly and stir until smooth, but do not beat. CUSTARD-One pint sweet milk, 3 eggs, spoonsful sugar, 3 tablespoonsful flour, vanilla to taste. Boil milk and sugar together, thin flour with a little milk or water and beat eggs. When milk boils stir in flour and eggs and let boil till thickens, set to cool and add vanilla. Split the cake, when cold put in custard. This cake is very much improved when iced with boiled icing. -- Mrs. Morris.

CARAMEL CAKE.whites of 8 eggs, 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 4 light cups flour, 1 cup milk, 1 very light teaspoonful Royal baking powders. Flavor to taste. Bake. CARAMEL-- Dissolve 1/2 pound maple sugar in 1/4 cup of boiling water. Set on stove and when it begins to cook add a heaping tablespoonful of butter, when this comes to a boil add a cup of cream, stir constantly (same way) and cook until it will lump when dropped in cold water. Take off and beat until cold. Spread between the layers and ice cake with it. -- Mrs. O. C. Farrar.

CARAMEL cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 31/2 flour, 1/2 cup sweet milk, whites of 10 eggs, 1/2 teaspoonful soda and 1 of cream tartar. Bake in 4 layers. CARAMEL 3/4 pound maple sugar, 1 pound light brown sugar, 1 cup

sweet milk. Cook until very thick. When cool spread between layers and ice cake with it. -- Mrs. O. Williams.

CORN-STARCH CAKE.Five eggs, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 21/2 clips flour, 11/2 cups corn-starch, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoonful soda and 2 of cream tartar. Baked as a large cake. --Johnston.

RIBBON CAKE.(Dark part) One cup brown sugar,2 eggs, 1 cup not quite full of butter, 1/2 cup of molasses, 1/2 cup strong coffee, 2 cups flour with 2 teaspoonsful baking powders, 1 cup each of raisins and currants, 1/2 cup sliced citron, 1 teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves and 1/2 teaspoonful mace, 1/2 cup brandy or wine. Bake in 3 layers. (White part) Two cups sugar, 2/3 cup butter, 1 of milk, 21/4 cups flour, 1 of corn-starch, 2 teaspoonsful baking powders, whites of 4 eggs. Flavor with lemon. Bake in 3 layers and put together with the following: Whites of 5 eggs, 4 cups of sugar. Beat eggs to a stiff froth, moisten the sugar with hot water, boil briskly until it threads when dropped from the end of a spoon. -- Mrs. J. J. Martin.

CHOCOLATE CREAM CAKE.For the cake batter, 1 pound sugar, 1 pound butter, 1 pound flour, 12 eggs. Beat yelks and whites separate, then cream butter and flour together, mix. Bake, then let cool before putting chocolate cream between. For the cream, 3 cups sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, sit it on the stove, let it boil 15 minutes. Take it off the fire and beat until cool and thick enough to spread; flavor with vanilla. CHOCOLATE-Melt 1 cake chocolate over steam, stir in 4 tablespoonsful of water and powdered sugar enough to thicken. Spread the chocolate on the top of one layer, and on the bottom of the other, then put a layer of cream over the top of the chocolate on one, then put them together so the cream will come between the chocolate. Spread a layer of chocolate over the top.

CINNAMON JUMBLES.-- 11/2 pound dark brown teaspoonful soda, 3/4 pound butter,11/2 pounds dark brown sugar, 8 eggs omitting whites of 4, 2 heaping tablespoonsful of ground cinnamon. Mix all together at once. When a smooth dough break off pieces size of a hickory nut, roll out with the hand and turn any fancy shape. Dip in coarse granulated sugar on one side, and put in pans about 2 inches apart. If they spread add a little more flour. This never fails. -- Mrs. H. Morris.

TEA CAKES.Four cups flour, 3 of sugar, 1 of butter, 1 of milk, 3 eggs, a teaspoonful soda. Flavor with lemon and nutmeg. -- Mrs. Norfleet.

NUTMEG CAKE.sift 1 pound flour and 1 pound pulverized sugar into a large bowl, 4 or 5 granted rind of one grated or chopped very fine, grated lemon, 1 whole nutmeg grated, 1/2 teaspoonful each of ground cinnamon, cloves, and allspice. Mix all thoroughly in a large bowl. Sift a heaping teaspoonful of baking powders in with the flour. Work into little balls as large as hickory nuts with buttered and floured hands. Bake in buttered tins an inch apart. --Morris.

JUMBLES.Four cups sugar, 2 cups butter, whites of 3 eggs and yelks of 8 eggs, 4 pints flour, 2 teaspoonsful Powders. Flavor to taste. Cut in rings, dip in granulated sugar and bake in a quick oven. --Lawrence.

SODA TEA CAKES.Two light quarts of flour, 1/2 pound butter, 1 pound sugar, 6 eggs, 1 teaspoonful soda. Flavor with lemon. Use more flour if necessary.

JUMBLES Three pounds flour, 1 pound sugar, 1 pound butter, 6 eggs. Cut in rings, dip in granulated sugar and bake in a quick oven. -- Mrs. Bynum.

TEA CAKES.Six eggs, 12 tablespoonsful sugar, 3 tablespoonsful butter, 6 tablespoonsful cream, 1 teaspoonful soda, 2 teaspoonsfnl cream tartar, 3 pints flour or more if necessary. Flavor with lemon. --Mrs. C. J. Austin.

MOLASSES CAKE.One and a half cups molasses, 1 cup sugar, 4 cups flour, 1 cup butter, cup milk, 4 eggs, 1 teaspoonful soda and 2 of cream tartar, 1 each of ginger, cinnamon, mace, and a few cloves. -- Mrs. Bynum.

LEMON AND VANILLA TEA CAKES.One and a half pounds of flour, 1 teaspoonful powders sifted in flour, 1 pound pulverized sugar, 3/4 pound butter, 4 eggs (omit the whites of 2), lemon peel grated and a little juice or vanilla to taste. Put all this in a pan together and make a nice smooth dough. Do not beat or cream anything. Roll out thin and cut with cake cutters. Do not grease or flour pans. When done and while hot sift pulverized sugar over them. -- Mrs. H. Morris.

AFTER DINNER COFFEE. One gallon of water, 8 teacups of coffee and 4 eggs. Pour the boiling water on the coffee, then beat the eggs well and after the coffee boils add a spoonful of egg (both yellow and whites) to coffee at a time until it is all in. Then strain and use at once. Boil cream to serve with it. -- Mrs. J. M. Baker.

CHOCOLATE.Six tablespoonsful of grated chocolate, 1 pint of boiling water, 1 pint of milk, 1 scant cup of sugar. Rub the chocolate to a smooth paste with some boiling water, then add the pint of boiling water and sugar, and boil 20 minutes, then add the milk cold and boil 10 minutes. -- Mrs. J. M. Baker.


PINE APPLE, ORANGE, FRESH PEACH OR STRAW-BERRY SOUFFLE.sweeten and boil pint of milk, thicken with 1/2 cup corn starch, cook until thick as mush. Whip the whites of 2 eggs and beat in this custard which ought to be stiff as svllabub,flavor. Spread this over the fruit which has been sweetened and put in glass stand. Make a meringue of beaten whites of 2 eggs and 2 tablespoonsful of sugar spread over the top. Place in an oven and brown slightly. The heat of stove will not break dish if placed on a tin.

BAVARAIN CREAM.Have ready a sponge cake and line a glass bowl with it cutting the slices about 1/2 inch thick or you can cut out the centre of the cake. Soak a package of Cox gelatine in 1/2 pint cold water an hour before Preparing the dish. Sweeten and flavor with vanilla, 1 quart of fresh cream and whip like syllabub. Heat thorougly 1 cup of new milk and pour over the gelatine and stir until dissolved, when cool enough pour over the whipped cream and beat and stir well. When it begins to get stiff pour in your bowl or cake and set aside to cool. -- Mrs. J. H. Baker.

BLANC MANGE. One quart rich sweet cream sweetened to taste, 1/2 ounce sweet almonds pounded very fine. Dissolve nearly 1 package Cox's gelatine in half cup milk. Stir the pounded almonds and gelatine into the cream until it begins to congeal, then pour into glass dishes or moulds as preferred. -- Mrs. Dr. Joe Baker.

FLOATING ISLAND.One quart sweet rich milk flavored with wine, nutmeg sweetened. Put in glass bowls. Whites 6 eggs beaten very light with tablespoonful sugar,

after add 1 cupful of damson preserves, beat 20 minutes and pile it up on bowl of milk. -- Mrs. J. H. Baker.

BOILED CUSTARD.To every quart of milk allow 4 Eggs and 6 tablespoonsful of sugar. Beat the eggs together and strain and add the sugar, beat well. Put on the milk in a double boiler and when very hot add the sugar and eggs and cook until it thickens. Flavor to taste and freeze.

CARAMEL CREAM.Make custard as above only use 4 spoonsful sugar to the quart. Take 21/4 cups of dark brown sugar merely wet with water, put on fire and cook until it burns. Then take the candy and dissolve it in the custard. Flavor with vanilla and freeze. Burning the sugar gives it the flavor of burnt almonds. If not liked remove sugar before burning. Very good. -- Mrs. Bynum.

PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM.Three quarts of milk and cream mixed, 3 cups of sugar, 1 can of grated pineapple, 8/4 box of gelatine dissolved in a little, hot water, juice of 3 lemons, and the whites of 7 eggs. Mix well and freeze. -- Mrs. O. C. Farrar.

PINEAPPLE SHERBET.- To 1 can of grated pineapple add 3 quarts of milk or water, 1/2 box of gelatine (after being dissolved in water) and sugar to taste. -- Mrs. W. S. Clark.

BOILED CUSTARD.To 1 gallon of milk add the yelks of 12 eggs and whites of 6. Cook until it thickens. Flavor to taste and freeze.Mrs. W. S. Clark. ICE CREAM.Three quarts of milk, 1 quart of cream, whites of 6 eggs and 1 tablespoonful of corn-starch. Mix the corn-starch with the milk and put on the fire; when it

comes to a boil add the beaten whites, sweeten to taste. Add the cream when cold. -- Mrs. W. S. Clark.

LEMON SHERBET.One gallon of water, 8 lemons, the whites of 3 eggs. Make very sweet. Mix well and freeze. -- Mrs. Austin.

ICE CREAM.Two quarts of milk, 1 box of gelatine dissolved in water; put on the fire and let come to a boil. the yelks of 3 eggs with 6 tablespoonsful of sugar; pour the milk and gelatine over this and return to the fire. Let it boil until the consistency of custard. Take from the fire and stir in the well beaten whites of 3 eggs and I quart of fresh cream, add more sugar and flavor to taste. Then freeze. -- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

BANANAS AND CREAM.Heap upon a glass dish 8 or 10 bananas sliced thin, sprinkle with sugar finely powdered; pour over them 1/2 pint of whipped cream, and serve with plain cake.

SNOW CUSTARD.Half package of Cox gelatine, whites of 3 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, juice of 1 large lemon. Soak the gelatine 1 hour in cold water, stir until thoroughly dissolved. Add of the sugar and the lemon juice. Beat the whites to a stiff froth and when the gelatine is quite cold whip in. Whip steadily some time (the longer the better) and when stiff pour in moulds dish and set in a cool place. In 4 or 5 hours turn in a glass of 11/2pints of milk, yelks of the eggs and remainder of sugar. Flavor with vanilla .and pour over the meringue. -- Mrs. C. J. Austin.

GELATINE.To 1 box of Cox gelatine add 1 pint of cold water, let it stand 2 hours. Then add 1 quart of boiling water, 1 pint of white wine, 2 pounds of sugar, 4 lemons

2 sticks of cinnamon. Put on the fire and let it come to a boil; then strain.-- Mrs. Blount.

BOILED ICING.One cup of sugar, 1 cup of water, whites of 2 eggs. Boil sugar and water until a thick syrup. Pour on the well beaten whites, whip well and flavor. If icing gets too hard add a little cold water.

COX GELATINE.Two pints of boiling water, first pour 1/2 pint of cold water on gelatine and let stand 10 minutes, then pour in hot water, 11/2 pints of wine, 2 lemons, a little nutmeg and cinnamon, 21/2 cups of sugar, wine glass of sugar.--Mrs. C. J. Austin.

CHALMERS GELATINE.Same as Cox, only 4 cups of sugar.--Austin.

FOAMING SAUCE.One cupful of butter, 2 of powdered sugar, the whites of 2 eggs, 15 tablespoonsful of wine or 3 of brandy, 1/4 teacupful of boiling water. Beat the butter to a cream and gradually beat the butter in it, add the whites of eggs unbeaten one at a time and then the wine or brandy. When all is a light smooth mass add the water beating in a little at a time. Place the bowl in a basin of hot water and stir until smooth and frothy/ -- Mrs. Blount.

RICH WINE SAUCE.One cupful of butter, 2 of powdered sugar, 1/2 cup of wine. Beat the butter to a cream, add the sugar gradually and when very light add the wine (which has been made hot) a little at the time. Place the bowl in a basin of hot water and stir for 2 minutes. The sauce should be smooth and foamy. -- Blount.


BRANDY PEACHES- Peel fine cling stone peaches and weigh them, and to every pound of fruit allow 1/2 pound sugar. Pack in a large stone jar and fill 2/8 full of apple or peach brandy. Cover top of jar with a thick dough made of flour and water, set in a large dinner pot of cold water, put on the fire and boil 3 hours. These never spoil and the cordinal is delicious.

BRANDY PEACHES- Peel large fine peaches nearly ripe in the evening.Put them in a bowel with their weight in loaf sugar and let stand until next day. Then pour off syrup and let stand until next day. Then pour off syrup and let boil; drop in peaches a few at the time, let them boil until you can run a straw in them easily. Put them on flat dishes to cool; boil syrup a little longer and let it cool. Then put peaches in a jar and cover with equal portions of syrup and brandy. These keep well.

BLACKBERRY WINE- Measure your berries and bruise them. To ever gallon of fruit add 1 quarter of cold water and let stand 24 hours. Then strain and to every gallon of juice put 3 pounds of white sugar. Put in wide mouth jars and skim every morning until the scum disappears. Then pour in a demijohn and tie a thin cloth over the mouth. When it ceases entirely to ferment bottle and cork. -- Bynum

BRANDY PEACHES--Peel fine cling stone peaches. Put in the jar a layer of sugar, then a layer of peaches, then more sugar until jar is full. Cover the whole with good brandy, a few days after making stir up to dissolve sugar.-- Mr. R. H. Austin receipt's

BLACKBERRY WINE-- Mash berries thoroughly, strain

through a cotton bag, and to every gallon of juice add quart of boiling water and 3 pounds of sugar. Place in a large tub and skim every morning for 9 mornings. pour in a demijohn for 2 months, then drain bottle and seal. -- Mrs Blount.

PEACH WINE.Take fruit nearly ripe, stone and bruise it to a pulp, put 1 quart of water to 8 pounds of pulp and let stand 24 hours. Then strain and to every gallon of juice add 2 pounds of white sugar. Put in a cask and after it has fermented and become perfectly clear bottle and seal -- Mrs. S. B. Lipscombe.

BLACK GRAPE WINE.Mash the grapes after stemming; let them stand about 2 hours, then strain 3 or 4 times through a cotton bag, and to every gallon of juice 2 pound sugar. Put in a large tub and skim every morning. strain again and bottle; in about two months drain from bottle s and rebottle. This a beautiful amber colored wine and is as strong as French brandy. Catawba or any other colored grape can be used. -- Mrs. G. W. Blount.

SCUPPERNONG WINE.Mash the grapes thoroughly and strain and to every gallon of juice add 2 pounds of the best white sugar, and stir until it is all dissolved. Put in a cask and leave bung-hole open placing a thin cloth over It. When it ceases to ferment drain off and bottle.

BLACKBERRY CORDIAL.Boil the berries until they are thoroughly done and strain them. To two quarts of juice add 1 pound of light brown sugar and tablespoonful each of cinnamon, spice and cloves. Boil this until it be gins to thicken and strain or leave spices in if wished. When cold add 1/4 as much brandy or good whisky as there is syrup and bottle and seal well. -- Mrs. Sharpe.


CHOCOLATE CREAM.Two cups sugar. 1/2 cup cream or milk, cook 6 or 8 minutes, Beat it until the proper consistency to roll in balls, melt the chocolate, roll them in it and put on a greasy paper. -- Mrs. Austin.

CHOCOLATE CARAMELS.Three pounds brown sugar, 1/2 pound butter, 1/2 pint milk. Boil about 35 minutes, then pour in buttered dishes. Let it get cool and cut in blocks. This requires 1 cake of baker's chocolate. --Mrs. Austin

COCOANUT CANDY.Three pounds granulated sugar cooked until it ropes. Take off and pour over 1 large grated cocoanut. stirring all the time.Set aside and after it is cool cut in blocks.

PEANUT CANDY. Four cups of molasses, 2 of brown sugar, tablespoonful of butter, 2 of vinegar. Boil until it is brittle when dropped in cold water; put the peanuts in a buttered dish and pour the candy over them. Cut in strips before too cold. --Mrs. Austin

FRENCH CANDY.Whip whites of 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons of water, flavorwork into this enough confectioner's sugar to make it easily moulded in the fingers. Roll a ball the size of a hickory nut and press between 2 halves of an English walnut. cream dates may be made in the same way only the sugar must be rolled in the form of a cylinder. One pound dates, 1/2 pound nuts, pounds sugar with whites of 2 eggs will make 2 pounds of candy. Any quantity may be made. -- Miss Lizzie Porter.

CHOCOLATE CANDY.To 1 cake of baker's chocolate

add 1/2 cup molasses, 1 pint milk, 4 pounds brown sugar and cup of butter. Cook until it will harden when dropped in water, then cut in blocks.

BUTTER SCOTCH-- Three pounds of coffee sugar, 1/2 pound of butter, 1/2 teaspoonful of cream tartar, 8 drops of lemon extract, as much cold water as will dissolve sugar. Boil until it will break easily when dropped in water: (do not stir), then add lemon extract. Pour into buttered pans and when partly cold mark off in squares.

CREAM COCOANUT-- Break the white of 1 egg into a bowl with as much water as egg, beat well and add confectioner's sugar to make a nice dough. Flour the biscuit board with the sugar and roll out with rolling pin, sprinkle thickly with cocoanut, fold over and roll a few times and cut in squares.




Ink stains are entirely removed by the immediate application of dry salt, before the ink has dried. When the salt becomes discolored by absorbing the ink brush it off and apply more: wet slightly. Continue this till the ink is well removed.

TO BOIL VEGETABLES -- Be sure that the water is at a boiling point before putting into it, the vegetables to be cooked. If it is cold or lukewarm. the freshness and flavor will soak out into the water.

For CHAFES OR BURNS -- Linseed oil and lime water, equal parts mixed in together.

TO KEEP MOTHS FROM WOOLEN CLOTHES.-- Put the clothes in a cedar chest, also camphor or tobacco put in them.

A GOOD POLISH FOR FURNITURE -- One tablespoonful of turpentine, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, 2 of linseed oilrub well with a woolen cloth.

TO TAKE GREASE OUT OF WOOLEN GOOD -- Put flour or chalk on the place, let it stand a day or two. Shake flour off, if not out, then, place a hot iron on brown paper over it.

SOAP -- To 1 box of concentrated lye put 2 gallons of water and 31/2 pounds of grease.

CARPET BUGS -- One of the surest remedies for this pest is benzine, if thoroughly applied. Also liquid arsenic

put on red or blue flannel which they will eat and die. Put it in their track.

PAINT -- lf you take some chloroform and put on the place where the paint is, the paint is gone. When the color of a fabric is destroyed by an acid, ammonia will neutralize the same, after which an application of chloroform will, in almost all cases, restore the original color.

GARGLE FOR SORE THROAT -- Camphor diluted with water, used frequently.

TO TAKE GREASE OUT OF WOOLEN GOODS -- Saturate with turpentine, then place soft blotting paper beneath and then on top, and press hard. A hot iron will be better. The spot is dissolved, and absorbed by the paper.

INK STAINS -- Wash with pure water, and then apply oxalic acid. If the latter changes the dye to a red tinge restore the color with ammonia.

TO GREASE TINS -- In greasing tins lard is much better to use than butter, except in cases where the dough is very delicately flavored and might taste of the former: the mixture is much more likely to stick to the pan with butter than lard.

HOW TO KEEP CELERY FRESH -- Keep celery fresh by rolling it in brown paper sprinkled with water, then in a damp cloth and put it in a cool dark place. Before pre-paring it for the table submerge it in cold water and let it stand for an hour. It will be found very crisp.

FROST--If there is a full moon between the 1st and 20th of April, there will be a frost within 3 days, If the moon fulls after the 20th there will be no frost.

If the moon fulls between the 15th and 30th of October there will be a killing frost in three days of the full moon. Rev. Elias Dodson.

BARBECUE. Kill over night a pig weighing between 30 and 40 pounds. Saw open down the back from the nose to the tail, salt well and let it remain in the salt all night. Dig a hole in the ground 6 feet long, 4 feet wide and 8 inches deep, and make a fire in it of oak or hickory wood. After the pit is well heated take out the fire and build it near the hole Place iron rods about 1/2 inch in diameter 8 inches apart across the pit, and put the pig flesh side down, on them after carefully washing the salt off. When the pig is dried scatter some live coals and hot embers as needed under it from the fire by the pit. Cook slowly this way, putting fresh coals and embers as needed, for hours. Then grease the skin side and turn the pig over. Have ready a quart of the best cider vinegar well seasoned with red pepper and salt. Mop the pig frequently with it, and as the grease and vinegar collect in the rib part of the pig dip out and put in a bowl for gravy. Cook this way about 1 hour and the pig will be done.-- Mr. Wood Winbourne.

House-keeper's companion
[Tarboro, N.C. : Tarboro Missionary Baptist Church, 18--?] 55 p. ; 22 cm. Includes local advertisements and recipe for barbecue submitted by Wood Winbourne.
Original Format
14cm x 21cm
Local Identifier
TX715 .H68 1800z
Publisher(s) of Original
Tarboro Missionary Baptist Church
Location of Original
Joyner NC Rare
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