Eastern reflector, 29 March 1907

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j, ft,, i LOW, Manager . d Authorized Agent.
v. . Itake
script ions and receipts for
, . , their wail
i. T age
f r i m
l B
J. R. Lock for a L
it will ;
y, , iii qua a i s
U ft . i are
i will leave
th . for Si Car-
. i . will represent th
r J cheap goods
to Co. they always
V . wife, Sn
vi r here
Wanted- car loads i l
. which we will
nay hist cash price. Don't
sell be fore seeing us- Yours to
serve. F- C .
Ralph Johnson, of
hi. I
Go to E- E. new
market for fresh meats,
sausage and fresh fish.
spent a very pleasant h with
us Wednesday.
a full line o Meat, Lard and Can
Don't before giving
me a trial, Lilly Co.
Robert Anderson, of y
Mount, is here.
Mrs. j. and
are or. a visit I Hi use station.
If you need any Paint be sure
and E. Co
We i l E.
continues quit sick out at his
borne on hire street.
exchange corn
for or J Lean, Healthy Shout
weighing i to pounds
et price for same W. A. Harden.
Ayden, N. C
Miss I, of is
it friends and
taking in the opera.
Can Nobles is so much in
pro i i able to c urn
down, lie had a hard time.
The will be
plea ,., . i nose
Saul's. Call and
Hart is now living in
Ca. on West rail
road set.
i . Bale at Si u
Cl banning who has I
in a i north
can I i noon.
P g . riff S. Dudley
was a yesterday.
It i . I and a pleasure
to . of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Dru
la cure this much need-
ed article.
B. F. Manning and L L. Kit-
v were here
with th s yesterday.
Fountain Pens with any and
all points for Bale at
Saul Store.
,;., em shad might
be c. late day.
There to be an over-
abundance here Thursday and
still they were one dollar.
I have bought the
clay business of J. CW. Taylor
mm respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
I all work entrusted
to care to give entire
faction. Try mo. C. E. Spier.
I solicit the patronage of the
people of Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the
business Give me a
trial. C- E Spier.
Watches, clocks aim anything
needing attention in my line
will be attendee to n the very
best and latest style C. E
meal. F Lilly v Co
M- Sauls has and
Iv in Pens
. r brought to Ayden.
pt I'm e a
while at
. as the bi of
a ii . . the mis to
have a piece a to
I p the
a him on
Ii r was a I boy,
i j serious
in He s he i
h ad. for ii will stand the proof.
and n as able i
lie I Fount. Pens a
. ire.
Now the
has about passed it behooves
e i citizens, who
pleasure and would like to pleas
end the coming dull
to for pastures
. j ; Is anew that their
wishes i be real
zed. There is the park. This
place so nicely adopted
for a resort to thus.- who enjoy
delightful shades and
scented breezes, where all can
rather and mingle in sweet com
The aged to ponder
and think of tho past, they
to participate and drink in the
sweet reflections t might
have been and still t
The little ones lo gambol
and play on the w grass
and I . the cooling oaks.
Then there Is the rink, where
pleasure and mirth go in
hand to s y
cheek. vigor an I n
to the human form. Let us
pare for the feast and never
it be said Ayden is a dull town.
The Harry Company
gave us two very pleasant per-
this week. Mr.
c change
in characters and and
for a show its class is above
the ordinary.
W. I. House d family of
spent Sunday with
Will Alexander.
II went to
and n from Greenville
Leslie Turnage has come home
from a tit to Durham.
Miss Janie Kittrell been
visiting Mrs. Dr. Blount.
B. F. Early received a
telegram Friday informing her
that her daughter. Mrs.
was critically ill at Point.
Mrs. Early left on the morning
train Monday.
the country has been visiting
May Smith.
Joe Jones a member of the
Fortress Monroe after
a ten days visit has returned to
his pa t.
The ladies of the graded
with the assistance of
some of the students and other
home talent anticipate at an
early date to give an entertain-
for th purpose of raising
funds toward the enlargement
of the library at the school.
This is indeed commendable and
worthy a noble purpose The
entertainment we are sure will be
of a high order. The teachers of
this school are highly cultivated,
I have traveled much and by
and observation are fully
competent for such an under-
j taking. We expect an enter-
rich, rare and
J On the noon train yesterday
the remains of Miss Maggie
were brought here
from Tarboro- In the afternoon
th were carried out
and laid to rest in the
family burial ground. Miss
thing; on was years cf age and
many are the friends and
who mourn her death.
yesterday about one o'clock
Mrs. Mary Manning wife of Mr.
Charles Manning, who lives
the of Ayden,
bad B severe stroke of paralysis
and died within about two hours.
She leaves a husband and two
small children, the youngest
about one week old- Her re-
mains will be today.
I. L. Rollins, of
was a visitor here Friday.
J J Smith has returned from
Norfolk where he has been on
cotton market several
A. n, of Green
was selling cotton on our
market Monday.
Miss Edward--, of Kin-
is visiting Miss
Dr. D. L. James and wife, of
Greenville, spent Sunday with
. family of C. A. Fair. We
had the pleasure their
. i tit and spent a very pleasant
hour with them.
If our people intend having
that park it is time something
was doing. Somebody take the
Black Jack, N, C, Mar.
There was quarterly meeting
here Sunday with a large
Frank Mayo family, of
Greenville, attended services
here Sunday and spent the after-
noon with W. L. Clark.
Miss Emma Johnston,
Greenville, is here visiting
this week.
Miss Julia Cox left today for
Ayden where she will spend some
time visiting
E. I,. Clark, of Greenville,
spent Saturday night and ;.
Miss Fannie House and broth-
duly qualified the con-
court cleric of i as ad- ducting a cotton and insurance
the estate of the town N. C-, has this
notice Ii hereby
given to all persons indebted to th-
to make immediate payment lo
the undersigned, and all
claims against said estate must present
the me for payment on or before the
fin day of March, or this
ill be plead in bar of recovery.
This 5th day of March. MOT.
B. T. Cox,
. . of Samuel Stocks.
Saturday night and Sunday
visiting uncle. G S. John-
A good many of the
land people attended church here
Miss Bertha Coward.
ville, and Miss Eva House, of
Greenville, spent Sunday with
Miss i Jessie Clark.
J. . went to Green-
ville today.
A O. Clark, of Grimesland,
spent with H
J. Smith.
John S. Dix n, who
school at Ayden, came home
Friday no I Sunday.
Miss Dora Cox, of Red
Banks, spent a part of last week I
visiting Miss Dixon-
Porter and wife attend-
ed services here Sunday and
spent the afternoon with Miss
Maggie Smith.
W O. Cox and family spent
lead, ethers join in and do j Sunday afternoon with Henry
By of a power of sale
certain mortgage deed exec
W. Brown
David, of spent to on the
day dissolved co by mutual
Joel withdrawing from
said firm.
Dee. 12th.
W. II.
Joel Patrick.
Ur Joseph Dixon
N C.
Sales Feed and Livery
to suit
N. C.
1st day of January, 1906, and duly re-
corded in the office of register of deed .
f in Book J-8
I will on Saturday the
day of April, expose to pub-
sale before the court house door in
Greenville, to th. highest bidder, for I
cash the following parcel land to
. Hie life of Jess.- W.
Brown in and to that certain tract
parcel of Situate in Greenville
township, county i on the
North side of Tar River, the
lands of Z. W. Brown, V. M. Brown
estate R. J. May and J. Fleming I
and known as the H. w. Brown
ace, containing- more or
less. The estate to sold under the f ,.
foregoing mortgage on the said 8th Heavy
. t St. it t
in Dry No-
lot s op until the is an as- Dixon.
Miss returned to
sured fact. None of us will ever hep LIABILITIES,
have cause to regret it lure to her Mrs Abram discounts
Many from here Are in
dance up, court in Greenville, Dixon Mills
this week.
We are having some
weather at present The farm I coin
At the
G. W. Cox, of Greenville, is
here on a visit to his son, E. G.
much time at
No Bend Issue for Reads in Pitt
Early in the session of the re- school and returned yesterday
Jodie Dixon mot his foot cut
very had Saturday but is getting
along very well at present.
Miss Lula Mils home
Friday from high
cent legislature a bill was intro- j ENTRY OF VACANT I AND.
to give Pitt county ,. A. ,.,. .,,,
to vote on the question of is- following described vacant land,
,,, i u I Lying iii township, I
I bonds for the ,.,, Indian well swamp and I'll.
pose contracting good roads I branch, adjoining the lands of John
in the county. A com- of this S. S. Smith, Arden Hills,
bill was sent The Reflector for
. , Lawhorn and others, containing
that the people of or
th county mi and ex-1 This March 4th, 1907.
press their sentiments if desired, i i. a. Arnold.
l seems that many people are Any person . persona claiming title
now under the impression i de-
, -ii i , . i. . bed land mint tile in
the bill passed and that such an ,.
election IS to be held sometime they will be barred by law.
this year. But this is not
Alter the bill was intro-
the legislature it
not called up again, hence did
Ii. Williams.
K. Taker
not pass
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds K Williams
issued licensee to the following
couples since last
John W. and
Austin Gaylord and Hettie
North Carolina I
Pitt cow
In Superior
Cornelius Will,
The defendant above take
an action entitled as above
has been commenced in the Superior
of county to obtain
plaintiff from the defendant an
lute from tin- bonds of
upon the that are fully
set in the complaint arid the
defendant will r take that
is required to appear the
Henry Hill and Annie term . the Superior said
Warren and Celia Ann
,, ,. alter I lie in March,
it being the 22nd lay of April, 1907.
Abram and Alice I house county Ii
o. . I Greenville, North and
.,, , ,, , ,, to the c in
or the plaintiff
Edward Williams and
This the 13th day of March, 1907.
D. Moore.
V. for
Herman Sped and Lizzie Cory.
Joseph Burney and Georgia
Oscar Roberson and Frances
I have taken up a stray y r
ling running with st K.
about on.- and half or two;
year.- old, in poor condition,
white col r. and
unmarked. Owner can get same
I proving p and paying
COS s. W. J. Crisp.
K. F. D. No. . C.
March 18th
IS lid
Having as administrator
with the will annexed of Me. Q. Rog,
era, deceased, late of Pitt county, N.
C. this notify all persons having
claims against Um . of the said
Me. ii. Rogers, doc eased, to exhibit
them to the with n twelve
months from of this notice or
this notice will l pleaded in bar of
their All persona Indebted
to said estate will make
This the day of March. 1907.
John A. Staton,
Julius Attorney.
APRIL 1st.
Prior to that we are Otter-
Piano the
Official Piano Jamestown
Undivided profits less expenses
Dividends unpaid . go yo,
sub . et to check
Si., .
I J. It. t. -ii,.
the above is
el In f
In 2nd if
f i n
lo I
.,,,, t
In . f and
I. It
t it Vile
. r
Stock paid in
and Discounts
Overdrafts Secured 2,8-12.78 Surplus F U nil 1,000.00
848.69 profits
Furniture and Fixtures 1,680.60 m C t Deposit 2,537.75
Due from Hanks 84,515.42
Cash Items eh ks o ts ding 124.25
Hold Coin
Silver Coin 479.46
Slots of North t
County Pitt. v
I, J. It. Davis, Cashier of do solemn-
.-i to th my
and belief. J. B. DAVIS,
and i t
ore me, this day of Feb.
I dO. ,
J. V. JOHNSTON, it. L. v is.
Public. r
At the close of business Jan. 1907.
Loans and discounts 5,000.00
Hanks and 718.48
Hankers of
Cash items L deposit 2.184.60
Gold to cheek
ind other U. S. notes
Silver hank
it u i
it i i Clicks
Total , Toto,
Suite of North Carolina, Pitt,
I. W H of tho above named
the statement is to tho best of my
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to ,
me, this 2nd day of M.
M Notary Public J
At m
J. Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
to Sing a
Special to Reflector.
New March 26th. -hi-
of today
ending April 2nd- This sum
will be paid in royalties, but the
company guaranteed the
sum, equal the annual salary
of the president of the United
States and the total annually
far excess of that
To fulfill the contact the
diva a passage to
England, she had
f. r today.
Verdict Sight, j
Elizabeth City. N. C, March
20th--The in the case
Joshua Harrison charged with
the kidnapping and murder of
Kenneth i the 9-year-old
son State Senator
Beasley, tonight rendered a
of guilty.
Court convened this morning
a. m. in the fifth day of
the Harrison trial. Solicitor
Ward closed the argument in a
speech of three hours length.
His was one of tie
finest to be made in this court
house He reviewed the
in a powerful manner,
which profoundly impressed the
and the audience, who
got surroundings and
One man was
to jail by the
five days for applauding.
Solicitor Ward
that Kenneth
is living and his mother
will hare h within six
He echoed the sentiments of a
great part of the audience which
has greater any
day since the trial began.
Solicitor Ward his
argument at. a. m. and
Judge Allen began at his
charge to the jury, which he
concluded at p. m. The
case to
Representative Accomplish-
to Reflector.
Washington, March
capital is much interested in
amateur and.
some of the leaders of society
are very gifted in the art of
pleasing with their
of music or readings.
Among the most accomplished
son-m-law of the president, who
as a professional on Wisconsin. James Stephen-
the violin, while songs the
never fail to please, frequently, backer of Senator La
convulsing his His be elected for the
love of music is only exceeded by term, it is expected. This is all
his love of politics The father wants. He has been a
established the college of music
in Cincinnati, and first
the Thomas
orchestra there, and pro-
the annual festival, which
years ago attracted attention to
Cincinnati as a musical a
Bill on Hat
tn Reflector.
Albany. N. Y. March
that has attracted
Melba. the noted opera i York beard of underwriters could and will be imitated
f, has signed a not be represented to oppose the other slates, the many
the proprietor of a talking bill which
ire who pays her to I fire insurance law
Special to Reflector.
St. Louis, March Pa.,
27.- Missouri senate has passed a bill Keystone
that the New that has attracted much derailed
Two in
When it comes to opening j of
of new good-, esp in the
millinery line, .
and three
amends the received here from
so that The hurt.
into his machine for contract shall be stated in is intended to regulate reform crew n
week. The is to another hearing was election movements, to the -x- . .,.c. than fifty for today and it is no in of passing such movements j disclosed ha
dollar.; for singing in the week
. i.
A v. i-. cl
I i
progress. The of under- under like requirements been with some
writers is now represented and imposed upon political parties. mischief.
is piling up arguments against bill provides that leagues,
the measure. Friends of the j committees, associations or so-
hill declared that no statement I incorporated of
made by the insured on his be- formed for the purpose
half should be deemed material to tie character,
defeat or void a policy unless it fitness or Qualification of
was made with intent to or nominees for public
and defraud, unless the mat-; and making reports on
A in Aid of Jews.
i, to actor.
New York, March
the direction of Mrs. Sam-
u-l Mrs. Joseph H.
Cohen, Mrs. Albert Lucas, a
whist in aid of the Jaws aged,
and destitute poor, and for the
rebuilding of the alma houses
destroyed the Kingston earth-
quake will be given tonight at
the Waldorf Astoria. The affair
is expected to be a lively one,
as a large number of the most in-
people among the Jew-
population are ac-
in this enterprise.
misrepresented Increased the I same, shall state in full, in every here today for a week's
session Questions
i item of
. h. will -o up u d n . n
risk of loss, for the that report or recommendation to
the risk was not increased. He s nominees, the
i said that the agent of the insured names and . ell
make statements which sons
were not made to him when the Any i t recommendation
policy was applied for, and there-j furnished or published by such
fore the entire contract should associations which
be contained in the policy, in all of ion shall
order that the ordinary man of j be unlawful, and any person
small means, who is honest, and printing or circulating a report
does not conceal anything where j without information shall be
applies for insurance, should I guilty of a misdemeanor and
know under what conditions not less than nor more
is paying his premiums The than by imprisonment in
clause for jail not less than one month or
lings and household furniture, more than one year, or by
claimed, should be line and imprisonment. The
i heir
barges for a year.
Talked Too Much.
Millionaire for
Special to Reflector.
Milwaukee, Wis.
for the reason that the average
man does not Stand the
terms. He contended also that
the day clause as to a place
being unoccupied worked on in-
justice, as many a vacant
was amply protected,
j pointing-to the fact that when a
Man h closed his house in the
bill also provides for reports of
campaign expenses such as are
required of regular party or-
Seeking a Piece Land Under
Special In i k-cl
New York. March has
i developed that one of the jurors
Ion the Thaw trial Saturday
i night told a companion that
after closely studying Thaw
two months all of the jurors con-
him a Bate man. The
talk of this may make a
mistrial of the ease.
The ladies are delighted
with the two in p
even the sterner sex, though
gifted with n it j i n of
in, much to admire
if it p him
Mrs. L. G., as is
usual with their p . have a
i hats,
id other
i t was
-r the
array of . ids.
i i i at-
. l i i of his
devoted to a dis-
i,. be p . of millinery, spring dress
trimmings and
innumerable. His pattern hats
are beauties and everything in
i keeping with the season's styles.
Roth these openings will con-
tomorrow Pulley
also begin then.
Special to n things in this
Va., March shapes a d .
Ii more co if m e f Ll e and much I.
arc i, South, ton- really to
M .
While this term of civil wait
is getting along veil In removing
cases from the docket, great
The election today to
fill the vacancy occasioned by
the declination of Senator Spoon-
to serve any longer as Unit-
ed States senator from the State
vacation period, there is
less N. Y. importance attaches to any s. far
Tobacco Men
Nashville,. Tenn. March
The tobacco growers of
see, Kentucky and Virginia are
and very grateful to the
legislature for passing
the two tobacco association
said President Fort, who is chief
executive officer of the
He said that the passage
of two bills mentioned ma-
nation in its fight against the to-
trust. This organization
has been conducting a
ed fight for several years past
against the oppressions of the
trusts and in behalf of better
prices for their tobacco, and the
I that they are win
nil. . ii the line. The two
bills passed were strongly favor-
ed by all but a very small per-
of the members, and the
majority fee that they will
now be able more effectively than
ever before to carry on their con-
Tigers Open Today.
to Reflector.
Princeton, N. J. March
The Princeton schedule opens the
season today with a game with
William and Mary at Norfolk,
followed one tomorrow at
Norfolk with and Sid-
con at .;.
After Ling Service
New York, Major An-
J. who been
in military service for some
twenty-three jeans, has
from the 71st Regiment,
quits the service today- Cap-
has received the,
appointment in his place. Color
Sergeant Buford has received
the brevet of second lieutenant
vice, and been retired.
risk than when occupied, and The to secure a large I disposed cf.
when the occupants are moving of land under water Five divorces have Leon made,
about A temporary breach not have, been for white
resulting in a loss which does revived, audit is more than and three for colored.
not increase the risk, he claimed, tie on tills Quite a number of small cases
should therefore, in no way void The grab was have been non-suited.
down, or lather passed along, Hyman Supply Co. vs W. J.
the land board last Kittrell, plaintiff alleging that
The new board excessive homestead had been
matter ii; a com defendant, was
committee has, it
is said, com tided to make a
the policy.
U n. vet., Pennsylvania's
Today Pulley Bowen had
their first opening since adding
a department to their
Lore. So eager w ire the ladies
this el display
of attractive goods, for some
i before the doors were
a large crowd had
in front of tho store.
took of
this and several pictures of the
mo were taken.
When the doors were thrown
open expressions of delight were
h -in from the ladies as the
beautiful pattern hats and other
stylish goods v re ed
and admired. enter rising
firm certainly i a splendid
of i fin
Crowds .-t re i
to Reflector.
Montgomery. Ala. March
Plans are forming in this, city to
secure the location of the
dist Oman's College in this
city, if possible. Active work
has already begun to raise the
sum of the amount
and to secure about fifty
shares of ground. The chances
of securing the college are con-
special to
Philadelphia, March favorable report on the
April 27th, the University at a meeting held today.
Pennsylvania will give its 13th
annual festival, or outdoor meet,
and the preparations now
show that it be the
grandest over given by the in-
and among the very
largest ever given in the
country. s thousand en-
tries will be it, in fact, the
has been grow so rapidly
that the management is fearful
Special to Reflector.
Washington, March 27.-The
Philippine census was issued
March 1906 and consequently
today is the day for the Philip-
pine commission to a general
election for the choice of
gates to what will be as
teat some means to be the Philippine assembly.
provided for the overflow. To
this end a plan his been pro-
posed to devote two days to the
meet, holding the for
schoolboys on Friday, and the
college, championship and
events on Saturday.
is to take legislative
power heretofore exercised by
the Philippine commission in all
that part of the not
by Mores or non-
New York City Bilk
Trying to Track From
Eleventh Avenue.
Special to Reflector.
New York, March 26.-The
long contention over the tracks
of the New York Central Rail-
road in Eleventh has
Albany, N. Y March
other bills from New York re-
transportation and
the transportation prob-
will be considered today by
the joint committee of senate
assembly that is considering
public utilities bill There
bills legislating the present
rapid transit board out of
and the bill providing for
an elective public utilities com-
mission in New York City.
Grady's bill provides that a pas-
may travel as far as he
reached the point where
nation proceedings were com-; pleases for one faro so long as he
not retrace his steps, ail
Hint e. lies connecting with other.
Special to Hell
Washington, D. C. March 27-
The Washington conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church
began its annual session In this
city today. It will sit a week,
and the time will be mostly
with routine work, hear-
reports of presiding elders,
and stationing the preachers for
another year's service, Bishop
is presiding.
Special to Reflector.
Philadelphia, March At a
meeting of stockholders of the
Railroad today the
merger i. Eric
was approved.
Bernard administrator vs
rill a was decided in
favor of plaintiff.
J. L. Elks Robert Brown
was decided in favor of defend-
decided in favor of defendant.
W. H. Nichols vs W. H. Elks
decided in favor of plaintiff,
The amount in this suit
was and the case has lien
in court three years.
One suit growing out of the
recent selling of washing
rights in was adjust-
ed by the notes in the
purchase of such being
surrendered to plaint iii by de-
and further effort to
collect the notes abandoned.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
win no.
and Mary
J. T. Langley and Mary K.
L. G. Mills and Bessie Smith.
J. Bullock and Jessie Ann
J. J. Haddock and Lizzie Elks.
and Martha
Andrew Howard and Clara
When you want your horses
and mules insured see J. G.
Oakley, in.
C. mi i Mil,
to .
Belcher I-. returned to
Charleston ling a few
days with his
Mr.--. Minnie Brown and i
of Wilson, visited
last we .
W. family, of
Goldsboro, is.-- -n few days
in and around Oakley.
W. A. Andrews and family, of
Mount, visited at J. T-
Will Jenkins went to Bethel
W. W. Willoughby, of Bethel,
spent a part of Sunday in
Little spent Sunday in
the Great Swamp section.
J. . James, Ii. kins,
Williams. Eli and J.
E. attended th burial of
M Leggett, of Martin county,
Sunday. There was a large
crowd present to pay the list
tribute of respect to this good
He was buried with
sonic honors.
S. A Congleton, wife and
daughter attended church at
Oak Grove Sunday.
an i sister, of
Saturday night
ant Sunday Mr. and
s. A. Congleton,
W. of
ard, was on
Deputy Sheriff Dudley, of
Greenville, was here Monday
on business.
On Wednesday March
o clock, at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Matilda
her only daughter, Miss
Mary, was happily married to
Mr. J. K. Barnhill. of Winter-
After the ceremony the
bridal party drove to the home
of the groom's father, Mr J R,
Barnhill, where a bountiful
awaited them.

Th Height of In the Time
Improved the Street.
parts of the town the j
of Lou xiv. excavation for the sewer pipes.
The , in in which day was got on of
the in filling the itches, the
i e .-. been considerably I
at time the A mixture of
The .
were i the
t .,.,. i it. f are ,
h . C. L of
,. who was recently
., I .,; tor
menu I . Hon. L. L Moore,
. around
. acquainted with o-j
i i.
e'er ;.
Of the I.
ere I
About T
Do You Contemplate
The man who Insures We k
wise for bk family.
The man who Insure health
k both for family and
You may Insure health by guard-
It. It k worth guarding.
At t h e first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
itself in innumerable way
i. XIV. . . Mr. Ab is a,
, f ability and will make j
;,; . ; i
. . r-
Owning One
., iii. but-
r .
i in
. . vi .
. d
IV i
Swift Creek
. ;
corner on v. I side
ill . ,., up long
nine the ands of
f so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better in a lot than the
And save your health.
Not Quite
i . i-
. ,
day of Fob. 1907.
Oliver Sm h.
or claim
i, ., . in rt
f laud T
st i writing
. I by
Entry T.
Vacant i and.
; Smith m
No proper surpasses this for a desirable
Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms. There
is rev indication that property around
e . . . 4-1
How often you can net a
nail or river or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergences. Our
is a m i could
t tea that you- tool
box not lack
Y is going to be higher, and the
th lands Cf J. ll
,. i. C and
C . ; Cannon, Noles Mills, ,
will cost
e d
it is going
you defer buying the lot the
, . i a I of
. ,; ,.,
a t of
. i men-
of r the
tin; i i I the I
We i to admit. Hi
i i I with
miserable little
fair-, we i t a r in
fancy the of Louis XIV.
. George Washington Smith
Feb. 1907.
. p or persona claim-
j i ., to or interest in the for
ii scribed land must tile
. . , . st in writing me
the n days, or
This property is located only -5 minutes
walk the business part the
See Sara white and let him explain prices
ID. W.
And Provisions
try rare .
until after i
this after
a farewell
Cotton Bagging and
iii Ties always on
kept con-
in stock. Country l
Produce Bought and Sold j
. . . ling
day be-
fore i a II in
girl i. . . I to i, As the
r. ,. . i. . lid n I
o i nil it ea
be I in -i ml an c
she i conn her new
period of I maid,
there In the I be-
ed i pr brides-
maids with i A
age the pr
an mo ;
i ;
e r.
their unlimited.
When you want good Work send
orders to
D. W.
North Carolina.
His of Pairing.
A mini of small
town in Maine I l
election w ,
was ii airy I
publicans rats. Old Hi-
ram M faith,
Di t, many of the
i the
morning of I
Io hi his horse shod. The
busy. Republican, and I m
. Democrat. pair off. We'll
of vote, and it
amount to the us if both
Th i upon.
el ll
Horse hid paired off with live
i i r.
A reproaching a
friend for novel having mar-
when hot a little
perhaps, said
he could have cut me
out and married you if he had want-
The lady started.
she cried. t
he do it, .
says ho owed me p. j
the husband explained, with a
of the condition of
Al Greenville, in North
Carolina, at the of business,
Jan. 26th. 1907.
Loans and
secured and
IT. S. Bonds to secure
Premiums on U. S. Bonds
Banking house, furniture,
Due from National
reserve agents
Due from State Banks
Duo reserve
for house 110.78
Notes of i National
nil U cents
Li s
laud with U. S
Treasurer per
reaching the public b
Capital Stock paid in 60,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex-
and taxes paid
National bank
Individual deposits subject
to chuck 84,926.07
Tin of
deposit 7,586.50
Cashier's checks out-
49.63 92,562.20
soles and hills 5,173.02
State North Carolina
swear that
J ,.,. , . wile to lb.
. ,
j. w.
t I , . I
I . I
. E.
. rite
AU other Stocks.
and S
., named
C S.
R O-
i it is 1-
that the contest is mainly
no ,
w. th all
. i
. to i lb
,, mo and relatives; and
pint's blessing
, ; . these
, , I e minutes, a copy
T Daily Reflector,
. . . . t I
I of June.
Expect t Today.
accordance with
for each r
. .,.
. Ml
r,., c . horrible ;,
I link
I ll ;
of Y mm for and
has come P it ,, time
.-. v , .
year d that
busy .
Oh, i
., lie
,., ;,
, .
T , ;, .
th .
;,. ;, two yew
today to
. ,, . B soN-
are apt to cast .
. .,,. in
i -.-- Si ,
haVe boon pass-. take a
build m
. V U
o'clock last
farmers u.
.- and to
. .
. ,
to this country. With
Mr and Mrs. Charles F. Alex N. C.
mi annual
at their town house, y y, n's
afternoon. of
.- I
, and
ways and
Special t.; to young men
New York, March former
a to
they will a
RS ore
very popular society.
I Seeking Cots.
, wood
. . .,. . . . . ,
his own r,
. ,;,,; ,;
c . ,
the indent .
much will ,, . v.,
c U E. r.
chi .
. . .- M
. vi die o jury- L--
,; in
the trial. Mr.
. i
I ;
t it an
, h i there
V i wouldn't have
K on . .,. ., .
Wholesale and Retail
Tie IT.
, ; , ,., . ids
. ; . tor re,
. ties ha
e .,
, i was
life more bear.
religious wort
, Lead, Paints
, and an.
Ready Paints
There Is no line In the world better
It has it
for honorable wares and honorable
u the Harrison Paints you need
j never worry quality.
Abilene Kansas, Marc
r Senator Burton
was released today the
been serving a sen
for practicing as P
before the post depart-
relieve the
ant v cannot
therefore hold more
nor exercise the a
I in any way. ,
Burton WM
Ml- aw.- .,
H-is a man of very
personality, a fine at-
chair, cl U
I the ma
Entries the Brooklyn Hone
mer Senator Burton,
was m jail to
day goes
entries tomorrow for th
held in Brooklyn.
I containing
;, n rail in Lie
an-l prescribed a the limit of
shave, me ,.,. ; . , . the d
a, and and prosecution to the
at to- appeal one
d . Harri . in the
in America. r.
fit Opinion.
and s
so that the
I month- m record breaker.
tr won, m-- g due-thirty
that you favor u. with your .
for any
I cannot help being a
month; was re-1
as a model
trust that you
order, whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Application to Build I
, .
I N y
think that John .
knock . .
three thousand dollars
.,. this after non and
was released. The
. i
up i
away th ill den i ti
The verdict of the
with a; vol. At
ea ninety per the
convict d.
on the
., . for which
p ,. . , or Arkansas
on i iii I opes of
b y.
.,,. . I scribed over
a hundred dollars to pay the
,,., , of the
.,, and Observer.
you Special Prices. London gold day the State
Hart hT
Baker M.
also because mos . ,
Mid to en attest. r a
I that purloin. . . to . . .,
Having qualified a. administrator at
H- late
Pitt county. Not th Carolina, this is to
notify all persona having
the estate the Bald
Hun tn the on o
. tor u. , All indebted
the i
them to the on
before day of an-h.
notice will be bar
to aid
This March, ,
t V. Ellis,
y. g. James,

O. i.
Entered as cl Jar. HOT at lie
N. C. Act of Co of Match
Advertising rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired every post office in and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
AGE OF ORGANIZATION. consolidation of districts, build-
larger and bitter school
This is the age of houses, employing teach-
Individual effort is good era and improving the school
in every way.
farmers for the purpose of directors to extend its operations
ducting the business of market- next and cover a large
one of their products to their territory, and plans are being
own advantage. laid that end. We see no
The Reflector has closely reason why ultimately the
watched this organization from farmers should not control the
its inning and has not safe tobacco in ail the Eastern
to express an opinion of the North markets through
benefits the farmers would de- . . . . .
; this organization, and thus re-p
rive from it It is our candid for themselves the benefit
from the business.
They have actually
so far as it is able to go, is
commendable for loin its best,
but in this time of .
push it is through
that mo it is imp s h id M u
unite their ideas, purpose
and their cap
far more an be done
effort The
thing applies to towns com-
the can
n ore d v p faster throng
if the
sum I an
tog in c. r m.
v ml no
no steamboat
. to no great
large schools if individual
o- had been depended
or. secure them. These things
have been brought about through
i of men and capita-
working together in
pose- The result is develop-
and advancement in very
This same spirit is taking hold
of educational well as
trial movements with marked
results in bettering conditions
Even In many rural sections this
, gone to
president of the company, . . . , .
, ,. , raising a cry against men s long
we do not believe any other man I ,
. i Pants and want to return to kilts
could have accomplished what he , , ,. ., ,
, , . . , land long stockings. Don t do
has for this From . . ., , , ,
,. , , , i Here is one if such a style
his drat engaging in the tobacco
Brain storm bids fair to get in
the overworked class with
A dispatch says that
J. W. Bailey is to retire from the
editorship of the Record-
to take up the practice of law.
s good an editor as Mr. Bailey
ought not to give up such a call-
for the law.
Men do these things that tend
advantage by
warehouse business in Greenville
there have been such business
between him and The
Reflector as to cause u to know
real man that is in him. For
Regarding the Durham Herald
saying the trusts
enough Democratic
to make a good showing, and the
prevailed who would have to do Reflector's comment thereon,
that paper says didn't see
the point. And the Herald has
not shown it to us.
too much padding to make a good that paper says didn't see Alfred Austin should cheer up.
to their mutual advantage by show. the point. And the Herald has Frank L. Stanton says, his lat-
.-i her and sticking rT him Speculation is a dangerous not shown it to us. est has
, , Reflector as to cause to know , ft the
ether words mail j,. in him p leads many to
.;. ; Of course in his office as The absconding of the assistant The Wilmington Star is a re- Clews advises us to
there is dent of the company has been cashier of a Charlotte bank shews. markable paper. It has reached j drinks
. and when con- adjoining the business office of how easy it is for a man who even of forty. years without a
ready advance-; writer, and have had stands high in a community to fall m name, ownership
By a Contributor.
Spring can spring backward as
well as forward.
President Castro has
sufficiently to receive ova-
time for Senator
be either a man or a
Mr. Roosevelt can drive four
railroad without a
single of the ribbons.
Every time Fairbanks looks at
Taft wonders how such a fat
man can think running for any-
leader is
After diagnosing the cases,
opportunity to observe his seal when yields to the management, Roosevelt suggest th
heard the fidelity in conducting the to speculate with money that our recollection even cure treatment for rail-
if the capitalists, affairs of the company. With does not belong to him. It is Major roads in the future.
the educe- him it has seemed a enough for one to use his he has joined John Alexander last
. , . ; men, and to win or die in the effort, money in that way. I Boys and expects to act was to write a document
.- interests can j the success he j spend many more years at the threatening to return and smite
accomplish so much through more Now who is the bigger, helm of the oldest daily enemies- ghosts
united effort, why cannot the way than the large dividends it W COUrt martial the State. May it be so. j Texas was hardly through with
farmers do so for their advance-nay. over its cheap straw-
The Farmers Consolidate One swallow don't make a I the last i of the Man-
Compare is a success, and , neither do three warm Record, published at roasting ears.
days make a i Baltimore, is a article writ- u Chancellor Day is reported to
by Congressman John H have Just at a
can, just as readily,
is want of
confidence that they have so far
failed -o.
believe that One of the
it s what the farm
can do when they come to-
While its
rears ago. j,
that, its policy might
tested a
has been , f
That organization is
i time when the trusts need every
It was well enough for a break of this district, on the defender with a jaw in good
come in the Thaw trial this rivers and water- j working order.
Chicago audiences that
to Vice-President Fair-
speeches, are said to
inland waterway along the At- have up to
Greensboro takes the lead in Coast, realizing the vast must nave come
movements ever to this time have, water-; working i
among the farmers, especially j been confined to the Greenville week- for could not holdup For several years Mr. j The cl
in North Carolina, was market and Pitt county in order in the face of the taken great interest in I
inaugurated right here in Green- i that its i hat- the opening of the ,
Tobacco Company.
, success gone a
It is not a trust, of its
opponents have called it in their
unity of purpose has resulted in
check its influence
but simply an organization of has already
number of other tobacco markets
have made and offers
to unite with it. The decision
large initiations atone meeting benefit it will be. to coat wise
secret order. The Junior shipping. Congress has been Five women bull fighters wore
Order of United American Me- rather slow taking up hurt in the ring at Juarez. Mex
at a recent meeting car- hut the inland waterway is
just across the river from
one El Paso. The brutes evidently
been made by the members the things that is certain to resented the use of as
degrees. weapons.
We take pleasure in announcing to the j
trade our readiness for spring business.
We have made preparations to serve our
patrons with the best of Garments, the Fin-
and the most Choice Fur-
men, boys and wear
the that money
man who makes this his Clothing
who comes here for his outfitting
only be assured of wearing superior
but will also be sure of paying no
than an article is worth. We're
as a Satisfactory Clothing House
and t is on this platform that we shall con-
to do business.
This department is in charge of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
Rev. R. M Busier and family Protect yourself from the sun Mrs. Robert Little spent Sun-
are visiting here this week. He by getting a large straw hat at day at the home of R. G Chap-
is a missionary for the American Harrington, Barber Co. man
School Union. Several
Sunday Union, several Rev w. F. Fry, of Goldsboro,
years ago he lived here and I Kev. t. H. Kin in a
edited the meeting at the Baptist
made a host of friends week. All are
here. cordially invited to these
We on band cop- vices.
of we off-j j g. Cox has accepted a
i ho trade a as express messenger with
the Atlantic Coast Line We
B. i hop him success in his new
r. i work-
Miss Iris lyes, of . . Cotton
make her home with Air. J. , M
D- Cox for awhile. for comfort, especially for older
Hats to suit you at B. FCo. They are also have them-
a pretty line of pants.
Miss Barker of the inter-
mediate of W. H S.,
spent yesterday in
visiting the graded school.
Miss Kate Chapman, whose
school closed Thursday, is at
home again, much to the delight
of her family and friends.
The A. G. Cox Co. has
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Miss Battle went to
Greenville Friday shopping.
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Robert Abbott, bookkeeper for
the Pitt County Oil to
on business
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
The ladies of the Missionary
Society of the Baptist church
will observe next week as
week of prayer
suits of all sizes are
going at cost at B. F. Manning
famous dress
shoe ladies and gentlemen
B. F. Manning Co-
Winterville High con-
to enroll new pupils
Five entered last Monday morn-
and more are expected next
J. K. the
manager of the Co. Co.,
was happily married to Mi.-s
Mary Taylor at the residence of
her parents, near Wed-
They will stop at the
boarding house until
which he expects
is completed.
The A. G. Cox Co. are
still receiving orders for their
nice and most up to-date
sucker buggies.
Smith Cox are moving
r. t their new pa
and in a few days they hop
ready for work.
in . i I
f. i T. W j. j
gr i
. re a u t
Barber Co.
. large shipment of
fl r received at Ha
your horses, joys, and
c in a healthy condition
by giving food.
B. F. Co.
We are glad to see Mayor
Johnson out again, after a siege
of grippe.
Beautify your h by cover-
floors wit i nice matting
Ange C o. has it at a
left mg
some time, in An
When you how much
benefit it is to you w have
faculties of a good bank ;
disposal, consider or
not you could do some friend a
good turn by convincing him of
the advantage of catty a
bank and by
to the hank officer. A little
of kind
cost you nothing and is
by the hank, end be
the j,,,.
ca.-.-i. to prosperity J. I.
Jacks c . Bank of Win
A new L. o. fresh Hour just
at Harrington, Barber
Rev. T- King spent Tues-
day afternoon in
Mr. and Mrs J. K.
spent Sunday at the home of
Miss Sadie Little, who had
been teaching near Conetoe,
came Saturday evening to
spend her vacation.
We regret to loss W.- H.
Rouse and family who will
move to Greenville today. Mr-
Rouse ard wife were excellent
citizens and be
Mr- R- D. Cherry Dead.
A telegram received today by
his sister, Mrs. D. L. James, an
the death of Mr. R. D.
Cherry, which occurred in
o'clock this morning
The remains will be brought to
Greenville for interment, reach-
here on evening's
train, and the funeral will take
place Wednesday.
Mr. Cherry was about years
old, a native of Greenville and a
son of the late Mr. T. R. Cherry.
He spent most of his life in this
town, leaving here a little over
two years ago to engage in mer-
business at Sanford He
is survived by an aged mother
and two James and
Miss Cherry.
The at the Baptist
church has made an excellent
beginning. Every service has
been attended by
Rev T.
doing the preaching.
R. H. Hunsucker went to
Greenville Tuesday on business.
Harrington, Barber Co. are
R. D Cherry.
The remains of Mr. R. D. Cher-
who died Monday
morning, reached Greenville on
train even-
Messrs B. T.
A Vick and Mr. Carter
the here.
After arrival of the body here
be not
burial, had announced,
so it was taken from the depot
to Cherry Hill cemetery where
the funeral service conduct-
ed by Rev. J. E. The
putting in a cement sidewalk in Pa bearers were Messrs. W. B.
front of their store. We hope
to see the whole side walk
in the near future-
Rev. R. M. delivered a
interesting address on
Sunday schools evening
at the Baptist church.
Brown, Frank Wilson, J.
W. H. Ricks; E. H.
burn. W. B. Greene and C
Call and the new
line of Straw Hats just arrived
a. A. W Ange Co.
A. went to Green-
ville today.
The Spring days will
soon be here a comfortable
couch will be a luxury. A. W.
Ange Co. has them at a bar-
Misses Kittrell, Emma
and Minnie
went to Greenville today.
Get your choice groceries at B.
F. Manning Co.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort, style
and durability- They have just
opened their large line of line
Corey went home
this morning-
Cost will be aided to those
who are in arrears taxes for
the year after April 1st,
1907 Chas. W. Smith. a. hour earlier than
Collector, formerly, and keeps open until
The honor roll of Miss Barker's p. m., later than
d W. H. S. for the before. This only keeps the burn but little of
week ending March Clyde business and hour re could be saved
Cox, Fannie; , , head places his loss at and
Myrtle Julius quarter longer each day he on the
Bennett, Smith, Johnnie heretofore, but the early building and on furniture.
Dwelling and Tenant House
question. All styles, pleasing-
all sizes for every man,
at that should be more
than we
The dwelling house of Mr.
Howell Whitehead, who lives
Get Longer Service. two-and a half miles from
town, was destroyed by fire this
Postmaster R. C. Flanagan morning about o'clock. While
now has the general delivery breakfast was being prepared;
window of open at
hour earlier than wind blowing at .
time the house quickly burned
down. So rapidly did the build-
t lit
Mr White
A. G. Cox Co., are
shipping the reliable Con-
Planters and
Guano Sowers to both North
and South Carolina- Send us
you.- order we assure
A ear
Ange Co
that the A. G. Cox-
Co. will continue for the.
opening also give the public op- About midnight Saturday night
to buy stamps and a tenant house on the farm of
mail the morning
Mr. W T Fleming, about four
miles from town, was burned
mails depart. is a consider- The loss was about and there
able convenience. was ranee on the
Tie money
now opens at a. re. and
at p. m., giving an hour I
load of hay at A. than for the i s directed to n- an
purchase of money orders. of inn k
delivery is taken a l
also opened for half an
to spend
to tobacco flues
The A. G- Cox Cu.
orders for their
tobacco trucks even
it is early in the season-
J. F. Manning Co. know
exactly what their many
want in the line of slippers.
i They have just opened them up.
s them. are
A large delegation of the
members of Council
No. Jr. U went
out to the closing exercises
public school near s
Chapel afternoon, and
I, id the corner stone of the large
and comfortable school building
of which the people of that sec-
should be After the;
exercises of laying the stone and
the presentation of the Bible
were concluded, Rev J. bi.
of Greenville, delivered
of the best educational ad-
dresses we Would
that the people throughout the
county could hear him, for the
good that is derived from such
addresses is not able to be
mated , , .
Prof. then closed the
exercises by congratulating the
people for their excellent efforts
during the term. He made an
exceedingly strong appeal to the
people to lend their aid in
the Eastern training school,
for Pitt showing them the great
tat would be derived
from the increase of,
until last night, when a con-
cert y tile was given to
a crowd. We are informed
order prevailed
throughout the entire program,
ins Manning, the teach-
be congratulated
her excellent effort in training the
children so well. Quite a
from here attendee.
B. T Cox Bro. have garden
seeds flower seeds of an
kinds at the drug store.
the Last evening mail is
See F. V-
buy seed or feed oats,
best peas and hay t F. V.
bushels corn for sale at while there.
F. V. Johnston's.
who has taken a halt page in
this paper to tell the people of
Pitt and counties about
the new styles in
shoes and furnishings
for men and Mr. Wilson
has just returned New
York, and the cut shown in his
ad will an of some
purchased by him
When passing drop
i for a look.
MARCH 26TH AND 27TH, 1907
several a lady that a
stylish Millinery in the moat fashionable
part of Baltimore and her Hats ex-
cell all others. She improves with ape.
to our Opening buy one of those stylish Hats.
will try lo please you.
Hie New Year
o north f
k EA,
V wk it may be continued.
my my
J. i Johnston,

Cleaning of Events About the State.
Silk Pries F on Fall Production.
The the Case.
When a man acts the
transgresses the laws and
Wk March In con- Ito forth the and con
silk, the situation in the silk
Was badly hurt in a runaway
accident at Thurs-
The plant of the
usually look behind the
phase, suffering t he greater part of
in this count- and disgrace. There have
and in this count
and importers are giving
careful attention to the adjust
been a number of notorious
before the public of
a glance
Flue Curing Develops Aroma Taste
. cases before
In Satisfies Tobacco Hum
knife be accomplished.
d four mo la
I . I d
g a I
. use. rid I
To a Sc
uniformity in .
in the minds all of our
Franc Jones robbed the
Charlotte National Hank of
. Reflector of its funds, he committed a
V. -Six crime against the laws of the
h candidates of New I; he greatly inconvenienced
York Stale for the Rhodes bank but in spite of the
passed the ex- theft, the bank will
Williams, ii rests now with . do business as if nothing had
re tie J committee to -make an award at all, and the loss will
by one from the not misery to any of those I
selected six. Th. scholarship i
amounts to a year Bit. when Franc Jones quit;
entitles the recipient to a course the city h had lived in
in University. The sneaked as a thief in the
con meets in this city to- nigh and left the delicate, tend-
to make the decision. The Christian little woman,
n i- composed of he had sworn t. protect,
Raymond, of Union. lying prone, helpless,
S e
Now v.,;. Rochester, the-
W; in David M. H. of crime against which the spirit of
and Howard J every son with a heart turn-.;
state commissioner with disgust a d contempt; he
et t Prices ranged
i off.
. the
. s DIs-
pate Berlin say th
th in a panic
the . . e in stocks,
being p ems down
of education.
Short of
committed a crime almost
possible for forgiveness,
Franc Jones well merits the
c tempt of every honest man,
There are three ways used by far-
for curing and preparing their
tobacco for the market; namely, sun
cured, air cured and flue cured. The
old and cheap way is called air cured;
the later discovery and improved way
is called flue cured. In flue-curing
the tobacco is taken from the field
and suspended over intensely hot
flues in houses especially built to re-
heat, and there kept in the
proper temperature until this curing
process in the tobacco the
stimulating taste and fragrant aroma
found in Schnapps tobacco, just as
green coffee is made fragrant and
stimulating by the roasting process.
Only choice selections of this ripe,
juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the
famous; Piedmont country, where the
best tobacco grows, are used in
Schnapps and other brands
of high grade, flue cured tobaccos.
Hundreds of imitation brands are
on sale that lock Schnapps; the
outside of the imitation plugs of to-
is flue cured, but the inside is
filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily
sweetened air cured tobacco; one
chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco
hunger longer than two chews of
such tobacco.
Expert prove that this flue
cured tobacco, grown in the famous
Piedmont requires and takes
less sweetening than any other kind,
and has a wholesome, stimulating,
satisfying effect on chewers. If the
kind of tobacco yon arc chewing don't
satisfy, more than the mere habit of
expectorating, stop fooling
and chew Schnapps tobacco.
Schnapps e to chew-
formerly bought costing from
pound; Schnapps is sold
at per pound in cuts, strictly
and cent plugs.
Houston, Texas March 25.- j
Methodist church work and
I day school work as well is ex- Ky., March
to be section ordered
list Sunday school J. to be held in
session and give it chance
to correct the mistakes it made.
Durham. Herald.
I It is for the banks Persecute
i eh mills are in exceeding Hour-1 News,
qualified before the condition, for if the
Pitt county as ad- verse were true it be a
Butt. handicap for these it quill fled administrator
i e is hereby given
. . bank have shown a marked will in. mediate payment.
Butt, i shortage of ready cash, and the This the few.
rates rest are w- workers
F. G. James, Atty, States are in attendance in ad- represented n
i sol when the was of F.; i.
charge, and many
sold within the they present the lame
., i. before the day
and . city, . .-,.,.,.
J. W. i v. President.
A Mel Ml I let e-Pres,
H. D. I f. 2nd
J. I. . PreS
to the Sunday school lead-
N -i
. B. BROWN, .-i
T. l.
J. ROGERS. Sn-r. m
D James M. Med.
no denominations in
the Sun- and the
various churches we. v also
of the R. Fulford;
Executor Of J. M. Fulford.
N State Mutual Co
Methodism the entire State,
I comprehending all of the four
conferences, the gathering is
j notable one, it is growing
o I attendance and in significance to
as the years
OF .
Bl .
than Company on ear
down is sufficient to convince any
, A show
We are rapidly approaching the
Agents of the Greenville Branch
he I Ly the Wild.
wild has come to Joe to h
Weber, and he has hearkened par value the 4th day of
at a
Special to Reflector.
New York, March
it. Mr. Weber, the are given to the old
and of the bob holders at tint figure,
star today on an eight weeks are now quoted in market
tour on the road, keeping East of at
Chicago. The company will re-
turn east of York in and Expected to
Utter part May, and will the Agree.
or a new by;
Edgar Smith and Victor Her Special to Reflector.
appearing Chicago, March 25.- Reports
w I concerning the grievances of the
S to Reflector
New Britain, Conn, .
o i -.- rig the land
North Carolina, the Superior Court
Pitt County, Before Moore,
Sidney Wooten I
Shade Wooten,
and Herbert Edward
The l ii Shade Wooten above
will take that an action
above commenced
I Landers, Clark
I ware and table cut
i meeting held in this city
; voted to increase
Hied cause, for
; Shade
H i f r e that
hi . e the court
25th day of
L ; lurch 1907 and an i .-.-r or demur
the lie plaintiff
in Hid dual
seen in the new
ton, Philadelphia, on the
Washington and somewhat ex-
included in the
Conference for Good Roads
Albany, N. Y., March 23.- -r
Representatives of boards of
throughout State nave as
in this city today, and
A-ill hold conferences until the
of April, to consider the
maps which
according to men sup-
posed to know of the difficulties
I between the roads and the con-
and it is regarded a
sure that all differences of
ion regarding wages and
Clerk Superior Court,
c t,
To ff rs of Kidney, Liver or
r Other
b say bu;, a bottle and if
it t cure we will refund
your n We say a
full size l of
SOL and it benefits then
use SOL until
This i entitles
Only a limit number bottles
away. Don't miss op
will be amicably adjusted
when the officials be in-
formed the result of voting
of the men.
by the legislature this
under the bond
the conference will end
mint hearing to be given k
Internal Affairs
the Senate and of
April 9th. By that on
may be expect
in shape for the .
upon there legislature to
board of
by is to be in
send State engineer to
o the confer-
Atlantic City, N. J. March
--The National Bowling
great force
today to commence the tourney
for the national championship.
The competitions are held in the
auditorium on Young's pier, a
hall by feet There are
alleys, with thousands of
dollars in pr Every
bowler has a com-
for the championship.
Steamer I. leaves
a in for
daily Sundays
I'd at
Norfolk A
Baltimore, Philadelphia
Kt w York. and all other
points North. Connects at Nor-
ii-ii. all i West.
should order
eight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
A Southern Co.
Sailing subject to
w t
J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. F
P Na.
M. .
A New Solution Offered by a
A new solution of the
pal government problem has
been suggested to the residents
of Armour, S. D. One of them, a
prosperous merchant of th.
name of proposes
to do the town business, it
exactly as a contractor
undertake to build a bridge
dig a sower. Whether ho pro-
poses to v an I collect the tax.-,
as well is spend them is no
stated in the advices at hand, bu
he does offer to combine in hi.
own person the activities
its present and to run it
public affairs, little,
no other help than of his
hired Also, he prom
to do an
than the town is now under
to do the work to the
of its u
tore of an ad to that
effect which he will give. The
idea at first th night seems wild-
absurd, and then- would be,
we imagine, a good
obstacles to overcome it
could b carried out. but it is not
a bad plan, by any means, and
probably its Beaming absurdity
lies in our long established habit
of regarding public business as
somehow different from private
business, with other
object than the mere do
cheaply and well, of the
things that need to be done e
have come almost to take for
granted that town government
not only is but must always be
the tank of politicians, all highly
of their own interests
as distinguished from those of
the town. There will ho no
doubt a desperate fear in Armour
that if Mr Canton wine secured
this queer he would make
some money out of it. If ho
doesn't get it some other men
certainly will make as much
money or
live and has a strong inclination I tally
to live well. Without least a
few regular town official.-, how-
ever, it is hard to how sue;
a wholesale contractor be
held to responsibility or get his
accounts audited On
the whole, we do not quite see
how the novel scheme could be
worked, and yet it does its
The rural routes
for the benefit
homes, or in other words the
farmers. They have proven
Among Things That Will Give
Joy to North Carolinians Will be
Our Splendid Educational Exhibit.
North Carolina's part in
the Jamestown exposition a
one is to be no small affair,
the odds are that Virginia
will say, as did South
ins after the Charleston expo-
that North Carolina of all
e States, only
State, did forth
Tito great crowds of
who are going t
will And that
Carolina has a beautiful
the exposition. Col.
u the commissioner
for North Carolina at tin
exp returnee.
there in order to look
. lie Held and see tin North
Carolina building is getting on.
He returned delighted with the
being made on the
as well as with
trend affairs at the expo-
Carolina will have th.
handsomest building on the
water said Colonel
night, the prospects
ire now that it w be about
when the exposition
opens. The building is now
cover and I tell you it is going
to be a beauty. North Carolina
be proud of it and of tho
exhibit that will be made for the
State. Our people are going is
great numbers to see the expo-
and all will be proud of
North Carolina's
Major G- W. of
the seer; tar.,
if the North Carolina
was in the city
and in company with Colonel
had a conference with
superintendent of
J. Y. Joyner con-
tho exhibit
more, for the j made. Tins exhibit will be
holds that he must a strong one and will
show the rapid advance
in educational affairs nude in
this State since It will
likewise show the
advantages offered in the Slate
in the way of public and private
schools, academies, colleges,
training and
las university. It will be an
exhibit that will us
and k will be one giving the facts
rune can
Report Shows Bales.
Washington, March
census report on cotton
the year issued today shows that
13.290,677 bales of count-
round bales as half in-
eluding have been gin-
The number of active
this year is
The crop is
with 1903, ard
gross weight of the bale for
510.7 pounds and crop ex-
pressed in pound bales is
. The items entering
he totals for the crop of 1908 e
099.927 square hales;
Sea Island
of cotton estimated y
and as remain-
to be ginned am- included in
the report of 1906 is
In case of
Special to
D. C. March
The court martial at Fort Sim
Houston made report of its in-
today. Major
was cleared of connection
with the riot, but the report
held that the men of the 25th
infantry did the
at Brownsville. The 25th in-
fantry was the colored troops
at fort and who were
discharged by President
for their misconduct- The
finding of the court martial
the president.
to use the
just one time
As Little as
Five Cents Per Day
places one in residence,
H. c
By to
Spain. This village
is today the 100th
anniversary of its existence, the
are lively in observance
f event, the streets are
with bunting, and
everything assumes an air of
and pride, which becomes
it greatly There is a large in-
flux from the country towns.
No it to
Sharp Towels and
Cosmetics A Specialty.
ii and all tor you ;. is
. t but for eon
I rem .-.
S. f.- ES,
in Civil Cases only.
series of revival
Members of Riven and Harbors
to Reflector.
Washington, March
of the house committee on
rivers and harbors who have
re-elected to the sixtieth
leave Washington on
today for a trip
is the guests of the congress
delegation of that Stat.
begin in the Methodist a tour of the
greater and blessing to I church in Sunday night, inspecting the waterways
the farmers than was A 7th, i which appropriations for
pated by the most and continue on desired.
A farmer who has once enjoy d during each night of th t week, i
the advantages of the rural
Kev. ii. F. Taylor, cf Hungarian Squadron.
would know how Hookerton, will preach during
live without it. It did net the week following the
to the farmer, however, Sunday.
i .
times earned
The farmers
taxpayers. What property
have is in plain sight and is
J, while the city gent, at
many of them, who deals
in rotes and bonds is enabled to
hide his wealth from asses-
For a quarter of a century
mail has been carried to the
city home, not once, but many
times each day. Finally the big
heart of Uncle Sam has reached
out to the who feed the
world Gastonia Gazette.
New Town Starting up.
building of railroads
through new territory develops
new towns along their route.
is the case with the Raleigh
Pamlico Sound division of
Norfolk Southern road now
building through this section.
Before tho track th-o a
tow.; -.-, at Simpson, a
en th . id C mi e of
Greenville Already d ,
saw brick making plant and
a; v . c . . . x re,
buildings are fitting up
near l . W. L. and I
Also a series of meetings will
begin the third Sunday in April,
21st, in Methodist church in
Winterville. Kev. L. L. Nash,
D., of Greensboro, will be
present and preach at o'clock.
Immediately after the sermon,
tho church will be formally
Dr. Nash will conduct
meeting the week and
will preach both morning and
Let every one take notice of
these meetings and attend. All
of the members of other churches
of these respective towns are
invited and welcome to
Special attention is directed to
the dedication of the church at
Winterville April 21st.
B. E. Stanfield, P. C.
G. are
offering lots at
de, will be
advertisement in this
Ms. PI Patton
you to be present
at tho marriage of her daughter
Mr. Walter Ivy Pender
on moraine of
April first
nineteen hundred and seven
eleven o clock
By cable to Reflector.
Vienna, March
Hermann has been
appointed and took command to
of the
consisting of the
L-t George and
which sail today to take part in
the naval review at Roads
in honor of th Inauguration of
the Jamestown Exposition. The
warships will return the mid-
of June.
Arnold Daly Opens With a New
retail Grocer
Dealer. Cash -aid for
Hides. Fur, Seed,
Turkeys. Egg, etc. Bed
st ads, Salt
P u
s Tables. Lounges, Safes
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West
George Cigars,
pies, Pine
Meat Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat
and Hulls,
Garden Seed.-, Oranges,
Peaches, ,
Glass Ware Tip
wooden Ware, cakes and
crackers. Macaroni, o, Best
Butler, New i Sewing Ma
numerous other go
Quality and for
cash, come Bee me.
Wise From the
When the cold winds dry and
tie skin a box of salve can
In buying salve look fol
he name on box to avoid any
ions, and be sure the
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
Jno. L. Wooten
Clear up the complexion, cleanse the
r and tone i .-1 i
to or of
Early Risers. Sale Reliable little
ills with a The
everyone knows.
Jno. I,. Wooten.
.,, . .,.
is what one mother wrote of
Laxative Cough . This
syrup is I .
i any opiate or narcotics.
i Tar. i to
Pure Food and Drug Law. S old by
Jno. L. Wooten,
v . a
Buffers from n
dread of e
is tan .
ind one-fourth milk and i. On
hand can e u p i
old food the aid of a
thus giving stomach
is hi n n .
id ti i u for
g I . I ,
w . I .
don't digest Because the u
the digestive
properly balanced. Then, i
food that causes and
for it
isolation of vegetable acids. Ii digests
-i-ix- ts the
conforms to
the National Pure rood an I Drug Law.
Sold here by Jno. I. ten
All persons having claims against
of Wooten, j
which claims wherein existence on tie I
1907 are I
and required to exhibit the same to F.
M. Wooten, the surviving partner.
within twelve months from the date of
this notice. F. If. WOOTEN.
Surviving partner of Coward
This Feb. 1907.
Tb ts
Cold or a . pro-
constrain , th
eyes, In ; oat
or I
For want of
r ram
L .
Tar moves the bowel-., .
through . of
; C V -net
. .-j.
F-r Cr .-,
is, --n.
Colds, and
la . Ken .-.-
Vi.-J.-Y CO. j, .
Neighbors Got i-.
was literally to
death, and become to weak to leave
my bed; and neighbors predicted th I
would never leave it alive; but
fooled, for thanks be to God, In-
to try Dr. New Discovery,
It took just four one dollar bottles to
cure the cough and n
writes Mrs.
Eva of Stark
Ind. This of and cold
cures, and healer f throat and I
is guaranteed by J. I Wooten Drag-
gist and Trial bottle free. i
Rising From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, n. A.
K of Lucama, N. relates a
most remarkable experience. He
taking than three bottles
feel like one
disease, in the Diabetes I fully j
believe Electric Hitlers will cure me
permanently, for it has already stopped i
the liver and bladder complications
which have troubled me for
Guaranteed I,. Wooten Druggist.
Price only
V. I.-
v . ; . . line
I s . . tO
.- . .-.-.- ii ,
i . III
if --11 f . . .- ,.
Ii . , 11.- h
I is.
mi- i I
Id ti . . .
.- . I
. .
. i . .
II II -i.-i .
Special to Reflector.
tho now military comedy en-
titled, Boys of Company
will open his season under
Daniel direction at
the Broad Street to-
and will come later into
the Lyceum for a
I summer n
to Again,
S. to
of first jockeys
in the country a
baa decided ti return to the
s , and grafted
a to ride at a meeting of
JocKey Club.
Stat Ohio. City Toledo, i
Lucas County.
Frank J. makes that
Is senior partner of the firm of P. J.
Co. doing business in tho City
County and Stale aforesaid,
and that said will I h.- sum of
DOLLARS tor each
and every ease that be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me a subscribed
in my presence, this day of
A. 1886.
Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken
and acts directly on the blood and mu-
surfaces of the system. Send for
P. J. O., Toled i,
Sold by all Druggists, r.
Take Hall's Family Pills for a
I and
for all
Shop. w. i u
main I section
chain and each
one ; by
i razors
. on for peat patronage
rt-k yon when
Contractor, Builder, Tile Setter.
Plans estimates
on in. work
Torn key when ever de-
Produce Bought ,
Brokers in, -.-
-V. K
Harry Skinner, Jr.
II. W.
Practices in all court.
I Cotton and handlers of
I Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
it's n co t-. .- r
a Cough Cure Dr. Dr. i's.
F. -rs Dr. has against
tin- . . if opium, chloroform
commonly found in
c Dr.
the Pure L w
recently exacted, for worked
similar lines for many years. For
nearly yearn Dr. Cough Cure
containers in- had a printed
on them g
p, -v.-- ii.- has m it
Ir j rote.
n having
Dr. ;.
. their in inn
La .-.- I
I. . . the
tarts Is so pleasant. Contains
ard Ur It i
co is unrivaled for lie
croup. th I out
the Conform-i to the
Pure and Drug Law. S by
Jno. L. Wooten.
Get oat your winter suit
and have it cleaned and
pressed. I do all work
this line promptly and as it
should be done.
i have a lull line of
suits to order
a can save you money
on an order. Give me a
The Tailor.

ii haw
J. M. I LOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
for Watches, clocks and anything
ix we take needing attention in my line
, will be attendee in the v
We hare
ran eons cotton
. i. . Saab has the finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
brought to Ayden.
or more glorious conquests. He
is just simply gone.
J. A. Newell and wife
from the country, were visiting
the family of their son-in-law,
W. L. last week.
The Rhodes Comedy Company
gave an entertainment here last
evening and will give another
tonight. It is a good, clean show
and had a nice house.
If y
y u I
to ., always
. car
price, Don't
el us to
. Co. new
mar fresh meats,
lit at, Lard Can
Gr Don't fore giving
Lilly Co.
If . Paint be sure
and see E. Co
exchange corn
the Drug Store and
cur one of those excellent
M. M, Sauls.
wont to
Thursday after two
I am this day years old. In
the providence of God Almighty
I have k pt For in Him we
live, move and have our being.
lie has guided and fenced me
and all for me in the way of
preservation. By the grace of
G id am what am.
But few are living that are as
as am. Why is it they are
gone the way of all the earth, and
I am still living on earth God
Having as
with the win annexed of C.
deceased, late of Pitt N.
C. this is to notify; II persons having
claims against the estate of the said
G. Rogers, deceased, to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
months from the date this notice or
this notice will pleaded in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate will make
This the 15th day of March. MOT.
John A.
Brown. Attorney.
U A. Arnold enters and claims the ,
following described vacant land,
duly qualified before the
court dart of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of
Si deceased, notice is hereto
given to all persons indebted to
estate to make immediate to
the undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate must present
the for payment on before the
day of March. 1806, this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery
This 5th day of March.
B. T. Cos,
i of Samuel
The i con-
ducting a cotton and insurance
in the town of Grifton. X. has this
by mutual
consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing
said fr in.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
.,. , Joel
ltd If
Dr Joseph Dixon
, .; .,
more or less.
This March 4th. 1907.
G. A. Kittrell. of Winterville, do account of His matters.
J. A Nichols of Kinston. lit is because it seemed good in
in to see us yesterday. His sight. Having obtained
question is the all mercy of the Lord continue to
i topic now and is being this present time.
if one is with the spirit to
appreciate life as the creation
lie undersigned, will
day of April.
L. A. Arnold.
Any person or per ma claiming title
in the foregoing de- ca-h the following parcel of land
land must Ale their protest in The life i W i
. .,.,
sale before the court do
Greenville, to the hi -best lie for
ca-h the following parcel
. The life of V
writing within the thirty days, or Brown in and to certain tract or
they will be barred by law. parcel of Situate in Greenville
, ,, R. Williams. township. Pitt county o on the
Taker ex-officio, Norm side of Tar th
Feed and
i Ice Conveyances.
rices to
N. C.
North Car a
Superior Court
w in Dry No-
Land of W. Brown. if. Brow-
estate K. J.
Cornelius agitated. As soon
as court is over we
take off the streets
him to work He need
els bad.
Ayden has had two ires do that divorce from tie bonds
the week. The first was the and unto men. ;. u fully j
kitchen J. T Smith Jr being diligent in business and will further take notice that j
which from a ,. l
flue and came very near ls county to be held on the seventh Mon-
of the said Jesse W. Brow n.
s and put God, and values it as The will take
, , , , notice that an action entitled as above
xis a favor above anything that man has been commence. a the Superior
can earn or deserve and is obtain for the
from the defendant
mortgage on the said 6th
to suit the tines.
P. C. Hardin, ,,,,,,,. y
pens on sale at Saul's
drag store at from to in the middle of the day.
Fountain Pens With any was insurance
all size for sale at I DavidS Smith of Greenville,
Drug Store j here Thursday on
U i- and a pleasure, Ten trains a day is no bad
Gardner entirely coB. quiet and thankful graces
Both fires occurred life To seek not what
men own, but to seek their j
and happiness, to speak a word
of encouragement to the despoil-J
dent, to relieve such as are op-
is good proof of good
I . i will to men. To escape
to s-iv or showing tor a town of our t. ii i j
first class T.,., ., ,,,,. i, j luting touch of ungodly lust and
fair. Call a, here to live righteously and
secure this much godly in this present evil worlds
j Mrs. J. F. has attain a purity far more
I have bought the to Greenville during the week. than ill-gotten wealth
clay bu Taylor. Cox and wife went up can bestow. To so live as
and the pat- ,. , r . ., , , ,
of the public. C. E. on business. to have a conscience void of of ;
William Smith living near here fence toward God and man
I all work jolly old plies a feast that kings might
to my to give entire of age. He is cultivating well covet.
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier, a crop this year and has been life has not been equal to
patronage of the farming all his life and does what I to be, for
Ayden i rid community know the use of doctors nor any I have failed to utilize or
in everything pertaining to the their tricks Mr as I ought. How much
jewelry business Give me a a h . , I longer I shall live is unknown to
r s noise is years i i .
u v. spier. . when a boy it seemed that
Yesterday about o'clock old was a very
umber mill of Charles gentleman himself, while he can't aged man, well stricken and
Smith a a ate- hf
m . ,.,. , ,. just the same and always on today the Lord God so
. blesses me that life is not a bur-
from and was torn but a joy. To Cod all
APRIL 1st.
Prior to that we are offer-
Piano withe the
Official Piano Jamestown
St., Norfolk,
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
in department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
position to serve the This is a long.
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
N. w.-cs;.
of business Jan. 1906,
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 167.61
Furniture and Fixture 610.69
Due from hanks and 26,828.51
Cash items 135.60
Gold coin 100.00
Silver coin 5.663.03
Nat. bk notes other 8,671.01
Dividends Unpaid
to check
I J. B. Smith, of the above sou swear
the to true to the of my be-
P. C
in, 2nd day of Feb., i
STANCH. HO. ., ,
. ice we are in
the custom f thanks are due for His
one s Easter hat seems to be the I mercies who has so me
that have never been so sick a
single day of my life that I did
not wait on myself, and for
many years I have been able each j
formed. is a heavy loss we will take occasion to
Mr. Si can ill afford to mention is the same old
sustain sue a bronze, without a feather.
On alighting from the noon I The new ten-room residence j day to attend to the labors of
is a No. have it cleaned j Miss Jeane Morrison returned
and repaired by arrival of even- Wednesday at once re-
and then walked off. her position with
Curiosity shop, Will Smith Mercantile
and proceeded I
to investigate going to
rear him who received the
package and lifted his coat tail, i
is here on business.
Barnes of Wharton
l -j. i up yesterday to visit
when there appeared to the long- T
vision of many standing by a
. beautiful shining quart the
dead remains of what was said
their friendship If I ave
enemies it is unknown to mi-
ll there is a man on earth to
whom I would not do a kindness
it is to me-
If it is the will of God I would
love to wear my armor girded on.
me to the end of my appointed
race in life, and fall asleep in
Jesus instantly after life's day of
labor is over. P. Gold
Wilson Times. 25th.
Friday a went to the
camp of the Ayden Lumber
to be good old rye. e are. Company while the hands were of the 22nd of
informed the necessary in the woods at work. He March 1907 about six o'clock
apple made a general swipe of all and wise kindness vis-
pie order. everything movable. Pistols,
Mrs. Dr. Blount went to clothing and quantities
returned from Greenville Friday, of provisions he appropriated to
John It- tells us some-j his own use and silently stole
time last week a thief broke into j away to the depths of the dis-
his smoke house and carried away forests and not since has his
much desired angelic form been
seen by those who wish to see
him most and those we
who do not love him best.
about pounds of good old
C. A. Fair has been to Aurora
during the past week.
Dr. of Scotland Neck, The treatment which will be ac-
a special and very corded him should he ever re-
visit to Ayden from turn, we presume would not
day until Monday. Surely the cheer the conquering hero or de-
doctor has some sincere friends flight the honored statesman in
the home, of Mr.
W K. Clark and took away their
infant son, Wiley Jay, age
years months and five days.
his round for greater triumph ltd
I have taken up a stray year
ling running with my stock.
Looks about one and half or two
years old. in poor condition, near-
white color, and apparently
unmarked. Owner can get same
by proving property and paying
cos s. W. J. Crisp.
R. F. D. No.
March 18th 1907.
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
trade mark is on every bag.
i m u
Editor and Owner.
Truth in to Fiction.
VOL. No.
a Chicago Man o.
and Poll
The is
precinct The said books shall
be opened on Thursday, the
eleventh day of A, ill. 1907
closed for ration at sunset I
on Saturday, the fourth I
day of May 1907.
the time fixed by law.
taken from . h ii for the purpose of holding
the the board of said election, the
county at the following named persons are
hold hereby appointed registrars
the General and judges of for the
Chicago. April
Association will to-
night consider the matter
the to give
this city m it ion on I h
eastern committee
According to H. C.
North Carolina do
Section That the board of
aldermen of the town of Green
ville is hereby authorized
empowered to issue bonds in the
name of the of
in such den . ins forms
as it may
streets, and aid in
training in
of .
a y
b lard of .
ling a
. near the
if one
A id the
are I
Rigid Boat
Sp -K-. to Sector.
New York. April
boat, tug and barge captains
of North Carolina, at voting precincts
D- c of th,
Much authorizing the Registrar.-I W Smith. Judges, Chicago is suffering from amount not exceeding
county commissioners R A Nichols and E S Parker. fact there is not thousand dollars
able thirty
their date.
Section That said bonds
of the county Pitt to
to the qualified voters of said
Hie question of
.-id issue sell
at bearing coupon bonds in
a sum not to exceed fifty thous
sand rs, to run for thirty
For Regis-
Harris. Judges, K A single railroad n
Parker and W W Bullock. who not a member of the com
For Bethel Registrar, is the most
to an
id to us ouch of the
eds of lb
f sea. as issued by the New
they may proper, and said the Federal Hulls and
any Service, have
,.,,, by a new and
Section T I ten stringent order from
years from the rat . providing that
E O Burroughs
House, Sr and W J Rollins.
For Carolina Regis-
Robertson. Judges,
ant rate organization in the en
tire country. The greatest in
crease of rates have beer, made
act, the board of aldermen of the . ,said town shall i to set aside ; ,. . ., , ,
a i c n , -.-, j i.
of said I . fund w .
shall bear interest at n. said bonds rate than six per cent, per an at maturity, and for this purpose ,;,,. ,,,,and th. int. rest shall be S tax not vis,, r,
interest G C Judges, e. , , ; ; , ,,.,,., . ,
to exceed super, cent per John Overton and Thad j the said bonds shall in no case U every one hundred , ,
or taxable property , of
for lass than every .
not to exceed six per cent per
annum, the proceeds of the sale son
-of said binds to be used to aid
in establishing at some point in j J Elks. Judges, W L
a training for WooLen and J O
by changes in the
and although Chicago and the s n-v
are Interest d
in the cistern classification they value.
taxable p ill v
said town
i be held, at the a d M L This it,
nous young of said Greenville
may for
and to appoint
and conduct said
time in June, after the excursion
opens, th
, ,, ,, o y . , , ,
And said act Henry and W A B New York, April town taxation until this act are r.
said board of for Regis- at the of will be , become due and die Hut t. is act shall
r J T Judges, R L given the performance of J j be in force from and after its made, and there will
for town taxes Thai ratification. be two mm In the summer at
, . w . , -.-
at k hick time and place C Woolen. caught the popular favor to for of In the General times when the ski
qualified of said k L Little and Vi I an extent that it ran out of on Mid bonds M the times and ratified. expecting them.
to h
An. I act author- Judges, Jesse A Stoke and L J took place at the
aid board to a new Chapman. Great Southern in Co-
of the it further ordered that the Ohio, the at the
j be posted royal household, the
Now ti board of published in accordance with the performance at
county c of Pitt provisions of said section and Chicago,
county. regular ion as- that said notices be signed by,
ambled n Brat Mo in j him as chairman and attested by
April 1907. t being the rat day, the clerk of the board. in
of said do in
of the s lo--------- .
them by sat i act, order ti an . r.
election be held at the v; I April 5th. Washington, April
voting in said a Hon J. L. Fleming and interest was manifested in the of the town
of Pitt, on Tuesday,
collect each year a sufficient
pedal tax upon ail of
taxation, which are now or
hereafter be embraced Ii the
subjects of taxation, the
charter of said town, i . in
at a
j Provided, that th s collected
. under this act for I
of said interest coup I as
i said, shall be used for
at purpose, and it shall the duty
New Y -There will be a
, . , ,,, i, Bridgeport, A-
gathering -t the
from three great
English speaking c I
the meeting will c
row night. Th
ling board will hold its
meeting of all ts mi
tax-.; an that England will a t. c mi
under said charter represented by i is .
On Friday night, April 5th.
Hon J. L. Fleming and
four-j W. H. will speak to the appearance tonight of Madame coupons are paid to cancel
Archer, sends two
and the western part of
United States la ed
by members,
President David Starr Jordon,
of Stanford Univ Th .
last two days, and
will be a which Andrew
preside. A i in
t i so who will are
W Bright, professor of i
Fir the first time in it- rt
the annual session of the ti w
V irk Bast Conference
from today until th
Anvil. Bishop Ha in nu
d ii thee e,
fOr S
n it Rev. . i
a.-v. i.
and place i, those led
to vote may ear and vote .
against conic upon t he
board of rs
the authority to issue and Bf
said bonds. The said act r
quires those fa f
said bonds to a written
printed ballot h the words
there on, and those
opposed to issuing aid bonds to
vote a written or p ballot.
with the words
therein. The said t further re-
quires that the poi Is shall be
opened and the d election
conducted and held in the man-
prescribed by la v for the
election of members of the Gen-
Assembly, And t he
and judges of
several precincts she. I ,
their returns, upon blanks
furnished them, to the
board of county I
at the court house,
Carolina will thoroughly tho phenomenal coloratura not destroyed by the board of aider
plained and reasons why exceeded even by Patti or Lima men, and the treasurer shall make
Pitt county should have I do her flawless into- such report and turn in said
this school. Let every man, nation, and the bell like as often as he- bat said
woman, boy and girl come out ties of her that she coupons,
and hear these gentlemen. A excels. In her style she com-1
all is good in the Ital-
and German schools
v--r the latest
of th
good evening is promised
one who
M. T. Spier,
Jas. R. Davenport,
J. J.
Ponce D Leon
Special to
Fla. April
T. Wilson t of the city by
best his, S the opening feature
. That the board of
aldermen shall not issue said
bonds or any of them, nor levy
nor collect said tax until they
shall have been authorized and
empowered so a major
voters of said town, at an
to be held at such and Democrats
place as the said board shall vote on
Republicans u a
fl tor.
art voting today
the Democratic primary. They
that the are interested
in the welfare of the city, and
shod be allowed to vote without
questioning of their party
birthday, on Tuesday,
at home near Grimesland.
He was torn April 2nd, 1827, and
is an active man for his years-
and Mrs. W. H. Ricks
who are
voters that a new reg-
of the voters of said
county be and the same
three tier his of Greenville;
after said election son, Mr. J, P. Wilson and
And it is further ordered, that I , ,, of Grimesland; Mr. and
for the purpose of definitely and F. J. Mrs. O B.
ult, of Washington, spent
with him. A
s dinner was served,
by ordered, and that each of the; ate heartier or
registrars appointed no than Mr.
to register the voters, shall I could tell a t
immediately give notice in his
voting precinct that the
books for said election
are in his hands, and that all
persons entitled to register may
come forward and do so. It
today of th celebration of Pence
de Leon's standing Florida.
The change of of the
point, of which, notice shall be
given for twenty days in
some newspaper published in the
said town, and at said election
those favoring the issue of said
United States taking possession as and the levy
Of MO city, Will open the and collection of the tax
come forward
shall be the duty of the registrar
of each precinct, between the
hours of nine o'clock a. m. and
sunset, on each day
the an.
Special to Reflector.
tomorrow. Each day a
grand parade follows th open-
event, being different each
Philadelphia, Apt
daughter of .
Mrs. Atwood
York, and a niece of Mrs.
Doctor and
of New
s mar-
for twenty days Whelan. of this city,
ceding the second Saturday be- today to W. Denison K
fore rM t-
election at Fort Worth.
s ; j .
. . l
I. re.
CM o i
Forth Worth, Texas, April
The city is in the throws of a
city election, and in addition is
holding the charter election.
At the city election there is a
lively time, but not much com-
petition, the candidates having
been practically at tho
primary, which was equivalent
to an election. The charter j
in order to save time and,
they would support the
ticket that carried the primary.
Man lo Decorate Exposition
Mr. O. E. Warren, proprietor
of Riverside has gone
payment of the said bonds aid; to Norfolk t begin an important
coupon shall vote a written cu-1 work assigned him. The North
printed ticket with the words Carolina commissioners have
thereon, and those the contract
shall vote a written to landscape, furnish plants and
superintend the of tin
grounds around the North Caro-
State building a tho Jam
town exposition. There is no
doubt that under his direction the
work will be well done.
or printed tic et with the words
board of aldermen shall order an
entirely new registration of
voters, and the said board of
aldermen may call an election
under this net, at any time may
see lit after giving the proper
Section That the said bond
may be issued for the purpose of
constructing, extending,
and maintaining the sewerage
system now in course of
ii for the purpose of
Of . improving the
Facts Coming to Light.
Special to Reflector.
New York, April 2.--The sen-
of the day is an old letter
published in which he
says he personally contributed
towards the election of
President Roosevelt. The letter
also states that Roosevelt asked
him to raise towards
It out fund
secure election.
trapped tar ; i i of
ii the c A
me i r peril an I had
to fight r the A m m
were so badly injured they
had to betaken to h
A Record of Which th is
The Reflector publish , the
of th seven hanks
in Pitt county, show i; . 11-
of their bu on the
22nd of March, end Ii mike a
record that can b p I to
with pride. Beside throe
splendid b . this
Bank of Ur . I ,
the Greenville i
Trust Co., and th . a
of ; hero
banks at Tour other I in the
county, all of I he n -I c v
t . .;
clank of th B .
-v.- i th in . of
an I the . i a in-
tor ville,
This in . in
the conn and e-i .
is admirably officered man-
aged. The men and the
Unions the full
of the public The deposits n
these seven banks on the -2nd
of March aggregated only a
fraction less than ibis
is creditable to people th i
county as well as to the banks.
Mrs. -lane Savage, of Wilson,
who has been visiting her
Mrs. C. T. re-
turned home
Mrs. S. M.
Tuesday evening from Rocky
Mount, accompanied by her

Eastern reflector, 29 March 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 29, 1907
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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