NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

The Promise of the Ports

Record #:
North Carolina's ports are expanding to meet growing volume demands. According to the Ports Authority records, total tonnage at the state's two ports has increased by 53.1 percent since 2003. The state is investing over $265 million in a five-year plan to expand and upgrade the port facilities at Morehead City and Wilmington. In 2006, the state spent another $30 million to purchase land in Brunswick County for a third port--the North Carolina International Port. Harris discusses the renovations at the two existing ports and plans for the new international port which will take ten to twelve years to complete.
NC Magazine (NoCar F 251 W4), Vol. 65 Issue 7, July 2007, p16-19, il