NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

The Magnificent Mountain Poplar: An Abundant Resource, Poplar Wood Has A Staggering Mountain History

Record #:
"Ask anyone to name the signature hardwoods of Western North Carolina's mountains. They'll talk of chestnut, oaks, maple, walnut, and maybe hickory. Missing from most everyone's list will be the most heavily harvested hardwood--the one widely used by everyone from ancestors of the Cherokee people to makers of today's most modern furniture--the tulip tree, aka yellow poplar, or just plain poplar." Restorative benefits of tulip poplar were well know by the Cherokees. During the Civil War, poplar bark substituted for unavailable quinine as a cure for malaria.
WNC Magazine (NoCar F261 .W64), Vol. 17 Issue 1, Spring 2023, p98-105, il