NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Don’t Let It Happen Here

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In this article the author is discussing the events of the mass shooting on Valentine’s Day. The author talks about how Wayne LaPierre, executive director of the NRA, argues that we need guns to protect the people from bad guys and that the left are trying to take their guns away. During this the victims of the shooting are begging for lawmakers to create stricter gun laws. The author states that people think that will this mass shooting help change the minds of lawmakers to put stricter gun laws in place. Republican state representative Larry Pittman stated that we need to get over this gun craze and arm our teachers to protect schools. Which is a position that the NRA has advocated for many years.
Indy Week (NoCar Oversize AP 2 .I57), Vol. 35 Issue 9, February 2018, p6-7