NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Eggceptions to the Rule

Record #:
In this article the author discusses he different exceptions to the rule for egg size and color corresponding the adult bird’s size and nesting location. The benefit of the Kiwi laying large eggs meant that the chicks would be born almost fully grown, feathered, and with their eyes open which this increased their predator avoidance. The size of the egg is also advantages for the Kiwi because it provided the chick with enough substance to sustain them until they were prepared to forage on their own. The author states that there are North Carolina birds that hatch similar to the Kiwi. These North Carolina birds are the bobwhite quail and piping plover but there were differences in nutrition and the sizes of their eggs were smaller than the Kiwi’s.