NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Accolades to Black History Heroism and Fantasies of Empire in James E. Girt's Writings

Record #:
In his long career as a writer and businessman, James E. McGirt bestowed praise and admiration for the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War, and the involvement of African-American soldiers. While he acknowledges that people of color had been mistreated by white Americans before, he does not concede the similarities in treatment towards Cuban and Filipino citizens during this war. His work, therefore, has been criticized for being a sugarcoated, glossy view of American expansionism and African-American opinions.
North Carolina Literary Review (NoCar PS 266 N8 N66x), Vol. 23 Issue 1, 2014, p18-29, il, por, f