NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Calvin J. Cowle's Gap Creek Mine: A Case Study of Mine Speculation in the Gilded Age

Record #:
This article examines the 19th century North Carolina mining operations of Calvin J. Cowles of Wilkesboro at his Gap Creek Mine. Though lacking in funds to fully develop the mine, it was well suited for the production of copper. After forming a mining company with William C. Brandreth of New York to develop the mine, little mining was actually done. Brandreth was poorly funded and a series of stock market manipulations and company name changes derailed mining efforts.
North Carolina Historical Review (NoCar F251 .N892), Vol. 51 Issue 4, Oct 1974, p379-400 , il, por, map, f