NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

North Carolina's Willie M. Program: A Current Perspective

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In 1980 a class action lawsuit--Willie M., et al v. Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., et al.--was brought against the state of North Carolina on behalf of more than 1,100 of the state's most severely handicapped children. Under a court order from the settlement, the state undertook the task of organizing and implementing treatment and educational services at the local level for a group of children in all parts of the state with emotion, mental, or neurological handicaps--the Willie M. Program. Macbeth examines the Willie M. Program after its second year of completion of statewide operations.
Popular Government (NoCar JK 4101 P6), Vol. 50 Issue 3, Winter 1985, p32-39