NCPI Workmark
Articles in regional publications that pertain to a wide range of North Carolina-related topics.

Storm Troopers In 'he Land of the Sky'

Record #:
During the Depression, William Dudley Pelley, journalist and promoter of mystical and political extremist teachings, moved to Asheville. There he founded Gallhad Press, where he published various propaganda attacking Jews and President Roosevelt. He also organized the \"Silver Shirts,\"a group he deemed the \"protestant militia of America,\"that would \"save America from a Jewish-sponsored communist plot.\" His headquarters were in Asheville from 1932 until 1941. In 1942, after World War II began, Pelley was convicted of sedition and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 42 Issue 3, Aug 1974, p15-16, il