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3 results for Greenville--Police department
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To combat West Greenville's crime problem, a police substation was opened there in 1995. Called \"Weed and Seed,\" for weeding out criminals and seeding better police/community relations, the program has increased community trust and reduced crime.
Southern City (NoCar Oversize JS 39 S6), Vol. 47 Issue 1, Jan 1997, p4-5, il
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The earliest reference to a \"Town Constable,\" \"Magistrate of Police,\" or \"Town Marshall\" in Greenville is from May 1832. Names are not available until after the Civil War. S. Humphrey from 1869 is the first name of a Town Constable in Greenville. Names of Town Constables, Chiefs of Police, and assistant policemen are available from 1881. There were two policemen on the force in 1905, and six policemen on the force in 1919. In 1911, Police Chief George A. Clark made his rounds on a bicycle, and two officers made their rounds on motorcycles in 1924. The Greenville Police Department established a fingerprinting department in 1925 considered best in the State.
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ECU is investing an additional one million dollars in its campus safety resources. While they know they cannot protect against everything, administrators and campus police are doing everything they can.