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2 results for "Ward, Ann Brinn"
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A proposal by Wisconsin Tissue to build a $180 million paper mill on the Roanoke River near Weldon has raised environmental concerns among biologists, environmentalists, and fishermen. The planned discharge of 9 million gallons of wastewater per day into the river threatens the river's booming striped bass population, which was declared recovered in 1997. A number of species also live next to the mill site. Wisconsin Tissue will submit an environmental impact study.
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Stephan Williams, of Duplin County, followed the news of the construction of the Washington Monument from home. And he was able to travel to Washington, D.C. to see the tip of the pyramidon placed on the top. Years later, Williams was working in Washington, D.C. when he was given the three-hundred-pound ox-cart, five-hundred-pound hubs, and an axel which were used in the construction of the monument. In 1983, his daughter, Serence Williams Smith, donated these items to the Cowan Museum in Kenansville.
The State (NoCar F 251 S77), Vol. 54 Issue 10, Mar 1987, p10,31, il
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